Results for ' Hatha yoga, unifying the sun‐moon, energetic spheres'

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  1.  14
    The Feeling of Beauty.Nicole Dunas - 2011 - In Fritz Allhoff & Liz Stillwaggon Swan, Yoga ‐ Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 94–105.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Inspiration History Inside the Beauty Question.
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    Euclid's Optics and Geometrical Astronomy.Colin Webster - 2014 - Apeiron 47 (4):526-551.
    This paper seeks to demonstrate that propositions 23–27 of the Euclidian Optics originated in the context of geometrical astronomy. These entries, which deal with the geometry of spheres and rays, present material that overlaps considerably with propositions 1–3 of Aristarchus of Samos’ On the Sizes and Distances of the Sun and the Moon. While all these theorems deal with material that could conceivably be native to celestial illumination, the proofs do not work for binocular vision. It therefore seems probable (...)
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    Yoga mala.Sri K. Pattabhi Jois - 2000 - New York, NY: Eddie Stern/Patanjali Yoga Shala.
    The seminal treatise and guide to Ashtanga yoga by the master of this increasingly popular discipline There is a yoga boom in America, and Sri K. Pattabhi Jois is at the heart of it. One of the great yoga figures of our time, Jois brought Ashtanga yoga to the West a quarter of a century ago and has been the driving force behind its worldwide dissemination. Based on flowing, energetic movement, Ashtanga and the many forms of vinyasa yoga that (...)
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    The Path of the Moon, the Rising Points of the Sun, and the Oblique Great Circle on the Celestial Sphere.Lis Brack-Bernsen - 2003 - Centaurus 45 (1-4):16-31.
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  5. Hatha yoga for world peace.Vasanthi Bhat - 2006 - In Yajñeśvara Sadāśiva Śāstrī, Intaj Malek & Sunanda Y. Shastri, In quest of peace: Indian culture shows the path. Delhi: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. pp. 1--99.
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    A simplified course of hatha yoga.Victor Wallace Slater - 1966 - Wheaton, Ill.,: Theosophical Pub. House.
    Hatha Yoga deals with the care, health, and well-being of the physical body through the conscious control of the vibrations of matter. The Hatha yogi proceeds in consciousness from the physical to the mental to the spiritual, leading to the development of the inner spiritual self manifesting through thoughts, feelings, and actions in the outer world. Hatha Yoga comprehensively reveals the ancient wisdom of yoga, or union of spirit and matter, including asanas, or yogic postures; pranayama and (...)
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  7. Select English Bibliography of translated Sanskrit Texts on Hatha Yoga.Subhasis Chattopadhyay - 2023 - Esamskriti.
    This is a select annotated bibliography of the translations of primary sources of Hatha Yoga. The bibliography is important to understand the connection between Yoga and Tantra. The latter is the telos of the former.
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    Philosophy of Engineering, East and West.Rita Armstrong, Erik W. Armstrong, James L. Barnes, Susan K. Barnes, Roberto Bartholo, Terry Bristol, Cao Dongming, Cao Xu, Carleton Christensen, Chen Jia, Cheng Yifa, Christelle Didier, Paul T. Durbin, Michael J. Dyrenfurth, Fang Yibing, Donald Hector, Li Bocong, Li Lei, Liu Dachun, Heinz C. Luegenbiehl, Diane P. Michelfelder, Carl Mitcham, Suzanne Moon, Byron Newberry, Jim Petrie, Hans Poser, Domício Proença, Qian Wei, Wim Ravesteijn, Viola Schiaffonati, Édison Renato Silva, Patrick Simonnin, Mario Verdicchio, Sun Lie, Wang Bin, Wang Dazhou, Wang Guoyu, Wang Jian, Wang Nan, Yin Ruiyu, Yin Wenjuan, Yuan Deyu, Zhao Junhai, Baichun Zhang & Zhang Kang (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This co-edited volume compares Chinese and Western experiences of engineering, technology, and development. In doing so, it builds a bridge between the East and West and advances a dialogue in the philosophy of engineering. Divided into three parts, the book starts with studies on epistemological and ontological issues, with a special focus on engineering design, creativity, management, feasibility, and sustainability. Part II considers relationships between the history and philosophy of engineering, and includes a general argument for the necessity of dialogue (...)
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  9. Can Corporations be Citizens? Corporate Citizenship as a Metaphor for Business Participation in Society.Jeremy Moon, Andrew Crane & Dirk Matten - 2005 - Business Ethics Quarterly 15 (3):429-453.
    Abstract:This paper investigates whether, in theoretical terms, corporations can be citizens. The argument is based on the observation that the debate on “corporate citizenship” (CC) has only paid limited attention to the actual notion of citizenship. Where it has been discussed, authors have either largely left the concept of CC unquestioned, or applied rather unidimensional and decontextualized notions of citizenship to the corporate sphere. The paper opens with a critical discussion of a major contribution to the CC literature, the work (...)
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  10. Incubation, insight, and creative problem solving: A unified theory and a connectionist model.Sébastien Hélie & Ron Sun - 2010 - Psychological Review 117 (3):994-1024.
    This article proposes a unified framework for understanding creative problem solving, namely, the explicit–implicit interaction theory. This new theory of creative problem solving constitutes an attempt at providing a more unified explanation of relevant phenomena (in part by reinterpreting/integrating various fragmentary existing theories of incubation and insight). The explicit–implicit interaction theory relies mainly on 5 basic principles, namely, (a) the coexistence of and the difference between explicit and implicit knowledge, (b) the simultaneous involvement of implicit and explicit processes in most (...)
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    Effects of Practicing Āasanas in Haṭha Yoga: Focused on Three Main Texts. 김재민 - 2019 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 55 (55):207-243.
    본고에서는 하타 요가의 주요 3종 문헌 즉 『쉬바상히타』(Śivasaṃhitā, 이하 ŚS), 『하타프라디피카』(Haṭhapradīpikā; 이하 HP), 『게란다상히타』(Gheraṇḍasaṃhitā: 이하 GhS)에 나타난 요가 자세의 실천 수행으로 발생하는 효과에 대해 고찰하였다. 요가 자세를 세 문헌 공통의 것들, 두 문헌(HP, GhS) 공통의 것들, 한 문헌에만 나타난 것들 순으로 그 효과들을 수행적 효과와 치유적 효과로 구분하여 살펴보았다. 효과가 서술된 요가 자세는 총 13종이다. 세 문헌 공통의 것은 달인·연화·등펴기·길상(4종)이고, 두 문헌 공통의 것은 공작·송장·행운(3종)이며, 한 문헌에만 나타나 있는 것들은 HP의 경우 맛시옌드라(1종), GhS의 경우 사자・물고기・마카라・뱀・요가(5종)이다. 그리고 이 요가 자세들의 효과들을 (...)
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    Is Modern Yoga equal to Haṭha Yoga? 심준보 - 2016 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 47 (47):187-227.
    하타요가와 현대요가라는 용어는 그 개념의 외연이 다른 것이지만 현대요가가 마치 하타요가의 직접적 계승이나 발전의 형태인 것처럼 용어가 사용되는 경우가 있다. 그래서 본 연구는 현재 서구학계의 하타요가와 현대요가에 대한 연구 성과를 이용하여, 하타요가와 현대요가의 개념을 규명하고 이 두 용어의 정확한 사용을 주장하였다. 먼저 현재 서구의 하타요가 연구 현황을 소개하고, 현재까지의 연구 결과를 이용해 하타요가의 성립과 발전, 그 개념을 고찰하였다. 다음으로 현대요가의 발전과 현대요가의 개념에 대한 최근 학자들의 논의를 살펴보았다. 그리고 본 연구는 현대요가에 내포된 네 가지의 개념(현대 하타요가, 현대의 전통적 하타요가, 현대 (...)
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  13. Bottom-up skill learning in reactive sequential decision tasks.Ron Sun, Todd Peterson & Edward Merrill - unknown
    This paper introduces a hybrid model that unifies connectionist, symbolic, and reinforcement learning into an integrated architecture for bottom-up skill learning in reactive sequential decision tasks. The model is designed for an agent to learn continuously from on-going experience in the world, without the use of preconceived concepts and knowledge. Both procedural skills and high-level knowledge are acquired through an agent’s experience interacting with the world. Computational experiments with the model in two domains are reported.
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    Lynn E. Rose. Sun, Moon, and Sothis: A Study of Calendars and Calendar Reforms in Ancient Egypt. xxxvi + 339 pp., illus., apps., bibl., index. Deerfield Beach, Fla.: KRONOS Press, 1999. $38. [REVIEW]Georges Declercq - 2002 - Isis 93 (2):297-298.
    This book is an attempt to undermine the pillars on which Egyptian chronology has been built, in particular the view “that the Egyptians had monitored the heliacal risings of Sirius [Sothis] for millennia, and in such a way that we can date the various pharaohs and dynasties of even three or four thousand years ago by means of the ‘Sothic dates’ that they sometimes seem to provide” . For the most part, the book is a reevaluation of key calendar‐associated sources (...)
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  15. Indiscernibility and bundles in a structure.Sun Demirli - 2010 - Philosophical Studies 151 (1):1-18.
    The bundle theory is a theory about the internal constitution of individuals. It asserts that individuals are entirely composed of universals. Typically, bundle theorists augment their theory with a constitutional approach to individuation entailing the thesis ‘identity of constituents is a sufficient ground for numerical identity’ (CIT). But then the bundle theory runs afoul of Black’s duplication case—a world containing two indiscernible spheres. Here I propose and defend a new version of the bundle theory that denies ‘CIT’, and which (...)
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  16. Accounting for similarity-based reasoning within a cognitive architecture.Ron Sun & Xi Zhang - unknown
    This work explores the importance of similarity-based processes in human everyday reasoning, beyond purely rule-based processes prevalent in AI and cognitive science. A unified framework encompassing both rulebased and similarity-based reasoning may provide explanations for a variety of human reasoning data.
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    Bundles, Indiscernibility and Triplication Problem.Sun Demirli - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 17:33-40.
    The bundle theory, supposed as a theory concerning the internal constitution of individuals, is often conjoined with a constitutional approach to individuation entailing the thesis ‘no two individuals can share all their constituents’ (CIT). But then it runs afoul of Black’s duplication case. Here a new bundle theory, takingdistance relations between bundles to be a sufficient ground for their diversity, will be proposed. This version accommodates Black’s world. Nonetheless, there is a possible objection. Consider the ‘triplication case’—a world containing three (...)
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  18. Human Rights, Transnational Corporations and Embedded Liberalism: What Chance Consensus? [REVIEW]Glen Whelan, Jeremy Moon & Marc Orlitzky - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (2):367 - 383.
    This article contextualises current debates over human rights and transnational corporations. More specifically, we begin by first providing the background to John Ruggie's appointment as 'Special Representative of the Secretary-General on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises'. Second, we provide a brief discussion of the rise of transnational corporations, and of their growing importance in terms of global governance. Third, we introduce the notion of human rights, and note some difficulties associated therewith. Fourth, we (...)
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  19.  32
    RETRACTED ARTICLE: Robust Model Selection and Estimation for Censored Survival Data with High Dimensional Genomic Covariates.Guorong Chen, Sijian Wang, Guannan Sun & Huanxue Pan - 2019 - Acta Biotheoretica 67 (3):225-251.
    When relating genomic data to survival outcomes, there are three main challenges that are the censored survival outcomes, the high-dimensionality of the genomic data, and the non-normality of data. We propose a method to tackle these challenges simultaneously and obtain a robust estimation of detecting significant genes related to survival outcomes based on Accelerated Failure Time model. Specifically, we include a general loss function to the AFT model, adopt model regularization and shrinkage technique, cope with parameters tuning and model selection, (...)
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    Cassirer and energetics: an investigation of Cassirer's early philosophy of physics.Marco Giovanelli - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (6):1188-1211.
    At the turn of the twentieth century, Helm and Ostwald were the most prominent supporters of so-called ‘energetics’, which aimed to unify all physics by employing the sole concept of energy, without relying on mechanical models. This paper argues that Cassirer's interest in the history of the energy principle and the energetic controversy is entangled with the main themes of his philosophy of physics up to the 1920s: the opposition between the a priori and the a posteriori and the (...)
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    Encountering Artificial Intelligence: Ethical and Anthropological Reflections.Matthew J. Gaudet, Paul Scherz, Noreen Herzfeld, Jordan Joseph Wales, Nathan Colaner, Jeremiah Coogan, Mariele Courtois, Brian Cutter, David E. DeCosse, Justin Charles Gable, Brian Green, James Kintz, Cory Andrew Labrecque, Catherine Moon, Anselm Ramelow, John P. Slattery, Ana Margarita Vega, Luis G. Vera, Andrea Vicini & Warren von Eschenbach - 2023 - Eugene, OR: Pickwick Press.
    What does it mean to consider the world of AI through a Christian lens? Rapid developments in AI continue to reshape society, raising new ethical questions and challenging our understanding of the human person. Encountering Artificial Intelligence draws on Pope Francis’ discussion of a culture of encounter and broader themes in Catholic social thought in order to examine how current AI applications affect human relationships in various social spheres and offers concrete recommendations for better implementation. The document also explores (...)
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    Mega Screens for Mega Cities.Nikos Papastergiadis, Scott McQuire, Xin Gu, Amelia Barikin, Ross Gibson, Audrey Yue, Sun Jung, Cecelia Cmielewski, Soh Yeong Roh & Matt Jones - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (7-8):325-341.
    This article considers how networked large urban screens can act as a platform for the creation of an experimental transnational public sphere. It takes as a case study a specific Australia-Korea cultural event that linked large screens in Federation Square, Melbourne, and Tomorrow City, Incheon, 1 through the presentation of SMS-based interactive media art works. The article combines theoretical analyses of global citizenship, mobility, digital technologies, and networked public space with empirical analyses of audience response research data collected during the (...)
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  23. Unifying Hinduism: Philosophy and Identity in Indian Intellectual History.Andrew J. Nicholson - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    Some postcolonial theorists argue that the idea of a single system of belief known as "Hinduism" is a creation of nineteenth-century British imperialists. Andrew J. Nicholson introduces another perspective: although a unified Hindu identity is not as ancient as some Hindus claim, it has its roots in innovations within South Asian philosophy from the fourteenth to seventeenth centuries. During this time, thinkers treated the philosophies of Vedanta, Samkhya, and Yoga, along with the worshippers of Visnu, Siva, and Sakti, as belonging (...)
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    Yoga for physical and mental fitness.Sachindra Kumar Majumdar - 1968 - New York,: Stravon Educational Press.
    Demonstrates the postures, exercises, and hygienic value of hatha yoga through explanations and photographs.
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    Factors Affecting Intention of Consumers in Using Face Recognition Payment in Offline Markets: An Acceptance Model for Future Payment Service.Dongyan Nan, Yerin Kim, Jintao Huang, Hae Sun Jung & Jang Hyun Kim - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Face recognition payment, an innovative financial technology service, is a recently developed mode of payment service that has garnered attention in the offline market, particularly in China. However, studies examining the adoption of FRP by consumers are scarce. Therefore, this study proposed a causal model built on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, and key predictors related to the intention of using FRP were identified. The structural equation model-based results obtained from 305 Chinese participants demonstrated that the (...)
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  26.  6
    'Alexander' on Aristotle Metaphysics 12. Michael - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Fred D. Miller.
    This volume presents a commentary on Aristotle's Metaphysics Book 12 by pseudo-Alexander in a new translation accompanied by explanatory notes, introduction and indexes. Fred D. Miller, Jr. argues that the author of the commentary is in fact not Alexander of Aphrodisias, Aristotle's distant successor in early 3rd century CE Athens and his leading defender and interpreter, but Michael of Ephesus from Constantinople as late as the 12th century CE. Robert Browning had earlier made the case that Michael was enlisted by (...)
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    Yoga wisdom & practice.B. K. S. Iyengar - 2009 - New York: DK.
    Iyengar Yoga Wisdom & Practice" is a practical and an inspiring anthology of Iyengar's insights into yoga, life and the path to peace and happiness. Yoga practice lies at the heart of the book, and it is illustrated with over 60 new step-by-step sequences of yoga postures specially shot in India and accompanied by Iyengar's illuminating observations on technique, their significance, and their benefits. This book not only presents Iyengar's practical advice on how to perform key yoga postures, but also (...)
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    The Karma-Yoga as a Marga for India's Independence Movement(Svaraj).Sun-Keun Kim - 2007 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 22 (null):57-96.
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  29. Growing up with yoga.Michael Volin - 1969 - New York,: Harper & Row. Edited by Nancy Phelan.
    An introduction to yoga discussing its usefulness in improving breathing and body building and describing the yoga positions.
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    Yoga, Karma, and Rebirth: A Brief History and Philosophy.Stephen Phillips - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    For serious yoga practitioners curious to know the ancient origins of the art, Stephen Phillips, a professional philosopher and sanskritist with a long-standing personal practice, lays out the philosophies of action, knowledge, and devotion as well as the processes of meditation, reasoning, and self-analysis that formed the basis of yoga in ancient and classical India and continue to shape it today. In discussing yoga's fundamental commitments, Phillips explores traditional teachings of hatha yoga, karma yoga, _bhakti_ yoga, and tantra, and (...)
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    Light on yoga.B. K. S. Iyengar - 1965 - New York,: Schocken Books.
    "The definitive work by B.K.S. Iyengar, the world's most respected yoga teacher. B.K.S. Iyengar has devoted his life to the practice and study of yoga. It was B.K.S. Iyengar's unique teaching style, bringing precision and clarity to the practice, as well as a mindset of 'yoga for all', which has made it into the worldwide phenomenon it is today. 'Light on Yoga' is widely called 'the bible of yoga' and has served as the source book for generations of yoga students (...)
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    Yoga - Anticolonial Philosophy: An Action-Focused Guide to Practice.Shyam Ranganathan - 2024 - London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers (Hachette UK).
    Providing a decolonial, action-focused account of Yoga philosophy, this practical work from Dr. Shyam Ranganathan, pioneering scholar in the field of Indian moral philosophy, focuses on the South Asian tradition to explore what Yoga was like prior to colonization. It challenges teachers and trainees to reflect on the impact of Western colonialism on Yoga as well as understand Yoga as the original decolonial practice in a way that is accessible. -/- This book is accessible but thought provoking in its approach, (...)
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    Gurunanda's happy breath yoga: Wall Street yoga. Gurunandā - 2015 - Beverly Hills, CA: Healthland LLC.
    Gurunanda (aka Puneet Nanda) is a successful entrepreneur-turned-yogi. His business accomplishments earned him 2011's Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award and an active position with the Young Presidents Organization. However, 18-hour workdays filled with stress, poor eating habits and lack of exercise took a dire toll on his life and his health until he discovered yoga. His transformation (including a 40-pound weight loss) and his self-realization have been so profound that he is now committed to sharing the power (...)
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    Yoga and Ethics.Paul Ulhas MacNeill - 2011 - In Fritz Allhoff & Liz Stillwaggon Swan, Yoga ‐ Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 187–199.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Role of Practice Yoga Scholarship Aristotelian and Yoga Ethics Yoga and Yoga Metaphysics Yoga and Ethics Why Hatha Yoga? Discussion Acknowledgements.
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    Contemporary yoga and sacred texts.Susanne Scholz & Caroline Vander Stichele (eds.) - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book explores the textual traditions that authorize the history, legitimacy, and authenticity of today's physical posture practice. The volume focuses on why and how yoga communities have adopted various texts they consider sacred or spiritually meaningful. Among the texts discussed are Yogananda's Autobiography, Sri Aurobindo's Savitri, Patanjali's Yoga Sutra, the Bhagavad Gita, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the Upanishads, the Vedas, and the YoginīTantra. Famous thinkers referred to include Aurobindo, Yogananda, Osho-Rajneesh, Sogyal Rimpoche, Charles Johnston, and Howard Thurman.Offering a (...)
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    Belief in Film: A Defense of False Emotion and Brother Sun, Sister Moon.David Sorfa - 2018 - Film and Philosophy 22:36-57.
    In this article I explore a tantalising definition of cinematic belief as a belief without belief by briefly considering the way in which film theory and film-philosophy have engaged with the question of belief in cinema. I also take into account Simon Critchley’s discussion of religious belief in The Faith of the Faithless (2012) within the context of anthropological studies of religion such as that by Émile Durkheim. In addition, I discuss Sigmund Freud’s 1927 reflection on religion in “The Future (...)
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    Punk rock yoga manifesto: look, work, accept, transcend.Kimberlee Stedl - 2010 - Missoula, Mont.: 8th Element Recreation.
    Punk Rock Yoga Manifesto: Look, Work, Accept, Transcend. The Punk Rock Yoga style was born in 2003 and has flowed across North America and into Europe. This book articulates the style's philosophy, where you will explore the teachings of yoga through a modern lens and discover how to employ its wisdom in your daily life. You will learn about Yoga with a capital "Y"-moving beyond the poses, into the realm of personal transformation. The Punk Rock Yoga Manifesto takes a direct (...)
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    The Emergence, Variation, and Evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Public Sphere, 1980–2004: The Exposure of Firms to Public Debate. [REVIEW]Sun Young Lee & Craig E. Carroll - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 104 (1):115-131.
    This study examined the emergence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a public issue over 25 years using a content analysis of two national news- papers and seven regional, geographically-dispersed newspapers in the U.S. The present study adopted a comprehensive definition encompassing all four CSR dimensions: economic, ethical, legal, and philanthropic. This study examined newspaper editorials, letters to the editor, op-ed columns, news analyses, and guest columns for three aspects: media attention, media prominence, and media valence. Results showed an increase (...)
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  39. How Hilbert’s attempt to unify gravitation and electromagnetism failed completely, and a plausible resolution.Victor Christianto, Florentin Smarandache & Robert N. Boyd - manuscript
    In the present paper, these authors argue on actual reasons why Hilbert’s axiomatic program to unify gravitation theory and electromagnetism failed completely. An outline of plausible resolution of this problem is given here, based on: a) Gödel’s incompleteness theorem, b) Newton’s aether stream model. And in another paper we will present our calculation of receding Moon from Earth based on such a matter creation hypothesis. More experiments and observations are called to verify this new hypothesis, albeit it is inspired from (...)
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    Yoga and xenophilia.Peter Valdina - 2017 - Common Knowledge 23 (2):303-324.
    The basic argument of this contribution to the Common Knowledge symposium on xenophilia is that colonial attitudes toward South Asian religion and Hindus' attitudes toward Western intellectual discourse reveal an ambiguous mix of xenophilia and xenophobia. This articles focuses on yoga, whose macrohistory comprises a global case of xenophilia, beginning with Vivekananda's address at the World's Parliament of Religions in Chicago and still ongoing today. Before that watershed speech in 1893, however, indigenous scholars were translating Sanskrit texts into Bengali as (...)
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    Time and Astronomy in Plato’s Timaeus.Daniel Vázquez - 2023 - In Viktor Ilievski, Daniel Vázquez & Silvia De Bianchi, Plato on Time and the World. Springer Verlag. pp. 9-30.
    I argue that “time” (χρόνος) in Plato’s Timaeus is the observable astronomical event that consists of the coordinated movements of the sun, the moon, the five observable planets and the earth. This celestial parade forms a unified event that imitates eternity through the uniformity of its movements, its unity in multiplicity, and its never-ending duration (sempiternity a parte post). Therefore, it is a mistake to conceive of time in Timaeus as a celestial clock, the type of movements involved in the (...)
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    FILSAFAT YOGA Ashtānga-yoga Menurut Yoga-Sūtras Pātañjali.Matius Ali - 2010 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 9 (2):177-208.
    What is Yoga? How is Self-realization achieved through Yoga? The great Sage Pātañjali (3rd Century B.C.) defined yoga in the Yoga-Sūtras as “the restraint of the modifications of the mind” (yogaś-citta-vritti-nirodah). In his Yoga-Sūtras (196 sutras), Pātañjali systematically laid down the exact methods and techniques for attaining Self-realization through the Eight Limbs of Pātañjali’s Yoga (Ashtānga-yoga). This system is commonly known as Rāja-yoga (Royal yoga). This Eight Steps is the way to attain self-transcendence. It consists of yama, niyama, āsanas, prānāyāma, (...)
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  43.  13
    A Study on a View of Subtle Body in Haṭha Yoga: focused on the Idea of Cakra in Early Haṭha Yoga Texts. 김재민 - 2016 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 46 (46):5-45.
    하타 요가(Haṭha Yoga)의 미세 신체론의 핵심 관념 중 하나인 차크라(cakra)는 현대에 요가 수행이나 비의적 치유와 연관하여 광범위하게 사용되고 있다. 현재 사용되고 있는 차크라 관념은 거의 대부분 Ṣaṭcakranirūpaṇa의 일곱 차크라론에 뿌리를 두고 있다. 이보다 더 원형적인 형태를 살펴보기 위해서 현재의 차크라 관념이 정립되기 이전의 초기 하타 요가 문헌들에 나타난 이 관념에 대해 고찰하였다. 초기 하타 요가 문헌 중 중요하다고 여겨지는 『카울라갸나니르나야』(Kaulajñānanirṇaya), 『고라크샤샤타카』(Gorakṣaśataka), 『싯다싯단타팟다티』(Siddhasiddhāntapaddhati), 이 세 문헌을 택하여 이것들에 나타난 차크라의 개수를 비롯하여 속성들 즉 명칭, 위치, 모양, 발생 초자연력 등을 문헌별, 차크라 (...)
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    From Tapas to Modern Yoga: Sādhus' understanding of embodied practices.Daniela Bevilacqua - 2024 - Bristol, CT: Equinox Publishing.
    Extensively based on fieldwork material, From Tapas to Modern Yoga primarily analyses embodied practices of ascetics belonging to four religious orders historically associated with the practice of yoga and hatha yoga.
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    History of Yoga.Satya Prakash Singh (ed.) - 2010 - New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.
    Innovation of Yoga in vedic saṁhitās -- Elaboration of yogic thought and practices in Brāhmaṇas, Āraṇyakas and Upaniṣads -- Continuation of the tradition in the Rāmāyaṇa and the Mahābhārata -- Deviation from the vedic tradition in Jainism and Buddhism -- Systematization of Yoga in Patañjali and Haṭha-yoga -- Yoga of Vedāntic ācāryas and yoga-vāsiṣṭha -- Bhakti-yoga of medieval saints -- Yogic sādhanā in Tantra, Śaivism and Sufism -- Revival of the spirit of Yoga in modern India -- Yogic capability in (...)
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    Great systems of yoga.Ernest Wood - 1954 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
    Great Systems of Yoga is a short review of the major schools of yoga, including Hindu, Buddhist and Sufi varieties. Chapters include: The Ten Oriental Yogas; Patanjali's Raja Yoga; Shri Krishna's Gita-Yoga; Shankaracharya's Gnyana-Yoga; The Hatha and Laya Yogas; The Bhakti And Mantra Yogas; The Occult Path of Buddha; The Chinese Yoga; and, The Sufi Yogis.
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    Corporations and Citizenship Arenas in the Age of Social Media.Glen Whelan, Jeremy Moon & Bettina Grant - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (4):777-790.
    Little attention has been paid to the importance of social media in the corporate social responsibility (CSR) literature. This deficit is redressed in the present paper through utilizing the notion of ‘citizenship arenas’ to identify three dynamics in social media-augmented corporate–society relations. First, we note that social media-augmented ‘corporate arenas of citizenship’ are constructed by individual corporations in an effort to address CSR issues of specific importance thereto, and are populated by individual citizens as well as (functional/formally organized) stakeholders. Second, (...)
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    Neither Sun nor Death.Peter Sloterdijk & Hans-Jürgen Heinrichs - 2011 - Semiotext(E).
    A series of dialogues with the most exciting and controversial German philosopher writing today. Peter Sloterdijk first became known in this country for his late 1980s Critique of Cynical Reason, which confronted headlong the “enlightened false consciousness” of Habermasian critical theory. Two decades later, after spending seven years in India studying Eastern philosophy, he is now attracting renewed interest for his writings on politics and globalization and for his magnum opus Spheres, a three-volume archaeology of the human attempt to (...)
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    Hatha-Yoga; dens udøvelse og virkning paa menneskets legeme og aand.Louis Brinkfort - 1949 - København,: A. Andersen.
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    Neither Sun nor Death.Steve Corcoran (ed.) - 2011 - Semiotext(E).
    Peter Sloterdijk first became known in this country for his late 1980s Critique of Cynical Reason, which confronted headlong the "enlightened false consciousness" of Habermasian critical theory. Two decades later, after spending seven years in India studying Eastern philosophy, he is now attracting renewed interest for his writings on politics and globalization and for his magnum opus Spheres, a three-volume archaeology of the human attempt to dwell within spaces, from womb to globe: Bubbles, 1998; Globes, 1999; Foam, 2004, all (...)
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