Results for ' Heidigger, Martin'

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  1. The Cognitive Gap, Neural Darwinism & Linguistic Dualism —Russell, Husserl, Heidegger & Quine.Hermann G. W. Burchard - 2014 - Open Journal of Philosophy 4 (3):244-264.
    Guided by key insights of the four great philosophers mentioned in the title, here, in review of and expanding on our earlier work (Burchard, 2005, 2011), we present an exposition of the role played by language, & in the broader sense, λογοζ, the Logos, in how the CNS, the brain, is running the human being. Evolution by neural Darwinism has been forcing the linguistic nature of mind, enabling it to overcome & exploit the cognitive gap between an animal and its (...)
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  2. Belief, Attitude, Intention, and Behavior: An Introduction to Theory and Research.Martin Fishbein & Icek Ajzen - 1977 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 10 (2):130-132.
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  3. Disagreement, Certainties, Relativism.Martin Kusch - 2018 - Topoi 40 (5):1097-1105.
    This paper seeks to widen the dialogue between the “epistemology of peer disagreement” and the epistemology informed by Wittgenstein’s last notebooks, later edited as On Certainty. The paper defends the following theses: not all certainties are groundless; many of them are beliefs; and they do not have a common essence. An epistemic peer need not share all of my certainties. Which response to a disagreement over a certainty is called for, depends on the type of certainty in question. Sometimes a (...)
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  4.  17
    The Right to Higher Education: A Political Theory.Christopher Martin - 2021 - Oxford University Press.
    "Is higher education a right, or a privilege? This author argues that all citizens in a free and open society should have an unconditional right to higher education. Such an education should be costless for the individual and open to everyone regardless of talent. A readiness and willingness to learn should be the only qualification. It should offer opportunities that benefit citizens with different interests and goals in life. And it should aim, as its foundational moral purpose, to help citizens (...)
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  5. Phytosemiotics.Martin Krampen - 1981 - Semiotica 36 (3-4).
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    The Virtues and Vices of Innovators.Martin Sand - 2018 - Philosophy of Management 17 (1):79-95.
    Innovation processes are extremely complex and opaque, which makes it tough or even impossible to govern them. Innovators lack control of large parts of these developments and lack of foreknowledge about the possible consequences of emerging technologies. Because of these features some scholars have argued that innovation processes should be structurally reformed and the agent-centered model of responsibility for innovation should be dismissed altogether. In the present article it will be argued that such a structural idea of responsible research and (...)
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    Another Look at Reflection.Martin Fischer - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (2):479-509.
    Reflection principles are of central interest in the development of axiomatic theories. Whereas they are independent statements they appear to have a specific epistemological status. Our trust in those principles is as warranted as our trust in the axioms of the system itself. This paper is an attempt in clarifying this special epistemic status. We provide a motivation for the adoption of uniform reflection principles by their analogy to a form of the constructive ω\omega -rule. Additionally, we analyse the (...)
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    Microchimerism in the Mother(land): Blurring the Borders of Body and Nation.Aryn Martin - 2010 - Body and Society 16 (3):23-50.
    This article traces the ubiquitous geopolitical metaphors used by researchers in the field of pregnancy-related microchimerism. In this research domain, immunologists and medical geneticists locate ‘non-self’ cells in women by marking Y chromosomes in cells derived from their sons. In the course of this research trajectory, experiments have yielded a number of surprises, beginning with the very presence of these cells in women decades after pregnancy. This finding confounded the expectations predicted by classical immunology, which posits the destruction of such (...)
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  9. Philosophy: The Game.Martin Korth - manuscript
    In academic philosophy, it is easy for students to lose track of how important questions in subfields are interrelated. Philosophy: The Game is an educational resource designed to remedy this by providing the opportunity to discuss ‘big questions’ while playing a card game. The question-answer pairs for the game are taken from the recent PhilPapers Survey[1], with some joker cards added to illustrate the impact that solutions to particular problems in the philosophy of mind might have on philosophy at large. (...)
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    Lived Time and Psychopathology.Martin Wyllie - 2005 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 12 (3):173-185.
    Some psychopathologic experiences have as one of their structural aspects the experience of restructured temporality. The general argument is that one of the universal microstructures of experience, namely, lived time offers a particular perspective relevant to certain psychopathologic experiences. Lived time is connected with the experience of the embodied human subject as being driven and directed towards the world in terms of bodily potentiality and capability. The dialectical relationship between the embodied human subject and the world results in a sense (...)
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  11. The Metaphysical Challenge of Loop Quantum Gravity.Martin Calamari - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 86 (C):68-83.
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    How to construct consensus models to (maybe) make sense of the mind-body problem.Martin Korth - manuscript
    A recent article by Kuhn1 showcases the plethora of proposed solutions for the mind-body problem as it is understood in current ’consciousness science’. Perusing this article, philosophers will likely find it surprising to see the inclusion of for instance Indian idealism and Buddhist thought, but neither German, nor British or US idealists, which seems especially unbalanced when instead of them theories like Kastrup’s analytical idealism (Hegel for physicists?) or Hoffmann’s interface theory (Kant for psychologists?) are included. The listings of dualist, (...)
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    How to conceive of science for the benefit of society: prospects of responsible research and innovation.Martin Carrier - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 19):4749-4768.
    Responsible research and innovation features the dialog of science “with society,” and research performed “for society,” i.e., for the benefit of the people. I focus on this latter, outcome-oriented notion of RRI and discuss two kinds of problems. The first one concerns options to anticipate the future course of science and technology. Such foresight knowledge seems necessary for subjecting research to demands of social and moral responsibility. However, predicting science and technology is widely considered impossible. The second problem concerns moral (...)
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    Learning Phonemes With a Proto-Lexicon.Andrew Martin, Sharon Peperkamp & Emmanuel Dupoux - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (1):103-124.
    Before the end of the first year of life, infants begin to lose the ability to perceive distinctions between sounds that are not phonemic in their native language. It is typically assumed that this developmental change reflects the construction of language-specific phoneme categories, but how these categories are learned largely remains a mystery. Peperkamp, Le Calvez, Nadal, and Dupoux (2006) present an algorithm that can discover phonemes using the distributions of allophones as well as the phonetic properties of the allophones (...)
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  15.  22
    Mosaic bacterial chromosomes: a challenge en route to a tree of genomes.William Martin - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (2):99-104.
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  16.  41
    Human rights in a moderate communitarian political framework.Martin Odei Ajei - 2015 - South African Journal of Philosophy 34 (4):491-503.
    The International Bill of Human Rights (IBHR) enjoys universal acclaim as the source of the best standards and definition of human rights. This paper argues that the IBHR is inspired by liberalism and harbours ambiguities that open the door to a neoliberal seizure of the rights agenda; and that this effectively destabilises the focus on the IBHR on socio-economic and community rights, and therefore its stated ideal of the equal value of all human rights. I argue that Kwame Gyekye's moderate (...)
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  17.  58
    Darwin and Glen Roy: A "Great Failure" in Scientific Method?Martin Rudwick - 1974 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 5 (2):97.
  18.  66
    Mixed method nursing studies: a critical realist critique.Martin Lipscomb - 2008 - Nursing Philosophy 9 (1):32-45.
    Mixed method study designs are becoming increasingly popular among nurse researchers. Mixed studies can have advantages over single method or methodological investigative designs. However, these advantages may be squandered where researchers fail to think through and justify their theoretic decisions. This paper argues that nurse researchers do not always pay sufficient heed to the philosophic and theoretic elements of research design and, in consequence, some mixed study reports lack argumentative coherence and validity. It is here suggested that Hempel's concept of (...)
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  19.  35
    The Contingency of the Principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles in Leibniz.Martin Lin - 2025 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 63 (1):75-96.
    abstract: Leibniz holds that there are no two perfectly similar things, a doctrine he calls the Principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles (the PII). What is his attitude toward its modal status? Most commentators hold that the principle is best understood as a necessary truth because it is allegedly entailed by doctrines such as the conceptual containment theory of truth, the Principle of Sufficient Reason (the PSR), and the denial of purely extrinsic denominations, which are arguably regarded by Leibniz as (...)
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  20.  28
    Anti‐Exceptionalism About Logic (Part II): Methodological Anti‐Exceptionalism About Logic.Ben Martin & Ole Thomassen Hjortland - 2025 - Philosophy Compass 20 (1-2):e70018.
    According to anti‐exceptionalism about logic (AEL), logic is not as exceptional in terms of its subject matter and epistemology as has been conventionally thought. As such, AEL either outright rejects certain traditional properties of logic, such as its formality, apriority, or necessity, or rather proposes that while logic possesses these properties, it does so in a similar way to other research areas. In this second part of a two‐part entry on AEL, we focus on contemporary proposals for Methodological AEL, the (...)
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  21.  26
    Symbolic Logic, An Introduction.R. M. Martin - 1953 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 14 (2):260-261.
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  22. Philosophical Perspectives in Artificial Intelligence.Martin Ringle (ed.) - 1979 - Humanities Press.
  23.  68
    Are Social Constructs Fictions? Odd Terminology in Harari’s Sapiens.Martin F. Fricke - 2024 - Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society:251-255.
    In his _Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind_, Yuval Harari claims that humans are able to cooperate in large numbers because they share common beliefs in fictions or “things that do not exist at all”. Examples of these fictions are religious doctrines, nations, laws, justice and money. In my paper, I argue that Harari is right to point out the importance of social constructs, entities that depend for their existence on the beliefs of the members of a society, for cooperation. (...)
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    The Anti‐Nihilist Wager.Martin Peterson - 2018 - Dialectica 72 (4):597-602.
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    Problems of Life.Martin Gardner - 1953 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 14 (1):135-136.
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    Moral creativity in science and engineering.Mike W. Martin - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (3):421-433.
    Creativity in science and engineering has moral significance and deserves attention within professional ethics, in at least three areas. First, much scientific and technological creativity constitutes moral creativity because it generates moral benefits, is motivated by moral concern, and manifests virtues such as beneficence, courage, and perseverance. Second, creativity contributes to the meaning that scientists and engineers derive from their work, thereby connecting with virtues such as authenticity and also faults arising from Faustian trade-offs. Third, morally creative leadership is important (...)
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  27. Phytosemiotics revisited.Martin Krampen - forthcoming - Biosemiotics: The Semiotic Web 1991.
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  28. Metaphysical Foundations : Mereology and Metalogic.Richard M. Martin - 1991 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 53 (2):368-369.
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  29.  34
    Moralischer Kontraktualismus und das Nichtidentitätsproblem: die Grenzen nicht-komparativer Lösungen.D. Valeska Martin - 2024 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 11 (2):205-230.
    Der moralische Kontraktualismus scheint als Konzeption einer nicht-konsequentialistischen intergenerationellen Ethik sehr vielversprechend. Eine zentrale theoretische Herausforderung stellt jedoch das Nichtidentitätsproblem dar. Spezifisch ist zu klären, ob zukünftige Personen einen Einwand gegen die Prinzipien unseres Handelns haben, wenn unser Handeln negative Folgen für die Lebensqualität zukünftiger Personen hat, die Existenz der konkreten Personen aber von diesem Handeln abhängt und ihr Leben für sie insgesamt lebenswert ist. Eine prominente Antwort besteht darin, die Einwände zukünftiger Personen “nicht-komparativ” zu verstehen. Ihr Einwand bestehe also (...)
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    Fighting for the mantle of science : the epistemological foundations of neoliberalism, 1931-1951.Martin Beddeleem - 2017 - Dissertation, Université de Montréal
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    Shared Agency in Complex Settings.Anna Martin - 2025 - Filozofia i Nauka. Studia Filozoficzne I Interdyscyplinarne 1 (13):133-152.
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    Mr. Farrell and the refutability of psychoanalysis.Michael Martin - 1964 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 7 (1-4):80 – 98.
    Mr. B. A. Farrell has argued that psychoanalysis is refutable, without clarifying different senses of 'refutable'. Once this clarification is done and the relevant literature examined, however, it is seen that psychoanalysis is not refutable in several important senses of 'refutable', although it is refutable in a sense that is quite uninteresting.
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    Methodology is content: Indigenous approaches to research and knowledge.Brian Martin - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (14):1392-1400.
    There has been extensive work in the space of Indigenous epistemological approaches to research. Because Australian Indigenous peoples have been researched significantly, there are guidelines around the ethical and cultural conduct of this type of research. Via investigating the Academy’s approach to research in general, we can illuminate the vast differences between empirical approaches to research from the ‘West’ compared to knowledge acquisition and sharing through ‘relationality’ from an Indigenous perspective. This paper investigates this dichotomy and brings into question the (...)
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    AI-based generative image production systems in the artistic problematisation of the past: the thematisation of memory and temporality in "AI art".Juan Martín Prada - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-12.
    This text analyses how generative AI systems are being employed in current artistic practice to question certain historical visual narratives, creating representations that challenge some conventional perceptions of the past and thus opening up new perspectives on the experience of temporality. In this regard, special emphasis will be placed on some artistic projects based on generative historical photography practices. These are works that develop new ways around ‘archival aesthetics’ (Sekula in October 39:3–64 1986; Buchloh in Deep storage. collecting, storing and (...)
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    Beyond Charity: Helping NGOs Lead a Transformative New Public Discourse on Global Poverty and Social Justice.Martin Kirk - 2011 - Ethics and International Affairs 26 (2):245-263.
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  36. 100 years of Zermelo’s axiom of choice: what was the problem with it?Per Martin-Löf - 2006 - Computer Journal 49 (3):345–350.
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    School improvement and subtle apologism.Martin Thrupp & Robert Archer - 2003 - Improving Schools 6 (2):29-42.
    This article is concerned not so much with school improvement issues per se as with the messages about school improvement provided by academic texts. School im­provement texts are important because they can be expected to reflect the current state of play of intellectual thinking about school improvement and because they also clearly have some impact on policy and practice, that is, to some extent they frame up school improvement issues for practitioners and policymakers. Yet academics holding socially critical perspectives have (...)
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    Verbal hallucinations and speech disorganization in schizophrenia: A further look at the evidence.Martin Harrow, Joanne T. Marengo & Ann Ragin - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (3):526-526.
  39.  42
    Icons of the road.Martin Krampen - 1983 - Semiotica 43 (1-2):1-204.
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    Educational Justice and the Value of Knowledge.Christopher Martin - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 54 (1):164-182.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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  41. Memory, connecting, and what matters in survival.R. Martin - 1987 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 65 (1):82-97.
  42. Philosophy and artificial intelligence.Martin Ringle - 1979 - In Philosophical Perspectives in Artificial Intelligence. Humanities Press.
  43. Landscapes of Human Experience.Martin Seel - 2015 - Contemporary Aesthetics 13.
    This essay begins with some observations concerning the interaction between nature and art. Relying on these reflections, in the second part experience of landscape will be interpreted as a model for the human stance within the natural as well as the historical world. In the third part some consequences for an ethics and politics of saving the conditions for individual as well as social well-being will be drawn.
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    Taking “Descartes's Myth” seriously: Rethinking the Rylean narrative.Martin Lenz - forthcoming - Southern Journal of Philosophy.
    Social philosophy of mind and epistemology seem to be fairly recent inventions. According to a still widespread picture, early modern philosophers were constrained by an individualistic paradigm that settles epistemological and psychological explanations by considering the minds of single thinkers. This picture is mainly owing to the historiography epitomized in Gilbert Ryle's attack on dualism. However, once we look beyond this picture, we can see that at least some early modern views on the mind can be read as social approaches. (...)
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  45. Mental capacity and the applied phenomenology of judgement.Wayne Martin & Ryan Hickerson - 2013 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 12 (1):195-214.
    We undertake to bring a phenomenological perspective to bear on a challenge of contemporary law and clinical practice. In a wide variety of contexts, legal and medical professionals are called upon to assess the competence or capacity of an individual to exercise her own judgement in making a decision for herself. We focus on decisions regarding consent to or refusal of medical treatment and contrast a widely recognised clinical instrument, the MacCAT-T, with a more phenomenologically informed approach. While the MacCAT-T (...)
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  46.  10
    Change is Central to Perfume Appreciation.Madeline Martin-Seaver - forthcoming - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism.
    ABSTRACT Perfume has not received much philosophical attention. I discuss a feature of perfume that partly contributes to this neglect: the pervasive changes that perfumes undergo. These changes are much more comprehensive than the changes that characterize other aesthetic objects, and we might think that perfume is, as a result, impossibly subjective and private an aesthetic object. I identify two categories of change that raise this worry: changes that happen to a scented liquid itself and changes that happen to perfumes (...)
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    Public Reason in Times of Corona: Countering Disinformation in the Netherlands.Martin Buijsen - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-13.
    Who should decide what passes for disinformation in a liberal democracy? During the COVID-19 pandemic, a committee set up by the Dutch Ministry of Health was actively blocking disinformation. The committee comprised civil servants, communication experts, public health experts, and representatives of commercial online platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. To a large extent, vaccine hesitancy was attributed to disinformation, defined as misinformation (or data misinterpreted) with harmful intent. In this study, the question is answered by reflecting on what (...)
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  48.  8
    Moral Contractualism and the Non-Identity Problem.Desa Valeska Martin - 2025 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 11 (2).
    Moral Contractualism provides a compelling framework for understanding what we owe to each other and seems promising as a non-consequentialist intergenerational moral theory as well. However, the non-identity problem presents a critical challenge. Specifically, the question arises as to whether future individuals can have an objection against the principles allowing an act even if the future individual’s existence is contingent on this act and their lives will be worth living. A prominent response to this challenge is to understand the objections (...)
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    Marx, the Irish Immigrant-Workers, and the English Labour Movement.Martin Deleixhe - 2019 - Historical Materialism 27 (2):222-247.
    Karl Marx had to deal with a situation that bears an uncanny resemblance to the current predicament of trade unions regarding immigrant workers. The First International faced the threat of an internal division along ethnic and national lines around the Irish question, and more specifically around the role played by Irish immigrants in England. Firstly, I will argue that Marx’s late work on Ireland, and especially his change of opinion on its tactical importance, cannot be isolated from his vigorous manoeuvring (...)
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  50. The Reversal of the Ethnological Perspective: Attempts At Objectifying One's Own Cultural Horizon: Dumont, Foucault, Bourdieu.Martin Fuchs - 1993 - Thesis Eleven 34 (1):104-125.
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