Results for ' Henry Mackenzie'

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  1.  48
    The Changing Nature of the Public Sphere.Chris Henry & Iain MacKenzie - 2023 - Journal of Social and Political Philosophy 2 (2):175-190.
    Can the public sphere be conceptualised in a manner that is non-reductive and inclusive? In this article, we survey the main literature on the public sphere and demonstrate that, despite apparent diversity, the dominant approaches to its conceptualisation share the same ‘matter and form’ or hylomorphic assumptions. In challenging these assumptions, our aim is to demonstrate that it is the hylomorphic model of the public sphere that prevents non-reductive conceptualisation of its essentially changing nature. Hylomorphic models of the public sphere, (...)
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    New books. [REVIEW]J. L. McIntyre, A. C. Haddon, Henry Barker, J. Rickaby, F. C. S. Schiller, R. F. Alfred Hoernle, John Burnet, W. Leslie Mackenzie, G. R. T. Ross & C. A. F. Rhys Davids - 1906 - Mind 15 (57):109-124.
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    Book Review:Animal Rights, Considered in Relation to Social Progress. Henry S. Salt. [REVIEW]J. S. Mackenzie - 1916 - International Journal of Ethics 26 (4):567-.
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    The Methods of Ethics.Henry Sidgwick.J. S. Mackenzie - 1894 - International Journal of Ethics 4 (4):512-514.
  5.  33
    Lectures on the Philosophy of Kant, and Other Philosophical Lectures and Essays. Henry Sidgwick.J. S. Mackenzie - 1906 - International Journal of Ethics 16 (2):261-262.
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    Book Review:Lectures on the Philosophy of Kant, and Other Philosophical Lectures and Essays. Henry Sidgwick. [REVIEW]J. S. Mackenzie - 1905 - International Journal of Ethics 16 (2):261.
  7.  97
    Mary Bittner Wiseman, Gary Shapiro, Michael L. Hall, Walter L. Reed, John J. Stuhr, George Poe, Bruce Krajewski, Walter Broman, Christopher McClintick, Jerome Schwartz, Roberta Davidson, Christopher Clausen, Michael Calabrese, Guy Willoughby, Don H. Bialostosky, Thomas R. Hart, Tom Conley, Michael McGaha, W. Wolfgang Holdheim, Mark Stocker, Sandra Sherman, Michael J. Weber, Sylvia Walsh, Mary Anne O'Neil, Robert Tobin, Donald M. Brown, Susan B. Brill, Oona Ajzenstat, Jeff Mitchell, Michael McClintick, Louis MacKenzie, Peter Losin, C. S. Schreiner, Walter A. Strauss, Eric J. Ziolkowski, William J. Berg, and Patrick Henry[REVIEW]Joseph Sartorelli - 1994 - Philosophy and Literature 18 (2):354.
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    The Tempo of Solid Fluids: On River Ice, Permafrost, and Other Melting Matter in the Mackenzie Delta.Franz Krause - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (2):31-52.
    Seasonal and historical transformations of ice and permafrost suggest that the Mackenzie Delta in Arctic Canada can be understood as a solid fluid. The concerns and practices of delta inhabitants show that fluidity and solidity remain important attributes in a solid fluid delta. They are significant not as exclusive properties, but as relational qualities, in the context of particular human projects and activities. Indigenous philosophies of ‘the land’ and Henri Lefebvre’s notion of ‘tempo’ in Rhythmanalysis: Space, Time and Everyday (...)
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  9. Hume's Fragments of Union and the Fiction of the Scottish Enlightenment.Susan Manning - 2005 - In Marina Frasca-Spada & P. J. E. Kail, Impressions of Hume. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 245.
    This chapter considers political, psychological, and grammatical forms of connection and their implications for narrative analogies between self and nation developed in relation to the 1707 Union between England and Scotland, and the confederation of the United States in 1776. Reid's and Beattie's ‘refutations’ of Hume propagate the structural tension in his epistemological argument into the assumptions of Common Sense philosophy. Some implications for imaginative literature of tensions between coherent stories and fragmented form are explored in the example of William (...)
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    ‘Let Margaret Sleep’: putting to bed the authorship controversy over Sister Peg.Richard B. Sher - 2023 - History of European Ideas 49 (2):295-344.
    Nearly four decades after David Raynor attributed to David Hume an allegorical Scots militia pamphlet from the early 1760s popularly known as Sister Peg, there is still no scholarly consensus about whether the author was in fact Hume or his friend Adam Ferguson. Using new evidence that has emerged since the appearance of Raynor’s edition in 1982 – including information about Sister Peg’s publication history, Ferguson’s handwritten corrections and revisions in the Abbotsford copy of the work, a 1767 newspaper article (...)
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    Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy: Volume Vi: 1988.Julia Annas (ed.) - 1989 - Clarendon Press.
    Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy is an annual publication which includes original articles, some of substantial length, on a wide range of topics in ancient philosophy, and review articles of major books. Contributors include Mary Margaret Mackenzie, Aryeh Finkelberg, Charles H. Kahn, Christopher Shields, Paul Woodruff, Christopher Gill, Rosalind Hursthouse, G.E.R Lloyd, Henry Maconi, and David Bostock.
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    Early Responses To British Idealism.William Sweet, Carol A. Keene & Colin Tyler - 2004 - Thoemmes.
    William Sweet gathers responses to the major writings of the leading figures of the British idealist movement, including contributions by Bertrand Russell, John Dewey, Sir Ernest Barker, Sir Henry Jones, R.F.A. Hoernle, J.S. MacKenzie, Brand Blanshard and others.
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    Neo-Hegelianism.Hiralal Haldar - 1927 - New York: Garland.
    Origin of the movement: J. H. Stirling. --T. H. Green. --Edward Caird. --John Caird. --William Wallace. --D. G. Ritchie. --F. H. Bradley. --Bernard Bosanquet. --John Watson. --Henry Jones. --J. H. Muirhead. --J. S. Mackenzie. --Lord Haldane. --J. E. McTaggart as an interpreter of Hegel. --Appendix: Hegelianism and human personality.
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    The British Idealists. [REVIEW]Stamatoula Panagakou - 2000 - Bradley Studies 6 (1):125-132.
    The growing interest in the philosophy of the British Idealists required a comprehensive and accessible volume containing an anthology of their work. Boucher’s book, with its special emphasis on the moral, social and political philosophy of British Idealism, fills a gap in the existing literature and provides readers with the insights of such philosophers as Edward Caird, T. H. Green, F. H. Bradley, John Watson, Bernard Bosanquet, Henry Jones, D. G. Ritchie, J.H. Muirhead, Andrew Seth Pringle-Pattison, and J.S. (...). (shrink)
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    What did the British Idealists do for Us?Thom Brooks - 2011 - In New Waves in Ethics. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 28--47.
    Perhaps one of the most underappreciated philosophical movements is British Idealism. This movement arose during the latter half of the nineteenth century and began to wane after the outbreak of the First World War. British Idealism has produced a number of important figures, such as Bernard Bosanquet, R. G. Collingwood, F. H. Bradley and T. H. Green, as well as other important, but less well known, figures, such as J. S. Mackenzie, John Henry Muirhead and James Seth. It (...)
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  16. Letter from J. S. Mackenzie.J. S. Mackenzie - 1930 - Humana Mente 5 (17):151-151.
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    John Stuart Mackenzie.John Stuart Mackenzie - 1936 - London,: Williams & Norgate. Edited by Millicent Hughes Mackenzie & W. Tudor Jones.
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  18. Relational Autonomy: Feminist Perspectives on Autonomy, Agency, and the Social Self.Catriona Mackenzie & Natalie Stoljar (eds.) - 2000 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This collection of original essays explores the social and relational dimensions of individual autonomy. Rejecting the feminist charge that autonomy is inherently masculinist, the contributors draw on feminist critiques of autonomy to challenge and enrich contemporary philosophical debates about agency, identity, and moral responsibility. The essays analyze the complex ways in which oppression can impair an agent's capacity for autonomy, and investigate connections, neglected by standard accounts, between autonomy and other aspects of the agent, including self-conception, self-worth, memory, and the (...)
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    Do Economists Make Markets?: On the Performativity of Economics.Donald A. MacKenzie, Fabian Muniesa & Lucia Siu (eds.) - 2008 - Princeton University Press.
    Around the globe, economists affect markets by saying what markets are doing, what they should do, and what they will do. Increasingly, experimental economists are even designing real-world markets. But, despite these facts, economists are still largely thought of as scientists who merely observe markets from the outside, like astronomers look at the stars. Do Economists Make Markets? boldly challenges this view. It is the first book dedicated to the controversial question of whether economics is performative--of whether, in some cases, (...)
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  20.  40
    Trust and the Goldacre Review: why trusted research environments are not about trust.Mackenzie Graham, Richard Milne, Paige Fitzsimmons & Mark Sheehan - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (10):670-673.
    The significance of big data for driving health research and improvements in patient care is well recognised. Along with these potential benefits, however, come significant challenges, including those concerning the sharing and linkage of health and social care records. Recently, there has been a shift in attention towards a paradigm of data sharing centred on the ‘trusted research environment’ (TRE). TREs are being widely adopted by the UK’s health data initiatives including Health Data Research UK (HDR UK),1 Our Future Health2 (...)
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  21.  68
    Vulnerability: New Essays in Ethics and Feminist Philosophy.Catriona Mackenzie, Wendy Rogers & Susan Dodds (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Oup Usa.
    This volume breaks new ground by investigating the ethics of vulnerability. Drawing on various ethical traditions, the contributors explore the nature of vulnerability, the responsibilities owed to the vulnerable, and by whom.
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  22. Agent-Regret and the Social Practice of Moral Luck.Jordan MacKenzie - 2017 - Res Philosophica 94 (1):95-117.
    Agent-regret seems to give rise to a philosophical puzzle. If we grant that we are not morally responsible for consequences outside our control (the ‘Standard View’), then agent-regret—which involves self-reproach and a desire to make amends for consequences outside one’s control—appears rationally indefensible. But despite its apparent indefensibility, agent-regret still seems like a reasonable response to bad moral luck. I argue here that the puzzle can be resolved if we appreciate the role that agent-regret plays in a larger social practice (...)
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  23. You Didn’t Have to Do That: Belief in Free Will Promotes Gratitude.Michael J. Mackenzie, Kathleen D. Vohs & Roy Baumeister - 2014 - Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 40 (11):1423-1434.
    Four studies tested the hypothesis that a weaker belief in free will would be related to feeling less gratitude. In Studies 1a and 1b, a trait measure of free will belief was positively correlated with a measure of dispositional gratitude. In Study 2, participants whose free will belief was weakened (vs. unchanged or bolstered) reported feeling less grateful for events in their past. Study 3 used a laboratory induction of gratitude. Participants with an experimentally reduced (vs. increased) belief in free (...)
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  24. Imagining oneself otherwise.Catriona Mackenzie - 2000 - In Catriona Mackenzie & Natalie Stoljar, Relational Autonomy: Feminist Perspectives on Autonomy, Agency, and the Social Self. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Question-begging in non-cumulative systems.J. D. Mackenzie - 1979 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 8 (1):117 - 133.
  26. Caregiving and role conflict distress.Jordan MacKenzie - 2024 - Clinical Ethics 19 (2):136-142.
    When our nearest and dearest experience medical crises, we may need to step into caregiving roles. But in doing so, we may find that our new caregiving relationship is actually in tension with the loving relationship that motivated us towards care. What we owe and are entitled to as friends, spouses, and family members, can be different from what we owe and are entitled to as caregivers. For this reason, caregiving carries with it the risk of a type of moral (...)
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    Autonomous agency, we‐agency, and social oppression.Catriona Mackenzie - 2023 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 61 (2):373-389.
    Theories of collective intentionality and theories of relational autonomy share a common interest in analyzing the social dynamics of agency. However, whereas theories of collective intentionality conceive of social groups primarily as intentional and voluntarily willed, theories of relational autonomy claim that autonomous agency is both scaffolded and constrained by social forces and structures, including the constraints imposed by nonvoluntary group membership. The question raised by this difference in view is whether social theorizing that overlooks the effects of nonvoluntary social (...)
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    Mr. Mackenzie's Reply.J. S. Mackenzie - 1895 - International Journal of Ethics 5 (3):377-383.
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  29. Abortion and embodiment.Catriona Mackenzie - 1992 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 70 (2):136 – 155.
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  30. Moral imagination, disability and embodiment.Catriona Mackenzie & Jackie Leach Scully - 2007 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 24 (4):335–351.
    abstract In this paper we question the basis on which judgements are made about the ‘quality’ of the lives of people whose embodied experience is anomalous, specifically in cases of impairments. In moral and political philosophy it is often assumed that, suitably informed, we can overcome epistemic gaps through the exercise of moral imagination: ‘putting ourselves in the place of others’, we can share their points of view. Drawing on phenomenology and theories of embodied cognition, and on empirical studies, we (...)
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  31. Relational autonomy, normative authority and perfectionism.Catriona Mackenzie - 2008 - Journal of Social Philosophy 39 (4):512-533.
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    Four dialogue systems.Jim Mackenzie - 1990 - Studia Logica 49 (4):567 - 583.
    The paper describes four dialogue systems, developed in the tradition of Charles Hamblin. The first system provides an answer for Achilles in Lewis Carroll's parable, the second an analysis of the fallacy of begging the question, the third a non-psychologistic account of conversational implicature, and the fourth an analysis of equivocation and of objections to it. Each avoids combinatorial explosions, and is intended for real-time operation.
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  33. Narrative Integration, Fragmented Selves, and Autonomy.Catriona Mackenzie & Jacqui Poltera - 2010 - Hypatia 25 (1):31 - 54.
    In this paper we defend the notion of narrative identity against Galen Strawson's recent critique. With reference to Elyn Saks's memoir of her schizophrenia, we question the coherence ofStrawsons conception of the Episodic self and show why the capacity for narrative integration is important for a flourishing life. We aho argue that Scú put pressure on narrative theories that specify unduly restncúve constraints on self-constituting narratives, and chrify the need to distinguish identity from autonomy.
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  34. Behaviourism and the Limits of Scientific Method.Brian D. Mackenzie - 1979 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 30 (1):85-86.
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  35. The choice of criteria in ethical investment.Craig Mackenzie - 1998 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 7 (2):81–86.
    How do ethical investment funds choose their ethical criteria? How intelligent is this process from an ethical point of view? This paper reports on his field work carried out as part of the Bath University ‘Morals and Money’ Project. After completing this research, Dr. Craig Mackenzie left academia to become ethics development officer at Friends Provident. He can be contacted at 15 Old Bailey, London, EC4M 7AP;
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  36. The illumination of consciousness: Approaches to self-awareness in the indian and western traditions.Matthew D. MacKenzie - 2007 - Philosophy East and West 57 (1):40-62.
    : Philosophers in the Indian and Western traditions have developed and defended a range of sophisticated accounts of self-awareness. Here, four of these accounts are examined, and the arguments for them are assessed. Theories of self-awareness developed in the two traditions under consideration fall into two broad categories: reflectionist or other-illumination theories and reflexivist or self-illumination theories. Having assessed the main arguments for these theories, it is argued here that while neither reflectionist nor reflexivist theories are adequate as traditionally formulated (...)
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  37. Self-Deception as a Moral Failure.Jordan MacKenzie - 2022 - The Philosophical Quarterly 72 (2):402-21.
    In this paper, I defend the view that self-deception is a moral failure. Instead of saying that self-deception is bad because it undermines our moral character or leads to morally deleterious consequences, as has been argued by Butler, Kant, Smith, and others, I argue the distinctive badness of self-deception lies in the tragic relationship that it bears to our own values. On the one hand, self-deception is motivated by what we value. On the other hand, it prevents us from valuing (...)
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  38. Survivor guilt.Jordan MacKenzie & Michael Zhao - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (9):2707-2726.
    We often feel survivor guilt when the very circumstances that harm others leave us unscathed. Although survivor guilt is both commonplace and intelligible, it raises a puzzle for the standard philosophical account of guilt, according to which people feel guilt only when they take themselves to be morally blameworthy. The standard account implies that survivor guilt is uniformly unfitting, as people are not blameworthy simply for having fared better than others. In this paper, we offer a rival account of guilt, (...)
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  39. Plato on Punishment.Mary Margaret Mackenzie - 1981 - Philosophy 57 (221):416-418.
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    Body shopping: Challenging convention in the donation and use of bodily materials through art practice.Louise Mackenzie, Ilke Turkmendag, Isabel Burr-Raty, WhiteFeather Hunter, Charlotte Jarvis, Miriam Simun, Hege Tapio & Adam Zaretsky - 2020 - Technoetic Arts 18 (2):279-297.
    The historical context of body and tissue donation is deeply problematic, with patriarchal and colonial narratives. The contemporary context of molecular and genetic biology further complicates issues of bodily donation through narratives of abstraction and extraction. As practitioners working outside the conventional boundaries of scientific study learn the tools and techniques to extract and use bodily materials, they are also learning and challenging the procedures and processes. This article approaches questions of bodily donation through the edited transcript of a conversation (...)
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  41.  30
    Meditative experience and the plasticity of self-experience.Matthew MacKenzie - 2022 - In Rick Repetti, Routledge Handbook on the Philosophy of Meditation. New York, NY: Routledge.
    Some meditative experiences are reported to involve a change in the meditator’s sense of self. For instance, some practitioners of body-scan meditation report a felt dissolution of bodily boundaries and a corresponding change in their bodily sense of self. In ‘pure-consciousness-events’ some subjects report a sense of self as pure consciousness, while others report a loss of the sense of self. In this chapter, I use recent philosophical and empirical work on the phenomenal self and the variability of self-experience to (...)
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  42. The dialectics of Logic.J. D. Mackenzie - 1981 - Logique Et Analyse 24 (94):159.
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    How Algorithms Interact: Goffman's ‘Interaction Order’ in Automated Trading.Donald MacKenzie - 2019 - Theory, Culture and Society 36 (2):39-59.
    In a talk in 2013, Karin Knorr Cetina referred to ‘the interaction order of algorithms’, a phrase that implicitly invokes Erving Goffman's ‘interaction order’. This paper explores the application of the latter notion to the interaction of automated-trading algorithms, viewing algorithms as material entities (programs running on physical machines) and conceiving of the interaction order of algorithms as the ensemble of their effects on each other. The paper identifies the main way in which trading algorithms interact (via electronic ‘order books’, (...)
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    Platform Seeing: Image Ensembles and Their Invisualities.Adrian MacKenzie & Anna Munster - 2019 - Theory, Culture and Society 36 (5):3-22.
    How can one ‘see’ the operationalization of contemporary visual culture, given the imperceptibility and apparent automation of so many processes and dimensions of visuality? Seeing – as a position from a singular mode of observation – has become problematic since many visual elements, techniques, and forms of observing are highly distributed through data practices of collection, analysis and prediction. Such practices are subtended by visual cultural techniques that are grounded in the development of image collections, image formatting and hardware design. (...)
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    Giving the terminally ill access to euthanasia is not discriminatory: a response to Reed.Jordan MacKenzie - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (2):123-123.
    Philip Reed argues that laws that grant people access to euthanasia on the basis of terminal illness are discriminatory. In support of this claim, he offers an argument by analogy: it would be discriminatory to offer a person access to euthanasia because they are women or because they are disabled, as such restricted access would send the message ‘that life as a woman or as a disabled person is (very often) not worth living’.1 And so it must also be discriminatory (...)
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  46. What is Seen in a Garden Bean: Revisions and Copies in Nehemiah Grew's Plant Anatomy.Pamela Mackenzie - 2023 - Centaurus 65 (4):793-825.
    In this article, I follow the evolving visual form of the plant illustrations produced by the 17th-century physician and microscopist Nehemiah Grew. I trace the changing appearance of a variety of magnified plants throughout the course of their manifestation in illustration: beginning with their unsteady earliest appearance in 1672 in the publication The Anatomy of Vegetables Begun, into their reworking in the popular French translation, which was reissued and reprinted multiple times, and finally to Grew's magnum opus a decade later, (...)
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  47. The Importance of Relational Autonomy and Capabilities for an Ethics of Vulnerability.Catriona Mackenzie - 2013 - In Catriona Mackenzie, Wendy Rogers & Susan Dodds, Vulnerability: New Essays in Ethics and Feminist Philosophy. New York: Oup Usa. pp. 33.
  48. Conceptions of autonomy and conceptions of the body in bioethics.Catriona Mackenzie - 2010 - In Jackie Leach Scully, Laurel Baldwin-Ragaven & Petya Fitzpatrick, Feminist bioethics: at the center, on the margins. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
  49. Embodied agents, narrative selves.Catriona Mackenzie - 2014 - Philosophical Explorations 17 (2):154-171.
    Recent work on diachronic agency has challenged the predominantly structural or synchronic approach to agency that is characteristic of much of the literature in contemporary philosophical moral psychology. However, the embodied dimensions of diachronic agency continue to be neglected in the literature. This article draws on phenomenological perspectives on embodiment and narrative conceptions of the self to argue that diachronic agency and selfhood are anchored in embodiment. In doing so, the article also responds to Diana Meyers' recent work on corporeal (...)
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    Plato on Punishment.Mary Margaret Mackenzie - 1981 - University of California Press.
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