Results for ' Maker-Breaker game'

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  1.  11
    MakerBreaker Games on And.Nathan Bowler, Florian Gut, Attila Joó & Max Pitz - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-7.
    We investigate MakerBreaker games on graphs of size $\aleph _1$ in which Maker’s goal is to build a copy of the host graph. We establish a firm dependence of the outcome of the game on the axiomatic framework. Relating to this, we prove that there is a winning strategy for Maker in the $K_{\omega,\omega _1}$ -game under ZFC+MA+ $\neg $ CH and a winning strategy for Breaker under ZFC+CH. We prove a similar result (...)
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    Master Maker: Understanding Gaming Skill Through Practice and Habit From Gameplay Behavior.Jeff Huang, Eddie Yan, Gifford Cheung, Nachiappan Nagappan & Thomas Zimmermann - 2017 - Topics in Cognitive Science 9 (2):437-466.
    The study of expertise is difficult to do in a laboratory environment due to the challenge of finding people at different skill levels and the lack of time for participants to acquire mastery. In this paper, we report on two studies that analyze naturalistic gameplay data using cohort analysis to better understand how skill relates to practice and habit. Two cohorts are analyzed, each from two different games. Our work follows skill progression through 7 months of Halo matches for a (...)
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    Literary Studies and the Repression of Reputation.John Rodden - 1988 - Philosophy and Literature 12 (2):261-271.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Notes and Fragments LITERARY STUDIES AND THE REPRESSION OF REPUTATION by John Rodden 6 6T A Thomakesorbreaks a writer's reputation?" asked Esquire during VV the mid-1960s. The editors' answer, titled "The Structure of the Literary Establishment," came in the form of a multicolored "chart of power." Included was "virtually everyone of serious literary consequence," whether "writer, editor, agent, or simple hipster." The center of power was indicated, noted the (...)
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  4. Gaming Prediction Markets: Equilibrium Strategies with a Market Maker.Yiling Chen, Rahul Sami & Daniel M. Reeves - unknown
    We study the equilibrium behavior of informed traders interacting with market scoring rule (MSR) market makers. One attractive feature of MSR is that it is myopically incentive compatible: it is optimal for traders to report their true beliefs about the likelihood of an event outcome provided that they ignore the impact of their reports on the profit they might garner from future trades. In this paper, we analyze non-myopic strategies and examine what information structures lead to truthful betting by traders. (...)
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  5. Toward an International Rule of Law: Distinguishing International Law-Breakers from Would-Be Law-Makers.Robert E. Goodin - 2005 - The Journal of Ethics 9 (1-2):225-246.
    An interesting fact about customary international law is that the only way you can propose an amendment to it is by breaking it. How can that be differentiated from plain law-breaking? What moral standards might apply to that sort of international conduct? I propose we use ones analogous to the ordinary standards for distinguishing civil disobedients from ordinary law-breakers: would-be law-makers, like civil disobedients, must break the law openly; they must accept the legal consequences of doing so; and they must (...)
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  6. Truth breakers.Dale Jacquette - 2010 - Topoi 29 (2):153-163.
    Philosophical semantics requires an ontology that includes negative as well as positive states of affairs as truth-makers and truth-breakers. Theories that try to do without negative states of affairs while interpreting propositional truth as positive correspondence with existent states of affairs are inherently inadequate and incomplete. A semantics and ontology of negative states of affairs can also do justice to positive states of affairs, since the iterated negative state of affairs that a negative state of affairs exists describes a positive (...)
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    Games machines play.Wynn C. Stirling - 2002 - Minds and Machines 12 (3):327-352.
    Individual rationality, or doing what is best for oneself, is a standard model used to explain and predict human behavior, and von Neumann–Morgenstern game theory is the classical mathematical formalization of this theory in multiple-agent settings. Individual rationality, however, is an inadequate model for the synthesis of artificial social systems where cooperation is essential, since it does not permit the accommodation of group interests other than as aggregations of individual interests. Satisficing game theory is based upon a well-defined (...)
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    Thief-Takers and Rule-Breakers: Why Television Cop Shows Can Never Tell the "Truth" about Policing.Marianne Colbran - 2023 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 57 (3):87-106.
    Abstract:For many people, the media is the main source of their knowledge and understanding about policing and crime. As a result, a common thread running through content analysis of television police shows is the gap between the “reality” of police work, crime, criminals, and the justice system and the picture painted by media representations. I argue, however, that all representations of social reality are partial and that commercial imperatives, working processes, ideological frames of the makers, and format of individual shows (...)
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    A game-theoretic analysis of pascal’s Wager.Ahmer Tarar - 2018 - Economics and Philosophy 34 (1):31-44.
    Formal analyses of Pascal’s Wager have almost all been decision-theoretic, with a human as the sole decision-maker. This paper analyses Pascal’s Wager in a game-theoretic setting in which the deity whose existence the human is considering wagering on is also a decision-maker. There is an equilibrium in which the human chooses to wager that the deity exists and Pascal’s Wager thus operates, but also one in which the human does not wager. Thus, in a game-theoretic setting, (...)
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    Wanting More, Getting Less: Gaming Performance Measurement as a Form of Deviant Workplace Behavior.Isabell M. Welpe, Jutta Stumpf-Wollersheim, Wiebke S. Wendler & Laura Graf - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (3):753-773.
    Investigating the causes of unethical behaviors in academia, such as scientific misconduct, has become a highly important research subject. The current performance measurement practices (e.g., equating research performance with the number of publications in top-tier journals) are frequently referred to as being responsible for scientists’ unethical behaviors. We conducted qualitative semi-structured interviews with different stakeholders of the higher education system (e.g., professors and policy makers; N = 43) to analyze the influence of performance measurement on scientists’ behavior. We followed a (...)
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    Games and Decision Making.Charalambos D. Aliprantis & Subir K. Chakrabarti - 2010 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Games and Decision Making, Second Edition, is a unique blend of decision theory and game theory. From classical optimization to modern game theory, authors Charalambos D. Aliprantis and Subir K. Chakrabarti show the importance of mathematical knowledge in understanding and analyzing issues in decision making. Through an imaginative selection of topics, Aliprantis and Chakrabarti treat decision and game theory as part of one body of knowledge. They move from problems involving the individual decision-maker to progressively more (...)
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    Making games for social change.Mary Flanagan - 2006 - AI and Society 20 (4):493-505.
    This paper provides an overview of creating games for change from within an academic context, focusing specifically on the development of educational computer games for middle school girls. The essay addresses larger issues such as the cultural importance of computer games, the difficulty in categorizing a diverse user group such as “girls,” and the ways in which one could design game goals to promote diverse play and learning styles. Through such alternate design strategies, both media makers and students can (...)
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    Solution concepts for games with ambiguous payoffs.Dorian Beauchêne - 2016 - Theory and Decision 80 (2):245-269.
    I consider games with ambiguous payoffs played by non-Expected Utility decision makers. Three equilibrium solutions are studied. Nash equilibrium in which equilibrium mixed strategies must be best responses, Crawford equilibrium in beliefs and pure equilibrium in beliefs in which equilibrium strategies are mixtures of best responses, with the latter restricting best responses to pure actions. I study the interactions between ambiguity preferences on one side and equilibrium properties on the other. I show how the equilibrium concepts differ, computing necessary and (...)
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    Rationality and game theory.Cristina Bicchieri - 2004 - In Alfred R. Mele & Piers Rawling (eds.), The Oxford handbook of rationality. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 182--205.
    Bicchieri's topic is the modeling of interaction between decision makers in situations in which the outcome of the interaction depends on what the parties jointly do. Examples include chess, firms competing for business, politicians competing for votes, jury members deciding on a verdict, animals fighting over prey, bidders competing in auctions, threats and punishments in long-term relationships. Rationality assumptions are a basic ingredient of game theory, but though rational choice might be unproblematic in normative decision theory, it becomes problematic (...)
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  15. (1 other version)Team reasoning and a measure of mutual advantage in games.Jurgis Karpus & Mantas Radzvilas - 0201 - Economics and Philosophy 34 (1):1-30.
    The game theoretic notion of best-response reasoning is sometimes criticized when its application produces multiple solutions of games, some of which seem less compelling than others. The recent development of the theory of team reasoning addresses this by suggesting that interacting players in games may sometimes reason as members of a team – a group of individuals who act together in the attainment of some common goal. A number of properties have been suggested for team-reasoning decision-makers’ goals to satisfy, (...)
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    Unraveling Braid: Puzzle Games and Storytelling in the Imperative Mood.Luke Arnott - 2012 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 32 (6):433-440.
    “Unraveling Braid” analyzes how unconventional, non-linear narrative fiction can help explain the ways in which video games signify. Specifically, this essay looks at the links between the semiotic features of Jonathan Blow’s 2008 puzzle-platform video game Braid and similar elements in Georges Perec’s 1978 novel Life A User’s Manual, as well as in other puzzle-themed literary precursors. Blow’s game design concepts “dynamical meaning” and “game play rhetoric” are explained in relation to a number of Braid levels; along (...)
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    Alfred Müller-Armack-Economic Policy Maker and Sociologist of Religion.Christian Watrin - 2003 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 13 (2).
    Alfred Müller-Armack was one of the very important policy-makers who initiated the West-German economic recovery after WWII. He devised the underlying economic program of the so-called “German Miracle”, which was not a miracle at all. It was the outcome of a rigorous rule transformation from the bankrupt central planning of the Nazi- regime to a market economic order based on the principles of classical liberalism combined with a social safety net for all who suffered from the terrible consequences of war (...)
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  18. Modeling economic systems as locally-constructive sequential games.Leigh Tesfatsion - 2017 - Journal of Economic Methodology 24 (4):1-26.
    Real-world economies are open-ended dynamic systems consisting of heterogeneous interacting participants. Human participants are decision-makers who strategically take into account the past actions and potential future actions of other participants. All participants are forced to be locally constructive, meaning their actions at any given time must be based on their local states; and participant actions at any given time affect future local states. Taken together, these essential properties imply real-world economies are locally-constructive sequential games. This paper discusses a modeling approach, (...)
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  19.  54
    Girls Will Be Girls, in a League of Their Own – The Rules for Women’s Sport as a Protected Category in the Olympic Games and the Question of ‘Doping Down’.Angela Schneider - 2020 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 14 (4):478-495.
    Recent debate by feminist scholars in philosophy of sport has been focused on the status of women’s sport as a protected category. Positions have varied significantly, from no need for a protected category anymore—to allow women’s sport to flourish and to give them a fair opportunity, given that men’s sport still dominates, just as it has in the past.It will be argued that: i) the concept of a ‘protected category’ is tied logically to the concept of fair play and has (...)
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  20.  46
    The Stakeholder Game: Pleadings and Reasons in Environmental Policy.Juha Hiedanpää & Daniel W. Bromley - 2013 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 27 (4):425-441.
    A commitment to receive input from stakeholders is often obligatory in the crafting of environmental policies. This requirement is presumed to satisfy certain conditions of democracy. The need for stakeholder input is quite intuitive; public decision makers want to know what their constituents—or at least a limited number of them—think about certain issues. At the same time, individuals, groups, communities, and various interest groups want to learn about the plans that authoritative agencies have concerning those things that affect their daily (...)
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    National security games.Steven J. Brams & D. Marc Kilgour - 1988 - Synthese 76 (2):185 - 200.
    Issues that arise in using game theory to model national security problems are discussed, including positing nation-states as players, assuming that their decision makers act rationally and possess complete information, and modeling certain conflicts as two-person games. A generic two-person game called the Conflict Game, which captures strategic features of such variable-sum games as Chicken and Prisoners'' Dilemma, is then analyzed. Unlike these classical games, however, the Conflict Game is a two-stage game in which each (...)
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  22.  12
    A role-game laboratory experiment on the influence of country prospects reports on investment decisions in two artificial organizational settings.Marco Castellani, Linda Alengoz, Niccolò Casnici & Flaminio Squazzoni - 2022 - Mind and Society 21 (1):121-149.
    This paper investigates how reports concerning a given country’s prospects affect investment decisions in two stylized, artificial organizational settings. We designed a role-game laboratory experiment, where subjects were asked to make investment decisions for two types of fictitious companies from the same country. We found that when available reports included positive country prospects, subjects strategized more on investments regardless of the characteristics of their organization. When reports included negative prospects, however, certain organizational peculiarities influenced the subjects’ interpretations, with decision-makers (...)
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    Strategic interdependence, hypothetical bargaining, and mutual advantage in non-cooperative games.Mantas Radzvilas - unknown
    One of the conceptual limitations of the orthodox game theory is its inability to offer definitive theoretical predictions concerning the outcomes of noncooperative games with multiple rationalizable outcomes. This prompted the emergence of goal-directed theories of reasoning – the team reasoning theory and the theory of hypothetical bargaining. Both theories suggest that people resolve non-cooperative games by using a reasoning algorithm which allows them to identify mutually advantageous solutions of non-cooperative games. The primary aim of this thesis is to (...)
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    The generation game is the cooperation game: The role of grandparents in the timing of reproduction.Rebecca Sear & Thomas E. Dickins - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (1):34-35.
    Coall & Hertwig (C&H) demonstrate the importance of grandparents to children, even in low fertility societies. We suggest policy-makers interested in reproductive timing in such contexts should be alerted to the practical applications of this cooperative breeding framework. The presence or absence of a supportive kin network could help explain why some women begin their reproductive careers or.
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    Market Structure and Competition Policy: Game-Theoretic Approaches.George Norman & Jacques-François Thisse (eds.) - 2000 - Cambridge University Press.
    This 2000 text applies modern advances in game theory to the analysis of competition policy and develops some of the theoretical and policy concerns associated with the pioneering work of Louis Phlips. Containing contributions by leading scholars from Europe and North America, this book observes a common theme in the relationship between the regulatory regime and market structure. Since the inception of the new industrial organization, economists have developed a better understanding of how real-world markets operate. These results have (...)
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  26. Principals, agents, and the intersection between scientists and policy-makers: reflections on the H5N1 controversy.Keelie Murdock & David Koepsell - 2014 - Frontiers in Public Health 2:109.
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    The Mirage of Motivation Reason Internalism.Saleh Afroogh - 2022 - Journal of Value Inquiry 58 (1):111-129.
    What is it for an agent to have a reason to do a certain action? Does this mean that she would desire to do the action under specified conditions, or that there is some external consideration, which she ought to follow? The former affective (i.e., desire-based) theory is ascribed to Humeans, whereas the latter cognitive theory is adopted by Kantians. The debate between the two views has seemingly ended up in a theoretical standoff, and most of the theorists of practical (...)
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  28. Some Implications of a Sample of Practical Turing Tests.Kevin Warwick, Huma Shah & James Moor - 2013 - Minds and Machines 23 (2):163-177.
    A series of imitation games involving 3-participant (simultaneous comparison of two hidden entities) and 2-participant (direct interrogation of a hidden entity) were conducted at Bletchley Park on the 100th anniversary of Alan Turing’s birth: 23 June 2012. From the ongoing analysis of over 150 games involving (expert and non-expert, males and females, adults and child) judges, machines and hidden humans (foils for the machines), we present six particular conversations that took place between human judges and a hidden entity that produced (...)
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    Even Risk-Averters may Love Risk.Alfred Müller & Marco Scarsini - 2002 - Theory and Decision 52 (1):81-99.
    A decision maker bets on the outcomes of a sequence of coin-tossings. At the beginning of the game the decision maker can choose one of two coins to play the game. This initial choice is irreversible. The coins can be biased and the player is uncertain about the nature of one (or possibly both) coin(s). If the player is an expected-utility maximizer, her choice of the coin will depend on different elements: the nature of the (...) (namely, whether she can observe the outcomes of the previous tosses before making her next decision), her utility function, the prior distribution on the bias of the coin. We will show that even a risk averter might optimally choose a riskier coin when learning is allowed. We will express most of our results in the language of stochastic orderings, allowing comparisons that are valid for large classes of utility functions. (shrink)
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  30. Is Evaluative Compositionality a Requirement of Rationality?Nicholas J. J. Smith - 2014 - Mind 123 (490):457-502.
    This paper presents a new solution to the problems for orthodox decision theory posed by the Pasadena game and its relatives. I argue that a key question raised by consideration of these gambles is whether evaluative compositionality (as I term it) is a requirement of rationality: is the value that an ideally rational agent places on a gamble determined by the values that she places on its possible outcomes, together with their mode of composition into the gamble (i.e. the (...)
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    The Map is Not the Territory: Models, Scientists, and the State of Modern Macroeconomics.John Kay - 2012 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 24 (1):87-99.
    Policy makers and economists alike failed to predict the financial crisis of 2008. Their failure is due not only to the difficulties in predicting events in a complex world, but to the self-referential character of modern macroeconomics. Instead of seeking new empirical insights about economic behavior, macroeconomists have become creators of computer games—content to develop models that are internally consistent but have no necessary connection to the real world. Economic modeling aspires to be scientific in its deductive consistency and rigor. (...)
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    Ender's Beginning and the Just War.James L. Cook - 2013 - In Kevin S. Decker (ed.), Ender's Game and Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley. pp. 151–162.
    Given the portion of his life spent at military schools, it is striking that Ender and his peers apparently never study military ethics. The ethical lessons Ender and his peers might have learned are so obviously relevant to operations against the buggers that you cannot help but ask how the I.F.'s leadership could have failed to teach military ethics at all. This chapter presents some highlights of Western thinking on the ethics of war and analyzes Ender's education and actions in (...)
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    Assessing Actual Strategic Behavior to Construct a Measure of Strategic Ability.Ennio Bilancini, Leonardo Boncinelli & Alan Mattiassi - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:422425.
    Strategic interactions have been studied extensively in the area of judgment and decision-making. However, so far no specific measure of a decision-maker's ability to be successful in strategic interactions has been proposed and tested. Our contribution is the development of a measure of strategic ability that borrows from both game theory and psychology. Such measure is aimed at providing an estimation of the likelihood of success in many social activities that involve strategic interaction among multiple decision-makers. To construct (...)
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    Political complexity and the pervading role of ideology in policy-making.Benoît Béchard, Mathieu Ouimet, Helen M. Hodgetts, Frédéric Morneau-Guérin & Sébastien Tremblay - 2024 - Journal of Dynamic Decision Making 9.
    Policy-makers use different decision-making strategies and base their decisions – more or less explicitly – on both expert knowledge and opinions in order to cope with the sheer complexity of societal challenges and the political environment. Most politicians rely to some extent on personal ideology in the implementation of public policies. Potential decision biases such as ‘repair service behavior’ – the human tendency to try fixing what appears to be most problematic at first – also influence decision-making. While ideology plays (...)
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    Understanding Corruption in Organizations – Development and Empirical Assessment of an Action Model.Tanja Rabl & Torsten M. Kühlmann - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (2):477-495.
    Despite a strong sensitization to the corruption problem and a large body of interdisciplinary research, scientists have only rarely investigated which motivational, volitional, emotional, and cognitive components make decision makers in companies act corruptly. Thus, we examined how their interrelation leads to corruption by proposing an action model. We tested the model using a business simulation game with students as participants. Results of the PLS structural equation modeling showed that both an attitude and subjective norm favoring corruption led to (...)
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  36.  27
    Increasing the Number of Women on Boards: The Role of Actors and Processes.Cathrine Seierstad, Gillian Warner-Søderholm, Mariateresa Torchia & Morten Huse - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (2):289-315.
    Understanding the spread of national public policies to increase the percentage of women on boards is often presented using different types of institutional theory logic. However, the importance of the political games influencing these decisions has not received the same attention. In this article, we look beyond the institutional setting by focusing on the role of actors. We explore processes that include who the critical actors that drive and determine these policies are, and what motivates them to push for change. (...)
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    Emotional AI, soft biometrics and the surveillance of emotional life: An unusual consensus on privacy.Andrew McStay - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (1).
    By the early 2020s, emotional artificial intelligence will become increasingly present in everyday objects and practices such as assistants, cars, games, mobile phones, wearables, toys, marketing, insurance, policing, education and border controls. There is also keen interest in using these technologies to regulate and optimize the emotional experiences of spaces, such as workplaces, hospitals, prisons, classrooms, travel infrastructures, restaurants, retail and chain stores. Developers frequently claim that their applications do not identify people. Taking the claim at face value, this paper (...)
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    Customer Engagement in Multi-Sensory Virtual Reality Advertising: The Effect of Sound and Scent Congruence.Malaika Brengman, Kim Willems & Laurens De Gauquier - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Despite the power of VR in immersing viewers in an experience, it generally only targets viewers via visual and auditory cues. Human beings use more senses to gather information, so expectedly, the full potential of this medium is currently not yet tapped. This study contributes in answering two research questions: How can conventional VR ads be enriched by also addressing the forgotten sense of smell?; and Does doing so indeed instill more engaging experiences? A 2 × 3 between-subjects study is (...)
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  39. Introduction: Logic, Meaning, and Truth-Making States of Affairs in Philosophical Semantics.Dale Jacquette - 2010 - Topoi 29 (2):87-89.
    Philosophical semantics requires an ontology that includes negative as well as positive states of affairs as truth-makers and truth-breakers. Theories that try to do without negative states of affairs while interpreting propositional truth as positive correspondence with existent states of affairs are inherently inadequate and incomplete. A semantics and ontology of negative states of affairs can also do justice to positive states of affairs, since the iterated negative state of affairs that a negative state of affairs exists describes a positive (...)
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    Influence Mechanism of the Home Advantage on Referees’ Decision-Making in Modern Football Field – A Study From Sports Neuro-Decision Science.Li Zhang, Hongfei Zhang, Shaopeng Li, Jianlan Ding, Yuxiao Peng & Zeyuan Huang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    As professional football stadiums continue to grow in popularity worldwide, fans are able to watch the game in closer proximity, but the design of professional football stadiums to shorten the distance between fans and the playing field also exacerbates the impact of the home advantage on the referee’s decision to call a penalty. Studies have confirmed the existence of the home advantage and found that experienced referees can reduce the impact of this interference, but the neural mechanisms behind this (...)
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    The Art of Disciplined Imagination: Prediction, Scenarios, and Other Speculative Infrastructures.Theo Reeves-Evison - 2021 - Critical Inquiry 47 (4):719-748.
    Contemporary art is brimming with images of a future shaped by environmental destruction, technological innovation, and new forms of sociality. This article looks beyond the content of such images in order to examine the infrastructures that underpin them. Paying attention to two key infrastructures in particular—the Cold War faith in prediction and the extraordinary explosion of scenario planning in the years that followed—the article explores the ways in which speculation was transformed into a tightly defined field of expertise straddling military, (...)
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    Experiments in Economics: Playing Fair with Money.Ananish Chaudhuri - 2009 - Routledge.
    Are humans fair by nature? Why do we often willingly trust strangers or cooperate with them even if those actions leave us vulnerable to exploitation? Does this natural inclination towards fairness or trust have implications in the market-place? Traditional economic theory would perhaps think not, perceiving human interaction as self-interested at heart. There is increasing evidence however that social norms and norm-driven behaviour such as a preference for fairness, generosity or trust have serious implications for economics. This book provides an (...)
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    Computational Agents, Design and Innovative Behaviour: Hetero Economicus.Timon Scheuer - 2018 - Economic Thought 7 (2):82.
    For too long, a majority of economic stories speak of perfectly informed, fully rational optimisation within a purely materialistic world – leaving a lack of evidence and explanation regarding human decision makers and entrepreneurs revolutionising the decision space. Strands like game theory and institutional economics have already adopted a more practical view. Evolutionary and behavioural economics were finally able to establish the necessary links to other disciplines – like psychology and informational science. This paper recaps selected parts of the (...)
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    Policy Stable States in the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution.Dao-Zhi Zeng, Liping Fang, Keith W. Hipel & D. Marc Kilgour - 2004 - Theory and Decision 57 (4):345-365.
    A new approach to policy analysis is formulated within the framework of the graph model for conflict resolution. A policy is defined as a plan of action for a decision maker (DM) that specifies the DM’s intended action starting at every possible state in a graph model of a conflict. Given a profile of policies, a Policy Stable State (PSS) is a state that no DM moves away from (according to its policy), and such that no DM would prefer (...)
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    What War Narratives Tell About the Psychology and Coalitional Dynamics of Ethnic Violence.Michael Moncrieff & Pierre Lienard - 2019 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 19 (1-2):1-38.
    Models of ethnic violence have primarily been descriptive in nature, advancing broad or particular social and political reasons as explanations, and neglecting the contributions of individuals as decision-makers. Game theoretic and rational choice models recognize the role of individual decision-making in ethnic violence. However, such models embrace a classical economic theory view of unbounded rationality as utility-maximization, with its exacting assumption of full informational access, rather than a model of bounded rationality, modeling individuals as satisficing agents endowed with evolved (...)
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    Risk-adjusted martingales and the design of “indifference” gambles.Ali E. Abbas - 2011 - Theory and Decision 71 (4):643-668.
    In the probability literature, a martingale is often referred to as a “fair game.” A martingale investment is a stochastic sequence of wealth levels, whose expected value at any future stage is equal to the investor’s current wealth. In decision theory, a risk neutral investor would therefore be indifferent between holding on to a martingale investment, and receiving its payoff at any future stage, or giving it up and maintaining his current wealth. But a risk-averse decision maker would (...)
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  47. A Theory of Rational Choice under Ignorance.Klaus Nehring - 2000 - Theory and Decision 48 (3):205-240.
    This paper contributes to a theory of rational choice for decision-makers with incomplete preferences due to partial ignorance, whose beliefs are representable as sets of acceptable priors. We focus on the limiting case of `Complete Ignorance' which can be viewed as reduced form of the general case of partial ignorance. Rationality is conceptualized in terms of a `Principle of Preference-Basedness', according to which rational choice should be isomorphic to asserted preference. The main result characterizes axiomatically a new choice-rule called `Simultaneous (...)
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    Synergistic Information Processing Encrypts Strategic Reasoning in Poker.Seth Frey, Dominic K. Albino & Paul L. Williams - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (5):1457-1476.
    There is a tendency in decision‐making research to treat uncertainty only as a problem to be overcome. But it is also a feature that can be leveraged, particularly in social interaction. Comparing the behavior of profitable and unprofitable poker players, we reveal a strategic use of information processing that keeps decision makers unpredictable. To win at poker, a player must exploit public signals from others. But using public inputs makes it easier for an observer to reconstruct that player's strategy and (...)
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  49. Playing by the rules: a philosophical examination of rule-based decision-making in law and in life.Frederick F. Schauer - 1991 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Rules are a central component of such diverse enterprises as law, morality, language, games, religion, etiquette, and family governance, but there is often confusion about what a rule is, and what rules do. Offering a comprehensive philosophical analysis of these questions, this book challenges much of the existing legal, jurisprudential, and philosophical literature, by seeing a significant role for rules, an equally significant role for their stricter operation, and making the case for rules as devices for the allocation of power (...)
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    Media violence and Christian ethics.Jolyon Mitchell - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    How can audiences interact creatively, wisely and peaceably with the many different forms of violence found throughout today's media? Suicide attacks, graphic executions and the horrors of war appear in news reports, films, web-sites, and even on mobile phones. One approach towards media violence is to attempt to protect viewers; another is to criticize journalists, editors, film-makers and their stories. In this book Jolyon Mitchell highlights Christianity's ambiguous relationship with media violence. He goes beyond debates about the effects of watching (...)
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