Results for ' Marriage law'

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  1.  14
    Marriage Laws in the Bible and the Talmud.L. M. Epstein - 1942 - BRILL.
    Preliminary Material /Louis M. Epstein --Polygamy /Louis M. Epstein --Concubinage /Louis M. Epstein --Levirate Marriage /Louis M. Epstein --Intermarriage /Louis M. Epstein --Incest /Louis M. Epstein --Other Marriage Prohibitions /Louis M. Epstein --Abbreviations /Louis M. Epstein --Register of Foreign Terms /Louis M. Epstein --Bibliography /Louis M. Epstein --Index of Subjects and Names /Louis M. Epstein.
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    Α phantom marriage law.Ernst Badian - 1985 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 129 (1-2):82-98.
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    The Marriage Laws in Plato's Republic.G. M. A. Grube - 1927 - Classical Quarterly 21 (2):95-99.
    The difficult and apparently inconsistent regulations by which certain marriages are forbidden in the Republic have not, it would seem, been consistently explained hitherto. It is the purpose of this article to prove that—if we read Plato's text without prejudice—marriages between brothers and sisters are nowhere prohibited, but expressly allowed; and that there are in the ideal city certain family groups, though I do not contend that any very great importance is to be attached to these.
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    Marriage laws and statutory experiments in eugenics in the United States.R. Newton Crane - 1910 - The Eugenics Review 2 (1):61.
  5. Marriage laws and gender discrimination : the anti-miscegnation analogy.John M. Orlando - 2011 - In Adrianne McEvoy (ed.), Sex, Love, and Friendship: Studies of the Society for the Philosophy of Sex and Love, 1993-2003. New York, NY: Rodopi.
  6. What Marriage Law Can Learn from Citizenship Law.Govind Persad - 2013 - Tul. Jl and Sexuality 22:103.
    Citizenship and marriage are legal statuses that generate numerous privileges and responsibilities. Legal doctrine and argument have analogized these statuses in passing: consider, for example, Ted Olson’s statement in the Hollingsworth v. Perry oral argument that denying the label “marriage” to gay unions “is like you were to say you can vote, you can travel, but you may not be a citizen.” However, the parallel between citizenship and marriage has rarely been investigated in depth. This paper investigates (...)
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    The New Regime of Marriage Law: Its Significance for Catholic Life.Joseph Boyle - 2015 - Quaestiones Disputatae 5 (2):86-103.
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    Mischiefs of the marriage law.Edw T. Salvesen - 1932 - The Eugenics Review 24 (2):145.
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    Dissociation and re-imagination: the publicity of Chinese marriage law and divorce narrative in the 1950s.Yingyu Luo & Chao Han - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (4):e0240056.
    Résumé: Après la promulgation de la loi sur le mariage de la République populaire de Chine en 1950, les œuvres littéraires dérivées du besoin de publicité ont des implications politiques et une signification disciplinaire distinctes. Parce que le problème du divorce a la rationalité des “droits libres” et la sensibilité de l’agitation sociale, le récit du “divorce” à cette époque se situe dans une certaine mesure entre la politique et la réalité. D’une part, les œuvres littéraires doivent promouvoir positivement le (...)
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  10. Minimal marriage: What political liberalism implies for marriage law.Elizabeth Brake - 2010 - Ethics 120 (2):302-337.
    Recent defenses of same-sex marriage and polygamy have invoked the liberal doctrines of neutrality and public reason. Such reasoning is generally sound but does not go far enough. This paper traces the full implications of political liberalism for marriage. I argue that the constraints of public reason, applied to marriage law, entail ‘minimal marriage’, the most extensive set of state-determined restrictions on marriage compatible with political liberalism. Minimal marriage sets no principled restrictions on the (...)
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    Das Jüdische Eherechtjewish Marriage Law.Walter Homolka - 2009 - De Gruyter Recht.
    Das jüdische Eherecht ist eines der religiösen Rechtsfelder, die Rabbiner in ihrer Praxis am meisten beschäftigen. Im Staat Israel ist das jüdische Familienrecht bis heute für die Regelung von Eheschließung und Scheidung zwischen Juden relevant. Das Buch führt in das Jüdische Recht insgesamt und in seine Entwicklung in den verschiedenen Strömungen des Judentums ein. Es folgt ein Überblick über Brautwerbung, Verlobung, Details der Eheschließung wie Zeugenregeln und Festsetzung des Trautermins sowie Eheverbote. Dabei werden die Themen Jüdischer Status, Mischehe und Übertritt (...)
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    A Child's Right to Be Well Born: Venereal Disease and the Eugenic Marriage Laws, 1913–1935.Paul A. Lombardo - 2017 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 60 (2):211-232.
    For nearly a century, and until very recently, the majority of U.S. states required a blood test for marriage license applicants. The tests identified people with conditions formerly designated as "venereal diseases," most importantly gonorrhea and syphilis. Those who tested positive were barred from civil marriage. Although the premarital testing requirement is no longer a feature of state law, numerous related enactments are common features of law in most states.The historical literature describing the rise and fall of laws (...)
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    The Julian marriage laws T.s. Vigorita: Casta domus. Un seminario sulla legislazione augustea , 2nd edn. Pp. 192. Naples: Jovene editore, 2002. Paper, €16.80. Isbn: 88-243-1427-. [REVIEW]Lisa A. Hughes - 2003 - The Classical Review 53 (02):425-.
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  14. From Mrs. Burns To Mrs. Oxley: Do Co-habiting Women (Still) Need Marriage Law? [REVIEW]Anne Bottomley - 2006 - Feminist Legal Studies 14 (2):181-211.
    Following the U.K. Labour government commitment to marriage in the 1998 Green Paper ‘Supporting Families’, Barlow and Duncan produced a robust critique calling for ‘realism’ in recognising that many couples are now choosing not to marry, that too many do not make informed decisions as to whether to marry or not and that, on the basis of their survey, over 40% of respondents believed that some form of family law protection would be available to them, despite their lack of (...)
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    What’s in a name? Stance markers in oral argument about marriage laws.Karen Tracy - 2011 - Discourse and Communication 5 (1):65-88.
    This study examines the relationship between person-referencing terms and attorney and judges’ stances during oral argument in three US state supreme courts as each considered whether its existing state law could restrict marriage to one man and one woman. After reviewing past work on stancetaking and person referencing, I provide background on appellate oral argument and the three cases. Combining discourse analysis with simple quantitative coding, the study shows that attorneys’ and judges’ choices of terms for gay parties and (...)
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  16.  35
    Review. Constantine's marriage laws. Law and the family in late antiquity: the emporer Constantine's marriage laws. J E Grubbs. [REVIEW]Gillian Clark - 1996 - The Classical Review 46 (2):294-295.
  17. Minimizing Marriage: Marriage, Morality, and the Law.Elizabeth Brake - 2012 - , US: Oup Usa.
    This book addresses fundamental questions about marriage in moral and political philosophy. It examines promise, commitment, care, and contract to argue that marriage is not morally transformative. It argues that marriage discriminates against other forms of caring relationships and that, legally, restrictions on entry should be minimized.
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    Seeing Rape as Rape: Philosophical and Historical Perspectives on Marriage Law.Rossella Pisconti - 2013 - Philosophy Study 3 (7).
    In this paper, I critically challenge the ability of legal reforms to recognize and integrate the way in which a rape victim sees rape. Current limitations to the law are mainly due to the accepted patriarchal view on law as a form of objective and rational knowledge, outside which there are only impracticable and irrational views. I investigate the case of marriage jurisprudence in the UK, as a prominent example, because it has long accepted marital rape as objectively and (...)
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  19. Law and the Power of Feminism: How Marriage Lost its Power to Oppress Women.Rosemary Auchmuty - 2012 - Feminist Legal Studies 20 (2):71-87.
    In Feminism and the Power of Law Carol Smart argued that feminists should use non-legal strategies rather than looking to law to bring about women’s liberation. This article seeks to demonstrate that, as far as marriage is concerned, she was right. Statistics and contemporary commentary show how marriage, once the ultimate and only acceptable status for women, has declined in social significance to such an extent that today it is a mere lifestyle choice. This is due to many (...)
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    Papal Enforcement of Some Medieval Marriage Laws. [REVIEW]E. A. Ryan - 1940 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 15 (4):746-747.
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    Book Review: Flavia Agnes, Sudhir Chandra and Monmayee Basu (eds.), Women and Law in India – An Omnibus comprising Flavia Agnes, Law and Gender Inequality, Sudhir Chandra, Enslaved Daughters and Monmayee Basu, Hindu Women and Marriage Law, New Delhi: OUP, 2004, 766 pp., £ 26.95, ISBN: 0 19 5667670. [REVIEW]Reena Patel - 2005 - Feminist Legal Studies 13 (2):259-261.
  22. Kant on the Law of Marriage.Allan Beever - 2013 - Kantian Review 18 (3):339-362.
    The account of marriage Kant presents in the Rechtslehre strikes most readers as cold, legalistic and obsessed with sex. It seems to ignore at least nearly all of the morally valuable aspects of marriage. Consequently, most have felt that this is a feature of Kant 's theory best ignored. Against this view, this article argues that Kant 's focus is appropriate, that his understanding of marriage is much more romantic than is commonly thought and that it presents (...)
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  23. Natural Law, Same-Sex Marriage, and the Politics of Virtue.Gary Chartier - 2001 - UCLA Law Review 48:1593-1632.
    Argues that natural law theory provides no credible basis for objecting to the legal recognition of same-sex marriage and offers a two-fold defense of marriage equality: natural-law arguments against marriage equality are unsuccessful; and, even if they are; proponents of new classical natural law theory should still see legally recognizing same-sex marriages as reasonable.
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    Genetics and the Law.Aubrey Milunsky, George J. Annas, National Genetics Foundation & American Society of Law and Medicine - 2012 - Springer.
    Society has historically not taken a benign view of genetic disease. The laws permitting sterilization of the mentally re tarded~ and those proscribing consanguineous marriages are but two examples. Indeed as far back as the 5th-10th centuries, B.C.E., consanguineous unions were outlawed (Leviticus XVIII, 6). Case law has traditionally tended toward the conservative. It is reactive rather than directive, exerting its influence only after an individual or group has sustained injury and brought suit. In contrast, state legislatures have not been (...)
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    Sexual and Reproductive Health: How Can Situational Judgment Tests Help Assess the Norm and Identify Target Groups? A Field Study in Sierra Leone.Lisa Selma Moussaoui, Erin Law, Nancy Claxton, Sofia Itämäki, Ahmada Siogope, Hannele Virtanen & Olivier Desrichard - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Sexual and reproductive health is a challenge worldwide, and much progress is needed to reach the relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals. This paper presents cross-sectional data collected in Sierra Leone on sexual and gender-based violence, family planning, child, early and forced marriage, and female genital mutilation using an innovative method of measurement: situational judgment tests, as a subset of questions within a larger survey tool. For the SJTs, respondents saw hypothetical scenarios on these themes and had to indicate how (...)
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    Lemons, Katherine: Divorcing Traditions. Islamic Marriage Law and the Making of Indian Secularism. London: Cornell University Press, 2019. 232 pp. ISBN 978-​1-​5017-​3477-​9. Price: £ 20.95. [REVIEW]Othmar Gächter - 2021 - Anthropos 116 (1):249-251.
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    Bioethics, Law, and Human Life Issues: A Catholic Perspective on Marriage, Family, Contraception, Abortion, Reproductive Technology, Death and Dying by D. Brian Scarnecchia.William E. May - 2013 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 13 (2):377-380.
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    Laws on health and marriage.C. P. Blacker - 1935 - The Eugenics Review 27 (3):191.
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    Negotiating the Rule of Law and Human Rights in Interfaith Marriage Registration in Contemporary Indonesia.Nor Salam & Jamrud Qomaruz Zaman - 2024 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 19 (1):117-145.
    The Supreme Court Circular Letter Number 2 of 2023, which prohibits the registration of interfaith marriages in Indonesia, aims to provide legal clarity following longstanding debates fueled by the abstract nature of existing norms. While the circular seeks to enforce uniformity in marriage regulations, it raises concerns regarding human rights, especially the rights to freedom, equality, and the pursuit of happiness, which are central to democratic governance. This article seeks to examine interfaith marriage registration by utilizing normative and (...)
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    Feminism, marriage, and the law in Victorian England.Joyce Senders Pedersen - 1994 - History of European Ideas 18 (4):630-632.
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    Marriage Licence or Licence to Kill? Womanslaughter in the Criminal Law.Jill Radford - 1982 - Feminist Review 11 (1):88-96.
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    Slave Marriages in the Laws of Gortyn: A Matter of Rights?David Lewis - 2013 - História 62 (4):390-416.
  33. Irreconcilable differences? The troubled marriage of science and law.Susan Haack - 2009 - Law and Contemporary Problems 72 (1).
    Because its business is to resolve disputed issues, the law very often calls on those fields of science where the pressure of commercial interests is most severe. Because the legal system aspires to handle disputes promptly, the scientific questions to which it seeks answers will often be those for which all the evidence is not yet in. Because of its case-specificity, the legal system often demands answers of a kind science is not well-equipped to supply; and, for related reasons, constitutes (...)
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    Public Practice, Private Law: An Essay on Love, Marriage, and the State.Gary Chartier - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    Marriage is ordinarily a public practice, supported by, as well as supportive of, society. But it need not fall within the purview of the state. Public Practice, Private Law articulates a conception of marriage as a morally rich and important institution that ought to be subject to private rather than legislative or judicial ordering. It elaborates a robust understanding of marriage that captures what both different-sex and same-sex couples might see as valuable about their relationships. It explains (...)
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    Child Marriage in Bangladesh: Policy and Ethics.Ahnaf Tahmid Arnab & Md Sanwar Siraj - 2020 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 11 (1):24-34.
    Bangladesh is a Muslim-majority society with more than 163 million people. Most Bangladeshis hold the ideals of Islamic norms and values which is manifest in all sorts of socio-cultural behaviour. In reference to such values, the tradition of legitimizing child marriage in Bangladesh is the issue that needs to be addressed in a holistic yet rigorous approach. Currently Bangladesh ranks 4th in the world and 1st in Asia in terms of child marriage. Recently the Child Marriage Restraint (...)
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  36. New Natural Law Theory and the Grounds of Marriage.Joshua D. Goldstein - 2011 - Social Theory and Practice 37 (3):461-482.
    New natural lawyers--notably Grisez, Finnis, and George--have written much on civil marriage's moral boundaries and grounds, but with slight influence. The peripheral place of the new natural law theory (NNLT) results from the marital grounds they suggest and the exclusionary moral conclusions they draw from them. However, I argue a more authentic and attractive NNLT account of marriage is recoverable through overlooked resources within the theory itself: friendship and moral self-constitution. This reconstructed account allows us to identify the (...)
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    The Natural Law and Innovative Forms of Marriage.Jean Porter - 2010 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 30 (2):79-97.
    THIS ESSAY EXPLORES THE IMPLICATIONS OF A NATURAL LAW ACCOUNT of marriage for the gay marriage controversy, starting from the concept of the natural law developed by scholastic jurists and theologians in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Certainly, the scholastics themselves unanimously condemned homosexual acts, and probably never entertained the possibility of same-sex marital unions. Yet this fact taken by itself does not mean that their overall concept of the natural law and the approach to marriage developed (...)
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  38. Religious Courtship Being Historical Discourses on the Necessity of Marrying Religious Husbands and Wives Only. As Also of Husbands and Wives Being of the Same Opinions in Religion with One Another. With an Appendix on the Necessity of Taking None but Religious Servants, and a Proposal for the Better Managing of Servants.Daniel Defoe, A. Millar & W. Law - 1796 - Printed for A. Millar, W. Law, and R. Cater; and for Wilson, Spence, and Mawman, York.
  39. Law and the Culture of Marriage.Gerard Bradley - 2004 - Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy 18 (1):189-218.
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    Bioethics, law, and human life issues: a Catholic perspective on marriage, family, contraception, abortion, reproductive technology, and death and dying.D. Brian Scarnecchia - 2010 - Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press.
    Introduction -- Rational anthropology and the difference between persons and animals -- Human freedom and conscience -- The three moral determinants and doubts of conscience -- The principle of double effect and consequentialism -- Cooperation and scandal -- Virtues--natural and supernatural -- Sin and grace -- Revelation -- Reproductive technologies -- Homosexuality and same-sex marriage -- Contraception -- Abortion -- Marriage and family -- End of life issues -- Appendix A : Summary of Evangelium Vitae -- Appendix B (...)
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    Review Article: Law of Desire: Temporary Marriage in Iran.Mandana Hendessi - 1991 - Feminist Review 38 (1):71-78.
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    Minimizing Marriage: Marriage, Morality, and the Law by E. Brake, 2012 Oxford, Oxford University Pressx + 256 pp., £64.00 , £16.99. [REVIEW]Jan Deckers - 2014 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 31 (4):442-444.
  43. A natural law theory of marriage.Don S. Browning - 2011 - Zygon 46 (3):733-760.
    Abstract. For the past two decades, I have been developing an integrative Christian marriage theory, based in part on a grounding concept of natural law and an overarching theory of covenant. The natural law part of this theory starts with an account of the natural facts, conditions, interests, needs, and qualities of human life, interaction, and generation—what I call the “premoral” goods or realities of life. It then identifies the natural inclinations of humans to form enduring and exclusive monogamous (...)
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    Showing what “marriage” is: Law’s civilizing sign.Soo Meng Jude Chua - 2016 - Semiotica 2016 (209):249-275.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2016 Heft: 209 Seiten: 249-275.
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    Military marriage S. E. phang: The marriage of Roman soldiers (13 bc–ad 235). Law and family in the imperial army . Pp. VI + 470. Leiden, boston, and cologne: Brill, 2001. Cased, $112. Isbn: 90-04-12155-. [REVIEW]Richard Alston - 2002 - The Classical Review 52 (02):325-.
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    Why the Teleology of Marriage Matters to Law.Mark J. Boone - 2015 - The Evangelical Philosophical Society's Web Project for Philosophical Discussions of Marriage and Family Topics.
    What is at stake in the conversation over same-sex marriage is competing definitions of marriage. -/- One good argument for same-sex marriage depends on a definition that came to prominence after the sexual revolution. A different understanding of marriage was prominent in the nineteenth century, and this shows that Obergefell was wrongly decided, at least as far as Originalist understandings of law are concerned. -/- Accordingly, the nature, purpose, and function of marriage, and what people (...)
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    Is priesthood an adaptive strategy?Denis K. Deady, Miriam J. Law Smith, J. P. Kent & R. I. M. Dunbar - 2006 - Human Nature 17 (4):393-404.
    This study examines the socioeconomic and familial background of Irish Catholic priests born between 1867 and 1911. Previous research has hypothesized that lack of marriage opportunities may influence adoption of celibacy as part of a religious institution. The present study traced data from Irish seminary registries for 46 Catholic priests born in County Limerick, Ireland, using 1901 Irish Census returns and Land Valuation records. Priests were more likely to originate from landholding backgrounds, and with landholdings greater in size and (...)
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  48. Review: Elizabeth Brake, Minimizing Marriage: Marriage, Morality, and the Law. [REVIEW]Ralph Wedgwood - 2012 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.
    This is a review of Elizabeth Brake's book Minimizing Marriage: Marriage, Morality, and the Law (Oxford University Press, 2012).
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    Race, Marriage, and Sovereignty in the New World Order.Jane Dailey - 2009 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 10 (2):511-533.
    Racially restrictive marriage laws lay at the intersection of state claims of domestic sovereignty and federal obligations to protect the constitutional rights of citizens. In 1948, California overturned its antimiscegenation law, citing, in addition to the Fourteenth Amendment, the United Nations Charter. This decision sparked a contentious discussion about the relationship of human rights norms to racial conventions in the United States, and triggered a debate about the peril of international law that resulted in an effort to amend the (...)
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    Interfaith Marriage of North Sulawesi Multicultural Community in Minority Fiqh Perspective.Gunawan Edi, Hakim Budi Rahmat, Reza Adeputra Tohis & Mash'ud Imam - 2024 - Al-Ihkam: Jurnal Hukum Dan Pranata Sosial 19 (2):384-412.
    The teachings of Islam and the Indonesian constitution clearly prohibit interfaith marriage. However, some Muslim communities in North Sulawesi as a minority group have entered into interfaith marriages. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the phenomenon of interreligious marriage in North Sulawesi and the achievement of minority fiqh objectives in interfaith families. This research is a field research that uses qualitative methods with a phenomenological approach. Data collection was conducted through interviews with informants consisting of 5 interfaith (...) actors, 1 village official, and 1 religious leader. The results showed that the main motivation for interfaith couples to marry is mutual love. They also tend to get support from their respective extended families so that the marriage runs relatively smoothly and safely. The objectives of minority fiqh are achieved in interfaith marriages in the multicultural society of North Sulawesi. Minority fiqh can be an approach in interfaith marriages in multicultural societies where Muslims are a minority, without losing their Islamic essence, it is based on the fiqh rule that changes in law can occur due to changes in times and places. Minority jurisprudence can be an alternative basis for the sustainability of interfaith families in North Sulawesi that are able to maintain their Islamic identity while still respecting their partner's beliefs. (shrink)
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