Results for ' Massive resistance'

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  1.  6
    Book Review: Mothers of Massive Resistance: White Women and the Politics of White Supremacy by Elizabeth Gillespie McRae. [REVIEW]Christina Jarymowycz - 2019 - Gender and Society 33 (3):498-500.
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  2. Mothers of Massive Resistance: White Women and the Politics of White Supremacy.[author unknown] - 2018
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    The Right to Resist and the Right of Rebellion.Yulia Razmetaeva - 2014 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 21 (3):758-784.
    The right to resist and the right to rebel have again become relevant as legal problems. Their justifications traditionally derive from natural law, human rights, the principle of the lesser evil or of the social contract. Interpretation of the right to resist expresses the tendencies to the law of people, in particular, the right to self-determination, distinguishing national and international understanding, and underscores the special nature of such right. Also, two-level research of the right to resist should be distinguished research (...)
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    Planning to teach difficult history through historical inquiry: The case of school desegregation.Yonghee Suh, Brian Daugherity & Danielle Hartsfield - 2021 - Journal of Social Studies Research 45 (2):71-83.
    This exploratory study investigates the ways in which secondary U.S. history teachers who attended two iterations of a teacher professional development workshop, focusing on the history of school desegregation in Virginia, planned to teach the history of school desegregation through historical inquiry. Conceptualizing the history of school desegregation as difficult history, the authors conducted the content analysis of 23 written lesson plans generated by workshop participants. The historiography of school desegregation, and research on four dimensions of historical inquiry such as (...)
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    Varieties of Biosocial Imagination: Reframing Responses to Climate Change and Antibiotic Resistance.Johanna Motzkau & Nick Lee - 2013 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 38 (4):447-469.
    The authors present climate change and antibiotic resistance as emergent biosocial phenomena—ongoing products of massively multiple interactions among human lifestyles and broader life processes. They argue that response to climate change and antibiotic resistance is often framed by two varieties of biosocial imagination. Anthropocentric imaginations privilege the question of human distinctiveness. Anthropomorphic imaginations privilege the question of whether biosocial processes can be modeled in terms of centers of moral and causal responsibility. Together, these frame the matter of response (...)
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    The Untamed Politics of Urban Informality: “Gray Space” and Struggles for Recognition in an African City.Christine Ampaire & Ilda Lindell - 2016 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 17 (1):257-282.
    This Article examines the ways in which market vendors in Kampala, Uganda, responded to plans to redevelop their markets through the concession of long-term leases to private investors. These plans met with massive resistance from the marketers, with significant outcomes. The Article uncovers how the marketers actively negotiated a “gray space” between legality and illegality and creatively used the law, with a view to asserting themselves as the legitimate rulers of their markets. It shows how the marketers engaged (...)
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  7. Progressus as an Explanatory Model: An Anthropological Principle Illustrated by the Russia-Ukraine War.Paul Ertl - 2023 - Conatus 8 (2):175-194.
    At the beginning of the Russian Federation’s attack on Ukraine in February 2022, the European Union put up massive resistance, but due to its sudden overload, it was unable to deal with the situation adequately. It was in a state of paralysis for some time. Therefore, five explanatory models for the Russian actions are presented: an offensive, a defensive, a situational, a socio-cultural, and an ideological-historical one. It is then shown that the German term Gewalt, which combines the (...)
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    Cutting red tape to manage public health threats: An ethical dilemma of expediting antibiotic drug innovation.Christian Munthe & Niels Nijsingh - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (7):785-791.
    Antibiotic resistance, arising when bacteria develop defences against antibiotics, is creating a public health threat of massive proportions. This raises challenging questions for standard notions in bioethics when suitable policy is to be characterized and justified. We examine the particular proposal of expediting innovation of new antibiotics by cutting various forms of regulatory ‘red tape’ in the standard system for the clinical introduction of new drugs. We find strong principled reasons in favour of such a lowering of the (...)
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    Cognitive Error and Contemplative Practices: The Cultivation of Discernment in Mind and Heart.Wesley J. Wildman - 2009 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 29:61-82.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Cognitive Error and Contemplative Practices:The Cultivation of Discernment in Mind and HeartWesley J. WildmanBrains are amazing organs in all creatures with central nervous systems and especially in human beings. But they are not perfect. Without forgetting the larger success story of cognitive evolution, I want to explore the way that cognitive biases sometimes produce errors in both religious and secular social settings and how such errors can be diagnosed (...)
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    Master and Slave: the Dialectic of Human-Artificial Intelligence Engagement.Tae Wan Kim, Fabrizio Maimone, Katherina Pattit, Alejo José Sison & Benito Teehankee - 2021 - Humanistic Management Journal 6 (3):355-371.
    The massive introduction of artificial intelligence has triggered significant societal concerns, ranging from “technological unemployment” and the dominance of algorithms in the work place and in everyday life, among others. While AI is made by humans and is, therefore, dependent on the latter for its purpose, the increasing capabilities of AI to carry out productive activities for humans can lead the latter to unwitting slavish existence. This has become evident, for example, in the area of social media use, where (...)
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  11.  28
    The MOOC and the Multitude.Matthew X. Curinga - 2016 - Educational Theory 66 (3):369-387.
    Massive open online courses take university lectures and other educational materials and make them available for free as online “courses.” Liberal and neoliberal MOOC supporters laud these courses for opening up education to the world while incorporating market dynamics to improve quality and drive down costs. Skeptics claim MOOCs are a bald attempt to privatize higher learning, thus creating an apartheid educational system with traditional universities serving the wealthy while everyone else is left with cut-rate online learning. This essay (...)
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    Adopting a Global AMR Target within the Pandemic Instrument Will Act as a Catalyst for Action.Susan Rogers Van Katwyk, Lindsay Wilson, Isaac Weldon, Steven J. Hoffman & Mathieu J. P. Poirier - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (S2):64-70.
    Ensuring that life-saving antimicrobials remain available as effective treatment options in the face of rapidly rising levels of antimicrobial resistance will require a massive and coordinated global effort. Setting a collective direction for progress is the first step towards aligning global efforts on AMR. This process would be greatly accelerated by adopting a unifying global target — a well-defined global target that unites all countries and sectors. The proposed pandemic instrument — with its focus on prevention, preparedness and (...)
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    Origin of Adult Animal Rights Lifestyle in Childhood Responsiveness to Animal Suffering.Nicole Pallotta - 2008 - Society and Animals 16 (2):149-170.
    This qualitative study examines the childhood experiences of adult animal rights activists regarding their feelings about, and interactions with, nonhuman animals. Central to children's experiences with animals is the act of eating them, a ritual both normalized and encouraged by the dominant culture and agents of socialization. Yet, despite the massive power of socialization, sometimes children resist the dominant norms of consumption regarding animals. In addition to engaging in acts of resistance, some children, as suggested in the biographical (...)
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    Storage of Carotenoids in Crustaceans as an Adaptation to Modulate Immunopathology and Optimize Immunological and Life‐History Strategies.Aurélie Babin, Jérôme Moreau & Yannick Moret - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (11):1800254.
    Why do some invertebrates store so much carotenoids in their tissues? Storage of carotenoids may not simply be passive and dependent on their environmental availability, as storage variation exists at various taxonomic scales, including among individuals within species. While the strong antioxidant and sometimes immune-stimulating properties of carotenoids may be beneficial enough to cause the evolution of features improving their assimilation and storage, they may also have fitness downsides explaining why massive carotenoid storage is not universal. Here, the functional (...)
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  15.  15
    Roman Kuhar & David Paternotte (dir.), Campagnes anti-genre en Europe. Des mobilisations contre l’égalité.Valérie Opériol - 2019 - Clio 50.
    Des mobilisations massives contre « l’idéologie du genre » ont marqué les années 2010. Elles sont le point de départ de ce livre. Le succès du mouvement a pris de court les et acteurs/trices de la lutte pour l’égalité des sexes et l’extension des libertés individuelles en matière d’orientation sexuelle : les résistances ne se réduisent pas à quelques reliquats du passé, mais se matérialisent partout, dans une nouvelle campagne transnationale, organisée et coordonnée à large échel...
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    The poetics of identity making: precarity and agency in Tahmima Anam’s The Good Muslim.Xin Yan Chew & Moussa Pourya Asl - 2023 - Journal for Cultural Research 28 (1):86-101.
    Bangladesh experienced a massive surge in humanitarian crises after the 1971 Liberation War due to the systematic use of violence at both public and private spheres. Fictional accounts of the post-conflict period depict women as subjected to institutionalised sexism and aggravated physical and mental violence. Critical studies on such narratives often reiterate a stereotypical and essentialising discourse surrounding women’s identity, characterising them as helpless and passive victims of discrimination and exploitation. Drawing upon Judith Butler’s notions of precarity and agency, (...)
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    L'empire de la honte.Jean Ziegler - 2005 - [Paris]: Fayard.
    Nous assistons aujourd'hui à un formidable mouvement de reféodalisation du monde. C'est que le 11 septembre n'a pas seulement été l'occasion pour George W. Bush d'étendre l'emprise des Etats-Unis sur le monde, l'événement a frappé les trois coups de la mise en coupe réglée des peuples de l'hémisphère Sud par les grandes sociétés transcontinentales. Pour parvenir à imposer ce régime inédit de soumission des peuples aux intérêts des grandes compagnies privées, il est deux armes de destruction massive dont les (...)
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  18.  44
    Exploring Models for an International Legal Agreement on the Global Antimicrobial Commons: Lessons from Climate Agreements.Susan Rogers Van Katwyk, Alberto Giubilini, Claas Kirchhelle, Isaac Weldon, Mark Harrison, Angela McLean, Julian Savulescu & Steven J. Hoffman - 2023 - Health Care Analysis 31 (1):25-46.
    An international legal agreement governing the global antimicrobial commons would represent the strongest commitment mechanism for achieving collective action on antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Since AMR has important similarities to climate change—both are common pool resource challenges that require massive, long-term political commitments—the first article in this special issue draws lessons from various climate agreements that could be applicable for developing a grand bargain on AMR. We consider the similarities and differences between the Paris Climate Agreement and current governance (...)
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  19. Bayesian Perspectives on Mathematical Practice.James Franklin - 2024 - In Bharath Sriraman (ed.), Handbook of the History and Philosophy of Mathematical Practice. Cham: Springer. pp. 2711-2726.
    Mathematicians often speak of conjectures as being confirmed by evidence that falls short of proof. For their own conjectures, evidence justifies further work in looking for a proof. Those conjectures of mathematics that have long resisted proof, such as the Riemann hypothesis, have had to be considered in terms of the evidence for and against them. In recent decades, massive increases in computer power have permitted the gathering of huge amounts of numerical evidence, both for conjectures in pure mathematics (...)
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    A Distributed Connectionist Production System.David S. Touretzky & Geoffrey E. Hinton - 1988 - Cognitive Science 12 (3):423-466.
    DCPS is a connectionist production system interpreter that uses distributed representations. As a connectionist model it consists of many simple, richly interconnected neuron‐like computing units that cooperate to solve problems in parallel. One motivation for constructing DCPS was to demonstrate that connectionist models are capable of representing and using explicit rules. A second motivation was to show how “coarse coding” or “distributed representations” can be used to construct a working memory that requires far fewer units than the number of different (...)
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  21. Second-order logic: properties, semantics, and existential commitments.Bob Hale - 2019 - Synthese 196 (7):2643-2669.
    Quine’s most important charge against second-, and more generally, higher-order logic is that it carries massive existential commitments. The force of this charge does not depend upon Quine’s questionable assimilation of second-order logic to set theory. Even if we take second-order variables to range over properties, rather than sets, the charge remains in force, as long as properties are individuated purely extensionally. I argue that if we interpret them as ranging over properties more reasonably construed, in accordance with an (...)
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  22. Unjust Borders: Individuals and the Ethics of Immigration.Javier S. Hidalgo - 2018 - Routledge.
    States restrict immigration on a massive scale. Governments fortify their borders with walls and fences, authorize border patrols, imprison migrants in detention centers, and deport large numbers of foreigners. Unjust Borders: Individuals and the Ethics of Immigration argues that immigration restrictions are systematically unjust and examines how individual actors should respond to this injustice. Javier Hidalgo maintains that individuals can rightfully resist immigration restrictions and often have strong moral reasons to subvert these laws. This book makes the case that (...)
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  23. Doncaster pandas and Caesar's armadillo: Scepticism and via negativa knowledge.Levi Spectre & John Hawthorne - 2023 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 108 (2):360-373.
    The external world sceptic tells some familiar narratives involving massive deception. Perhaps we are brains in vats. Perhaps we are the victim of a deceitful demon. You know the drill. The sceptic proceeds by observing first that victims of such deceptions know nothing about their external environment and that second, since we cannot rule out being a victim of such deceptions our- selves, our own external world beliefs fail to attain the status of knowledge. Discussions of global external world (...)
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    The Risks and Benefits of Searching for Incidental Findings in MRI Research Scans.Jason M. Royal & Bradley S. Peterson - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (2):305-314.
    The question of how to handle incidental findings has sparked a heated debate among neuroimaging researchers and medical ethicists, a debate whose urgency stems largely from the recent explosion in the number of imaging studies being conducted and in the sheer volume of scans being acquired. Perhaps the point of greatest controversy within this debate is whether the magnetic resonance imaging scans of all research participants should be reviewed in an active search for pathology and, moreover, whether this search should (...)
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    Data barns, ambient intelligence and cloud computing: the tacit epistemology and linguistic representation of Big Data.Lisa Portmess & Sara Tower - 2015 - Ethics and Information Technology 17 (1):1-9.
    The explosion of data grows at a rate of roughly five trillion bits a second, giving rise to greater urgency in conceptualizing the infosphere and understanding its implications for knowledge and public policy. Philosophers of technology and information technologists alike who wrestle with ontological and epistemological questions of digital information tend to emphasize, as Floridi does, information as our new ecosystem and human beings as interconnected informational organisms, inforgs at home in ambient intelligence. But the linguistic and conceptual representations of (...)
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    Deterrence or Appeasement? or, On Trying to be Rational about Nuclear War[1].S. I. Benn - 1984 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 1 (1):5-20.
    ABSTRACT This paper is about the problem of the moral responsibility resting on any person to form rational beliefs about, and moral attitudes towards, the deterrent threat of mutual assured destruction (MAD), which still lies behind the graduated nuclear response strategies now more fashionably discussed by military experts. The problem is to decide what kinds of reasons there are, and how to arrive in the light of them at determinate conclusions about deterrence and unilateral disarmament. Consequential arguments would be powerful, (...)
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    The Classical Electron Problem.Tepper L. Gill, W. W. Zachary & J. Lindesay - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (9):1299-1355.
    In this paper, we construct a parallel image of the conventional Maxwell theory by replacing the observer-time by the proper-time of the source. This formulation is mathematically, but not physically, equivalent to the conventional form. The change induces a new symmetry group which is distinct from, but closely related to the Lorentz group, and fixes the clock of the source for all observers. The new wave equation contains an additional term (dissipative), which arises instantaneously with acceleration. This shows that the (...)
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  28. Gay Marriage: The Victory of Political Correctness and Bad Arguments.Neven Sesardic - 2007 - Prolegomena 6 (1):5-28.
    Many Western intellectuals, especially those in humanities and social sciences, think that it can be easily shown that the persistent and massive opposition to same-sex marriage is rationally indefensible and that it is merely a result of prejudice or religious fanaticism. But a more detailed analysis of some of these widely accepted arguments against the conservative position reveals that these arguments are in fact based on logical fallacies and serious distortions of conservative criticisms of homosexual marriage. It is concluded (...)
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    Quantum Theory and the Nature of Consciousness.Thomas Görnitz - 2018 - Foundations of Science 23 (3):475-510.
    Our interest focusses on the idea, that consciousness is a powerful acting entity. Up to now there does not exist a scientific concept for this idea. This is not due to problems within the field of psychology or brain research, but rather in resisting theories of modern physics. That is, why we have to search for a solution in the field of physics. A solution can be found in a new understanding of the basics of physical theory. That could be (...)
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    The Ethics of LLMs at Universities: A Case for Restriction and Regulation.István Zárdai - 2024 - Toxiv e-Print System.
    ‘Disruptive technologies’ is a euphemism for new technologies released lacking adequate regulation, causing significant unemployment and costly, inefficient additional labour. So it stands with LLMs. They output lookalikes of authored writing. Most output remixes existing materials, effectively stealing, since lacking understanding and intention original meaning is not added. LLMs enable low-cost, high-reward dishonesty. Students attempt to submit these products as their own texts. Some in education propose to use LLMs to allow students to generate text and then revise it. This (...)
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  31. Inefficacy, Despair, and Difference-Making: A Secular Application of Kant's Moral Argument.Andrew Chignell - 2022 - In Luigi Caranti & Alessandro Pinzani (eds.), Kant and the Problem of Morality: Rethinking the Contemporary World. New York, NY: Routledge Chapman & Hall. pp. 47-72.
    Those of us who enjoy certain products of the global industrial economy but also believe it is wrong to consume them are often so demoralized by the apparent inefficacy of our individual, private choices that we are unable to resist. Although he was a deontologist, Kant was clearly aware of this ‘consequent-dependent’ side of our moral psychology. One version of his ‘moral proof’ is designed to respond to the threat of such demoralization in pursuit of the Highest Good. That version (...)
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    Biographical Encyclopedia of British Idealism (review).Karim Dharamsi - 2012 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 50 (1):146-147.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Biographical Encyclopedia of British IdealismKarim DharamsiWilliam Sweet, editor. Biographical Encyclopedia of British Idealism. New York-London: Continuum, 2010. Pp. xx + 724. Cloth, $295.00.The term ‘British Idealism’ underdetermines the interests and geographies of philosophers classed under its heading. It may imply a common goal or, indeed, location. This is misleading. The Biographical Encyclopedia of British Idealism goes a long way in demonstrating the challenge of grouping together philosophers with (...)
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  33. The paradox of public art: Democratic space, the avant-garde, and Richard Serra's "tilted arc".Caroline Levine - 2002 - Philosophy and Geography 5 (1):51 – 68.
    This essay interprets the controversy over Richard Serra's monumental sculpture, Tilted Arc , which was designed for a public plaza in downtown Manhattan in 1979 and then torn down five years later after intense public outcry. Levine reads this controversy as characteristic of contemporary debates over the arts, which continue the tradition of the nineteenth century avant-garde, pitting art against a wider public, and insisting that art must deliberately resist mainstream tastes and values in favor of marginality and innovation. This (...)
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  34. Readymades in the Social Sphere: an Interview with Daniel Peltz.Feliz Lucia Molina - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):17-24.
    Since 2008 I have been closely following the conceptual/performance/video work of Daniel Peltz. Gently rendered through media installation, ethnographic, and performance strategies, Peltz’s work reverently and warmly engages the inner workings of social systems, leaving elegant rips and tears in any given socio/cultural quilt. He engages readymades (of social and media constructions) and uses what are identified as interruptionist/interventionist strategies to disrupt parts of an existing social system, thus allowing for something other to emerge. Like the stereoscope that requires two (...)
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    François Rouquet & Fabrice Virgili, Les Françaises, les Français et l’Épuration.Laurent Douzou - 2018 - Clio 48.
    Il y a cinquante ans, l’universitaire américain Peter Novick publiait sous le titre The Resistance versus Vichy: The Purge of Collaborators in Liberated France la thèse qu’il avait consacrée à l’épuration sur le sol français : il y mettait à mal la version alors dominante d’une épuration supposée sauvage, massive et confuse. Dans la mesure où la traduction française, L’Épuration française, 1944-1949, attendit dix-sept ans pour voir le jour, la vision très noire de Robert Aron, distillée dans...
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    We: Reviving Social Hope.Ronald Aronson - 2017 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    The election of Donald Trump has exposed American society’s profound crisis of hope. By 2016 a generation of shrinking employment, rising inequality, the attack on public education, and the shredding of the social safety net, had set the stage for stunning insurgencies at opposite ends of the political spectrum. Against this dire background, Ronald Aronson offers an answer. He argues for a unique conception of social hope, one with the power for understanding and acting upon the present situation. Hope, he (...)
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    AIDS is Not a Business.William Flanagan & Gail Whiteman - 2005 - International Corporate Responsibility Series 2:375-391.
    Most major pharmaceutical companies have corporate social responsibility policies that pledge their commitment to improving the health and quality of life of people around the world. Yet these same companies also have difficulty in ensuring that developing countries have access to affordable medications. In the late 1990s, Brazil engaged in a heated battle with large US-backed multinational pharmaceutical companies. Brazil was facing a growing HIV epidemic and was determined to provide treatment to those in need. This required massive price (...)
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  38. Virtuous Law-Breaking.G. Alex Sinha - 2021 - Washington University Jurisprudence Review 2 (13):199-252.
    A rapidly growing body of scholarship embraces virtue jurisprudence, a series of (often ad hoc) attempts to incorporate the philosophical tradition of virtue ethics into legal theory. Broadly understood, virtue ethics describes an approach to moral questions that emphasizes the importance of developing and embodying various virtues, often as manifestations of human flourishing. Scholars typically contrast virtue ethics with deontological and consequentialist moral theories, tracing virtue-centered analysis to ancient Greek philosophers, and in particular to Aristotle. Virtue ethics has experienced a (...)
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    The Crisis of Sense of Belonging in Saud Alsanousi’s Saq al-Bamboo Novel.Adnan Arslan - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (2):993-1008.
    Some of the human needs are more important than others in order to be inevitable. One of these needs which cannot be avoided is the need for belonging to any authority. Whatever the name, religion, nation, homeland, flag etc. all these concepts are the reflections of the sense of belonging that comes with human existence. This article will discuss how Kuwaiti novelist Saud Alsanousi reflects the crisis of a child who is born from a secret relationship with a Filipino woman's (...)
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  40. Just War Theory, Crimes of War, and War Rape.Sally Scholz - 2006 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 20 (1):143-157.
    Recent decades have witnessed rape and sexual violence used on such a massive scale and often in a widespread and systematic program that the international community has had to recognize that rape and sexual violence are not just war crimes but might be crimes against humanity or even genocide. I suggest that just war theory, while limited in its applicability to mass rape, might nevertheless offer some framework for making the determination of when sexual violence and rape constitute war (...)
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    The Death Penalty, Volume I.Peggy Kamuf (ed.) - 2013 - University of Chicago Press.
    In this newest installment in Chicago’s series of Jacques Derrida’s seminars, the renowned philosopher attempts one of his most ambitious goals: the first truly philosophical argument against the death penalty. While much has been written against the death penalty, Derrida contends that Western philosophy is massively, if not always overtly, complicit with a logic in which a sovereign state has the right to take a life. Haunted by this notion, he turns to the key places where such logic has been (...)
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    Pourquoi la guerre aujourd'hui?Jean Baudrillard - 2015 - [Paris]: Lignes. Edited by Jacques Derrida & René Major.
    Début 2003, un très important dispositif de guerre a pris position dans le Golfe. On soupçonne le dirigeant de l'Irak, Saddam Hussein, de disposer "d'armes de destruction massive" et de s'apprêter à en faire usage contre les Etats-Unis d'Amérique. On lui prête même, contre toute évidence, des liens étroits avec Oussama Ben Laden, le commanditaire présumé des attentats du 11 septembre 2001 à New York et à Washington. Le 19 février 2003, alors que s'intensifient les préparatifs de la première (...)
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    L'état de victime : quelques corps dans la scène thé'trale contemporaine.Olivier Neveux - 2007 - Actuel Marx 41 (1):99-108.
    The 2005 Avignon Theatre Festival sparked a vast controversy about the insistent presence of bodies (whether wounded, broken, or humiliated) on stage. Without subscribing to the reactionary critical response to the Festival, it is legitimate to return to the debate in order to question the ubiquity of the “victim body” in contemporary theatre. Such representations, far from being heterodox, are in fact part of the massive ideology of “the ethical”, as diagnosed by Alain Badiou. The oppressed body thus tends (...)
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    Tragic Vision and Divine Compassion: A Contemporary Theodicy by Wendy Farley.Peter C. Phan - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (2):327-329.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 327 Tragic Vision and Divine Compassion: A Contemporary Theodicy. By WENDY FARLEY. Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1990. 150 pp. Wendy Farley sets herself an ambitious task in her book. She is dissatisfied with past theodicies, which account for evil and suffering as punishment for sin, as counterpoints in a larger aesthetic cosmic harmony, as means of purification and formation of character, or something that will be (...)
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  45. Dissipating the Logogram.Alistair Welchman - 1995 - Parallax 1 (1):67-80.
    Three thoughts of culture: (1) the logogram: high-level software, the ROM BIOS of civilisation, the ‘best that has ever been thought and written’ (Matthew Arnold), secular theology, social phylum, explicitly ideal rampart against philistine disaggregation and the entropy of commodification, desperate and universal cognitive erection in the face of the massive loss of integrity brought about by capital; (2) the decay of the logogram: low-level shoring-up routine, localised resistance mediated through patchy and fragmented attempts at reconstitution, quotidian custom (...)
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  46.  25
    Escalation to Academic Extremes?Grant Kaplan - 2023 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 30 (1):163-182.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Escalation to Academic Extremes?Revisiting Academic Rivalry in the Möhler/Baur DebateGrant Kaplan (bio)INTRODUCTION: THEOLOGY AS THE SITE OF CONFLICTOne way to understand the history of Christian theology is as a history of rivalries. In the Letter to the Galatians, Paul and Peter seem like rivals when Paul recounts "opposing Peter to his face" (Gal. 2:11). The key theological discoveries in the fourth and fifth century are mostly borne of rivalry: (...)
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    Ryle Cogitans.Anthony Palmer - 1984 - Philosophy 59 (227):39-.
    The articles on ‘thinking’ by Gilbert Ryle brought together by Konstantin Kolenda were not very well received, even by those who acknowledge, as awhole generation of philosophers must, a considerable intellectual debt to him. Bernard Williams in his review ‘Ryle Remembered’ ) seemed to capture the general impression created by the book. My suspicion is that this was so because readers approached it with a resistance built up over years of hearingRyle flounder on the topic. They read the book (...)
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    The Death Penalty, Volume I.Jacques Derrida - 2013 - University of Chicago Press.
    In this newest installment in Chicago’s series of Jacques Derrida’s seminars, the renowned philosopher attempts one of his most ambitious goals: the first truly philosophical argument against the death penalty. While much has been written against the death penalty, Derrida contends that Western philosophy is massively, if not always overtly, complicit with a logic in which a sovereign state has the right to take a life. Haunted by this notion, he turns to the key places where such logic has been (...)
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    Standard of Living as a Right, Not a Privilege: Is It Time to Change the Dialogue from Minimum Wage to Living Wage?Ronald Adams - 2017 - Business and Society Review 122 (4):613-639.
    Dating back to the 1930s, President Franklin D. Roosevelt argued that workers were entitled to a wage that allowed them to enjoy a decent standard of living—a conviction that led the president to propose the first federally-mandated minimum wage. Mr. Roosevelt’s proposal was met with highly partisan resistance in congress and the courts—reactions not different in kind from the highly partisan resistance former President Obama experienced in his proposal to increase the federal minimum wage from its current level (...)
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    Evangelical Peacemakers: Gospel Engagement in a War-Torn World ed. by David P. Gushee.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 2017 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 37 (2):206-207.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Evangelical Peacemakers: Gospel Engagement in a War-Torn World ed. by David P. GusheeLisa Sowle CahillEvangelical Peacemakers: Gospel Engagement in a War-Torn World Edited by David P. Gushee EUGENE, OR: WIPF AND STOCK, 2013. 135 PP. $21.00This short volume collects papers from a 2012 Evangelicals for Peace conference at Georgetown University. This should not mislead potential readers as to the book's timeliness, coherence, significance, or ecumenical and interreligious appeal. (...)
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