Results for ' Matthias Rang'

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  1.  24
    Power Area Density in Inverse Spectra.Matthias Rang & Johannes Grebe-Ellis - 2018 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 49 (4):515-523.
    In recent years, inverse spectra were investigated with imaging optics and a quantitative description with radiometric units was suggested. It could be shown that inverse spectra complement each other additively to a constant intensity level. Since optical intensity in radiometric units is a power area density, it can be expected that energy densities of inverse spectra also fulfill an inversion equation and complement each other. In this contribution we report findings on a measurement of the power area density of inverse (...)
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  2. Newton in Grönland. Das umgestülpte experimentum crucis in der Streulichtkammer.Matthias Rang & Olaf L. Müller - 2009 - Philosophia Naturalis 46 (1):61-114.
    Newtons experimentum crucis hat ein komplementares Gegenstück, d.h. ein Experiment, in dem die Rollen von Licht und Schatten genau ausgetauscht sind. Statt wie Newton in der Dunkelkammer zu experimentieren, müssen wir das Komplement des experimentum crucis in einer Streulichtkammer aufbauen (deren Wände sog. Lambertstrahler sind). Wenn es dieses umgestülpte Experiment wirklich gibt, dann liefert es für jeden newtonischen Beweis einen umgestülpten Gegenbeweis, dessen Konklusion die Heterogenitat der Schatten wäre (also die Behauptung, dass nicht weißes Licht, sondern schwarze Schatten eine heterogene (...)
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    Translation, Matthias Vogel's Media of Reason: A Theory of Rationality.Darrell Arnold & Matthias Vogel - 2013 - Columbia U P.
    Matthias Vogel challenges the belief, dominant in contemporary philosophy, that reason is determined solely by our discursive, linguistic abilities as communicative beings. In his view, the medium of language is not the only force of reason. Music, art, and other nonlinguistic forms of communication and understanding are also significant. Introducing an expansive theory of mind that accounts for highly sophisticated, penetrative media, Vogel advances a novel conception of rationality while freeing philosophy from its exclusive attachment to linguistics. Vogel's media (...)
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    The semantics of value-range names and frege’s proof of referentiality.Matthias Schirn - 2018 - Review of Symbolic Logic 11 (2):224-278.
    In this article, I try to shed some new light onGrundgesetze§10, §29–§31 with special emphasis on Frege’s criteria and proof of referentiality and his treatment of the semantics of canonical value-range names. I begin by arguing against the claim, recently defended by several Frege scholars, that the first-order domain inGrundgesetzeis restricted to value-ranges, but conclude that there is an irresolvable tension in Frege’s view. The tension has a direct impact on the semantics of the concept-script, not least on the semantics (...)
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  5. Equality of opportunity and opportunity dominance.Matthias Hild & Alex Voorhoeve - 2004 - Economics and Philosophy 20 (1):117-145.
    All conceptions of equal opportunity draw on some distinction between morally justified and unjustified inequalities. We discuss how this distinction varies across a range of philosophical positions. We find that these positions often advance equality of opportunity in tandem with distributive principles based on merit, desert, consequentialist criteria or individuals' responsibility for outcomes. The result of this amalgam of principles is a festering controversy that unnecessarily diminishes the widespread acceptability of opportunity concerns. We therefore propose to restore the conceptual separation (...)
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  6. Possible Worlds Semantics for Indicative and Counterfactual Conditionals?: A Formal Philosophical Inquiry Into Chellas-Segerberg Semantics.Matthias Unterhuber - 2013 - Ontos (Now de Gruyter).
    Conditional structures lie at the heart of the sciences, humanities, and everyday reasoning. It is hence not surprising that conditional logics – logics specifically designed to account for natural language conditionals – are an active and interdisciplinary area. The present book gives a formal and a philosophical account of indicative and counterfactual conditionals in terms of Chellas-Segerberg semantics. For that purpose a range of topics are discussed such as Bennett’s arguments against truth value based semantics for indicative conditionals.
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  7.  12
    Landscape, religion, and the supernatural: Nordic perspectives on landscape theory.Matthias Egeler - 2024 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Landscape, Religion, and the Supernatural presents a summa of current and classic theorizing on religion and the supernatural in relationship to the land and develops this theorizing further by confronting it with a rich set of folkloristic and historical data. Focusing on the themes of "time and memory", "repeating patterns", "identity formation", "morality", "labor", "playfulness and adventure", "power and subversion", "sound", "emotions", "coping with contingency", "home and unhomeliness", as well as "nature and environment", the book engages with a broad range (...)
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  8. Developing the ethical matrix as a decision support framework: GM fish as a case study.Matthias Kaiser, Kate Millar, Erik Thorstensen & Sandy Tomkins - 2007 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 20 (1):65-80.
    The Ethical Matrix was developed to help decision-makers explore the ethical issues raised by agri-food biotechnologies. Over the decade since its inception the Ethical Matrix has been used by a number of organizations and the philosophical basis of the framework has been discussed and analyzed extensively. The role of tools such as the Ethical Matrix in public policy decision-making has received increasing attention. In order to further develop the methodological aspects of the Ethical Matrix method, work was carried out to (...)
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  9.  16
    New Perspectives on Faking in Personality Assessments.Matthias Ziegler, Carolyn MacCann & Richard Roberts (eds.) - 2011 - Oxford University Press USA.
    In this volume, a diverse group of world experts in personality assessment showcase a range of different viewpoints on response distortion. Contributors consider what it means to "fake" a personality assessment, why and how people try to obtain particular scores on personality tests, and what types of tests people can successfully manipulate. The authors present and discuss the usefulness of a range of traditional and cutting-edge methods for detecting and controlling the practice of faking. These methods include social desirability scales, (...)
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  10.  17
    Media of Reason: A Theory of Rationality.Matthias Vogel - 2012 - Columbia University Press.
    Matthias Vogel challenges the belief, dominant in contemporary philosophy, that reason is determined solely by our discursive, linguistic abilities as communicative beings. In his view, the medium of language is not the only force of reason. Music, art, and other nonlinguistic forms of communication and understanding are also significant. Introducing an expansive theory of mind that accounts for highly sophisticated, penetrative media, Vogel advances a novel conception of rationality while freeing philosophy from its exclusive attachment to linguistics. Vogel's media (...)
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  11.  40
    Identity and the Cognitive Value of Logical Equations in Frege’s Foundational Project.Matthias Schirn - 2023 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 64 (4):495-544.
    In this article, I first analyze and assess the epistemological and semantic status of canonical value-range equations in the formal language of Frege’s Grundgesetze der Arithmetik. I subsequently scrutinize the relation between (a) his informal, metalinguistic stipulation in Grundgesetze I, Section 3, and (b) its formal counterpart, which is Basic Law V. One point I argue for is that the stipulation in Section 3 was designed not only to fix the references of value-range names, but that it was probably also (...)
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  12.  77
    Extensions of the Finitist Point of View.Matthias Schirn & Karl-Georg Niebergall - 2001 - History and Philosophy of Logic 22 (3):135-161.
    Hilbert developed his famous finitist point of view in several essays in the 1920s. In this paper, we discuss various extensions of it, with particular emphasis on those suggested by Hilbert and Bernays in Grundlagen der Mathematik (vol. I 1934, vol. II 1939). The paper is in three sections. The first deals with Hilbert's introduction of a restricted ? -rule in his 1931 paper ?Die Grundlegung der elementaren Zahlenlehre?. The main question we discuss here is whether the finitist (meta-)mathematician would (...)
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  13.  6
    Social and legal norms: towards a socio-legal understanding of normativity.Matthias Baier (ed.) - 2013 - Burlington, VT, USA: Ashgate.
    This book offers empirical and theoretical research in the field of social and legal norms and provides inspiration for future debate and research in terms of internationalization and cross-national comparative studies. It presents a consistent picture of empirical research in different social and organizational areas and deepens the theoretical understanding regarding the interplay between social and legal norms. The contributors argue that normativity is a result of combinations between law in books, law in action, social norms and social practice. The (...)
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  14.  10
    The Body in language: comparative studies of linguistic embodiment.Matthias Brenzinger & Iwona Kraska (eds.) - 2014 - Boston: Brill.
    "The Body in Language: Comparative studies of Linguistic Embodiment provides new insights into the theory of linguistic embodiment in its universal and cultural aspects. The contributions of the volume offer theoretical reflections on grammaticalization, lexical semantics, philosophy, multimodal communication and - by discussing metaphorization and metonymy in figurative language - on cognitive linguistics in general. Case studies contribute first-hand data on embodiment from more than 15 languages and present findings on the body in language in diverse cultures from various continents. (...)
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    Frege’s platonism and mathematical creation: some new perspectives.Matthias Schirn - 2024 - Synthese 205 (1):1-62.
    In this three-part essay, I investigate Frege’s platonist and anti-creationist position in Grundgesetze der Arithmetik and to some extent also in Die Grundlagen der Arithmetik. In Sect. 1.1, I analyze his arithmetical and logical platonism in Grundgesetze. I argue that the reference-fixing strategy for value-range names—and indirectly also for numerical singular terms—that Frege pursues in Grundgesetze I gives rise to a conflict with the supposed mind- and language-independent existence of numbers and logical objects in general. In Sect. 1.2 and 1.3, (...)
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  16.  48
    Political Anti-Intentionalism.Matthias Brinkmann - 2018 - Res Publica 24 (2):159-179.
    There has been little debate in political philosophy about whether the intentions of governments matter to the legitimacy of their policies. This paper fills this gap. First, I provide a rigorous statement of political anti-intentionalism, the view that intentions do not matter to political legitimacy. I do so by building on analogous debates in moral philosophy. Second, I sketch some strategies to defend political anti-intentionalism, which I argue are promising and available to a wide range of theories of legitimacy. Third, (...)
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  17.  34
    Action, Knowledge, and Will, by John Hyman.Matthias Haase - 2021 - Mind 131 (524):1330-1339.
    John Hyman’s Action, Knowledge, and Will achieves what is increasingly rare in academic philosophy. It is both ambitious and controlled, wide-ranging and pointe.
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    Am Leben vorbei? Ruth G. Millikans Theorie der Eigenfunktionen in der Diskussion.Matthias Vogel - 2010 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 58 (6):913-934.
    The essay presents the outlines of the conceptual framework which Ruth G. Millikan has developed in order to establish a comprehensive theory of functions. Although it is widely acknowledged that this theory is full of insights, criticism has been raised in recent times. Her theory of proper functions is especially under fire since it is said not to be able to account for those functional ascriptions that are in use in biology, and to suffer from a conceptual congenital defect which (...)
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  19.  24
    De kracht van inertie.Matthias Lievens - 2020 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 112 (2):97-112.
    The force of inertia. A Sartrean perspective on resistance Although Sartre’s philosophy of freedom is often considered as a philosophy of resistance, rooted in the experience of the Second World War, Sartre did not formulate a full-blown theory of resistance. However, his Critique of Dialectical Reason contains a wealth of material that allows a rethinking of the notion of resistance. In much of the literature, this notion is inflated so as to include action, opposition, struggle, exodus and a range of (...)
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  20.  29
    Carnophallogocentrism and Eco-Deconstruction.Matthias Fritsch - 2023 - Oxford Literary Review 45 (1):21-42.
    Whether deconstruction is relevant to environmental philosophy, and if so, in what ways and with what transformations, has been subject to considerable debate in recent years. I will begin by discussing some reservations regarding deconstruction’s relevance to environmental thought, and argue that they stem from an older misreading of Derrida’s work in particular as hostile to the natural sciences, and as a cultural textualism of relevance only to the interiority of a traditional canon, but unable to reach the materiality of (...)
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  21.  55
    Against the moral Turing test: accountable design and the moral reasoning of autonomous systems.Thomas Arnold & Matthias Scheutz - 2016 - Ethics and Information Technology 18 (2):103-115.
    This paper argues against the moral Turing test as a framework for evaluating the moral performance of autonomous systems. Though the term has been carefully introduced, considered, and cautioned about in previous discussions :251–261, 2000; Allen and Wallach 2009), it has lingered on as a touchstone for developing computational approaches to moral reasoning :98–109, 2015). While these efforts have not led to the detailed development of an MTT, they nonetheless retain the idea to discuss what kinds of action and reasoning (...)
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  22.  40
    The Right to Preserve Culture.Matthias Hoesch - 2022 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 19 (6):602-627.
    Although a supposed right to preserve culture is frequently invoked in normative debates, philosophical literature has produced scarcely any attempt to treat it as a particular claim that differs from other cultural rights and, for that reason, is in need of a particular justification. Only by clarifying the content and the normative reasons underlying the supposed right, however, is it possible to evaluate the numerous political claims that have been based on it, ranging from the protection of minorities to restrictions (...)
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  23.  28
    Algorithm engineering: bridging the gap between algorithm theory and practice.Matthias Müller-Hannemann & Stefan Schirra (eds.) - 2010 - New York: Springer.
    Driven by concrete applications, Algorithm Engineering complements theory by the benefits of experimentation and puts equal emphasis on all aspects arising during a cyclic solution process ranging from realistic modeling, design, analysis, ...
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  24.  33
    Defensive weapons and defense signals in plants: Some metabolites serve both roles.Daniel Maag, Matthias Erb, Tobias G. Köllner & Jonathan Gershenzon - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (2):167-174.
    The defense of plants against herbivores and pathogens involves the participation of an enormous range of different metabolites, some of which act directly as defensive weapons against enemies (toxins or deterrents) and some of which act as components of the complex internal signaling network that insures that defense is timed to enemy attack. Recent work reveals a surprising trend: The same compounds may act as both weapons and signals of defense. For example, two groups of well‐studied defensive weapons, glucosinolates and (...)
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  25.  9
    Things that Place Names Do.Carola Lentz & Matthias Egeler - 2022 - Anthropos 117 (2):453-466.
    Drawing on corpora from West Africa and Iceland, the article presents a fieldwork-based comparative exploration of ‘things that place names do’. Treating toponyms as performative elements of culture, we have observed striking parallels as well as differences in the uses of place names in both regions. Place names communicate spatial orientation; play an important role in the commemoration of people and events; mark claims of possession; support the construction of identity; sacralize landscapes; and voice moral reprimands. They can provide entertainment, (...)
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  26. Thinking about Non-Universal Laws: Introduction to the Special Issue Ceteris Paribus Laws Revisited.Alexander Reutlinger & Matthias Unterhuber - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (10):1703-1713.
    What are ceteris paribus laws? Which disciplines appeal to cp laws and which semantics, metaphysical underpinning, and epistemological dimensions do cp law statements have? Firstly, we give a short overview of the recent discussion on cp laws, which addresses these questions. Secondly, we suggest that given the rich and diverse literature on cp laws a broad conception of cp laws should be endorsed which takes into account the different ways in which laws can be non-universal . Finally, we provide an (...)
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  27.  45
    Visible homonyms are ambiguous, subliminal homonyms are not: A close look at priming.Doris Eckstein, Matthias Kubat & Walter J. Perrig - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1327-1343.
    Homonyms, i.e. ambiguous words like ‘score’, have different meanings in different contexts. Previous research indicates that all potential meanings of a homonym are first accessed in parallel before one of the meanings is selected in a competitive race. If these processes are automatic, these processes of selection should even be observed when homonyms are shown subliminally. This study measured the time course of subliminal and supraliminal priming by homonyms with a frequent and a rare meaning in a neutral context, using (...)
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  28.  43
    HRI ethics and type-token ambiguity: what kind of robotic identity is most responsible?Thomas Arnold & Matthias Scheutz - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 22 (4):357-366.
    This paper addresses ethical challenges posed by a robot acting as both a general type of system and a discrete, particular machine. Using the philosophical distinction between “type” and “token,” we locate type-token ambiguity within a larger field of indefinite robotic identity, which can include networked systems or multiple bodies under a single control system. The paper explores three specific areas where the type-token tension might affect human–robot interaction, including how a robot demonstrates the highly personalized recounting of information, how (...)
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  29.  17
    Local sampling paints a global picture: Local concentration measurements sense direction in complex chemical gradients.Björn Hegemann & Matthias Peter - 2017 - Bioessays 39 (7):1600134.
    Detecting and interpreting extracellular spatial signals is essential for cellular orientation within complex environments, such as during directed cell migration or growth in multicellular development. Although the molecular understanding of how cells read spatial signals like chemical gradients is still lacking, recent work has revealed that stochastic processes at different temporal and spatial scales are at the core of this gradient sensing process in a wide range of eukaryotes. Fast biochemical reactions like those underlying GTPase activity dynamics form a functional (...)
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  30.  49
    Epistemic Dilemmas: New Arguments, New Angles.Kevin McCain, Scott Stapleford & Matthias Steup (eds.) - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    It seems plausible that there can be “no win” moral situations in which no matter what one does one fails some moral obligation. Is there an epistemic analog to moral dilemmas? Are there epistemically dilemmatic situations—situations in which we are doomed to violate an epistemic requirement? If there are, when exactly do they arise and what can we learn from them? A team of top epistemologists address these and closely related questions from a variety of new, sometimes unexpected, angles. Anyone (...)
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    Data sovereignty: A review.Peter Dabrock, Max Tretter, Matthias Braun & Patrik Hummel - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    New data-driven technologies yield benefits and potentials, but also confront different agents and stakeholders with challenges in retaining control over their data. Our goal in this study is to arrive at a clear picture of what is meant by data sovereignty in such problem settings. To this end, we review 341 publications and analyze the frequency of different notions such as data sovereignty, digital sovereignty, and cyber sovereignty. We go on to map agents they concern, in which context they appear, (...)
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  32.  7
    Georg Büchnaer Jahrbuch (2005-2008)Georg Büchner Yearbook.Georg Büchner Gesellschaft, Eva-Maria Vering, Matthias Gröbel & Burghard Dedner (eds.) - 2008 - Walter de Gruyter – Max Niemeyer Verlag.
    The aim of the Georg Büchner Yearbook, which is published at irregular intervals, is to serve Büchner research as a forum for stock-taking and innovation, reflection and debate, for documenting sources and imparting information swiftly, to support critical debate and understanding, and in so doing to cover the whole range of research findings and discussions in both their substance and their methodology. This mission statement from the foreword to the 1st volume (1981) still guides the Yearbook in all its regular (...)
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  33.  15
    Time to Say ‘Good Buy’ to the Passive Consumer? A Conceptual Review of the Consumer in the Bioeconomy.Ulrich Wilke, Michael P. Schlaile, Sophie Urmetzer, Matthias Mueller, Kristina Bogner & Andreas Pyka - 2021 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 34 (4):1-35.
    Successful transitions to a sustainable bioeconomy require novel technologies, processes, and practices as well as a general agreement about the overarching normative direction of innovation. Both requirements necessarily involve collective action by those individuals who purchase, use, and co-produce novelties: the consumers. Based on theoretical considerations borrowed from evolutionary innovation economics and consumer social responsibility, we explore to what extent consumers’ scope of action is addressed in the scientific bioeconomy literature. We do so by systematically reviewing bioeconomy-related publications according to (...)
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    Seemings: New Arguments, New Angles.Kevin McCain, Scott Stapleford & Matthias Steup (eds.) - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This volume presents new research on the epistemology of seemings. It features original essays by leading epistemologists on the nature and epistemic import of seemings and intuitions. Seemings and intuitions are often appealed to in philosophical theorizing. In fact, epistemological theories such as phenomenal conservatism and dogmatism give pride of place to seemings. Such views insist that seemings are of central importance to theories of epistemic justification. However, there are many questions about seemings that have yet to be answered satisfactorily. (...)
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  35.  18
    A Modified Version of the Transactional Stress Concept According to Lazarus and Folkman Was Confirmed in a Psychosomatic Inpatient Sample.Nina Obbarius, Felix Fischer, Gregor Liegl, Alexander Obbarius & Matthias Rose - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundStress is a major risk factor for the impairment of psychological well-being. The present study aimed to evaluate the empirical evidence of the Transactional Stress Model proposed by Lazarus and Folkman in patients with psychosomatic health conditions.MethodsA structural equation model was applied in two separate subsamples of inpatients from the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine for consecutive model building and confirmatory analyses using self-reported health status information about perceived stress, personal resources, coping mechanisms, stress response, and psychological well-being.ResultsThe initial model was (...)
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    (1 other version)Follow your heart.Hao Liu, Jun Hu & Matthias Rauterberg - 2015 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 16 (2):303-339.
    Long distance travel is an unusual activity for humans. The economical cabin environment during the long haul flights causes discomfort and even stress for many passengers. In-flight video and music systems are commonly available to improve the comfort level of the passengers. However, current in-flight music systems do not explore how the content can be used to reduce passengers stress. Most of these systems are designed and implemented assuming a homogeneous passenger group that has similar tastes and desires. In this (...)
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    Oxidative stress management in the hair follicle: Could targeting NRF2 counter age-related hair disorders and beyond?Laura Jadkauskaite, Pierre A. Coulombe, Matthias Schäfer, Albena T. Dinkova-Kostova, Ralf Paus & Iain S. Haslam - 2017 - Bioessays 39 (8):1700029.
    Widespread expression of the transcription factor, nuclear factor (erythroid‐derived 2)‐like 2 (NRF2), which maintains redox homeostasis, has recently been identified in the hair follicle (HF). Small molecule activators of NRF2 may therefore be useful in the management of HF pathologies associated with redox imbalance, ranging from HF greying and HF ageing via androgenetic alopecia and alopecia areata to chemotherapy‐induced hair loss. Indeed, NRF2 activation has been shown to prevent peroxide‐induced hair growth inhibition. Multiple parameters can increase the levels of reactive (...)
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  38. Fuchs, Du hast das Gelb gestohlen. Versuch über Goethes diebische Variation eines Experiments von Newton.Olaf L. Müller - 2010 - In Katalog zur Ausstellung experiment farbe. Dornach: pp. 38-53.
    Newton fächert einen weißen Lichtstrahl durch prismatische Brechung (Refraktion) auf und entdeckt dadurch sein Vollspektrum, das die größte Farbenvielfalt zeigt und aus Lichtstrahlen unterschiedlicher Refrangibilität besteht (1672). Laut Newtons Theorie müsste sich die Farbvielfalt seines Vollspektrums steigern lassen, wenn man den Auffangschirm immer weiter vom brechenden Prisma entfernt; denn dadurch müssten zuvor noch vermischte Lichtbündel ähnlicher Farbe schließlich doch auseinanderstreben. Diese Prognose ist empirisch falsch, wie Goethe in seiner Farbenlehre (1810) herausstreicht: Das Endspektrum enthält weniger Farben, insbesondere fehlt dort das (...)
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    Kausalität und Motivation: Untersuchungen zum Verhältnis von Perspektivität und Objektivität in der Phänomenologie Edmund Husserls.Bernhard Rang - 1973 - Haag: M. Nijhoff.
  40. Identität und Indifferenz. Eine Untersuchung zu Schellings Identitätsphilosophie.Bernhard Rang - 2001 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 63 (3):613-614.
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  41. Zweckmässigkeit, Zweckursächlichkeit und Ganzheitlichkeit in der organischen Natur: zum Problem einer teleologischen Naturauffassung in Kants «Kritik der Urteilskraft».Bernhard Rang - 1993 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 100 (1):39-71.
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  42. Die Sprache als Verständigungshindernis in Physik und Technik.Otto Rang - 1979 - In Siegfried Gerth (ed.), Der Mensch, Krone der Schöpfung oder ihr Totengräber? [Mannheim]: Kulturamt der Stadt Mannheim.
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  43. Natural necessity and freedom-on the theory of causality of Kant as a response to Hume.B. Rang - 1990 - Kant Studien 81 (1):24-56.
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    Husserls Phänomenologie der materiellen Natur.Bernhard Rang - 1990 - Vittorio Klostermann.
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  45. Leibniza nowe ujęcie Arystotelesowskiego pojęcia przyrody.Bernhard Rang - 1999 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 12 (12).
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    Naturnotwendigkeit und Freiheit. Zu Kants Theorie der Kausalität als Antwort auf Hume.Bernhard Rang - 1990 - Kant Studien 81 (1):24-56.
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    Schellings Theorie des Lebens.Bernhard Rang - 1988 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 42 (2):169 - 197.
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    7. Kants Antwort auf Hume.Bernhard Rang - 1997 - In Jens Kulenkampff (ed.), David Hume: Eine Untersuchung Ber den Menschlichen Verstand. Akademie Verlag. pp. 95-113.
  49.  36
    Faces in Context: A Review and Systematization of Contextual Influences on Affective Face Processing.Matthias J. Wieser & Tobias Brosch - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Aufsätze und Rezensionen (1890–1910).Edmund Husserl & Bernhard Rang - 1979 - Springer.
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