Results for ' Montenegro, German press, corpus-driven approach, co-occurrence analysis, EU aspiring countries, Hyperbase'

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  1. Decoding Dominant Narratives on Montenegro in the German Press - A Corpus-Driven Analysis (2016-2023).Sabina Vanni Osmanovic - 2025 - Corpus 26 (26).
    Dans le contexte d’une révision de l’élargissement de l’UE aux Balkans, la couverture médiatique du Monténégro, l’un des principaux acteurs de ce processus, dans la presse allemande est devenue plus présente ces dernières années. Cette recherche a pour but d’explorer les représentations du Monténégro dans quatre journaux allemands de premier plan. La contribution propose une approche d’analyse de données textuelles appliquée à un corpus composé d’articles consacrés au Monténégro entre 2016 et 2023. Grâce à des méthodes statistiques de texte (...)
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    Translator's Style Through Lexical Bundles: A Corpus-Driven Analysis of Two English Translations of Hongloumeng.Kanglong Liu & Muhammad Afzaal - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:633422.
    Based on a corpus-driven analysis of two translated versions ofHongloumeng(one by David Hawkes and the other by Xianyi Yang and Gladys Yang) in parallel corpora, this article investigates the use of lexical bundles in an attempt to trace the stylistic features and differences in the translations produced by the respective translators. TheHongloumengcorpus is developed at the sentence level to facilitate co-occurrence of the source texts and the two corresponding translations. For this purpose, the three-word and four-word lexical (...)
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    Polish and German Press Reports on Cooperation between the Foreign Ministers of Both Countries in Resolving the Conflict in Ukraine.Anna Patecka-Frauenfelder - 2016 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 18 (2):133-151.
    Polish-German relations in the first half of 2014 were dominated by the Ukraine crisis. This study is an attempt to answer the question of how Polish and German press assessed the cooperation of both countries in resolving the conflict in Ukraine; to what extent the most widely read magazines associated themselves with the decisions of their politicians and the feelings of their own societies and how much understanding they showed for the arguments of their EU partner. The analysis (...)
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  4. W poszukiwaniu ontologicznych podstaw prawa. Arthura Kaufmanna teoria sprawiedliwości [In Search for Ontological Foundations of Law: Arthur Kaufmann’s Theory of Justice].Marek Piechowiak - 1992 - Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN.
    Arthur Kaufmann is one of the most prominent figures among the contemporary philosophers of law in German speaking countries. For many years he was a director of the Institute of Philosophy of Law and Computer Sciences for Law at the University in Munich. Presently, he is a retired professor of this university. Rare in the contemporary legal thought, Arthur Kaufmann's philosophy of law is one with the highest ambitions — it aspires to pinpoint the ultimate foundations of law by (...)
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  5.  39
    Nouveau traitement des cooccurrences dans Hyperbase.Étienne Brunet - 2012 - Corpus 11:219-248.
    Les coocurrences ont surtout servi jusqu’ici à établir les relations, principalement sémantiques, que les mots ont entre eux. On les relevait certes dans un corpus, mais de façon indifférenciée, sans opposer les textes les uns aux autres. Or la comparaison des textes est la démarche habituelle quand la lexicométrie s’occupe des mots simples. On se propose ici d’étendre aux données cooccurrentielles les méthodes et les outils statistiques qui ont fait leurs preuves au niveau lexical. New Statistical Processing of Co-occurences (...)
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  6.  36
    Research Data and Code for "Interdisciplinarity in the 17th Century? A Co-Occurrence Analysis of Early Modern German Dissertation Titles".Stefan Heßbrüggen-Walter - unknown
    This dataset documents results and code for the paper "Interdisciplinarity in the 17th Century? A Co-Occurrence Analysis of Early Modern German Dissertation Titles" by Stefan Heßbrüggen-Walter, forthcoming in *Synthese*. The data to be processed are contained in four files, derived from a larger dataset related to German dissertations and sourced from the national bibliography of 17th century German prints *VD 17* that will be released at a later date. More information can be found in the file (...)
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  7.  26
    Interdisciplinarity in the 17th century? A co-occurrence analysis of early modern German dissertation titles.Stefan Heßbrüggen-Walter - 2024 - Synthese 203 (2):1-19.
    In this paper we examine titles of early modern German dissertations with regard to their ‘interdiscplinarity’, challenging the established consensus that interdisciplinarity evolved only in the 18th century. Based on the construction and analysis of a co-occurrence network of 909 dissertation titles published in the 17thc entury it can be shown that various dimensions of early modern interdisciplinarity should be distinguished. This concerns dissertations that connect philosophical disciplines to the ‘higher’ faculties of the early modern university (theology, jurisprudence, (...)
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  8.  18
    Co-occurrence Patterns of Character Strengths and Measured Core Virtues in German-Speaking Adults.Willibald Ruch, Sonja Heintz & Lisa Wagner - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The VIA Classification on character strengths and virtues suggests 24 character strengths clustered into six core virtues. Three recent studies employed different methods for testing the assignment of character strengths to virtues, and generally supported the VIA classification. However, the co-occurrence of character strengths and virtues within individuals has not been examined yet. Another untested assumption is that an individual’s composition of character strengths is related to being considered of “good character.” Thus, the present study addresses three research questions: (...)
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  9.  20
    A corpus-driven analysis of representations of Syrian asylum seekers in the Turkish press 2011–2016.İbrahim Efe - 2019 - Discourse and Communication 13 (1):48-67.
    This article, using methods from corpus linguistics and critical discourse analysis, reports the findings of a research project that aimed to explore the representations of Syrian asylum seekers in the Turkish press from March 2011, when the first Syrians arrived in Turkey, to December 2015, when the project ended. Using a corpus of 2321 texts collected from five Turkish daily newspapers, concordances of the words Syrian, refugee and asylum seeker were examined and grouped along patterns through which discourses (...)
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  10.  17
    Facing Disruptive Changes With Informal Workplace Learning Strategies: The Experience of European Companies.Francesca Amenduni, Essi Ryymin, Katja Maetoloa & Alberto Cattaneo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Industries are currently experiencing several kinds of disruptive changes, including digital transformation and environmental and health emergencies. Despite intense discussion about disruptive changes in companies, the impact of such changes on workplace learning is still underexplored. In this study, we investigated the impact of disruptive changes on informal learning practices according to the perspectives of employers, employees and adult educators. Informal learning was operationalised along a continuum between organised informal learning and everyday informal learning. Fifty-five companies’ representatives from three European (...)
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  11.  11
    Tracing the Divine and Moral Dimensions: A Review and Future Outlook of Contemporary Chinese Confucian Etiquette Through Bibliometric Analysis.Yixuan Zhang - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (2):350-383.
    Ritual studies, a pivotal domain in the scholarly tradition of ancient China, occupy a crucial role in the exploration of humanistic and theological disciplines. Utilizing bibliometric analysis, corpus linguistics, and scientometric mapping, this paper examines a comprehensive dataset of 15,221 ritual studies articles spanning from 1916 to 2022, sourced from the CNKI database. The focus of these studies has traditionally been on ideological exploration, textual scrutiny, and archaeological verification, with a notable shift in the post-reform era from Confucian critiques (...)
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  12.  21
    Semantic micro-dynamics as a reflex of occurrence frequency: a semantic networks approach.Andreas Baumann, Klaus Hofmann, Anna Marakasova, Julia Neidhardt & Tanja Wissik - 2023 - Cognitive Linguistics 34 (3-4):533-568.
    This article correlates fine-grained semantic variability and change with measures of occurrence frequency to investigate whether a word’s degree of semantic change is sensitive to how often it is used. We show that this sensitivity can be detected within a short time span (i.e., 20 years), basing our analysis on a large corpus of German allowing for a high temporal resolution (i.e., per month). We measure semantic variability and change with the help of local semantic networks, combining (...)
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  13.  3
    Scientific Production on Entrepreneurial Skills in Young Students: Bibliometric Analysis.Diana Mireya Cuéllar-Sánchez, Alex Dueñas-Peña & Karen Núñez-Valdés - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture.
    Entrepreneurship is considered a key element for economic and social development, requiring cognitive, attitudinal, and procedural competencies for its realization. This study focuses on a documentary review aimed at answering the following questions: How is research on entrepreneurial capabilities approached in different countries? What is the volume of scientific production on this topic? In light of this, the present work is developed within the inclusion criteria: publications between 2012 and 2022, various types of documents, written in English, and included in (...)
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  14.  12
    "A Shotgun Wedding": Co-occurrence of War and Marriage Metaphors in Mergers and Acquisitions Discourse.Veronika Koller - 2002 - Metaphor and Symbol 17 (3):179-203.
    Starting from the notion of a structural relation between war and rape in patriarchal systems, this article aims at pointing out how this relation is reflected in the co-occurrence of war and marriage metaphors in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) discourse. Critical Discourse Analysis is combined with cognitive metaphor theory to show how metaphors of marriage and romance ("MERGERS ARE MARRIAGES") tend to co-occur with war and various derived metaphors ("M&As ARE BATTLES FOR TERRITORY"). The significance of these co-occurrences is (...)
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  15.  31
    Images of the Lisbon Treaty Debate in the British Press: A Corpus-Based Approach to Metaphor Analysis by Chiara Nasti.Christina Schäffner - 2016 - Metaphor and Symbol 31 (1):47-49.
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    Conocimiento cultural como base para la construcción de identidad nacional. Un análisis del discurso de la prensa sobre el default de 2014 en Argentina: Cultural knowledge as a basis for national identity construction. An analysis of the press discourse on the default of 2014 in Argentina. [REVIEW]Simone Mwangi - 2020 - Pragmática Sociocultural 8 (1):77-103.
    Economic and political crisis situations are interpreted differently in different societies and cultures. What is perceived as a major threat in one society can be experienced as an everyday occurrence in other societies. This shows that crises are not issues that exist independently of people, but that they are to a large extent the result of social interpretations. An example of how a community interprets events as a surmountable challenge, rather than a crisis, is Argentina’s public discourse on the (...)
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  17.  19
    ‘Lose weight, save the NHS’: Discourses of obesity in press coverage of COVID-19.Gavin Brookes - 2022 - Critical Discourse Studies 19 (6):629-647.
    This article examines the discourses that are used by the British press to represent obesity in its coverage of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Obesity is understood to be a risk factor for COVID-19, with people with obesity being more likely to die from the virus. This study adopts a corpus-based approach to Critical Discourse Studies and utilises a novel approach to keyword analysis, based on comparing analysis corpora against two reference corpora in order to yield keywords that are, in (...)
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  18. Philosophy as Therapy - A Review of Konrad Banicki's Conceptual Model.Bruno Contestabile & Michael Hampe - manuscript
    In his article Banicki proposes a universal model for all forms of philosophical therapy. He is guided by works of Martha Nussbaum, who in turn makes recourse to Aristotle. As compared to Nussbaum’s approach, Banicki’s model is more medical and less based on ethical argument. He mentions Foucault’s vision to apply the same theoretical analysis for the ailments of the body and the soul and to use the same kind of approach in treating and curing them. In his interpretation of (...)
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  19.  53
    Semantic grounding in models of analogy: an environmental approach.Michael Ramscar & Daniel Yarlett - 2003 - Cognitive Science 27 (1):41-71.
    Empirical studies indicate that analogy consists of two main processes: retrieval and mapping. While current theories and models of analogy have revealed much about the mainly structural constraints that govern the mapping process, the similarities that underpin the correspondences between individual representational elements and drive retrieval are understood in less detail. In existing models symbol similarities are externally defined but neither empirically grounded nor theoretically justified. This paper introduces a new model (EMMA: the environmental model of analogy) which relies on (...)
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  20.  23
    Culturally Immersed Legal Terminology on the Example of Forest Regulations in Poland, The United Kingdom, The United States of America and Germany.Paula Trzaskawka & Joanna Kic-Drgas - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 34 (5):1483-1513.
    The importance of forests is reflected in the national forest legislation which has been developed and implemented in European countries over recent years. Due to regional and national specificities, forest regulations include culturally immersed terms specific to the described area. The aim of this paper is to analyses the culturally driven legal terms existing in specific legal regulations concerning forestry in Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Poland, and identify possible ways of translating them. In (...)
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  21.  34
    The state of ethical decision‐making research in accounting: A retrospective assessment from 1987 to 2022.Godfred Matthew Yaw Owusu & Gabriel Korankye - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (2):419-434.
    This study employs the bibliometric analysis approach to examine research on ethical decision-making (EDM) of accountants from 1987 to 2022. The study specifically examines the developments in EDM research and evaluates the intellectual structure of the research field. Employing citation, co-authorship, co-occurrence and bibliographic coupling analyses, bibliometric data on 908 publications from the Scopus database was analysed. The results indicate that there has been a significant increase in the rate of publication on EDM of accountants following the spate of (...)
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  22.  11
    Linguistic characteristics of AAC discourse in the workplace.Carrie Bruce, Lucy Pickering, Laura Di Ferrante, Pamela Pearson & Eric Friginal - 2013 - Discourse Studies 15 (3):279-298.
    This study examines linguistic co-occurrence patterns in the discourse of individuals with communication impairments who use augmentative and alternative communication devices in the workplace by comparing them to those of non-AAC users in similar job settings. A typical workweek per focal participant was recorded and transcribed to create a specialized corpus of workplace discourse of approximately 464,000 words at the time of this analysis. A multidimensional analysis of co-occurrence patterns along functional linguistic dimensions, following Biber [Variation across (...)
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  23.  13
    A Bibliometric Mapping of the Research Trends of Public Governance and Entrepreneurship Framework.Oana Ramona Lobonţ, Raul Purcariţa, Sorana Vatavu & Florin Costea - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (1Sup1):35-53.
    The involvement of governments and public institutions in entrepreneurial activity has grown considerably in the last years. Public governance has begun to pay more attention to the fact that, in order to achieve the goal of economic development in a country, it is necessary to increase entrepreneurship both qualitatively and quantitatively. Most governments have created significant actions that encouraged and supported the entrepreneurial activity and also they have contributed to supporting the private sector in the economy. The present paper analyses (...)
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    How Should we Measure Public Sector Performance?Lavinia Mustea, Lavinia Daniela Mihiţ & Oana Ramona Lobonţ - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (1Sup1):71-89.
    The methodology applied for measuring the public sector performance is a disputed topic both in academia and for decision-making policies implementation. Thus, in this paper, we analyze the importance of the topic for researches and also try to identify the methodologies considered within the literature for measuring public sector performance, which would allow comparison between states, and reporting to certain values. The novelty of our approach is that, firstly, we draw a content analysis, with a focus on the methodologies applied (...)
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  25.  28
    Cultures and Strategies in the Regulation of Nanotechnology in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the European Union.Monika Kurath, Michael Nentwich, Torsten Fleischer & Iris Eisenberger - 2014 - NanoEthics 8 (2):121-140.
    This interdisciplinary, social scientific analysis of the regulatory discourse on nanotechnology in the three German-speaking countries of Germany, Austria and Switzerland and in the EU between 2000 and 2013 has shown three distinct phases, characterised by shifts in the configuration of actors and in the thematic scope from nanotechnology to nano-materials. Compared to modes of governance based on traditional statutory law, modes of governance based on less binding forms of soft law and self-regulation (like codes of conduct, guidelines and (...)
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  26.  23
    Discourse analysis of statements of purpose: Connecting academic and professional genres.Carme Bach & Carmen López-Ferrero - 2016 - Discourse Studies 18 (3):286-310.
    As a discourse genre, statements of purpose are characterized by their occluded status in the academy and by their hybrid nature. Statements of purpose are required in applications for a place in a postgraduate course, and they are requested to obtain information about the academic and professional background and skills of each applicant. A study of the genre’s linguistic and textual features is needed in Spanish to discover and understand writers’ and readers’ perception of this genre. A corpus of (...)
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  27.  22
    Adjacent and Non‐Adjacent Word Contexts Both Predict Age of Acquisition of English Words: A Distributional Corpus Analysis of Child‐Directed Speech.Lucas M. Chang & Gedeon O. Deák - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (11):e12899.
    Children show a remarkable degree of consistency in learning some words earlier than others. What patterns of word usage predict variations among words in age of acquisition? We use distributional analysis of a naturalistic corpus of child‐directed speech to create quantitative features representing natural variability in word contexts. We evaluate two sets of features: One set is generated from the distribution of words into frames defined by the two adjacent words. These features primarily encode syntactic aspects of word usage. (...)
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  28. Emotions and Identity as Foreign Policy Determinants: Serbian Approach to Relations with Russia.Artem Patalakh - 2018 - Chinese Political Science Review 3 (4):495-528.
    The paper argues that while the Serbian society and political elite are known for treating their country’s accession to the EU in terms of pragmatic utility maximisation, they generally conceive of Serbian relations with Russia, contrariwise, as an identity-laden issue. To prove it, the author analyses Serbia’s behaviour toward Russia along the features of emotion-driven cooperation, found in the literature on identity and emotions in foreign policy. In particular, the paper focuses on Serbians’ especially strong friendliness vis-à-vis Russia, the (...)
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  29.  23
    The Emotional Content of Children's Writing: A Data‐Driven Approach.Yuzhen Dong, Yaling Hsiao, Nicola Dawson, Nilanjana Banerji & Kate Nation - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (3):e13423.
    Emotion is closely associated with language, but we know very little about how children express emotion in their own writing. We used a large‐scale, cross‐sectional, and data‐driven approach to investigate emotional expression via writing in children of different ages, and whether it varies for boys and girls. We first used a lexicon‐based bag‐of‐words approach to identify emotional content in a large corpus of stories (N>100,000) written by 7‐ to 13‐year‐old children. Generalized Additive Models were then used to model (...)
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  30.  13
    A Corpus - Critical Discourse Analysis of the Representation of the Yemeni Violent Crisis in the Press.Ali Haif Abbas & Enas Naji Kadim - forthcoming - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique:1-23.
    This article uses Halliday’s (An introduction to functional grammar, Edward Arnold, London, 1994) Systemic Functional Grammar-transitivity system and Anthony’s (AntConc (Version 3.5.8) [Computer Software], Waseda University, Tokyo, 2019. ) antconc for the corpus analysis to illustrate the way the two newspapers namely, Arab News and Tehran Times represent the violence in Yemen. The reason behind choosing Arab News and Tehran Times is that both newspapers belong to two conflicted countries, namely Saudi Arabia and Iran. Undoubtedly, the two newspapers (...)
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    Arab women in news headlines during the Arab Spring: Image and perception in Germany.Monika Kirner-Ludwig & Zahra Mustafa-Awad - 2017 - Discourse and Communication 11 (5):515-538.
    This article reports on the first stage of a research project on German university students’ conceptualization of Arab women and to what extent it is affected by the latters’ representation in the Western press during the Arab Spring. We combined discourse analysis and corpus-linguistic approaches to investigate the relationship between lexical items used by the students to express their attitudes toward Arab women and those featuring in news headlines about them published in British, American, and German news (...)
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  32. Individual benefits and collective challenges: Experts’ views on data-driven approaches in medical research and healthcare in the German context.Silke Schicktanz & Lorina Buhr - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (1).
    Healthcare provision, like many other sectors of society, is undergoing major changes due to the increased use of data-driven methods and technologies. This increased reliance on big data in medicine can lead to shifts in the norms that guide healthcare providers and patients. Continuous critical normative reflection is called for to track such potential changes. This article presents the results of an interview-based study with 20 German and Swiss experts from the fields of medicine, life science research, informatics (...)
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  33.  30
    Bibliometric analysis: Research trends of acupuncture treatment to cognitive impairment in recent 15 years.Chen-Chen Nie, Kai-Qi Su, Jing Gao, Xiao-Lei Song, Zhuan Lv, Jie Yuan, Meng Luo, Xiao-Di Ruan, Yong-Fu Fan, Ming-Yue Yu, Shi-Kui Qi & Xiao-Dong Feng - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectivesAcupuncture therapy has been used for cognitive impairment-related diseases, however, there are still few studies on the overall trend of acupuncture therapy on cognitive impairment based on bibliometric analysis. The purpose of this study was to explore the research trend of the impact of acupuncture on cognitive impairment in the past 15 years, analyze the research trends and hotspots, and provide new ideas and theoretical basis for future research directions.MethodsFrom the Web of Science Core Collection, the relevant literature on the (...)
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    Knowledge Mapping of Volunteer Motivation: A Bibliometric Analysis and Cross-Cultural Comparative Study.Jing Chen, Chengliang Wang & Yulong Tang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Volunteers play an indispensable role in several major events and activities. The purpose of this study is to review studies on volunteer motivation from 2000 to 2021 and to discover the development trends in this field. The Web of Science Core Collection is the main literature data resource, from which 162 papers on volunteer motivation published in the SSCI were selected. Using two visualization analysis tools, CiteSpace and VOSviewer, this study conducts bibliometric analysis and systematic review from multiple dimensions, identifying (...)
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    Multiple Corpus: a Polyangular Readings Approach?Margherita Fantoli & Marc Vandersmissen - 2018 - Corpus 19.
    Dans le domaine de l’analyse des données textuelles (ADT), les chercheurs s’intéressent à la relation entre le texte et son support d’exploration. Ces dernières années, l’évolution de l’informatique a profondément modifié notre rapport au texte induisant le développement de nouveaux outils d’étude et critères d’analyse. Dans ce contexte théorique, le concept de lecture polyangulaire permet de compléter les notions de lectures linéaire, réticulaire ou matricielle. Cette approche du texte est devenue possible grâce aux outils d’édition de corpus toujours plus (...)
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    Characteristics and Trends in Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior Research in Business and Management: A Bibliometric Analysis.Zhihong Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Unethical pro-organizational behavior is one of the core factors that affect organizational development. Although enterprises and researchers have done a lot of work, a quantitative and systematic assessment of unethical pro-organizational behavior research is still lacking, this review conducts a bibliometric analysis to describe the characteristics and trends of unethical pro-organizational behavior research in business and management, such as publication trend analysis, co-citation analysis, keywords co-occurrence analysis, and citation burst analysis. The results show that 89 articles and 4,523 references (...)
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    Corpus-Based Metonymy Analysis.Katja Markert & Malvina Nissim - 2003 - Metaphor and Symbol 18 (3):175-188.
    In this article, we make the case for corpus-based metonymy analysis and show that many interesting linguistic and statistical questions can only be answered byworking with real texts. To facilitate such studies, we present a method for annotating metonymies in domain- and genre-independent text. We advocate an annotation scheme that builds on regularities in metonymic usage, that takes underspecification in metonymic reference into account, and that is organized hierarchically. We combine previous metonymy classification proposals with insights from a (...) study to present a fullyworked-out annotation scheme for location names, illustrating the previously mentioned principles.We present several experiments measuring annotation agreement and show that the annotation scheme is reliable and has wide coverage. We also provide a gold standard for annotations of this kind consisting of 2,000 annotated occurrences of country names in the British National Corpus.We use the resulting corpus to study metonymy distributions and the factors that influence the choice of literal versus metonymic readings in real texts. (shrink)
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    Meta-analysis of the research impact of Baddeley’s multicomponent working memory model and Cowan’s embedded-processes model of working memory: A bibliometric mapping approach.Jarosław Orzechowski & Aleksandra Gruszka - 2016 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 47 (1):1-11.
    In this study bibliometric mapping method was employed to visualise the current research trends and the impact of the two most influential models of working memory, namely: A. D. Baddeley and G. J. Hitch’s multicomponent working memory model and N. Cowan’s embedded-processes model of working memory. Using VOSviewer software two maps were generated based on the index-term words extracted from the research papers citing Baddeley and Cowan, respectively. The maps represent networks of co-occurrences of index terms and can be interpreted (...)
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  39. Optimization of Scientific Reasoning: a Data-Driven Approach.Vlasta Sikimić - 2019 - Dissertation,
    Scientific reasoning represents complex argumentation patterns that eventually lead to scientific discoveries. Social epistemology of science provides a perspective on the scientific community as a whole and on its collective knowledge acquisition. Different techniques have been employed with the goal of maximization of scientific knowledge on the group level. These techniques include formal models and computer simulations of scientific reasoning and interaction. Still, these models have tested mainly abstract hypothetical scenarios. The present thesis instead presents data-driven approaches in social (...)
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    Des saillances du texte aux objets linguistiques : apprentissage des marqueurs linguistiques interprétables avec une architecture CNN multi-niveaux.Laurent Corneli Vanni - 2023 - Corpus 24.
    A lot of effort is currently made to provide methods to analyze and understand deep neural network impressive performances for tasks such as image or text classification. These methods are mainly based on visualizing the important input features taken into account by the network to build a decision. However these techniques, let us cite LIME, SHAP, Grad-CAM, or TDS, require extra effort to interpret the visualization with respect to expert knowledge. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to inspect (...)
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    Investing in AI for social good: an analysis of European national strategies.Francesca Foffano, Teresa Scantamburlo & Atia Cortés - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):479-500.
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a driving force in modern research, industry and public administration and the European Union (EU) is embracing this technology with a view to creating societal, as well as economic, value. This effort has been shared by EU Member States which were all encouraged to develop their own national AI strategies outlining policies and investment levels. This study focuses on how EU Member States are approaching the promise to develop and use AI for the good of (...)
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    From faces to hands: Changing visual input in the first two years.Caitlin M. Fausey, Swapnaa Jayaraman & Linda B. Smith - 2016 - Cognition 152 (C):101-107.
    Human development takes place in a social context. Two pervasive sources of social information are faces and hands. Here, we provide the first report of the visual frequency of faces and hands in the everyday scenes available to infants. These scenes were collected by having infants wear head cameras during unconstrained everyday activities. Our corpus of 143 hours of infant-perspective scenes, collected from 34 infants aged 1 month to 2 years, was sampled for analysis at 1/5 Hz. The major (...)
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  43.  59
    Unpacking the Drivers of Corporate Social Performance: A Multilevel, Multistakeholder, and Multimethod Analysis.Marc Orlitzky, Céline Louche, Jean-Pascal Gond & Wendy Chapple - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 144 (1):21-40.
    The question of what drives corporate social performance has become a vital concern for many managers and researchers of large corporations. This study addresses this question by adopting a multilevel, multistakeholder, and multimethod approach to theorize and estimate the relative influence of macro, meso, and micro factors on CSP. Applying three different methods of variance decomposition analysis to an international sample of 2060 large public companies over a time span of 5 years, our results show that firm-level factors explain the (...)
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    Research Landscape of Artificial Intelligence and e-Learning: A Bibliometric Research.Kan Jia, Penghui Wang, Yang Li, Zezhou Chen, Xinyue Jiang, Chien-Liang Lin & Tachia Chin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    While an increasing number of organizations have introduced artificial intelligence as an important facilitating tool for learning online, the application of artificial intelligence in e-learning has become a hot topic for research in recent years. Over the past few decades, the importance of online learning has also been a concern in many fields, such as technological education, STEAM, AR/VR apps, online learning, amongst others. To effectively explore research trends in this area, the current state of online learning should be understood. (...)
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    Sketching landscapes in discourse analysis (1978–2018): A bibliometric study.Xinchao Guan & Changpeng Huan - 2020 - Discourse Studies 22 (6):697-719.
    John Swales’ 1986 article ‘Citation analysis and discourse analysis’ was the first to apply citation analysis to describe in-text citations in the field of discourse analysis. Howard White’s 2004 article ‘Citation analysis and discourse analysis revisited’ was written by an information scientist and primarily focused on citation analysis and discourse analysis. Here, we cast a wider net by conducting a bibliometric analysis of discourse analysis to sketch its scientific landscape between 1978 and 2018. Our findings show that discourse analysis has (...)
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    Phenomenological Life-World Analysis and Ethnomethodology’s Program.Thomas S. Eberle - 2012 - Human Studies 35 (2):279-304.
    This paper discusses ethnomethodology's program in relation to the phenomenological life-world analysis of Alfred Schutz. A recent publication of Garfinkel's early writings sheds new light on how he made use of phenomenological reflections in order to create a new sociological approach. Garfinkel used Schutz's life-world analysis as a source of inspiration, called for 'misreading' in the sense of an alternate reading and developed a new, empirical approach to the analysis of social order which he called 'ethnomethodology'. Ethnomethodologists usually acknowledge the (...)
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    Anthropomorphizing AlphaGo: a content analysis of the framing of Google DeepMind’s AlphaGo in the Chinese and American press.Nathaniel Ming Curran, Jingyi Sun & Joo-Wha Hong - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (3):727-735.
    This article conducts a mixed-method content analysis of Chinese and American news media coverage of Google DeepMind’s Go playing computer program, AlphaGo. Drawing on humanistic approaches to artificial intelligence, combined with an empirically rigorous content analysis, it examines the differences and overlap in coverage by the Chinese and American press in their accounts of AlphaGo, and its historic match with Korea’s Lee Sedol in March, 2016. The event was not only followed intensely in China, but also made the front page (...)
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    Kin Against Kin: Internal Co-selection and the Coherence of Kinship Typologies.Sam Passmore, Wolfgang Barth, Kyla Quinn, Simon J. Greenhill, Nicholas Evans & Fiona M. Jordan - 2021 - Biological Theory 16 (3):176-193.
    Across the world people in different societies structure their family relationships in many different ways. These relationships become encoded in their languages as kinship terminology, a word set that maps variably onto a vast genealogical grid of kinship categories, each of which could in principle vary independently. But the observed diversity of kinship terminology is considerably smaller than the enormous theoretical design space. For the past century anthropologists have captured this variation in typological schemes with only a small number of (...)
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    Language Encodes Geographical Information.Max M. Louwerse & Rolf A. Zwaan - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (1):51-73.
    Population counts and longitude and latitude coordinates were estimated for the 50 largest cities in the United States by computational linguistic techniques and by human participants. The mathematical technique Latent Semantic Analysis applied to newspaper texts produced similarity ratings between the 50 cities that allowed for a multidimensional scaling (MDS) of these cities. MDS coordinates correlated with the actual longitude and latitude of these cities, showing that cities that are located together share similar semantic contexts. This finding was replicated using (...)
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    Mapping Spiritual Leadership: A Bibliometric Analysis and Synthesis of Past Milestones and Future Research Agenda.Sai Bhargavi Vedula & Rakesh Kumar Agrawal - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 189 (2):301-328.
    Spiritual leadership has gained much traction among researchers and practitioners for its value-laden approach as it engenders feelings and expressions of a leader’s spirituality at the workplace by intrinsically motivating the followers to envision work as a calling, thereupon culminating in greater organizational performance. However, despite the significant attempts to consolidate the literature, organizational scholarly knowledge on spiritual leadership seems fragmented and incohesive. This is because the extant reviews pertaining to this field often employ subjective approaches in encapsulating the literature. (...)
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