Results for ' N2'

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  1.  25
    Variability, gnostic units and N2.Kristina T. Ciesielski - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (2):236-237.
  2.  13
    Twinning in α-N2.G. J. Tatlock, R. Meveel & J. A. Venables - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 35 (3):641-652.
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    Predictive validity of the N2 and P3 ERP components to executive functioning in children: a latent-variable analysis.Christopher R. Brydges, Allison M. Fox, Corinne L. Reid & Mike Anderson - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  4.  14
    Reduced Frontal Nogo-N2 With Uncompromised Response Inhibition During Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation—More Efficient Cognitive Control?Mia Pihlaja, Laura Failla, Jari Peräkylä & Kaisa M. Hartikainen - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  5.  15
    Les groupes binominaux de type N2’s N1, N1 of N2 et N2N1.Evelyne Chabert - 2022 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
    L’alternance entre N2’s N1/N1 of N2/N2N1 est généralement expliquée en France par le recours au modèle de la grammaire métaopérationnelle, selon lequel c’est la « soudure » entre les référents de N2 et N1 qui détermine le choix de structure. Le modèle est mis à mal par l’analyse des occurrences du corpus : il est inapte à rendre compte de leur emploi, et sur un plan plus général, il ne remplit pas les principaux critères scientifiques de validité : universalité, raisonnement (...)
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    The N1–N2–LPC Pattern in Processing Advertising Pictorial Metaphors: An ERP Study.Shuo Cao, Yanzhang Wang, Hongjun Chen & Huili Wang - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Concurrent working memory task increases or decreases the flanker-related N2 amplitude.Hua Wei, Yuan Yao & Lili Zhou - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Concurrent working memory task reduces available attentional control resources to perform the flanker task. However, controversy exists as to whether concurrent WM task increases or decreases flanker-related N2 amplitude. In a flanker task experiment, individuals were confronted with a low, middle, or high WM load task, while electroencephalography data were recorded. The ERP results showed a larger flanker-related N2 amplitude while completing a middle or high WM load task compared to a low one. However, completing an additional high WM load (...)
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    La diathèse circonstancielle et la coprédication : l’exemple de la structure N0 voit Inf N1 / N1 Inf (N2)1.Raja Gmir - 2020 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 18.
    La construction N0 voit Inf N1 / N1 Inf (N2) introduit ce que nous appelons une « diathèse circonstancielle » apparentée à la diathèse passive dans la mesure où elle promeut un complément circonstanciel locatif (spatial ou temporel) à la fonction de sujet grammatical à l’aide du coverbe voir, tout comme la diathèse passive promeut le complément d’objet direct à cette fonction à l’aide du coverbe être. Traditionnellement être est désigné comme un auxiliaire et voir comme un type (marginal et (...)
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    Clarifying the functionality of the young adult equiprobable Go/NoGo N2 and P3 within a sequential processing schema.Fogarty Jack, Barry Robert, De Blasio Frances & Karamacoska Diana - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Moving beyond valence and arousal: Emotional processing of human injury, snake and gun images is indexed by N2 activity.Miller Rosemaree & Martin Frances - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Cross-modal symbolic processing can elicit either an N400 or an N2.Griffiths Oren, Jack Bradley, Le Pelley Mike, Luque David & Whitford Thomas - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  12.  24
    The neural pattern of intuitive and analytical processes in the subliminal environment: N2 responses on the embedded Chinese character task.Wei Bao, Tingting Yu, Yunhong Wang & Junlong Luo - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 97 (C):103260.
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    Electron microscopy and diffraction of solid α-N2.J. A. Venables - 1970 - Philosophical Magazine 21 (169):147-166.
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    Ein euripides-vers (tel. Fr. 8 P. [723 n2]) AlS sprichwort bis zu erasmus Von rotterdam.Claudia Preiser - 2000 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 144 (2):193-205.
  15.  28
    Nogo Stimuli Do Not Receive More Attentional Suppression or Response Inhibition than Neutral Stimuli: Evidence from the N2pc, PD, and N2 Components in a Spatial Cueing Paradigm. [REVIEW]Caroline Barras & Dirk Kerzel - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Entre a conservação da memória e a possibilidade de novas fundações: o que permanece da tradição em Hannah Arendt? // DOI: 10.18226/21784612.v23.n2.3. [REVIEW]Daiane Eccel - 2018 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 23 (2):267-286.
    Já é lugar comum entre os comentadores e estudiosos de Hannah Arendt enfatizar que ela diagnosticou o ocaso da tradição do pensamento ocidental, cujo limiar é encontrado nas teses de pensadores como Kierkegaard, Nietzsche e Marx. O que nos importa nesta breve investigação é, no entanto averiguar no que realmente consiste tal ocaso e o quanto ainda permanece ou necessita permanecer daquilo que ela chama de main tradition? O que, no final das contas, se conserva? É possível pensar em uma (...)
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    Investigating the psychological reality of argument structure constructions and N1 of N2 constructions: a comparison between L1 and L2 speakers of English. [REVIEW]Yingying Liu & Kevin McManus - 2023 - Cognitive Linguistics 34 (3-4):503-531.
    This study examined L1 and L2 English speakers’ sensitivity to constructional meaning by investigating their categorization of Noun1 of Noun2 constructions (e.g., results of studies) and argument structure constructions (e.g., Tom cut the bread). Participants were 40 L1 English speakers and 44 intermediate proficiency Chinese-speaking learners of L2 English, who completed two online sorting experiments. In each experiment, participants were instructed to (i) sort the stimuli according to their overall meaning and (ii) provide explanations for their sorting decisions. Results showed (...)
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  18.  18
    Internet Use Influences Self-Related Process: Evidence From Behavior and ERPs.Gai Zhao, Yan Zhang, Fanchang Kong, Zhaojun Liu, Yadan Wang, Bo Zhou, Xingjie Zhang, Feng Tang & Zongkui Zhou - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    The present study aimed to examine whether a self-related stimulus produces a self-related process bias between pathological-tendency internet users and ordinary internet users. Participants were asked to judge the color of the target stimulus’ frame (internet pictures) in an implicit priming task, which enclosed the prime of self/other-related words and the target of the online image in sequence. Results from Experiment 1 showed that the main effect of priming type and the interaction of the priming type and the subject group (...)
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  19.  14
    Do we parse the background into separate streams in the cocktail party?Orsolya Szalárdy, Brigitta Tóth, Dávid Farkas, Gábor Orosz & István Winkler - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:952557.
    In the cocktail party situation, people with normal hearing usually follow a single speaker among multiple concurrent ones. However, there is no agreement in the literature as to whether the background is segregated into multiple streams/speakers. The current study varied the number of concurrent speech streams and investigated target detection and memory for the contents of a target stream as well as the processing of distractors. A male-voiced target stream was either presented alone (single-speech), together with one male-voiced distractor (one-distractor), (...)
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  20.  46
    Rumination in major depressive disorder is associated with impaired neural activation during conflict monitoring.Brandon L. Alderman, Ryan L. Olson, Marsha E. Bates, Edward A. Selby, Jennifer F. Buckman, Christopher J. Brush, Emily A. Panza, Amy Kranzler, David Eddie & Tracey J. Shors - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:133309.
    Individuals with major depressive disorder (MDD) often ruminate about past experiences, especially those with negative content. These repetitive thoughts may interfere with cognitive processes related to attention and conflict monitoring. However, the temporal nature of these processes as reflected in event-related potentials (ERPs) has not been well-described. We examined behavioral and ERP indices of conflict monitoring during a modified flanker task and the allocation of attention during an attentional blink (AB) task in 33 individuals with MDD and 36 healthy controls, (...)
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    ERP correlates of attentional processing in spider fear: evidence of threat-specific hypervigilance.Rebecca Venetacci, Amber Johnstone, Kenneth C. Kirkby & Allison Matthews - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (3):437-449.
    Attentional bias towards threat can be demonstrated by enhanced processing of threat-related targets and/or greater interference when threat-related distractors are present. These effects are argued to reflect processing within the orienting and executive control networks of the brain respectively. This study investigated behavioural and electrophysiological correlates of early selective attention and top-down attentional control among females with high or low spider fear. Participants completed a novel flanker go/nogo task in which a central schematic flower or spider stimulus was flanked by (...)
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  22. Experiments on Aristotle’s Thesis.Niki Pfeifer - 2012 - The Monist 95 (2):223-240.
    Two experiments (N1 = 141, N2 = 40) investigate two versions of Aristotle’s Thesis for the first time. Aristotle’s Thesis is a negated conditional, which consists of one propositional variable with a negation either in the antecedent (version 1) or in the consequent (version 2). This task allows us to infer if people interpret indicative conditionals as material conditionals or as conditional events. In the first experiment I investigate between-participants the two versions of Aristotle’s Thesis crossed with abstract versus concrete (...)
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  23. Norm Conflicts and Conditionals.Niels Skovgaard-Olsen, David Kellen, Ulrike Hahn & Karl Christoph Klauer - 2019 - Psychological Review 126 (5):611-633.
    Suppose that two competing norms, N1 and N2, can be identified such that a given person’s response can be interpreted as correct according to N1 but incorrect according to N2. Which of these two norms, if any, should one use to interpret such a response? In this paper we seek to address this fundamental problem by studying individual variation in the interpretation of conditionals by establishing individual profiles of the participants based on their case judgments and reflective attitudes. To investigate (...)
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  24. Learning without consciously knowing: Evidence from event-related potentials in sequence learning.Qiufang Fu, Guangyu Bin, Zoltan Dienes, Xiaolan Fu & Xiaorong Gao - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (1):22-34.
    This paper investigated how implicit and explicit knowledge is reflected in event-related potentials in sequence learning. ERPs were recorded during a serial reaction time task. The results showed that there were greater RT benefits for standard compared with deviant stimuli later than early on, indicating sequence learning. After training, more standard triplets were generated under inclusion than exclusion tests and more standard triplets under exclusion than chance level, indicating that participants acquired both explicit and implicit knowledge. However, deviant targets elicited (...)
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  25. The Effect of Background Music on Inhibitory Functions: An ERP Study.Anja Burkhard, Stefan Elmer, Denis Kara, Christian Brauchli & Lutz Jäncke - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:374217.
    The influence of background music on cognitive functions is still a matter of debate. In this study, we investigated the influence of background music on executive functions (particularly on inhibitory functions). Participants completed a standardized cued Go/NoGo task during three different conditions while an EEG was recorded (1: with no background music, 2: with relaxing or 3: with exciting background music). In addition, we collected reaction times, omissions, and commissions in response to the Go and NoGo stimuli. From the EEG (...)
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  26. Husserl's notion of noema.Dagfinn Føllesdal - 1969 - Journal of Philosophy 66 (20):680-687.
    Darstellung des Noema in 12 Thesen.\nverwendete Textstellen: Ideen 1: S. 203, 22-23; S. 204, 20-21; S. 357, 19-20: Handlungen sind zielgerichtet. Dabei bedarf eines keines physischen Objekts. Husserl setzt and diese Stelle das Noema. Somit wird auch zielgerichtetes Handeln aufgrund einer Halluzination m{ö}glich, Zielgerichtet zu sein bedeutet ein Noema zu haben.\n1. Follesdal´sche These: Noema ist eine intensionale Entit{ä}t, eine Generalisierung des Begriffs Sinn/Bedeutung.\n2. These: Das Noema hat zwei Bestandteile, a) der noematische Sinn, der allen thetischen Handlungen (erinnern, sich vorstellen usw.) (...)
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  27.  48
    Developing and Measuring the Impact of an Accounting Ethics Course that is Based on the Moral Philosophy of Adam Smith.Daniel P. Sorensen, Scott E. Miller & Kevin L. Cabe - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 140 (1):175-191.
    Accounting ethics failures have seized headlines and cost investors billions of dollars. Improvement of the ethical reasoning and behavior of accountants has become a key concern for the accounting profession and for higher education in accounting. Researchers have asked a number of questions, including what type of accounting ethics education intervention would be most effective for accounting students. Some researchers have proposed virtue ethics as an appropriate moral framework for accounting. This research tested whether Smithian virtue ethics training, based on (...)
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  28.  44
    Neural activity in relation to temporal distance: Differences in past and future temporal discounting.J. M. He, X. T. Huang, H. Yuan & Y. G. Chen - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (4):1662-1672.
    This study investigated the differences between past and future temporal discounting in terms of neural activity in relation to temporal distance. Results show that brain regions are engaged differently in past and future temporal discounting. This is likely because past temporal discounting requires memory reconstruction, whereas future temporal discounting requires the processing of uncertainty about the future. In past temporal discounting, neural activity differed only when preferences were made between rewards received one hour prior and rewards received further in the (...)
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    Topological representations of post algebras of order ω+ and open theories based on ω+-valued post logic.Helena Rasiowa - 1985 - Studia Logica 44 (4):353 - 368.
    Post algebras of order + as a semantic foundation for +-valued predicate calculi were examined in [5]. In this paper Post spaces of order + being a modification of Post spaces of order n2 (cf. Traczyk [8], Dwinger [1], Rasiowa [6]) are introduced and Post fields of order + are defined. A representation theorem for Post algebras of order + as Post fields of sets is proved. Moreover necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of representations preserving a given set (...)
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  30.  49
    Grotius on Property and the Right of Necessity.Dennis Klimchuk - 2018 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 56 (2):239-260.
    i would hazard to guess that nearly everyone would agree that In situations of peril, it is permissible to use another’s property without her permission if that is the only way to save oneself from serious harm.1But that If one damages or consumes that property, one ought to compensate its owner.It turns out, however, that the conjunction of N1 and N2 is surprisingly difficult to justify. That is because if you accept N1, you are also likely to accept A property (...)
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  31.  57
    ERP and MEG correlates of visual consciousness: The second decade.Jona Förster, Mika Koivisto & Antti Revonsuo - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 80:102917.
    The first decade of event-related potential (ERP) research had established that the most consistent correlates of the onset of visual consciousness are the early visual awareness negativity (VAN), a posterior negative component in the N2 time range, and the late positivity (LP), an anterior positive component in the P3 time range. Two earlier extensive reviews ten years ago had concluded that VAN is the earliest and most reliable correlate of visual phenomenal consciousness, whereas LP probably reflects later processes associated with (...)
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  32.  25
    Moral reasoning development: norms for Defining Issue Test-2 (DIT2).Nahide Gungordu, Ghasim Nabizadehchianeh, Erin O’Connor, Wenchao Ma & David I. Walker - 2024 - Ethics and Behavior 34 (4):246-263.
    This article presents normative information for the Defining Issue Test Version 2 (DIT2) schema scores and most common summary scores based on secondary data from the last 10 years DIT2 database (N = 73740, Mage = 23.11, SD = 7.87, the age range in year = 12–95) maintained by the University of Alabama’s Center for the Study of Ethical Development from 2011 to 2020. More specifically, the study provides (1) norms by education; (2) norms by gender and education; and (3) (...)
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  33.  29
    What Use Is Empirical Confirmation?David Miller - 1996 - Economics and Philosophy 12 (2):197.
    1. Despite the plain fact that there is nothing in this world that can be proved without reliance on some assumption or another, there is an inalienable difference between an argument that begins by assuming what it is designed to establish and one that begins by assuming the contradictory of what it is designed to establish. Arguments of the first kind are uncontroversially acknowledged to be circular, or question-begging; though valid they achieve nothing. Those of the second kind conform to (...)
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    Connectification forn-contraction.Andreja Prijatelj - 1995 - Studia Logica 54 (2):149 - 171.
    In this paper, we introduce connectification operators for intuitionistic and classical linear algebras corresponding to linear logic and to some of its extensions withn-contraction. In particular,n-contraction (n2) is a version of the contraction rule, wheren+1 occurrences of a formula may be contracted ton occurrences. Since cut cannot be eliminated from the systems withn-contraction considered most of the standard proof-theoretic techniques to investigate meta-properties of those systems are useless. However, by means of connectification we establish the disjunction property for both intuitionistic (...)
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  35. How people interpret conditionals: Shifts towards the conditional event.A. J. B. Fugard, Niki Pfeifer, B. Mayerhofer & Gernot D. Kleiter - 2011 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 37 (3):635-648.
    We investigated how people interpret conditionals and how stable their interpretation is over a long series of trials. Participants were shown the colored patterns on each side of a six-sided die, and were asked how sure they were that a conditional holds of the side landing upwards when the die is randomly thrown. Participants were presented with 71 trials consisting of all combinations of binary dimensions of shape (e.g., circles and squares) and color (e.g., blue and red) painted onto the (...)
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  36.  16
    Scientific Replicability: Two Cases of Study in Laser Physics.Vicente Aboites & Yuri Barmenkov - 2022 - Open Journal of Philosophy 12 (4):510-522.
    One of the most important characteristics of modern science is its replicability and objectivity. This means that a scientific result is taken as such only when it has been reproduced by other scientists. Indeed, the replicability of a scientific result in an objective and independent way by members of a scientific community is the cornerstone of science. Experimental laser physics is an example of “normal” science, where it is no doubt that the phenomenon could be replicated; however, the replication process (...)
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  37.  42
    Further Notes on the Text of Seneca's De Beneficiis.W. H. Alexander - 1937 - Classical Quarterly 31 (1):55-60.
    These suggestions for the betterment and elucidation of the text of the De Beneficiis are additional to those already published in the Classical Quarterly in January, 1934. They are based on a conviction much deepened since that time that Buck1 is right when he says: N allein, und zwar ohne seine Ueberarbeitungen von späteren Händen, darf die Grundlage des Textes von de beneficiis bilden. Préchac3, the latest critical editor in this field, substantially confirms Buck's sweeping conclusion by an independent survey (...)
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  38.  36
    On ργúρια in the Athenaion Politeia 60.3.I. Avotins - 1987 - Classical Quarterly 37 (01):231-.
    The London papyrus of the Athenaion Politeia of Aristotle makes this statement about the prizes awarded in the musical contests at the Panathenaic games:It has been generally assumed that the andhere are connected with the prizes offered in the musical contests in IG n2 2311.1–22.For instance the winner in the lyre-playing contest receives a gold crown worth 1000 drachmas as well as 500 drachmas of silver.In consequence, the here are connected with the prizes offered in the musical contests in IG (...)
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    Discrete and continuous models for heterocyst differentiation in growing filaments of blue-green bacteria.Chris G. De Koster & Aristid Lindenmayer - 1987 - Acta Biotheoretica 36 (4):249-273.
    Heterocyst spacing in blue -green bacteria is widely assumed to be due to a diffusible inhibitor. The inhibitor, a nitrogen-rich compound, probably glutamine, is produced via the N2-fixing enzymes of the heterocyst and in turn serves to suppress the induction of these enzymes and of the differentiation of vegetative cells to heterocysts. This simple morphogenetic mechanism operating in growing cellular filaments ofAnabaena species is investigated on the basis of a continuous and a discrete cellular model, as well as by cell-by-cell (...)
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    Skin Color and Attractiveness Modulate Empathy for Pain: An Event-Related Potential Study.Xiong di YangLi, Yinya Zhang, Zuoshan Li & Jing Meng - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Although racial in-group bias in empathy for pain has been reported, empathic responses to others’ pain may be influenced by other characteristics besides race. To explore whether skin color and attractiveness modulate empathy for pain, we recorded 24 participants’ reactions to painful faces from racial in-group members with different skin color and attractiveness using event-related potentials. Results showed that, for more attractive painful faces, dark skin faces were judged as less painful and elicited smaller N2 amplitudes than fair- and wheatish-skinned (...)
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    The effects of music exposure and own genre preference on conscious and unconscious cognitive processes: A pilot ERP study.George N. Caldwell & Leigh M. Riby - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (4):992-996.
    Did Beethoven and Mozart have more in common with each other than Clapton and Hendrix? The current research demonstrated the widely reported Mozart Effect as only partly significant. Event-related brain potentials were recorded from 16 professional classical and rock musicians during a standard 2 stimulus visual oddball task, while listening to classical and rock music. During the oddball task participants were required to discriminate between an infrequent target stimulus randomly embedded in a train of repetitive background or standard stimuli. Consistent (...)
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  42.  13
    The brain dynamics of trust decisions and outcome evaluation in narcissists.Fengbo Guo, Ziyang Yang, Tengfei Liu & Li Gu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Individuals with narcissism are, by definition, self-centered, focus on self-benefit, and demonstrate less prosocial behaviors. Trusting strangers is risky, as it can result in exploitation and non-reciprocation. Thus, the trust may be antagonistic to narcissism. However, how narcissists make the choice to trust remains to be elucidated. The current study examined 44 participants playing as trustors in one-shot trust games, and their electroencephalograms were recorded. Individuals high in narcissism exhibited less trust toward strangers, especially following gaining feedback for their trust. (...)
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    Biochemistry and physiology of nitrogen fixation.H. Haaker - 1988 - Bioessays 9 (4):112-117.
    Biological dinitrogen fixation, the reduction of N2 to NH3, requires the enzyme nitrogenase, MgATP, a strongly reducing electron donor and an anaerobic environment. Reducing power for nitrogen fixation is generated by two particular mechanisms, while the mechanisms for protecting nitrogen fixation from oxygen show a greater diversity. Both the reduction and the protection aspects of nitrogen fixation, especially those of the legume root nodule, will be discussed.
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    Frontal Theta Oscillation as a Mechanism for Implicit Gender Stereotype Control: Electrophysiological Evidence From an Extrinsic Affective Simon Task.Lei Jia, Mengru Cheng, Billy Sung, Cheng Wang, Jun Wang & Feiming Li - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Previous research has indicated that frontal midline theta reflects a domain-general cognitive control mechanism of the prefrontal cortex. Brain imaging studies have shown that the inhibition of implicit stereotypes was dependent on this domain-general cognitive control mechanism. Based on this knowledge, the present study investigated the neural oscillatory correlates of implicit gender stereotype control in an extrinsic affective Simon task using electrophysiological methods. Participants in this task conducted verification to white gender names and colored gender traits, and their behavioral response (...)
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    Effects of social and affective content on exogenous attention as revealed by event-related potentials.Vladimir Kosonogov, Jose M. Martinez-Selva, Eduvigis Carrillo-Verdejo, Ginesa Torrente, Luis Carretié & Juan P. Sanchez-Navarro - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (4):683-695.
    ABSTRACTThe social content of affective stimuli has been proposed as having an influence on cognitive processing and behaviour. This research was aimed, therefore, at studying whether automatic exogenous attention demanded by affective pictures was related to their social value. We hypothesised that affective social pictures would capture attention to a greater extent than non-social affective stimuli. For this purpose, we recorded event-related potentials in a sample of 24 participants engaged in a digit categorisation task. Distracters were affective pictures varying in (...)
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    Le nom "catégorie", au croisement de la généralité et de la sous-spécification.Marie Lammert - 2021 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
    Dans cet article, nous interrogeons le statut linguistique du nom catégorie. Par ses propriétés sémantiques, catégorie peut être considéré comme un nom général ou sommital, tandis qu’il peut être appréhendé comme un nom sous-spécifié ou signalling noun si l’on prend en compte des critères syntaxiques. Nous montrons tout d’abord que catégorie est un nom général du fait de sa position lexicale, de sa non autonomie référentielle, d’une sous-détermination intrinsèque et de son abstraction. Nous mettons également en évidence la nature du (...)
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    Negative performance feedback from algorithms or humans? effect of medical researchers’ algorithm aversion on scientific misconduct.Ganli Liao, Feiwen Wang, Wenhui Zhu & Qichao Zhang - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-20.
    Institutions are increasingly employing algorithms to provide performance feedback to individuals by tracking productivity, conducting performance appraisals, and developing improvement plans, compared to traditional human managers. However, this shift has provoked considerable debate over the effectiveness and fairness of algorithmic feedback. This study investigates the effects of negative performance feedback (NPF) on the attitudes, cognition and behavior of medical researchers, comparing NPF from algorithms versus humans. Two scenario-based experimental studies were conducted with a total sample of 660 medical researchers (algorithm (...)
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    A Study of Response Inhibition in Overweight/Obesity People Based on Event-Related Potential.Ze-Nan Liu, Jing-Yi Jiang, Tai-Sheng Cai & Dai-Lin Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveTo investigate the characteristics of response inhibition of overweight/obese people, using behavior experiments combine with neural electrophysiological technology and discussing the difference in impulse level between obesity/overweight and normal-weight people through EEG data, questionnaire, and behavior experiment.Method All participants completed the Go/Nogo task; meanwhile, behavior data and 64 channel EEG data were recorded. Participants completed the Stop-Signal task and behavior date was recorded.Results During Go/Nogo task, no significant differences were found in reaction time, omission errors of the Go task between (...)
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  49.  39
    (1 other version)A la recherche de la definition de la complexite d'espace pour le calcul des polynomes a la maniere de Valiant.Bruno Poizat - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (4):1179-1201.
    Nous définissons une classe de suites de polynômes, calculés par des circuits de complexité polynomiale comprenant des additions, des soustractions, des multiplications et des sommations de Valiant. Nous montrons que cette classe est close pour la prise de la fonction-coefficient, définie au paragraphe 3 de cet article: nous en déduisons l'existence d'un circuit de complexité 72.n2, calculant le coefficient binomial de deux nombres de n chiffres, donnés en base 2. Il est par ailleurs facile de construire un circuit de complexité (...)
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  50.  18
    Contact Heat Evoked Potentials in China: Normal Values and Reproducibility.Bo Sun, Hongfen Wang, Zhaohui Chen, Fang Cui, Fei Yang & Xusheng Huang - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Background: Contact heat evoked potentials is used to diagnose small fiber neuropathy. We established the normal values of CHEPs parameters in Chinese adults, optimized the test technique, and determined its reproducibility.Methods: We recruited 151 healthy adults. CHEPs was performed on the right forearm to determine the optimal number of stimuli, and then conducted at different sites to establish normal values, determine the effects of demographic characteristics and baseline temperature, and assess the short- and long-term reproducibility. N2 latency/height varied with age (...)
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