Results for ' Nighttime driving'

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  1.  17
    Does intraocular straylight predict night driving visual performance? Correlations between straylight levels and contrast sensitivity, halo size, and hazard recognition distance with and without glare.Judith Ungewiss, Ulrich Schiefer, Peter Eichinger, Michael Wörner, David P. Crabb & Pete R. Jones - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:910620.
    PurposeTo evaluate the relationship between intraocular straylight perception and: (i) contrast sensitivity (CS), (ii) halo size, and (iii) hazard recognition distance, in the presence and absence of glare.Subjects and methodsParticipants were 15 (5 female) ophthalmologically healthy adults, aged 54.6–80.6 (median: 67.2) years. Intraocular straylight (log s) was measured using a straylight meter (C-Quant; Oculus GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany). CS with glare was measured clinically using the Optovist I device (Vistec Inc., Olching, Germany) and also within a driving simulator using Landolt (...)
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    Driving in the Dark: Designing Autonomous Vehicles for Reducing Light Pollution.Taylor Stone, Filippo Santoni de Sio & Pieter E. Vermaas - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (1):387-403.
    This paper proposes that autonomous vehicles should be designed to reduce light pollution. In support of this specific proposal, a moral assessment of autonomous vehicles more comprehensive than the dilemmatic life-and-death questions of trolley problem-style situations is presented. The paper therefore consists of two interrelated arguments. The first is that autonomous vehicles are currently still a technology in development, and not one that has acquired its definitive shape, meaning the design of both the vehicles and the surrounding infrastructure is open-ended. (...)
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  3.  38
    Pluralistic Conceptualizations of Empathy.Mark Fagiano - 2016 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 30 (1):27-44.
    Imagine you are driving up a long and winding road in the mountains. It is nighttime; there are no streetlights or traffic lights, no moon illuminating the sky, and barely shining through a few clouds, the faint, flickering stars above grant you only a fraction of light to see the path ahead. The quiet, serene scene of this moonless, cool night coupled with the sweet scent of pine reminds you of the wonders and beauty of nature. Then, unexpectedly, (...)
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    Golf Day 2005@ Federal Golf Club, Red Hill.Longest Drive Women’S.-Lyn McGuinness, Longest Drive Men’S.-Bill Williams, Best Callaway Score-Njegosh Popvich, Best Accountant-Michael Slaven, Best Lawyer-Les Klekner, Overall Women’S. Ivana Joseph, Overall Mens-Andy Colquhoun, Kow Chen & Abel Ong - 2005 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
    "Golf day 2005 @ federal golf club, red hill." Ethos: Official Publication of the Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory, (196), pp. 7.
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    What Drives Substantive Versus Symbolic Implementation of ISO 14001 in a Time of Economic Crisis? Insights from Greek Manufacturing Companies.Konstantinos Iatridis & Effie Kesidou - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (4):859-877.
    This paper analyses the role of external pressures, internal motivations and their interplay, with the intention of identifying whether they drive substantive or instead symbolic implementation of ISO 14001. The context is one of economic crisis. We focus on Greece, where the economic crisis has weakened the country’s institutional environment, and analyse qualitatively new interview data from 45 ISO 14001 certified firms. Our findings show that weak external pressures can lead to a symbolic implementation of ISO 14001, as firms can (...)
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  6.  6
    Exploring the Duality of Urban Living Through the Aesthetics of the Nighttime City.Shane Epting - 2024 - Rivista di Estetica 85 (85):50-60.
    Research in the emerging area of the philosophy of the city has blossomed significantly in the last decade. One research strand is urban lighting, which offers several insights into how cities appear, focusing on a range of issues. This paper aims to contribute to this conversation by interrogating what it means to have a city that functions 24 hours a day. In turn, the author fleshes out the view that we can almost say that two cities exist within the exact (...)
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    Driving With Hemianopia X: Effects of Cross Traffic on Gaze Behaviors and Pedestrian Responses at Intersections.Jing Xu, Vilte Baliutaviciute, Garrett Swan & Alex R. Bowers - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    PurposeWe conducted a driving simulator study to investigate the effects of monitoring intersection cross traffic on gaze behaviors and responses to pedestrians by drivers with hemianopic field loss.MethodsSixteen HFL and sixteen normal vision participants completed two drives in an urban environment. At 30 intersections, a pedestrian ran across the road when the participant entered the intersection, requiring a braking response to avoid a collision. Intersections with these pedestrian events had either no cross traffic, one approaching car from the side (...)
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  8. Autonomous Driving and Public Reason: a Rawlsian Approach.Claudia Brändle & Michael W. Schmidt - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1475-1499.
    In this paper, we argue that solutions to normative challenges associated with autonomous driving, such as real-world trolley cases or distributions of risk in mundane driving situations, face the problem of reasonable pluralism: Reasonable pluralism refers to the fact that there exists a plurality of reasonable yet incompatible comprehensive moral doctrines within liberal democracies. The corresponding problem is that a politically acceptable solution cannot refer to only one of these comprehensive doctrines. Yet a politically adequate solution to the (...)
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  9.  28
    The Drives for Driving Simulation: A Scientometric Analysis and a Selective Review of Reviews on Simulated Driving Research.Alessandro Oronzo Caffò, Luigi Tinella, Antonella Lopez, Giuseppina Spano, Ylenia Massaro, Andrea Lisi, Fabrizio Stasolla, Roberto Catanesi, Francesco Nardulli, Ignazio Grattagliano & Andrea Bosco - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:516400.
    Driving behaviours and fitness to drive have been assessed using different tools over time: standardized neuropsychological, on-road and driving simulation testing. Nowadays, the great variability of topics related to driving simulation has elicited a high number of reviews. The present work aims to perform a scientometric analysis on driving simulation reviews and to propose a selective review of reviews focusing on critical issues related to validity and fidelity. A scientometric analysis of driving simulation reviews published (...)
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  10.  40
    Drives as Original Facticity.Daniel O'Shiel - 2013 - Sartre Studies International 19 (1):1-15.
    By introducing 'drives' into a Sartrean framework, 'being-in-itself' is interpreted as 'Nature as such', wherein instincts dominate. Being-for-itself, on the contrary, has an ontological nature diametrically opposed to this former – indeed, in the latter realm, through a fundamental process of 'nihilation' (Sartre's 'freedom') consciousness perpetually flees itself by transcending towards the world. However, a kernel of (our) nihilated Nature is left at the heart of this process, in the form of 'original facticity' that we here name drives. Drives are (...)
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  11.  95
    Autonomous Driving Ethics: from Trolley Problem to Ethics of Risk.Maximilian Geisslinger, Franziska Poszler, Johannes Betz, Christoph Lütge & Markus Lienkamp - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1033-1055.
    In 2017, the German ethics commission for automated and connected driving released 20 ethical guidelines for autonomous vehicles. It is now up to the research and industrial sectors to enhance the development of autonomous vehicles based on such guidelines. In the current state of the art, we find studies on how ethical theories can be integrated. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, no framework for motion planning has yet been published which allows for the true implementation of any (...)
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  12. Drives as Inverted Forms: Nietzsche’s Correction of Socrates’s Philosophical Psychology (As pulsões como formas invertidas: a correção de Nietzsche à psicologia filosófica de Sócrates).Brian Lightbody - 2024 - Kalagatos 21 (2):1-28.
    A recent paper by Tom Stern suggests that Socrates’s philosophical psychology, which emphasizes rational reflection, is superior to Nietzsche’s drive model when explaining human behavior. I argue that Stern’s analysis is wrong on three fronts. First, the models share common, though inverted, features. Second, Stern fails to consider the role of Socrates’s daimon when evaluating Socrates’s philosophy of mind; third, Nietzsche’s model is more warranted. In sum, Nietzsche’s philosophical psychology is a correction of the Socratic.
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  13.  31
    What Drives Them to Drive?—Parents' Reasons for Choosing the Car to Take Their Children to School.Jessica Westman, Margareta Friman & Lars E. Olsson - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:267963.
    Children’s school journeys have changed vastly during recent decades: More children are being driven to school in private cars instead of walking and cycling, with many who are entitled to a free school bus service still being driven. Earlier research into travel mode choice has often investigated how urban form impacts upon mode choice regarding school journeys – in particular how urban form hinders or enables the use of the active mode. This paper quantitatively explores parents’ stated reasons for choosing (...)
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  14.  26
    Driving Mechanism Model for the Supply Chain Work Safety Management Behavior of Core Enterprises—An Exploratory Research Based on Grounded Theory.Qiaomei Zhou, Qiang Mei, Suxia Liu, Jingjing Zhang & Qiwei Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Guiding core enterprises to participate in supply chain work safety governance is an innovative mode of work safety control, which has an important impact on improving the work safety level of small and medium-sized enterprises in the supply chain. Through in-depth interviews, the grounded theory is adopted to explore the driving factors of work safety management behaviors of core enterprise. It is found that the work safety management behavior of the core enterprise is driven by both internal and external (...)
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  15. Self-Driving Cars and Engineering Ethics: The Need for a System Level Analysis.Jason Borenstein, Joseph R. Herkert & Keith W. Miller - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (2):383-398.
    The literature on self-driving cars and ethics continues to grow. Yet much of it focuses on ethical complexities emerging from an individual vehicle. That is an important but insufficient step towards determining how the technology will impact human lives and society more generally. What must complement ongoing discussions is a broader, system level of analysis that engages with the interactions and effects that these cars will have on one another and on the socio-technical systems in which they are embedded. (...)
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  16. Self-Driving Vehicles—an Ethical Overview.Sven Ove Hansson, Matts-Åke Belin & Björn Lundgren - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1383-1408.
    The introduction of self-driving vehicles gives rise to a large number of ethical issues that go beyond the common, extremely narrow, focus on improbable dilemma-like scenarios. This article provides a broad overview of realistic ethical issues related to self-driving vehicles. Some of the major topics covered are as follows: Strong opinions for and against driverless cars may give rise to severe social and political conflicts. A low tolerance for accidents caused by driverless vehicles may delay the introduction of (...)
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  17.  73
    Gene Drives as Interventions into Nature: the Coproduction of Ontology and Morality in the Gene Drive Debate.Keje Boersma, Bernice Bovenkerk & David Ludwig - 2023 - NanoEthics 17 (1):1-25.
    Gene drives are potentially ontologically and morally disruptive technologies. The potential to shape evolutionary processes and to eradicate (e.g. malaria-transmitting or invasive) populations raises ontological questions about evolution, nature, and wilderness. The transformative promises and perils of gene drives also raise pressing ethical and political concerns. The aim of this article is to arrive at a better understanding of the gene drive debate by analysing how ontological and moral assumptions are coproduced in this debate. Combining philosophical analysis with a critical (...)
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  18.  45
    The Value of Darkness: A Moral Framework for Urban Nighttime Lighting.Taylor Stone - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (2):607-628.
    The adverse effects of artificial nighttime lighting, known as light pollution, are emerging as an important environmental issue. To address these effects, current scientific research focuses mainly on identifying what is bad or undesirable about certain types and uses of lighting at night. This paper adopts a value-sensitive approach, focusing instead on what is good about darkness at night. In doing so, it offers a first comprehensive analysis of the environmental value of darkness at night from within applied ethics. (...)
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  19.  21
    Drive level and reinforcement.James Deese & J. A. Carpenter - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 42 (4):236.
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    State Driving Under the Influence of Drugs Laws.Alexandra N. Origenes, Sarah A. White, Emma E. McGinty & Jon S. Vernick - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (S1):85-88.
    Drug-impaired driving is a growing problem in the U.S. States regulate drug-impaired driving in different ways. Some do not name specific drugs or amounts. Others do identify specific drugs and may regulate cannabis separately. We provide up-to-date information about these state laws.
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  21. Self-driving Cars in Dilemmatic Situations: An Approach Based on the Theory of Justification in Criminal Law.Ivó Coca-Vila - 2018 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 12 (1):59-82.
    This article puts forward solutions to some of the ethical and legal dilemmas posed in the current discussion on how to program crash algorithms in autonomous or self-driving cars. The first part of the paper defines the scope of the problem in the criminal legal field, and the next section gives a critical analysis of the proposal to always prioritise the interest of the occupant of the vehicle in situations with conflict of interests. The principle of minimizing social damage (...)
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  22.  52
    Re-envisioning the Nocturnal Sublime: On the Ethics and Aesthetics of Nighttime Lighting.Taylor Stone - 2018 - Topoi 40 (2):481-491.
    Grounded in the practical problem of light pollution, this paper examines the aesthetic dimensions of urban and natural darkness, and its impact on how we perceive and evaluate nighttime lighting. It is argued that competing notions of the sublime, manifested through artificial illumination and the natural night sky respectively, reinforce a geographical dualism between cities and wilderness. To challenge this spatial differentiation, recent work in urban-focused environmental ethics, as well as environmental aesthetics, are utilized to envision the moral and (...)
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  23.  51
    Drive to Drive: The Deconstruction of the Freudian Trieb.Mauro Senatore - 2019 - Derrida Today 12 (1):59-79.
    In the essay ‘To Speculate – On “Freud’”, which is published in The Postcards: From Socrates to Freud and Beyond (1980) and draws upon the last part of his unedited lecture course on La Vie la mort (taught in 1975), Jacques Derrida engages a close reading of Sigmund Freud's Beyond the Pleasure Principle. This article focuses on the deconstruction of the Freudian concept of drive (Trieb) that Derrida unfolds across his reading. It traces the analysis of the movement of autotelicity (...)
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  24.  23
    Driving Style: Determining Factors, Characteristics, Optimization Directions.I. I. Lobanova - 2015 - Liberal Arts in Russiaроссийский Гуманитарный Журналrossijskij Gumanitarnyj Žurnalrossijskij Gumanitaryj Zhurnalrossiiskii Gumanitarnyi Zhurnal 4 (1):76.
    A system of description, identification and classification of factors determining driving style is proposed in the article; stable and variable factors determining driving style are studied. Driving style is analyzed within the framework of structural approach. The variable factor are: specifications and technical condition of the vehicle, class of the car, its prestige, training of the driver, social regulators, features of the road environment, psychophysiological condition of the driver. The stable factors are: individual-typological properties, the level of (...)
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  25.  20
    Drive, instinct, reflex—Applications to treatment of anxiety, depressive and addictive disorders.Brian Johnson, David Brand, Edward Zimmerman & Michael Kirsch - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:870415.
    The neuropsychoanalytic approach solves important aspects of how to use our understanding of the brain to treat patients. We describe the neurobiology underlying motivation for healthy behaviors and psychopathology. We have updated Freud’s original concepts of drive and instinct using neuropsychoanalysis in a way that conserves his insights while adding information that is of use in clinical treatment. Drive (Trieb) is a pressure to act on an internal stimulus. It has a motivational energic source, an aim, an object, and is (...)
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  26. Drive.Kienhow Goh - 2020 - In Marina F. Bykova, The Bloomsbury Handbook to Fichte. New York: Bloomsbury. pp. 399-407.
    This chapter elucidates the important Fichtean concept of drive by examining how it is put to use in the Jena Wissenschaftslehre to account for the I’s positing of an object in general, its comprehension of nature as purposive, and its consciousness of its own pure nature. In the Foundation of the Entire Wissenschaftslehre, the nature of drive is first clarified as the form the I necessarily takes in and for itself inasmuch as it strives. Further configurations of the determination are (...)
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  27.  24
    Effects of drive, reinforcement schedule, and change of schedule on performance.Pietro Badia - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 69 (3):292.
  28.  86
    Emotion drives attention: detecting the snake in the grass.Arne Öhman, Anders Flykt & Francisco Esteves - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 130 (3):466.
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    Moral dilemmas in self-driving cars.Chiara Lucifora, Giorgio Mario Grasso, Pietro Perconti & Alessio Plebe - 2020 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 11 (2):238-250.
    : Autonomous driving systems promise important changes for future of transport, primarily through the reduction of road accidents. However, ethical concerns, in particular, two central issues, will be key to their successful development. First, situations of risk that involve inevitable harm to passengers and/or bystanders, in which some individuals must be sacrificed for the benefit of others. Secondly, and identification responsible parties and liabilities in the event of an accident. Our work addresses the first of these ethical problems. We (...)
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  30.  11
    Driving forces in history.Halvdan Koht - 1964 - Cambridge,: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
  31.  35
    Driving in the City.Nigel Thrift - 2004 - Theory, Culture and Society 21 (4-5):41-59.
    This article argues that de Certeau’s understanding of walking as the archetypal transhuman practice of making the city habitable cannot hold in a post-human world. By concentrating on the practices of driving, I argue that other experiences of the city can have an equal validity. In other words, de Certeau’s work on everyday life in the city needs to be reworked in order to take into account the rise of automobility. The bulk of this article is devoted to exploring (...)
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  32. Feeling, Drive, and the Lower Capacity of Desire.Owen Ware - 2021 - In Stefano Bacin & Owen Ware, Fichte's _System of Ethics_: A Critical Guide. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 66–84.
    Part II of Fichte’s System of Ethics is titled “Deduction of the Reality and Applicability of the Moral Law.” In this chapter, I argue that what motivates Fichte’s new deduction is a concern to avoid what he calls “empty formula philosophy,” that is, a philosophy which fails to explain how willing an object is possible. Fichte sets out to avoid this shortcoming by offering a complex theory of the drives, focusing first on what he calls our “lower capacity of desire.” (...)
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  33.  36
    Driving without Destination.Dermot Quinn - 2000 - The Chesterton Review 26 (3):305-319.
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    Autonomous Driving and Perverse Incentives.Wulf Loh & Catrin Misselhorn - 2019 - Philosophy and Technology 32 (4):575-590.
    This paper discusses the ethical implications of perverse incentives with regard to autonomous driving. We define perverse incentives as a feature of an action, technology, or social policy that invites behavior which negates the primary goal of the actors initiating the action, introducing a certain technology, or implementing a social policy. As a special form of means-end-irrationality, perverse incentives are to be avoided from a prudential standpoint, as they prove to be directly self-defeating: They are not just a form (...)
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  35.  44
    Acquired drive strength as a joint function of shock intensity and number of acquisition trials.Melvin L. Goldstein - 1960 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 60 (6):349.
  36. Driving social innovation using strategies for advancing Indian higher education.Kannan Kumar - 2024 - In Emmanuel Hans, Educational philosophy and sociological foundation of education. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
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  37.  16
    Paradigmatically active: why Nietzschean drives are not dispositions.James Mollison - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    In this article, I argue against the scholarly consensus that Nietzsche understands drives as dispositions toward characteristic modes of behavior. After showing that Nietzsche’s texts do not support construing drives as dispositions, I draw out three consequences of this view: it undermines Nietzsche’s analysis of how drives take up objects, risks rendering drives causally otiose, and makes drives’ relations with affects needlessly complex. These consequences, I argue, impede drives’ abilities to assist Nietzsche’s philosophical ambitions. To avoid these textual and philosophical (...)
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  38.  24
    Driving Consumer Value Co-creation and Purchase Intention by Social Media Advertising Value.Ali Hussain, Ding Hooi Ting & Muhammad Mazhar - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Social media advertisement is a growing phenomenon designed to reach and engage customers. However, despite their continued adoption, less remains known regarding the effectiveness of social media ads to co-create brand value. In response to this gap, this study aims to deepen the theoretical understanding of consumer value co-creation through social media advertising value. The data were collected using purposive sampling from 286 experienced social-media users, and the model was tested using partial least square -based structural equation modeling. The results (...)
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  39. Ethics of Driving Automation. Artificial Agency and Human Values.Fabio Fossa - 2023 - Cham: Springer.
    This book offers a systematic and thorough philosophical analysis of the ways in which driving automation crosses path with ethical values. Upon introducing the different forms of driving automation and examining their relation to human autonomy, it provides readers with in-depth reflections on safety, privacy, moral judgment, control, responsibility, sustainability, and other ethical issues. Driving is undoubtedly a moral activity as a human act. Transferring it to artificial agents such as connected and automated vehicles necessarily raises many (...)
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  40.  33
    Driving Black Cars or Transforming Society.L. Lamar Nisly - 1997 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 10 (1):145-158.
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    Driving Under the Influence: The Nature of Selling Sport Utility Vehicles.Leigh Glover - 2000 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 20 (5):360-365.
    Sport utility vehicles (SUVs) are becoming increasingly popular by assuming the role of passenger care in urban transport. Many characteristics of the SUV are unsuited to the urban transport task and have higher environmental costs than passenger cars. Marketing of SUVs has focused on their off road used and relationship with the great outdoors. This article examines some the factors behind this anomalous relationship with the environmental by describing and interpreting the manner in which nature is represented in SUV marketing.
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    Driving Mechanism for Manufacturer’s Decision of Green Innovation: From the Perspectives of Manager Cognition and Behavior Selection.Minghua Han, Daliang Zheng & Danyi Gu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    From the perspectives of manager cognition and behavior selection, this paper analyzes the cognitive basis of manufacturer’s green innovation and discovers that the embodied cognition of the manager has an important influence on the selection of green innovation behavior. Next, the behavior activation in the four stages of manufacturer’s green innovation, namely, initiation, termination, change, and solidification, was analyzed, and two behavior selections were proposed: the adaptive legitimacy with institutional logic as the cognitive starting point and the strategic legitimacy with (...)
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    Driving Without Destination.Larry Ross - 2010 - The Chesterton Review 36 (3/4):308-309.
  44. The Drive Is as Turbulent as Language.Roberto Harari - 2007 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 13:1.
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    Drive of Capital.Adrian Johnston - 2023 - Filozofski Vestnik 44 (1):113-43.
    Especially during the brief post-revolutionary period before the rise of Stalinism, certain thinkers in the Soviet milieu offered some attention-worthy reflections regarding Freud’s body of work. In particular, Luria and Vygotsky put forward thoughtful Marxism-informed assessments of the metapsychology and methodology of psychoanalysis. And strong cross-resonances are audible between these Soviet thinkers’ reflections and the early stages of Western Marxism’s rapprochement with Freud, starting in texts by Reich and Fenichel and continuing with the Frankfurt School, of whose members Marcuse arguably (...)
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    Driving Into the Future.P. A. Hancock - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This work considers the future of driving in terms of both its short- and long-term horizons. It conjectures that human-controlled driving will follow in the footsteps of a wide swath of other, now either residual or abandoned human occupations. Pursuits that have preceded it into oblivion. In this way, driving will dwindle down into only a few niche locales wherein enthusiasts will still persist, much in the way that steam train hobbyists now continue their own aspirational inclinations. (...)
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    Indicators of Possible Driving Forces for the Spread of Quechua and Aymara Reflected in the Archaeology of Cuzco.Gordon McEwan - 2012 - In McEwan Gordon, Archaeology and Language in the Andes. pp. 247.
    Linguistic studies have shown that the traditional idea that the expansion of the Inca Empire was the driving force behind the spread of all Quechua cannot be correct. Across much of its distribution, Quechua has far greater time-depth than can be accounted for by the short-lived Inca Empire. Linguistics likewise suggests that Aymara spread not from the south into Cuzco in the late Pre-Inca period, but also from an origin to the north. Alternative explanations must be sought for the (...)
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    Driving Factors for the Success of the Green Innovation Market: A Relationship System Proposal.Janine Fleith de Medeiros, Gabriel Vidor & José Luís Duarte Ribeiro - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (2):327-341.
    This study aims to map out the relationships that make up green innovation initiatives in Brazilian industry. The sample comprised 100 managers at manufacturing companies, most of them operating in the business of farm machinery and equipment and steel structures. To develop this study, Medeiros et al. study, mapping critical factors that drive the success of green product innovation and the paradigm of complexity, was used as a reference study. Based on the results, it was possible to identify that the (...)
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  49.  16
    Mental workload and driving.Julie Paxion, Edith Galy & Catherine Berthelon - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:88843.
    The aim of this chapter is to identify the most representative measures of subjective and objective mental workload in driving, and to understand how the subjective and objective levels of mental workload influence the performance as a function of situation complexity and driving experience, i.e. to verify whether the increase of situation complexity and the lack of experience increase the subjective and physiological levels of mental workload and lead to driving performance impairments. This chapter will be useful (...)
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  50. Death Drive (Freud).Elisabeth Bronfen - 1992 - In Elizabeth Wright, Feminism and psychoanalysis: a critical dictionary. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell. pp. 52--57.
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