Results for ' Philosophy, Sara'

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  1. Merleau-ponty's modification of phenomenology: Cognition, passion and philosophy.Sara Heinämaa - 1999 - Synthese 118 (1):49-68.
    This paper problematizes the analogy that Hubert Dreyfus has presented between phenomenology and cognitive science. It argues that Dreyfus presents Merleau-Ponty''s modification of Husserl''s phenomenology in a misleading way. He ignores the idea of philosophy as a radical interrogation and self-responsibility that stems from Husserl''s work and recurs in Merleau-Ponty''s Phenomenology of Perception. The paper focuses on Merleau-Ponty''s understanding of the phenomenological reduction. It shows that his critical idea was not to restrict the scope of Husserl''s reductions but to study (...)
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    The Philosophy and Rhetoric of Auditor Independence Concepts.Sara Ann Reiter & Paul F. Williams - 2004 - Business Ethics Quarterly 14 (3):355-376.
    This paper analyzes the rhetoric surrounding the profession’s presentations of auditor independence. We trace the evolution of thecharacter of the auditor from Professional Man in the early years of the twentieth century to the more public and abstract figures of Judicial Man and Economic Man. The changing character of the auditor in the profession’s narratives of legitimation reflects changes in the role of auditing, in the economic environment, and in the values of American society. Economic man is a self-interested and (...)
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    Adapting practice-based philosophy of science to teaching of science students.Sara Green, Hanne Andersen, Kristian Danielsen, Claus Emmeche, Christian Joas, Mikkel Willum Johansen, Caio Nagayoshi, Joeri Witteveen & Henrik Kragh Sørensen - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (3):1-18.
    The “practice turn” in philosophy of science has strengthened the connections between philosophy and scientific practice. Apart from reinvigorating philosophy of science, this also increases the relevance of philosophical research for science, society, and science education. In this paper, we reflect on our extensive experience with teaching mandatory philosophy of science courses to science students from a range of programs at University of Copenhagen. We highlight some of the lessons we have learned in making philosophy of science “fit for teaching” (...)
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    Wittgensteins Philosophie des Kippbilds: Aspektwechsel, Ethik, Sprache.Sara Fortuna - 2012 - Wien: Verlag Turia + Kant.
    Ausgangspunkt dieser Untersuchung sind Wittgensteins Analysen der Kippbilder, seine Reflexionen über das Sehen-als und die damit verbundene Spannung zwischen Identität und Differenz. Wittgenstein, so lautet die zentrale These des Buches, beschäftigte sich mit solchen außergewöhnlichen Phänomenen, weil sie die übersichtliche Darstellung der komplexen, symbolischen Praktiken menschlicher Lebensformen erlauben. Anhand unterschiedlicher Beispiele – physiognomischer Ausdruck, Witz, Kunst, Dichtung, sadomasochistische Perversion – erstellt Sara Fortuna eine Grammatik der Aspekte, die eng auf ethische Fragestellungen bezogen bleibt. Dadurch erscheinen Wittgensteins späte Gedanken als (...)
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    The Philosophy of Envy.Sara Protasi - 2021 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Envy is almost universally condemned. But is its reputation warranted? Sara Protasi argues envy is multifaceted and sometimes even virtuous.
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    Philosophy in schools: an introduction for philosophers and teachers.Sara Goering, Nicholas J. Shudak & Thomas E. Wartenberg (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
    All of us ponder the big and enduring human questions—Who am I? Am I free? What should I do? What is good? Is there justice?
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  7. (1 other version)Maternal thinking: towards a politics of peace.Sara Ruddick - 1989 - London: The Women's Press.
    The most popular uniting theme in feminist peace literature grounds women's peace work in mothering. I argue if maternal arguments do not address the variety of relationships different races and classes of mothers have to institutional violence and/or the military, then the resulting peace politics can only draw incomplete conclusions about the relationships between maternal work/thinking and peace. To illustrate this I compare two models of mothering: Sara Ruddick's decription of "maternal practice" and Patricia Hill Collins's account of racial-ethnic (...)
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  8.  20
    PERSPECTIVES: The Center for the Advancement of Philosophy in Schools.Sara Goering - 2002 - Questions 2:10-10.
    Goering writes on the perspectives of her students through contrasting philosophy to unrelated anthological texts which include language arts and history.
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    Hermeneutics and Feminist Philosophy.Sara Heinämaa - 2015 - In Niall Keane & Chris Lawn (eds.), A Companion to Hermeneutics. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 557–572.
    This chapter covers all the main topics of feminist philosophy, from knowledge and being to good life, justice, and power. The relation between hermeneutical and feminist investigations is constructive and deconstructive: on the one hand, feminist scholars have developed hermeneutical methods further and, on the other hand, they have questioned the very foundations of these methods. The first feminist hermeneuticians and historians of philosophy aimed primarily at reconsidering the works of canonical philosophers and at bringing to light the forgotten and (...)
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  10.  85
    Singing in the Fire: Stories of Women in Philosophy.Sara Ruddick - 2006 - Hypatia 21 (2):207-219.
  11.  14
    Finding Freedom: Hegel's Philosophy and the Emancipation of Women.Sara Jane MacDonald - 2008 - McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP.
    G.W.F. Hegel is often vilified for his conservative reactionary philosophy, particularly with respect to the rights of women. Alternatively, tracing a path through G.W.F Hegel's political thought, MacDonald demonstrates that, in fact, the logic of Hegel's argument necessitates the recognition of equal political and civil rights for all human beings. Combining a thoughtful study of Hegel's political thought with close readings of two pivotal works of literature, MacDonald's book shows how the perennial tension between fulfilled, yet diverse, personal lives and (...)
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    Diverse perspectives on Marxist philosophy: East and West.Sara Luther, John J. Neumaier & Howard Parsons (eds.) - 1995 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    A contemporary examination of the past, present, and future of Marxist philosophy.
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  13. The Promise of Happiness.Sara Ahmed - 2010 - Durham [NC]: Duke University Press.
    _The Promise of Happiness_ is a provocative cultural critique of the imperative to be happy. It asks what follows when we make our desires and even our own happiness conditional on the happiness of others: “I just want you to be happy”; “I’m happy if you’re happy.” Combining philosophy and feminist cultural studies, Sara Ahmed reveals the affective and moral work performed by the “happiness duty,” the expectation that we will be made happy by taking part in that which (...)
  14. Queer phenomenology: orientations, objects, others.Sara Ahmed - 2006 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    Introduction: find your way -- Orientations toward objects -- Sexual orientation -- The orient and other others -- Conclusion: disorientation and queer objects.
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  15.  40
    Science and common sense: perspectives from philosophy and science education.Sara Green - 2019 - Synthese 196 (3):795-818.
    This paper explores the relation between scientific knowledge and common sense intuitions as a complement to Hoyningen-Huene’s account of systematicity. On one hand, Hoyningen-Huene embraces continuity between these in his characterization of scientific knowledge as an extension of everyday knowledge, distinguished by an increase in systematicity. On the other, he argues that scientific knowledge often comes to deviate from common sense as science develops. Specifically, he argues that a departure from common sense is a price we may have to pay (...)
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  16. Contrarianism in the philosophy of music and the role of the idea in musical hermeneutics and performance interpretation.Sara E. Eckerson - 2012 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 31 (3):137-148.
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    Viewing “p” through the lens of the philosophy of medicine.Sara Asato & James Giordano - 2019 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 14 (1):8.
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    Psychology and philosophy : inquiries into the soul from late scholasticism to contemporary thought.Sara Heinämaa & Martina Reuter (eds.) - 2009 - Springer.
    Psychology and Philosophy provides a history of the relations between philosophy and the science of psychology from late scholasticism to contemporary discussions. The book covers the development from 16th-century interpretations of Aristotle’s De Anima, through Kantianism and the 19th-century revival of Aristotelianism, up to 20th-century phenomenological and analytic studies of consciousness and the mind. In this volume historically divergent conceptions of psychology as a science receive special emphasis. The volume illuminates the particular nature of studies of the psyche in the (...)
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    (2 other versions)Doing Philosophy with Young Students.Sara Goering - 2001 - Questions: Philosophy for Young People 1:2-2.
    Goering argues that children, at any age, have the potential to utilize logic and generate philosophical thinking through role-playing yet challenging games. This activity fosters a philosophical imagination for children.
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    Intersections between philosophy and art: expressions of immanence in the seventeenth century — Spinoza and Vermeer.Sara Hornäk - 2020 - Intellectual History Review 30 (3):447-464.
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    On the transcendental undercurrents of phenomenology: the case of the living body.Sara Heinämaa - 2021 - Continental Philosophy Review 54 (2):237-257.
    Today the phenomenological concept of the lived body figures centrally in several philosophical and special scientific debates. In these wide and widening fields, the concept is used with multiple different meanings. In order to clarify and delineate the debates, this paper provides an explication of the phenomenological-transcendental methods. It argues that these methods help us remove the most fundamental ambiguities of the concept of embodiment by distinguishing between the main constituents of the lived body and by illuminating their mutual relations.
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  22.  17
    The Unattainable Attempt to Avoid the Casus Irreducibilis for Cubic Equations: Gerolamo Cardano's De Regula Aliza.Sara Confalonieri - 2015 - Wiesbaden: Imprint: Springer Spektrum.
    Sara Confalonieri presents an overview of Cardano's mathematical treatises and, in particular, discusses the writings that deal with cubic equations. The author gives an insight into the latest of Cardano's algebraic works, the De Regula Aliza (1570), which displays the attempts to overcome the difficulties entailed by the casus irreducibilis. Notably some of Cardano's strategies in this treatise are thoroughly analyzed. Far from offering an ultimate account of De Regula Aliza, by one of the most outstanding scholars of the (...)
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  23. Proof Analysis in Modal Logic.Sara Negri - 2005 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 34 (5-6):507-544.
    A general method for generating contraction- and cut-free sequent calculi for a large family of normal modal logics is presented. The method covers all modal logics characterized by Kripke frames determined by universal or geometric properties and it can be extended to treat also Gödel-Löb provability logic. The calculi provide direct decision methods through terminating proof search. Syntactic proofs of modal undefinability results are obtained in the form of conservativity theorems.
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  24.  30
    Willful Subjects.Sara Ahmed - 2014 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    In _Willful Subjects_ Sara Ahmed explores willfulness as a charge often made by some against others. One history of will is a history of attempts to eliminate willfulness from the will. Delving into philosophical and literary texts, Ahmed examines the relation between will and willfulness, ill will and good will, and the particular will and general will. Her reflections shed light on how will is embedded in a political and cultural landscape, how it is embodied, and how will and (...)
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  25.  14
    Can a Health Care Market Be Moral? A Catholic Vision by Mary J. McDonough.Sara R. Jordan - 2009 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 9 (2):394-397.
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  26. Design sans adaptation.Sara Green, Arnon Levy & William Bechtel - 2015 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 5 (1):15-29.
    Design thinking in general, and optimality modeling in particular, have traditionally been associated with adaptationism—a research agenda that gives pride of place to natural selection in shaping biological characters. Our goal is to evaluate the role of design thinking in non-evolutionary analyses. Specifically, we focus on research into abstract design principles that underpin the functional organization of extant organisms. Drawing on case studies from engineering-inspired approaches in biology we show how optimality analysis, and other design-related methods, play a specific methodological (...)
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  27.  20
    What's the use?: on the uses of use.Sara Ahmed - 2019 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    In What's the Use? Sara Ahmed continues the work she began in The Promise of Happiness and Willful Subjects by taking up a single word--in this case, use--and following it around. She shows how use became associated with life and strength in nineteenth century biological and social thought and considers how utilitarianism offered a set of educational techniques for shaping individuals by directing them toward useful ends. Ahmed also explores how spaces become restricted to some uses and users with (...)
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  28.  39
    Inference in Argumentation: A Topics-Based Approach to Argument Schemes.Sara Greco & Eddo Rigotti - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag. Edited by Sara Greco.
    This book investigates the role of inference in argumentation, considering how arguments support standpoints on the basis of different loci. The authors propose and illustrate a model for the analysis of the standpoint-argument connection, called Argumentum Model of Topics. A prominent feature of the AMT is that it distinguishes, within each and every single argumentation, between an inferential-procedural component, on which the reasoning process is based; and a material-contextual component, which anchors the argument in the interlocutors’ cultural and factual common (...)
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    Identidade narrativa e identidade pessoal. Uma abordagem da filosofia de Paul Ricceur.Sara Margarida de Matos Roma Fernandes - 2009 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 33 (33):75-94.
    This article has the double goal of reflecting on the concept of narrative identity in Paul Ricoeur’s Thinking and of evaluating its contribution to the resolution of the general problem of personal identity. Accordingly, this article will develop the following thesis: 1) narrative identity results from a permanent dialectic between character and selfhood, that is, between subject’s power to relate continuously to himself during all his life through narrative mediation and subject’s psychological and physical traits; 2) personal identity is the (...)
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    The ethics of my counterpart: public service ethics in Chinese philosophy.Sara Jordan - 2011 - Journal of Global Ethics 7 (3):361-373.
    China is rising. As China ascends in power, it is likely that ?Western? administrators ? American and European, in particular ? will find that they must interact with Chinese administrators more and more. In this article, I offer readers a brief glimpse into Chinese administrative ethics through an investigation of two forms of Chinese philosophy ? Confucianism and Taoism. In addition to reviewing these philosophies, I derive some consequences for a public service ethic that lies between the East and the (...)
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    The man of reason. "Male" and "female" in western philosophy,.Sara Shute - 1987 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 25 (3):464-465.
  32. The Metaphysics of Omissions.Sara Bernstein - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (3):208-218.
    Omissions – any events, actions, or things that do not occur – are central to numerous debates in causation and ethics. This article surveys views on what omissions are, whether they are causally efficacious, and how they ground moral responsibility.
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  33. Structural Proof Theory.Sara Negri, Jan von Plato & Aarne Ranta - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Jan Von Plato.
    Structural proof theory is a branch of logic that studies the general structure and properties of logical and mathematical proofs. This book is both a concise introduction to the central results and methods of structural proof theory, and a work of research that will be of interest to specialists. The book is designed to be used by students of philosophy, mathematics and computer science. The book contains a wealth of results on proof-theoretical systems, including extensions of such systems from logic (...)
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  34.  57
    Kripke completeness revisited.Sara Negri - 2009 - In Giuseppe Primiero (ed.), Acts of Knowledge: History, Philosophy and Logic. College Publications. pp. 233--266.
  35.  15
    Philosophy of Systems Biology: Perspectives from Scientists and Philosophers.Sara Green (ed.) - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    The emergence of systems biology raises many fascinating questions: What does it mean to take a systems approach to problems in biology? To what extent is the use of mathematical and computational modelling changing the life sciences? How does the availability of big data influence research practices? What are the major challenges for biomedical research in the years to come? This book addresses such questions of relevance not only to philosophers and biologists but also to readers interested in the broader (...)
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  36.  10
    Words, works, and ways of knowing: the breakdown of moral philosophy in New England before the Civil War.Sara Paretsky - 2016 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Popular and groundbreaking crime novelist Sara Paretsky earned a PhD in history at the University of Chicago in the mid-1970s, with a dissertation on moral philosophy and religion in New England in the early and mid-nineteenth century. This edition of that work analyzes attempts by theologians at the Andover Seminary to square and secure Calvinist religious beliefs with emerging knowledge from history and the sciences. As Paretsky shows, the open-minded scholasticism of these theologians paradoxically led to the weakening of (...)
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    Opening Pandora’s Box: The Role of Imagination in Environmental Ethics.Sara Ebenreck - 1996 - Environmental Ethics 18 (1):3-18.
    While the activity of imagination is present in much writing about environmental ethics, little direct attention has been given to clarifying its role. Both its significant presence and provocative theoretical work showing the central role of imagination in ethics suggest a need for discussion of its contributions. Environmental ethicists especially should attend to imagination because of the pervasive influence of metaphorical constructs of nature and because imaginative work is required to even partially envision the perspective of a nonhuman being. Without (...)
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  38.  81
    Internet memes as internet signs.Sara Cannizzaro - 2016 - Sign Systems Studies 44 (4):562-586.
    This article argues for a clearer framework of internet-based “memes”. The science of memes, dubbed ‘memetics’, presumes that memes remain “copying units” following the popularisation of the concept in Richard Dawkins’ celebrated work, The Selfish Gene (1976). Yet Peircean semiotics and biosemiotics can challenge this doctrine of information transmission. While supporting a precise and discursive framework for internet memes, semiotic readings reconfigure contemporary formulations to the – now-established – conception of memes. Internet memes can and should be conceived, then, as (...)
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  39. Consciousness: From Perception to Reflection in the History of Philosophy.Sara Heinämaa, Vili Lähteenmäki & Pauliina Remes - 2007 - Springer.
    This collection represents the first historical survey focusing on the notion of consciousness. It approaches consciousness through its constitutive aspects, such as subjectivity, reflexivity, intentionality and selfhood. Covering discussions from ancient philosophy all the way to contemporary debates, the book enriches current systematic debates by uncovering historical roots of the notion of consciousness.
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    Music sociology: examining the role of music in social life.Sara Horsfall, Jan-Martijn Meij & Meghan D. Probstfield (eds.) - 2013 - Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers.
    Introduces the sociology of music to those who may not be familiar with it and provides a historical perspective on popular music.
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    Narratives and the semiotic freedom of children.Sara Lenninger - 2021 - Sign Systems Studies 49 (1-2):216-234.
    Both adults’ habits-of-thought and their understanding of children’s stories shape how adults interpret children’s participation in conversations. In the light of the requests on children’s rights that follow from the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) this paper stresses the relevance of authorities having semiotically informed knowledge on children’s meaning-making within conversations with adults. In Article 12, the CRC stipulates the right of children to participate in and to be heard about decisions that affect their everyday lives. According (...)
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    The Moral Status of the Bodies of Persons.Sara Ann Ketchum - 1984 - Social Theory and Practice 10 (1):25-38.
  43.  52
    The harms of ignoring the social nature of science.Sara Weaver - 2019 - Synthese 196 (1):355-375.
    In this paper I argue that philosophers of science have an obligation to recognize and engage with the social nature of the sciences they assess if those sciences are morally relevant. Morally-relevant science is science that has the potential to risk harm to humans, non-humans, or the environment. My argument and the approach I develop are informed by an analysis of the philosophy of biology literature on the criticism of evolutionary psychology, the study of the evolution of human psychology and (...)
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  44.  32
    (1 other version)The Routledge Handbook of Women and Ancient Greek Philosophy.Sara Brill (ed.) - 2023 - Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy.
    An essential reference source for cutting-edge scholarship on women/gender and philosophy in Greek antiquity. The volume features original research that crosses disciplines, offering readers an accessible guide to new methods, new sources, and new questions in the study of ancient Greek philosophy and its multiple afterlives.
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  45. Biology meets Physics: Reductionism and Multi-scale Modeling of Morphogenesis.Sara Green & Robert Batterman - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 7161:20-34.
    A common reductionist assumption is that macro-scale behaviors can be described "bottom-up" if only sufficient details about lower-scale processes are available. The view that an "ideal" or "fundamental" physics would be sufficient to explain all macro-scale phenomena has been met with criticism from philosophers of biology. Specifically, scholars have pointed to the impossibility of deducing biological explanations from physical ones, and to the irreducible nature of distinctively biological processes such as gene regulation and evolution. This paper takes a step back (...)
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    Une approche phénoménologique du moi : temporalité, finitude et intersubjectivité.Sara Heinämaa & Kaisa Sivenius - 2021 - Diogène n° 269-270 (1):81-94.
    La philosophie européenne est souvent critiquée comme une manière dépassée de penser et est taxée d’individualiste, d’anthropocentrique et d’euro-centrique. Plusieurs de ces approches critiques partagent la notion que la source majeure des problèmes gît dans la pensée cartésienne héritée de l’ego. Je confronte cette notion anti-cartésienne de la philosophie européenne en argumentant que la phénoménologie husserlienne offre une réinterprétation robuste et viable de l’ego cartésien, une réinterprétation qui échappe aux impasses kantiennes du formalisme et de l’intellectualisme. Suivant l’analyse de Husserl (...)
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  47. (1 other version)Sensation and Scepticism in Plotinus.Sara Magrin - 2010 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 39:249-297.
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  48. Sex, Gender, and Embodiment.Sara Heinamaa - 2012 - In Dan Zahavi (ed.), The Oxford handbook of contemporary phenomenology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter develops an alternative to the dominant articulation of human existence on the basis of classical phenomenology, arguing that Edmund Husserl's phenomenological inquiries into the structures of embodiment provide a very different and more fruitful starting point for the investigation of sexual difference than the ideas of social gender and biological sex. The ways of classifying sex and gender characteristics mark them out on several different conceptual bases, and thus their categories may not correspond or coincide. Moreover historical and (...)
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    Pas une fois pour toutes. Pensée et création: Gilles Deleuze et le non-commencement de la philosophie.Sara Cocito - 2023 - Studi di Estetica 25.
    The paper traces some of Gilles Deleuze’s reflections on the subject of thought and philosophical activity, focusing especially on the third chapter of one of his main works, Difference and repetition (1968). Following the general structure of the chapter, the paper first analyses the concept of “Image of thought”, which describes the tendency of thought itself to represent its own functioning, and the risks that the Image imply, since it chains the activity of thought to old sedentary habits and its (...)
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    Explanatory Integration Challenges in Evolutionary Systems Biology.Sara Green, Melinda Fagan & Johannes Jaeger - 2015 - Biological Theory 10 (1):18-35.
    Evolutionary systems biology (ESB) aims to integrate methods from systems biology and evolutionary biology to go beyond the current limitations in both fields. This article clarifies some conceptual difficulties of this integration project, and shows how they can be overcome. The main challenge we consider involves the integration of evolutionary biology with developmental dynamics, illustrated with two examples. First, we examine historical tensions between efforts to define general evolutionary principles and articulation of detailed mechanistic explanations of specific traits. Next, these (...)
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