Results for ' Practice'

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  1.  31
    Anscombe and practical knowledge of what is happening Thor Grünbaum university of copenhagen.Practical Knowledge of What Is Happening - 2009 - Grazer Philosophische Studien: Internationale Zeitschrift für Analytische Philosophie. Vol. 78 78:41-67.
  2. title:• To explain the expressive role that distinguishes specifically normative vocabulary. That is, to say what it is the job of such vocabulary to make explicit. Doing this is saying what'ought'means.• To introduce a non-Humean way of thinking about practical reasoning. [REVIEW]Practical Reasoning - 1998 - Philosophical Perspectives 12:127.
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    Humean Reflections in the Ethics of Bernard Williams.Practical Reason - 2007 - Utilitas 19 (3).
  4. Begründet von Hans Vaihinger; neubegründet von Paul Menzer und Gottfried Martin.Practical Reason & Kant an Euler - forthcoming - Kant Studien.
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    Coming to Terms with Contingency: Humean Constructivism about.Practical Reason - 2012 - In James Lenman & Yonatan Shemmer (eds.), Constructivism in Practical Philosophy. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 40.
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    O ne main topic in practical philosophy is the question of when someone has a reason for a certain action. Most philosophers agree on the necessity of a motivational and a justificatory condition, but they still disagree about how these conditions can be fulfilled. Though these conditions are important in forming convincing concepts of practical. [REVIEW]Kirsten B. Endres & Practical Reasons - 2003 - In Peter Schaber & Rafael Hüntelmann (eds.), Grundlagen der Ethik. De Gruyter. pp. 1--67.
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    Wilhelm griesinger: Philosophy as the origin of a new psychiatry.Practical Innovator - 2013 - In K. W. M. Fulford, Martin Davies, Richard Gipps, George Graham, John Sadler, Giovanni Stanghellini & Tim Thornton (eds.), The Oxford handbook of philosophy and psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 53.
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    Empathising in online spaces.Practical Reasoning - 2024 - Philosophical Explorations 27 (2):225-236.
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    Aladjem, Terry K. 2008. The Culture of Vengeance and the Fate of American Justice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. xx+ 246 pp. Alexander, J. McKenzie. 2007. The Structural Evolution of Morality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ix+ 300 pp. Altman, Matthew C. 2008. A Companion to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. [REVIEW]Practical Realism - 2008 - Philosophical Review 117 (4).
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    Social Practice and the Evolution of Personal Environmental Values.Sarah Hards - 2011 - Environmental Values 20 (1):23-42.
    How and why people's environmental values change is a topical research issue, with major implications for sustainability policy. However, approaches based on individualistic models have had limited success in explaining the emergence of values, or developing interventions to change them. Work drawing on social practice theory takes an alternative approach, seeing values and practice as co-constructive. This paper examines how personal environmental values evolve through performance of practice, experience within specific contexts and social interaction. Drawing on a (...)
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    Practice-Centered Pluralism and a Disjunctive Theory of Art.Caleb Hazelwood - 2021 - British Journal of Aesthetics 61 (2):213-227.
    In this paper, I argue that ‘art’, though an open concept, is not undefinable. I propose a particular kind of definition, a disjunctive definition, which comprises extant theories of art. I co-opt arguments from the philosophy of science, likening the concept ‘art’ to the concept ‘species’, to argue that we ought to be theoretical pluralists about art. That is, there are a number of legitimate, perhaps incompatible, criteria for a theory of art. In this paper, I consider three: functionalist definitions, (...)
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    Science After the Practice Turn in the Philosophy, History, and Social Studies of Science.Lena Soler, Sjoerd Zwart, Michael Lynch & Vincent Israel-Jost (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    In the 1980s, philosophical, historical and social studies of science underwent a change which later evolved into a turn to practice. Analysts of science were asked to pay attention to scientific practices in meticulous detail and along multiple dimensions, including the material, social and psychological. Following this turn, the interest in scientific practices continued to increase and had an indelible influence in the various fields of science studies. No doubt, the practice turn changed our conceptions and approaches of (...)
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  13. (1 other version)Moral discourse and practice: some philosophical approaches.Stephen L. Darwall (ed.) - 1997 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    What are ethical judgments about? And what is their relation to practice? How can ethical judgment aspire to objectivity? The past two decades have witnessed a resurgence of interest in metaethics, placing questions such as these about the nature and status of ethical judgment at the very center of contemporary moral philosophy. Moral Discourse and Practice: Some Philosophical Approaches is a unique anthology which collects important recent work, much of which is not easily available elsewhere, on core metaethical (...)
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  14. Metaphysical Myths, Mathematical Practice: The Ontology and Epistemology of the Exact Sciences.Jody Azzouni - 1994 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Most philosophers of mathematics try to show either that the sort of knowledge mathematicians have is similar to the sort of knowledge specialists in the empirical sciences have or that the kind of knowledge mathematicians have, although apparently about objects such as numbers, sets, and so on, isn't really about those sorts of things as well. Jody Azzouni argues that mathematical knowledge really is a special kind of knowledge with its own special means of gathering evidence. He analyses the linguistic (...)
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  15. Aristóteles y la Economía entre los límites de la razón práctica.Bounds of Practical Reason - 2007 - Ideas y Valores. Revista Colombiana de Filosofía 56 (134):45-60.
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  16. The Practice of Prophetic Imagination: Preaching an Emancipating Word.[author unknown] - 2012
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    Body and practice in Kant.Helge Svare - 2006 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    Kant is generally conceived to have offered little attention to the fact that we experience the world in and through our bodies. This book argues that this standard image of the great German philosopher is radically wrong. Not only does Kant - throughout his career and in works published before and after the Critique of pure reason - reflect constantly upon the fact that human life is embodied, but the Critique of pure reason itself may be read as a critical (...)
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  18. Machine learning theory and practice as a source of insight into universal grammar.Stuartm Shieber - unknown
    In this paper, we explore the possibility that machine learning approaches to naturallanguage processing being developed in engineering-oriented computational linguistics may be able to provide specific scientific insights into the nature of human language. We argue that, in principle, machine learning results could inform basic debates about language, in one area at least, and that in practice, existing results may offer initial tentative support for this prospect. Further, results from computational learning theory can inform arguments carried on within linguistic (...)
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  19. The Practice-Based Approach to the Philosophy of Logic.Ben Martin - forthcoming - In Oxford Handbook for the Philosophy of Logic. Oxford University Press.
    Philosophers of logic are particularly interested in understanding the aims, epistemology, and methodology of logic. This raises the question of how the philosophy of logic should go about these enquires. According to the practice-based approach, the most reliable method we have to investigate the methodology and epistemology of a research field is by considering in detail the activities of its practitioners. This holds just as true for logic as it does for the recognised empirical and abstract sciences. If we (...)
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  20. Performance practice.Paul Thom - 2011 - In Theodore Gracyk & Andrew Kania (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Music. New York: Routledge. pp. 91.
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    Suicidology as a Social Practice.Scott J. Fitzpatrick, Claire Hooker & Ian Kerridge - 2015 - Social Epistemology 29 (3):303-322.
    Suicide has long been the subject of philosophical, literary, theological and cultural–historical inquiry. But despite the diversity of disciplinary and methodological approaches that have been brought to bear in the study of suicide, we argue that the formal study of suicide, that is, suicidology, is characterized by intellectual, organizational and professional values that distinguish it from other ways of thinking and knowing. Further, we suggest that considering suicidology as a “social practice” offers ways to usefully conceptualize its epistemological, philosophical (...)
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  22.  11
    Dialectical Practice in Tibetan Philosophical Culture: An Ethnomethodological Inquiry Into Formal Reasoning.Kenneth Liberman & Harold Garfinkel - 2007 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    An accompanying website offers a set of interactive debate tutorials, which include photographs of debates; a guide to the participants; a grammar of Tibetan debating, which includes sample propositions, responses, and strategies; the ethnomethods employed by debaters; videos of illustrative debates, complete with English translations, all analyzed in detail in the book; and an appendix comprising an interactive debate, glossary, manual, and illustrations. Please see for this material. -- back cover.
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    Scientific practice as ecological-enactive co-construction.Guilherme Sanches de Oliveira, Thomas van Es & Inês Hipólito - 2023 - Synthese 202 (1):1-33.
    Philosophy of science has undergone a naturalistic turn, moving away from traditional idealized concerns with the logical structure of scientific theories and toward focusing on real-world scientific practice, especially in domains such as modeling and experimentation. As part of this shift, recent work has explored how the project of philosophically understanding science as a natural phenomenon can be enriched by drawing from different fields and disciplines, including niche construction theory in evolutionary biology, on the one hand, and ecological and (...)
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  24. Judicial practice as an element of legal development.Antal Visegrády - 1995 - Rechtstheorie 26 (3):425-432.
  25. Research, Practice, and Innovative Therapy: On the Theoretical Model of Robert J. Levine.Shimon Tashiro - 2010 - Asian Bioethics Review 2 (3):229-239.
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    Epistemic injustice in psychiatric practice: epistemic duties and the phenomenological approach.Anna Drożdżowicz - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):69-69.
    Epistemic injustice is a kind of injustice that arises when one’s capacity as an epistemic subject is wrongfully denied. In recent years it has been argued that psychiatric patients are often harmed in their capacity as knowers and suffer from various forms of epistemic injustice that they encounter in psychiatric services. Acknowledging that epistemic injustice is a multifaceted problem in psychiatry calls for an adequate response. In this paper I argue that, given that psychiatric patients deserve epistemic respect and have (...)
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  27.  28
    The Practice of Punishment. Towards a Theory of Restorative Justice.Ann Levey - 1994 - Philosophical Books 35 (2):127-129.
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  28. The Practice of Value.Jay Wallace (ed.) - 2003 - Oxford University Press.
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    Patient Participation in Healthcare Practice in Greenland: Local Challenges and Global Reflections.Tine Aagaard & Tove Borg - 2018 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 19 (1):07-24.
    Various kinds of user and patient involvement are spreading in healthcare in most Western countries. The purpose of this study is to critically assess the actual conditions for patients’ involvement in healthcare practice in Greenland and to point to possibilities for development. Patients’ perspectives on their own conduct of everyday life with illness and their possibilities for participation when hospitalized are examined in relation to the conditions in a hospital setting dominated by biomedical practice. On a theoretical level, (...)
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    Ethical Practice or Practical Ethics? The Case of the Vendor-Purchaser Rule.Leslie Sheinman - 2000 - Legal Ethics 3 (1):27-48.
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    The Practice of International Cooperation in the Third Sector.Cezary G. Cerekwicki - 2004 - Dialogue and Universalism 14 (10):143-147.
    In this paper I describe three similar projects, and investigate origins of their success. All of them are non-governmental and non-profit voluntary international initiatives that developed from small local projects. I claim that the basis of their success is universality of their underlying philosophy.
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  32. in practice: One City, Two Worlds.Kristi L. Kirschner - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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  33. Guided Practice Makes Perfect: Habituation into Full Virtue in Aristotle’s Ethics.Karen Margrethe Nielsen - 2022 - In Jeremy Dunham & Komarine Romdenh-Romluc (eds.), Habit and the History of Philosophy. New York, NY: Rewriting the History of Philosophy.
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    Practice of Ecological Civilization Construction in Qinghai in the New Era.忠鹏 李 - 2018 - Advances in Philosophy 7 (3):39-43.
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    Digital communities of practice: Investigation of actionable knowledge for local information networks.Thomas Horan & Kimberly Wells - 2005 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 18 (1):27-42.
    The article explores integration of knowledge-enabling digital technology into community functions through the development of local Digital Communities of Practice. This analysis includes both general considerations—in terms of domain, community, and practice dimensions—as well as results from an exploratory research project in Minnesota. The domain is described as integrated deployment of virtual services (education, human services, government) in local communities; the community is comprised of the local stakeholders and residents that would use or benefit from such services; and (...)
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    Ethics, Transformation, and Practice.Stephen Rowe - 2015 - Teaching Ethics 15 (1):191-199.
    Ethics, as basic to liberal education, is often overly abstracted in philosophy departments, laboring under an unexamined assumption that ethics consists in construction and application of the one best theory. In professionally oriented programs it often becomes relativistic or merely procedural. Centered on the essentially ineffable quality of good or right action, this essay offers a suggestion as to the design and pedagogy of an interdisciplinary ethics course suited to the global age. Components include: consideration of the alternative positions on (...)
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  37. The practice of journalism : digital journalism.Jane Singer - 2010 - In Christopher Meyers (ed.), Journalism ethics: a philosophical approach. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  38. Machine learning theory and practice as a source of insight into universal grammar.Shalom Lappin - unknown
    In this paper, we explore the possibility that machine learning approaches to naturallanguage processing being developed in engineering-oriented computational linguistics may be able to provide specific scientific insights into the nature of human language. We argue that, in principle, machine learning results could inform basic debates about language, in one area at least, and that in practice, existing results may offer initial tentative support for this prospect. Further, results from computational learning theory can inform arguments carried on within linguistic (...)
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    The practice of everyday life provides supporters and inviters of morally responsible agency.Jörg Zinken & Vasudevi Reddy - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
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    The Practice and Problems of a Fifteenth-Century English Bishop: The Episcopate of William Gray.Roy M. Haines - 1972 - Mediaeval Studies 34 (1):435-461.
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    Spaced and massed practice with a methodological consideration of avoidance conditioning.J. V. Murphy & R. E. Miller - 1956 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 52 (2):77.
  42.  23
    Wittgenstein and the Practice of Philosophy.Michael Hymers - 2009 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    _Wittgenstein and the Practice of Philosophy_ introduces Wittgenstein’s philosophy to senior undergraduates and graduate students. Its pedagogical premise is that the best way to understand Wittgenstein’s thought is to take seriously his methodological remarks. Its interpretive premise is that those methodological remarks are the natural result of Wittgenstein’s rejection of his early view of the ground of value, including semantic value or meaning, as something that must lie “outside the world.” This metaphysical view of meaning is replaced in his (...)
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  43.  14
    Transvaluation and The Practice of Metaphysics.Philip Goodchild - 2023 - Heythrop Journal 64 (3):333-347.
    This article aims to develop transvaluation as a practice of metaphysical thinking. Jesus, Anselm, Nietzsche, and Deleuze have been selected and juxtaposed, for all their contrasts, as paradigmatic thinkers of transvaluation. Jesus offers the best paradigm for transvaluing what matters, what is sincere, and what is trustworthy: his response to a dispute among his disciples poses the problem that changes the signification, value, and binding force of thought. The metaphysical purport of Jesus's problem is clarified by Anselm's restatement of (...)
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  44. Returning to scientific practice: a new reflection on philosophy of science.Zhu Xu - 2019 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Tong Wu.
    Introduction : towards philosophy of scientific practice -- The origin of the concept of practice -- Scientific practice: significance, types and scopes -- The nature of scientific practice -- The nature of knowledge : the local knowledge -- Knowledge and power -- The contextual normativity of scientific practice -- Philosophy of scientific practice and naturalism (I) -- Philosophy of scientific practices and naturalism (II) -- Philosophy of scientific practice and relativism -- Partner of (...)
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    The philosophy and practice of medicine and bioethics: a naturalistic-humanistic approach.Warren A. Shibles - 2010 - London: Springer. Edited by Barbara Maier.
    This book completes medical care by adding the comprehensive humanistic perspectives and philosophy of medicine.
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  46. The Practice of Global Citizenship.Luis Cabrera - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this novel account of global citizenship, Luis Cabrera argues that all individuals have a global duty to contribute directly to human rights protections and to promote rights-enhancing political integration between states. The Practice of Global Citizenship blends careful moral argument with compelling narratives from field research among unauthorized immigrants, activists seeking to protect their rights, and the 'Minuteman' activists striving to keep them out. Immigrant-rights activists, especially those conducting humanitarian patrols for border-crossers stranded in the brutal Arizona desert, (...)
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    Critique as a practice of prefigurative emancipation.Frieder Vogelmann - 2017 - Distinktion 18 (2):196–214.
    Although the various interpretations of Foucault’s model of critique often seem to differ only in minor details, they seriously diverge by situating critique on different levels of abstraction in Foucault’s work. Mapping interpretations of Foucault’s critique according to this criterion shows that none of them pays full attention to all three of Foucault’s methodological imperatives which he calls nihilism, nominalism and historicism. The article offers such a reading of Foucault’s critique, interpreting it as a diagnostic practice of prefigurative emancipation. (...)
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  48.  28
    Theory and practice in the economy of Albania (1912–1994).Chairperson Iljazz Fishta - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (2):842-848.
    (1996). Theory and practice in the economy of Albania (1912–1994) The European Legacy: Vol. 1, Fourth International Conference of the International Society for the study of European Ideas, pp. 842-848.
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  49. The Significance of Practice for Theory: A Reconstruction of Alasdair MacIntyre's Argument.Marian Kuna - 2009 - Filozofia 64 (9):827-838.
    The term of practice plays an important role in MacIntyre’s philosophy. He uses it in two different ways: either generally as contrasted with theory, or as a specifically defined term within his Neo-Aristotelianism. These two meanings are independent from each other. The paper is a reconstruction of MacIntyre’s argument concerning the notion of practice in its general sense and as related to the concept of theory. First, it analyses practice as opposed to theory, and its Marxist roots; (...)
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  50.  16
    Systems Practice: How to Act in Situations of Uncertainty and Complexity by Ray Ison.Karen McClendon - 2019 - World Futures 75 (5-6):376-380.
    Volume 75, Issue 5-6, 2019, Page 376-380.
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