Results for ' Rewards and punishments in education'

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  1.  55
    A Survey of Rewards and Punishments in Schools: A Report Based on Researches Carried out by M. E. Highfield and A. Pinsent. [REVIEW]M. E. Highfield & A. Pinsent - 1952 - British Journal of Educational Studies 1 (1):82-85.
  2.  6
    Reward and Punishment in Samuel Clarke’s Ethics.Sławomir Raube - 2008 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 20:47-59.
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    Reward and Punishment in the Best Possible World: Leibniz's Theory of Natural Retribution.Laurence Carlin - 2002 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 40 (2):139-160.
  4.  15
    The Nature of the Reward and Punishment in the Hereafter in Terms of the Method the Visible As an Evidence for the Invisible in Māturīdī.Nail Karagöz - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (2):875-892.
    The vast majority of theologians accept true news, sound senses and healthy working mind as sources of knowledge. Due to the fact that the mind is counted among the sources of knowledge, reason-based evidence has been used in many subjects. It is known that Māturīdī was the first theologian who dealt with the mentioned sources of knowledge in his work. At the very beginning of his Kitāb al-Tawhīd, he determined the ways of acquiring knowledge as correct news, sound senses and (...)
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    Reward and punishment in a minimal social situation.Joseph B. Sidowski - 1957 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 54 (5):318.
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  6. The reward and punishment responsivity and motivation questionnaire (RPRM-Q): A stimulus-independent self-report measure of reward and punishment sensitivity that differentiates between responsivity and motivation.Nienke C. Jonker, Marieke E. Timmerman & Peter J. de Jong - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Reward and punishment sensitivity seem important traits in understanding behavior in general and psychopathology in particular. Though the definitions used for reward and punishment sensitivity differentiate between responsivity and motivation, the measures thus far used to assess these constructs do not. Further, specificity of the type of reward and punishment in questionnaires might result in measurement bias especially when examining the relationship with psychopathology. Therefore, we developed a stimulus-independent multidimensional questionnaire of reward and punishment sensitivity that differentiates between responsivity and (...)
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    Neural Responses to Reward and Punishment Stimuli in Depressed Status Individuals and Their Effects on Cognitive Activities.Yutong Li, Xizi Cheng, Yahong Li & Xue Sui - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Individuals in depressed status respond abnormally to reward stimuli, but the neural processes involved remain unclear. Whether this neural response affects subsequent cognitive processing activities remains to be explored. In the current study, participants, screened as depressed status individuals and healthy individuals by Beck Depression Inventory and Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale, performed both a door task and a cognitive task. Specifically, in each trial, they selected one from two identical doors based on the expectations of rewards and punishments (...)
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    Reward and punishment act as distinct factors in guiding behavior.Jan Kubanek, Lawrence H. Snyder & Richard A. Abrams - 2015 - Cognition 139:154-167.
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    Reward and Punishment.Timothy Schroeder - 2004 - In Three Faces of Desire. New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter begins with three sections dedicated to the three main fields of knowledge about the psychology of reward and punishment. The findings of common sense, behaviorism, and neuroscience are surveyed in turn, and found to have much in common. Then, these commonalities are used to produce a more unified theory of the nature of reward. A wide variety of organisms, including both rats and people, appear capable of constituting some things as rewards and others as punishments, in (...)
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    Sensitivity to reward and punishment in major depressive disorder: Effects of rumination and of single versus multiple experiences.Anson J. Whitmer, Michael J. Frank & Ian H. Gotlib - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (8):1475-1485.
  11.  4
    Die Strafe als Problem der Erziehung.Wolfgang Scheibe - 1967 - Weinheim u. Berlin,: Beltz.
  12.  20
    ‘Inspired and assisted’, or ‘berated and destroyed’? Research leadership, management and performativity in troubled times.Sue Saltmarsh, Wendy Sutherland-Smith & Holly Randell-Moon - 2011 - Ethics and Education 6 (3):293 - 306.
    Research leadership in Australian universities takes place against a backdrop of policy reforms concerned with measurement and comparison of institutional research performance. In particular, the Excellence in Research in Australian initiative undertaken by the Australian Research Council sets out to evaluate research quality in Australian universities, using a combination of expert review process, and assessment of performance against ?quality indicators?. Benchmarking exercises of this sort continue to shape institutional policy and practice, with inevitable effects on the ways in which research (...)
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    Freedom and discipline.Richard Smith - 1985 - Boston: Allen & Unwin.
    Schools have changed in many ways, largely for the better, since the first edition of this book appeared: the young people in them are generally treated with far more respect than was the case a quarter of a century ago.
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  14.  27
    Reinforcement of perceptual inference: reward and punishment alter conscious visual perception during binocular rivalry.Gregor Wilbertz, Joanne van Slooten & Philipp Sterzer - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  15. Monetary Reward and Punishment to Response Inhibition Modulate Activation and Synchronization Within the Inhibitory Brain Network.Rupesh K. Chikara, Erik C. Chang, Yi-Chen Lu, Dar-Shong Lin, Chin-Teng Lin & Li-Wei Ko - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  16.  24
    A Comparison of Han Feizi and Xunzi’s Human Nature Theories: As Based on their Reward and Punishment System.Dan B. Jung - 2023 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 60:39-69.
    Xunzi is a Confucian scholar well known for his theory that no human nature is innately good. However, because it is in human nature to be greedy, it is possible to train the people through promise of reward and punishment. Xunzi has long been considered to have taught Han Feizi who has a similar notion of human nature and uses it as basis for his Legalist theories. In this paper, I compare the two philosophers based on their system of reward (...)
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  17. Efficiency of reward-punishment reinforcement package and peers' pressure in modifying the aggressive behavior in preschool children: An experimental study.A. M. H. Saleh - 1995 - Educational Studies 10 (78):17-56.
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    Discounting, reward and punishment sensitivity and decision-making by midwives.Shahna Mailey, Steve Provost & Elaine Jefford - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  19. Designing Ethical Organizations: Avoiding the Long-Term Negative Effects of Rewards and Punishments.Melissa S. Baucus & Caryn L. Beck-Dudley - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 56 (4):355-370.
    Ethics researchers advise managers of organizations to link rewards and punishments to ethical and unethical behavior, respectively. We build on prior research maintaining that organizations operate at Kohlbergs stages of moral reasoning, and explain how the over-reliance on rewards and punishments encourages employees to operate at Kohlbergs lowest stages of moral reasoning. We advocate designing organizations as ethical communities and relying on different assumptions about employees in order to foster ethical reasoning at higher levels. Characteristics associated (...)
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  20. Cooperation, Reciprocity and Punishment in Fifteen Small- scale Societies.Robert Boyd, Samuel Bowles & Herbert Gintis - unknown
    Recent investigations have uncovered large, consistent deviations from the predictions of the textbook representation of Homo economicus (Roth et al, 1992, Fehr and Gächter, 2000, Camerer 2001). One problem appears to lie in economists’ canonical assumption that individuals are entirely self-interested: in addition to their own material payoffs, many experimental subjects appear to care about fairness and reciprocity, are willing to change the distribution of material outcomes at personal cost, and reward those who act in a cooperative manner while punishing (...)
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  21.  56
    Symposium: Philosophy, music education, and world engagement.Randall Everett Allsup, Estelle Ruth Jorgensen, Patrick K. Schmidt & Julia Koza - 2007 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 15 (2):143-144.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Extraordinary Rendition:On Politics, Music, and Circular MeaningsRandall Everett AllsupThe purpose of this symposium is to look at music, education, and politics. I will begin with an examination of how musical meanings are politically rendered, and how these understandings are attached to moral consequences. Highly resistant to classification, musical meanings are those things we come to understand about ourselves through music, as opposed to musical knowledge which is demonstrable (...)
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  22. Discipline and Punishment in Light of Autism.Jami L. Anderson - 2014 - In Selina Doran (ed.), Reframing Punishment: Making Visible Bodies, Silence and De-humanisation. Laura Bottell.
    If one can judge a society by how it treats its prisoners, one can surely judge a society by how it treats cognitively- and learning-impaired children. In the United States children with physical and cognitive impairments are subjected to higher rates of corporal punishment than are non-disabled children. Children with disabilities make up just over 13% of the student population in the U.S. yet make up over 18% of those children who receive corporal punishment. Autistic children are among the most (...)
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  23.  27
    No Differential Reward Responsivity and Drive, Punishment Sensitivity or Attention for Cues Signaling Reward or Punishment in Adolescents With Obesity.Nienke C. Jonker, Eva van Malderen, Klaske A. Glashouwer, Leentje Vervoort, Caroline Braet, Lien Goossens & Peter J. de Jong - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Game Experiments on Cooperation Through Reward and Punishment.Ross Cressman, Jia-Jia Wu, Cong Li & Yi Tao - 2013 - Biological Theory 8 (2):158-166.
    Game experiments designed to test the effectiveness of reward and/or punishment incentives in promoting cooperative behavior among their participants are quite common. Results from two such recent experiments conducted in Beijing, based on the Prisoner’s Dilemma (PD) game and Public Goods Game respectively, are summarized here. The unexpected empirical outcomes for the repeated PD game, that cooperation actually decreased when the participants had the option of using a costly punishment strategy and that participants who used costly punishment in some round (...)
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  25.  45
    Different carrots and different sticks: do we reward and punish differently than we approve and disapprove? [REVIEW]Andreas Leibbrandt & Raúl López-Pérez - 2014 - Theory and Decision 76 (1):95-118.
    This paper reports lab data from four games in order to analyze and compare the motivations behind monetary punishment and reward and their non-monetary counterparts, disapproval and approval, an important question given that both types of punishment/rewards affect cooperation and norm compliance. The results in our games support the hypothesis that a motivation akin to reciprocity plays the key role for approval and disapproval whereas payoff comparisons play the key role for monetary rewards and punishment.
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  26.  23
    Moral Concern in the Legalist State.Brandon King - 2020 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 19 (3):391-407.
    This article attempts to describe the extent to which the Legalist political vision possesses moral concern. Drawing from the Book of Lord Shang and the Hanfeizi 韓非子, I investigate the discipline reinforced by rewards and punishments, the relationship between the state and its subjects, and the interiorization of the law’s production of subject self-determination. With a positive sociological lens, this study guides its discussion utilizing a Durkheimian definition of moral education. I argue that its three elements of (...)
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  27. Legitimation in discourse and communication.Theo Van Leeuwen - 2007 - Discourse and Communication 1 (1):91-112.
    The article sets out a framework for analysing the way discourses construct legitimation for social practices in public communication as well as in everyday interaction. Four key categories of legitimation are distinguished: 1) ‘authorization’, legitimation by reference to the authority of tradition, custom and law, and of persons in whom institutional authority is vested; 2) ‘moral evaluation’, legitimation by reference to discourses of value; 3) rationalization, legitimation by reference to the goals and uses of institutionalized social action, and to the (...)
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  28.  36
    Michael Burger, Bishops, Clerks, and Diocesan Governance in Thirteenth-Century England: Reward and Punishment. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012. Pp. xviii, 313. $99. ISBN: 978-1-107-02214-0. [REVIEW]Philippa Hoskin - 2014 - Speculum 89 (3):752-753.
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    The Effect of Religious Education on Self-Control - Özdenetimde Din Eğitiminin Etkisi.Şakir Gözütok - 2017 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 21 (2):1035-1060.
    : The concept of Self-Control carried by contemporary criminology has been put forward in order to catch up with increasing crime rates in society, to prevent crime, and to function in anger control. Works done in this area also include measures that must be taken early in the course of a kind of education to prevent crime in general. we see that in some countries Social and Emotional Learning programs are used in areas such as character education, prevention (...)
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  30.  65
    Why Dieters Succeed or Fail: The Relationship Between Reward and Punishment Sensitivity and Restrained Eating and Dieting Success.Nienke C. Jonker, Elise C. Bennik & Peter J. de Jong - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundThe current study set out to improve our understanding of the characteristics of individuals who are motivated to restrict their food intake yet who nevertheless fail to do so. We examined whether punishment sensitivity was related to restrained eating, and reward sensitivity to perceived dieting success. Additionally, it was examined whether executive control moderates the association between RS and perceived dieting success.MethodsFemale student participants completed questionnaires on restrained eating, perceived dieting success, RS and PS, and carried out a behavioral task (...)
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  31.  15
    Challenges vs. Frustrations and Non-Rewards vs. Punishments.Valerie Hardcastle - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy of Emotion 3 (2):19-26.
    In his new book Propelled: How Boredom, Frustration, and Anticipation Lead Us to the Good Life, Elpidorou oversimplifies the behavioral data on unexpected outcomes, and, as a result, has a more expansive view of “frustration” than should be allowed. I argue that in order to understand the basis of human motivation, we need to distinguish between non-rewards and punishments. Humans are highly motivated by what they perceive as an unexpected non-reward, but they are not by what they experience (...)
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  32.  7
    Prison, Punishment and Penance in Late Antiquity.Julia Hillner - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book traces the long-term genesis of the sixth-century Roman legal penalty of forced monastic penance. The late antique evidence on this penal institution runs counter to a scholarly consensus that Roman legal principle did not acknowledge the use of corrective punitive confinement. Dr Hillner argues that forced monastic penance was a product of a late Roman penal landscape that was more complex than previous models of Roman punishment have allowed. She focuses on invigoration of classical normative discourses around punishment (...)
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  33.  41
    The Morality of Punishment : With Some Suggestions for a General Theory of Ethics.Alfred Ewing - 1929 - Routledge.
    First published in 1929, this book explores the crucial, ethical question of the objects and the justification of punishment. Dr. A. C. Ewing considers both the retributive theory and the deterrent theory on the subject whilst remaining commendably unprejudiced. The book examines the views which emphasize the reformation of the offender and the education of the community as objects of punishment. It also deals with a theory of reward as a compliment to a theory of punishment. Dr. Ewing’s treatment (...)
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    What’s Behind the Hyphen? A Response to Publish Yet Perish.Herner Saeverot - 2014 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 33 (6):673-677.
    The paper Publish yet perish: On the pitfalls of philosophy of education in an age of impact factors is written in response to Matthew Hayden’s analysis of publications in four major English-language journals on philosophy of education. The authors take their point of departure in Hayden’s Table 12, which is a list of the top fifteen countries regarding the number and percentage of articles published in the four journals. They point out that the publication output in the field (...)
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  35. Accidental outcomes guide punishment in a “trembling hand” game.Anna Dreber - unknown
    How do people respond to others' accidental behaviors? Reward and punishment for accidents might be depend on the actor's intentions, or instead on the unintended outcomes she brings about. Yet, existing paradigms in experimental economics do not include the possibility of accidental monetary allocations. We explore the balance of outcomes and intentions in a two-player economic game where monetary allocations are made with a "trembling hand": that is, intentions and outcomes are sometimes mismatched. Player 1 allocates $10 between herself and (...)
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    The influence of deontological and teleological considerations and ethical climate on sales managers' intentions to reward or punish sales force behavior.James B. DeConinck & William F. Lewis - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (5):497-506.
    This study examined how sales managers react to ethical and unethical acts by their salespeople. Deontological considerations and, to a much lesser extent, teleological considerations predicted sales managers' ethical judgments. Sales managers' intentions to reward or discipline ethical or unethical sales force behavior were primarily determined by their ethical judgments. An organization's perceived ethical work climate was not a significant predictor of sales managers' intentions to intervene when ethical and unethical sales force behavior was encountered.
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  37.  15
    Temperamental Sensitivities Differentially Linked With Interest, Strain, and Effort Appraisals.Anna Maria Rawlings, Anna Tapola & Markku Niemivirta - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The present research examined the connections between temperament, students’ domain- and course-specific motivational appraisals, and performance, in two studies. Study 1 explored the relationships between temperamental sensitivities, motivational appraisals, and task achievement among secondary students in the domain of mathematics, using Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling for the analyses. Study 2 was conducted longitudinally among upper-secondary students during a course in four key school subjects. Subject interest was included alongside the temperamental sensitivities as a predictor of course-specific motivation and course grades, (...)
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  38.  28
    Pedagogies of Punishment: The Ethics of Discipline in Education.John Tillson & Winston C. Thompson (eds.) - 2023 - London: Bloomsbury.
    Written by interdisciplinary authors from the fields of educational policy, early childhood education, history, political philosophy, law, and moral philosophy, this volume addresses the use of disciplinary action across varied educational contexts. Much of the punishment of children occurs in non-criminal contexts, in educational and social settings, and schools are institutions where young people are subject to disciplinary practices and justifications that are quite unlike those found elsewhere. In addition to this, the discipline they receive is often discriminatory, being (...)
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    Expectations and Disappointments.Susan L. Kirby, Eric G. Kirby & Douglas W. Lyon - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 9:343-358.
    The 2008 financial crisis has raised serious ethical questions about behaviors associated with the free market system and the effectiveness of undergraduate business ethics education. We offer opposing interpretations of the crisis, a “Markets Work” and a “Critical” perspective, in order to provide students with an opportunity to examine their ethical assumptions. We frame our discussion around legitimacy; therefore, we utilize an institutional theory lens to frame the processes by which financial organizations are rewarded with social legitimacy for using (...)
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    Prime and punishment: Effect of religious priming and group membership on prosocial behavior.Dinesh Chhabra, Nadeesh Parmar, Bagmish Sabhapondit & Tanya Choudhary - forthcoming - Archive for the Psychology of Religion.
    This research investigates the influence of religious priming and group membership on prosocial behavior, measured by the willingness to donate to fictitious charities in a hypothetical scenario. A sample of 258 Hindu participants, averaging 21.3 years of age, were engaged in an online study designed on PsyToolkit. The study employed a 3*2 factorial design, wherein participants were subliminally primed with concepts of “reward” and “punishment” within religious contexts through a lexical decision task. Post-priming, individuals were presented with a decision to (...)
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  41. Can punishment morally educate?Russ Shafer-Landau - 1991 - Law and Philosophy 10 (2):189 - 219.
    Over the past ten years or so, there has been a renewed interest in the moral education theory of punishment. The attractions of the theory are numerous, not least of which is that it offers hopes for a breakthrough in the apparently intractable debate between deterrence theorists and retributivists. Nevertheless, I believe there are severe problems with recent formulations of the theory. First, contemporary educationists all place great emphasis on autonomy, yet fail to show how continued respect for autonomy (...)
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    Extraordinary Rendition: On Politics, Music, and Circular Meanings.Randall Everett Allsup - 2007 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 15 (2):144-149.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Extraordinary Rendition:On Politics, Music, and Circular MeaningsRandall Everett AllsupThe purpose of this symposium is to look at music, education, and politics. I will begin with an examination of how musical meanings are politically rendered, and how these understandings are attached to moral consequences. Highly resistant to classification, musical meanings are those things we come to understand about ourselves through music, as opposed to musical knowledge which is demonstrable (...)
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  43. Persons and punishment.Herbert Morris - 1968 - The Monist 52 (4):475–501.
    Alfredo Traps in Durrenmatt’s tale discovers that he has brought off, all by himself, a murder involving considerable ingenuity. The mock prosecutor in the tale demands the death penalty “as reward for a crime that merits admiration, astonishment, and respect.” Traps is deeply moved; indeed, he is exhilarated, and the whole of his life becomes more heroic, and, ironically, more precious. His defense attorney proceeds to argue that Traps was not only innocent but incapable of guilt, “a victim of the (...)
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  44. Justifying Punishment: The Educative Approach as Presumptive Favorite.Dan Demetriou - 2012 - Criminal Justice Ethics 31 (1):2-18.
    In The Problem of Punishment, David Boonin offers an analysis of punishment and an account of what he sees as ethically problematic about it. In this essay I make three points. First, pace Boonin's analysis, everyday examples of punishment show that it sometimes isn't harmful, but merely "discomforting." Second, intentionally discomforting offenders isn't uniquely problematic, given that we have cases of non-punitive intentional discomforture---and perhaps even harmful discomforture---that seem unobjectionable. Third, a notable fact about both non-harmful punishment and non-punitive intentional (...)
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    Food Approach and Food Avoidance in Young Children: Relation with Reward Sensitivity and Punishment Sensitivity.Laura Vandeweghe, Leentje Vervoort, Sandra Verbeken, Ellen Moens & Caroline Braet - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    In Dialogue: Response to Frede V. Nielsen's?Didactology as a Field of Theory and Research in Music Education?Sophie Haroutunian-Gordon - 2005 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 13 (1):95-98.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy of Music Education Review 13.1 (2005) 95-98 [Access article in PDF] Response to Frede V. Nielsen's "Didactology as a Field of Theory and Research in Music Education" Sophie Haroutunian-Gordon Northwestern University Let me begin by acknowledging what is about to become obvious: I am not a musicologist, music educator, or a philosopher of music education. I am, however, a philosopher of education and a (...)
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    The role of perspective taking and emotions in punishing identified and unidentified wrongdoers.Tehila Kogut - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (8):1491-1499.
    We present two studies examining the effect of identifiability on willingness to punish, emphasising that identifiability of the wrongdoer may increase or decrease willingness to punish depending on the punisher's perspective. When taking the wrongdoer's perspective, identifiability increases pity and decreases anger towards the wrongdoer, leading to a lighter punishment. On the other hand, when adopting the injured perspective, identifiability decreases pity and increases anger, resulting in a severe punishment. We show that while deliberation and rational factors affect the decision (...)
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    Interrogating the Affective Politics of White Victimhood and Resentment in Times of Demagoguery: The Risks for Civics Education.Michalinos Zembylas - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 40 (6):579-594.
    This essay contributes to scholarly discussions on the affective politics of demagoguery, especially in relation to the rhetoric of white victimhood and resentment, by exploring how civics education could formulate an anti-demagogic pedagogical response. Contemporary understandings of demagoguery as a rhetoric that emphasizes in-group identity and frames solutions as a matter of punishing an out-group, while also converting the shared vulnerability of life into an affective politics of white victimhood, create a new urgency to reconsider how civics education (...)
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  49. mean two or more people in interaction observing social norms that can be traced back to one and the same norm source (norm speaker). As the norm source pronounces norms, and by sanctions (reward or punishment) strives to build up uniform behaviour, I think the group at the the same time may be defined as a system.Torgny T. Segerstedt - 1963 - In Gunnar Aspelin (ed.), Philosophical essays. Lund,: CWK Gleerup. pp. 219.
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  50. The Role of the Practice of Excellence Strategies in Education to Achieve Sustainable Competitive Advantage to Institutions of Higher Education-Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at Al-Azhar University in Gaza a Model.Mazen J. Al Shobaki & Samy S. Abu Naser - 2017 - International Journal of Digital Publication Technology 1 (2):135-157.
    This study aims to look at the role of the practice of excellence strategies in education in achieving sustainable competitive advantage for the Higher educational institutions of the faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at Al-Azhar University in Gaza, a model, and the study considered the competitive advantage of educational institutions stems from the impact on the level of each student, employee, and the institution. The study was based on the premise that the development of strategies for excellence in (...)
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