Results for ' Sexual molestation'

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  1.  31
    The Molested.William F. May - 1991 - Hastings Center Report 21 (3):9-17.
    Within medical ethics, moralists have reflected more on the professional's quandaries than on the patient's ordeal. Yet if professionals are to help their patients, they must see clearly the variety of suffering their patients experience. For a child who has been sexually abused, the caregiver must see the pain of the child's fractured self.
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    Euphemisms and Ethics: A Language-Centered Analysis of Penn State’s Sexual Abuse Scandal.Kristen Lucas & Jeremy P. Fyke - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (4):551-569.
    For 15 years, former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky used his Penn State University perquisites to lure young and fatherless boys by offering them special access to one of the most revered football programs in the country. He repeatedly used the football locker room as a space to groom, molest, and rape his victims. In February 2001, an eye-witness alerted Penn State’s top leaders that Sandusky was caught sexually assaulting a young boy in the showers. Instead of taking swift action (...)
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    Are Obese Children Abused Children?Maura Priest - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (4):31-41.
    In 2010, a South Carolina mother was taken to court when her fourteen‐year‐old son reached 555 pounds. An article on the story reported, “His mother, Jerri Gray, lost custody of her son and is being charged with criminal neglect. Gray is facing 15 years on two felony counts, the first U.S. felony case involving childhood obesity.” If the caretakers of obese children are negligent, then they are also morally and legally blameworthy. I want to suggest, however, that important ethical differences (...)
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    Virtual competitions and the gamer’s dilemma.Karim Nader - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 22 (3):239-245.
    This paper expands Rami Ali’s dissolution of the gamer’s dilemma (Ethics Inf Technol 17:267-274, 2015). Morgan Luck’s gamer’s dilemma (Ethics Inf Technol 11(1):31-36, 2009) rests on our having diverging intuition when considering virtual murder and virtual child molestation in video games. Virtual murder is seemingly permissible, when virtual child molestation is not and there is no obvious morally relevant difference between the two. Ali argues that virtual murder and virtual child molestation are equally permissible/impermissible when considered under (...)
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  5. Crossing the Fictional Line: Moral Graveness, the Gamer’s Dilemma, and the Paradox of Fictionally Going Too Far.Thomas Montefiore & Paul Formosa - 2023 - Philosophy and Technology 36 (3):1-21.
    The Gamer’s Dilemma refers to the philosophical challenge of justifying the intuitive difference people seem to see between the moral permissibility of enacting virtual murder and the moral impermissibility of enacting virtual child molestation in video games (Luck Ethics and Information Technology, 1:31, 2009). Recently, Luck in Philosophia, 50:1287–1308, 2022 has argued that the Gamer’s Dilemma is actually an instance of a more general “paradox”, which he calls the “paradox of treating wrongdoing lightly”, and he proposes a graveness resolution (...)
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    Family Business in the #MeToo Era: Lessons from Ruth on Tone at the Top.Dov Fischer & Hershey Friedman - 2021 - Humanistic Management Journal 6 (1):37-55.
    In the biblical Book of Ruth, Boaz instructs his workers not to molest Ruth. We draw insights on the problem of workplace sexual harassment in the family-firm setting from the Book of Ruth. We then integrate these insights with several discrete findings in the literatures on workplace sexual harassment and family firms: First, family firms are relatively strong when it comes to a culture of fairness and respect. Second, family firms sometimes lack formal codes of ethics, which could (...)
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    Surgical castration, Texas law and the case of Mr T.William J. Winslade - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (9):591-592.
    Persons who commit crimes involving sexual abuse of children exploit their victims in several ways. Sex offenders use their power and authority over vulnerable children to whom they have easy access. Teachers, coaches, clergy, family members and childcare workers have been exposed as sex offenders. The Pennsylvania State University football coach, Jerry Sandusky, is now in prison for his many crimes. The widespread cover up of sexual abuse by Catholic priests in the USA and other countries is a (...)
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    A Persian Marriage Feast in Macedon? (Herodotus 5.17–21).Thomas Harrison - 2019 - Classical Quarterly 69 (2):507-514.
    Herodotus’ fateful tale of the seven Persian emissaries sent to seek Earth and Water from the Macedonian king Amyntes has been the subject of increasingly rich discussion in recent years. Generations of commentators have cumulatively revealed the ironies of Herodotus’ account: its repeated hints, for example, of the Persians’ eventual end; and, crowning all other ironies, the story's ending: that, after resisting the indignity of his female relatives being molested at a banquet, and disposing of all trace of the Persian (...)
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  9. Crime against Dalits and Indigenous Peoples as an International Human Rights Issue.Desh Raj Sirswal - 2015 - In Manoj Kumar, Proceedings of National Seminar on Human Rights of Marginalised Groups: Understanding and Rethinking Strategies. pp. 214-225.
    In India, Dalits faced a centuries-old caste-based discrimination and nowadays indigenous people too are getting a threat from so called developed society. We can define these crimes with the term ‘atrocity’ means an extremely wicked or cruel act, typically one involving physical violence or injury. Caste-related violence has occurred and occurs in India in various forms. Though the Constitution of India has laid down certain safeguards to ensure welfare, protection and development, there is gross violation of their rights such as (...)
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    How Do They Get Away with It?Michael McGowan - 2020 - In Ruth Tallman & Jason Southworth, Saturday Night Live and Philosophy: Deep Thoughts Through the Decades. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 25–38.
    Saturday Night Live (SNL) has exploited sexual power differentials, pedophilia and molestation, and produced “Digital Shorts” that use women for sexual ends. SNL has even made light of slavery and mass shootings. Suffice it to say, SNL's producers, writers, and actors are unafraid to push the boundaries of what is considered socially acceptable on network television. By presenting awkward or insensitive or offensive material – like dating in a concentration camp – SNL performers remind people just how (...)
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    Reply to dickemann.Jay R. Feierman - 1992 - Human Nature 3 (3):279-297.
    This paper is a response to Dickemann’s review ofPedophilia: Biosocial Dimensions. Her main criticism of the book is its inappropriate application of ethology to human sexology and its natural variations. She proposes instead the superiority of the “social constructionist” perspective. The “Phylogenetic Fallacy” of which her review speaks results from her erroneously having attributed ethological arguments about the phylogeny of coordinated motor patterns and sensory releasing stimuli to higher levels of behavioral-ecological strategies to which such arguments were never applied. Because (...)
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  12. Sexual Harassment and Solidarity.Sexual Intimidation - 2008 - In Tom L. Beauchamp, Norman E. Bowie & Denis Gordon Arnold, Ethical Theory and Business. New York: Pearson/Prentice Hall. pp. 227.
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  13. Child molesters on the internet. How they lure children.Russell Eisenman - 2001 - Journal of Information Ethics 10 (1):73-78.
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  14. Framework for a Church Response, Report of the Irish Catholic Bishops' Advisory Committee on Child Sexual Abuse by Priests and Religious.Child Sexual Abuse - forthcoming - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs.
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  15. Keele University, 28–30 June 2002.Sexuality Gender & I. I. Law - 2002 - Feminist Legal Studies 10:111-112.
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    Hortense Spillers.Violence Sexuality - 1995 - In Beverly Guy-Sheftal, Words of Fire: An Anthology of African American Feminist Thought. The New Press.
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    Ethics in citizen journalism: incident of teenage girl molestation in India.Somava Pande - 2017 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 15 (1):2-16.
    Purpose New media is reshaping mediated communication. This paper aims to examine whether the online community is concerned about ethical issues in citizen journalism. Design/methodology/approach The study uses critical thematic analyses to examine 1,402 comments posted in response to two YouTube videos of teenage girl molestation in India. This method was appropriate, as it will show how public reacts to information disseminated by common citizens and also show whether ethics are related to citizen journalism. Findings Results show that although (...)
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  18. The Grave Resolution to the Gamer’s Dilemma: an Argument for a Moral Distinction Between Virtual Murder and Virtual Child Molestation.Morgan Luck - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (3):1287-1308.
    In this paper a new resolution to the gamer’s dilemma is presented. The first part of the paper is devoted to strictly formulating the dilemma, and the second to establishing its resolution. The proposed resolution, the grave resolution, aims to resolve not only the gamer’s dilemma, but also a wider set of analogous paradoxes – which together make up the paradox of treating wrongdoing lightly.
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    Correction to: The Grave Resolution to the Gamer’s Dilemma: an Argument for a Moral Distinction Between Virtual Murder and Virtual Child Molestation.Morgan Luck - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (3):1309-1309.
  20. An Ethics of Sexual Difference.Luce Irigaray - 1984 - Cornell University Press.
    This collection consists of lectures given at Erasmus University in Rotterdam. They were delivered under the provisions of the Jan Tin- bergen Chair, ...
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    Sexual Strategies Theory: An evolutionary perspective on human mating.David M. Buss & David P. Schmitt - 1993 - Psychological Review 100 (2):204-232.
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  22.  27
    Sexual variation in cortical localization of naming as determined by stimulation mapping.Catherine A. Mateer, Samuel B. Polen & George A. Ojemann - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (2):310-311.
  23.  80
    Consent to Sexual Relations.Alan Wertheimer - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    When does a woman give valid consent to sexual relations? When does her consent render it morally or legally permissible for a man to have sexual relations with her? Why is sexual consent generally regarded as an issue about female consent? And what is the moral significance of consent? These are some of the questions discussed in this important book, which will appeal to a wide readership in philosophy, law, and the social sciences. Alan Wertheimer develops a (...)
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  24.  29
    Sexual strategies and social-class differences in fitness in modern industrial societies.Hillard Kaplan & Kim Hill - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (1):198-201.
  25. Intention and sexual consent.Hallie Liberto - 2017 - Philosophical Explorations 20 (sup2):127-141.
    In this paper I first argue that we do not need to intend all the features of X in order to consent to X. I will present cases in which agents intend to consent to gambles, and intend to consent to have sex with people under certain descriptions, de re, rather than de dicto. Next, I argue that deception – even deception about features of a sexual act that qualify as “deal-breakers” for a participant – might not always have (...)
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  26. Is the Requirement of Sexual Exclusivity Consistent with Romantic Love?Natasha McKeever - 2017 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 34 (3):353-369.
    In some cultures, people tend to believe that it is very important to be sexually exclusive in romantic relationships and idealise monogamous romantic relationships; but there is a tension in this ideal. Sex is generally considered to have value, and usually when we love someone we want to increase the amount of value in their lives, not restrict it without good reason. There is thus a call, not yet adequately responded to by philosophers, for greater clarity in the reasons §why (...)
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  27. Selección artificial, selección sexual, selección natural.Santiago Ginnobili - 2011 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 2 (1):61-78.
    En On the Origin of Species Darwin distingue explícitamente entre tres tipos de selección: la selección natural, la artificial y la sexual. En este trabajo, a partir de un estudio más sistemático que historiográfico, se intenta encontrar la relación entre estos tres tipos de selección en la obra de Darwin. Si bien la distinción entre estos distintos mecanismos es de suma importancia en la obra de Darwin, la tesis de este trabajo es que tanto la selección artificial como la (...)
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  28.  65
    Aristotle on Sexual difference: metaphysics, biology and politics.Marguerite Deslauriers - 2021 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Aristotle's remarks about the differences between the sexes have become infamous for their implications for the social status of women. In his observations on female biology, Aristotle claims that "the female nature is, as it were, a deformity." In describing women's role in the public sphere, he claims that women are naturally subordinate because, while they possess a deliberative faculty, that capacity is "without authority." While both claims express the "inferiority" of female bodies/women relative to male bodies/men, it is not (...)
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  29.  4
    Wolves Among Sheep: Sexual Violations in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy.Tahlia R. Harrison, Sonya C. Faber, Manzar Zare, Matthieu Fontaine & Monnica T. Williams - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (1):40-55.
    The integration of psychedelic substances into modern Western therapeutic practice has sparked a critical examination of many topics including: efficacy of psychedelics to treat mental health diagnoses without psychotherapeutic intervention, what models of therapy to use, and ethical implications related to altered states of consciousness. Of utmost concern are issues of power dynamics leading to incidents of sexual abuse. These issues underscore the importance of understanding therapeutic dynamics within the context of psychedelic-assisted therapy. This paper aims to explore these (...)
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  30. The Problem with Sexual Promises.Hallie Liberto - 2017 - Ethics 127 (2):383-414.
    I first distinguish promises with positive sexual content (e.g., promises to perform sexual acts) and promises with negative sexual content (e.g., promises to refrain from sexual acts—as one does when making monogamy promises). I argue that sexual content—even positive sexual content—does not cause a promise to misfire. However, the content of some successful promises is such that a promisee ought not to accept the promise, and, if she does accept, she ought then to release (...)
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  31. Whose Uptake Matters? Sexual Refusal and the Ethics of Uptake.Rebecca E. Harrison & Kai Tanter - 2024 - Philosophical Quarterly.
    What role does audience uptake play in determining whether a speaker refuses or consents to sex? Proponents of constitution theories of uptake argue that which speech act someone performs is largely determined by their addressee’s uptake. However, this appears to entail a troubling result: a speaker might be made to perform a speech act of sexual consent against her will. In response, we develop a social constitution theory of uptake. We argue that addressee uptake can constitute a speaker’s utterance (...)
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  32. The cruel optimism of sexual consent.Alisa Kessel - 2020 - Contemporary Political Theory 19 (3):359-380.
    This article intervenes in a critical debate about the use of consent to distinguish sex from rape. Drawing from critical contract theories, it argues that sexual consent is a cruel optimism that often operates to facilitate, rather than alleviate, sexual violence. Sexual consent as a cruel optimism promises to simplify rape allegations in the popular cultural imagination, confounds the distinction between victims and agents of sexual violence, and establishes certainty for potential victimizers who rely on it (...)
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  33. The Future of Sexual Difference: An Interview with Judith Butler and Drucilla Cornell.Judith Butler, Drucilla Cornell, Pheng Cheah & E. A. Grosz - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (1):19-42.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Future of Sexual Difference: An Interview with Judith Butler and Drucilla Cornell*Pheng Cheah (bio) and Elizabeth Grrosz (bio)EG:Luce Irigaray’s writings have always figured strongly in your works, probably more than in the work of other American feminist theorists. Out of all the feminist theorists you both interrogate, she seems to emerge as a kind of touchstone of the feminist ethical, political, and intellectual concerns to which you (...)
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    Becoming Woman: Or Sexual Difference Revisited.Rosi Braidotti - 2003 - Theory, Culture and Society 20 (3):43-64.
    This article revisits Irigaray's theory of sexual difference in the light of more contemporary developments in terms of nomadic becomings and non-unitary subjectivity, especially in Deleuze. It defends the notion of embodied materiality on philosophical grounds, by linking it to the issues of power, access, hegemony and exclusion, which are central to post-structuralism. Through a detailed analysis of the sexual politics of difference feminism, the author argues for a non-reactive redefinition of the feminine as a project of becoming, (...)
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  35. Preventing Sexual Violence: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Overcoming a Rape Culture.[author unknown] - 2014
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  36. Sexual desire.Jerome A. Shaffer - 1978 - Journal of Philosophy 75 (4):175-189.
  37. Social constraints on sexual consent.Tom Dougherty - 2022 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 21 (4):393-414.
    Politics, Philosophy & Economics, Volume 21, Issue 4, Page 393-414, November 2022. Sometimes, people consent to sex because they face social constraints. For example, someone may agree to sex because they believe that it would be rude to refuse. I defend a consent-centric analysis of these encounters. This analysis connects constraints from social contexts with constraints imposed by persons e.g. coercion. It results in my endorsing what I call the “Constraint Principle.” According to this principle, someone's consent to a (...) encounter lacks justificatory force if they are consenting because withholding consent has an adverse feature, they are entitled to withhold consent without it being the case that withholding consent has this adverse feature; and it is not the case that the consent-giver has sincerely expressed that, out of the options that are available to their sexual partner, they most prefer to go through with the sexual encounter in the circumstances. (shrink)
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    The Future of Sexual Difference: An Interview with Judith Butler and Drucilla Cornell.Judith Butler, Drucilla Cornell, Cheah Pheng & Elizabeth Grosz - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (1):19-42.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Future of Sexual Difference: An Interview with Judith Butler and Drucilla Cornell*Pheng Cheah (bio) and Elizabeth Grrosz (bio)EG:Luce Irigaray’s writings have always figured strongly in your works, probably more than in the work of other American feminist theorists. Out of all the feminist theorists you both interrogate, she seems to emerge as a kind of touchstone of the feminist ethical, political, and intellectual concerns to which you (...)
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    Teen girls, sexual double standards and ‘sexting’: Gendered value in digital image exchange.Sonia Livingstone, Rosalind Gill, Laura Harvey & Jessica Ringrose - 2013 - Feminist Theory 14 (3):305-323.
    This article explores gender inequities and sexual double standards in teens’ digital image exchange, drawing on a UK qualitative research project on youth ‘sexting’. We develop a critique of ‘postfeminist’ media cultures, suggesting teen ‘sexting’ presents specific age and gender related contradictions: teen girls are called upon to produce particular forms of ‘sexy’ self display, yet face legal repercussions, moral condemnation and ‘slut shaming’ when they do so. We examine the production/circulation of gendered value and sexual morality via (...)
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  40. Anti-Carceral Feminism and Sexual Assault—A Defense.Chloë Taylor - 2018 - Social Philosophy Today 34:29-49.
    Most mainstream feminist anti-rape scholarship and activism may be described as carceral feminism, insofar as it fails to engage with critiques of the criminal punishment system and endorses law-and-order responses to sexual and gendered violence. Mainstream feminist anti-rape scholars and activists often view increased conviction rates and longer sentences as a political goal—or, at the very least, are willing to collaborate with police and lament cases where perpetrators of sexual violence are given “light” or non-custodial sentences. Prison abolitionists, (...)
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  41. Two Views of Sexual Ethics: Promiscuity, Pedophilia, and Rape.David Benatar - 2002 - Public Affairs Quarterly 16:191-201.
    Many people think that promiscuity is morally acceptable, but rape and pedophilia are heinous. I argue, however, that the view of sexual ethics that underlies an acceptance of promiscuity is inconsistent with regarding (1) rape as worse than other forms of coercion or assault, or (2) (many) sex acts with willing children as wrong at all. And the view of sexual ethics that would fully explain the wrong of rape and pedophilia would also rule out promiscuity. I intend (...)
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  42.  56
    Aristotle on Sexual Difference: Metaphysics, Biology, Politics, by Marguerite Deslauriers.Sophia M. Connell - 2025 - Mind 134 (533):257-264.
    This meticulously researched and philosophically sophisticated book provides a comprehensive reassessment of sexual difference in Aristotle, covering metaphysic.
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  43. (1 other version)Consent and Sexual Relations.Alan Wertheimer - 1996 - Legal Theory 2 (2):89-112.
    This article has two broad purposes. First, as a political philosopher who has been interested in the concepts of coercion and exploitation, I want to consider just what the analysis of the concept of consent can bring to the question, what sexually motivated behavior should be prohibited through the criminal law? Put simply, I shall argue that conceptual analysis will be of little help. Second, and with somewhat fewer professional credentials, I shall offer some thoughts about the substantive question itself. (...)
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    Forms of Desire: Sexual Orientation and the Social Constructionist Controversy.Edward Stein (ed.) - 1990 - Routledge.
    Perhaps the foremost issue in the emerging area of inquiry known as lesbian and gay studies is the social constructionist controversy. Social constructionism is the view that the categories of sexual orientation are cultural constructs rather than naturally universal categories. ____Forms of Desire__ brings together important essays by social constructionists and their critics, representing several disciplines and approaches to this debate about the history and science of sexuality.
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  45. Sexual Difference in Aristotle's Politics and His Biology.Marguerite Deslauriers - 2009 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 102 (3):215-231.
  46. Rape and Resistance: Understanding the Complexities of Sexual Violation.Linda Martín Alcoff - 2018 - Cambridge: Polity Press.
    Sexual violence has become a topic of intense media scrutiny, thanks to the bravery of survivors coming forward to tell their stories. But, unfortunately, mainstream public spheres too often echo reports in a way that inhibits proper understanding of its causes, placing too much emphasis on individual responsibility or blaming minority cultures. -/- In this powerful and original book, Linda Martín Alcoff aims to correct the misleading language of public debate about rape and sexual violence by showing how (...)
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  47. What Is Sexual Intimacy?Sascha Settegast - 2024 - Think 23 (67):53-58.
    What is the role of intimacy in sex? The two culturally dominant views on this matter both share the implicit assumption that sex is genuinely intimate only when connected to romance, and hence that sex and intimacy stand in a contingent relationship: it is possible to have good sex without it. Liberals embrace this possibility and affirm the value of casual sex, while conservatives attempt to safeguard intimacy by insisting on romantic exclusivity. I reject their shared assumption and argue for (...)
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    Disability and Sexual Inclusion.Tracy De Boer - 2015 - Hypatia 30 (1):66-81.
    Many disabled people face some form of exclusion or discrimination. One of the most damaging, yet pervasive, types of exclusion is sexual exclusion. Various factors hinder sexual opportunities for disabled persons, such as social attitudes around body image, gender, and sexuality. In this paper, I engage with Sheila Jeffreys's paper, “ Disability and the Male Sex Right,” wherein she argues that discourse around sexual rights for disabled people is a veiled way of promoting male dominance over women. (...)
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    After the Wedding Night: Sexual Abstinence and Masculinities over the Life Course.Sarah Diefendorf - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (5):647-669.
    This study seeks to understand the ways in which men who pledge sexual abstinence until marriage negotiate and assert masculine identities before and after marriage. Using longitudinal qualitative data, this work traces the ways in which men who pledge abstinence until marriage manage a tension between both “sacred” and “beastly” discourses surrounding sexuality. The situational and interactional gendered practices of these men highlight their attempts to resolve the incongruity between practices of sexual purity and hegemonic definitions of masculinity. (...)
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    The Sexual Compact.Joan Copjec - 2012 - Angelaki 17 (2):31 - 48.
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