Results for ' US Paediatric Exclusivity Plan'

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  1.  12
    Regulation and Paediatric Drug Trials: Patents, Plans, and Perverse Incentives.Riana Gaifulinay - 2011 - Research Ethics 7 (2):51-57.
    The facilitation of tight regulatory frameworks necessary to ensure that new drugs are safe and effective have yet to be effectively applied within the paediatric population. Utilization of unlicensed and off-label drugs in children results in a variety of problems ranging from inefficacy, adverse reactions and in some cases death. This ethically questionable behaviour has led the European government to legally force pharmaceutical companies to propose paediatric applications and carry out clinical studies at early stages of drug development. (...)
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    Mutually Exclusive Planning and the Simple View.Lilian O’Brien - 2014 - Topoi 33 (1):47-55.
    There have been a number of challenges to the Simple View—the view that an intention to A is necessary if an agent is to A intentionally. Michael Bratman’s celebrated video game case has convinced many that the view is false. This article presents a novel objection to Bratman’s case. It is argued, first, that the Simple View is not undermined by the case, and second, that the real import of the case is that it raises the question of how we (...)
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    Analysis of health services use for respiratory illness in indonesian children: Implications for policy.Amardeep Thind - 2005 - Journal of Biosocial Science 37 (2):129-142.
    Respiratory illness continues to be a leading cause of paediatric morbidity and mortality in Indonesia. The Indonesian government is moving towards a more managed care-based approach as it reforms its health care system following the 1997 financial crisis. In order to better design contractual relationships between the payor and different providers, there needs to be a better understanding of the patterns and predictors of health services utilization for respiratory illness. This study uses the Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey to (...)
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    Prepping for the Day You Hope Never Arrives: Facing Recurrence.Terra Trevor - 2014 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 4 (1):27-30.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Prepping for the Day You Hope Never Arrives:Facing RecurrenceTerra TrevorMy 14–year–old son was eight years past diagnosis of a brain tumor. Gone were the pristine sick days when his white hooded sweatshirt stayed spotlessly clean for weeks at a time. Each time he left a muddy footprint on the kitchen floor I rejoiced; it felt so good to have a healthy kid again. However, my son was a survivor (...)
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    COVID-19 vaccines: a look at the ethics of the clinical research involving children.Laura Cabiedes-Miragaya & Inés Galende-Domínguez - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (10):666-671.
    Currently, millions of minors are being inoculated against SARS-CoV-2 in many countries in the world. Ethical concerns about clinical research involving children have barely been addressed in the literature, despite the fact that the paediatric population is particularly vulnerable within this context. Children should be included in the research plans for COVID-19 vaccines. Nevertheless, it is necessary to critically assess to what extent clinical trials are being conducted according to methodological and ethical criteria that allow us to conclude that (...)
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    Misquotations from Reality.Ann Lauterbach - 1996 - Diacritics 26 (3/4):143-157.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Misquotations from RealityAnn Lauterbach (bio)In the girdle of Aphrodite, in the crown, in the body of Helen and her phantom, beauty is superimposed over necessity, cloaking it in deceit. The necessary has a certain splendor, and behind any splendor one senses a metallic coldness, as though of a weapon poised to strike. The real split in Greek consciousness, like all other irreversible steps it took, comes when Plato for (...)
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    Negotiating Eternity: Energy Policy, Environmental Justice, and the Politics of Nuclear Waste.Steven M. Hoffman - 2001 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 21 (6):456-472.
    Arguing that a crisis is upon us, the Bush Administration has proposed an energy strategy remarkable in its scope and audacity. While much criticism has been directed towards the plan’s ecological impacts, it also guarantees the continuing collapse of communities tha stand in the way of the full realization of the current energy economy. This situation is best understood reference to evolving notions of environmental justice. Unfortunately, the variety of meanings attributable to environmental justice often times come into conflict (...)
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    Complex Decision-Making in Paediatric Intensive Care: A Discussion Paper and Suggested Model.Melanie Jansen, Katie M. Moynihan, Lisa S. Taylor & Shreerupa Basu - forthcoming - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry:1-11.
    Paediatric Intensive Care Units (PICU) are complex interdisciplinary environments where challenging, high stakes decisions are frequently encountered. We assert that appropriate decisions are more likely to be made if the decision-making process is comprehensive, reasoned, and grounded in thoughtful deliberation. Strategies to overcome barriers to high quality decision-making including, cognitive and implicit bias, group think, inadequate information gathering, and poor quality deliberation should be incorporated. Several general frameworks for decision-making exist, but specific guidance is scarce. In this paper, we (...)
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    Paediatric oncology patients’ definitions of a good physician and good nurse.Elif Aşikli & Rahime Aydin Er - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (5):656-669.
    Background: It is stated that the communication and disease experiences of paediatric patients, especially paediatric oncology patients, with healthcare professionals are completely different from those of adults. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the definitions of a good physician and good nurse provided by elementary school-age oncology patients. Research design: In this qualitative research, data were collected through semi-structured individual interviews. The data were evaluated thorough thematic analysis. Participants and research context: Eighteen children hospitalised due (...)
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    School Trouble: Identity, Power and Politics in Education.Deborah Youdell - 2010 - Routledge.
    What is the trouble with schools and why should we want to make ‘school trouble’? Schooling is implicated in the making of educational and social exclusions and inequalities as well as the making of particular sorts of students and teachers. For this reason schools are important sites of counter- or radical- politics. In this book, Deborah Youdell brings together theories of counter-politics and radical traditions in education to make sense of the politics of daily life inside schools and explores a (...)
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    Ethical dimensions of paediatric nursing: A rapid evidence assessment.Annamaria Bagnasco, Lucia Cadorin, Michela Barisone, Valentina Bressan, Marina Iemmi, Marzia Prandi, Fiona Timmins, Roger Watson & Loredana Sasso - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (1):111-122.
    Background: Paediatric nurses often face complex situations requiring decisions that sometimes clash with their own values and beliefs, or with the needs of the children they care for and their families. Paediatric nurses often use new technology that changes the way they provide care, but also reduces their direct interaction with the child. This may generate ethical issues, which nurses should be able to address in the full respect of the child. Research question and objectives: The purpose of (...)
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  12. A Radical Manifesto.Asma Mehan, Bouchra Tafrata, Vladan Klement & Salma Tabi - 2021 - In Roberto Rocco & Caroline Newton, Manifesto for the Just City. Delft, Netherlands: TU Delft Open. pp. 64-67.
    For a long time, academic institutes stigmatized activism and dissociated it from academic practice. It was looked down upon and considered to be disruptive and western institutes continued silencing critical thinking and practice, and encouraged what they named 'critical distance'. These practices of exclusion must push us, city inhabitants, to ask: what is the point of excluding activism from academic practice? How can we bridge between theory and activism? How can we decenter city planning? If cities belong to the people, (...)
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  13. Ideology, Critique, and Political Education.Iaan Reynolds - 2021 - Dissertation, Villanova University
    While philosophical engagement with ideology once necessitated a “critique of critics” and their social context, today the emphasis often lies in analyzing common and unreflective errors – whether espoused by unrepentant racists, conspiracy theorists, or others in the grip of ignorance. Though cases like these might help us understand the prevalence and persistence of modes of thought that strengthen an exploitative social order, an exclusive focus on such unambiguous examples of false consciousness leaves the reflexive character of social critique out (...)
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  14. Reflection on the Mission of the Orthodox Church after the Holy and Great Council of Crete. Inter-Christian and Inter-Religious Perspectives.Adrian Boldisor - 2018 - Orthodox Theology in Dialogue 4 (4):118-154.
    The Orthodox Church has been given the fullest of truth by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, truth honored and valued in the communion of the Saints. For men, to grasp divine truth is a progressive process part of a permanent development. Each and every person walks along this path together with other people, without being the same as the others. Every person is offered and understands truth according to their own religious experience and skills to understand. Ultimate truth exists (...)
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  15.  59
    Attitudes of paediatric and obstetric specialists towards prenatal surgery for lethal and non-lethal conditions.Ryan M. Antiel, Farr A. Curlin, John D. Lantos, Christopher A. Collura, Alan W. Flake, Mark P. Johnson, Natalie E. Rintoul, Stephen D. Brown & Chris Feudtner - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics:medethics-2017-104377.
    Background While prenatal surgery historically was performed exclusively for lethal conditions, today intrauterine surgery is also performed to decrease postnatal disabilities for non-lethal conditions. We sought to describe physicians' attitudes about prenatal surgery for lethal and non-lethal conditions and to elucidate characteristics associated with these attitudes. Methods Survey of 1200 paediatric surgeons, neonatologists and maternal–fetal medicine specialists. Results Of 1176 eligible physicians, 670 responded. In the setting of a lethal condition for which prenatal surgery would likely result in the (...)
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  16. Interventionism and Causal Exclusion.James Woodward - 2015 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 91 (2):303-347.
    A number of writers, myself included, have recently argued that an “interventionist” treatment of causation of the sort defended in Woodward, 2003 can be used to cast light on so-called “causal exclusion” arguments. This interventionist treatment of causal exclusion has in turn been criticized by other philosophers. This paper responds to these criticisms. It describes an interventionist framework for thinking about causal relationships when supervenience relations are present. I contend that this framework helps us to see that standard arguments for (...)
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    Decolonization Projects.Cornelius Ewuoso - 2023 - Voices in Bioethics 9.
    Photo ID 279661800 © Sidewaypics| ABSTRACT Decolonization is complex, vast, and the subject of an ongoing academic debate. While the many efforts to decolonize or dismantle the vestiges of colonialism that remain are laudable, they can also reinforce what they seek to end. For decolonization to be impactful, it must be done with epistemic and cultural humility, requiring decolonial scholars, project leaders, and well-meaning people to be more sensitive to those impacted by colonization and not regularly included in the discourse. (...)
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  18. The Gravity of Pure Forces.Nico Jenkins - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):60-67.
    continent. 1.1 (2011): 60-67. At the beginning of Martin Heidegger’s lecture “Time and Being,” presented to the University of Freiburg in 1962, he cautions against, it would seem, the requirement that philosophy make sense, or be necessarily responsible (Stambaugh, 1972). At that time Heidegger's project focused on thinking as thinking and in order to elucidate his ideas he drew comparisons between his project and two paintings by Paul Klee as well with a poem by Georg Trakl. In front of Klee's (...)
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  19. Object-Oriented France: The Philosophy of Tristan Garcia.Graham Harman - 2012 - Continent 2 (1):6-21.
    continent. 2.1 (2012): 6–21. The French philosopher and novelist Tristan Garcia was born in Toulouse in 1981. This makes him rather young to have written such an imaginative work of systematic philosophy as Forme et objet , 1 the latest entry in the MétaphysiqueS series at Presses universitaires de France. But this reference to Garcia’s youthfulness is not a form of condescension: by publishing a complete system of philosophy in the grand style, he has already done what none of us (...)
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    From “Longshot” to “Fantasy”: Obligations to Pediatric Patients and Families When Last-Ditch Medical Efforts Fail.Elliott Mark Weiss & Autumn Fiester - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (1):3-11.
    Clinicians at quaternary centers see part of their mission as providing hope when others cannot. They tend to see sicker patients with more complex disease processes. Part of this mission is offering longshot treatment modalities that are unlikely to achieve their stated goal, but conceivably could. When patients embark on such a treatment plan, it may fail. Often treatment toward an initial goal continues beyond the point at which such a goal is feasible. We explore the progression of care (...)
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  21.  35
    Bankrupted Detroit.Mathieu Hikaru Desan - 2014 - Thesis Eleven 121 (1):122-130.
    The recent declaration of the largest municipal bankruptcy in US history has propelled Detroit’s plight into the international spotlight. Though a victim of the general decline of US manufacturing, drawing on Thomas Sugrue’s pioneering work I argue that Detroit’s crisis is better understood as a specifically urban crisis. The city’s concentrated poverty and desolation and its fiscal straits are not reducible to broader economic trends, nor are they exclusively the product of political mismanagement. Rather, they are the outcome of a (...)
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    Ethics Consultation in U.S. Pediatric Hospitals: Adherence to National Practice Standards.Helena Arango, Colette Gramszlo, Jaideep Grewal, Arzu Cetin, Meaghann Weaver & Jennifer K. Walter - forthcoming - AJOB Empirical Bioethics.
    Background The American Society for Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH), a professional organization that certifies ethics consultants who pass the qualifying examination, published standards for the conduct of ethics consultations (EC). A national survey of adult hospital ethics consultants identified adherence to these standards, but no assessment of pediatric hospitals’ adherence has been done.Methods In this cross-sectional study, a national questionnaire was distributed electronically in 2022 to pediatric ethics consultants at children’s hospitals, collecting information about adherence to the ASBH standards. Hospital (...)
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    Matter and psyche: Lewis Mumford's appropriation of Marx and Jung in his appraisal of the condition of man in technological civilization.Adam Green - 2006 - History of the Human Sciences 19 (3):33-64.
    The aim of this article is to draw attention to the breadth and importance of Mumford's philosophical outlook by exploring his critical appropriation of the theories of Marx and Jung which he employed to create a penetrating, visionary collection of works that offer us a powerful and timely insight into the ills besetting our current technological civilization. Mumford partially accepted Marx's matter–psyche dynamic but expanded it to include architecture, technology and urban planning. He surpassed the one-way process of Marxist historical-economic (...)
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    Sibling Violence in the Qur’ān: A Psychological Perspective on the Abel-Cain and the Prophet Joseph Stories.İbrahim Yildiz - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):73-95.
    Although the family is the safest environment for each member, sometimes violence and abuse can come from the family members. Violence causes family relationships to deteriorate as in all other relationships among people. Sibling violence, as a form of domestic violence, can sometimes have dire consequences that can result in family breakup, death or long-term loss of one of the siblings. In this study, sibling violence, which has the potential to harm family relations in such a way, will be discussed (...)
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    International Buddhist-Christian Theological Encounter Group. (News and Views).John Berthrong - 2001 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 21 (1):123.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 21.1 (2001) 107-108 [Access article in PDF] Sixth International Conference of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies John Berthrong Boston University The society's sixth international conference, held 5-12 August 2000, was an exceptionally successful event for the five hundred plus participants. In great measure the success was due to the conference's scenic and user-friendly location at the Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma,Washington, and to the untiring work of Professor (...)
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    Sixth International Conference of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies.John Berthrong - 2001 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 21 (1):107-108.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 21.1 (2001) 107-108 [Access article in PDF] Sixth International Conference of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies John Berthrong Boston University The society's sixth international conference, held 5-12 August 2000, was an exceptionally successful event for the five hundred plus participants. In great measure the success was due to the conference's scenic and user-friendly location at the Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma,Washington, and to the untiring work of Professor (...)
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    Radicalizing the Local: 60 Linear Miles of Transborder Conflict.Teddy Cruz - 2008 - Diacritics 38 (4):107 - c2.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Radicalizing the Local: 60 Linear Miles of Transborder ConflictTeddy Cruz (bio)2008estudio teddy cruzmedium: collage and vinyl wallpaperThe international border between the US and Mexico at the San Diego-Tijuana checkpoint is one of the most trafficked in the world. A 60-linear-mile cross-section—tangential to the border wall—between these two border cities compresses the most dramatic issues currently challenging our normative notions of architecture and urbanism.This transborder “cut” begins 30 miles north (...)
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    Introduction: Nationalism in East Asia and East Asian Multiculturalism.Hsin-Wen Lee & Sungmoon Kim - 2018 - In Lee Hsin-Wen & Kim Sungmoon, Reimaging Nation and Nationalism in Multicultural East Asia. Routledge. pp. 1-22.
    National identity and attachment to national culture have taken root even in this era of globalization. National sentiments find expression in multiple political spheres and cause troubles of various kinds in many societies, both domestically and across state borders. Some of these problems are rooted in history; others are the result of massive global immigration. As US Secretary of State John Kerry tries to broker a new round of Israel-Palestine peace talks, the Israeli government continues expanding its settlements in disputed (...)
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    The Abuse of Casuistry: A History of Moral Reasoning by Albert R. Jonsen & Stephen Toulmin. [REVIEW]Romanus Cessario - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (1):151-154.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS The Abuse of Casuistry: A History of Moral Reasoning. By ALBERT R. JoNSEN & STEPHEN TOULMIN. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988. Pp. ix +420. This volume results from the collaborative efforts of a social philosopher and an ethician. The two authors undertook the book's composition while taking part in the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research. Set up by (...)
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  30. Racial Exclusion and the Political Economy of the Subprime Crisis.Gary Dymski - 2009 - Historical Materialism 17 (2):149-179.
    This paper develops a political economic explanation of the 2007–9 US subprime crisis which focuses on one of its central causes: the transformation of racial exclusion in US mortgage-markets. Until the early 1990s, racial minorities were systematically excluded from mortgage-finance due to bank-redlining and discrimination. But, then, racial exclusion in credit-markets was transformed: racial minorities were increasingly given access to housing-credit under terms far more adverse than were offered to non-minority borrowers. This paper shows that the emergence of the subprime (...)
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    The exclusion of the other: challenges to the ethics of closeness.Trine Myhrvold - 2003 - Nursing Philosophy 4 (1):33-43.
    There is an ongoing discussion concerning personal vs. impersonal considerations in professional care. In this article, three different positions within the ethics of closeness will be discussed. These are: (a) reserving the ethics of closeness for close experienced others, ‘including the experienced Other’, which is Nortvedt's position; (b) trying to bring the distant, non‐experienced others closer, ‘including the Third’; and (c) finally, an examination of whether a perspective of closeness may lead to the exclusion of various groups in need of (...)
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    The exclusion of the other: Challenges to the ethics of closeness.M. A. Myhrvold - 2003 - Nursing Philosophy 4 (1):33–43.
    There is an ongoing discussion concerning personal vs. impersonal considerations in professional care. In this article, three different positions within the ethics of closeness will be discussed. These are: (a) reserving the ethics of closeness for close experienced others, ‘including the experienced Other’, which is Nortvedt's position; (b) trying to bring the distant, non‐experienced others closer, ‘including the Third’; and (c) finally, an examination of whether a perspective of closeness may lead to the exclusion of various groups in need of (...)
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  33.  25
    Does the light at the end of the tunnel shine for everyone? The need for early paediatric participation in vaccine trials during infectious pandemics.Erin M. Kwolek - 2022 - Clinical Ethics 17 (4):346-351.
    While most of the mortality associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 has been in elderly populations and adults with significant medical comorbidities, there has been death and morbidity in paediatric populations. As vaccine trial data is released to the public, many people look to the future with hope ; with good vaccine uptake there is the opportunity to reduce the spread of infectious pandemics. Initial vaccine trials were completed with adults and were expanded to include paediatric (...)
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  34.  94
    The Problem of Causal Exclusion and Horgan’s Causal Compatibilism.Janez Bregant - 2003 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 3 (9):305-320.
    It is quite obvious why the antireductionist picture of mental causation that rests on supervenience is an attractive theory. On the one hand, it secures uniqueness of the mental; on the other hand, it tries to place the mental in our world in a way that is compatible with the physicalist view. However, Kim reminds us that anti-reductionists face the following dilemma: either mental properties have causal powers or they do not. If they have them, we risk a violation of (...)
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    Extracting mutual exclusion invariants from lifted temporal planning domains.Sara Bernardini, Fabio Fagnani & David E. Smith - 2018 - Artificial Intelligence 258 (C):1-65.
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    The new futility? The rhetoric and role of “suffering” in pediatric decision-making.Erica K. Salter - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (1):16-27.
    This article argues that while the presence and influence of “futility” as a concept in medical decision-making has declined over the past decade, medicine is seeing the rise of a new concept with similar features: suffering. Like futility, suffering may appear to have a consistent meaning, but in actuality, the concept is colloquially invoked to refer to very different experiences. Like “futility,” claims of patient “suffering” have been used (perhaps sometimes consciously, but most often unconsciously) to smuggle value judgments about (...)
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    Psychological Needs and Resources of the Staff in a Pediatric Neurosurgery Ward: A Phenomenological-Hermeneutic Study.Iacopo Lanini, Debora Tringali & Rosapia Lauro Grotto - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Brain tumors are a common form of solid tumors in children and, unfortunately, they are characterized by a very uncertain prognosis. The treatment of this pathology often includes one or more very invasive surgical procedures, quite often in the very first steps of the treatment. Cases of brain tumors in children represent one of the greatest challenges for health care professionals in the domain of pediatric neurosurgery. This is clearly due to the complexity of the therapeutic plan, but also (...)
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    Bourdieu at the bedside: briefing parents in a pediatric hospital.Karen LeGrow, Ellen Hodnett, Robyn Stremler, Patricia McKeever & Eyal Cohen - 2014 - Nursing Inquiry 21 (4):327-335.
    The philosophy of family‐centered care (FCC) promotes partnerships between families and staff to plan, deliver, and evaluate services for children and has been officially adopted by a majority of pediatric hospitals throughout North America. However, studies indicated that many parents have continued to be dissatisfied with their decision‐making roles in their child's care. This is particularly salient for parents of children with chronic ongoing complex health problems. These children are dependent upon medical technology and require frequent hospitalizations during which (...)
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  39. Exclusion endures: How compatibilism allows dualists to bypass the causal closure argument.Christopher Devlin Brown - 2019 - Analysis 79 (4):587-594.
    Jaegwon Kim maintains that his ‘exclusion argument’ forces us to accept reductive physicalism, which identifies mental and other high-level properties of the world with lower-level properties, over nonreductive physicalism, which avoids such identifications. According to Kim, the exclusion argument shows that any nonreductive view leads to either epiphenomenalism or unacceptable overdetermination of physical effects by physical causes. However, a popular nonreductive physicalist approach called ‘compatibilism’ aims to show that physicalism need not collapse high-level properties into lower-level physical. Compatibilism attempts to (...)
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    Exploitation and Exclusion: Race and Class in Contemporary Us Society.Abebe Zegeye, Leonard Harris & Julia Maxted (eds.) - 1991 - Hans Zell.
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    Oeuvres philosophiques. Tome I (1618-1637) (review). [REVIEW]Gregor Sebba - 1964 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (2):260-261.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:260 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY Christian business" is not knowledge but experience. He founds religious certainty on individual inspiration and emphasizes charity against external written law. A man inspired by God becomes autonomous and acquires a mind of his own--independent of external authorities. This valuable study (pp. 5-109) is followed by an extensive bibliography (pp. 113--209) in which it could be added that Vald~s' Al[abeto Cristiano was reprinted in 1948 (...)
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    Long-distance mutual exclusion for planning.Yixin Chen, Ruoyun Huang, Zhao Xing & Weixiong Zhang - 2009 - Artificial Intelligence 173 (2):365-391.
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    Precision Medicine for Whom? Public Health Outputs from “Genomics England” and “All of Us” to Make Up for Upstream and Downstream Exclusion.Ilaria Galasso - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (3):71-85.
    This paper problematizes the precision medicine approach embraced by the All of Us Research Program (US) and by Genomics England (UK) in terms of benefits distribution, by arguing that current “diversity and inclusion” efforts do not prevent exclusiveness, unless the framing and scope of the projects are revisited in public health terms. Grounded on document analysis and fieldwork interviews, this paper analyzes efforts to address potential patterns of exclusion upstream (from participating in precision medicine research) and downstream (from benefitting from (...)
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    To test or not to test: genetic cancer predisposition testing in paediatric patients with cancer.Sapna Mehta & Dennis John Kuo - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):e17-e17.
    Genetic cancer predisposition testing in the paediatric population poses unique ethical dilemmas. Using the hypothetical example of a teenager with cancer with a high probability of having an underlying cancer predisposition syndrome, we discuss the ethical considerations that affect the decision-making process. Because legally these decisions are made by parents, genetic testing in paediatrics can remove a child’s autonomy to preserve his or her own ‘open future’. However, knowledge of results confirming a predisposition syndrome can potentially be beneficial in (...)
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    Citizenship Regimes and Exclusion: Historical Analysis of Legislation on Illegalized Migration in the US.Alejandro Mosqueda, Rubén Chávez & Camelia Tigau - forthcoming - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho.
    Citizenship regimes are institutionalized systems of formal and informal norms that define access to membership, as well as associated rights and duties. This paper studies illegalized migration as one of the major tests to assess whether citizenship regimes are fair institutions, based on a historical analysis of legislation meant to reduce illegalized migration in the United States between 1995 and 2022. We build our empirical research starting from a simple observation: despite the great number of bills introduced to reduce illegalized (...)
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    The Road to Understanding and Acceptance of the Late Effects of Pediatric Brain Tumors and Treatment.Jeanne Carlson - 2014 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 4 (1):21-23.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Road to Understanding and Acceptance of the Late Effects of Pediatric Brain Tumors and TreatmentJeanne CarlsonWe had little warning or time to adjust to our daughter’s diagnosis. A call from her third grade teacher reporting that Sarah seemed to be having vision problems rapidly led to eye exams, an MRI, and the discovery of a Germinoma brain tumor in the suprastellar region of Sarah’s brain. We were terrified (...)
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  47.  16
    A Bittersweet Score: A Father’s Account of His Family’s 20-Year Journey After a Pediatric Brain Tumor Diagnosis.Christopher Riley - 2014 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 4 (1):3-6.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Bittersweet Score:A Father’s Account of His Family’s 20-Year Journey After a Pediatric Brain Tumor DiagnosisChristopher RileyI hadn’t seen him for 20 years, not since the day he drilled a hole in Peter’s head and left the stainless steel drill and bloody bit on the bedside table. He figured prominently in the story I often told of that day when he, a doctor in training, [End Page 3] informed (...)
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    A comprehensive systematic review of stakeholder attitudes to alternatives to prospective informed consent in paediatric acute care research.Jeremy Furyk, Kris McBain-Rigg, Bronia Renison, Kerrianne Watt, Richard Franklin, Theophilus I. Emeto, Robin A. Ray, Franz E. Babl & Stuart Dalziel - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):89.
    A challenge of performing research in the paediatric emergency and acute care setting is obtaining valid prospective informed consent from parents. The ethical issues are complex, and it is important to consider the perspective of participants, health care workers and researchers on research without prospective informed consent while planning this type of research. We performed a systematic review according to PRISMA guidelines, of empirical evidence relating to the process, experiences and acceptability of alternatives to prospective informed consent, in the (...)
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    Philosophical Exclusion and Conversational Practices.Olberding Amy - 2017 - Philosophy East and West 67 (4):1023-1038.
    Professional philosophy in the United States has recently enjoyed a revival of discussion regarding the inclusion of Asian philosophies in the discipline, a revival that includes popular press articles, journal articles, books, and blog discussions.1 Such discussions can prompt hope that change is afoot and the discipline may, at long last, become more genuinely inclusive. However, for those of us who have been in the profession long enough, it is likewise difficult to resist a certain cynicism. After all, episodic bursts (...)
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    Exploring Environmental Ethics: From Exclusion of More-than-Human Beings Towards a New Materialist Paradigm.Gülşah Göçmen - 2023 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 14.
    Environmental ethics deals with discussing the ethical framework of environmental values, their organization and regulation, and their ethical premises. One of the main cul-de-sacs that environmental ethics has is its anthropocentrism that can be observed through its diverse ethical approaches—even ecocentric ones, developed as non-anthropocentric egalitarian alternatives. This article aims to question the exclusiveness of Anthropos, the practices, values, and discourses that determine the scope and course of environmental ethics, and the exclusion of nonhuman animals or more-than human beings from (...)
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