Results for ' Verdi'

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  1.  22
    İlahî İlim-İnsan Hürriyeti İlişkisi.Hasan Tanrıverdi - 2016 - Dini Araştırmalar 19 (50):79-102.
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  2. In Defense of Marcus Singer.John J. Verdi - 1977 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 58 (3):208.
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    The Epistemology and Science of Justified Reason.Verdie Michael Dreyer - 2021 - Philosophia 50 (2):503-532.
    A theory of reasoned knowledge is presented by developing and demonstrating the methodology of a novel skeptical critique designed to extend the epistemological practice of belief justification to an epistemological practice of reason justification. Analyses of the reasoning found in the theorizations of certain seminal philosophers and leading scientists will reveal how the absence of the epistemic justification of reason defaults to the use of an unjustified form of reason that runs the play of an unrecognized and unchecked dialectic between (...)
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    Fat Wednesday: Wittgenstein on aspects.John Verdi - 2010 - Philadelphia: Paul Dry Books.
    The aspects family -- A. the duck-rabbit -- B. the necker cube -- Faces, faces, faces -- Illusions -- E. "puzzle-pictures" -- Aspects and words -- A. introspection and experiment -- B. how we do things with words -- How we see things with words -- Aspect blindness -- A. imagination -- B. aspect blindness -- Fat wednesday -- Aspects and art -- A. experience -- B. seeing a painting -- Musical aspects -- Emergent meaning and wine -- Ethics and (...)
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    The arts and the future city.Laura Verdi - 2008 - World Futures 64 (1):34 – 42.
    The framework in which, better than in any other, cultural complexity becomes clear as a network of perspectives is the city: it is here that the greatest variety of subcultures, together with the widest range of contrasting modalities, seems able to handle its meaning. The city is at the same time an active place of cultural production and a passive and active place of memory keeping. It fuels styles and models of sensitivity also, and especially, through art and architecture. Therefore, (...)
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  6. A Promoção da Saúde ea Bioética da Proteção: os desafios à garantia do direito à saúde.M. Verdi, Cp Barchifontaine & Elcp Zoboli - 2007 - In Christian de Paul de Barchifontaine & Elma Lourdes Campos Pavone Zoboli (eds.), Bioética, vulnerabilidade e saúde. Aparecida, SP: Idéias & Letras. pp. 205--11.
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    Nudge to the future: capitalizing on illusory superiority bias to mitigate temporal discounting.Davide Pietroni & Sibylla Verdi Hughes - 2016 - Mind and Society 15 (2):247-264.
    Policymakers and institutions have developed an increasing interest in applying principles from cognitive science to encourage individuals to adopt behaviors, attitudes and perspectives that enable them to reach higher levels of personal and collective well-being. We focused on the value of nudging people to adopt a broader farsighted view when making their day-to-day decisions, overcoming the temporal discounting bias which leads them to prefer smaller immediate gains to larger future rewards. Following recent advances in the literature, we tried to mitigate (...)
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    Verdi, Ghislanzoni, and "Aida": The Uses of Convention.Philip Gossett - 1974 - Critical Inquiry 1 (2):291-334.
    The existence of extensive written communications between Verdi and his librettists should have prompted scholars to prepare editions of the correspondence and to analyze its meaning and implications. Only rarely can we participate directly in the formative stages of an opera, and available material such as the correspondence between Richard Strauss and Hugo von Hofmannsthal is invaluable.1 Obeisance, at least, has been done to Verdi's correspondence. Alessandro Luzio calls the letters of Verdi to Antonio Ghislanzoni, "versifier" of (...)
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    Verdi is the puccini of music.John Woods & Brent Hudak - 1992 - Synthese 92 (2):189 - 220.
    An account of analogical characterization is developed in which the following things are claimed.(1) Analogical predications are irreflexive, asymmetrical, atransitive and non-inversive. (2) Analogies A and B share role-similarity descriptions sufficiently abstract to overcome the differences between A and B. Analogies pivot on the point of limited similarity and substantial, even radical, difference. (3) The semantical theory for sentences making analogical attributions requires a distinction between (sentential) meaning as truth conditions and (sentential) meaning as a functional compound of the meanings (...)
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    İbnül-Verdî'nin Nasîhatü'l-İhvan Adlı Kasidesi ve Çevirisi.Selami Bakirci - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 13):13-13.
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    Profezie verdi: le origini del pensiero e dell'azione ecologista.Gianfranco Bettin (ed.) - 2021 - Milano (Mi): Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli.
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    M'verdî’nin İctih'd Anlayışı.Davut EŞİT - 2018 - Dini Araştırmalar 21 (54):9-26.
    The ijtihâd issues are among important problems of uṣûl al-fiqh (Islamic legal theory). Given al-beyân el-ijtihâd in the meaning of interpreting naṣṣ (text) and al-qiyâs el-jtihâd in the meaning of reaching a verdict of a new issue which is not determined by naṣṣ, it is possible to say that mujtahid (a jurist) is actively in the ijtihâd activity. Thus, the ijtihâd issues has been discussed in uṣûl al-fiqh since early period. The fact that Shâfi‘î refers to ijtihâd issues in his (...)
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    Verdi and the Germans: From Unification to the Third Reich.Philip Gossett - 2012 - Common Knowledge 18 (2):359-361.
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    Verdi and the Germans: From Unification to the Third Reich by Gundula Kreuzer.Philip Gossett - 2019 - Common Knowledge 25 (1-3):440-442.
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    I verdi italiani tra politica nazionale e proiezione europea.Giorgio Grimaldi - 2020 - Bologna: Società editrice Il mulino.
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  16. Verdi's Theater. Creating Drama through Music. By Gilles de Van.G. R. Seaman - 2001 - The European Legacy 6 (5):688-689.
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  17. Verdi dopo Wagner.Augusto Guzzo - 1986 - Filosofia 37 (1):2.
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    Jeanne d'Arc et ses voix, dans deux opéras, Verdi et Honneger.Julie Deramond - 2007 - Clio 25:115-132.
    Dès le début du xixe siècle, Jeanne d’Arc connaît la célébrité dans toute l’Europe. Élevée au pinacle, installée au panthéon des Français, elle devient un sujet en or pour les compositeurs et leurs librettistes, parce qu’elle permet d’aborder les thèmes les plus divers, de l’héroïque au religieux en passant par le pastoral et le tragique. Elle fait l’objet de nombreuses mises en scène dans des genres musicaux aussi variés que l’opéra, l’opéra-comique, le ballet, la mélodie, la pantomime ou le théâtre (...)
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  19. Accompaniment formulas in verdi'ernani'.Mario Baroni - 1987 - Semiotica 66 (1-3):129-140.
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    Kunst og verdi i Wittgensteins filosofi.Kjell S. Johannessen - 1998 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 10 (17).
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    The ‘Naivety’ of Verdi.IsaiahHG Berlin - 1997 - In Isaiah Berlin (ed.), Against the current: essays in the history of ideas. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. pp. 361-372.
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  22. Arrigo Boito aan Giuseppe Verdi.Mitchell Cohen - 2003 - Nexus 37.
    'Er is maar één manier om beter te eindigen dan met Otello, en dat is door triomfantelijk te eindigen met Fallstaff. Eerst alle snikken en jammerklachten van het menselijk hart verklinken, om te eindigen met een immense uitbarsting van hilariteit! Het is duizelingwekkend!'.
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  23. What If Bizet and Verdi Had Been Compatriots?Michael J. Shaffer - 2016 - Logos and Episteme 7 (1):55-73.
    Stalnaker argued that conditional excluded middle should be included in the principles that govern counterfactuals on the basis that intuitions support that principle. This is because there are pairs of competing counterfactuals that appear to be equally acceptable. In doing so, he was forced to introduced semantic vagueness into his system of counterfactuals. In this paper it is argued that there is a simpler and purely epistemic explanation of these cases that avoids the need for introducing semantic vagueness into the (...)
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    Unsettling Opera: Staging Mozart, Verdi, Wagner, and Zemlinsky.Philip Gossett - 2008 - Common Knowledge 14 (3):489-489.
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    Waiting for Verdi: Opera and Political Opinion in Nineteenth‐Century Italy, 1815‐1848. By Mary AnnSmart. Pp. xiv, 236, Oakland: University of California Press, 2018, $49.95. [REVIEW]Patrick Madigan - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (3):566-567.
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    Ci̇Zvi̇T Tari̇Katinin Li̇Selerde Verdi̇Ği̇ Eği̇Ti̇M Ve Buna Karşi Oluşan Tepki̇Ler: Avusturya Örneği̇.Gülşen İstek - 2019 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 14 (2):163-198.
    1534 yılında Ignacio de Loyala (Ignaz von Loyola) tarafından kurulan, aslında Kudüs merkezli bir tarikat olması düşünülürken fiziki ve siyasi şartların el vermemesi nedeniyle Avrupa’da yayılan ve faaliyet alanlarını genellikle misyonerlik ve eğitim kurumları üzerinde yoğunlaştıran Cizvit Hristiyan tarikatı, kısaca “SJ” (Societas Jesu- İsa’nın topluluğu) olarak isimlendirilmiştir. Ancak bu kısaltma halk arasında “Schlaue Jungs” (Akıllı Adamlar) şeklinde telaffuz edilmiştir. Zira söz konusu tarikat üyelerinin geneli Din Bilimlerinin yanı sıra ikinci bir alanda da eğitimlerini tamamlayarak söz sahibi olmuşlardır. 1551 yılından itibaren (...)
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    „Ich war immer verurtheilt zu Deutschen …“: Verdi und Wagner in Urteil Nietzsches.Volker Gerhardt - 2014 - In Steffen Dietzsch & Claudia Terne (eds.), Nietzsches Perspektiven: Denken Und Dichten in der Moderne. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 202-218.
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    Federalismo, ecologia politica e partiti verdi.Giorgio Grimaldi - 2005 - Milano: Giuffrè.
  29. Ich und Wagner, ich und Verdi: Von der Werktreue-Diskussion nach 1968 bis zur Autoregie. Beobachtungen am eigenen Leib.Christine Lemke-Matwey - 2011 - In Gerhard Brunner & Sarah Zalfen (eds.), Werktreue: Was Ist Werk, Was Treue? Böhlau.
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  30. Da bene pubblico a bene comune: le aree verdi come oggetto di un impegno congiunto.Valeria Zani Martino - 2024 - Rivista di Estetica 85 (85):103-117.
    Although there is much confusion about it in everyday language, the distinction between public and common goods is clear enough within Economics. While the former involves the fact of being open to all and state management, the latter requires common but still limited management. The different kind of administration can also be explored through the reference to a different kind of agent meant as the one who makes use of the different goods: if in the case of public goods, we (...)
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    Dürerü's-sülûk fî siyâseti'l-mülûk: Mâverdî'nin siyâsetnâmesi (inceleme - çeviri - metin - tıpkıbasım).ʻAlī ibn Muḥammad Māwardī - 2019 - İstanbul: Türkiye Yazma Eserler Kurumu Başkanlığı. Edited by Abdüsselam Arı, Özgür Kavak, Hızır Murat Köse & ʻAlī ibn Muḥammad Māwardī.
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    " Mors stupebit": multiple levels of fear-arousing mechanisms in Verdi's Messa da Requiem.Luca Zoppelli - 2013 - In Tom Cochrane, Bernardino Fantini & Klaus R. Scherer (eds.), The Emotional Power of Music: Multidisciplinary perspectives on musical arousal, expression, and social control. Oxford University Press. pp. 147.
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    Økologisk demokrati og naturens iboende verdi.Odin Lysaker - 2011 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2:41-58.
    Vi står overfor en planetær miljø- og klimakrise, med alvorlige, gjennomgripende, langvarige og irreversible konsekvenser for både menneske og natur. Det skyldes særlig at politiske, rettslige og økonomiske systemer som har vokst frem i løpet av de siste 250 år – slik som det liberale demokratiet og den globale kapitalismen – behandler naturen antroposentrisk, materialistisk og instrumentelt. For bedre å håndtere dagens miljø- og klimakrise, bør disse utdaterte systemene reformeres ut fra tanken om et økologisk demokrati, herunder en grønn konstitusjonalisme (...)
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  34. Mario Baroni Accompaniment formulas in Verdi's Ernani 129-140 Daniel Charles Son et temps 171-179.Rossana Dalmonte, Christie Davies, Martha Davis, François Delalande, Célestin Deliège, Françoise Escal, Bruce E. Fleming, Robert S. Hatten, Shuhei Hosokawa & Vladimir Karbusicky - 1987 - Semiotica 66:455.
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  35. The Pathway to the Ultimate in Verdi's Historical Opera Nabucco: From the Biblical to the Romantic.Anna Makolkin - 2009 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 32 (2-4):171-182.
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    The Diva, la Traviata, the Gendered Spectacle: Marina Abramović’s 7 Deaths of Maria Callas Composers: Marko Nikodijevic, Marina Abramović. With Music by Marko Nikodijević and scenes of operas by Vincenzo Bellini, Georges Bizet, Gaetano Donizetti, Giacomo Puccini, and Giuseppe Verdi. World premiere: April 1, 2020, at the Bayerische Staatsoper in Munich. Berlin Premiere: April 8, 2022, at the Deutsche Oper Berlin. 100 minutes / no interval. [REVIEW]Brigitte Biehl - 2022 - Business Ethics Quarterly 32 (4):681-685.
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    Dialogues Ii.Gilles Deleuze & Claire Parnet - 1987 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Claire Parnet & Gilles Deleuze.
    French journalist Claire Parnet's famous dialogues with Gilles Deleuze offer an intimate portrait of the philosopher's life and thought. Conversational in tone, their engaging discussions delve deeply into Deleuze's philosophical background and development, the major concepts that shaped his work, and the essence of some of his famous relationships, especially his long collaboration with the philosopher Félix Guattari. Deleuze reconsiders Spinoza, empiricism, and the stoics alongside literature, psychoanalysis, and politics. He returns to the notions of minor literature, deterritorialization, the critical (...)
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    Schenkerian Analysis and the Intelligent Listener.Mark DeBellis - 2003 - The Monist 86 (4):579-607.
    Not long ago, I was perusing a commentary on Verdi’s Aida, and came across the following observation: the music toward the end of the Nile Scene, in which Aida and Radames resolve to flee Egypt, is the same as that of Radames’s entrance earlier.
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    (2 other versions)Against the current: essays in the history of ideas.Isaiah Berlin - 1980 - New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Penguin Books. Edited by Henry Hardy.
    The counter-enlightenment.--The originality of Machiavelli.--The divorce between the sciences and the humanities.--Vico's concept of knowledge.--Vico and the ideal of the enlightenment.--Montesquieu.--Hume and the sources of German anti-rationalism.--Herzen and his memoirs.--The life and opinions of Moses Hess.--Benjamin Disraeli, Karl Marx, and the search for identity.--The "naïveté" of Verdi.--Georges Sorel.--Nationalism.--A bibliography of Isaiah Berlin.
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    Errori empirici, verità ontologiche: una prospettiva ermeneutica sull’opera lirica.Rosa María Fernández - 2021 - Studi di Estetica 19.
    There are many operas that are based on false historical facts, use stage directions that contradict the libretto or make incorrect use of musical forms. This article considers whether the alteration of the empirical truth of an opera compromises or alters its ontological truth in any way, since analysing every layer of an opera is fundamental in order to understand it. As we will see in reference to the three fundamental components of opera – librettos, scores and stage designs – (...)
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    Sämtliche Schriften.Eduard Hanslick - 1993 - Böhlau Verlag Wien.
    Eduard Hanslick (1825-1904) regte in seinem Buch Vom Musikalischen-Schonen (1854) die musikasthetische Diskussion des 19. Jahrhunderts entscheidend an. Sein Musikjournalismus brachte ihm den Titel Bismark der Musikkritik (G. Verdi) ein. Gewiss war er der wichtigste Musikschriftsteller seiner Zeit. Vielen Musikliebhabern ist er aber nur als Anfuhrer der Anti-Wagner-Partei im Bewusstsein. Ein Blick auf seine Schriften zwingt zur Revision dieses Bildes, das vor allem von den Neudeutschen gepragt wurde. Seine etwa 1500 Aufsatze und Rezensionen, von denen er nur etwa die (...)
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    Aḥmad b. Ḥanbal's Attitude of a Ḥadith in al-Musnad and it’s Evaluation.Hüseyin Kahraman - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (3):973-991.
    Ahmed b. Hanbel, vefatıyla neticelenen hastalığı esnasında oğlu Abdullah’tan, şu hadisin el-Müsned’inden çıkartılmasını istemiştir: “Allah Rasûlü ‘Ümmetimi Kureyş’ten şu grup helâk edecek’ buyurunca oradakiler ‘(bu durumda) bize neyi emredersin?’ diye sordular. O da ‘İnsanlar onlardan uzak durup ayrılsalar!’ cevabını verdi”. Ahmed b. Hanbel bu hadisin, diğer rivayetlerle çeliştiğini düşünmektedir. Oğlu Abdullah’a göre bu hadisin çeliştiği rivayetler, Hz. Peygamber’in idarecilere itaat etmeyi ve onlardan kaynaklanan yanlışlara karşı sabırlı olmayı emrettiği haberlerdir. Ahmed b. Hanbel’in tavrı ve bunun sebebi esasen açık ve (...)
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    Adorno and Opera.Richard Leppert - 2019 - In Peter Eli Gordon (ed.), A companion to Adorno. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 443–455.
    Adorno unquestionably loved opera music as much as he hated opera as a cultural institution. His take on opera in the twentieth century led him to write its socio‐political obituary, while recognizing at the same time that opera continued to attract a steady stream of would‐be onlooker‐auditors. Paradoxically for Adorno, opera continued to appeal to audiences, and – from his dialectical reckoning – characteristically for precisely the wrong reasons. His opera analyses address the sociology of musical theater, performance hermeneutics, and (...)
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    Shakespeare & opera.Gary Schmidgall - 1990 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    If opera had existed in Elizabethan London, the world's Top Bard, as W.H. Auden called him, might have become the world's Top Librettist. As Gary Schmidgall shows in this illuminating study, Shakespeare's expressive ways and dramaturgical means are like those of composers and librettists in numerous and often astonishing ways. No wonder that well over two hundred operas have been based on Shakespeare's plays. Ranging widely through the Shakespearean canon and the standard operatic repertory, Schmidgall presents a fascinating comparison, focusing (...)
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    Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi Yeni Sayı: Cilt 23 Sayı 3 (Felsefe ve Din Bilimleri Özel Sayısı).Sema Yilmaz - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (3):1073-1076.
    Gayretimin bir kısmı bilim dünyasına hizmet, ama diğer çok mühim bir gayesi ise; koskoca bir İslam aleminin yitirmiş olduğu kendine hürmeti, güveni ve insanlık tarihindeki yerini hatırlatmak, kaybettiklerini inşa etmek içindir. Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin anısına ithaf ettiğimiz Felsefe ve Din Bilimleri Özel Sayımıza hoşgeldiniz. Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin, 24 Ekim 1924 tarihinde Bitlis’te dünyaya gelen Fuat Sezgin, il-kokulu Doğubayazıt’ta, ortaokul ve liseyi ise Erzurum’da bitirdikten sonra 1943 yılında İstanbul’a geldi. İstanbul Üniversitesi şarkiyat (Doğu bilimi) Araştırmaları (...)
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    Abstract In this paper I consider an easier-to-read and improved to a certain extent version of the causal chance-based analysis of counterfactuals that I proposed and argued for in my A Theory of Counterfactuals. Sections 2, 3 and 4 form Part I: In it, I survey the analysis of the core counterfactuals (in which, very roughly, the antecedent is compatible with history prior to it). In section 2 I go through the three main aspects of this analysis, which are the (...)
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    Antonio Tamburini and the Baritone Role.Svetlana Vladimirovna Reshetnikova & Yixiang Zhang - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The study of opera art at the turn of the 18th–19th centuries is currently a topical research. At the beginning of the 19th century, many cardinal changes took place in the field of vocal performance: new types of singing voices and dramatic roles were formed, the manner of ornamentation of parts underwent changes. Many works of domestic and foreign musicologists are mainly devoted to the study of the operatic performance of tenors, basses, contraltos and sopranos. Occasionally, they mention the baritones (...)
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    Counterfactuals: reply to Claudio Pizzi.O. Chateaubriand - 2004 - Manuscrito 27 (1):65-77.
    After some preliminary remarks in §1, I argue in §2 that Claudio’s considerations about my treatment of Quine’s Bizet-Verdi counterfactuals do not constitute a difficulty for the structural analysis of such counterfactuals. I discuss some of his other examples and argue that counterfactuals are ambiguous both structurally and contextually. I conclude with an examination of the principle of transitivity for counterfactuals.
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    Come può Danto parlare di arte?Pietro Kobau - 2007 - Rivista di Estetica 35 (35):223-239.
    tutti quelli che vedono e dipingono cieli verdie prati azzurri dovrebbero essere sterilizzatiAdolf Hitler in misura considerevole, le nostre praticheche riguardano le opere [delle arti] visiveconsistono - e normalmente, lungo la storiae la tradizione dell’arte occidentale [...], sonoconsistite — precisamente nel non trattare taliopere come oggetti fisiciFrank Sibley Si parla tanto di arte. Dell’esistenza di una cosa del genere, di qualcosa che ricomprende in sé tutte quelle che sono le varie...
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    Music and the Claims of Text: Monteverdi, Rinuccini, and Marino.Gary Tomlinson - 1982 - Critical Inquiry 8 (3):565-589.
    The composer of vocal music writes as poet and scholiast. His message is autonomous but not wholly his own. He sets to work with a preexistent artwork before him—a poem or passage of prose, often written without thought of musical setting—and fashions his song under its constraints. He welcomes to his work a second, distinct language, one which corresponds to his own at most only partially in syntax and significance.The composer's unique act of accommodation, structuring his setting after certain requisites (...)
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