Results for ' anticipation'

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  1. Kenneth Goodman.Anticipations Of Progress - 1994 - In Dag Prawitz & Dag Westerståhl, Logic and Philosophy of Science in Uppsala: Papers From the 9th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 271.
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  2. Anticipated nostalgia: Looking forward to looking back.Wing-Yee Cheung, Erica G. Hepper, Chelsea A. Reid, Jeffrey D. Green, Tim Wildschut & Constantine Sedikides - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (3):511-525.
    Anticipated nostalgia is a new construct that has received limited empirical attention. It concerns the anticipation of having nostalgic feelings for one’s present and future experiences. In three...
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    Anticipating alternative national and regional futures in energy efficiency.Alexander Christakis, Diane Conaway & Ben Bronfman - 2003 - World Futures 59 (5):335 – 360.
    Thirty-five stakeholder representatives and six observers from thirty organizations, interested in anticipating the adoption of energy efficiency for the Pacific Northwest, identified and described one hundred and seventy-eight national and regional trends extending to the year 2015 impacting energy efficiency, and proposed more than ninety actions for addressing these trends at the regional level. The representatives were engaged in a collaborative action planning workshop that was facilitated with the CogniScope methodology founded in the systems sciences. Convergence was achieved on eight (...)
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  4. Maladaptive Anticipations.M. Rieger - 2008 - Constructivist Foundations 4 (1):24-25.
    Open peer commentary on the target article “How and Why the Brain Lays the Foundations for a Conscious Self” by Martin V. Butz. Excerpt: There are circumstances when anticipation can be maladaptive. In the following paragraphs, the occurrence of maladaptive anticipation will be illustrated in reference to psychological disorders (depression, generalised anxiety disorder, social phobia). It will be shown that anticipation does not always lead to improved control of oneself and the environment and that anticipation is (...)
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    Memory, anticipation, and future-bias.Andrew J. Latham, Kristie Miller, James Norton, Shen Pan & Rasmus Pedersen - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    One proposed explanation for a particular kind of temporal preference lies in a disparity between the emotional intensity of memory compared to anticipation. According to the memory/anticipation disparity explanation, the utility of anticipation of a particular event if that event is future, whether positive or negative, is greater than the utility of retrospection of that same event if it is past, whether positive or negative, and consequently, overall utility is maximized when we prefer negative events to be (...)
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  6. Anticipation and Prudential Concern.Clas Weber - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    There is an intimate connection between personal identity, prudential concern, and anticipation. But just how close is the connection? In this paper, I develop and motivate phenomenal accounts of both anticipation and prudential concern which suggest that the link between anticipation and personal identity and the one between anticipation and prudential concern is less tight than often assumed. I start by arguing against two influential accounts of anticipation, and present an alternative view based on the (...)
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    Anticipative transfer of mechanically guided turns.George M. Haslerud - 1953 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 45 (6):431.
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    Anticipate the World You Want: Learning for Alternative Futures.Marsha Lynne Rhea - 2005 - R&L Education.
    This book advocates for schools to empower people to be creators of their preferred future. Learning is more focused and compelling for students of all ages when it is oriented toward future requirements. Anticipate the World You Want sets out a framework for bringing a future focus to education.
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    Anticipation and variation in visual content.Michael Madary - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 165 (2):335-347.
    This article is composed of three parts. In the first part of the article I take up a question raised by Susanna Siegel (Philosophical Review 115: 355–388, 2006a). Siegel has argued that subjects have the following anticipation: (PC) If S substantially changes her perspective on o, her visual phenomenology will change as a result of this change. She has left it an open question as to whether subjects anticipate a specific kind of change. I take up this question and (...)
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  10. Memory, Anticipation, and Future Bias.Andrew J. Latham, Kristie Miller, James Norton, Shen Pan & Rasmus Pedersen - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    One proposed explanation for a particular kind of temporal preference lies in a disparity between the emotional intensity of memory compared to anticipation. According to the memory/anticipation disparity explanation, the utility of anticipation of a particular event if that event is future, whether positive or negative, is greater than the utility of retrospection of that same event if it is past, whether positive or negative, and consequently, overall utility is maximised when we prefer negative events to be (...)
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    How Anticipated Emotions Guide Self-Control Judgments.Hiroki P. Kotabe, Francesca Righetti & Wilhelm Hofmann - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    When considering whether to enact or not to enact a tempting option, people often anticipate how their choices will make them feel, typically resulting in a “mixed bag” of conflicting emotions. Building on earlier work, we propose an integrative theoretical model of this judgment process and empirically test its main propositions using a novel procedure to capture and integrate both the intensity and duration of anticipated emotions. We identify and theoretically integrate four highly relevant key emotions, pleasure, frustration, guilt, and (...)
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    L’anticipation comme actualisation.Mondémé Chloé - 2016 - Temporalités 24.
    L’anticipation est généralement conçue comme un phénomène qui, d’un point de vue temporel et logique, est antérieur à une action ou une situation donnée. Dans cet article, nous proposons d’interroger cette conception en nous intéressant en détail à ce que l’anticipation fait à l’action qu’elle anticipe. En détail c’est-à-dire, très littéralement, en observant dans des situations d’interactions ordinaires les effets que peut produire le fait d’anticiper une action. En l’occurrence, dans des situations d’apprentissage entre hommes et chiens comme (...)
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  13. Anticipating and Enacting Worlds: Moods, Illness and Psychobehavioral Adaptation.Matthew Crippen - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-25.
    Predictive processing theorists have claimed PTSD and depression are maladaptive and epistemically distorting because they entail undesirably wide gaps between top-down models and bottom-up information inflows. Without denying this is sometimes so, the “maladaptive” label carries questionable normative assumptions. For instance, trauma survivors facing significant risk of subsequent attacks may overestimate threats to circumvent further trauma, “bringing forth” concretely safer personal spaces, to use enactive terminology, ensuring the desired gap between predicted worries and outcomes. The violation of predictive processing can (...)
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    Anticipation as a factor in serial and maze learning.F. H. Lumley - 1932 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 15 (3):331.
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    Anticipation in Real‐World Scenes: The Role of Visual Context and Visual Memory.Moreno I. Coco, Frank Keller & George L. Malcolm - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (8):1995-2024.
    The human sentence processor is able to make rapid predictions about upcoming linguistic input. For example, upon hearing the verb eat, anticipatory eye-movements are launched toward edible objects in a visual scene. However, the cognitive mechanisms that underlie anticipation remain to be elucidated in ecologically valid contexts. Previous research has, in fact, mainly used clip-art scenes and object arrays, raising the possibility that anticipatory eye-movements are limited to displays containing a small number of objects in a visually impoverished context. (...)
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  16. Anticipating the Interaction between Technology and Morality: A Scenario Study of Experimenting with Humans in Bionanotechnology.Marianne Boenink, Tsjalling Swierstra & Dirk Stemerding - 2010 - Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology 4 (2).
    During the last decades several tools have been developed to anticipate the future impact of new and emerging technologies. Many of these focus on ‘hard,’ quantifiable impacts, investigating how novel technologies may affect health, environment and safety. Much less attention is paid to what might be called ‘soft’ impacts: the way technology influences, for example, the distribution of social roles and responsibilities, moral norms and values, or identities. Several types of technology assessment and of scenario studies can be used to (...)
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  17. Anticipation în the Context of Altered States of Consciousness.Aliodor Manolea - 2004 - Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems 16:232-245.
    Starting from the paradigm of the material continuum we discuss the possibility to transcend the space-time reality (Here-and-Now) in the aim of investigating the energetic and informational reality, support of the continuous present. The altered states of consciousness, obtained by means of "psyche"-type techniques, allow the transformation of a future temporal nexus in an element of the present time. Through this "psyche anticipation" process, a sliding of the time reference takes place, since the future becomes present and the present (...)
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    Situated anticipation.Erik Rietveld & Ludger van Dijk - 2018 - Synthese 198 (1):349-371.
    In cognitive science, long-term anticipation, such as when planning to do something next year, is typically seen as a form of ‘higher’ cognition, requiring a different account than the more basic activities that can be understood in terms of responsiveness to ‘affordances,’ i.e. to possibilities for action. Starting from architects that anticipate the possibility to make an architectural installation over the course of many months, in this paper we develop a process-based account of affordances that includes long-term anticipation (...)
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    Anticipated, experienced, and remembered subjective effort and discomfort on sustained attention versus working memory tasks.Veerpal Bambrah, Chia-Fen Hsu, Maggie E. Toplak & John D. Eastwood - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 75 (C):102812.
  20. Action, Anticipation, and Construction: The Cognitive Core.M. H. Bickhard - 2013 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (1):62-63.
    Open peer commentary on the article “A Computational Constructivist Model as an Anticipatory Learning Mechanism for Coupled Agent–Environment Systems” by Filipo Studzinski Perotto. Upshot: Interaction-based models of cognition force anticipatory and constructivist models. The CALM model offers significant development of such models within a machine learning framework. It is suggested that moving to an entirely interactive-based model offers still further advantages.
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  21. Anticipating ethical issues in emerging IT.Philip A. E. Brey - 2012 - Ethics and Information Technology 14 (4):305-317.
    In this essay, a new approach to the ethics of emerging information technology will be presented, called anticipatory technology ethics (ATE). The ethics of emerging technology is the study of ethical issues at the R&D and introduction stage of technology development through anticipation of possible future devices, applications, and social consequences. In the essay, I will first locate emerging technology in the technology development cycle, after which I will consider ethical approaches to emerging technologies, as well as obstacles in (...)
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    Anticipating seizure: Pre-reflective experience at the center of neuro-phenomenology.Claire Petitmengin, Vincent Navarro & Michel Le Van Quyen - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (3):746-764.
    The purpose of this paper is to show through the concrete example of epileptic seizure anticipation how neuro-dynamic analysis and “pheno-dynamic” analysis may guide and determine each other. We will show that this dynamic approach to epileptic seizure makes it possible to consolidate the foundations of a cognitive non pharmacological therapy of epilepsy. We will also show through this example how the neuro-phenomenological co-determination could shed new light on the difficult problem of the “gap” which separates subjective experience from (...)
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    Anticipating seizure: Pre-reflective experience at the center of neuro-phenomenology.C. Petitmengin, V. NaVarro & M. Levanquyen - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (3):746-764.
    The purpose of this paper is to show through the concrete example of epileptic seizure anticipation how neuro-dynamic analysis and “pheno-dynamic” analysis may guide and determine each other. We will show that this dynamic approach to epileptic seizure makes it possible to consolidate the foundations of a cognitive non pharmacological therapy of epilepsy. We will also show through this example how the neuro-phenomenological co-determination could shed new light on the difficult problem of the “gap” which separates subjective experience from (...)
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    Anticipating Failure and Avoiding It.Robert Steel - 2018 - Philosophers' Imprint 18.
    I argue for a conciliationist treatment of peer disagreement, on the grounds that the evidence that non-conciliatory theorists point to--the evidence that conciliatory-friendly independence principles would rule out--bears a troubling relation to accuracy. Namely, we can anticipate that trying to respond to it is a bad deal with respect to our expected accuracy. I consequently argue that we shouldn't try to respond to it. Instead we should ignore it, and be conciliationists.
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  25. Anticipation is the key to understanding music and the effects of music on emotion.Peter Vuust & Chris D. Frith - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (5):599-600.
    There is certainly a need for a framework to guide the study of the physiological mechanisms underlying the experience of music and the emotions that music evokes. However, this framework should be organised hierarchically, with musical anticipation as its fundamental mechanism.
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  26. Anticipations and afterthoughts-how far does the present extend.D. Reisberg, F. Heuer & G. Lenoir - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):499-499.
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    Anticipating Infertility: Egg Freezing, Genetic Preservation, and Risk.Lauren Jade Martin - 2010 - Gender and Society 24 (4):526-545.
    This article discusses the new reproductive technology of egg freezing in the context of existing literature on gender, medicalization, and infertility. What is unique about this technology is its use by women who are not currently infertile but who may anticipate a future diagnosis. This circumstance gives rise to a new ontological category of “anticipated infertility.” The author draws on participant observation and a qualitative analysis of scientific, mainstream, and marketing literature to identify and compare the representation of two different (...)
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  28. Les anticipations du Cogito chez S. Agustin.Marie-Anne Vannier - 1997 - Revista Agustiniana 38 (115):665-679.
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  29. Anticipating the Rapture: Meditations on the Prospects for Artificial Immortality.Paul Viminitz - unknown - Eidos: The Canadian Graduate Journal of Philosophy 6.
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    Anticipated impacts of voluntary assisted dying legislation on nursing practice.Jessica T. Snir, Danielle N. Ko, Bridget Pratt & Rosalind McDougall - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (6):1386-1400.
    Background: The Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2017 passed into law in Victoria, Australia, on the 29 November 2017. Internationally, nurses have been shown to be intimately involved in patient care throughout the voluntary assisted dying process. However, there is a paucity of research exploring Australian nurses’ perspectives on voluntary assisted dying and, in particular, how Victorian nurses anticipate the implementation of this ethically controversial legislation will impact their professional lives. Objectives: To explore Victorian nurses’ expectations of the ethical and practical (...)
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    Can Anticipating Time Pressure Reduce the Likelihood of Unethical Behaviour Occurring?David R. Woodliff, Glennda Scully & Hwee Ping Koh - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (1):197-213.
    Time pressure has been shown to have a negative impact on ethical decision-making. This paper uses an experimental approach to examine the impact of an antecedent of time pressure, whether it is anticipated or not, on participants’ perceptions of unethical behaviour. Utilising 60 business school students at an Australian university, we examine the differential impact of anticipated and unanticipated time deadline pressure on participants’ perceptions of the likelihood of unethical behaviour occurring. We find the perception of the likelihood of unethical (...)
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  32. Authors' Response: Learning, Anticipation and the Brain.E. B. Roesch, M. Spencer, S. J. Nasuto, T. Tanay & J. M. Bishop - 2013 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (1):42-45.
    Upshot: Albeit mostly supportive of our work, the commentaries we received highlighted a few points that deserve additional explanation, with regard to the notion of learning in our model, the relationship between our model and the brain, as well as the notion of anticipation. This open discussion emphasizes the need for toy computer models, to fuel theoretical discussion and prevent business-as-usual from getting in the way of new ideas.
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    Anticipations of the Theme in Augustine.John O'Meara - 1961 - The Saint Augustine Lecture Series:12-19.
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    'Anticipation'in mental disease.Arthur S. Paterson - 1932 - The Eugenics Review 24 (3):191.
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    Anticipating multisensory environments: Evidence for a supra-modal predictive system.Marc Sabio-Albert, Lluís Fuentemilla & Alexis Pérez-Bellido - 2025 - Cognition 254 (C):105970.
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  36. Transcendental Anticipation: A Reconsideration of Husserl’s Type and Kant’s Schemata.Emiliano Diaz - 2020 - Husserl Studies 36 (1):1-23.
    In his genetic phenomenology, Husserl introduces types, pre-predicative frames of experience that guide the perception and cognition of objects. In this essay, I argue that there are two types that are functionally almost identical to Kant’s schemata. To support this conclusion, I first present an interpretation of Kant’s discussion of schemata. I argue that we must see schemata as pure, a priori cognitions that involve only pure intuition, pure concepts of the understanding, and the imagination. I offer two analogies to (...)
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  37. Anticipation, 119,257,263 serial, 136-141 A-series, 242 Attention, see also Model and distractions, 65.Circadian Rhythm & Pacemaker Clock - 1990 - In Richard A. Block, Cognitive Models of Psychological Time. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 263--277.
  38. The anticipating brain is not a scientist: the free-energy principle from an ecological-enactive perspective.Jelle Bruineberg, Julian Kiverstein & Erik Rietveld - 2018 - Synthese 195 (6).
    In this paper, we argue for a theoretical separation of the free-energy principle from Helmholtzian accounts of the predictive brain. The free-energy principle is a theoretical framework capturing the imperative for biological self-organization in information-theoretic terms. The free-energy principle has typically been connected with a Bayesian theory of predictive coding, and the latter is often taken to support a Helmholtzian theory of perception as unconscious inference. If our interpretation is right, however, a Helmholtzian view of perception is incompatible with Bayesian (...)
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  39. Anticipation, Smothering, and Education: A Reply to Lee and Bayruns García on Anticipatory Epistemic Injustice.Trystan S. Goetze - 2021 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 10 (9):36-43.
    When you expect something bad to happen, you take action to avoid it. That is the principle of action that underlies J. Y. Lee’s recent paper (2021), which presents a new form of epistemic injustice that arises from anticipating negative consequences for testifying. In this brief reply article occasioned by Lee’s essay, I make two main contributions to the discussion of this idea. The first (§§2–3) is an intervention in the discussion between Lee and Eric Bayruns García regarding the relationship (...)
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    Function, anticipation, representation.Mark H. Bickhard - 2001 - AIP Conference Proceedings 573:459-469.
    Function emerges in certain kinds of far-from-equilibrium systems. One important kind of function is that of interactive anticipation, an adaptedness to temporal complexity. Interactive anticipation is the locus of the emergence of normative representational content, and, thus, of representation in general: interactive anticipation is the naturalistic core of the evolution of cognition. Higher forms of such anticipation are involved in the subsequent macro-evolutionary sequence of learning, emotions, and reflexive consciousness.
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  41. Fostering responsible anticipation in engineering ethics education.Janna B. Van Grunsven, Taylor Stone & Lavinia Marin - 2023 - European Journal of Engineering Education 49 (2):283-298.
    It is crucial for engineers to anticipate the socio-ethical impacts of emerging technologies. Such acts of anticipation are thoroughly normative and should be cultivated in engineering ethics education. In this paper we ask: ‘ how do we anticipate the socio-ethical implications of emerging technologies responsibly? ’ And ‘ how can such responsible anticipation be taught? ’ We o ff er a conceptual answer, building upon the framework of Responsible Innovation and its four core practices: anticipation, reflexivity, inclusion, (...)
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    The Anticipated Past in Historical Inquiry.Stefan Niklas - 2016 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 8 (2).
    In this paper I argue that, from a pragmatist point of view, to know the past means to anticipate it. Accordingly, historical inquiry is directed towards the future, namely the future of the past as known. I develop this argument in three steps: (I.) Starting with A. O. Lovejoy’s criticism of Dewey’s anticipatory theory of knowledge I defend the basic claim that all knowledge, including knowledge of the past, is anticipatory (i.e. directed at future consequences). Lovejoy’s criticism shows that Dewey’s (...)
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    Anticipations of Progress: Historical Evidence for a Realist Epistemology.Kenneth Goodman - 1994 - In Dag Prawitz & Dag Westerståhl, Logic and Philosophy of Science in Uppsala: Papers From the 9th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 273--295.
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    Anticipating synchronization as an alternative to the internal model.Nigel Stepp & Michael T. Turvey - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (2):216-217.
    The fundamental assumption of compensation for visual delays states that, since delays are dealt with, there must be compensatory mechanisms. These mechanisms are taken to be internal models. Alternatives for delay compensation exist, suggesting that this assumption may not be fundamental, and nor should the existence of internal models be assumed. Delays may even be employed in their own compensation.
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  45. Anticipated Emotions and Emotional Valence.Dan Moller - 2011 - Philosophers' Imprint 11.
    This paper addresses two questions: first, when making decisions about what to do, does the mere fact that we will feel regretful or guilty or proud afterward give us reason to act? I argue that these emotions of self-assessment give us little or no reason to act. The second question concerns emotional valence--how desirable or undesirable our emotions are. What is it that determines the valence of an emotion like regret? I argue that the valence of emotions, and indeed of (...)
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    Introducing Anticipation.Roberto Poli - 2019 - In Handbook of Anticipation: Theoretical and Applied Aspects of the Use of Future in Decision Making. Springer Verlag. pp. 3-16.
    Anticipation occurs when the future is used in action. The anticipatory processes that allow the future to become part of actions in the present may be either internal or external. Watching a weather forecast and behaving accordingly is to use an external model; actions taken on the basis of subjectively constructed psychological expectations are internal. It is our thesis that behavior is primarily anticipatory, while reactive behavior is only a secondary – albeit important – component of behavior. Therefore, behavior (...)
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    Anticipation, Agency and Complexity.Roberto Poli & Marco Valerio (eds.) - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This volume presents a selection of the Proceedings of the Workshop on Anticipation, Agency and Complexity held in Trento on April 2017. The contributions contained in the book brilliantly revolve around three core concepts: agency, complexity and anticipation, giving precious insights to further define the discipline of anticipation. In a world that moves increasingly fast, constantly on the verge of disruptive events, more and more scholars and practitioners in any field feel in need of new approaches to (...)
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  48. Anticipating Painful Pleasures: on False Anticipatory Pleasures in the Philebus.Zachary Brants - 2024 - Ancient Philosophy 44 (2):339-361.
    In the Philebus, Socrates argues that some anticipatory pleasures can be false. The main argument at 38b6-41a4 has perplexed readers, however, and scholars have developed several different ways to understand the falsity of false anticipatory pleasures. I argue that the anticipation argument should be read in conjunction with a later distinction in the Philebus between intense pleasures mixed with pain and pure pleasures free from pain. I suggest that anticipatory pleasures taken in intense pleasures are false because they misidentify (...)
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    Anticipation on the Boundaries of Musical and Pictorial Continua.Iacopo Hachen & Liliana Albertazzi - 2019 - In Roberto Poli, Handbook of Anticipation: Theoretical and Applied Aspects of the Use of Future in Decision Making. Springer Verlag. pp. 875-898.
    Anticipation plays an essential role in the perception of the empirical reality. Music, because of its purely dynamical nature, is a privileged environment for the study of anticipation processes. In this chapter, we firstly discuss the current viewpoint on anticipation in music perception and the meaning of anticipation structures in general. Then we present a descriptive study of how melodies are experienced inside the psychic present, analyzing a series of musical excerpts alongside selected pictorial analogues. Focusing (...)
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    Anticipating Cryptocurrency Prices Using Machine Learning.Laura Alessandretti, Abeer ElBahrawy, Luca Maria Aiello & Andrea Baronchelli - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-16.
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