Results for ' blind spot'

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  1.  39
    Blind Spots: Why We Fail to Do What's Right and What to Do About It.Max H. Bazerman & Ann E. Tenbrunsel - 2011 - Princeton University Press.
    When confronted with an ethical dilemma, most of us like to think we would stand up for our principles. But we are not as ethical as we think we are. In Blind Spots, leading business ethicists Max Bazerman and Ann Tenbrunsel examine the ways we overestimate our ability to do what is right and how we act unethically without meaning to. From the collapse of Enron and corruption in the tobacco industry, to sales of the defective Ford Pinto, the (...)
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    Bullshit blind spots: the roles of miscalibration and information processing in bullshit detection.Shane Littrell & Jonathan A. Fugelsang - 2024 - Thinking and Reasoning 30 (1):49-78.
    The growing prevalence of misleading information (i.e., bullshit) in society carries with it an increased need to understand the processes underlying many people’s susceptibility to falling for it. Here we report two studies (N = 412) examining the associations between one’s ability to detect pseudo-profound bullshit, confidence in one’s bullshit detection abilities, and the metacognitive experience of evaluating potentially misleading information. We find that people with the lowest (highest) bullshit detection performance overestimate (underestimate) their detection abilities and overplace (underplace) those (...)
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    A Blind-Spot Argument Against Dispositionalist Accounts of Belief.Davide Fassio - 2014 - Acta Analytica 29 (1):71-81.
    Dispositionalist accounts of belief define beliefs in terms of specific sets of dispositions. In this article, I provide a blind-spot argument against these accounts. The core idea of the argument is that beliefs having the form [p and it is not manifestly believed that p] cannot be manifestly believed. This means that one cannot manifest such beliefs in one’s assertions, conscious thoughts, actions, behaviours, or any other type of activity. However, if beliefs are sets of dispositions, they must (...)
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    The Blind Spot: Lectures on Logic.Jean-Yves Girard - 2011 - Zurich, Switzerland: European Mathematical Society.
    These lectures on logic, more specifically proof theory, are basically intended for postgraduate students and researchers in logic. The question at stake is the nature of mathematical knowledge and the difference between a question and an answer, i.e., the implicit and the explicit. The problem is delicate mathematically and philosophically as well: the relation between a question and its answer is a sort of equality where one side is ``more equal than the other'': one thus discovers essentialist blind spots. (...)
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    Blind-Spots in Aristotle’s Doctrine of the Perceptual Mean.Roberto Grasso - 2020 - Apeiron 53 (3):257-284.
    This paper aims to identify several interpretive problems posed by the final part ofDAII.11 (423b27–424 a10), where Aristotle intertwines the thesis that a sense is like a ‘mean’ and an explanation for the existence of a ‘blind spot’ related to the sense of touch, adding the further contention that we are capable of discriminating because the mean ‘becomes the other opposite’ in relation to the perceptible property being perceived. To solve those problems, the paper explores a novel interpretation (...)
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  6.  14
    The blind spot: why science cannot ignore human experience.Adam Frank - 2024 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. Edited by Marcelo Gleiser & Evan Thompson.
    An argument for the inclusion of the human perspective within science and how it makes science possible.
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    Discovering Our Blind Spots and Cognitive Biases in AI Research and Alignment.A. E. Williams - manuscript
    The challenge of AI alignment is not just a technological issue but fundamentally an epistemic one. AI safety research predominantly relies on empirical validation, often detecting failures only after they manifest. However, certain risks—such as deceptive alignment and goal misspecification—may not be empirically testable until it is too late, necessitating a shift toward leading-indicator logical reasoning. This paper explores how mainstream AI research systematically filters out deep epistemic insight, hindering progress in AI safety. We assess the rarity of such insights, (...)
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  8.  10
    A Blind Spot in Political Theory: Justice, Deliberation, and Animals.Jason Hannan - 2019 - Journal of Animal Ethics 9 (1):27-38.
    This article examines the thought of two prominent political theorists: John Rawls and Jürgen Habermas. Both Rawls and Habermas take deliberation to be central to the theory of justice. In their view, deliberation provides a necessary alternative to paternalistic models of power and authority. The deliberative turn has been celebrated as one of the great frontiers of political theory. But what are its limitations? What are its blind spots? This article argues that the deliberative turn has reinforced the anthropocentrism (...)
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  9.  42
    A Blind Spot in Research on Foreign Language Effects in Judgment and Decision-Making.Andrea Polonioli - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:304574.
    One of the most fascinating topics of current investigation in the literature on judgment and decision-making concerns the exploration of foreign language effects (henceforth, FLE). Specifically, recent research suggests that presenting information in a foreign language helps reasoners make better choices. However, this piece aims at making scholars aware of a blind spot in this stream of research. In particular, research on FLE has imported only one view of judgment and decision-making, in which the heuristics that people use (...)
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  10. Ethical blind-spots: Why socrates was not a cosmopolitan.Timothy Chappell - 2010 - Ratio 23 (1):17-33.
    Though Socrates can easily look like a cosmopolitan in moral and political theory, a closer reading of the relevant texts shows that, in the most important sense of the term as we now use it, he turns out – disappointingly, perhaps – not to be. The reasons why not are instructive and important, both for readers of Plato and for political theorists; they have to do with the phenomenon that I shall call ethical blind-spots.
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    Blind Spots and Avenues for Transformation within the Utopian Canon: Toward A Terrestrial Ecotopianism.Heather Alberro - 2024 - Utopian Studies 34 (3):528-537.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Blind Spots and Avenues for Transformation within the Utopian Canon: Toward A Terrestrial EcotopianismHeather Alberro (bio)Limitations and Exclusions of the (Western) Utopian CanonUtopianism in all of its manifestations often powerfully (re)surfaces during times of significant socio-ecological upheaval as a response to oppressive and exploitative realities. As such it is a fervent refusal against a given status quo and its purported inevitability. Utopianism and hope are rendered possible by, (...)
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  12.  18
    The Blind Spot: Science and the Crisis of Uncertainty.William Byers - 2011 - Princeton University Press.
    Why absolute certainty is impossible in science In today's unpredictable and chaotic world, we look to science to provide certainty and answers—and often blame it when things go wrong. The Blind Spot reveals why our faith in scientific certainty is a dangerous illusion, and how only by embracing science's inherent ambiguities and paradoxes can we truly appreciate its beauty and harness its potential. Crackling with insights into our most perplexing contemporary dilemmas, from climate change to the global financial (...)
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    Blind spots in the toleration literature.John Christian Laursen - 2011 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 14 (3):307-322.
    Classic theories of religious toleration from the 17th century regularly made exceptions for various categories of people such as Catholics and atheists who need not be tolerated. From a contemporary perspective these may be understood as blind spots because at least some of us would argue that these exceptions were not necessary. This essay explores the toleration theories of John Milton, Benedict de Spinoza, Denis Veiras, John Locke and Pierre Bayle in order to assess whether they actually called for (...)
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    Political Blind Spots: Reading the Ideology of Images.Raphael Sassower & Louis Cicotello - 2006 - Lexington Books.
    In order to better understand the conditions of the twenty-first century Raphael Sassower and Louis Cicotello revisit the twentieth century in Political Blind Spots: Reading the Ideology of Images. Sassower and Cicotello revisit some of the most significant periods in art and politics in the twentieth century paying close attention to the relationship between aesthetics and politics.
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  15. Blind spots [Book Review].Ken Wright - 2012 - The Australian Humanist (105):17.
    Wright, Ken Review(s) of: Blind spots: Why We Fail to Do What's Right And What to Do about It, by Max H. Bazerman and Ann E. Tenbrunsel Princeton University Press 2011, x, 191pp.
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  16.  37
    A blind spot in food and nutrition security: where culture and social change shape the local food plate.Anna-Lisa Noack & Nicky R. M. Pouw - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (2):169-182.
    It is estimated that over 800 million people are hungry each day and two billion are suffering from the consequences of vitamin and mineral deficiencies. While a paradigm shift towards a multi-dimensional and multi-sectoral approach to food and nutrition insecurity is emerging, technical approaches largely prevail to tackle the causes of hunger and malnutrition. Founded in original in-depth field research among smallholder farmers in southwest Kenya, we argue that incorporating cultural or social dimensions in this technical debate is imperative and (...)
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  17.  30
    Blind Spots in the Formula of Humanity: What Does it Mean not to Treat Someone as an End?Corinna Mieth & Jacob Rosenthal - 2022 - In Christoph Horn & Robinson dos Santos, Kant’s Theory of Value. De Gruyter. pp. 89-104.
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    Empathy’s blind spot.Jan Slaby - 2014 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (2):249-258.
    The aim of this paper is to mount a philosophical challenge to the currently highly visible research and discourse on empathy. The notion of empathetic perspective-shifting—a conceptually demanding, high-level construal of empathy in humans that arguably captures the core meaning of the term—is criticized from the standpoint of a philosophy of normatively accountable agency. Empathy in this demanding sense fails to achieve a true understanding of the other and instead risks to impose the empathizer’s self-constitutive agency upon the person empathized (...)
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  19.  32
    A blind spot in the theories of legal interpretation.Damiano Canale - 2022 - Jurisprudence 13 (1):130-138.
    Interpretation without Truth is the result of thirty years of research that Pierluigi Chiassoni has devoted to legal interpretation and legal reasoning. More generally, the book represents one of t...
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  20.  23
    Prominent Themes and Blind Spots in Diversity and Inclusion Literature: A Bibliometric Analysis.H. M. van Bommel, F. Hubers & K. E. H. Maas - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 192 (3):487-499.
    This study aims to examine the development of diversity and inclusion (D&I) literature and identify its prominent themes and blind spots. The research was conducted using bibliometric analysis on the Web of Science database and included 2510 publications. Results showed that the development of D&I literature had increased exponentially since the 1960s, mainly due to different political and societal events. The geographic development showed that research was primarily conducted in developed countries where quotas and other legislation are implemented. The (...)
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  21.  64
    The Bayes Blind Spot of a finite Bayesian Agent is a large set.Zalán Gyenis & Miklós Rédei - unknown
    The Bayes Blind Spot of a Bayesian Agent is the set of probability measures on a Boolean algebra that are absolutely continuous with respect to the background probability measure of a Bayesian Agent on the algebra and which the Bayesian Agent cannot learn by conditionalizing no matter what evidence he has about the elements in the Boolean algebra. It is shown that if the Boolean algebra is finite, then the Bayes Blind Spot is a very large (...)
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  22.  45
    Choice, blind spots and free will.Charles Devellennes - 2014 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 40 (9):895-911.
    This article shows that the concept of choice is central to Isaiah Berlin’s liberalism. It argues that his valuing of choice is anchored in a particular conception of human nature, one that assumes and presupposes free will. Berlin’s works sketch a metaphysics of choice, and his reluctance to situate himself openly in the debate on free will is unconvincing. By introducing the theory of autopoiesis, this article further suggests that there is a way to take Berlin’s value pluralism seriously, by (...)
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  23.  33
    On Blind Spots, Moral Obligations, and Collective Action Problems.Gil Siegal - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (11):20-22.
  24.  21
    From Blind Spot to Crucial Concept: On the Role of Animal Welfare in Food System Changes towards Circular Agriculture.Franck L. B. Meijboom, Jan Staman & Ru Pothoven - 2023 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 36 (3):1-16.
    Agriculture in Western Europe has become efficient and productive but at a cost. The quality of biodiversity, soil, air, and water has been compromised. In the search for ways to ensure food security and meet the challenges of climate change, new production systems have been proposed. One of these is the transition to circular agriculture: closing the cycles of nutrients and other resources to minimise losses and end the impact on climate change. This development aims to address existing problems in (...)
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  25.  16
    Blind Spot? Weber's Concept of Expertise and the Perplexing Case of China.Stephen Turner - 2008 - In Fanon Howell & Hector Vera, Max Weber Matters: Interweaving Past and Present. Routledge.
    This chapter analyses the Church's efforts in opposing The Da Vinci Code as a concerted bid to reinforce the ideological bulwark surrounding millennia-old structures of episcopal governance. It postulates that it was Church leaders sensing a challenge to Roman Catholicism's traditional manner of organizing and exercising power in the form of depersonalized office charisma that provoked the criticisms they mounted worldwide against The Da Vinci Code. Weber's discussion of models for the institutionalization of legitimate power speaks directly to the contingency (...)
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  26.  29
    Assimilation, Blind Spots and Coproduced Crises.Claudia Carter - 2018 - Environmental Values 27 (1):1-7.
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  27. The blind spot.Wayne Froman - 2009 - In Robert Vallier, Wayne Jeffrey Froman & Bernard Flynn, Merleau-Ponty and the Possibilities of Philosophy: Transforming the Tradition. State University of New York Press.
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  28. The Blind Spot: An Essay on the Relations between Painting and Sculpture in the Modern Age.James Hall - 2013 - British Journal of Aesthetics 53 (4):ayt005.
  29.  19
    The blind spot of online creative idea generation studies: A perspective of media materiality.Siyu Liu, Feng Ji & Cen Zeng - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Online creative idea generation is often considered an extension of traditional creative idea activities on the Internet platform, in which digital technology plays an important role. Consistent with the studies on traditional creative idea activities, the studies on online creative idea generation take the creativity of mass psychology as the core, and believe that digital technology can stimulate people’s creative output. This study challenges the past research paradigm from the perspective of media materiality, redefines the processes and activities of online (...)
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  30.  21
    The Blind Spot of the Future.Massimo Lollini - 2022 - Humanist Studies and the Digital Age 7 (1).
    When I proposed having the future at the center of this issue, which marks the 10th anniversary of Humanist Studies & The Digital Age, I was aware of the complexity of this controversial topic. The possibility of magnifiche sorti e progressive — a “splendid and progressive destiny” — made possible by human technology inspires hope in some and critique in others. The expression comes from one of Leopardi’s last poems, Ginestra o il fiore del deserto (Broom, or the flower of (...)
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  31.  72
    The Blind Spot: eyes wide shut and liberal democratic consensus.Stefan Mattessich - 2010 - Angelaki 15 (2):55-68.
  32.  32
    Blind spots and clinical training.Michael Paul Melendez - 1995 - Ethics and Behavior 5 (4):359 – 367.
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  33.  40
    Blind Spots.Howard Trachtman - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (9):16-18.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 11, Issue 9, Page 16-18, September 2011.
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    Bioethical blind spots: Four flaws in the field of view of traditional bioethics. [REVIEW]K. W. M. Fulford - 1993 - Health Care Analysis 1 (2):155-162.
    In this paper it is argued that bioethics has tended to emphasise: ‘high tech’ areas of medicine at the expense of ‘low tech’ areas such as psychiatry; problems arising in treatment at the expense of those associated with diagnosis; questions of fact at the expense of questions of value; and applied ethics at the expense of philosophical theory. The common factor linking these four ‘bioethical blind spots’ is a failute to recognise the full extent to which medicine is an (...)
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  35. Underdeterminacy without ostension: A blind spot in the prevailing models of communication.Constant Bonard - 2024 - Mind and Language 39 (2):142-161.
    Together, the code and inferential models of communication are often thought to range over all cases of communication. However, their prevailing versions seem unable to fully explain what I call underdeterminacy without ostension. The latter is constituted by communication where stimuli that are not (nor appear to be) produced with communicative or informative intentions nevertheless communicate information underdetermined by the relevant codes. Though the prevailing accounts of communication cannot fully explain how communication works in such cases, I suggest that some (...)
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  36.  22
    In the Blind Spot: The Hybridization of Contracting.Gunther Teubner - 2007 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 8 (1):51-71.
    What are the consequences of modernity for the institution of contracting? As the unity of the traditional contract is dissolved into a multiplicity of separate contracting worlds, the binding force of contracting needs to be reformulated from an interpersonal to an interdiscursive relation. The central thesis of this Article is that the unity of contracting is hidden in the blind spot of the distinction between contracting worlds. Contracting needs two diametrically contradictory but complementary theories which cannot be integrated (...)
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    Blindsight in the blind spot.K. Kranda - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (6):762-763.
    The filling-in process proposed as a cover up for the existence of the blind spot has some conceptual similarities to blindsight. The perceptual operation of a hypothetical mechanism responsible for filling in represents a logical paradox. The apparent indeterminacy of the percept in the optic-disc region can be tested experimentally by viewing the grating test pattern below.
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  38. Perception: A Blind Spot in Brandom’s Normative Pragmatics.Daniel E. Kalpokas - 2019 - Disputatio 8 (9).
    Brandom explains perceptual knowledge as the product of two distinguishable sorts of capacities: the capacity to reliably discriminate behaviorally between different sorts of stimuli; and the capacity to take up a position in the game of giving and asking for reasons. However, in focusing exclusively on the entitlement of observation reports, rather than on perception itself, Brandom passes over a conception of perceptual experience as a sort of contentful mental state. In this article, I argue that this is a (...) spot, which makes Brandom’s account of perceptual knowledge unable to properly accommodate the phenomenon of seeing aspects and to explain how we can justify the attributions of reliability to observers that make observation reports. (shrink)
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  39.  16
    The Technological Blind Spot in Business Ethics.David W. Gill - 1999 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 19 (3):190-198.
    From all directions comes confirmation that technology, information technology above all, is radically transforming today’s business. All observers predict that this technologizing of business will continue in the 21st century with major consequences. This article argues that business ethics cases (the most popular way of approaching business ethics) as well as the broader corporate cultural values (a less popular but equally important focus for business ethics) are inexorably affected by the technological revolution in business. But of 29 business ethics textbooks (...)
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    An ethical "blind spot": Problems of Anonymous letters to the editor.Bill Reader - 2005 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 20 (1):62 – 76.
    This study investigates the ethical implications of American newspaper policies that call for the automatic rejection of anonymous submissions to "letters to the editor" forums. The investigation is a qualitative analysis of more than 30 practitioner essays printed in journalism trade journals in the mid-to-late 20th century and interviews conducted with editors from 16 U.S. newspapers. The analysis found that contemporary American editors exhibited a blind spot toward anonymous commentary that seems to be in contention with certain tenets (...)
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  41.  21
    The responsiveness of the blind spot.H. B. Desilva & A. Weber - 1932 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 15 (4):399.
  42.  27
    Is the blind spot blind?C. R. Garvey - 1933 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 16 (1):83.
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  43. How to (Blind)Spot the Truth: an investigation on actual epistemic value.Danilo Fraga Dantas - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (2):693-720.
    This paper is about the alethic aspect of epistemic rationality. The most common approaches to this aspect are either normative (what a reasoner ought to/may believe?) or evaluative (how rational is a reasoner?), where the evaluative approaches are usually comparative (one reasoner is assessed compared to another). These approaches often present problems with blindspots. For example, ought a reasoner to believe a currently true blindspot? Is she permitted to? Consequently, these approaches often fail in describing a situation of alethic maximality, (...)
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    The Urban Blind Spot in Environmental Ethics.Andrew Light - 2001 - Environmental Politics 10 (1):7-35.
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    Mapping introspection’s blind spot: Reconstruction of dual-task phenomenology using quantified introspection.Sébastien Marti, Jérôme Sackur, Mariano Sigman & Stanislas Dehaene - 2010 - Cognition 115 (2):303-313.
  46.  64
    Having a look at the Bayes Blind Spot.Miklós Rédei & Zalán Gyenis - 2019 - Synthese 198 (4):3801-3832.
    The Bayes Blind Spot of a Bayesian Agent is, by definition, the set of probability measures on a Boolean σ\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\sigma $$\end{document}-algebra that are absolutely continuous with respect to the background probability measure of a Bayesian Agent on the algebra and which the Bayesian Agent cannot learn by a single conditionalization no matter what evidence he has about the elements in the Boolean σ\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} (...)
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    Dialogic Teaching and Moral Learning: Self‐critique, Narrativity, Community and ‘Blind Spots’.Andrea R. English - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 50 (2):160-176.
    In the current climate of high-stakes testing and performance-based accountability measures, there is a pressing need to reconsider the nature of teaching and what capacities one must develop to be a good teacher. Educational policy experts around the world have pointed out that policies focused disproportionately on student test outcomes can promote teaching practices that are reified and mechanical, and which lead to students developing mere memorisation skills, rather than critical thinking and conceptual understanding. Philosophers of dialogue and dialogic teaching (...)
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  48. Reasons-responsiveness, modality and rational blind spots.Heering David - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 180 (1):293-316.
    Many think it is plausible that agents enjoy freedom and responsibility with respect to their actions in virtue of being reasons-responsive. Extant accounts spell out reasons-responsiveness (RR) as a general modal property. The agent is responsive to reasons for and against ϕ-ing, according to this idea, if they ϕ in accordance with the balance of reasons in a suitable proportion of possible situations. This paper argues that freedom and responsibility are not grounded in such modal properties on the basis of (...)
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    Neuroscience and Education: Blind Spots in a Strange Relationship.Volker Kraft - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 46 (3):386-396.
    This article—mainly referring to the situation in Germany—consists of three parts. In a first section the current presence of neurosciences in the public discourse will be described in order to illuminate the background which is relevant for contemporary educational thinking. The prefix ‘neuro-’ is ubiquitous today and therefore concepts like ‘neuropedagogy’ or ‘neurodidactics’ seem to be in the mainstream of modern thinking. In the second part of the article the perspective changes from the public discourse to the disciplinary discourse; a (...)
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  50.  42
    Political liberalism and religious claims: Four blind spots.Kristina Stoeckl - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 43 (1):34-50.
    This article gives an overview of 4 important lacunae in political liberalism and identifies, in a preliminary fashion, some trends in the literature that can come in for support in filling these blind spots, which prevent political liberalism from a correct assessment of the diverse nature of religious claims. Political liberalism operates with implicit assumptions about religious actors being either ‘liberal’ or ‘fundamentalist’ and ignores a third, in-between group, namely traditionalist religious actors and their claims. After having explained what (...)
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