Results for ' body, gender, medicine, science, bio-technical innovation'

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  1.  42
    Writing the history of the relations between medicine, gender and the body in the 20th century.Delphine Gardey - 2013 - Clio 37:143-162.
    Rendant compte des travaux récents dans le champ de l’étude sociales des sciences (Social Studies of Knowledge), de la critique féministe des sciences et des cultural studies, cet article revient sur leurs apports et sur la façon dont ils lisent l’histoire des transformations biomédicales (très) contemporaines, notamment dans les domaines de la reproduction et de la sexualité. Les SSK, en particulier, proposent une lecture complexe et riche des relations humains/techniques et de la façon dont les relations sociales et de genre (...)
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    Disreputable bodies: magic, medicine and gender in Renaissance natural philosophy.Sergius Kodera - 2010 - Toronto: Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies.
    "Through a close reading of rarely studied materials, the author examines the contested position of the body in Renaissance philosophy, showing how abstract metaphysical ideas evolved in tandem with the creation of new metaphors that shaped the understanding of early modern political, cultural, and scientific practices. The result is a new approach to the issues that describes the function of new technologies (such as optics and distillation) and their interaction with popular creeds (such as witchcraft and folk medicine), as well (...)
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    Disreputable Bodies: Magic, Medicine, and Gender in Renaissance Natural Philosophy.Olivia Catanorchi - 2011 - Early Science and Medicine 16 (4):356-357.
  4.  41
    Diagnostic Wannabes.Jennifer Radden - 2023 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 30 (3):279-281.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Diagnostic WannabesJennifer Radden, PhD (bio)Saunders explores challenges for the clinician faced with self-styled sufferers from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and fibromyalgia. The diagnostic system was not meant to be used as “a scaffold for identity,” she points out. Yet wannabe patients now step into the clinic wielding self-proclaimed diagnoses as social identities. Saunders explains the context where such phenomena arise, (...)
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    Feminist Epigenet(h)ics: Maternal Waters, Gestational Forms and Mitochondrial Eves in Lucile Hadžihalilović’s Evolution.Katie Goss - 2024 - Film-Philosophy 28 (3):504-533.
    This article takes Catherine Malabou’s provocative insistence on an alliance between plasticity and feminism to initiate an exploration of gestation and its representation in the context of the postgenomic age. I argue that Malabou’s attention to epigenetic schemas of life and becoming can inform and, in turn, be enriched by feminist film-philosophy which locates the maternal as an alternative schema of embodied subjectivity – simultaneously displacing essentialising over-reliance on gender/sex binaries without entirely metaphorising or abstracting the material processes which subtend (...)
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  6. Anti-aging and biomedicine: Bodies, gender, and the pursuit of longevity.A. Kampf & L. Botelho - 2009 - Medicine Studies: An International Journal for History, Philosophy, and Ethics of Medicine and Allied Sciences 1 (3):187-195.
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    Nature Displayed: Gender, Science, and Medicine, 1760-1820: Essays.L. J. Jordanova - 1999 - Longman.
    "Although the book draws on art and literature, it is chiefly concerned with themes and ideas relating to the natural world, the body, and gender differences. To this end, Professor Jordanova concentrates on reinterpreting texts and images drawn, mainly, from eighteenth and early nineteenth-century British and French material. Many of the illustrations in the volume are likely to be new to the reader and throughout, the author offers suggestions on how these can be contexualised."--Jacket.
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    Bio-X: Removing Bodily Contingency in Regenerative Medicine.Eugene Thacker - 2002 - Journal of Medical Humanities 23 (3/4):239-253.
    This paper addresses the social, cultural, and ethical dynamics of research in regenerative medicine. The author turns to both science fiction and recent developments in regenerative medicine for clues about the future of the body and medical practice, suggesting that regenerative medicine uses the body as its own resource for the purposes of preserving life, and that by attempting to remove the body from the limitations of both mortality and contingency, regenerative medicine fundamentally alters the meaning of human.
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    Willingness toward post-mortem body donation to science at a Mexican university: an exploratory survey.I. Meester, M. Polino Guajardo, A. C. Treviño Ramos, J. M. Solís-Soto & A. Rojas-Martinez - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-13.
    Background Voluntary post-mortem donation to science (PDS) is the most appropriate source for body dissection in medical education and training, and highly useful for biomedical research. In Mexico, unclaimed bodies are no longer a legal source, but PDS is legally possible, although scarcely facilitated, and mostly ignored by the general population. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate the attitude and willingness for PDS and to identify a sociodemographic profile of people with willingness toward PDS. Methods A validated on-line survey was distributed (...)
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    Policing the social body: Medicine and the administration of legal gender recognition in France and Italy, an historical perspective.Olivia Fiorilli - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 78:101182.
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    Technical” Contributors and Authorship Distribution in Health Science.Elise Smith - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (4):1-19.
    In health sciences, technical contributions may be undervalued and excluded in the author byline. In this paper, I demonstrate how authorship is a historical construct which perpetuates systemic injustices including technical undervaluation. I make use of Pierre Bourdieu’s conceptual work to demonstrate how the power dynamics at play in academia make it very challenging to change the habitual state or “habitus”. To counter this, I argue that we must reconceive technical contributions to not be a priori less (...)
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  12. Commodification of Body Parts: By Medicine or by Media?Clive Seale, Debbie Cavers & Mary Dixon-Woods - 2006 - Body and Society 12 (1):25-42.
    Commentators frequently point to the involvement of biomedicine and bio-science in the objectification and commodification of human body parts, and the consequent potential for violation of personal, social and community meanings. Through a study of UK media coverage of controversies associated with the removal of body parts and human materials from children, we argue that an exclusive emphasis on the role of medicine and the bio-sciences in the commodification of human materials ignores the important role played by commercially motivated mass (...)
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  13.  23
    The Body, Experience, and the History of Dream-Science in Artemidorus’ Oneirocritica.Calloway B. Scott - 2023 - Apeiron 56 (1):131-161.
    The five books of Artemidorus of Ephesus’ Oneirocritica (c. second century CE) constitute the largest collection of divinatory dream-interpretations to survive from Graeco-Roman antiquity. This article examines Artemidorus’ contribution to longstanding medico-philosophical debates over the ontological and epistemic character of such dreams. As with wider Mediterranean traditions concerning premonitory dreams, Greeks and Romans popularly understood them as phenomena with origins exterior to the dreamer (e.g. a visitation of a god). Presocratic and Hippocratic thinkers, however, initiated an effort to bring at (...)
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    Introduction.Stuart J. Youngner, Laura A. Siminoff & Renie Schapiro - 2004 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14 (3):211-215.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:IntroductionStuart J. Youngner (bio), Laura A. Siminoff (bio), and Renie Schapiro (bio)This issue of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal (KIEJ) centers on a piece of empirical research. The motivation behind the study of Laura Siminoff, Christopher Burant, and Stuart Youngner (2004) was to find out more about what the general public understands and believes about when a person is dead. More specifically, the study tried to determine how (...)
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    Bioethics commissions town meetings with a "blue, blue ribbon".Susan Cartier Poland - 1998 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 8 (1):91-109.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Bioethics Commissions: Town Meetings with a “Blue, Blue Ribbon”Susan Cartier Poland (bio)Town meetings are characteristic of New England. In theory, a quorum of registered voters in a small municipality meets annually to decide local public policy. In fact, special interests and the town bureaucracy control the meeting.Like a town meeting, a commission (or committee or council) comes into being, whether on an ad hoc or permanent basis, to direct (...)
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    Philosophical foundations of culture medicalization.Irina Kamalieva - 2022 - Sotsium I Vlast 1:83-89.
    Introduction. The increasing mediation of human life by medicine necessarily raises the question of philosophical understanding the phenomenon of culture medicalization, since today the vector of growing powerful influence of medicine on forming sociocultural processes has clearly emerged. Along with the positive phenomena of the medicalization of life, the volume of “excessive” phenomena of its medicalization is growing. The purpose of the article is to clarify the philo- sophical foundations of the progressive medicaliza- tion of modern culture. Methods. The methodological (...)
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    Sketching Together the Modern Histories of Science, Technology, and Medicine.John V. Pickstone - 2011 - Isis 102 (1):123-133.
    ABSTRACT This essay explores ways to “write together” the awkwardly jointed histories of “science” and “medicine”—but it also includes other “arts” (in the old sense) and technologies. It draws especially on the historiography of medicine, but I try to use terms that are applicable across all of science, technology, and medicine (STM). I stress the variety of knowledges and practices in play at any time and the ways in which the ensembles change. I focus on the various relations of “science” (...)
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  18. Limiting and facilitating access to innovations in medicine and agriculture: a brief exposition of the ethical arguments.Cristian Timmermann - 2014 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 10 (1):1-20.
    Taking people’s longevity as a measure of good life, humankind can proudly say that the average person is living a much longer life than ever before. The AIDS epidemic has however for the first time in decades stalled and in some cases even reverted this trend in a number of countries. Climate change is increasingly becoming a major challenge for food security and we can anticipate that hunger caused by crop damages will become much more common. -/- Since many of (...)
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    The Body, Self-Cultivation, and Ki-Energy.Yasuo Yuasa - 1993 - SUNY Press.
    This book is an inquiry into ki-energy, its role within Eastern mind-body theory, and its implications for our contemporary Western understanding of the body. Yuasa examines the concept of ki-energy as it has been used in such areas as acupuncture, Buddhist and Taoist meditation, and the martial arts. To explain the achievement of mind-body oneness in these traditions he offers an innovative schematization of the lived body. His approach is interdisciplinary and cross-cultural, offering insights into Western philosophy, religion, medical science, (...)
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  20.  8
    Technical innovation in human science.Charles Lenay - 2019 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 34 (3):389-403.
    In order to show how technological innovation and scientific innovation are linked in the course of research in human science, I present an account of a series of innovations made in our laboratory (Distal Glove – Tactos system – Intertact server – Dialtact module). We will see how research on the technical constitution of cognitive and perceptual activities can be associated with a process of innovation. The technical devices present at each stage carry an interpretative (...)
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    Animal control: a preliminary bibliography.Roberta Palen - 1980 - Monticello, Ill.: Vance Bibliographies.
    Indigenous knowledge is the dynamic information base of a society, facilitating communication and decision-making. It is the cornerstone of many modern-day innovations in science and technology. It is also a ready and valuable resource for sustainable and resilient livelihoods, and attracts increasing public interest due to its applications in bio-technology, health, bioprospecting, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, food preparation, mathematics and astronomy. INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE OF NAMIBIA is a fascinating compendium aimed at a wide readership of academics and students, government officials, policy makers, and (...)
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    The Empire of Chance: How Probability Changed Science and Everyday Life.Gerd Gigerenzer, Zeno Swijtink, Theodore Porter, Lorraine Daston, John Beatty & Lorenz Kruger - 1990 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Empire of Chance tells how quantitative ideas of chance transformed the natural and social sciences, as well as daily life over the last three centuries. A continuous narrative connects the earliest application of probability and statistics in gambling and insurance to the most recent forays into law, medicine, polling and baseball. Separate chapters explore the theoretical and methodological impact in biology, physics and psychology. Themes recur - determinism, inference, causality, free will, evidence, the shifting meaning of probability - but (...)
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  23. Neuroethics, Gender and the Response to Difference.Deboleena Roy - 2011 - Neuroethics 5 (3):217-230.
    This paper examines how the new field of neuroethics is responding to the old problem of difference, particularly to those ideas of biological difference emerging from neuroimaging research that purports to further delineate our understanding of sex and/or gender differences in the brain. As the field develops, it is important to ask what is new about neuroethics compared to bioethics in this regard, and whether the concept of difference is being problematized within broader contexts of power and representation. As a (...)
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  24.  50
    Science incarnate: historical embodiments of natural knowledge.Christopher Lawrence & Steven Shapin (eds.) - 1998 - Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press.
    Ever since Greek antiquity "disembodied knowledge" has often been taken as synonymous with "objective truth." Yet we also have very specific mental images of the kinds of bodies that house great minds--the ascetic philosopher versus the hearty surgeon, for example. Does truth have anything to do with the belly? What difference does it make to the pursuit of knowledge whether Einstein rode a bicycle, Russell was randy, or Darwin flatulent? Bringing body and knowledge into such intimate contact is occasionally seen (...)
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  25.  81
    Farming for change: developing a participatory curriculum on agroecology, nutrition, climate change and social equity in Malawi and Tanzania.Rachel Bezner Kerr, Sera L. Young, Carrie Young, Marianne V. Santoso, Mufunanji Magalasi, Martin Entz, Esther Lupafya, Laifolo Dakishoni, Vicki Morrone, David Wolfe & Sieglinde S. Snapp - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (3):549-566.
    How to engage farmers that have limited formal education is at the foundation of environmentally-sound and equitable agricultural development. Yet there are few examples of curricula that support the co-development of knowledge with farmers. While transdisciplinary and participatory techniques are considered key components of agroecology, how to do so is rarely specified and few materials are available, especially those relevant to smallholder farmers with limited formal education in Sub-Saharan Africa. The few training materials that exist provide appropriate methods, such as (...)
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    Ethical Considerations in Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine: A Discussion Based on ‘The Belmont Report’.Miliva Mozaffor, Mariya Tabassum, Mohammad Tipu Sultan & Shamima Parvin - 2019 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 10 (3).
    With technical sophistication and innovation in the field of medical science, a considerable proportion of medical diagnosis now rely on laboratory analyses, which emphasises the crucial role of laboratory physicians in patient care. Sustaining high ethical standards remains crucial in both clinical biochemistry and laboratory medicine, and several ethical dilemmas are faced by laboratory physicians in day-to-day practice. In a low-resource country like Bangladesh, formal ethics education or ethical framework in laboratory practice is still absent; ethics has not (...)
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  27. The Quest for System-Theoretical Medicine in the COVID-19 Era.Felix Tretter, Olaf Wolkenhauer, Michael Meyer-Hermann, Johannes W. Dietrich, Sara Green, James Marcum & Wolfram Weckwerth - 2021 - Frontiers in Medicine 8:640974.
    Precision medicine and molecular systems medicine (MSM) are highly utilized and successful approaches to improve understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of many diseases from bench-to-bedside. Especially in the COVID-19 pandemic, molecular techniques and biotechnological innovation have proven to be of utmost importance for rapid developments in disease diagnostics and treatment, including DNA and RNA sequencing technology, treatment with drugs and natural products and vaccine development. The COVID-19 crisis, however, has also demonstrated the need for systemic thinking and transdisciplinarity and the (...)
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    Overseeing Innovative Therapy without Mistaking it for Research: A Function-Based Model Based on Old Truths, New Capacities, and Lessons from Stem Cells.Patrick L. Taylor - 2010 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 38 (2):286-302.
    Innovative therapy is the name we give to novel medical interventions, radically different from the standard of care, provided in order to benefit a patient, rather than to acquire new knowledge. They are paradigmshifting, not incremental, responses to serious patient problems that standard medical care inadequately addresses. Innovative therapies are often devised by clinicians, not basic science researchers; they do not follow the linear model of basic research, to translation, to clinical research, to application. Instead, they come from thinking backwards (...)
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  29.  55
    Generating Bodies and Gendered Selves: The Rhetoric of Reproduction in Early Modern England. [REVIEW]Robert Erickson - 2008 - Early Science and Medicine 13 (4):405-409.
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    Commentary: Research Ethics after World War II: The Insular Culture of Biomedicine.Lara Freidenfelds & Allan M. Brandt - 1996 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 6 (3):239-243.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Research Ethics after World War II: The Insular Culture of BiomedicineAllan M. Brandt (bio) and Lara Freidenfelds (bio)Human subjects research in the United States has only recently emerged as an important area of historical investigation. Over the last quarter century, scholars have begun the process of grounding within an historical context both the complex relationship between researchers and subjects and the processes by which biomedical knowledge is produced. Their (...)
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    A discourse on Forestry science.Laurent Umans - 1993 - Agriculture and Human Values 10 (4):26-40.
    Forestry science is firmly based on the ideas of rationalization, emancipation, and progress as embedded in the Modernity Project. Its emergence in the late Seventeenth century is primarily a rationalization of timber production, although to some extend attention is given to other functions of the forest. As an applied science, forestry was preoccupied with bio-technical and economic research. The development in forestry science during the last four decades is described as a broadening of this narrow rationalization concept. Social and (...)
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  32.  60
    Arguing about science.Alexander Bird & James Ladyman (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
    Arguing About Science is an outstanding, engaging introduction to the essential topics in philosophy of science, edited by two leading experts in the field. This exciting and innovative anthology contains a selection of classic and contemporary readings that examine a broad range of issues, from classic problems such as scientific reasoning; causation; and scientific realism, to more recent topics such as science and race; forensic science; and the scientific status of medicine. The editors bring together some of the most influential (...)
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  33.  20
    Medicine and Making Sense of Queer Lives.Jamie Lindemann Nelson - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (s4):12-16.
    As practiced, medicine bumps along with the rest of us, doing its level best to cope with the contingencies of this often heartbreaking world. Yet it's a commonplace that much of medicine's self‐image, and a good deal of its cultural heft, come from its connection with the natural sciences and, what's more, from a picture of science that has a touch of the transcendental, highlighting the unmatched rigor of its procedures, its exacting rationality, and the reliability of its results.In contrast, (...)
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    Interdisciplinarity and innovation dynamics. On convergence of research, technology, economy, and society.Klaus Mainzer - 2011 - Poiesis and Praxis 7 (4):275-289.
    In the age of globalization, economic growth and the welfare of nations decisively depend on basic innovations. Therefore, education and knowledge is an important advantage of competition in highly developed countries with high standards of salaries, but raw material shortage. In the twenty-first century, innovations will arise from problem-oriented research, crossing over traditional faculties and disciplines. Therefore, we need platforms of interdisciplinary dialogue to choose transdisciplinary problems and to cluster new portfolios of technologies. The clusters of research during the excellence (...)
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    Biomedical science: law & practice: from R & D to market.Zaid Hamzah - 2007 - Singapore: Sweet & Maxwell Asia.
    Biomedical Science Law & Practice is a practical strategic guide to the management of legal risks in biomedical science transactions, and commercialization of innovation and technology through strategic intellectual property licensing. This book provides a concise introduction to strategic legal risk management issues and strategic value creation in the entire biomedical science value chain, including legal liability issues from R&D, clinical trials, production of devices and market roll-out, protection of innovation through intellectual property (patents, copyrights, trade marks and (...)
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    Promoting free flow in the networks: Reimagining the body in early modern Suzhou.Volker Scheid - 2018 - History of Science 56 (2):131-167.
    The history of Chinese medicine is still widely imagined in terms dictated by the discourse of modernity, that is as ‘traditional’ and ‘Chinese.’ And yet, so as to be intelligible to us moderns, it must simultaneously be framed through categories that make it comparable somehow to the ‘West’ and the ‘modern’ from which it is said to be essentially different. This is accomplished, for instance, by viewing Chinese medicine as fundamentally shaped by cosmological thinking, as focusing on process rather than (...)
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    Ethics parallel research: an approach for (early) ethical guidance of biomedical innovation.Karin R. Jongsma & Annelien L. Bredenoord - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-9.
    BackgroundOur human societies and certainly also (bio) medicine are more and more permeated with technology. There seems to be an increasing awareness among bioethicists that an effective and comprehensive approach to ethically guide these emerging biomedical innovations into society is needed. Such an approach has not been spelled out yet for bioethics, while there are frequent calls for ethical guidance of biomedical innovation, also by biomedical researchers themselves. New and emerging biotechnologies require anticipation of possible effects and implications, meaning (...)
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    Foresighting for Responsible Innovation Using a Delphi Approach: A Case Study of Virtual Fencing Innovation in Cattle Farming.D. Brier, C. R. Eastwood, B. T. Dela Rue & D. W. Viehland - 2020 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 33 (3):549-569.
    The use of virtual fencing in pasture-grazed farm systems is currently close to commercial reality but there are no studies applying the principles of responsible research and innovation, such as foresighting, to this technology. This paper reports results of a study aimed at foresighting potential implications associated with virtual fencing of cattle. A Delphi method was used to survey the opinions of farming practitioners and researchers, using pasture-grazed cattle farming in New Zealand as a case study. The key benefits (...)
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  39. Enacting Values from the Sea : On Innovation Devices, Value Practices and the Co-Modifications of Markets and Bodies in Aquaculture.Kristin Asdal - 2015 - In Isabelle Dussauge, Claes-Fredrik Helgesson & Francis Lee (eds.), Value practices in the life sciences and medicine. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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    Cyborg Encounters: Three Art-Science Interactions.Ayşe Melis Okay, Burak Taşdizen, Charles John McKinnon Bell, Beyza Dilem Topdal & Melike Şahinol - 2022 - NanoEthics 16 (2):223-238.
    This contribution includes three selected works from an exhibition on _Cyborg Encounters_. These works deal with hybrid connections of human and non-human species that (might) emerge as a result of enhancement technologies and bio-technological developments. They offer not only an artistic exploration of contemporary but also futuristic aspects of the subject. Followed by an introduction by Melike Şahinol, _Critically Endangered Artwork_ (by Ayşe Melis Okay) highlights Turkey’s ongoing problems of food poverty and the amount of decreasing agricultural lands. It displays (...)
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    Thinking through the body, educating for the humanities: A plea for somaesthetics.Richard Shusterman - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (1):1-21.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Thinking Through the Body, Educating for the Humanities:A Plea for SomaestheticsRichard Shusterman (bio)IWhat are the humanities, and how should they be cultivated? With respect to this crucial question, opinions differ as to how widely the humanities should be construed and pursued. Initially connoting the study of Greek and Roman classics, the concept now more generally covers arts and letters, history, and philosophy.1 But does it also include the social (...)
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    Postmodern Concepts of the Body in Jeanette Winterson's Written on the Body.Antje Lindenmeyer - 1999 - Feminist Review 63 (1):48-63.
    This article is concerned with Jeanette Winterson's use and reworking of post-modern concepts of the body in her novel Written on the Body. Feminist appropriations of those concepts can be problematic: they tend to focus on the way in which a coherent body image is constructed and then imposed on the body parts, whereas many feminist theorists continue to emphasize the wholeness and integrity of the female body. Written on the Body offers constructive ways of theorizing the female body within (...)
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  43. Porous Bodies: Environmental Biopower and the Politics of Life in Ancient Rome.Maurizio Meloni - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (3):91-115.
    The case for an unprecedented penetration of life mechanisms into the politics of Western modernity has been a cornerstone of 20th-century social theory. Working with and beyond Foucault, this article challenges established views about the history of biopower by focusing on ancient medical writings and practices of corporeal permeability. Through an analysis of three Roman institutions: a) bathing; b) urban architecture; and c) the military, it shows that technologies aimed at fostering and regulating life did exist in classical antiquity at (...)
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  44. Introduction to Special Section on Virtue in the Loop: Virtue Ethics and Military AI.D. C. Washington, I. N. Notre Dame, National Securityhe is Currently Working on Two Books: A. Muse of Fire: Why The Technology, on What Happens to Wartime Innovations When the War is Over U. S. Military Forgets What It Learns in War, U. S. Army Asymmetric Warfare Group The Shot in the Dark: A. History of the, Global Power Competition His Writing has Appeared in Russian Analytical Digest The First Comprehensive Overview of A. Unit That Helped the Army Adapt to the Post-9/11 Era of Counterinsurgency, The New Atlantis Triple Helix, War on the Rocks Fare Forward, Science Before Receiving A. Phd in Moral Theology From Notre Dame He has Published Widely on Bioethics, Technology Ethics He is the Author of Science Religion, Christian Ethics, Anxiety Tomorrow’S. Troubles: Risk, Prudence in an Age of Algorithmic Governance, The Ethics of Precision Medicine & Encountering Artificial Intelligence - 2025 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (3):245-250.
    This essay introduces this special issue on virtue ethics in relation to military AI. It describes the current situation of military AI ethics as following that of AI ethics in general, caught between consequentialism and deontology. Virtue ethics serves as an alternative that can address some of the weaknesses of these dominant forms of ethics. The essay describes how the articles in the issue exemplify the value of virtue-related approaches for these questions, before ending with thoughts for further research.
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    Précis of Microaggressions in Medicine.Lauren Freeman & Heather Stewart - 2024 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 17 (2):142-146.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Précis of Microaggressions in MedicineLauren Freeman (bio) and Heather Stewart (bio)Microaggressions in Medicine demonstrates that the harms of microaggressions are anything but micro. Guided by diverse patient testimonies and case studies, the book focuses on harms experienced by patients who are marginalized on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, body size, and disability. It amplifies their voices, stories, and experiences, which have too often been excluded from mainstream (...)
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    Digitized Future of Medicine: Challenges for Bioethics.Елена Георгиевна Гребенщикова & Павел Дмитриевич Тищенко - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (2):83-103.
    The article discusses the challenges, benefits, and risks that, from a bioethical perspective, arise because of the the development of eHealth projects. The conceptual framework of the research is based on H. Jonas’ principles of the ethics of responsibility and B.G. Yudin’s anthropological ideas on human beings as agents who constantly change their own boundaries in the “zone of phase transitions.” The article focuses on the events taking place in the zone of phase transitions between humans and machines in eHealth. (...)
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    Nature's Body: Gender in the Making of Modern Science. Londa Schiebinger.Ann Shteir - 1996 - Isis 87 (4):730-731.
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    Digitized Future of Medicine: Challenges for Bioethics.Elena G. Grebenshchikova & Pavel D. Tishchenko - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (2):83-103.
    The article discusses the challenges, benefits, and risks that, from a bioethical perspective, arise because of the the development of eHealth projects. The conceptual framework of the research is based on H. Jonas’ principles of the ethics of responsibility and B.G. Yudin’s anthropological ideas on human beings as agents who constantly change their own boundaries in the “zone of phase transitions.” The article focuses on the events taking place in the zone of phase transitions between humans and machines in eHealth. (...)
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    Sociotechnical Practices and Difference: On the Interferences between Disability, Gender, and Class.Ingunn Moser - 2006 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 31 (5):537-564.
    In feminist and cultural studies, there is a growing body of work concerned with how people’s lives are subjected to multiple, intersecting axes of differentiation and power. There is growing concern that we seem unable to address more than one difference at a time, thus failing to interrogate enactments of class, race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality in science, technology, and medicine. This article aims to contribute to the effort to conceptualize the making of and interactions between differences. It explores how (...)
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  50. Above and beyond superstition — western herbal medicine and the decriminalizing of placebo.Ayo Wahlberg - 2008 - History of the Human Sciences 21 (1):77-101.
    Does it work? This question lies at the very heart of the kinds of controversies that have surrounded complementary and alternative medicines (such as herbal medicine) in recent decades. In this article, I argue that medical anthropology has played a pivotal and largely overlooked role in taking the sham out of the placebo effect with important implications for what it means to say a therapy or drug `works'. If pharmacologists and clinicians have corporeally located the concept of efficacy in terms (...)
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