Results for ' caveat venditor '

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  1.  43
    Medieval or modern? A scholastic's view of business ethics, circa 1430.Daniel A. Wren - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 28 (2):109 - 119.
    There are varying opinions about whether or not the field of business ethics has a history or is a development of more modern times. It is suggested that a book by a Dominican Friar, Johannes Nider, De Contractibus Mercatorum, written ca. 1430 and published ca. 1468 provides a basis for a history of over 500 years. Business ethics grew out of attempts to reconcile Biblical precepts, canon law, civil law, the teachings of the Church Fathers, and the writings of early (...)
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    Property Rights, Contract Rights, and Other Economic Rights.William J. Talbott - 2010 - In William Talbott (ed.), Human rights and human well-being. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter uses the main principle to explain why economic rights should be regarded as human rights. Property rights, contract rights, and other economic rights are a solution to the productive investment CAP. Property and contract rights are not defined a priori, but should be defined in a way that they will, as a practice, do the best job of equitably promoting life prospects. The chapter uses the main principle to explain the moral appropriateness of the contours of property rights (...)
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    Two Caveats to the Meta-Problem Challenge.Asger Kirkeby-Hinrup - 2020 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 27 (5-6):74-81.
    I present two caveats to the meta-problem challenge to theories of consciousness. Chalmers suggests that a theory of consciousness that solves the hard problem should also inform us about the meta-problem, and vice versa. The first caveat is the view that mechanism M, the mechanism through which content becomes conscious, may be neutral with respect to the content it renders conscious. This means that there can be no systematic connection between M and conscious content. The second caveat concerns (...)
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    Caveat Auditor: Epistemic Trust and Conflicts of Interest.Justin P. McBrayer - 2024 - Social Epistemology 38 (3):290-301.
    To place epistemic trust in someone is to take their word for something. Much of the existing literature on epistemic trust concerns epistemic authorities. But as important as authority is to epistemic trust, it pales in comparison to the epistemic importance of conflicts of interests. In economics, we say that buyers shouldn’t take the word of sellers. Caveat emptor: let the buyer beware. I argue for a similar principle in epistemology. Caveat auditor: let the hearer beware. Others often (...)
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    Caveat Homo Sapiens: The Furtive Mind.Felix Friedberg - 2000 - Upa.
    Do we have free will? Can we trust our memories? How well do you know yourself? Felix Friedberg answers these questions in Caveat Homo Sapiens, arguing that humanity, while limited by the non-existence of free will, gains salvation in the ability to respond. Subjectivity, memory, psychotropic drugs, and the existence of the subconscious mind are explored, especially concerning their impact on self-knowledge and perception. Accessible to the general educated reader, the book will also be of interest to psychiatrists, sociologists (...)
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    Caveats and critiques: philosophical essays in language, logic, and art.Max Black - 1975 - Ithaca [N.Y.]: Cornell University Press.
  7.  17
    Caveat Emptor Doesn’t Cut It.Rachel Cooper - 2013 - Voices in Bioethics 2013.
    We live in the era of Facebook, Fitbit, and Skype. As such, it would be unreasonable to expect that the healthcare industry would not see the same kind of globalization as do our social spheres and consumer activities. Indeed, the explosion of information technology, the ease of transcontinental travel, and the emergence of a more globally aware citizenry allows for scientific collaboration that has had many positive effects on global health. However, the economic and structural disparities between systems of healthcare (...)
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    'Caveat emptor'or on the scientific status of the theories of life's origin.W. Lugowski - 2004 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 40 (4 (162)):713-728.
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  9. Caveat Censor: Review of J.P. Messina's Private Censorship.Julian Friedland - forthcoming - Philosophy of Management.
  10.  22
    Introduction: A Caveat on Caveats.Jeffrey M. Perl, Christian B. N. Gade, Rane Willerslev, Lotte Meinert, Beverly Haviland, Nancy Scheper-Hughes, Daniel Grausam, Daniel McKay & Michiko Urita - 2015 - Common Knowledge 21 (3):399-405.
    In this introduction to part 4 of the Common Knowledge symposium “Peace by Other Means,” the journal's editor assesses the argument made by Peace, the spokesperson of Erasmus in his Querela Pacis, that the desire to impute and avenge wrongs against oneself is insatiable and at the root of both individual and social enmities. He notes that, in a symposium about how to resolve and prevent enmity, most contributions have to date expressed caveats about how justice and truth must take (...)
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  11. Caveat Homo Sapiens.F. Friedberg - 1999 - Journal of Thought 34 (4):73-82.
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    Caveats Regarding Slippery Slopes and Physicians’ Moral Conscience.Edmund G. Howe - 1992 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 3 (4):251-255.
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    Caveat Emptor.F. C. Sharp & Philip G. Fox - 1936 - International Journal of Ethics 46 (2):212-222.
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  14. Caveat emptor (reply to essays on consciousness explained - reply to Mangan, Toribio, Baars and mcgovern) in.Daniel Dennett - 1993 - Consciousness and Cognition 2 (1):48-57.
    What I find particularly valuable in the juxtaposition of these three essays on my book is the triangulation made possible by their different versions of much the same story. I present my view as a product of cognitive science, but all three express worries that it may involve some sort of ominous backsliding towards the evils of behaviorism. I agree with Baars and McGovern when they suggest that philosophy has had some baleful influences on psychology during this century. Logical positivism (...)
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    Caveat reporting in ultrasound interpretation of surgical pathology: a comparison of sonographer versus radiologist.Giuseppe Garcea, Asif Mahmoud, Seok Ling Ong, Yvonee Rees, David P. Berry & Ashely R. Dennison - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (1):97-99.
  16. Caveat homo-sapiens-reason and unreason.F. Friedberg - 1981 - Journal of Thought 16 (1):73-82.
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    Caveats on the use of evolutionary concepts.Peter H. Klopfer - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (1):156-157.
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    Seven caveats concerning the discussion of euthanasia in Holland.Margaret P. Battin - 1989 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 34 (1):73-77.
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    Comment: Caveats.Fergus Kerr - 2017 - New Blackfriars 98 (1077):499-500.
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  20. Caveat emptor: Economics and contemporary philosophy of science.D. Wade Hands - 1997 - Philosophy of Science 64 (4):116.
    The relationship between economics and the philosophy of natural science has changed substantially during the last few years. What was once exclusively a one-way relationship from philosophy to economics now seems to be much closer to bilateral exchange. The purpose of this paper is to examine this new relationship. First, I document the change. Second, I examine the situation within contemporary philosophy of science in order to explain why economics might have its current appeal. Third, I consider some of the (...)
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  21. Caveat reviewer.Dyzenhaus David - 2001 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 21 (4).
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    Caveat Emptor (R.F.) Rhodes (ed.) The Acquisition and Exhibition of Classical Antiquities. Professional, Legal, and Ethical Perspectives. Pp. xii + 175, ills. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 2007. Paper, US$25. ISBN: 978-0-268-04027-. [REVIEW]Colin Renfrew - 2009 - The Classical Review 59 (2):574-.
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    Some caveats on religious semantics.Hugo Adam Bedau - 1966 - World Futures 5 (2):86-87.
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    Caveat amator: Podvodné znásilnění.Tomáš Sobek - 2014 - Filosofie Dnes 5 (2):50-61.
    Znásilnění můžeme předběžně chápat jako nekonsenzuální sex, to znamená sex bez souhlasu. Nabízí se otázka, zda je správné, abychom i dosažení sexu na základě podvodného překroucení nebo zamlčení relevantních a významných faktů kvalifikovali jako znásilnění, tedy jako něco trestuhodného. Myslím, že bychom měli rozlišovat podvod, jehož účelem je dosažení sexu bez souhlasu, a podvod, jehož účelem je dosažení souhlasu k sexu.
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  25. White traders: The caveat emptor of women's studies.Susan Geiger & Jacqueline N. Zita - 1985 - Journal of Thought 20 (3).
  26.  31
    Hello darkness: Envoi and caveat.Andrew Charlesworth - 2003 - Common Knowledge 9 (3):508-519.
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    Il grande venditore di immagini. Elementi di semiotica del cinema.Luca Forgione - 2009 - Editori Riuniti.
    È un'introduzione alla semiotica del cinema, divisa in tre parti che affrontano alcune specifiche dimensioni teoriche. La prima parte si sofferma sulla nascita del dibattito in semiotica del cinema, dalla metà degli anni '60 fino agli anni '70, per approfondire le nozioni di segno, codice, testo. La seconda parte affronta in chiave narratologica gli studi filmici: la questione è stabilire le caratteristiche che definiscono la nozione di narratività e la possibilità di assegnare al testo filmico lo statuto narrativo emerso dagli (...)
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    Practical and Moral Caveats on Heterologous Embryo Transfer.Robert F. Onder - 2005 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 5 (1):75-94.
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    Caveat emptor: Ethical chauvinism in the global economy. [REVIEW]Gina Vega - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (12-13):1353-1362.
    The tendency of American business schools to teach a "universal" set of ethical standards and managerial perspectives can have a serious impact on the business practices of new graduates as well as on the success of companies desiring to do business globally. We need to become more sensitive to other cultural/ethical approaches and to sensitize our business students to them early in their academic process in order to encourage the use of common-norming to attain mutual economic benefit. We can understand (...)
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    Caveat emptor.Jennifer C. Lahl - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (1):20 – 21.
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    Caveats and Critiques, Philosophical Essays in Language, Logic, and Art. [REVIEW]M. M. R. - 1977 - Review of Metaphysics 30 (3):522-523.
    This volume contains twelve previously published essays, dealing with non-formal modes of inference, with some specifically logical issues, with language and symbolic representation, with Goodman, Chomsky, and Skinner. In the first, "Reasonableness," we are told that "it would be heroic folly to aspire to be reasonable in all situations," and that reasonableness turns out to be "a somewhat humdrum, pedestrian virtue, involving... a problematic calculation of probabilities and expected values in situations of inescapable fallibility." Still, we are happily told that (...)
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    Reception: Some Caveats (With Special Reference to the" Aeneid").Niall Rudd - 2006 - Arion 14 (2):1-20.
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    Assessment of water safety competencies: Benefits and caveats of testing in open water.Tina van Duijn, Kane Cocker, Ludovic Seifert & Chris Button - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Drowning has been the cause of over 2.5 million preventable deaths in the past decade. Despite the fact that the majority of drownings occur in open water, assessment of water safety competency typically occurs in swimming pools. The assessment of water safety competency in open water environments brings with it a few difficulties, but also promises tremendous benefits. The aim of this position paper is to discuss the benefits and caveats of conducting assessments in open water environments as opposed to (...)
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    Informed Consumer – Caveat Emptor.Katherine Swartz - 2005 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 42 (1):3-5.
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    Caveats and Critiques. [REVIEW]Jack Kaminsky - 1976 - International Studies in Philosophy 8:208-210.
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  36. Applying Ethical Theory: Caveats from a Case Study.Roger Wertheimer - 1988 - In David M. Rosenthal & Fadlou Shehadi (eds.), Applied ethics and ethical theory. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press.
    abortion argument and fact-value distinction.
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  37. The principle of caveat emptor: Confidentiality and informed consent as endemic ethical dilemmas in focus group research. [REVIEW]Martin Tolich - 2009 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 6 (1):99-108.
    Informed consent and confidentiality supposedly minimize harm for research participants in all qualitative research methodologies, inclusive of one-on-one unstructured interviews and focus groups. This is not the case for the latter. Confidentiality and informed consent uniquely manifest themselves as endemic ethical dilemmas for focus group researchers. The principle of caveat emptor (let the buyer beware) may be a more useful tool for those involved in focus group research: that is, let the researcher, the participants and the ethics committee beware (...)
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    Clues and caveats concerning artificial consciousness from a phenomenological perspective.Anthony F. Beavers & Eli B. McGraw - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (5):1073-1095.
    In this paper, we use the recent appearance of LLMs and GPT-equipped robotics to raise questions about the nature of semantic meaning and how this relates to issues concerning artificially-conscious machines. To do so, we explore how a phenomenology constructed out of the association of qualia (defined as somatically-experienced sense data) and situated within a 4e enactivist program gives rise to intentional behavior. We argue that a robot without such a phenomenology is semantically empty and, thus, cannot be conscious in (...)
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    Owen's Persius and Juvenal.—A Caveat (See Pp. 125–131 and Vol. XVII Pp. 389–394.).A. E. Housman - 1904 - The Classical Review 18 (04):227-228.
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    Peace and Mind: Seriatim Symposium on Dispute, Conflict, and Enmity Part 2: Caveats and Consolations.Jeffrey M. Perl, Stanley N. Katz, Jean Bethke Elshtain, Joris van Eijnatten, Yoke-Sum Wong, Miguel Tamen, Natalie Zemon Davis, John L. Flood, Randolph Starn & G. Thomas Tanselle - 2002 - Common Knowledge 8 (2):284-286.
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    Moving Forward with the Concept of Responsible Leadership: Three Caveats to Guide Theory and Research. [REVIEW]David A. Waldman - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (S1):75-83.
    The concept of responsible leadership has garnered increased attention in recent years. Indeed, irresponsibility on the part of organizational leaders appears to represent an area of growing concern to the greater public. Accordingly, it is appropriate that increased scholarly attention be devoted to an understanding of this concept. But with that said, the purpose of this article is to identify three caveats about which researchers and practitioners should be concerned as work in this area proceeds. These caveats pertain to: (1) (...)
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  42. New wave psychophysical reductionism and the methodological caveats.John Bickle - 1996 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 56 (1):57-78.
    A number of influences have combined to make reductionism an unpopular position in recent philosophy of mind and psychology. Davidson’s Principle of the Anomalousness of the Mental, the multiple realizability arguments of Putnam, Fodor, and others, and attempts to characterize supervenience or dependency as the appropriate nonreductive relation to seek between psychological and physical kinds are the most well-known objections. And these have found their mark. Being a psychophysical reductionist nowadays, as Jaegwon Kim aptly puts it, “is a bit like (...)
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  43. University planning in the south african context: Some considerations and caveats.da Maughan Brown - forthcoming - Theoria.
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    The Point of Change as Interpretation: A Large and Ironic Caveat to Thesis Eleven.Thaddeus Metz - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy Review.
    Karl Marx did write, “The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways, the point is to change it,” which in this essay I interpret in the context of his normative thought about overcoming alienation. Reading “thesis eleven” in the light of that critical perspective, I maintain that two under-appreciated claims emerge: a central reason to pursue revolutionary change is so that more people have the freedom to engage in interpretation such as philosophy, and it is reasonable for many (...)
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    Applying Linear Mixed Effects Models in Within-Participant Designs With Subjective Trial-Based Assessments of Awareness—a Caveat.Guido Hesselmann - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Experimental and interdisciplinary approaches in philosophy: Methodological caveats.Marco Antonio Azevedo & Jairo Othero - 2015 - Dissertatio 41 (S2):94-118.
    Filósofos, especialmente aqueles que se autodenominam como naturalistas, parecem cada vez mais interessados em realizar pesquisas empíricas. Um caso típico é o da Filosofia Experimental, um campo emergente que faz uso de dados empíricos colhido por meio de inquéritos seguindo os mesmos métodos empregados nas ciências empíricas, nomeadamente na psicologia, a fim de apresentar provas em pesquisas ou argumentos filosóficos. Outro exemplo é oferecido pela participação ativa dos filósofos em grupos de pesquisa interdisciplinares nas neurociências. No entanto, os filósofos não (...)
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    A Paradox of Choice and Opportunity in the Social Mediated Participant Recruitment Space: Opportunities and Caveats.Sheena M. Eagan, Erika K. Johnson & Liam X. N. Eagan - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (6):76-78.
    Volume 19, Issue 6, June 2019, Page 76-78.
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    Exploring User-Centred Design in Practice: Some Caveats.Patrizia Marti & Liam J. Bannon - 2009 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 22 (1):7-15.
  49. Counterfeit Coins and Forged Paintings: Caveat Emptor.Michael Wreen - 1980 - Analysis 40 (3):146 - 151.
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    Editorial: Oxytocin and Social Behaviour in Dogs and Other Domesticated Species: Methodological Caveats and Promising Perspectives.Anna Kis, Jessica Lee Oliva, Zsófia Virányi & József Topál - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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