Results for ' conjugal relations'

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  1.  30
    Uncertainty Relations for General Canonically Conjugate Observables in Terms of Unified Entropies.Alexey E. Rastegin - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (8):923-942.
    We study uncertainty relations for a general class of canonically conjugate observables. It is known that such variables can be approached within a limiting procedure of the Pegg–Barnett type. We show that uncertainty relations for conjugate observables in terms of generalized entropies can be obtained on the base of genuine finite-dimensional consideration. Due to the Riesz theorem, there exists an inequality between norm-like functionals of two probability distributions in finite dimensions. Using a limiting procedure of the Pegg–Barnett type, (...)
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    The Relatıon Of Negatıve Morpheme “-ma” With Modals And The Problem Of Naming The Conjugation Of Negative Verbs.Fevzi Karademi̇r - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:1343-1374.
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    Specificity of cooccurrence of conjugated terms and linguistic markers of systemic relations between them in academic texts.M. N. Latu & A. A. Levit - 2019 - Liberal Arts in Russia 8 (5):371.
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  4. Liberalism, autonomy and conjugal love.Christopher Bennett - 2003 - Res Publica 9 (3):285-301.
    This paper argues that a liberal state is justified in promoting relationships of conjugal love – the form of relationship that is the basis of the institution of marriage – on the grounds that they are essential to the development and maintenance of autonomy. A deep human need is that the detail of our lives be recognized (accepted, affirmed, granted importance) by others (or by an other). Autonomy can be compromised when this need is not met. So a state (...)
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    Conjugating the Modern/ Religious, Conceptualizing Female Religious Agency.Sarah Bracke - 2008 - Theory, Culture and Society 25 (6):51-67.
    This article is concerned with thinking transformations of the secular, and does so in relation to two theoretical terrains, while empirically grounded in ethnographies of Christian and Islamic pious women in the Netherlands. A first theoretical terrain under consideration is that of how the relation between modernity and religion is elaborated, notably in secularization theories, and how these established frameworks are challenged by a different kind of articulation between modernity and religion that I observed in narratives and practices of young (...)
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    Autonomy and conjugal love: A reply to Golash.Christopher Bennett - 2006 - Res Publica 12 (2):191-201.
    In my response to Golash I distinguish between two steps in my original argument. The first relates to the special value of conjugal (two-person) love relationships. I defend this step against criticisms, arguing that the two-person relationship provides a form of recognition that is of special importance to us and cannot be found in other sorts of relationship. The two-person relationship is one that, at least as private individuals, we have special reason to pursue. The second step concerns the (...)
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    Lambek Calculus with Conjugates.Igor Sedlár & Andrew Tedder - 2020 - Studia Logica 109 (3):447-470.
    We study an expansion of the Distributive Non-associative Lambek Calculus with conjugates of the Lambek product operator and residuals of those conjugates. The resulting logic is well-motivated, under-investigated and difficult to tackle. We prove completeness for some of its fragments and establish that it is decidable. Completeness of the logic is an open problem; some difficulties with applying the usual proof method are discussed.
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    Canonical quantization without conjugate momenta.K. Just & L. S. The - 1986 - Foundations of Physics 16 (11):1127-1141.
    In the traditional form of canonical quantization, certain field components (not having “conjugate” momenta) must be regarded as noncanonical. This long-known distinction enters modern gauge theories, when they are canonically quantized as by Kugo and Ojima. We avoid that peculiarity by not using any conjugate “momenta” at all. In our formulation, canonical quantization can be related to Feynman's path integral.
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    Zombie Law: Conjugality, Annulment, and the (Married) Living Dead. [REVIEW]Heather Brook - 2014 - Feminist Legal Studies 22 (1):49-66.
    This article deploys and extends Ulrich Beck’s critique of ‘zombie categories’ :261–277, 2001) to consider how conjugal relationships are brought into being before the law. The argument presented here is that sexual performatives relating to marriage—and especially, in this instance, consummation—continue to produce a kind of social-legal magic, even as the social flesh of their enactment is rotting. Rules concerning annulment relating to wedding ceremonies, consent, disclosure, and consummation demonstrate that certain frameworks of conjugality involve a kind of corporeal (...)
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  10.  21
    Le parental et le conjugal.Anne Thévenot - 2001 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 1 (1):51-60.
    Quels enjeux sont à l’œuvre dans les situations de recomposition familiale lorsqu’elles sont conflictuelles? Dans ce texte, nous postulons qu’on ne peut saisir quelque chose de la parentalité en dehors de la conjugalité, que ce soit lorsque le couple est séparé ou lors de la création d’un nouveau couple. Nous pensons que conjugalité et parentalité étant intrinsèquement liées, leur liaison doit être remaniée lors de séparation et/ou de recomposition. Nous tentons de montrer que dans certaines situations conflictuelles il y a (...)
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    L’impact conjugal du virtuel Éclatement des façons de faire couple à l’heure d’Internet.Gérard Neyrand - 2015 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 210 (4):59-70.
    Pour cet article de réflexion critique, il s’agit de montrer en quoi les sites de rencontre, en proposant un dispositif spécifique de mise en relation de possibles partenaires, contribuent à modifier à différents niveaux la façon de concevoir le couple et de réfléchir à ce qu’il représente. L’intellectualisation que représente la nécessité de présentation de soi avant même l’éventuelle rencontre, tout autant que la définition des attentes envers le possible partenaire, positionnent différemment l’individu par rapport à une rencontre « classique (...)
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    Overcoming patriarchal constraints:: The reconstruction of gender relations among mexican immigrant women and men.Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo - 1992 - Gender and Society 6 (3):393-415.
    This article examines how gender shapes the migration and settlement experiences of Mexican immigrant women and men. The article compares the experiences of families in which the husbands departed prior to 1965 to those in which the husbands departed after 1965 and argues that the lengthy spousal separations altered patterns of patriarchal authority and the traditional gendered household division of labor. This induced a trend toward more egalitarian conjugal relations upon settlement in the United States. Examining the changing (...)
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  13.  79
    A Hamiltonian Formulation of Gravitational Theory that Allows One to Consider Curvature and Torsion as Conjugate Variables.Venzo de Sabbata & Luca Ronchetti - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (7):1099-1117.
    We consider a quadratic Lagrangian, in both curvature and torsion, with the aim of exploring the possibility that torsion and curvature behave as conjugate variables satisfying the commutation relations. For that proposal we first show that torsion represents a quantum correction to the classical equations of motion. We then observe that we have to introduce the spin in the Einstein theory with two spaces: a real space-time where we describe the curvature with tensors; and a complex space-time, where we (...)
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    La solitude du devenir mère, enjeux individuel, conjugal, familial et sociétal. Exploration d’un cas clinique.Delphine Vennat, Denis Mellier & Rose-Angélique Belot - 2021 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 233 (3):117-136.
    Dans les pays occidentaux, de nombreux nouveaux parents se sentent seuls et parfois impuissants avec leur nouveau-né. Ce sentiment peut être lié à un défaut d’étayage familial dans l’immédiat post-partum. Cet article présente, à partir d’une recherche universitaire plus large, un cas clinique approfondi dans lequel la distance familiale et géographique a été un facteur de vulnérabilité majeur. Ce cas montre les incidences multiples et intriquées d’un défaut d’étayage familial sur les processus intrapsychiques et intersubjectifs : dépression du post-partum chez (...)
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    Le micro-ordinateur dans l'espace conjugal.Laurence Le Douarin - 2002 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 112 (1):169.
    L’entrée de l’ordinateur cristallise les relations latentes à la vie de couple et les contradictions qui la minent. Pour comprendre ces effets, encore faut-il connaître le devenir de la vie conjugale. En effet, un objet technique n’a de sens que dans la mesure où il s’inscrit dans un corps social traversé par ses propres dynamiques. L’ordinateur accentue donc, plutôt qu’il ne crée, certains traits d’évolution de la famille et des rapports homme/femme. Il intervient dans un univers déjà investi par (...)
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    Writing down one's emotions. The conjugal relationships of French couples during the First World War.Clémentine Vidal-Naquet - 2018 - Clio 47:117-137.
    Pendant la Grande Guerre, les millions de lettres échangées entre les soldats mobilisés et leurs conjointes permettent d’observer les rapports conjugaux qui se recomposent, se nouent ou se dénouent alors. Elles constituent des sources précieuses pour étudier la place des émotions dans la fabrication de nouvelles relations à distance. Cet article interroge le genre des émotions déployées dans les relations conjugales à distance, et suit trois objectifs : questionner la façon dont s’expriment et se décrivent, en commun ou (...)
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    Le maintien des relations enfants-parents à l'épreuve de la séparation.Jean Gréchez - 2005 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 167 (1):89-98.
    Intervenant depuis 1987 dans un Point Rencontre AFCCC à Bordeaux puis à Pau (structures appelées officiellement aujourd’hui Espaces Rencontre pour le Maintien des Relations Enfants-Parents), mais également psychothérapeute psychanalytique de couple et médiateur familial, l’auteur tente, par la confrontation de ces approches cliniques différentes, d’éclairer d’un regard nouveau la question du conflit conjugal qui, pour lui aujourd’hui, n’est plus la cause de ces situations de crise et de ruptures extrêmes mais l’expression du symptôme d’une problématique relationnelle entre parent (...)
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    Sexual Symmetry: Love in the Ancient Novel and Related Genres (review). [REVIEW]Andrew Walker - 1996 - American Journal of Philology 117 (1):165-167.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Sexual Symmetry: Love in the Ancient Novel and Related GenresAndrew WalkerDavid Konstan. Sexual Symmetry: Love in the Ancient Novel and Related Genres. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994. xiii + 270 pp. Cloth, $35.“Thus there begins to develop an erotics different from the one that had taken its starting point in the love of boys.... This new erotics organizes itself around the symmetrical and reciprocal relationship of a man (...)
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    The metabolic burden associated with plasmid acquisition: An assessment of the unrecognized benefits to host cells.Heather D. Curtsinger, Sofía Martínez-Absalón, Yuchang Liu & Allison J. Lopatkin - 2025 - Bioessays 47 (2):2400164.
    Bacterial conjugation, wherein DNA is transferred between cells through direct contact, is highly prevalent in complex microbial communities and is responsible for spreading myriad genes related to human and environmental health. Despite their importance, much remains unknown regarding the mechanisms driving the spread and persistence of these plasmids in situ. Studies have demonstrated that transferring, acquiring, and maintaining a plasmid imposes a significant metabolic burden on the host. Simultaneously, emerging evidence suggests that the presence of a conjugative plasmid can also (...)
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  20.  23
    Campaña contra la bidʿa conyugal en el norte de Marruecos durante el siglo XVI.Tomoaki Shinoda - 2021 - Al-Qantara 42 (1):08-08.
    This paper investigates the campaign waged by Islamic scholars affiliating to the Shādhiliyya-Jazūliyya Sufi order among tribal people in the mountain region of Northern Morocco in the sixteenth century. It examines these scholars’ campaign against bidʿa in the mountains, focusing on their attacks against traditional practices related to marriage and conjugal life that they considered religiously and morally aberrant. The primary source discussed here is a guidebook for marriage, titled Etiquette of Husband and Wife, containing diverse legal doctrines, fatwās, (...)
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    A note on quantum theory, complementarity, and uncertainty.Paul Busch & Pekka J. Lahti - 1985 - Philosophy of Science 52 (1):64-77.
    Uncertainty relations and complementarity of canonically conjugate position and momentum observables in quantum theory are discussed with respect to some general coupling properties of a function and its Fourier transform. The question of joint localization of a particle on bounded position and momentum value sets and the relevance of this question to the interpretation of position-momentum uncertainty relations is surveyed. In particular, it is argued that the Heisenberg interpretation of the uncertainty relations can consistently be carried through (...)
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    August Weismann Embraces the Protozoa.Frederick B. Churchill - 2010 - Journal of the History of Biology 43 (4):767 - 800.
    This paper examines the contents and institutional context of August Weismann's long essay on Amphimixis (1891). Therein he presented detailed discussions of his on-going studies of reduction division and parthenogenesis, but more to the point, he included an elaborate examination of Émile Maupas's two major publications in protozoology. To understand the relevance of this part to the other two, the author briefly reviews highpoints in earlier nineteenth century protozoology and concludes that only in the mid-1870s and 1880s did protozoa add (...)
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  23.  44
    Human Lactation, Pair-bonds, and Alloparents.Robert J. Quinlan & Marsha B. Quinlan - 2008 - Human Nature 19 (1):87-102.
    The evolutionary origin of human pair-bonds is uncertain. One hypothesis, supported by data from forgers, suggests that pair-bonds function to provision mothers and dependent offspring during lactation. Similarly, public health data from large-scale industrial societies indicate that single mothers tend to wean their children earlier than do women living with a mate. Here we examine relations between pair-bond stability, alloparenting, and cross-cultural trends in breastfeeding using data from 58 “traditional” societies in the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample (SCCS). Analyses show that (...)
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  24.  40
    When Silence Reigns. Traces of Women’s Voices on Sexuality in the xviith century.Sylvie Steinberg - 2010 - Clio 31:79-110.
    Les historiens qui se sont intéressés à la sexualité au xviie siècle ont souvent noté qu’il était rare d’accéder à une parole féminine. Quelques bribes en subsistent pourtant, que délivrent les biographies et autobiographies spirituelles de femmes dévotes et les archives des tribunaux d’Église (Officialités). À partir de cette parole enchâssée dans d’autres discours – ceux des hommes et femmes d’Église qui les recueillent, ceux des juges qui les enregistrent –, opacifiée par des visées particulières – hagiographique ou judiciaire –, (...)
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    On a relativistic particle in probabilistic physics.L. S. Mayants - 1974 - Foundations of Physics 4 (3):335-353.
    Some problems relating to the probabilistic description of a free particle and of a charged particle moving in an electromagnetic field are discussed. A critical analysis of the Klein-Gordon equation and of the Dirac equation is given. It is also shown that there is no connection between commutativity of operators for physical quantities and the existence of their joint probability. It is demonstrated that the Heisenberg uncertainty relation is not universal and explained why this is so. A universal uncertainty relation (...)
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    Greater Self, Lesser Self: Dimensions of Self‐Interest in Chinese Filial Piety.Jack Barbalet - 2014 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 44 (2):186-205.
    While self-interest is depreciated in Confucian ethics the processes of family relations in traditional China are animated by the self-interested actions of family members. The paper outlines the Confucian ideology of filial piety which is commensurate with the governance of family life organized hierarchically and through the senior male's management of the joint-family's collective property. The structure, operations and principles of membership in traditional Chinese families are indicated, highlighting the tensions within them between consanguinity and conjugality and their material (...)
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  27.  54
    On some peculiarities of quantum mechanics.L. S. Mayants - 1977 - Foundations of Physics 7 (1-2):3-28.
    General regularities related toLagrangian andHamiltonian equations are revealed. Probability distributions for functions ofHamiltonian random variables are considered. It is shown that all probability distributions of this kind are fully determined by the probability distributions for the random variables satisfying the corresponding Lagrangian equations. Some formulas related tocanonically conjugate operators are given. The similarity of these formulas to those related to Hamiltonian random variables is demonstrated. The “quantum approach” to the treatment of Hamiltonian random variables is discussed, and the origin of (...)
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    Class-based masculinities: The interdependence of gender, class, and interpersonal power.Karen D. Pyke - 1996 - Gender and Society 10 (5):527-549.
    This article presents a theoretical framework that views interpersonal power as interdependent with broader structures of gender and class inequalities. In contrast to oversimplified, gender-neutral or gender-static approaches, this approach illuminates the ways that structures of inequality are expressed in ideological hegemonies, which enhance, legitimate, and mystify the interpersonal power of privileged men relative to lower-status men and women in general. The discussion centers on how the relational construction of ascendant and subordinated masculinities provide men with different modes of interpersonal (...)
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    Couples and love in Aragon (15th-16th c.).Martine Charageat - 2011 - Clio 34:41-60.
    L’amour conjugal existe au Moyen Âge, la littérature en est un lieu d’expression privilégié. Visible également dans les sources épistolaires ou notariales, il est cependant plus difficile à aborder à travers les archives judiciaires, notamment les procès matrimoniaux ecclésiastiques. L’officialité de Saragosse au xve siècle est par excellence la cour où sont jugés les litiges conjugaux. Les procès consultés offrent un récit récurrent de la relation conflictuelle entre époux et laissent à penser que l’amour n’y a guère sa place. (...)
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    The impact of epidemics on world population prospects for the 21st century: genetic, epidemiologic and bioethical issues.A. Falek - 1999 - Global Bioethics 12 (1-4):43-50.
    New data of recent researches on genetics and epidemiology imply the idea of rapidly evolving viruses through DNA recombination, which leads to the establishment of new virus families, eventually adapted to the environmental conditions. Consequently the framework of the epidemiological studies widens, replacing the classic aspect of the bilateral virus—host coexistence.An holistic evolutionary approach, considering all the complex interrelationship among viruses, parasites and hosts, in conjugation with the environmental changes is developing.Molecular epidemiology and updated population models renew the health strategy (...)
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    Self, cognition, qualia, and world in quantum brain dynamics.Gordon G. Globus - 1998 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 5 (1):34-52.
    If the brain has a level of quantum functioning that permits superposition of possibilities and nonlocal control of states, then new answers to the problem of the consciousness/brain relation become available. My discussion is based on Yasue and co-workers’ account of a quantum field theory of brain functioning, called ‘quantum brain dynamics’. In the framework developed each person can properly state: ‘I am nonlocal control and my meanings are control variables.’ Cognition is identified with a conjugate reality and perception is (...)
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  32.  48
    Torsion Fields, Cartan–Weyl Space–Time and State-Space Quantum Geometries, their Brownian Motions, and the Time Variables.Diego L. Rapoport - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (4-5):813-854.
    We review the relation between spacetime geometries with trace-torsion fields, the so-called Riemann–Cartan–Weyl (RCW) geometries, and their associated Brownian motions. In this setting, the drift vector field is the metric conjugate of the trace-torsion one-form, and the laplacian defined by the RCW connection is the differential generator of the Brownian motions. We extend this to the state-space of non-relativistic quantum mechanics and discuss the relation between a non-canonical quantum RCW geometry in state-space associated with the gradient of the quantum-mechanical expectation (...)
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    Currents in a theory of strong interaction based on a fiber bundle geometry.W. Drechsler - 1977 - Foundations of Physics 7 (9-10):629-671.
    A fiber bundle constructed over spacetime is used as the basic underlying framework for a differential geometric description of extended hadrons. The bundle has a Cartan connection and possesses the de Sitter groupSO(4, 1) as structural group, operating as a group of motion in a locally defined space of constant curvature (the fiber) characterized by a radius of curvatureR≈10−13 cm related to the strong interactions. A hadronic matter field ω(x, ζ) is defined on the bundle space, withx the spacetime coordinate (...)
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  34. Philosophical Sketches on African Becomings.Jean-Godefroy Bidima & Beatrice McGeoch - 1998 - Diogenes 46 (184):169-196.
    When the “object” gazed at is called Africa and when the gazing subject is Africa, the observer cannot help but conclude that any gaze that is related to Africa is an intersection of gazes calling forth several questions: Who is looking at Africa? What is Africa looking at? Who looks at the one who is looking at Africa? Two problems emerge from this: the identification of the subject, and the discrimination among objects and themes produced by the limited scope of (...)
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    Making the Quantum of Relevance.Constantin Antonopoulos - 2005 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 36 (2):223-241.
    The two Heisenberg Uncertainties (UR) entail an incompatibility between the two pairs of conjugated variables E, t and p, q. But incompatibility comes in two kinds, exclusive of one another. There is incompatibility defineable as: (p → − q) & (q→ − p) or defineable as [(p →− q) & (q →− p)] ↔ r. The former kind is unconditional, the latter conditional. The former, in accordance, is fact independent, and thus a matter of logic, the latter fact dependent, and (...)
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  36. Chaotic Neuron Dynamics, Synchronization, and Feature Binding: Quantum Aspects.Tito Arecchi - 2003 - Mind and Matter 1 (1):15-43.
    A central issue of cognitive neuroscience is to understand how a large collection of coupled neurons combines external signals with internal memories into new coherent patterns of meaning. An external stimulus localized at some input spreads over a large assembly of coupled neurons, building up a collective state univocally corresponding to the stimulus. Thus, the synchronization of spike trains of many individual neurons is the basis of a coherent perception. Based on recent investigations of homoclinic chaotic systems and their synchronization, (...)
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    Human without Image: Deleuzian Critique beyond the Neighbourhood Effect.Chas Phillips - 2020 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 14 (1):152-176.
    In this article, I draw resources from Deleuze's Difference and Repetition to develop an explanation and critique of invasive policing techniques on certain populations in the United States. First, I analyse recent studies revealing the neighbourhood effects of aggressive policing on those who never directly encounter officers. Second, I use Deleuze's concepts of the virtual, potentiality, the Idea and problems to illuminate the limitations to studying these effects that are inherent in a social scientific approach. I then use Deleuze's discussion (...)
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    Non-forking frames in abstract elementary classes.Adi Jarden & Saharon Shelah - 2013 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164 (3):135-191.
    The stability theory of first order theories was initiated by Saharon Shelah in 1969. The classification of abstract elementary classes was initiated by Shelah, too. In several papers, he introduced non-forking relations. Later, Shelah [17, II] introduced the good non-forking frame, an axiomatization of the non-forking notion.We improve results of Shelah on good non-forking frames, mainly by weakening the stability hypothesis in several important theorems, replacing it by the almost λ-stability hypothesis: The number of types over a model of (...)
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    Early Connection between Cytology and Mendelism: Michael F. Guyer's Contribution.Patrick Bungener & Marino Buscaglia - 2003 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 25 (1):27 - 50.
    This paper examines the contribution of the PhD dissertation of the American cytologist Michael F. Guyer (1874-1959) to the early establishment (in 1902-1903) of the parallel relationship between cytological chromosome behaviour in meiosis and Mendel's laws. Guyer's suggestions were among the first, which attempted to relate the variation observed in the offspring in hybridisation studies by a coherent cytological chromosome mechanism to meiosis before the rediscovery of Mendel's principles. This suggested for the first time that the chromosome mechanism involved a (...)
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  40. Capital and the Imaginary: A Study on the Commodity as a Poetical Object.Margherita Pascucci - 2003 - Dissertation, New York University
    Moving from the contemporary transformations of labor as form of production, this dissertation tries to question the role that 'knowledge' has, both as element of capitalist production and as its subverting tool. By setting a parallelism between Capital's mechanism and the workings of the Imagination, this study tracks the genealogy of 'Immaterial labor', main figure of this transformation, back to Marx's notion of phantasmagoria and to the reading that Walter Benjamin gave of it . It develops a path still latent (...)
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  41. (1 other version)Moral principles and practice.G. J. MacGillivray - 1933 - New York,: Sheed & Ward.
    Man's ultimate end, by the Rev. Father James.--Free will and responsibility, by H. Pope.--The criteria of morality, by the Rev. Father James.--Law and its obligations, by T. Flynn.--Conscience, by B. Grimley.--The natural virtues, by H. Carpenter.--The supernatural virtues, by H. Carpenter.--Merit and demerit, by H. Pope.--Rights natural and civil, by T. E. Flynn.--The right to private property, by L. Watt.--Marriage and conjugal duties, by H. Davis.--The duties of parents, by H. Davis.--The purpose and authority of civil society, by B. (...)
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    European perspectives on big data applied to health: The case of biobanks and human databases.Itziar de Lecuona & María Villalobos-Quesada - 2018 - Developing World Bioethics 18 (3):291-298.
    Introduction The paradigm shift to a knowledge‐based economy has incremented the use of personal information applied to health‐related activities, such as biomedical research, innovation, and commercial initiatives. The convergence of science, technology, communication and data technologies has given rise to the application of big data to health; for example through eHealth, human databases and biobanks. Methods In light of these changes, we enquire about the value of personal data and its appropriate use. In order to illustrate the complex ground on (...)
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    Quantum mechanics of space and time.H. S. Green - 1978 - Foundations of Physics 8 (7-8):573-591.
    A formulation of relativistic quantum mechanics is presented independent of the theory of Hilbert space and also independent of the hypothesis of spacetime manifold. A hierarchy is established in the nondistributive lattice of physical ensembles, and it is shown that the projections relating different members of the hierarchy form a semigroup. It is shown how to develop a statistical theory based on the definition of a statistical operator. Involutions defined on the matrix representations of the semigroup are interpreted in terms (...)
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    Colorism as Marriage Capital: Cross-Region Marriage Migration in India and Dark-Skinned Migrant Brides.Reena Kukreja - 2021 - Gender and Society 35 (1):85-109.
    This article, based on original research from 57 villages in four provinces from North and East India, sheds light on a hitherto unexplored gendered impact of colorism in facilitating noncustomary cross-region marriage migrations in India. Within socioeconomically marginalized groups from India’s development peripheries, the hegemonic construct of fairness as “capital” conjoins with both regressive patriarchal gender norms governing marriage and female sexuality and the monetization of social relations, through dowry, to foreclose local marriage options for darker-hued women. This dispossession (...)
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  45.  7
    Adaptive mutation: implications for evolution.Virginia E. Papaioannou & Lee M. Silver - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (12):1067-1074.
    Adaptive mutation is defined as a process that, during nonlethal selections, produces mutations that relieve the selective pressure whether or not other, nonselected mutations are also produced. Examples of adaptive mutation or related phenomena have been reported in bacteria and yeast but not yet outside of microorganisms. A decade of research on adaptive mutation has revealed mechanisms that may increase mutation rates under adverse conditions. This article focuses on mechanisms that produce adaptive mutations in one strain of Escherichia coli, FC40. (...)
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    Geometric division problems, quadratic equations, and recursive geometric algorithms in Mesopotamian mathematics.Jöran Friberg - 2014 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 68 (1):1-34.
    Most of what is told in this paper has been told before by the same author, in a number of publications of various kinds, but this is the first time that all this material has been brought together and treated in a uniform way. Smaller errors in the earlier publications are corrected here without comment. It has been known since the 1920s that quadratic equations played a prominent role in Babylonian mathematics. See, most recently, Høyrup (Hist Sci 34:1–32, 1996, and (...)
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    Enjeux et limites de la médiation familiale.Jean Gréchez - 2005 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 170 (4):31-44.
    À l’heure où la médiation familiale connaît une médiatisation sans précédent en matière d’accompagnement social et familial avec, notamment, l’apparition d’un nouveau métier sanctionné par un diplôme d’État, l’auteur, pratiquant des médiations familiales depuis 1989, intervenant depuis 1987 dans un Espace Rencontre pour le maintien des relations enfant-parents à Bordeaux puis à Pau, et également conseiller conjugal et familial et psychothérapeute psychanalytique de couple, attire l’attention des professionnels du champ de la famille sur les limites de cette nouvelle (...)
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  48. Chaotic neuron dynamics, synchronization, and feature binding: Quantum aspects.F. Tito Arecchi - 2003 - Mind and Matter 1 (1):15-43.
    A central issue of cognitive neuroscience is to understand how a large collection of coupled neurons combines external signals with internal memories into new coherent patterns of meaning. An external stimulus localized at some input spreads over a large assembly of coupled neurons, building up a collective state univocally corresponding to the stimulus. Thus, the synchronization of spike trains of many individual neurons is the basis of a coherent perception. Based on recent investigations of homoclinic chaotic systems and their synchronization, (...)
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    Adaptive mutation: implications for evolution.Patricia L. Foster - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (12):1067-1074.
    Adaptive mutation is defined as a process that, during nonlethal selections, produces mutations that relieve the selective pressure whether or not other, nonselected mutations are also produced. Examples of adaptive mutation or related phenomena have been reported in bacteria and yeast but not yet outside of microorganisms. A decade of research on adaptive mutation has revealed mechanisms that may increase mutation rates under adverse conditions. This article focuses on mechanisms that produce adaptive mutations in one strain of Escherichia coli, FC40. (...)
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  50. Quantum theory: A Hilbert space formalism for probability theory.R. Eugene Collins - 1977 - Foundations of Physics 7 (7-8):475-494.
    It is shown that the Hilbert space formalism of quantum mechanics can be derived as a corrected form of probability theory. These constructions yield the Schrödinger equation for a particle in an electromagnetic field and exhibit a relationship of this equation to Markov processes. The operator formalism for expectation values is shown to be related to anL 2 representation of marginal distributions and a relationship of the commutation rules for canonically conjugate observables to a topological relationship of two manifolds is (...)
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