Results for ' education, one's unconscious in a social context, a new holism'

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  1. Deleuze, ethical education, and the unconscious.Todd May & Inna Semetsky - unknown
    While teaching values is an important part of education, contemporary moral education, however, presents a set of pre-established values to be inculcated rather than comprising a critical inquiry into their possible rightness and wrongness. This essay proposes a somewhat different direction by saying that education, rather than concerning itself with the moral, should concern itself with the ethical. Although morals and ethics are usually equated, we use ethical here as posited by Gilles Deleuze's question of who we might be, based (...)
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    Educational myth: Persistence, resistances, breaks and connections. The secret of telematic art.Patrizia Moschella - 2012 - Technoetic Arts 10 (1):17-23.
    As Malinowsky states, myth is closely related to rite, presenting the social and moral values that rite asserts in each cyclical repetition. Rite marks the threshold between the sacred and profane, allowing access to myth as an art form, as a narrative expression both of the sacred – in the extension of meaning Emile Durkheim introduced with the term ‘collective consciousness’ – and of the ‘collective unconscious’ as Jung defined it. If it is true that the rite of (...)
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    The new holism: P4 systems medicine and the medicalization of health and life itself.Henrik Vogt, Bjørn Hofmann & Linn Getz - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (2):307-323.
    The emerging concept of systems medicine (or ‘P4 medicine’—predictive, preventive, personalized and participatory) is at the vanguard of the post-genomic movement towards ‘precision medicine’. It is the medical application of systems biology, the biological study of wholes. Of particular interest, P4 systems medicine is currently promised as a revolutionary new biomedical approach that is holistic rather than reductionist. This article analyzes its concept of holism, both with regard to methods and conceptualization of health and disease. Rather than representing a (...)
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    Medical Education for What?: Neoliberal Fascism Versus Social Justice.Brian McKenna - 2021 - Journal of Medical Humanities 42 (4):587-602.
    In her 2018 book, What the Eyes Don’t See, Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha wrote that it is the duty of doctors to speak out against injustice. In fact, no other physician or institution in Flint had done the research and spoken out, as a whistleblower, against the poisoning of Flint’s children by Michigan government. Why had Dr. Hannah-Attisha? Unfortunately, in the absence of a medical education system that teaches community-oriented primary health care in the tradition of the 1978 Alma Ata Declaration, (...)
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    Some Considerations on the Educational “Situation”, Between Performativity and Commitment.Elena Madrussan - 2023 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 27 (1S):37-43.
    Considering the distortion of meaning to which the word lends itself in the neo-liberal use of the expression “stay-at/in-situation” with reference to school and educational contexts, my brief analysis will focus on the meaning the word originally assumed in the phenomenological-existential vocabulary. Here, in fact, ‘situation’ does not only identify the necessary anchorage to the already-given contingency, but mainly describes the relation of meaning between subject and reality. In the first case, the prescription of being constrained (even morally) by the (...)
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    Supporting Holistic Wellbeing for Performing Artists During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Recovery: Study Protocol.Melanie Stuckey, Véronique Richard, Adam Decker, Patrice Aubertin & Dean Kriellaars - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in the abrupt closure of circus schools, venues, and companies, introducing a myriad of novel stressors. Performers and students must now attempt to maintain their technical, physical, artistic, creative, and cognitive abilities without in-person support from their coaches and must manage the isolation from their training and performing spaces. For circus artists, the transposition of the work space to a home environment is not possible, which creates novel stressors that could lead to the exacerbation and escalation (...)
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    “Social Studies of Science and Technology”: CD'ROM for Science, Technology and Society Education.María Elena Macías Llanes - 2007 - Humanidades Médicas 7 (3).
    En la Universidad Médica “Carlos J. Finlay”, se realiza una intervención educativa con el objetivo de valorar la concepción y aplicación de un programa para un curso de preparación de metodólogos en correspondencia con sus funciones en condiciones de universalización de las Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey, en el periodo de septiembre de 2005 a junio de 2007. Se emplean diferentes métodos investigativos: los teóricos, así como la técnica de discusión grupal, permitió diseñar el programa del curso para la preparación de (...)
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    Holism and the Understanding of Science: Integrating the Analytical, Historical and Sociological.Louis Caruana - 2000 - Routledge.
    "This book addresses issues which are central in the philosophy of science, exploring a large and relevant literature. It should be of broad interest in the philosophy of science community." Professor Peter Lipton, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge, UK. How can the complexities of understanding science be dealt with as a whole? Is philosophical realism still a defensible philosophical position? Exploring such fundamental questions, this book claims that science ought to be understood in terms of (...)
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  9. Holism, relevance, and thought content.Henry Jackman - 1999 - Proceedings of the Ohio Philosophical Association 1999:140-151.
    NB: This paper has been largely displaced by my: “Externalism, Metasemantic Contextualism and Self-Knowledge”, in Goldberg, (ed.) Externalism, Self-Knowledge and Skepticism. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015, pp. 228-247. // -/- While straightforwardly ambiguous words like “bank” and obviously indexical words like “I” are unproblematically treated as referring to different things in different contexts, such variations are displayed by terms that seem neither ambiguous nor indexical. This paper will argue that traditional accounts of word meaning (in which a single fixed (...)
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    Education, philosophy and well-being: new perspectives on the work of John White.Judith Suissa, Carrie Winstanley & Roger Marples (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    John White is one of the leading philosophers of education currently working in the Anglophone world. Since first joining the London Institute of Education in 1965, he has made significant contributions to the landscape of the discipline through his teaching, research and numerous publications. His academic work encompasses a broad range of rich philosophical issues, ranging from questions surrounding the child's mind, through the moral and pedagogical obligations of teachers and schools, to local and national questions of educational policy. In (...)
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  11.  14
    The Development of Philosophical Thinking: An Imperative of Modern Education.Елена Михайловна Сергейчик - 2024 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 66 (4):82-101.
    The core objective of this article is to advocate for the cultivation of philosophical thinking, a pivotal element that fosters a profound understanding of the evolutionary trajectory of the information society and the human role within this paradigm. An examination of the unique attributes of the information-communicative educational space, coupled with the tenets of post-classical knowledge, underscores the imperative for nurturing human capabilities and personality traits essential for efficacious self-identification within the information society. The anthropological nature of philosophy focuses on (...)
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  12.  78
    The Modern Religious Language of Education: Rousseau’s Emile. [REVIEW]Fritz Osterwalder - 2012 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 31 (5):435-447.
    The Republican education, its concepts, theories, and form of discourse belong to the shared European heritage of the pre-modern Age. The pedagogy of humanism and its effects on the early Modern Age are represented by Republicanism. Even if Republicanism found a political continuation in liberalism and democratism of the Modern Age, the same cannot be said of pedagogic continuity without some reservations. In pedagogy of the Modern Age an alternative to Republicanism prevails that builds onto a body of concepts, discourse, (...)
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  13.  29
    Deleuze's Philosophy and Jung's Psychology: Learning and the Unconscious.Inna Semetsky & Joshua Ramey - 2012 - In Jung and Educational Theory. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 63–75.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Self‐education Affects and Experience How We Learn Becoming‐other New Ethics A Concluding Remark References.
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    Child Development Within Contexts: Cultural-Historical Research and Educational Practice.Nikolai Veresov, Sarika Kewalramani & Junqian Ma - 2024 - Springer Nature Singapore.
    This book examines the pedagogical encounters within children's ecological and socio-cultural historical contexts, and aspects of playful learning and development within these contexts. It addresses research and practices varying across learning contexts, providing easily adaptable exemplary practices leading to children's positive learning and development. The book offers a unified general cultural-historical theoretical model for exploring new contexts at different stages of children's learning and development. It suggests studying contexts as a source of development, as social situations of development. It (...)
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  15. Islamic Education, Eco-ethics and Community.Najma Mohamed - 2013 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 33 (3):315-328.
    Amid the growing coalescence between the religion and ecology movements, the voice of Muslims who care for the earth and its people is rising. While the Islamic position on the environment is not well-represented in the ecotheology discourse, it advances an environmental imaginary which shows how faith can be harnessed as a vehicle for social change. This article will draw upon doctoral research which synthesised the Islamic ecological ethic (eco-ethic) from sacred texts, traditions and contemporary thought, and illustrated how (...)
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    Education as social system: from philosophical conceptualization to educational communication (version by Niklas Luhmann).Oleksandr Korol - 2024 - Filosofiya osvity Philosophy of Education 29 (2):160-174.
    This article examines the issue of education from the point of the system theory of the modern German sociologist Niklas Luhmann. The main goal was to present arguments in favor of the possibility of education as a system, to describe its main functions and to highlight the problem of the medium. Firstly, the problem of translation of the German term Erziehung and its English counterpart Education was described; the existence of ambiguity, due to which it is possible in the context (...)
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    Education: An Introductory Reader.Rudolf Steiner - 2003 - Rudolf Steiner Press.
    Rudolf Steiner, the often undervalued, multifaceted genius of modern times, contributed much to the regeneration of culture. In addition to his philosophical teachings, he provided ideas for the development of many practical activities including education--both general and special--agriculture, medicine, economics, architecture, science, religion, and the arts. Today there are thousands of schools, clinics, farms, and many other organizations based on his ideas. Steiner's original contribution to human knowledge was based on his ability to conduct spiritual research, the investigation of metaphysical (...)
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    Examining Interprofessional Education Through the Lens of Interdisciplinarity: Power, Knowledge and New Ontological Subjects.Rebecca E. Olson & Caragh Brosnan - 2017 - Minerva 55 (3):299-319.
    Interprofessional education – students of different professions learning together, from and about each other – is increasingly common in health professional degrees. Despite its explicit aims of transforming identities, practices and relationships within/across health professions, IPE remains under-theorised sociologically, with most IPE scholarship focussed on evaluating specific interventions. In particular, the significance of a shared knowledge base for shaping professional power and subjectivity in IPE has been overlooked. In this paper we begin to develop a framework for theorising IPE in (...)
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    Conditioned to Believe: Hobbes on Religion, Education, and Social Context.Alissa MacMillan - 2017 - Hobbes Studies 30 (2):156-177.
    _ Source: _Volume 30, Issue 2, pp 156 - 177 Using the example of ghosts and religion, this paper argues for the importance of social context and background operative in Hobbes’s account of social life and, in particular, the role of environment, education, and language in explaining much of what we think we know, and much of what we believe. The paper looks to aspects of Hobbes’s epistemology and his account of belief, to make the case that he (...)
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    Ethical slippages, shattered horizons, and the zebra striping of the unconscious: Fanon on social, bodily, and psychical space.Shannon Sullivan - 2004 - Philosophy and Geography 7 (1):9-24.
    While Sigmund Freud and Maurice Merleau‐Ponty both acknowledge the role that spatiality plays in human life, neither pays any explicit attention to the intersections of race and space. It is Franz Fanon who uses psychoanalysis and phenomenology to provide an account of how the psychical and lived bodily existence of black people is racially constituted by a racist world. More precisely, as I argue in this paper, Fanon's work demonstrates how psychical and bodily spatiality cannot be adequately understood apart from (...)
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    Christian Context of Disability and Special Education Nowadays.Ewa Domagała-Zyśk - 2017 - Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 23 (1-2):243-259.
    Disability studies and special educational needs studies are becoming more and more popular nowadays as researcher got more evidence about both needs and potential of persons with disabilities. Investigating new possibilities and way of normalisations should be definitely based on stable anthropological principle as only then one can be sure that persons with disabilities are treated with brotherhood, dignity and respect, not as object of therapy, rehabilitation and medical procedures, but fully human subjects at every stage of their life. The (...)
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    (1 other version)Methodological seminar “Mass culture, education and the perspective of individuality"”.Panos Eliopoulos & Lyudmyla Gorbunova - 2016 - Філософія Освіти 18 (1):47-71.
    The Methodological seminar was conducted by the scientific journal “Philosophy of Education”. The participants of the seminar were Prof. Panos Eliopoulos, Lyudmyla Gorbunova, Mykhailo Boychenko, Olga Gomilko, Mariia Kultaieva, Volodymyr Kovtunets, Sergiy Kurbatov, Anna Laktionova, Tetiana Matusevych, Natalia Radionova, Iryna Stepanenko, Maya Trynyak and Viktor Zinchenko. On March 30, 2016, a methodological seminar was conducted at the Institute of Higher Education NAES of Ukraine. This seminar was devoted to the discussion of educational problems in the area of mass culture, and (...)
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    Educating the Heart and the Mind: Conceptualizing inclusive pedagogy for sustainable development.Mousumi Mukherjee - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (5):531-549.
    There is growing global consensus that inequality is making sustainable development goals unattainable. Social inclusion of the historically marginalized and equality of opportunity is crucial for sustainable development. Inclusive quality education for all is therefore considered as one of the three main targets for sustainable development according to UNESCO’s Incheon declaration in 2015. This paper draws on an institutional ethnography of a globally interconnected old colonial school’s inclusive pedagogic work in postcolonial India. The school’s work has been much celebrated (...)
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  24. The Utility of Jan Smuts’ Theory of Holism for Philosophical Counseling.Guy du Plessis & Robert Weathers - 2022 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 8 (1):80-102.
    This article explores the potential utility of the theory of Holism as developed by South African philosopher, British Commonwealth statesman and military leader, Jan Smuts, for philosophical counselling or practice. Central to the philosophical counseling process is philosophical counsellors or practitioners applying the work of philosophers to inspire, educate and guide their counselees in dealing with life problems. For example, Logic-Based Therapy, a method of philosophical counselling developed by Elliot Cohen, provides a rational framework for confronting problems of living, (...)
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  25. Holistic Engineering Ethics?Eddie Conlon, Diana Adela Martin & Brian Bowe - 2018 - Proceedings of the Engineering Education for Sustainable Development Conference.
    This paper focuses on the question of What kind of engineering ethics (EE) is needed to develop holistic engineers who can practice and promote the principles of sustainable development? -/- It is argued that, given the existence of other models, an approach to EE, as argued for at EESD 2016, centred on “training engineers for handling ethical dilemmas in sustainability contexts” (Lundqvist and Svanstrom 2016) is inadequate to address the sustainability challenge facing engineers.. We contend that while EE is now (...)
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    Ottoman Educational Institutions During and After 18th Century.Osman Taşteki̇n - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (3):1143-1166.
    The main purpose of this study is to become acquainted with the educational institutions in Ottoman Empire during and after the 18th century. In this respect, special attention is given to which initiatives were taken in terms of education and which educational institutions were established during the aforementioned period. The need to comply with the West in terms of science, culture, reasoning, and technological advancements has led to the questioning of the current madrasah system. Upon revising the educational system of (...)
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    Knowing One’s Place: Parental Educational Background Influences Social Identification with Academia, Test Anxiety, and Satisfaction with Studying at University.Stefan Janke, Selma C. Rudert, Tamara Marksteiner & Oliver Dickhäuser - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Citizenship Education Goes Digital.Brooke Blevins, Karon LeCompte & Sunny Wells - 2014 - Journal of Social Studies Research 38 (1):33-44.
    After years of neglect, civics education is gaining the attention of educators, political scientists, and politicians in the United States. As recent national citizenship reports have suggested, the level of civic knowledge in the U.S. has remained unchanged or even declined over the past century ( NCES, 2011 ). New technological innovations are, however, providing promising hope for restoring civic education in the United States. This study explores the impact of one of these innovative technologies,, an online civics education (...)
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    Hegel’s concept of education from the point of view of his idea of ‘second nature’.Jure Zovko - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (6-7):652-661.
    This article explores Hegels concept of education within the context of his idea of ‘second nature’. Hegel believes that institutional life forms, which have been formed through education, culture, technical and social progress, constitute the ‘second nature’ of human beings. The immediacy of institutional forms which act as humans’ ‘second nature’ is the product of social and cultural mediation. The phenomenon of morality is here of central importance, because through morality the natural arbitrariness of the will is transformed (...)
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    Fromm and Habermas: Allies for Adult Education and Democracy.Ted Fleming - 2011 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 31 (2):123-136.
    The legacy of the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research has been a powerful force for critically understanding social reality. Erich Fromm was one of the early and best known members of the Institute. Fromm emphasised the centrality of culture and interpersonal relations in the contruction of the psyche. The unconscious was not only the location for buried repressed matter but also for the imaginative potential of the human person. He is a forgotten and neglected contributor to the (...)
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    Conceptualizing Socialization, Qualification, and Subjectification as Purposes of Education†.Sara Juvonen, Heidi Huilla, Sonja Kosunen, Martin Thrupp & Auli Toom - 2024 - Educational Theory 74 (3):389-410.
    The authors of this paper explore Gert Biesta's theorization of three domains of purpose of education: socialization, qualification, and subjectification. The aim is to study the interrelations of the domains and to develop further the theoretical discussion concerning schools' purpose for both individuals and society. Outlining the relationships of the domains of purpose allows one to see how the societal purpose of education is realized in the education of individual students. The domain of socialization sets the stage for the domains (...)
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    Hildegard and Holism.Suzanne M. Phillips & Monique D. Boivin - 2007 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 14 (4):377-379.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hildegard and HolismSuzanne M. Phillips (bio) and Monique D. Boivin (bio)Keywordsbiopsychosocial, integration, medieval, mental illnessWe appreciate the careful and enriching commentary offered by Kroll and by Radden on our paper about holistic views of mental illness in the writings of the twelfth-century abbess and healer Hildegard of Bingen. Both reviewers are well-established figures in the study of historical perspectives on mental illness, an area that we have just begun (...)
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    Challenging the ‘Million Zeros’: The Importance of Imagination for Business Ethics Education.Cécile Rozuel - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 138 (1):39-51.
    Despite increasing the presence of ‘ethics talk’ in business and management curricula, the ability of business ethics educators to question the system and support the development of morally responsible agents is debatable. This is not because of a lack of care or competence; rather, this situation points towards a more general tendency of education to become focused on economic growth, as Nussbaum claims. Revisiting the nature of ethics education, I argue that much moral learning occurs through the imagination, and not (...)
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    Understanding the World Holistically: Heidegger’s Practical Philosophy and the Rethinking of Transcendentality.Niall Keane - 2023 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (1):113-140.
    For Heidegger, world is constitutively bound up with human being’s way of being. Yet after Being and Time he criticizes an excessively one-sided pragmatic reading of his concept of world, insisting that world is more than a referential totality of use involvements, tools, or existential projections. This article examines how Heidegger’s phenomenological analysis should be understood to promote both a practical orientation as well as a more transcendental dimension. The centrality of praxis in Heidegger’s work will not be contested. What (...)
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    Whitehead and Philosophy of Education: The Seamless Coat of Learning.Malcolm D. Evans (ed.) - 1998 - Rodopi.
    That process philosophy can be the foundation of the theory and practice of educating human beings is the main argument of this book. The process philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947) is the particular thinking on which this book is based. Readers are shown that Whitehead's process philosophy provides a frame, a conceptual matrix, that addresses their concerns about education and offers direction for their educative acts. Whitehead theorized that all living entities are connected in some way. Relatedness, connectedness, and (...)
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    Vico’s Theory of Education for the Common Good.Thora Ilin Bayer - 2002 - New Vico Studies 20:19-24.
    Elio Gianturco said, of De mente heroica (On the Heroic Mind) “it is one of the most inspired ‘invitations to learning’ ever penned. . . . The eros of learning has seldom been expressed in more electrifying terms.”Vico advocates the humanist ideal that the goal of education is the realization of the natural bond between eloquence and wisdom. The educated person has the goal of becoming “wisdom speaking” (la sapienza che parla). The aim of the individual in any system of (...)
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  37. John Dewey’s Ideas of Moral Education.Marta Gluchmanová - 2013 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 3 (3-4):149-158.
    I would like to research Dewey’s philosophy of education and its moral issues in context of contemporary debates. Dewey pointed out many moral educational problems which are topical also nowadays (in Slovakia too). Education tends to socialize its members. Dewey focuses especially on the quality and value of the socialization which depends upon the habits and goals of the group including its morality. According to him, to have a large number of common as well as moral values, it is necessary (...)
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  38. Educating Judgment: Learning from the didactics of philosophy and sloyd.Birgit Schaffar & Camilla Kronqvist - 2017 - Revista Española de Educación Comparada 29:110–128.
    Teachers in vocational education face two problems. (1) Learning involves the ability to transcend and modify learned knowledge to new circumstances. How should vocational education prepare students for future, unknown tasks? (2) Students should strive to produce work of good quality. How does vocational education help them develop their faculty of judgment to differentiate between better and worse quality? These two ques- tions are tightly interwoven. The paper compares the didactics of philosophy and sloyd. Both developed independently, but their solutions (...)
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    Unconscious networks: philosophy, psychoanalysis, and artificial intelligence.Luca M. Possati - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book develops an original theoretical framework for understanding human-technology relations. The author's approach, which he calls technoanalysis, analyzes artificial intelligence based on Freudian psychoanalysis, biosemiotics, and Latour's actor-network theory. How can we communicate with AI to determine shared values and objectives? And what, ultimately, do we want from machines? These are crucial questions in our world, where the influence of AI-based technologies is rapidly growing. Unconscious dynamics influence AI and digital technology and understanding them is essential to better (...)
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    The Gift of Gametes – Unconscious Motivation, Commodification and Problematics of Genealogy.Joan Raphael-Leff - 2010 - Feminist Review 94 (1):117-137.
    Three-way baby making is not new: genetic surrogacy existed in Biblical times and donor insemination was recorded in Britain over 200 years ago. However, the gift of gametes between women breaks all social conventions. This paper examines the phenomenon of gamete-donation questioning whether a ‘gift’ of such magnitude can ever be ‘free’ (as the Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority advocates), or a ‘true’ gift (in Derridian terms). Exploration of this unprecedented ‘gift’ from a psychoanalytic approach is supplemented by an (...)
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    Unconscious Emotions and the Limits of Phenomenology: Husserl, Lipps and Freud.Maria Gyemant - forthcoming - Human Studies:1-24.
    Can an emotion be unconscious? The aim of this paper is to answer this difficult question. Is it possible for an emotion to be a fully lived experience and at the same time remain unknown to the subject? Or, in clearer terms, how can one have a feeling without actually feeling it? At first sight, it seems impossible to imagine the existence of unconscious emotions. If, unlike ideas and other cognitive experiences, the essence of an emotion does not (...)
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    PESA archives: The social histories of philosophy of education.Margaret Joan Stuart - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (10):1006-1013.
    There is a move to centralise scattered documents; to archive all hardcopies of published journals in one place. PESA is moving to the institutionalisation of its history. We may ask, if philosophy of education in Australasia began at Bassar College, University of New South Wales on 20 May 1970, or if it emerged from the post-war focus on teacher education, teaching on the philosophy of education. Further to the injunction that we query who may be foregrounded; who assigned to possible (...)
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    New Challenges, New Vision: Why Social Foundations and Teacher Education Partnerships Matter.Jamie B. Lewis - 2013 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 49 (2):169-182.
    The third edition of the Standards for Academic and Professional Instruction in Foundations of Education, Educational Studies, and Educational Policy Studies (Standards) challenge us to envision what ?a more holistic, inclusive and intellectually challenging approach to preparing educators? might look like. This article discusses how the operating principles of a teacher education program parallel the commitments for educators found in the Standards and explores why collaborative relationships between teacher education and social foundations matter. Given the current political and (...) climate surrounding the field of education, it is important for those of us in the field of social foundations to think outside the box. (shrink)
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    Beyond the Education of Desire.Paul Mazzocchi - 2023 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 70 (176):96-120.
    While critical utopias sought to rescue the political import of utopia, recently scholars have questioned their overemphasis on literary forms and a disempowering pluralism. Challenging the applicability of these claims to one of the instigators of critical utopias, I provide a political reading of Miguel Abensour's understanding of utopia and connect this to councils as a concrete institutional infrastructure. This begins with a re-reading of his influential conception of the ‘education of desire’ in relation to the simulacrum as a utopian (...)
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    Rethinking Music Education and Social Change by Alexandra Kertz-Welzel (review).Graça Mota - 2023 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 31 (1):99-104.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Rethinking Music Education and Social Change by Alexandra Kertz-WelzelGraça MotaAlexandra Kertz-Welzel, Rethinking Music Education and Social Change (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022)I began to read this book shortly after the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian troops. Amidst this most terrible and brutal context, reading and re-reading the book that Alexandra Kertz-Welzel offers was both a blessing and an intense exercise of food for thought. A (...)
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    Educational Philosophy for the Anthropocene: Zak Stein's Inquiry.R. M. Fisher - unknown
    Reimagining “humanity” is a powerful aim of the educational philosophy of Zak Stein. A relative new-comer to the field of Education and philosophy, Stein has in the last decade or so shown himself to be a potent “developmentalist,” and visionary of a “metamodern metaphysics” for reconfiguring how societies understand learning, new forms of education, and most interestingly he situates his work within a metaphysics of Love. Stein poignantly calls for a “return” to important past wisdom in transforming learning but he (...)
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    Getting One's Hands Dirty; or, Practising What You Teach [review of Brian Patrick Hendley, Dewey, Russell, Whitehead: Philosophers as Educators ].David Harley - 1991 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 11 (2):218-223.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:'0". J.~·VleWS GETTING ONE'S HANDS DIRTY; OR, PRACTISING WHAT YOU TEACH DAVID HARLEY Finlayson House, 40 Dumfries Street Paris, Ont., Canada N3L 2c8 Brian Patrick Hendley.. Dewey, Russell, Whitehead: Philosophers as Educators. Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois U. P., 1986. Pp. xxi, 177· US$19.95; paper $9·95· B rian Hendley's book is more than a well-written account of three eminent philosophers who wrote about and participated in educational theory (...)
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    (1 other version)Transhuman Education? Sloterdijk's Reading of Heidegger's Letter on Humanism.Fiachra Long - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 50 (4).
    Peter Sloterdijk presented a reading of Heidegger's Letter on Humanism at a conference held at Elmau in 1999. Reinterpreting the meaning of humanism in the light of Heidegger's Letter, Sloterdijk focused his presentation on the need to redefine education as a form of genetic ‘taming’ and proposed what seemed to be support for positive eugenics. Although Sloterdijk claimed that he only wanted to open a debate on the issue, he could not have been surprised at the level of opposition this (...)
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    The optical unconscious of Big Data: Datafication of vision and care for unknown futures.Daniela Agostinho - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (1).
    Ever since Big Data became a mot du jour across social fields, optical metaphors such as the microscope began to surface in popular discourse to describe and qualify its epistemological impact. While the persistence of optics seems to be at odds with the datafication of vision, this article suggests that the optical metaphor offers an opportunity to reflect about the material consequences of the modes of seeing and knowing that currently shape datafied worlds. Drawing on feminist new materialism, the (...)
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    John Dewey’s Educational Philosophy and Experience for Current Vietnamese Education.Kien Thi Pham - 2024 - Contemporary Pragmatism 21 (4):399-415.
    The 4.0 industrial revolution, driven by advancements in artificial intelligence, demands that people innovate their thinking, acquire new experiences, and adapt to emerging professions. Consequently, countries are actively reforming their education systems to cultivate creative capacities and foster adaptability to innovation. Educational programs must provide learners with new professional experiences and ensure equal access to education. John Dewey articulated these principles in his educational philosophy. Today, Dewey’s philosophy and pragmatism continue to influence global education profoundly. However, the international context requires (...)
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