Results for ' emotion recognition, '

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  1.  20
    Facial Emotion Recognition and Executive Functions in Insomnia Disorder: An Exploratory Study.Katie Moraes de Almondes, Francisco Wilson Nogueira Holanda Júnior, Maria Emanuela Matos Leonardo & Nelson Torro Alves - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:451488.
    Background: Clinical and experimental findings have suggested that insomnia is associated with altered emotion processing, such as facial emotion recognition and impairments in executive functions. However, the results still appear non-consensual and have recently been presented by a few number of studies. Accordingly, the aim of the present study was to investigate whether patients with Insomnia disorder will present alterations in recognition of facial emotions and that such alterations will be related to Executive Functions and that Insomnia Disorder (...)
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  2. Emotion Recognition as a Social Skill.Gen Eickers & Jesse J. Prinz - 2020 - In Ellen Fridland & Carlotta Pavese, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Skill and Expertise. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 347-361.
    This chapter argues that emotion recognition is a skill. A skill perspective on emotion recognition draws attention to underappreciated features of this cornerstone of social cognition. Skills have a number of characteristic features. For example, they are improvable, practical, and flexible. Emotion recognition has these features as well. Leading theories of emotion recognition often draw inadequate attention to these features. The chapter advances a theory of emotion recognition that is better suited to this purpose. It (...)
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    Vocal emotion recognition in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: a meta-analysis.Rohanna C. Sells, Simon P. Liversedge & Georgia Chronaki - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    There is debate within the literature as to whether emotion dysregulation (ED) in Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) reflects deviant attentional mechanisms or atypical perceptual emotion processing. Previous reviews have reliably examined the nature of facial, but not vocal, emotion recognition accuracy in ADHD. The present meta-analysis quantified vocal emotion recognition (VER) accuracy scores in ADHD and controls using robust variance estimation, gathered from 21 published and unpublished papers. Additional moderator analyses were carried out to determine whether (...)
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  4. Emotion Recognition as Pattern Recognition: The Relevance of Perception.Albert Newen, Anna Welpinghus & Georg Juckel - 2015 - Mind and Language 30 (2):187-208.
    We develop a version of a direct perception account of emotion recognition on the basis of a metaphysical claim that emotions are individuated as patterns of characteristic features. On our account, emotion recognition relies on the same type of pattern recognition as is described for object recognition. The analogy allows us to distinguish two forms of directly perceiving emotions, namely perceiving an emotion in the absence of any top-down processes, and perceiving an emotion in a way (...)
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    Why emotion recognition is not simulational.Ali Yousefi Heris - 2017 - Philosophical Psychology 30 (6).
    According to a dominant interpretation of the simulation hypothesis, in recognizing an emotion we use the same neural processes used in experiencing that emotion. This paper argues that the view is fundamentally misguided. I will examine the simulational arguments for the three basic emotions of fear, disgust, and anger and argue that the simulational account relies strongly on a narrow sense of emotion processing which hardly squares with evidence on how, in fact, emotion recognition is processed. (...)
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    Empathy, Emotion Recognition, and Paranoia in the General Population.Kendall Beals, Sarah H. Sperry & Julia M. Sheffield - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:804178.
    BackgroundParanoia is associated with a multitude of social cognitive deficits, observed in both clinical and subclinical populations. Empathy is significantly and broadly impaired in schizophrenia, yet its relationship with subclinical paranoia is poorly understood. Furthermore, deficits in emotion recognition – a very early component of empathic processing – are present in both clinical and subclinical paranoia. Deficits in emotion recognition may therefore underlie relationships between paranoia and empathic processing. The current investigation aims to add to the literature on (...)
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    Facial Emotion Recognition and Emotional Memory From the Ovarian-Hormone Perspective: A Systematic Review.Dali Gamsakhurdashvili, Martin I. Antov & Ursula Stockhorst - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundWe review original papers on ovarian-hormone status in two areas of emotional processing: facial emotion recognition and emotional memory. Ovarian-hormone status is operationalized by the levels of the steroid sex hormones 17β-estradiol and progesterone, fluctuating over the natural menstrual cycle and suppressed under oral contraceptive use. We extend previous reviews addressing single areas of emotional processing. Moreover, we systematically examine the role of stimulus features such as emotion type or stimulus valence and aim at elucidating factors that reconcile (...)
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  8.  13
    Characterizing Emotion Recognition and Theory of Mind Performance Profiles in Unaffected Siblings of Autistic Children.Mirko Uljarević, Nicholas T. Bott, Robin A. Libove, Jennifer M. Phillips, Karen J. Parker & Antonio Y. Hardan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Emotion recognition skills and the ability to understand the mental states of others are crucial for normal social functioning. Conversely, delays and impairments in these processes can have a profound impact on capability to engage in, maintain, and effectively regulate social interactions. Therefore, this study aimed to compare the performance of 42 autistic children, 45 unaffected siblings, and 41 typically developing controls on the Affect Recognition and Theory of Mind subtests of the Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment Battery. There were no (...)
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    Vocal Emotion Recognition Across Disparate Cultures.Gregory Bryant & H. Clark Barrett - 2008 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 8 (1-2):135-148.
    There exists substantial cultural variation in how emotions are expressed, but there is also considerable evidence for universal properties in facial and vocal affective expressions. This is the first empirical effort examining the perception of vocal emotional expressions across cultures with little common exposure to sources of emotion stimuli, such as mass media. Shuar hunter-horticulturalists from Amazonian Ecuador were able to reliably identify happy, angry, fearful and sad vocalizations produced by American native English speakers by matching emotional spoken utterances (...)
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    Spanish Emotion Recognition Method Based on Cross-Cultural Perspective.Lin Liang & Shasha Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Linguistic communication is an important part of the cross-cultural perspective, and linguistic textual emotion recognition is a key massage in interpersonal communication. Spanish is the second largest language system in the world. The purpose of this paper is to identify the emotional features in Spanish texts. The improved BiLSTM framework is proposed. We select three widely used Spanish dictionaries as the datasets for our experiments, and then we finally obtain text sentiment classification results through text preprocessing, text emotion (...)
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  11.  15
    Emotion recognition and processing in patients with mild cognitive impairment: A systematic review.Lucia Morellini, Alessia Izzo, Stefania Rossi, Giorgia Zerboni, Laura Rege-Colet, Martino Ceroni, Elena Biglia & Leonardo Sacco - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The purpose of this study was to investigate emotion recognition and processing in patients with mild cognitive impairment in order to update the state of current literature on this important but undervalued topic. We identified 15 papers published between 2012 and 2022 that meet the inclusion criteria. Paper search, selection, and extraction followed the PRISMA guidelines. We used a narrative synthesis approach in order to report a summary of the main findings taken from all papers. The results collected are (...)
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    Deep Brain Stimulation of the Subthalamic Nucleus Influences Facial Emotion Recognition in Patients With Parkinson’s Disease: A Review.Caroline Wagenbreth, Maria Kuehne, Hans-Jochen Heinze & Tino Zaehle - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Parkinson´s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by motor symptoms following dopaminergic depletion in the substantia nigra. Besides motor impairments however, several non-motor detriments can have the potential to considerably impact subjectively perceived quality of life in patients. Particularly emotion recognition of facial expressions has been shown to be affected in PD, and especially the perception of negative emotions like fear, anger or disgust is impaired. While emotion processing generally refers to automatic implicit as well as conscious (...)
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  13.  18
    Emotion Recognition Algorithm Application Financial Development and Economic Growth Status and Development Trend.Dahai Wang, Bing Li & Xuebo Yan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Financial market and economic growth and development trends can be regarded as an extremely complex system, and the in-depth study and prediction of this complex system has always been the focus of attention of economists and other scholars. Emotion recognition algorithm is a pattern recognition technology that integrates a number of emerging science and technology, and has good non-linear system fitting capabilities. However, using emotion recognition algorithm models to analyze and predict financial market and economic growth and development (...)
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  14.  33
    Psychopathy, Emotional Recognition, and Moral Judgment in Female Inmates.Teresa Pinto & Fernando Barbosa - 2024 - Anuario de Psicología Jurídica 34 (2).
    Despite the lower levels of psychopathy in women than in men, the scientific interest in studying psychopathy in female participants is increasing. Nevertheless, the number of studies investigating psychopathy in women and associated phenomena remains low. The influence of psychopathy in women inmates on experimental tasks of emotional recognition and moral judgment was evaluated, aiming to contribute to this field of research. Utilitarian moral judgment was predicted by psychopathy, specifically by primary and secondary psychopathy, while primary psychopathy predicted a worse (...)
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  15.  31
    Philosophical Lessons for Emotion Recognition Technology.Rosalie Waelen - 2024 - Minds and Machines 34 (1):1-13.
    Emotion recognition technology uses artificial intelligence to make inferences about a person’s emotions, on the basis of their facial expressions, body language, tone of voice, or other types of input. Underlying such technology are a variety of assumptions about the manifestation, nature, and value of emotions. To assure the quality and desirability of emotion recognition technology, it is important to critically assess the assumptions embedded in the technology. Within philosophy, there is a long tradition of epistemological, ontological, phenomenological, (...)
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  16.  15
    Emotion recognition and achievement prediction for foreign language learners under the background of network teaching.Yi Ding & Wenying Xing - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    At present, there are so many learners in online classroom that teachers cannot master the learning situation of each student comprehensively and in real time. Therefore, this paper first constructs a multimodal emotion recognition model based on CNN-BiGRU. Through the feature extraction of video and voice information, combined with temporal attention mechanism, the attention distribution of each modal information at different times is calculated in real time. In addition, based on the recognition of learners’ emotions, a prediction model of (...)
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  17.  20
    Multi-source joint domain adaptation for cross-subject and cross-session emotion recognition from electroencephalography.Shengjin Liang, Lei Su, Yunfa Fu & Liping Wu - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:921346.
    As an important component to promote the development of affective brain–computer interfaces, the study of emotion recognition based on electroencephalography (EEG) has encountered a difficult challenge; the distribution of EEG data changes among different subjects and at different time periods. Domain adaptation methods can effectively alleviate the generalization problem of EEG emotion recognition models. However, most of them treat multiple source domains, with significantly different distributions, as one single source domain, and only adapt the cross-domain marginal distribution while (...)
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  18.  23
    MindLink-Eumpy: An Open-Source Python Toolbox for Multimodal Emotion Recognition.Ruixin Li, Yan Liang, Xiaojian Liu, Bingbing Wang, Wenxin Huang, Zhaoxin Cai, Yaoguang Ye, Lina Qiu & Jiahui Pan - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Emotion recognition plays an important role in intelligent human–computer interaction, but the related research still faces the problems of low accuracy and subject dependence. In this paper, an open-source software toolbox called MindLink-Eumpy is developed to recognize emotions by integrating electroencephalogram and facial expression information. MindLink-Eumpy first applies a series of tools to automatically obtain physiological data from subjects and then analyzes the obtained facial expression data and EEG data, respectively, and finally fuses the two different signals at a (...)
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  19.  27
    Emotion recognition ability: Evidence for a supramodal factor and its links to social cognition.Hannah L. Connolly, Carmen E. Lefevre, Andrew W. Young & Gary J. Lewis - 2020 - Cognition 197 (C):104166.
  20.  26
    Cross-Cultural Emotion Recognition and In-Group Advantage in Vocal Expression: A Meta-Analysis.Petri Laukka & Hillary Anger Elfenbein - 2020 - Emotion Review 13 (1):3-11.
    Most research on cross-cultural emotion recognition has focused on facial expressions. To integrate the body of evidence on vocal expression, we present a meta-analysis of 37 cross-cultural studies...
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  21.  44
    Gender differences in emotion recognition: Impact of sensory modality and emotional category.Lena Lambrecht, Benjamin Kreifelts & Dirk Wildgruber - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (3):452-469.
    Results from studies on gender differences in emotion recognition vary, depending on the types of emotion and the sensory modalities used for stimulus presentation. This makes comparability between different studies problematic. This study investigated emotion recognition of healthy participants (N = 84; 40 males; ages 20 to 70 years), using dynamic stimuli, displayed by two genders in three different sensory modalities (auditory, visual, audio-visual) and five emotional categories. The participants were asked to categorise the stimuli on the (...)
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  22.  17
    Effects of diagnostic regions on facial emotion recognition: The moving window technique.Minhee Kim, Youngwug Cho & So-Yeon Kim - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:966623.
    With regard to facial emotion recognition, previous studies found that specific facial regions were attended more in order to identify certain emotions. We investigated whether a preferential search for emotion-specific diagnostic regions could contribute toward the accurate recognition of facial emotions. Twenty-three neurotypical adults performed an emotion recognition task using six basic emotions: anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise. The participants’ exploration patterns for the faces were measured using the Moving Window Technique (MWT). This technique presented (...)
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  23. Impaired facial emotion recognition in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy associated with hippocampal sclerosis (MTLE-HS): Side and age at onset matters.Ulf Hlobil, Chaturbhuj Rathore, Aley Alexander, Sankara Sarma & Kurupath Radhakrishnan - 2008 - Epilepsy Research 80 (2-3):150–157.
    To define the determinants of impaired facial emotion recognition (FER) in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy associated with hippocampal sclerosis (MTLE-HS), we examined 76 patients with unilateral MTLE-HS, 36 prior to antero-mesial temporal lobectomy (AMTL) and 40 after AMTL, and 28 healthy control subjects with a FER test consisting of 60 items (20 each for anger, fear, and happiness). Mean percentages of the accurate responses were calculated for different subgroups: right vs. left MTLE-HS, early (age at onset <6 (...)
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    First Impression Misleads Emotion Recognition.Valentina Colonnello, Paolo Maria Russo & Katia Mattarozzi - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Emotion recognition of static and dynamic faces in autism spectrum disorder.Peter G. Enticott, Hayley A. Kennedy, Patrick J. Johnston, Nicole J. Rinehart, Bruce J. Tonge, John R. Taffe & Paul B. Fitzgerald - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (6):1110-1118.
  26.  33
    Lifelong learning for tactile emotion recognition.Jiaqi Wei, Huaping Liu, Bowen Wang & Fuchun Sun - 2019 - Interaction Studies 20 (1):25-41.
    Tactile emotion recognition provides a lot of valuable information in human-computer interaction, and it has strong application prospects in many aspects such as smart home and medical treatment. So this situation raises a question: How to quickly and efficiently let the robot perform the correct emotion recognition? In this work, we develop a lifelong learning algorithm which is based on the efficient dictionary learning technology, to tackle the tactile emotion recognition across different tasks. To verify the efficiency (...)
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  27. Toward Emotion Recognition From Physiological Signals in the Wild: Approaching the Methodological Issues in Real-Life Data Collection.Fanny Larradet, Radoslaw Niewiadomski, Giacinto Barresi, Darwin G. Caldwell & Leonardo S. Mattos - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Effects of Separate Facial Areas on Emotion Recognition in Different Adult Age Groups: A Laboratory and a Naturalistic Study.Larissa L. Faustmann, Lara Eckhardt, Pauline S. Hamann & Mareike Altgassen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The identification of facial expressions is critical for social interaction. The ability to recognize facial emotional expressions declines with age. These age effects have been associated with differential age-related looking patterns. The present research project set out to systematically test the role of specific facial areas for emotion recognition across the adult lifespan. Study 1 investigated the impact of displaying only separate facial areas versus the full face on emotion recognition in 62 younger and 65 middle-aged adults. Study (...)
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  29.  11
    Multi-Source and Multi-Representation Adaptation for Cross-Domain Electroencephalography Emotion Recognition.Jiangsheng Cao, Xueqin He, Chenhui Yang, Sifang Chen, Zhangyu Li & Zhanxiang Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Due to the non-invasiveness and high precision of electroencephalography, the combination of EEG and artificial intelligence is often used for emotion recognition. However, the internal differences in EEG data have become an obstacle to classification accuracy. To solve this problem, considering labeled data from similar nature but different domains, domain adaptation usually provides an attractive option. Most of the existing researches aggregate the EEG data from different subjects and sessions as a source domain, which ignores the assumption that the (...)
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  30. Emotion Recognition from speech Support for WEB Lectures.Dragos Datcu & Léon Rothkrantz - 2007 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 40 (3-4):203-214.
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    Emotion recognition through static faces and moving bodies: a comparison between typically developed adults and individuals with high level of autistic traits.Rossana Actis-Grosso, Francesco Bossi & Paola Ricciardelli - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  32.  51
    Emotion recognition in music changes across the adult life span.César F. Lima & Sao Luis Castro - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (4):585-598.
  33.  8
    Emotion Monitoring for Preschool Children Based on Face Recognition and Emotion Recognition Algorithms.Guiping Yu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-12.
    In this paper, we study the face recognition and emotion recognition algorithms to monitor the emotions of preschool children. For previous emotion recognition focusing on faces, we propose to obtain more comprehensive information from faces, gestures, and contexts. Using the deep learning approach, we design a more lightweight network structure to reduce the number of parameters and save computational resources. There are not only innovations in applications, but also algorithmic enhancements. And face annotation is performed on the dataset, (...)
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    Emotion Recognition as a Real Strength in Williams Syndrome: Evidence From a Dynamic Non-verbal Task.Laure Ibernon, Claire Touchet & Régis Pochon - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Emotion specificity, coherence, and cultural variation in conceptualizations of positive emotions: a study of body sensations and emotion recognition.Zaiyao Zhang, Felicia K. Zerwas & Dacher Keltner - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    The present study examines the association between people’s interoceptive representation of physical sensations and the recognition of vocal and facial expressions of emotion. We used body maps to study the granularity of the interoceptive conceptualisation of 11 positive emotions (amusement, awe, compassion, contentment, desire, love, joy, interest, pride, relief, and triumph) and a new emotion recognition test (Emotion Expression Understanding Test) to assess the ability to recognise emotions from vocal and facial behaviour. Overall, we found evidence for (...)
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  36.  32
    Development of emotion recognition in popular music and vocal bursts.Dianna Vidas, Renee Calligeros, Nicole L. Nelson & Genevieve A. Dingle - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (5):906-919.
    ABSTRACTPrevious research on the development of emotion recognition in music has focused on classical, rather than popular music. Such research does not consider the impact of lyrics on judgements...
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  37.  24
    Response to “uncertainty in emotion recognition”.Katleen Gabriels - 2019 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 17 (3):295-298.
    Purpose This study responds to Agnieszka Landowska’s paper about the lack of accuracy in emotion recognition. Design/methodology/approach The approach is purely theoretical. The paper also refers to empirical studies. Findings The author first elaborates on Landowska’s “postulates” and then shortly expands on how virtual chatbots such as “AI therapists” pose considerable challenges to emotion recognition algorithms as well. Originality/value This viewpoint’s value is to elaborate and expand on an ongoing discussion on emotion recognition technologies.
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    Uncertainty in emotion recognition.Agnieszka Landowska - 2019 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 17 (3):273-291.
    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore uncertainty inherent in emotion recognition technologies and the consequences resulting from that phenomenon. Design/methodology/approach The paper is a general overview of the concept; however, it is based on a meta-analysis of multiple experimental and observational studies performed over the past couple of years. Findings The main finding of the paper might be summarized as follows: there is uncertainty inherent in emotion recognition technologies, and the phenomenon is not expressed enough, (...)
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    Evaluations versus stereotypes in emotion recognition: a replication and extension of Craig and Lipp’s (2018) study on facial age cues.Gijsbert Bijlstra, Désirée Kleverwal, Tjits van Lent & Rob W. Holland - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (2):386-389.
    ABSTRACTRecently, Cognition and Emotion published an article demonstrating that age cues affect the speed and accuracy of emotion recognition. The authors claimed that the observed effect of target age on emotion recognition is better explained by evaluative than stereotype associations. Although we agree with their conclusion, we believe that with the research method the authors employed, it was impossible to detect a stereotype effect to begin with. In the current research, we successfully replicate previous findings. Furthermore, by (...)
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  40.  31
    Psychological and Emotional Recognition of Preschool Children Using Artificial Neural Network.Zhangxue Rao, Jihui Wu, Fengrui Zhang & Zhouyu Tian - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The artificial neural network is employed to study children’s psychological emotion recognition to fully reflect the psychological status of preschool children and promote the healthy growth of preschool children. Specifically, the ANN model is used to construct the human physiological signal measurement platform and emotion recognition platform to measure the human physiological signals in different psychological and emotional states. Finally, the parameter values are analyzed on the emotion recognition platform to identify the children’s psychological and emotional states (...)
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    Electroencephalogram Access for Emotion Recognition Based on a Deep Hybrid Network.Qinghua Zhong, Yongsheng Zhu, Dongli Cai, Luwei Xiao & Han Zhang - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    In the human-computer interaction, electroencephalogram access for automatic emotion recognition is an effective way for robot brains to perceive human behavior. In order to improve the accuracy of the emotion recognition, a method of EEG access for emotion recognition based on a deep hybrid network was proposed in this paper. Firstly, the collected EEG was decomposed into four frequency band signals, and the multiscale sample entropy features of each frequency band were extracted. Secondly, the constructed 3D MSE (...)
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  42.  77
    Foreign Language Teachers’ Emotion Recognition in College Oral English Classroom Teaching.Yanyun Dai - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    One of the significant courses in Chinese universities is English. This course is usually taught by a foreign language instructor. There will, however, necessarily be some communication hurdles between “foreign language teachers” and “native students.” This research presents an emotion recognition method for foreign language teachers in order to eliminate communication barriers between teachers and students and improve student learning efficiency. We discovered four factors of emotion recognition through literature analysis: smile, eye contact, gesture, and tone. We believe (...)
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    Does Music Training Improve Emotion Recognition Abilities? A Critical Review.Marta Martins, Ana P. Pinheiro & César F. Lima - 2021 - Emotion Review 13 (3):199-210.
    There is widespread interest in the possibility that music training enhances nonmusical abilities. This possibility has been examined primarily for speech perception and domain-general abilities su...
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    Responding to uncertainty in emotion recognition.Björn Schuller - 2019 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 17 (3):299-303.
    Purpose Uncertainty is an under-respected issue when it comes to automatic assessment of human emotion by machines. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the existent approaches towards such measurement of uncertainty, and identify further research need. Design/methodology/approach The discussion is based on a literature review. Findings Technical solutions towards measurement of uncertainty in automatic emotion recognition exist but need to be extended to respect a range of so far underrepresented sources of uncertainty. These then need to (...)
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    Social problems in young children: the interplay of ADHD symptoms and facial emotion recognition.Breanna Dede & Bradley A. White - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (8):1368-1375.
    Facial emotion recognition (FER) deficits interfere with interpretation of social situations and selection of appropriate responses. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) symptoms are independently associated with social difficulties and might exacerbate the influence of deficient FER, because children with ADHD symptoms have fewer compensatory resources in social situations when they misinterpret emotions. Very few studies have tested this hypothesis in a community context, where child ADHD symptoms vary on a continuum. The current study extended this work by utilising a community sample (...)
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    Older Adults’ Emotion Recognition Ability Is Unaffected by Stereotype Threat.Lianne Atkinson, Janice E. Murray & Jamin Halberstadt - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Eliciting negative stereotypes about ageing commonly results in worse performance on many physical, memory, and cognitive tasks in adults aged over 65. The current studies explored the potential effect of this “stereotype threat” phenomenon on older adults’ emotion recognition, a cognitive ability that has been demonstrated to decline with age. In Study 1, stereotypes about emotion recognition ability across the lifespan were established. In Study 2, these stereotypes were utilised in a stereotype threat manipulation that framed an (...) recognition task as assessing either cognitive ability, social ability, or general abilities. Participants then completed an emotion recognition task in which they labelled dynamic expressions of negative and positive emotions. Self-reported threat concerns were also measured. Framing an emotion recognition task as assessing cognitive ability significantly heightened older adults’ reports of stereotype threat concerns. Despite this, older adults’ emotion recognition performance was unaffected. Unlike other cognitive abilities, recognising facially expressed emotions may be unaffected by stereotype threat, possibly because emotion recognition is automatic, making it less susceptible to the cognitive load that stereotype threat produces. (shrink)
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    Less Is More: How the Language of Fiction Fosters Emotion Recognition.Emanuele Castano - 2024 - Emotion Review 16 (2):73-83.
    Stories, in pictorial format, orally narrated, and later on as narrative texts, have played a key role in human evolution and to this day continue to surreptitiously teach us things and skills. In recent decades, psychologists and cognitive scientists have begun documenting the role of stories, and particularly fiction, in refining our sociocognitive skills. In this essay, I focus specifically on how stories, particularly written fiction, hone our emotion recognition skills. I present a brief overview of existing theorizing and (...)
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    Deep Learning Based Emotion Recognition and Visualization of Figural Representation.Xiaofeng Lu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This exploration aims to study the emotion recognition of speech and graphic visualization of expressions of learners under the intelligent learning environment of the Internet. After comparing the performance of several neural network algorithms related to deep learning, an improved convolution neural network-Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory algorithm is proposed, and a simulation experiment is conducted to verify the performance of this algorithm. The experimental results indicate that the Accuracy of CNN-BiLSTM algorithm reported here reaches 98.75%, which is at least (...)
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  49. Constructing Embodied Emotion with Language: Moebius Syndrome and Face-Based Emotion Recognition Revisited.Hunter Gentry - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    Some embodied theories of concepts state that concepts are represented in a sensorimotor manner, typically via simulation in sensorimotor cortices. Fred Adams (2010) has advanced an empirical argument against embodied concepts reasoning as follows. If concepts are embodied, then patients with certain sensorimotor impairments should perform worse on categorization tasks involving those concepts. Adams cites a study with Moebius Syndrome patients that shows typical categorization performance in face-based emotion recognition. Adams concludes that their typical performance shows that embodiment is (...)
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  50. Stein and Honneth on Empathy and Emotional Recognition.James Jardine - 2015 - Human Studies 38 (4):567-589.
    My aim in this paper is to make use of Edith Stein’s phenomenological analyses of empathy, emotion, and personhood to clarify and critically assess the recent suggestion by Axel Honneth that a basic form of recognition is affective in nature. I will begin by considering Honneth’s own presentation of this claim in his discussion of the role of affect in recognitive gestures, as well as in his notion of ‘elementary recognition,’ arguing that while his account contains much of value (...)
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