Results for ' ergon'

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  1. Ergon and Eudaimonia in Nicomachean Ethics I: Reconsidering the Intellectualist Interpretation.Timothy Dean Roche - 1988 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 26 (2):175-194.
  2. The Concept of Ergon: Towards An Achievement Interpretation of Aristotle's 'Function Argument'.Samuel H. Baker - 2015 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 48:227-266.
    In Nicomachean Ethics 1. 7, Aristotle gives a definition of the human good, and he does so by means of the “ ergon argument.” I clear the way for a new interpretation of this argument by arguing that Aristotle does not think that the ergon of something is always the proper activity of that thing. Though he has a single concept of an ergon, Aristotle identifies the ergon of an X as an activity in some cases (...)
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  3. The Ergon Inference.Alfonso Gomez-Lobo - 1989 - Phronesis 34 (1):170-184.
  4. Ergon and Practical Reason. Anscombe’s Legacy and Natural Normativity.Maria Silvia Vaccarezza - 2023 - Acta Philosophica 32 (2):400-406.
    One of Elizabeth Anscombe’s most decisive legacies is the rejection of modern legalistic morality, in the name of a rescue of Aristotelian-inspired natural normativity. However, as I will argue in this contribution, this legacy does not seem to have been fully collected, neither by those who, like Philippa Foot, are explicitly inspired by Anscombe’s work, nor by those who, while apparently opposing its assumptions, have also somehow recovered it by different routes, as emblematically does Christine Korsgaard in her constitutivist proposal. (...)
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  5. The ergon- argument in the Eudemian and the Nicomachean ethics.Friedemann Buddensiek - 2022 - In Giulio Di Basilio (ed.), Investigating the Relationship Between Aristotle's Eudemian and Nicomachean Ethics. New York, NY: Issues in Ancient Philosophy.
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    "Ergon" und "Eudaimonia". Plädoyer für eine unifizierende Interpretation der "Ergon"-Argumente in den aristotelischen Ethiken.Jörn Müller - 2003 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 57 (4):513 - 542.
    Das Xργον-Argument, das Aristoteles selbst als das Kernstück bei der Bestimmung des gelingenden Lebens ansieht, findet sich in variierter Form sowohl in der Nikomachischen Ethik als auch in der Eudemischen Ethik. Die vorliegende Abhandlung rekonstruiert zuerst skizzenartig die beiden Argumentationsgänge zwecks Akzentuierung der an der Oberfläche der Argumentation sichtbaren Unterschiede. Diese Unterschiede werden anschließend darauf hin untersucht, ob sie Ausdruck einer genuin divergenten Tiefenstruktur der Argumente und ihrer Voraussetzungen sind, oder ob sie sich doch auf ein geteiltes Grundverständnis zurückführen lassen. (...)
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  7. Ergon and eudaimonia: In search of ancient remedies old for post-modern evil.Silvia Mocellin - 2012 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 41 (4).
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    Ergon and Logistikon in Republic.Jeremy Wisnewski - 2008 - Polis 25 (2):261-267.
    This paper explores the tension between two views attributed to Plato: 1) that every person in a just society must fulfil his function, and 2) justice requires philosophical wisdom. It is argued that is not Plato’s view in Republic, and that this can be seen as early as Book II.
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  9. A Monistic Conclusion to Aristotle’s Ergon Argument: the Human Good as the Best Achievement of a Human.Samuel H. Baker - 2021 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 103 (3):373-403.
    Scholars have often thought that a monistic reading of Aristotle’s definition of the human good – in particular, one on which “best and most teleios virtue” refers to theoretical wisdom – cannot follow from the premises of the ergon argument. I explain how a monistic reading can follow from the premises, and I argue that this interpretation gives the correct rationale for Aristotle’s definition. I then explain that even though the best and most teleios virtue must be a single (...)
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  10. The Double Ergon Scheme in Aristotle’s Protrepticus.Jakub Jirsa - 2023 - Eirene: Studia Graeca Et Latina 59 (1-2):29-65.
    The article presents the first comprehensive interpretation of the ergon argument in Aristotle’s Protrepticus. It further argues that Aristotle in this argument distinguishes the ergon of an entity from the ergon of its virtue thus presenting a complicated argumentative structure which is explicitly simplified in the Eudemian Ethics. Based on the latest attempts to reconstruct the Protrepticus, the article shows the relation of the ergon argument to its other versions in both Ethics. This account not only (...)
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  11. Ergon ou energueia: filosofia da linguagem na Alemanha, sécs. XVIII e XIX.José M. Justo (ed.) - 1986 - Lisboa: Apáginastantas.
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  12. Sprache als Spiel: 'ergon' and 'energeia'.David Lauer - 2014 - In Lauer David (ed.), Spielzüge. Zur Dialektik des Spiels und seinem metaphorischen Mehrwert. Alber. pp. 324-363.
    This paper (in German) lays out two different conceptions of language as 'Spiel', which I call - appropriating a pair of expressions used by Wilhelm von Humboldt - 'Spiel' as 'ergon' and 'Spiel' as 'energeia'. The first one conceives of 'Spiel' as 'game', an abstract entity constituted by a set of rules; the second one conceives of 'Spiel' as 'play', a mode of being that is constituted by a certain kind of movement. I show how the metaphor of language (...)
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  13. The Role of the Ergon Argument in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics.Deborah Achtenberg - 1989 - Ancient Philosophy 9 (1):37-47.
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    The ‘Belonging to a Kind’ Reading of the Eudemian Ergon Argument.Daniel Ferguson - 2022 - Ancient Philosophy 42 (2):471-492.
    Aristotle does not uniquely specify, much less define, eudaimonia in the EE’s ergon argument. He concludes simply that eudaimonia belongs to a certain kind. That Aristotle claims to have offered a horos of eudaimonia does not show that he has uniquely specified eudaimonia. This interpretation has implications for our understanding of Aristotle’s Eudemian account of eudaimonia; of Eudemian methodology; and of his use of ergon argument more generally.
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    Aristotelský argument z ergon a současné teorie ctností.Roman Hloch - 2023 - Filosoficky Casopis 71 (3):441-456.
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    La aportación de Aspasio a la noción de Ergon.Magdalena Bosch Rabell - 2017 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 44:117-133.
    Este artículo analiza la aportación de Aspasio al concepto aristotélico de ergon. Hasta el momento no se ha realizado un estudio de este concepto bajo el prisma de las aportaciones aspasianas, centrándose en el capítulo séptimo del libro primero de la Ética Nicomaquea. Examina el significado que Aristóteles reconoce en la función propia del ser humano, y los matices que añade Aspasio. Para esta investigación se sigue el orden del texto y se centra el análisis en los términos clave: (...)
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  17. Against Nagel - In Favour of a Compound Human Ergon.Juliette Christie - 1996 - Dialogue 38 (2-3):77-82.
    Thomas Nagel argues that Aristotle identifies rationality as the ergon idion of the human being. Against Nagel, I defend a reading of Aristotle which depicts a complex human ergon. This complex identity involves desire. It is in Book X of the Nichomachean Ethics that my understanding of Aristotle's position is clinched.
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  18. The introduction of the moral psychology in the ergon argument.Angelo Antonio Pires De Oliveira - 2020 - Rónai 8 (2):375-391.
    In this paper, I discuss in detail one of the first conclusions drawn by Aristotle in the ergonargument. The paper provides an in-depth approach to Nicomachean Ethics’ lines 1098a3-4, where one reads: “λείπεταιδὴπρακτικήτιςτοῦλόγονἔχοντος”. I divide the discussion into two parts. In the first part, I put under scrutiny how one should take the word “πρακτική” and argue that one should avoid taking this word as meaning “practical” in the passage. I will argue in favor of taking it as meaning “active”. (...)
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    Es Un Ergon Aristotélico " Multiplemente Realizable"?Jorge Mittelmann - 2009 - Elenchos 30 (2):255-292.
    This paper aims to show that the distinction between two types of body, which is sometimes appealed to in order to clear up the Aristotelian definition of soul, sheds some light on the ontological status of prostheses and on the issue of the “multiple realizability” of life-functions. After discussing the strain that the definition of soul imposes upon the basic hylomorphic categories, the paper turns to the idea of a “functionally defined body”, whose organs are defined by the power to (...)
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    Translating the Bible into Arabic: Historical, Text-Critical and Literary Aspects. Edited by Sara Binay and Stefan Leder. Beiruter Texte und Studien, vol. 131. Beirut : Orient-Institut, 2012 ; distributed by Ergon Verlag, Würzburg. Pp. 150 + 127 . €59. [REVIEW]David Grafton - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 135 (2):401-403.
    Translating the Bible into Arabic: Historical, Text-Critical and Literary Aspects. Edited by Sara Binay and Stefan Leder. Beiruter Texte und Studien, vol. 131. Beirut: Orient-Institut, 2012; distributed by Ergon Verlag, Würzburg. Pp. 150 + 127. €59.
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    Ethik und Naturphilosophie: Bemerkungen zu Aristoteles' Ergon-Argument (EN I 6).Philipp Brüllmann - 2012 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 94 (1):1-30.
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    (S.) Böhm Dädalische Kunst Siziliens. Pp. 100, ills. Würzburg: Ergon, 2007. Paper, €25. ISBN: 978-3-89913-594-.A. A. Donohue - 2009 - The Classical Review 59 (2):640-.
  23. Dams, weirs, and damn weird ears : post-ergonal sound.Seth Kim-Cohen - 2017 - In Marcel Cobussen, Vincent Meelberg & Barry Truax (eds.), The Routledge companion to sounding art. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
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  24. Living well and the promise of cosmopolitan identity : Aristotle's ergon and contemporary civic republicanism.Michael Weinman - 2016 - In Geoffrey C. Kellow & Neven Leddy (eds.), On Civic Republicanism: Ancient Lessons for Global Politics. London: University of Toronto Press.
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    Socrates' Discursive Democracy: Logos and Ergon in Platonic Political Philosophy.Gerald M. Mara - 1997 - SUNY Press.
    Focusing on the speeches and actions of the Platonic Socrates, this book argues that Plato's political philosophy is a crucial source for reflection on the hazards and possibilities of democratic politics.
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  26. La théurgie, nouvelle figure de l'ergon dans la vie philosophique.Annick Charles-Saget - 1993 - In H. J. Blumenthal & Gillian Clark (eds.), The divine Iamblichus: philosopher and man of gods. London: Bristol Classical Press.
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    Virtuality and subjective realities: A freedom-based ergon for the modern African parent.Thando Nkohla-Ramunenyiwa - 2020 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 20 (1):e1887572.
    ABSTRACT Schmidt introduces the Aristotelian term “koinonia” as denoting a political community which aims to achieve a common good for society as a whole. A good that promotes the flourishing of every party involved. In addition, Schmidt adopts further insight about the term by engaging more thoroughly in discourse about it, realising that this easily extends to the term taking on tenets of communities such as a family. Within family, the terms address even more specific relationships, such as husband and (...)
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    Andrea Staiti, Geistigkeit, Leben und geschichtliche Welt in der Transzendentalphänomenologie Husserls: Ergon Verlag, Würzburg, 2010, 243 pp, ISBN 978-3-89913-737-8.Nicholas de Warren - 2012 - Husserl Studies 28 (2):161-166.
    Andrea Staiti, Geistigkeit, Leben und geschichtliche Welt in der Transzendentalphänomenologie Husserls Content Type Journal Article Pages 1-6 DOI 10.1007/s10743-012-9103-8 Authors Nicholas de Warren, Department of Philosophy, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA 02481, USA Journal Husserl Studies Online ISSN 1572-8501 Print ISSN 0167-9848.
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    Esther Voswinckel Filiz: Aziz Mahmud Hüdayi in Istanbul – Biographie eines Ortes(Ergon-Verlag: 2022), 284 S. ISBN 978-3-95650-989-6, 62,- €. [REVIEW]Markus Dreßler - 2024 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 32 (1):101-103.
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    Lauren Drover: Überlegungen zum Missionsbegriff anhand von Beispielem aus Christentum, Islam und Buddhismus, Bd. 14, Würzburg : Ergon-Verlag 2016, 242 S. [REVIEW]Martin Arndt - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 72 (2):214-216.
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    Sara Fumagalli: "Wege zu einer neuen Phänomenologie: Landgrebe, Fink und Patocka im Dialog", Würzburg, Ergon-Verlag. Studien zur Phänomenologie und praktischen Philosophie, 2017, 151 pp. [REVIEW]Noé Expósito Ropero - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 16:415.
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    Accius the Tragedian S. Faller, G. Manuwald (edd.): Accius und seine Zeit . (Identitäten und Alteritäten 13: Altertumswissenschaftliche Reihe 3.) Pp. 354. Wurzburg: Ergon Verlag, 2002. Paper, €41. ISBN: 3-89913-257-. [REVIEW]Elaine Fantham - 2005 - The Classical Review 55 (01):106-.
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    Jule Ana Herrmann: Ein Denkmal aus Papier und Tinte. Zum literarischen Einfluss Benedikte Nauberts auf das Werk Ferdinand Grimms (=Bibliotheca Academica Literaturwissenschaft, 7), Baden-Baden: Ergon 2020, 133 S. [REVIEW]Thomas Gerber - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 74 (4):358-360.
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    In Search of Socrates M. L. McPherran: The Religion of Socrates . Pp. xii + 353. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1996. Cased, $35/£31.50. ISBN: 0-271-01581-0. G. M. Mara: Socrates' Discursive Democracy: Logos and Ergon in Platonic Political Philosophy . Pp. x + 324. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1997. Cased, $65 (Paper, $21.95). ISBN: 0-7914-3299-8 (0-7914-3300-5 pbk). [REVIEW]V. A. Rodgers - 1999 - The Classical Review 49 (01):106-.
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    Stephanie Gripentrog:Anormalität und Religion. Zur Entstehung der Psychologie im Kontext der europäischen Religionsgeschichte des 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhunderts (Diskurs Religion. Beiträge zur Religionsgeschichte und religiösen Zeitgeschichte, Bd. 12, Würzburg: Ergon-Verlag, 2016), 331 S., ISBN 978-3-95650-174-6, € 48,00. [REVIEW]Katharina Neef - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 26 (2):391-393.
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    Anna Neumaier: religion@home? Religionsbezogene Online-Plattformen und ihre Nutzung. Eine Untersuchung zu neuen Formen gegenwärtiger Religiosität, Religion in der Gesellschaft, Bd. 39, Würzburg: Ergon Verlag 2016, 478 S. [REVIEW]Martin Arndt - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 70 (4):400-402.
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    Theodor L ipps, Schriften zur Psychologie und Erkenntnistheorie, éd. Faustino Fabbianelli, 4 vol., Würzburg, Ergon Verlag, « Studien zur Phänomenologie und praktischen Philosophie », vol. xxxiii / i (1874-1899), xxxiii / ii (1900-1902), xxxiii / iii (1902-1905), xxxiii / iv (1906-1914), 2013. Theodor L ipps, Schriften zur Einfühlung. Mit einer Einleitung und Anmerkungen, éd. Faustino Fabbianelli, Würzburg, Ergon Verlag, « Studien zur Phänomenologie und praktischen Philosophie », vol. xliii, 2018, 792 p. [REVIEW]Mildred Galland-Szymkowiak - 2022 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 115 (3):447-449.
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    J. Friedrichs: Aufschlußreiche Rhetorik. Ein Versuch über die Redekultur und ihren Verfall bei Thukydides. (Spektrum Politikwissenschaft, 12.) Pp. 154. Würzburg: Ergon Verlag, 2000. Paper. ISBN: 3-933563-65-8. [REVIEW]Tim Rood - 2002 - The Classical Review 52 (1):167-168.
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    S. Fumagalli, Wege zu einer neuen Phänomenologie: Landgrebe, Fink und Patočka im Dialog, Würzburg: Ergon-Verlag 2017. [REVIEW]Marco Barcaro - 2020 - Rivista di Filosofia Neoscolastica 2:621-624.
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  40. [Eis Ton Tou Platonos Timaion Hypomnematon Proklou Bib. 5. Hapases Philosophias Tes Palaias Thesauros. Kai Eis ten Tou Autou Politiken Chalepoteron Zetematon Hapanton Exegesis Ergon Hyperoxon]. = in Platonis Timaeon Commentariorum Procli Libri Quinq[Ue], Totius Ueteris Philosophiae Thesaurus. Et in Eiusdem Politicen Difficiliorum Quaestionum Omnium Enarratio. Opus Excellens.Johann Proclus, Plato & Walder - 1534 - [Analomasi Kai Epimeleia Ioannou Balderou].
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    Oliver Leeg: Walter F. Ottos Studie ‚Dionysos. Mythos und Kultus‘. Antike-Forschung und moderne Kultur, Würzburg: Ergon Verlag 2016, 285 S. [REVIEW]Görge K. Hasselhoff - 2016 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 68 (4):393-397.
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    Georg Leube, Kinda in der frühislamischen Geschichte. Eine prosopographische Studie auf Basis der frühen und klassischen arabisch-islamischen Geschichtsschreibung, Baden-Baden: Ergon Verlag, 2017, (MISK: Mitteilungen zur Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte der islamischen Welt), 244 pp. ISBN 978-3-95650-294-1.Kinda in der frühislamischen Geschichte. Eine prosopographische Studie auf Basis der frühen und klassischen arabisch-islamischen Geschichtsschreibung. [REVIEW]Michael Lecker - 2021 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 98 (2):628-630.
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    Werner Diem, Fürsprachebriefe in der arabisch-islamischen Welt des 8.‒14. Jahrhunderts: eine sozial- und mentalitätsgeschichtliche Untersuchung, Würzburg: Ergon Verlag, 2015, 408 S., ISBN: 3-9565012-9-2, 978-3-95650-129-6.Fürsprachebriefe in der arabisch-islamischen Welt des 8.‒14. Jahrhunderts: eine sozial- und mentalitätsgeschichtliche Untersuchung. [REVIEW]Sebastian Metz - 2020 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 97 (1):259-262.
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    Ethica eudemia I, 5 : É O prazer alvo da Vida boa?Inara Zanuzzi - 2014 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 19 (2):111-128.
    This paper takes as its starting point the argument from Eudemian Ethics II,1 which introduces as premisses conclusions from the previous chapters, namely, the chief good of human beings is an end and everybody judges speculative wisdom, moral virtue and pleasure to be ends, either all or some of them. These two claims allow Aristotle to conclude that the most desirable of all goods is in the soul and to proceed arguing to his main conclusion in terms of the (...), function or characteristic activity, of the soul. It should be noticed, though, that if the ergon of the human soul can explain speculative wisdom and moral virtues to be ends, the same is not so easily defensible in the case of pleasure. In fact, to take pleasure as end seems to take a subjective satisfaction with no matter what as end. Now, the ergon of the soul cannot explain pleasure as an end in this unrestricted way. To solve this difficulty, this paper seeks to interpret a prior passage, I, 5, 1215b15-1216a10, as responsible for restricting the range of pleasures that can be counted as finalities to human beings. (shrink)
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    (1 other version)Coffee and the Good Life.Lori Keleher - 2011-03-04 - In Fritz Allhoff, Scott F. Parker & Michael W. Austin (eds.), Coffee. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 228–238.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Eudaimonia, Ergon, and Espresso The Golden Mean The Bean.
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    Parerga?Pietro Kobau - 2009 - Rivista di Estetica 40:21-39.
    Né opera (ergon), né fuori-d’-opera (hors-d’oeuvre), né dentro né fuori, né sopra né sotto, il parergon sconvolge ogni opposizione, ma non rimane indeterminato e dà luogo all’opera. Non sta più soltanto intorno all’opera. Quel che esso introduce – le istanze della cornice, del titolo, della firma, della didascalia ecc. – non smette più di mettere sottosopra l’ordine interno del discorso sulla pittura, le sue opere, il suo commercio, le sue quotazioni, i suoi plusvalori, la sua speculazione, i...
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    Die Theorie des Guten in Aristoteles' "Nikomachischer Ethik".Philipp Brüllmann - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    Aristoteles' Ethik basiert auf der These, dass sich Güter als Strebensziele begreifen lassen. Die vorliegende Arbeit soll dabei helfen, diese These besser zu verstehen. Sie untersucht die Voraussetzungen und die Konsequenzen der teleologischen Konzeption des Guten. Der Gemeinplatz von der Aristotelischen "Strebensethik" wird neu beleuchtet. Als Ausgangspunkt dient eine genaue Lektüre der ersten Kapitel der Nikomachischen Ethik. Hier wird deutlich, dass Aristoteles einer teleologischen Güterkonzeption kritischer gegenübersteht, als üblicherweise angenommen wird. Die Gleichsetzung von Gütern und Zielen bietet zwar den Zugang (...)
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  48. On the metaphysical presuppositions of Aristotle's nicomachean ethics.Deborah Achtenberg - 1992 - Journal of Value Inquiry 26 (3):317-340.
    In what precedes, I have argued that Aristotle does not, in his ethics, commit three metaphysical errors sometimes imputed to him: he does not define the good as a fact; he does not claim that human beings move by nature towards their telos; he does not claim, in the ergon argument, that human beings are fixed rather than versatile. Instead, I have shown, he does the opposite in each case: he argues that the good cannot be defined as a (...)
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    As tékhnai na República.Jean Farias - 2023 - Revista Ética E Filosofia Política 2 (25):160-194.
    Na República Platão assume que a τέκνη é um fator fundamental para agregar as pessoas dentro de uma vida em comum e organiza as relações de modo que a cidade tenha o melhor sistema político possível, onde cada um exerce o ἒργον que lhe cabe. Para tanto o filósofo defende que a função exercida por cada membro da pólis esteja de acordo com a sua natureza. É a partir dessa premissa que se torna importante verificar dentro do texto platônico como (...)
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  50. Virtuous Persons and Social Roles.Sean Cordell - 2011 - Journal of Social Philosophy 42 (3):254-272.
    The article discusses the characteristics of virtuous persons in relation to their social role(s). It explores the key features of the neo-Aristotelian account of right action and some problems for this account in the context of a certain social role. The problem can be characterized as a dilemma. When evaluating an action in some role, one view is that the obligations and requirements of roles could be taken as something already given by social or professional role descriptions, such that the (...)
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