Results for ' error concentration'

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  1.  4
    Auditing National Cancer Institute thesaurus neoplasm concepts in groups of high error concentration.Ling Zheng, Hua Min, Yan Chen, Julia Xu, James Geller & Yehoshua Perl - 2017 - Applied ontology 12 (2):113-130.
    The National Cancer Institute thesaurus is an important knowledge resource that should ideally be error-free. We investigated the occurrence of errors in the Neoplasm subhierarchy, which is a part...
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    The error of excessive proximity preference - a modest proposal for understanding holism.Peter Cave - 2000 - Nursing Philosophy 1 (1):20-25.
    This paper exposes some examples of continuing murky thinking concerning holism. The exposure is a prelude to noting the importance of proximity in causal explanations of illnesses and wounds. The paper then draws attention to how the proximate should not hold exclusive sway regarding what constitutes best nursing treatment and care. The error of excessive preference for proximity is shown to be an error, using as an example the treatment of leg ulcers. One component of holism that can (...)
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  3. Comparing phases of skepticism in al-Ghazālī and Descartes: Some first meditations on deliverance from error.Omar Edward Moad - 2009 - Philosophy East and West 59 (1):pp. 88-101.
    Abū Hāmid al-Ghazālī (1058–1111 c.e .) is well known, among other things, for his account, in al-Munqidh min al-ḍalāl (Deliverance from error), of a struggle with philosophical skepticism that bears a striking resemblance to that described by Descartes in the Meditations . This essay aims to give a close comparative analysis of these respective accounts, and will concentrate solely on the processes of invoking or entertaining doubt that al-Ghazālī and Descartes describe, respectively. In the process some subtle differences between (...)
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    The Evolutionary Analysis: Apparent Error, Certified Belief, and the Defects of Asymmetry.Alfred Nordmann - 1994 - Perspectives on Science 2 (2):131-175.
    This article scrutinizes in detail much of the extant historiography on the controversy between biometricians and Mendelians, considering in particular how this controversy is related to the evolutionary synthesis. While the historiographic critique concentrates on William Provine’s standard account, it also extends to the proposal by Donald MacKenzie and Barry Barnes. What Provine and these sociologists of scientific knowledge have in common is a set of unquestioned assumptions about the nature of Darwinism, about William Bateson’s anti-Darwinism, and about the very (...)
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  5. Human Judgement and Social Policy: Irreducible Uncertainty, Inevitable Error, Unavoidable Injustice.Kenneth R. Hammond - 1996 - Oxford University Press USA.
    From the O.J. Simpson verdict to peace-making in the Balkans, the critical role of human judgement--complete with its failures, flaws, and successes--has never been more hotly debated and analyzed than it is today. This landmark work examines the dynamics of judgement and its impact on events that take place in human society, which require the direction and control of social policy. Research on social policy typically focuses on content. This book concentrates instead on the decision-making process itself. Drawing on 50 (...)
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    Event-Triggered H ∞ Filtering for Markovian Jump Neural Networks under Random Missing Measurements and Deception Attacks.Jinxia Wang, Jinfeng Gao, Tian Tan, Jiaqi Wang & Miao Ma - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-19.
    This paper concentrates on the event-triggered H ∞ filter design for the discrete-time Markovian jump neural networks under random missing measurements and cyber attacks. Considering that the controlled system and the filtering can exchange information over a shared communication network which is vulnerable to the cyber attacks and has limited bandwidth, the event-triggered mechanism is proposed to relieve the communication burden of data transmission. A variable conforming to Bernoulli distribution is exploited to describe the stochastic phenomenon since the missing measurements (...)
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    The “big red button” is too late: an alternative model for the ethical evaluation of AI systems.Thomas Arnold & Matthias Scheutz - 2018 - Ethics and Information Technology 20 (1):59-69.
    As a way to address both ominous and ordinary threats of artificial intelligence, researchers have started proposing ways to stop an AI system before it has a chance to escape outside control and cause harm. A so-called “big red button” would enable human operators to interrupt or divert a system while preventing the system from learning that such an intervention is a threat. Though an emergency button for AI seems to make intuitive sense, that approach ultimately concentrates on the point (...)
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    Do the Right Thing: The Imprinting of Deonance at the Upper Echelons.Curtis L. Wesley, Gregory W. Martin, Darryl B. Rice & Connor J. Lubojacky - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (1):187-213.
    This study expands the application of deonance theory into organizations’ upper echelons by examining how CEOs imprinted with a sense of duty can influence managerial decision-making. We hypothesize an imprint of bounded autonomy, an ought-force that constrains their decision-making and understanding of behavioral freedom, influences duty-bound CEOs to self-report errors in past financial reporting. We test deonance theory propositions of instrumentality for behavioral expansion, namely loss avoidance and gain attainment, related to institutional ownership concentration and CEO equity ownership. We (...)
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  9. Three invertions of Plato: Friedrich Nietzsche, Martin Heidegger, Jacques Derrida.Jūratė Baranova - 1999 - Žmogus ir Žodis 1:12-20.
    This article concentrates on two main interpreta- tions of Friedrich Nietzshe's philosophy: hermeneuti- cal , originated in Martin Heidegger's book "Nietzsche" and deconstnlctive -, elaborated in Jacques Derrida's book "Esperon: Le Styles de Nietzsche. Spurs. Nietzshe's Styles".and his article "Interpreting Signatures : Two Questions". The author of the article considers that the idea of in- verted platonism as a main paradigm of Nietzsche's thought is original Heidegger's idea, underlying his interpretation of Nietzsche as a last methaphysisian in Western thought. Derrida, (...)
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    Models of responsibility in criminal theory: Comment on Baker.C. T. Sistare - 1988 - Law and Philosophy 7 (3):295 - 320.
    Professor Brenda Baker's recent critique of the Canadian Law Reform Commission's treatment of general standards for criminal liability adds to a growing body of critical theory concerning such standards and their relation to criminal justice. From within the perspective of this same critical movement, I assess the strengths and weaknesses of Professor Baker's efforts and of similar lines of argument in the work of Professor George Fletcher. I find two significant flaws in their shared approach. The first is confusion as (...)
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  11. Binding in dreams: The bizarreness of dream images and the unity of consciousness.Antti Revonsuo & K. Tarkko - 2002 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 9 (7):3-24.
    Binding can be described at three different levels: In neuroscience it refers to the integration of single-cell activities to form functional neural assemblies, especially in response to global stimulus properties; in cognitive science it refers to the integration of distributed modular input processing to form unified representations for memory and action, and in consciousness studies it refers to the unity of phenomenal consciousness . To describe and explain the unity of consciousness, detailed phenomenological descriptions of binding at the phenomenal level (...)
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  12.  22
    Grammar, Philosophy, and Logic.Bruce Silver - 2017 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book argues that a basic grasp of philosophy and logic can produce written and spoken material that is both grammatically correct and powerful. The author analyses errors in grammar, word choice, phrasing and sentences that even the finest writers can fail to notice; concentrating on subtle missteps and errors that can make the difference between good and excellent prose. Each chapter addresses how common words and long-established grammatical rules are often misused or ignored altogether – including such common words (...)
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    Hans-Georg Gadamer: The rediscovery of truth.Anja Muller - 1998 - Dissertation, University of Glasgow
    When the first publication of Hans-Georg Gadamer's magnum opus Wahrheit und Methode came to life in I960, the work was initially received with a slight sense of puzzlement and yet concurrently acknowledged as monumental. The title, in English, Truth and Method, was regarded by the philosophical community both in Germany and abroad as being somewhat obscure, as Gadamer himself would later admit, but the ingeniousness of the book's content could hardly be debated. Since its initial publication, Truth and Method has, (...)
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    Is medicine an exact science?Lester S. King - 1952 - Philosophy of Science 19 (2):131-140.
    It is an interesting paradox that on the one hand intemperate enthusiasm greets new medical discoveries. On the other hand, the lack of science in medicine is paraded from time to time, usually as a matter of apologetics, as, when a physician wishes to excuse an error, a lawyer to discredit a physician, or a jury to render a verdict contrary to medical evidence. Philosophers who insist on the mathematical or quantitative aspects in any definition of science ascribe very (...)
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    Compassion As an Intervention to Attune to Universal Suffering of Self and Others in Conflicts: A Translational Framework.S. Shaun Ho, Yoshio Nakamura & James E. Swain - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    As interpersonal, racial, social, and international conflicts intensify in the world, it is important to safeguard the mental health of individuals affected by them. According to a Buddhist notion “if you want others to be happy, practice compassion; if you want to be happy, practice compassion,” compassion practice is an intervention to cultivate conflict-proof well-being. Here, compassion practice refers to a form of concentrated meditation wherein a practitioner attunes to friend, enemy, and someone in between, thinking, “I’m going to help (...)
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  16. Friedman fallacies.Colin Grant - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (12):907 - 914.
    Milton Friedman's article, The Social Responsibility of Business Is To Increase Its Profits, owes its appeal to the rhetorical devices of simplicity, authority, and finality. More careful consideration reveals oversimplification and ambiguity that conceals empirical errors and logical fallacies. It is false that business does, or would, operate exclusively in economic terms, that managers concentrate obsessively on profitability, and that ethics can be marginalized. These errors reflect basic contradictions: an apolitical political base, altruistic agents of selfishness, and good deriving from (...)
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    Ruling engines and diffraction gratings before Rowland: the work of Lewis Rutherfurd and William Rogers.C. N. Brown - 2018 - Annals of Science 75 (4):330-360.
    ABSTRACTDiffraction gratings are famously associated with Henry Rowland of Johns Hopkins University but there were precursors. Although gratings were first made and used in Europe, reliable machines for ruling gratings were developed in the USA, and two men, Lewis Rutherfurd and William Rogers, tackled the problem before Rowland. Rutherfurd, a wealthy independent astronomer, designed and built the first screw-operated engine for ruling diffraction gratings, the fore-runner of almost all subsequent ruling engines. With it he and his assistant D. C. Chapman (...)
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    Belsey On Language And Realism.Noel Carroll - 1987 - Philosophy and Literature 11 (April):124-135.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BELSEY ON LANGUAGE AND REALISM by Noel Carroll Like much contemporary literary theory, Catherine Belsey's influential Critical Practice1 is antirealist, where "antirealism" refers both to the rejection of a putative literary style and to the espousal of an epistemological stance, the latter ostensibly grounded in a theory of language, adapted from Ferdinand Saussure. Moreover, these two antirealisms are connected in that stylistic antirealism is, in part, advanced as a (...)
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    La fusion des communes : Un bilan provisoire.Joseph Michel - 1982 - Res Publica 24 (3-4):407-414.
    The adaptation of the new municipal entities to present-day social life is a success. The concentration of the local administration with better organized services has left human relations unaffected. The amalgamation of the territory and its administration has effected a more equitable distribution of the casts. Considering the administration, the new municipalities could have been bigger but the human dimensions did not allow such enlargement. In most cases, the amalgamation contributed to the inception of a real social and economie (...)
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    The New Anthropomorphism Debate and Researching Non-Human Animal Emotions: A Kantian Approach.Maja Białek - 2023 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 71 (3):205-229.
    Researchers of non-human animal emotions tend to defend some forms of anthropomorphism and seek ways to make it more critical, self-aware, and useful for scientific purposes. I propose that to achieve this goal, we need first to conduct a Kantian investigation into the deeper structure of anthropomorphism. I argue that we can distinguish at least three levels of anthropomorphising: a narrative level, a cognitive level and an in-between, metatheoretical level which is the deeper structure determining how we anthropomorphise. Because the (...)
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    All in My Head: Beckett, Schizophrenia and the Self.Elizabeth Barry - 2016 - Journal of Medical Humanities 37 (2):183-192.
    This article will explore the representation of certain mental and somatic phenomena in Beckett’s trilogy of novels Molloy, Malone Dies and The Unnamable, exploring how his understanding of schizophrenia and psychosis informs his representation of the relationship between mind and body. It will also examine recent phenomenological and philosophical accounts of schizophrenia (Louis Sass, Josef Parnas, Shaun Gallagher) that see the condition as a disorder of selfhood and concentrate in it on the disruption to ipseity, a fundamental and pre-reflective awareness (...)
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    Does Truth Have Degrees? Bradley’s Doctrine of Degrees of Truth.Ligeng Zhang - 2023 - Idealistic Studies 53 (2):181-196.
    What is the nature of truth? This question has been answered by philosophers in quite different ways, while F. H. Bradley asserts that truths have degrees and that no proposition can be stated to be simply true or false. In this paper, I briefly illustrate what he calls the doctrine of degrees of truth and try to address the problems it entails. I first explain what he means by truth and error/falsehood (he does not make a clear distinction between (...)
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    Design of Nonfragile State Estimator for Discrete-Time Genetic Regulatory Networks Subject to Randomly Occurring Uncertainties and Time-Varying Delays.Yanfeng Zhao, Jihong Shen & Dongyan Chen - 2017 - Complexity:1-17.
    We deal with the design problem of nonfragile state estimator for discrete-time genetic regulatory networks with time-varying delays and randomly occurring uncertainties. In particular, the norm-bounded uncertainties enter into the GRNs in random ways in order to reflect the characteristic of the modelling errors, and the so-called randomly occurring uncertainties are characterized by certain mutually independent random variables obeying the Bernoulli distribution. The focus of the paper is on developing a new nonfragile state estimation method to estimate the concentrations of (...)
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    A Comment on Timothy Sprigge’s Account of William James.Graham Bird - 1996 - Bradley Studies 2 (1):64-71.
    Philosophers are intellectual cannibals; they feed on the supposed errors of their colleagues. No harm in that, it might be said. With a sophistical argument like that of the Queen in Alice Through the Looking Glass to support the punishment of the innocent, progress in philosophy might be thought dependent on such voracious activities. The Queen thought that in replying to the claim that punishing the innocent was wrong one could say that if the victim really was innocent then that (...)
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    Explication, similarity, and analogy: a defense and application of philosophical method.Kyle Broom - unknown
    With his 1951 publication of “Two Dogmas of Empiricism”, W.V.O. Quine launched a series of arguments against the idea that analyticity – “truth in virtue of meaning alone” – could be a philosophically explanatory notion. While his rejection represents a significant philosophical stride in its own right, to which many in the contemporary philosophical scene pay verbal respects, the revolutionary consequences of this insight often go ignored today. Much of current professional philosophy in virtually every sub-discipline carries on as though (...)
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    De-Dramatizing Darwinism.Mary Midgley - 1984 - The Monist 67 (2):200-215.
    Let us by-pass a lot of disputation by starting with the objections to the dispute itself. It is surely a misfortune, not a gain, both to the biological and the social sciences that a discontinuity has appeared between them over the topic of Human Nature—that the findings of each group seem in important ways alien and unusable for the purposes of the other. To be forced to give up hope of learning anything from a particular source is always a misfortune, (...)
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    Pattern formation by local self‐activation and lateral inhibition.Hans Meinhardt & Alfred Gierer - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (8):753-760.
    In 1972, we proposed a theory of biological pattern formation in which concentration maxima of pattern forming substances are generated through local self- enhancement in conjunction with long range inhibition. Since then, much evidence in various developmental systems has confirmed the importance of autocatalytic feedback loops combined with inhibitory interaction. Examples are found in the formation of embryonal organizing regions, in segmentation, in the polarization of individual cells, and in gene activation. By computer simulations, we have shown that the (...)
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    The correlations between kinematic profiles and cerebral hemodynamics suggest changes of motor coordination in single and bilateral finger movement.Guangquan Zhou, Yuzhao Chen, Xiaohan Wang, Hao Wei, Qinghua Huang & Le Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:957364.
    ObjectiveThe correlation between the performance of coordination movement and brain activity is still not fully understood. The current study aimed to identify activated brain regions and brain network connectivity changes for several coordinated finger movements with different difficulty levels and to correlate the brain hemodynamics and connectivity with kinematic performance.MethodsTwenty-one right-dominant-handed subjects were recruited and asked to complete circular motions of single and bilateral fingers in the same direction and in opposite directions on a plane. Kinematic data including radius and (...)
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    直観的な学習制御パラメータを有するarcingアルゴリズム.Rätsch Gunnar 小野田 崇 - 2001 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 16:417-426.
    AdaBoost has been successfully applied to a number of classification tasks, seemingly defying problems of overfitting. AdaBoost performs gradient descent in an error function with respect to the margin. This method concentrates on the patterns which are hardest to learn. However, this property of AdaBoost can be disadvantageous for noisy problems. Indeed, theoretical analysis has shown that the margin distribution plays a crucial role in understanding this phenomenon. Loosely speaking, some outliers should be tolerated if this has the benefit (...)
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    Highway to hell‐thy meiotic divisions: Chromosome passenger complex functions driven by microtubules.Kim S. McKim - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (1):2100202.
    The chromosome passenger complex (CPC) localizes to chromosomes and microtubules, sometimes simultaneously. The CPC also has multiple domains for interacting with chromatin and microtubules. Interactions between the CPC and both the chromatin and microtubules is important for spindle assembly and error correction. Such dual chromatin‐microtubule interactions may increase the concentration of the CPC necessary for efficient kinase activity while also making it responsive to specific conditions or structures in the cell. CPC‐microtubule dependent functions are considered in the context (...)
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    The Intellectual Background of Reiner Schürmann’s Heidegger Interpretation.Vittorio Hösle - 1997 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 19 (2-1):263-285.
    The work of Reiner Schürmann’s which has received the most intense reception has been his monumental book on Heidegger. Both Emmanuel Levinas and Hans-Georg Gadamer have praised it warmly, and it is regarded as an astonishing work, combining both a thorough knowledge of Heidegger’s thought and an original and intriguing philosophical claim. In the following, I shall concentrate primarily on this philosophical claim and not on the question whether Reiner Schürmann’s reconstruction of Heidegger is sufficiently philologically accurate. I do not (...)
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    Cartesian Theodicy: Descartes's Quest for Certitude (review).Richard A. Watson - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (2):275-276.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.2 (2003) 275-276 [Access article in PDF] Zbigniew Janowski. Cartesian Theodicy: Descartes' Quest for Certitude. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2002. Pp. 181. Cloth, $30.00. Janowski begins this original and erudite work by saying that although "the Meditations have never [before] been interpreted as a theodicy... insofar as theodicy is concerned with examining the relationship between the existence of evil on the one hand and God's (...)
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    An r-Order Finite-Time State Observer for Reaction-Diffusion Genetic Regulatory Networks with Time-Varying Delays.Xiaofei Fan, Yantao Wang, Ligang Wu & Xian Zhang - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-15.
    It will be settled out for the open problem of designing an r-order finite-time state observer for reaction-diffusion genetic regulatory networks with time-varying delays. By assuming the Dirichlet boundary conditions, aiming to estimate the mRNA and protein concentrations via available network measurements. Firstly, sufficient F-T stability conditions for the filtering error system have been investigated via constructing an appropriate Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional and using several integral inequalities and convex technique simultaneously. These conditions are delay-dependent and reaction-diffusion-dependent and can be checked (...)
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    'Everything you always wanted to know about Atomic Warfare but were afraid to ask': Nuclear Strategy in the Ukraine War era.Demetrius Floudas - forthcoming - Cambridge Existential Risk Initiative Termly Lectures; Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge.
    The ongoing conflict in Ukraine constitutes a poignant reminder of the enduring relevance and potential devastation associated with nuclear weapons. For decades, the possibility of such catastrophic conflict has not seemed so imminent as in the current world affairs. -/- This contribution presents a comprehensive analysis of nuclear strategy for the 21st century. By examining the evolving geostrategic landscape the talk illuminates key concepts such as nuclear posture, credible deterrence, first & second strike capabilities, flexible response, EMP , variable yield, (...)
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    The Cambridge Companion to Galileo (review).Martin Curd - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (2):364-366.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Cambridge Companion to Galileo ed. by Peter MachamerMartin CurdPeter Machamer, editor. The Cambridge Companion to Galileo. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. Pp xii + 462. Cloth, $59.95. Paper, $19.95.The contributions fall into three main areas: Galileo’s work on mechanics, his defense of Copernicus, and his relationship with the church. The relative number of pages devoted to these topics is unusual: the ratio is roughly 3 to 1 (...)
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    Multimodal resting-state connectivity predicts affective neurofeedback performance.Lucas R. Trambaiolli, Raymundo Cassani, Claudinei E. Biazoli, André M. Cravo, João R. Sato & Tiago H. Falk - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:977776.
    Neurofeedback has been suggested as a potential complementary therapy to different psychiatric disorders. Of interest for this approach is the prediction of individual performance and outcomes. In this study, we applied functional connectivity-based modeling using electroencephalography (EEG) and functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) modalities to (i) investigate whether resting-state connectivity predicts performance during an affective neurofeedback task and (ii) evaluate the extent to which predictive connectivity profiles are correlated across EEG and fNIRS techniques. The fNIRS oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin concentrations and the (...)
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    Improvement in Explicit Prediction of Water Quality Using Wavelet-Based LSSVR and M5pRT.Rashmi Bhardwaj & Aashima Bangia - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-16.
    Imbalance in the pH of water reduces this precious resource as an extremely dangerous liquid for human health and plants’ growth. Change in the pH levels of the drinkable water has majorly raised concern towards diverse health issues like heart problems, infant mortality rates, pigmentation of skin, and cholera outbreaks. Therefore, it is necessary to keep a check on essential water quality components that include acidic/basic nature of water. As per the US Environmental Protection Agency, the drinkable water should have (...)
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    Nostalgia. Sobre el origen y el nombre de una patología sentimental.Diego S. Garrocho - 2019 - Isegoría 61:673-688.
    The aim of this paper is to expose a philosophical analysis of the type and development of a disease that, over time, became a capital sentimental experience in Late modernity: nostalgia. While the Ancient World concentrated on the study and diagnosis of a close disease like melancholy, nostalgia burst into medical manuals as a hybrid pathology between moral error and bodily defect. Its gradual assimilation rooted in a specific experience of temporality with important epistemological, political and existential connotations. throughout (...)
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    Voluntary and involuntary components in saccade and attention control.Burkhart Fischer - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (4):684-685.
    This commentary considers experimental material – some new, some from earlier studies – challenging the model presented by Findlay & Walker. It concentrates on the role of voluntary and involuntary visual attention versus fixation in saccade control and on the generation of antisaccades, reflexive prosaccades, and corrective saccades. The data of a large number of subjects are presented to show the systematic relationship between voluntary saccade generation, error production, and error correction in an antisaccade task.
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  40. Finding common ground between evolutionary biology and continental philosophy.Maxine Sheets-Johnstone - 2007 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 6 (3):327-348.
    This article identifies already existing theoretical and methodological commonalities between evolutionary biology and phenomenology, concentrating specifically on their common pursuit of origins. It identifies in passing theoretical support from evolutionary biology for present-day concerns in philosophy, singling out Sartre’s conception of fraternity as an example. It anchors its analysis of the common pursuit of origins in Husserl’s consistent recognition of the grounding significance of Nature and in his consistent recognition of animate forms of life other than human. It enumerates and (...)
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  41. Eugenics Offended.Robert A. Wilson - 2021 - Monash Bioethics Review 39 (2):169-176.
    This commentary continues an exchange on eugenics in Monash Bioethics Review between Anomaly (2018), Wilson (2019), and Veit, Anomaly, Agar, Singer, Fleischman, and Minerva (2021). The eponymous question, “Can ‘Eugenics’ be Defended?”, is multiply ambiguous and does not receive a clear answer from Veit et al.. Despite their stated desire to move beyond mere semantics to matters of substance, Veit et al. concentrate on several uses of the term “eugenics” that pull in opposite directions. I argue, first, that Veit et (...)
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    Descartes and the Possibility of Science (review).Margaret J. Osler - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (2):294-295.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.2 (2001) 294-295 [Access article in PDF] Schouls, Peter A. Descartes and the Possibility of Science. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2000. Pp. x + 171. Cloth, $35.00. There are at least three ways to write the history of philosophy. Truly historical historians of philosophy emphasize the context and development of ideas, concentrating on the intellectual, social, and personal factors that affect the way (...)
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  43. Against the Precautionary Approach to Moral Status: The Case of Surrogates for Living Human Brains.Tomasz Żuradzki - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (1):53-56.
    My paper builds on the conceptual tools from three interrelated philosophical debates that—as I believe—may help structure important if chaotic discussions about surrogates for living human brains and resolve some practical issues related to regulatory matters. In particular, I refer to the discussions about the “moral precautionary principle” in research ethics (Koplin and Wilkinson 2019); about normative uncertainty in ethics (MacAskill, Bykvist, and Ord 2020), and about the inductive risk problem for animal welfare scientists (Birch 2018). I elucidate upon the (...)
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    Wise therapy: philosophy for counsellors.Tim LeBon - 2001 - New York: Continuum.
    Independent on Sunday October 2nd One of the country's lead­ing philosophical counsellers, and chairman of the Society for Philosophy in Practice (SPP), Tim LeBon, said it typically took around six 50 ­minute sessions for a client to move from confusion to resolution. Mr LeBon, who has 'published a book on the subject, Wise Therapy, said philoso­phy was perfectly suited to this type of therapy, dealing as it does with timeless human issues such as love, purpose, happiness and emo­tional challenges. `Wise (...)
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  45. Disunity of Virtue.Gopal Sreenivasan - 2009 - The Journal of Ethics 13 (2):195-212.
    This paper argues against the unity of the virtues, while trying to salvage some of its attractive aspects. I focus on the strongest argument for the unity thesis, which begins from the premise that true virtue cannot lead its possessor morally astray. I suggest that this premise presupposes the possibility of completely insulating an agent’s set of virtues from any liability to moral error. I then distinguish three conditions that separately foreclose this possibility, concentrating on the proposition that there (...)
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  46.  40
    The Structure of Science.Michael Scriven - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (3):403 - 424.
    It is not an easy work to read, the phrasing being rather complicated, and the topics at times repetitious and intertwined; but great works do not have to be easy texts. It is the first of a proposed pair, its role being indicated by the sub-title: Problems in the Logic of Scientific Explanation. The next volume is to deal with the analysis of scientific concepts and inference. In the present work we may distinguish three groups of chapters. The first group (...)
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    The mercury clock of the Libros del Saber.A. A. Mills - 1988 - Annals of Science 45 (4):329-344.
    The Libros del Saber de Astronomia is a compilation of various Arabic astronomical works translated into Castilian in the second half of the thirteenth century, under the direction of King Alfonso X of Spain. A section describing a mercury clock has been suggested to be of particular significance in view of the likely invention of the mechanical clock around this period, so a new translation into modern technical English has been prepared. The clock is shown to consist essentially of an (...)
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  48. Reid's Criticism of Hume's Theory of Personal Identity.Harry Lesser - 1978 - Hume Studies 4 (2):41-63.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:REID' S CRITICISM OF HUME'S THEORY OF PERSONAL IDENTITY One of the most interesting philosophical controversies is that between Reid and Hume, considered as representatives of two different sorts of empiricism. Hume, for these purposes, represents 'radical' empiricism, and the attempt to base knowledge solely on experience and what can be validly inferred from it, regardless of how far this leads one from everyday notions and beliefs. Reid, in (...)
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    Biological asymmetries and the fidelity of eukaryotic DNA replication.Thomas A. Kunkel - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (5):303-308.
    A diploid human genome contains approximately six billion nucleotides. This enormous amount of genetic information can be replicated with great accuracy in only a few hours. However, because DNA strands are oriented antiparallel while DNA polymerization only occurs in the 5′ → 3′ direction, semi‐conservative replication of double‐stranded DNA is an asymmetric process, i.e., there is a leading and a lagging strand. This provides a considerable opportunity for non‐random error rates, because the architecture of the two strands as well (...)
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    Ifs and Cans - I.D. F. Pears - 1971 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 1 (2):249 - 274.
    Austin's lecture on this topic contributes little to the problem of freedom of the will, and so in my discussion of his ideas I shall stop short of the difficult part of that problem. His most important positive suggestion is that hypotheticals should be divided into two classes, conditionals and pseudo-conditionals. He claims that neglect of this distinction has been the cause of mistakes in certain forms of the dispositional analysis of the statement that an agent could have acted otherwise, (...)
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