Results for ' importance of hierarchical view of evolution'

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  1. The hierarchical complexity view of evolution and history.Michael Lamport Commons & Sara Nora Ross - 2008 - World Futures 64 (5-7):399 – 405.
    Evolution means different things at different stages of development. Higher stage explanations for it are downward assimilated at lower stages. Different scientific explanations for evolution also reflect different stages of development. Hierarchical complexity of tasks in evolution is a behavioral analytic explanation. It is selection processes of various kinds in tandem with changes in selection tasks' orders of hierarchical complexity. There is neither teleology nor evolutionary favoring of the highest stages of performance. Selection tasks at (...)
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    Revisiting George Gaylord Simpson’s “The Role of the Individual in Evolution”.Lynn K. Nyhart & Scott Lidgard - 2021 - Biological Theory 16 (4):203-212.
    “The Role of the Individual in Evolution” is a prescient yet neglected 1941 work by the 20th century’s most important paleontologist, George Gaylord Simpson. In a curious intermingling of explanation and critique, Simpson engages questions that would become increasingly fundamental in modern biological theory and philosophy. Did individuality, adaptation, and evolutionary causation reside at more than one level: the cell, the organism, the genetically coherent reproductive group, the social group, or some combination thereof? What was an individual, anyway? In (...)
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    Microevolution and macroevolution are not governed by the same processes.Douglas H. Erwin - 2009 - In Francisco José Ayala & Robert Arp (eds.), Contemporary debates in philosophy of biology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 180--193.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Domains of Microevolution and Macroevolution Changing Meanings of Macroevolution An Expanding Hierarchy of Selection Origins of Novelty Mass Extinctions Is Evolution Uniformitarian? Conclusions Postscript: Counterpoint References.
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    On Social Tolerance and the Evolution of Human Normative Guidance.Ivan Gonzalez-Cabrera - 2017 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science:axx017.
    Discussions about the evolution of human social cognition usually portray the social environment of early hominins as highly hierarchical and violent. In this evolutionary narrative, our propensity for violence was overcome in our lineage by an increase in our intellectual capacities. However, I will argue in this article that we are at least equally justified in believing that our early hominin ancestors were less aggressive and hierarchical than is suggested in these models. This view is consistent (...)
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    BTB domains: A structural view of evolution, multimerization, and protein–protein interactions.Artem Bonchuk, Konstantin Balagurov & Pavel Georgiev - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (2):2200179.
    Broad‐complex, Tramtrack, and Bric‐à‐brac/poxvirus and zinc finger (BTB/POZ) is a conserved domain found in many eukaryotic proteins with diverse cellular functions. Recent studies revealed its importance in multiple developmental processes as well as in the onset and progression of oncological diseases. Most BTB domains can form multimers and selectively interact with non‐BTB proteins. Structural studies of BTB domains delineated the presence of different interfaces involved in various interactions mediated by BTBs and provided a basis for the specific inhibition of (...)
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    On Social Tolerance and the Evolution of Human Normative Guidance.Ivan Gonzalez-Cabrera - 2019 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 70 (2):523-549.
    Discussions about the evolution of human social cognition usually portray the social environment of early hominins as highly hierarchical and violent. In this evolutionary narrative, our propensity for violence was overcome in our lineage by an increase in our intellectual capacities. However, I will argue in this article that we are at least equally justified in believing that our early hominin ancestors were less aggressive and hierarchical than is suggested in these models. This view is consistent (...)
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    Evolving views on the science of evolution.Nathalie Gontier - 2024 - Academic Questions 132 (Spring):26-35.
    As an outcome of scientific thinking, evolutionary theories change in accordance with progress made. Here, we trace the evolution of evolutionary thought through seven different research schools that have arisen since the introduction of Darwin’s Origin of Species. These schools include Darwinism, the Modern Synthesis, Micro-, Meso-, and Macroevolution, Ecology, and Reticulate Evolution. The schools of Darwinism and the Modern Synthesis together lie at the foundation of the Neo-Darwinian paradigm. This paradigm has now expanded into the schools of (...)
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    Ecumenism in the views of the hierarchs of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.Maryana Mischuk - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 66:459-466.
    An important factor in the socio-political life in the process of the formation of an independent Ukrainian state was the need to create its own state ideology, which would be based on the moral principles of Christianity. The problems of the moral and peaceful functioning of any society, including the Ukrainian one, today occupy a prominent place in the whole complex of economic, social-political and spiritual transformations. In this context, the role played by the ecumenical ideas of the hierarchs of (...)
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    Introduction: A Dynamic View of Evolution.Brett Calcottt & Kim Sterelny - 2011 - In Brett Calcott & Kim Sterelny (eds.), The Major Transitions in Evolution Revisited. MIT Press. pp. 1--14.
    This book reviews some of life’s history. It suggests that one crucial feature of John Maynard Smith and Eörs Szathmáry’s The Major Transitions in Evolution is that it has a dynamic approach. In The Major Transitions in Evolution, Maynard Smith and Szathmáry bought a much more dynamic model to debates about the history of life. This book also shows that in the decade and more that has followed, the legacy of Maynard Smith and Szathmáry has been developed in (...)
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  10. The Hierarchical Correspondence View of Levels: A Case Study in Cognitive Science.Luke Kersten - 2024 - Minds and Machines 34 (18):1-21.
    There is a general conception of levels in philosophy which says that the world is arrayed into a hierarchy of levels and that there are different modes of analysis that correspond to each level of this hierarchy, what can be labelled the ‘Hierarchical Correspondence View of Levels” (or HCL). The trouble is that despite its considerable lineage and general status in philosophy of science and metaphysics the HCL has largely escaped analysis in specific domains of inquiry. The goal (...)
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    Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition (review). [REVIEW]Glennon Anthony Donnelly - 1965 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 3 (2):276-278.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:276 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY appointment as the shepherd of the sheep from Christ. Nevertheless, his successors are chosen by men. Thus they are not of divine appointment and their power, in any case limited by Scriptural precept and natural law, is strictly circumscribed. Since they are placed in their position by men, they can be judged and deposed by men if they misuse their power. Throughout his career Ockham (...)
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    Defending the importance of lineage-forming reproduction in evolution by natural selection.Mingjun Zhang & Xingyi Li - 2024 - Biology and Philosophy 40 (1):1-19.
    Charbonneau ( 2014 ) and Papale ( 2021 ) challenge the necessity of reproduction for evolution by natural selection (ENS) by contending that what really matter for ENS are memory and (re)generation at the population level, rather than lineage-forming reproduction at the local level. In this article, we critically evaluate their reproduction-independent accounts of ENS and defend the importance of lineage-forming reproduction in paradigmatic ENS on both empirical and theoretical grounds. We argue that none of the empirical cases (...)
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    Defending the importance of lineage-forming reproduction in evolution by natural selection.Mingjun Zhang & Li Xingyi - 2025 - Biology and Philosophy 40 (1):5.
    Charbonneau (2014) and Papale (2021) challenge the necessity of reproduction for evolution by natural selection (ENS) by contending that what really matter for ENS are memory and (re)generation at the population level, rather than lineage-forming reproduction at the local level. In this article, we critically evaluate their reproduction-independent accounts of ENS and defend the importance of lineage-forming reproduction in paradigmatic ENS on both empirical and theoretical grounds. We argue that none of the empirical cases they cite can be (...)
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    Some problems of evolutionary epistemology: Hayek’s view on evolution of market.Milos Krstic - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (3):333-347.
    This paper aims to present Hayek?s view of cultural evolution as an important contribution to contemporary evolutionary epistemology. However, despite the importance of Hayek?s theory of cultural evolution, the tension between his concept of rational liberalism and evolutionary epistemology will be pointe out. This tension limits Hayek?s understanding of cultural evolution. Hayek?s conception of rational liberalism emphasizes the values of individual freedom and benefits of the market system. The term evolutionary epistemology includes the economic phenomena (...)
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    (Abstract) Taiwanese Philosophy: "Philosophical Activities in Taiwan" or "Taiwanese Philosophy with Subjective Characteristics" ? An Exploration of the Relationship between Two Semantic Divergences ".Jr-Jiun Lian - 2024 - 2024年「台灣哲學與文學文化的交涉」研討會.
    The examination of "Taiwanese Philosophy" is intricately influenced by the complex meanings of its terms4, fostering a range of interpretations and understandings that play a crucial role in the methodological discussions on how Taiwanese philosophical ideas are analyzed and developed. I highlight that the conventional approaches to interpreting "Taiwanese Philosophy" are mainly divided into two models: the PIT framework, signifying "Philosophical activities in Taiwan," and the TP framework, indicating "Taiwanese Philosophy noted for its unique subjectivity" (see Hung & Gao 2018)5. (...)
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    The Spiritual Logic of Ramon Llull (review).Amador Vega - 1990 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 28 (1):127-128.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 127 from Adam, and inheriting "real sins" with real "guilt." From his De libero arbitrio onward, Augustine sees that if Adam's is the sin of someone "other" than ourselves, then it is alienum to us, is simply not "our" sin, and we cannot be held "guilty" of it. On the other hand, he is willing to accept that God might fittingly decree that Adam's descendants "inherit" the (...)
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  17. Précis of evolution in four dimensions.Eva Jablonka & Marion J. Lamb - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (4):353-365.
    In his theory of evolution, Darwin recognized that the conditions of life play a role in the generation of hereditary variations, as well as in their selection. However, as evolutionary theory was developed further, heredity became identified with genetics, and variation was seen in terms of combinations of randomly generated gene mutations. We argue that this view is now changing, because it is clear that a notion of hereditary variation that is based solely on randomly varying genes that (...)
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    The Ascent of Life: A Philosophical Study of the Theory of Evolution[REVIEW]M. W. J. - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (2):342-342.
    Combining an appreciation of recent analyses of "types" of scientific explanation with a detailed knowledge of contemporary biological investigations, Goudge examines the theory of evolution since Darwin. He argues that twentieth century evolutionary theory gives rise to philosophical questions whose importance rivals anything that physics has to offer. After showing how "modern selectionist theory" differs from Darwin's view of evolution, he asks: "Has evolutionary theory metaphysical implications?" The answer--a tentative "yes"--is so carefully qualified that one wonders (...)
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    Units and passages: A view for evolutionary biology and ecology. [REVIEW]Masakado Kawata - 1987 - Biology and Philosophy 2 (4):415-434.
    Many authors, including paleobiologists, cladists and so on, adopt a nested hierarchical viewpoint to examine the relationships among different levels of biological organization. Furthermore, species are often considered to be unique entities in functioning evolutionary processes and one of the individuals forming a nested hierarchy.I have attempted to show that such a hierarchical view is inadequate in evolutionary biology. We should define units depending on what we are trying to explain. Units that play an important role in (...)
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    The Compatibility of Evolution and Design.E. V. R. Kojonen - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book challenges the widespread assumption of the incompatibility of evolution and the biological design argument. Kojonen analyzes the traditional arguments for incompatibility, and argues for salvaging the idea of design in a way that is fully compatible with evolutionary biology. Relating current views to their intellectual history, Kojonen steers a course that avoids common pitfalls such as the problems of the God of the gaps, the problem of natural evil, and the traditional Humean and Darwinian critiques. The resulting (...)
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    The politics of becoming different: Rethinking evolution through population genetics.Venla Oikkonen - 2015 - Feminist Theory 16 (2):189-206.
    Recent ‘new materialist’ readings of evolution by such feminists as Elizabeth Grosz, Claire Colebrook, Luciana Parisi, Susan Oyama and Myra Hird have provided important insights on the openness of evolutionary processes and the emergence of difference by focusing on evolution as a temporal dynamic. Building on Darwin's observations on geographical variation, this article highlights the importance of viewing evolution as not only temporal but also spatial. For this purpose, the article turns to population genetics and its (...)
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  22. The hologenome concept of evolution: a philosophical and biological study.Javier Suárez - 2019 - Dissertation, University of Exeter
    The hologenome concept of evolution is a hypothesis about the evolution of animals and plants. It asserts that the evolution of animals and plants was partially triggered by their interactions with their symbiotic microbiomes. In that vein, the hologenome concept posits that the holobiont (animal host + symbionts of the microbiome) is a unit of selection. -/- The hologenome concept has been severely criticized on the basis that selection on holobionts would only be possible if there were (...)
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    Scientific Evolution of Philosophical Concepts of the Origins of Universe and Life.Cristina de Souza Agostini, Isabel Porto da Silveira & Cauê Cardoso Polla - 2021 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 31.
    In order to demonstrate the great importance of Philosophy in the elaboration of current scientific theories, a parallel was drawn between concepts of pre-Socratic Philosophy and current modern theories. Thus, throughout this essay, the convergences between some elaborations developed by philosophers and their reinterpretation from a scientific point of view, supported by the scientific method and the present technological apparatuses, were exposed. In this sense, having as its core the reflection about the atomic theory of Leucippus and Democritus, (...)
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    The Co-evolution of Leaders’ Cognitive Complexity and Corporate Sustainability: The Case of the CEO of Puma.Tobias Hahn, Patricia Gabaldón & Stefan Gröschl - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (3):741-762.
    In this longitudinal study, we explore the co-evolution of the cognitive complexity of the CEO of Puma, Jochen Zeitz, and his view and initiatives on sustainability. Our purpose was to explore how the changes in a leader’s mindset relate to his/her views and actions on sustainability. In contrast to previous studies, we adopt an in-depth longitudinal case study approach to capture the role of leaders’ cognitive complexity in the context of corporate sustainability. By understanding the cognitive development of (...)
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    A Japanese View of Nature: The World of Living Things by Kinji Imanishi.Pamela J. Asquith (ed.) - 2002 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Although _Seibutsu no Sekai _, the seminal 1941 work of Kinji Imanishi, had an enormous impact in Japan, both on scholars and on the general public, very little is known about it in the English-speaking world. This book makes the complete text available in English for the first time and provides an extensive introduction and notes to set the work in context. Imanishi's work, based on a very wide knowledge of science and the natural world, puts forward a distinctive (...) of nature and how it should be studied. Imanishi's work is particularly important as a background to ecology, primatology and human social evolution theory in Japan. Imanishi's views on these subjects are extremely interesting because he formulated an approach to viewing nature which challenged the usual international ideas of the time, and which foreshadow approaches that have currency today. (shrink)
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    (1 other version)The Logical Necessity of Multi-Disciplinarity: A Consistent View of the World.Stephen Jay Kline - 1986 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 6 (2):164-187.
    For three hundred years two conflicting views of the world (1) have provided the overall frameworks for thought in western culture. The present paper shows neither view is sufficient for human understanding of many important systems and behaviors. A third view which appears sufficient is presented. Illustrations of the third view show increased understanding is obtained in many problems. The sufficiency of the historic views and the route to the third view are provided through discussion of (...)
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  27. Trashing life’s tree.L. R. Franklin-Hall - 2010 - Biology and Philosophy 25 (4):689-709.
    The Tree of Life has traditionally been understood to represent the history of species lineages. However, recently researchers have suggested that it might be better interpreted as representing the history of cellular lineages, sometimes called the Tree of Cells. This paper examines and evaluates reasons offered against this cellular interpretation of the Tree of Life. It argues that some such reasons are bad reasons, based either on a false attribution of essentialism, on a misunderstanding of the problem of lineage identity, (...)
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    Diagrammatic classifications of birds, 1819–1901: views of the natural system in 19th-century British ornithology.Robert J. O'Hara - 1988 - Acta XIX Congressus Internationalis Ornithologici: pp. 2746–2759.
    Classifications of animals and plants have long been represented by hierarchical lists of taxa, but occasional authors have drawn diagrammatic versions of their classifications in an attempt to better depict the "natural relationships" of their organisms. Ornithologists in 19th-century Britain produced and pioneered many types of classificatory diagrams, and these fall into three groups: (a) the quinarian systems of Vigors and Swainson (1820s and 1830s); (b) the "maps" of Strickland and Wallace (1840s and 1850s); and (c) the evolutionary diagrams (...)
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    On the Relationship Between Belief and Acceptance of Evolution as Goals of Evolution Education.Mike U. Smith & Harvey Siegel - 2016 - Science & Education 25 (5-6):473-496.
    The issue of the proper goals of science education and science teacher education have been a focus of the science education and philosophy of science communities in recent years. More particularly, the issue of whether belief/acceptance of evolution and/or understanding are the appropriate goals for evolution educators and the issue of the precise nature of the distinctions among the terms knowledge, understanding, belief, and acceptance have received increasing attention in the 12 years since we first published our views (...)
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    Towards an ecological view of immunity.Swiatczak Bartlomiej - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 63:85-88.
    The immune system does not just fight pathogens but also engages in interactions with beneficial microbes and non-immune cells of the body to harmonize their behavior by means of cytokines, antibodies and effector cells (Dinarello, 2007; Moticka, 2015, pp. 217e226, 261e267). However, the importance of these “housekeeping” functions has not been fully appreciated (Cohen, 2000). In his new book Immunity: The Evolution of an Idea Alfred I. Tauber traces the history of fundamental ideas in immunology and refers to (...)
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    Teilhard’s View of Nature and Some Implications for Environmental Ethics.James F. O’Brien - 1988 - Environmental Ethics 10 (4):329-346.
    Teilhard’s cosmological speculation is a valuable basis for an environmental ethics that perceives individual natural objects as good in themselves and the world as good in itself. Teilhard perceives man as fundamentally part of a cosmic environmental whole that is greater than mankind taken individually or collectively. His holistic views on human biological and psychological and social evolution are, I argue,compatible with a biocentric environmental ethics. I discuss some similarities and differences with the views of the deep ecology movement. (...)
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    Gulliver’s Further Travels: The Necessity and Difficulty of a Hierarchical Theory of Selection.Stephen Jay Gould - 1998 - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 353 (1366):307-314.
    For principled and substantially philosophical reasons, based largely on his reform of natural history by inverting the Paleyan notion of overarching and purposeful beneficence in the construction of organisms, Darwin built his theory of selection at the single causal level of individual bodies engaged in unconscious struggle for their own reproductive success. But the central logic of the theory allows selection to work effectively on entities at several levels of a genealogical hierarchy, provided that they embody a set of requisite (...)
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    Competition theory, evolution, and the concept of an ecological niche.Thomas R. Alley - 1982 - Acta Biotheoretica 31 (3):165-179.
    This article examines some of the main tenets of competition theory in light of the theory of evolution and the concept of an ecological niche. The principle of competitive exclusion and the related assumption that communities exist at competitive equilibrium - fundamental parts of many competition theories and models - may be violated if non-equilibrium conditions exist in natural communities or are incorporated into competition models. Furthermore, these two basic tenets of competition theory are not compatible with the theory (...)
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    The Evolution of Philip Melanchthon's Views: from Humanistic Religiosity to Reformation.Nikolai Adrianovich Bagrovnikov & Marina Fedorova - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The subject of research in this article is some aspects of the life path of a prominent figure of the Reformation in Germany, Philip Melanchthon, which influenced the evolution of his worldview. Special attention is paid to the facts of his biography, the characteristics of his early works, as well as his assessments of the confessional struggle and calls for the active involvement of administrative resources to crack down on dissidents. The methodological basis of this article is the dialectical (...)
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    A Japanese view of nature: the world of living things.Kinji Imanishi - 2002 - New York, NY: RoutledgeCurzon. Edited by Pamela J. Asquith.
    Although Seibutsu no Sekai (The World of Living Things) , the seminal 1941 work of Kinji Imanishi, had an enormous impact in Japan, both on scholars and on the general public, very little is known about it in the English-speaking world. This book makes the complete text available in English for the first time and provides an extensive introduction and notes to set the work in context. Imanishi's work, based on a very wide knowledge of science and the natural world, (...)
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    Paleontology at the “high table”? Popularization and disciplinary status in recent paleontology.David Sepkoski - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 45 (1):133-138.
    This paper examines the way in which paleontologists used “popular books” to call for a broader “expanded synthesis” of evolutionary biology. Beginning in the 1970s, a group of influential paleontologists, including Stephen Jay Gould, Niles Eldredge, David Raup, Steven Stanley, and others, aggressively promoted a new theoretical, evolutionary approach to the fossil record as an important revision of the existing synthetic view of Darwinism. This work had a transformative effect within the discipline of paleontology. However, by the 1980s, paleontologists (...)
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    The fragility of evolution: Part one.Michael Susko - 2003 - World Futures 59 (6):421 – 462.
    This article argues for a shift in evolutionary metaphor-from fitness and the elimination of the less fit to fragility and passage through fragile periods of change. Childhood, for example, can be viewed as state of protected weakness, allowing time for more neural development, learning, and play. Similarly, evolutionary change can be released precisely when competitive pressure is relaxed. The fragility of evolution in time extends to several biological domains. The genetic system exhibits a surprising fluidity, whether from mobile genetic (...)
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    (1 other version)Ambiguity and orthodoxy: Bertram Wolfe's view of Marx and Marxism.Tom Rockmore - 1979 - Studies in East European Thought 20 (4):349-360.
    The purpose of this paper is to study bertram wolfe's views of marx and marxism, and in particular to call attention to his insistence on the basic ambiguity of the classical doctrines and the exploitation of that ambiguity within differing concepts of marxist orthodoxy. i suggest that the importance of wolfe's views of marx and marxism lies less in the specific theses he advances or in the details of his discussion. in opposition to the more usual approach to marxism (...)
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    Survival of the fittest: Law of evolution or law of probability? [REVIEW]David B. Resnik - 1988 - Biology and Philosophy 3 (3):349-362.
    In a recent issue of Biology and Philosophy, Kenneth Waters argues that the principle of survival of the fittest should be eliminated from the theory of natural selection, because it is an untestable law of probability, and as such, has no place in evolutionary theory. His argument is impressive, but it does not do justice to the practice of biology. The principle of survival of the fittest should not be eliminated from the theory of natural selection because it is important (...)
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    Extended evolutionary psychology: the importance of transgenerational developmental plasticity.Karola Stotz - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
    What kind mechanisms one deems central for the evolutionary process deeply influences one's understanding of the nature of organisms, including cognition. Reversely, adopting a certain approach to the nature of life and cognition and the relationship between them or between the organism and its environment should affect one's view of evolutionary theory. This paper explores this reciprocal relationship in more detail. In particular it argues that the view of living and cognitive systems, especially humans, as deeply integrated beings (...)
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    The Concept of Evolution.A. R. Manser - 1965 - Philosophy 40 (151):18 - 34.
    There appears to be a wide measure of agreement, both amongst biologists and others, that Darwin's theory of evolution marks a major breakthrough in the science of biology; Darwin has even been called ‘Biology's Newton’, the highest term of praise that could be bestowed on a scientist. A. G. N. Flew, considering the matter from a philosophical point of view, says: ‘Yet one of the most important of all scientific theories is that developed by Darwin in his Origin (...)
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    EvoDevo as a Motley Aggregation: Local Integration and Conflicting Views of Genes During the 1980s.Yoshinari Yoshida & Hisashi Nakao - 2015 - Biological Theory 10 (2):156-166.
    Although there are many historical and philosophical analyses of evolutionary developmental biology (EvoDevo), its development in the 1980s, when many individual or collective attempts to synthesize evolution and development were made, has not been examined in detail. This article focuses on some interdisciplinary studies during the 1980s and argues that they had important characteristics that previous historical and philosophical work has not recognized. First, we clarify how each set of studies from the 1980s integrated the results or approaches from (...)
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    Evolution of the mental health construct from a multidisciplinary point of view.Ximena Cecilia Macaya Sandoval, Rolando Pihan Vyhmeister & Benjamín Vicente Parada - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (2):338-355.
    RESUMEN Las concepciones de salud mental son variadas y se han ido sucediendo de manera que cada una ha ido aportando nuevos matices a las anteriores, generando una nueva visión cada vez, donde las necesidades de la propia sociedad, han ido conformando una conceptualización de la salud mental de acuerdo con el contexto histórico, la disciplina y su modelación según las exigencias y particularidades de la sociedad y la cultura vigentes. Por consiguiente, se hace necesario replantear los conceptos desde los (...)
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    The importance of presents in contemporary science.David L. Miller - 1957 - Philosophy of Science 24 (1):19-24.
    Until the theory of evolution was developed in recent times, two theories of change were more or less in competition with each other. The first held that ends, purposes, goals,, are both the cause of change and constitute that toward which change is directed, as when the form of man directs the growth of a child and is the aim of growth. Hence, from this point of view, change is both accounted for and understood through what were called (...)
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  45. Evolution of Sentience, Consciousness and Language Viewed From a Darwinian and Purposive Perspective.Nicholas Maxwell - 2001 - In The Human World in the Physical Universe: Consciousness, Free Will, and Evolution. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 162-201.
    In this article I give a Darwinian account of how sentience, consciousness and language may have evolved. It is argued that sentience and consciousness emerge as brains control purposive actions in new ways. A key feature of this account is that Darwinian theory is interpreted so as to do justice to the purposive character of living things. According to this interpretation, as evolution proceeds, purposive actions play an increasingly important role in the mechanisms of evolution until, with (...) by cultural means, Darwinian evolution takes on a Lamarckian character. According to this view, as evolution proceeds, the mechanisms of Darwinian evolution themselves evolve. (shrink)
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    Countering Kauffman with Connectionism: Two Views of Gene Regulation and the Fundamental Nature of Ontogeny.Roger Sansom - 2008 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 59 (2):169-200.
    Understanding the operation and evolution of gene regulation networks is critical to understanding ontogeny and evolution. According to Stuart Kauffman's view, (1) each cell type cycles through its own repeated pattern of gene expression, (2) the order of ontogeny is dependent on these cycles being short, and (3) evolution is possible because these cycles mutate gradually. This view of gene regulation reflects Kauffman's view that ontogeny is fundamentally the process of cells repeating cycles of (...)
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  47. The Evolution of Science: A Systems Approach.Kai Hahlweg - 1983 - Dissertation, The University of Western Ontario (Canada)
    This thesis is concerned with two interrelated sets of problems: How can we have knowledge in a universe of processes? How can knowledge be improved, and how is scientific progress possible? ;To address the epistemological question in conjunction with the ontological is not a common approach in contemporary philosophy of science. I therefore begin the dissertation by arguing that these two areas of philosophy are intimately interrelated, and that the one-sided concentration on epistemological issues has led to an unsatisfactory account (...)
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  48. The evolution of language: A comparative review. [REVIEW]W. Tecumseh Fitch - 2005 - Biology and Philosophy 20 (2-3):193-203.
    For many years the evolution of language has been seen as a disreputable topic, mired in fanciful “just so stories” about language origins. However, in the last decade a new synthesis of modern linguistics, cognitive neuroscience and neo-Darwinian evolutionary theory has begun to make important contributions to our understanding of the biology and evolution of language. I review some of this recent progress, focusing on the value of the comparative method, which uses data from animal species to draw (...)
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    Communication and the Evolution of Society.Jürgen Habermas & Thomas McCarthy - 1991
    In this important volume Habermas outlines the views which form the basis of his critical theory of modern societies. The volume comprises five interlocking essays, which together define the contours of his theory of communication and of his substantive account of social change. ′What is Universal Pragmatics?′ is the best available statement of Habermas′s programme for a theoryof communication based on the analysis of speech acts. In the following two essays Habermas draws on the work of Kohlberg and others to (...)
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    The Problem of Evolution: A Study of the Philosophical Repercussions of Evolutionary Science. [REVIEW]R. Z. D. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (2):379-380.
    This book was planned as a joint work by the two authors, but the death of Nogar in 1967 left Deely to carry out the original plan alone. The purpose of the book is to challenge the reader to think about the evidence for an evolving world and the impact of such a world on diverse areas of human concern. The authors have assembled nineteen articles written by fifteen different authors. Introducing each article is an essay which places it in (...)
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