Results for ' individuation, transformation of the old, and forms of thinking, acting'

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  1. Thinking, Acting, Considering.Daniel Muñoz - 2018 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 96 (2):255-270.
    According to a familiar (alleged) requirement on practical reason, one must believe a proposition if one is to take it for granted in reasoning about what to do. This paper explores a related requirement, not on thinking but on acting—that one must accept a goal if one is to count as acting for its sake. This is the acceptance requirement. Although it is endorsed by writers as diverse as Christine Korsgaard, Donald Davidson, and Talbot Brewer, I argue that (...)
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  2. A Continuous Act..Nico Jenkins - 2012 - Continent 2 (4):248-250.
    In this issue we include contributions from the individuals presiding at the panel All in a Jurnal's Work: A BABEL Wayzgoose, convened at the second Biennial Meeting of the BABEL Working Group. Sadly, the contributions of Daniel Remein, chief rogue at the Organism for Poetic Research as well as editor at Whiskey & Fox , were not able to appear in this version of the proceedings. From the program : 2ND BIENNUAL MEETING OF THE BABEL WORKING GROUP CONFERENCE “CRUISING IN (...)
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    Transformations: Thinking After Heidegger.Gail Stenstad - 2006 - University of Wisconsin Press.
    How are we to think and act constructively in the face of today’s environmental and political catastrophes? Gail Stenstad finds inspiring answers in the thought of German philosopher Martin Heidegger. Rather than simply describing or explaining Heidegger’s transformative way of thinking, Stenstad’s writing enacts it, bringing new insight into contemporary environmental, political, and personal issues. Readers come to understand some of Heidegger’s most challenging concepts through experiencing them. This is a truly creative scholarly work that invites all readers to carry (...)
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    L'acte fou.Muriel Combes - 2004 - Multitudes 4 (4):63-71.
    After a brief survey of the speculative sequence « individuation-transduction-transindividuality » which structures Simondon ’s thought, the authors focus their attention on one of its paradoxical limits: the isolation of a writer who devoted his life to thinking in terms of relations. They suggest that the type of action towards which Simondon directed his efforts could not fit with the way he characterized transindividual experiences. By pursuing the path of a speculative thinking incapable of constituting a collective form of transindividuality, (...)
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    Le problème de la singularité universelle considérations épistémologiques et esthétiques.Jacques-Bernard Roumanes - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 11:143-149.
    Mes recherches actuelles tendent ä croiser l'analyse epistemologique avec l'esthetique pour degager le röle du sujet historique dans Velaboration des savoirs universels. II s'agit, pour moi, de deplacer le point de vue transcendantal, formel, afin de renouveler la perspective epistemologique par le concept de diathese. Deux questions se posent. Quel est l'apport du sujet 1) dans le processus de structuration formelle des savoirs? (construction, deconstruction, reconstruction de la connaissance), 2) dans la transmission - transformation des savoirs? (decontextualisation et actualisation (...)
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  6. Identidad individual y personalidad jurídica.Ignacio Aymerich Ojea - 1993 - Anuario Filosófico 26 (2):395-413.
    According to some Foucault' proposals, this paper deals with the historical constitution of individual identity forms through juridic practices, concretely the results of the transformation of modern law from the state monopo-lization of the legislative functions, a process considered to be based on so-cial contract theories -the constitution of social order according to a successive scheme: from the pre-social individuals to supra-individual society. The juridical individualism derives from this model, and the critical ap-proach on it is made from (...)
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    (1 other version)Why don’t transformers think like humans?А. Б Хомяков - 2025 - Philosophical Problems of IT and Cyberspace (PhilIT&C) 2:87-98.
    Large language models in the form of chatbots very realistically imitate a dialogue as an omniscient interlocutor and therefore have become widespread. But even Google in its Gemini chatbot does not recommend trusting what the chatbot will write and asks to check its answers. In this review, various types of LLM errors such as the curse of inversion, number processing, etc. will be analyzed to identify their causes. Such an analysis led to the conclusion about the common causes of all (...)
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    Can resilience thinking provide useful insights for those examining efforts to transform contemporary agriculture?Katrina Sinclair, Allan Curtis, Emily Mendham & Michael Mitchell - 2014 - Agriculture and Human Values 31 (3):371-384.
    Agricultural industries in developed countries may need to consider transformative change if they are to respond effectively to contemporary challenges, including a changing climate. In this paper we apply a resilience lens to analyze a deliberate attempt by Australian governments to restructure the dairy industry, and then utilize this analysis to assess the usefulness of resilience thinking for contemporary agricultural transformations. Our analysis draws on findings from a case study of market deregulation in the subtropical dairy industry. Semi-structured interviews were (...)
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  9. Don't Think! Just Act!Bronwyn Finnigan & Koji Tanaka - 2014 - In Priest Graham & Young Damon, Philosophy and the Martial Arts: Engagement. Open Court.
    Kenzo saw a slight movement of his opponent. “Now is the time to strike!” he thought. He started moving. But before he had time to raise his shinai (sword) he was struck on the men (head) by his opponent. “Ippon!” the judge called.
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  10. Acting Out.David Barison (ed.) - 2008 - Stanford University Press.
    _Acting Out _ is the first appearance in English of two short books published by Bernard Stiegler in 2003. In _How I Became a Philosopher_, he outlines his transformation during a five-year period of incarceration for armed robbery. Isolated from what had been his world, Stiegler began to conduct a kind of experiment in phenomenological research. Inspired by the Greek stoic Epictetus, Stiegler began to read, write, and discover his vocation, eventually studying philosophy in correspondence with Gérard Granel who (...)
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    Using transformative transition coaching to support leaders during career transitions.Nicky Terblanche, Dr Ruth Albertyn & Salomé Van Coller-Peter - 2018 - African Journal of Business Ethics 12 (1).
    Senior leadership transitions present daunting challenges. To promote inclusive development and comply with equal opportunity legislation, South African companies often fast-track careers of high-potential previously disadvantaged individuals. Organisations typically do not sufficiently support transitioning leaders, possibly acting unethically. The rate of failure is high with devastating effects for the individual and their organisation. The novel, empirically researched Transformative Transition Coaching framework, helps facilitate deep and lasting changes in meaning perspectives of transitioning leaders through coaching. The ability of the TTC (...)
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  12. Individuation, Responsiveness, Translation: Heidegger’s Ethics.Eric S. Nelson - 2011 - In Frank Schalow, Heidegger, Translation, and the Task of Thinking: Essays in Honor of Parvis Emad. New York: Springer.
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    Thinking critically: what does it mean?Dariusz Kubok (ed.) - 2018 - Boston: Walter de Gruyter.
    Analyses of the dynamics of change present in Europe are not complete without taking into account the role and function of the critical approach as a founding element of European culture. An appreciation of critical thinking must go hand-in-hand with reflection on its essence, forms, and centuries-long tradition. The European philosophical tradition has thematized the problem of criticism since its appearance. This book contains articles on the history of philosophical criticism and ways that it has been understood in European (...)
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  14. Writing As Thinking.Richard Menary - 2007 - Language Sciences 29:621-632.
    In this paper I aim to show that the creation and manipulation of written vehicles is part of our cognitive processing and, therefore, that writing transforms our cognitive abilities. I do this from the perspective of cognitive integration: completing a complex cognitive, or mental, task is enabled by a co-ordinated interaction between neural processes, bodily processes and manipulating written sentences. In section one I introduce Harris’ criticisms of ways in which writing has been said to restructure thought (Goody 1968; McLuhan (...)
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    Exemplars Embodied: Can Acting Form Moral Character?Ann Phelps & Dylan Brown - 2023 - Educational Theory 73 (5):728-748.
    Theatre practitioners use empathy formation techniques within their acting methodology to develop particular characters for the stage. Here, Ann Phelps and Dylan Brown argue that, when Constantin Stanislavski's seminal dramatic method is placed in conversation with exemplarist moral theory, acting can become a tool for moral formation. To illustrate this claim, they describe their work with the Program for Leadership and Character at Wake Forest University, where a neo-Aristotelian virtue ethics framework is embodied and expanded using this dramatic (...)
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  16. Jussi varkemaa.Individual Right as Power - 2010 - In Virpi Mäkinen, The nature of rights: moral and political aspects of rights in late medieval and early modern philosophy. Helsinki: The Philosophical Society of Finland.
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    Mais que um, menos que muitos: a individuação e o programa filosófico de Simondon no “L'Individuation à la Lumière des Notions de Forme et d'Information ”.Paulo Vieira Neto - 2015 - Doispontos 12 (1).
    resumo: Há uma solidariedade entre o estilo do L'Individuation à la Lumière des Notions de Forme et d'Information e os princípios teóricos que a obra toma como ponto de partida para sua investigação dos diversos processos de individuação. Essa solidariedade torna o estilo da obra um programa filosófico que responde a demandas precisas quanto ao papel das ciências da natureza, das ciências humanas e da técnica, sua classificação, sua história e sua consistência teórica, demandas que pretendemos especificar no artigo. Ao (...)
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    Can We Flourish Amid Our Losses? Transformative Openings in Old Age.Larry R. Churchill - 2024 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 67 (3):437-448.
    This essay is an exploration of the transformative possibilities open to us through aging. Transformative openings are described using psychologist Abraham Maslow's notion of "peak-experiences," which are both normal and common for humans. Popular cultural stereotypes of aging are examined and discarded. The experiences of loss, especially diminishments of mobility, dexterity, and mental acuity, are characteristic of aging. It is argued that these losses present novel transformative openings, especially when death and aging are viewed in dialectical relationship.
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  19. Act Individuation: An Experimental Approach.Joseph Ulatowski - 2012 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 3 (2):249-262.
    Accounts of act individuation have attempted to capture peoples’ pre-theoretic intuitions. Donald Davidson has argued that a multitude of action descriptions designate only one act, while Alvin Goldman has averred that each action description refers to a distinct act. Following on recent empirical studies, I subject these accounts of act individuation to experimentation. The data indicate that people distinguish between actions differently depending upon the moral valence of the outcomes. Thus, the assumption that a single account of act individuation applies (...)
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    How can I tell how I think till I see what I say?Navindra Persaud - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (4):1375-1375.
    Descriptive Experience Sampling is a clever method for determining the form of everyday thoughts. Results using this method show that people report that some of their thoughts are unsymbolic. Here I ask three questions: Does this merely show that people know what they are thinking about but not what they are thinking? Why do people have difficulty determining the form of their thoughts? How does the act of reporting the form of thoughts affect the recall of those thoughts?
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    Vida individual, vida social y conocimiento dialéctico.Rodrigo Steimberg - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (3).
    This paper seeks to show that the link between individual human life and social life is governed by dialectical movement. First, life is characterized as a process in which the own presuppositions are posited. Subsequently, the process of human social metabolism is explained. Finally, the dialectical form taken by the relationship between the individual self and the process of social individuation is highlighted. It is concluded that the process of individual human life is a potency that actualizes itself as a (...)
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    Transforming philosophy: Ein Manifest und weitere Erklärungen.Logi Gunnarsson - 2022 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 70 (5):823-836.
    The aim of the paper is to defend the project of transforming philosophy carried out in my book Vernunft und Temperament. Eine Philosophie der Philosophie. In section 1, I distinguish between five philosophical genres in which transformation plays a role: 1. academic texts in which transformation is simply a topic; 2. texts meant to adequately articulate through their form the transformative experiences of their authors; 3. texts aiming to enable the reader to transform herself; 4. texts on other (...)
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    Acting without regarding: Daoist self-cultivation as education for non-dichotomous thinking.Joseph Emmanuel D. Sta Maria - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (12):1216-1224.
    In this article, I show how resources for an education for non-dichotomous thinking can be drawn from the two Daoist texts, the Daodejing and the Zhuangzi. Dichotomous thinking can be defined as thinking that considers things in terms of strict and even irreconcilable dichotomous oppositions. The authors of the Daodejing and the Zhuangzi are known for their criticism of such dichotomous thinking. At the same time however, these authors seem to fall into this very kind of thinking which they criticize. (...)
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    Conflict resolution styles and their relation to conflict type, individual differences, and formative influences.John Steven Grace & Richard Jackson Harris - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (2):144-146.
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    Transformative Anti-Ableist Pedagogy for Social Justice.Dušana Podlucká - 2020 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 21 (1):69-97.
    Higher education institutions are legally bound to provide equal educational opportunities for diverse learners, traditionally materialized as individualized accommodations. This paper contends that despite the growing interest and scholarship in implementing more inclusive pedagogy enabling access to education for all students, those efforts still fall short of systematically addressing intersecting, oppressive, and anti-ableist practices in the classrooms. I argue, that in order to develop a truly inclusive, equitable, socially just and transformative pedagogy and teaching practices, we need a theory that (...)
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    Transforming a Content-driven Chemistry Course to One Focused on Critical Thinking Skills Without Sacrificing Any Content.Ann van Heerden - 2011 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 26 (2):31-36.
    This article chronicles the process used to transform a content-driven chemistry lab course into a course focused on developing critical-thinking skills. In general, the process described includes the following: 1) determining the needs of the students, 2) understanding the history of the course, 3) identifying some specific critical thinking skills that could be developed in the course, 4) considering how the skills can be taught developmentally, 5) defining criteria for the skills at different levels; 6) revising the lab manual to (...)
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  27. A better way to think about business: how personal integrity leads to corporate success.Robert C. Solomon - 1999 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Is business ethics a contradiction in terms? Absolutely not, says Robert Solomon. In fact, he maintains that sound ethics is a necessary precondition of any long-term business enterprise, and that excellence in business must exist on the foundation of values that most of us hold dear. Drawing on twenty years of experience consulting with major corporations on ethics, Solomon clarifies the difficult ethical choices all people in business are faced with from time to time. He takes an "Aristotelian" approach to (...)
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    Coding Elementary Contributions to Dialogue: Individual Acts versus Dialogical Interactions.Ivana Marková & Per Linell - 1996 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 26 (4):353-373.
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  29. Les degrés de forme selon Henri de Gand (Quodl. IV, q.15).Jean-Luc Solere - 2003 - In J. Decorte, Guy Guldentops & Carlos G. Steel, Henry of Ghent and the transformation of scholastic thought: studies in memory of Jos Decorte. Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press. pp. 127-155.
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  30. Who Do We Think We Are?Andrea Westlund - 2019 - Philosophy and Literature 43 (1):173-191.
    Our moral lives are replete with acts of autobiographical story-telling. The stories we tell are intended to help others understand what we do by helping them understand “who we are” in a practical or normative sense. The act of addressing one’s stories to an audience, however, is as likely to destabilize as it is to confirm one’s understanding of “who one is”. Drawing on themes in Wally Lamb’s novel I Know This Much is True, I offer a dialogical account of (...)
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    Transforming problematic commemorations through vandalism.Chong-Ming Lim - 2020 - Journal of Global Ethics 16 (3):414-421.
    ABSTRACT In recent years, progressive activists around the world have fought to remove ‘problematic’ commemorations – typically, monuments commemorating and honoring individuals responsible for injustice, or even unjust events. Many of these problematic commemorations are vandalized before they are eventually removed. In this essay, I consider how the vandalism of problematic commemoration can transform the public honoring of a target, to a public repudiation or humiliation of that target. I discuss four obstacles to realizing the transformative potential of vandalism, and (...)
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    Transformative Justice in Ethics Consultation.Georgina Campelia, Aleksandra E. Olszewski, Tracy Brazg & Holly Hoa Vo - 2022 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 65 (4):612-621.
    ABSTRACT:Clinical ethics consultants bear witness to the direct harms of intersecting axes of oppression—such as racism and classism—as they impinge on elucidating and resolving ethical dilemmas in health care. Health Care Ethics Consultation (HCEC) professional guidance supports recognizing and analyzing power dynamics and social-structural obstacles to good care. However, the most relied upon bioethical principles in clinical ethics have been criticized for insufficiency in this regard. While individual ethics consultants have found ways to expand their approaches, they do so in (...)
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  33. Why ChatGPT Doesn’t Think: An Argument from Rationality.Daniel Stoljar & Zhihe Vincent Zhang - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Can AI systems such as ChatGPT think? We present an argument from rationality for the negative answer to this question. The argument is founded on two central ideas. The first is that if ChatGPT thinks, it is not rational, in the sense that it does not respond correctly to its evidence. The second idea, which appears in several different forms in philosophical literature, is that thinkers are by their nature rational. Putting the two ideas together yields the result that (...)
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    Student-generated video creation for assessment: can it transform assessment within Higher Education?Cate Allen & Ruth Hawley - 2018 - International Journal for Transformative Research 5 (1):1-11.
    Student-generated video creation assessments are an innovative and emerging form of assessment in higher education. Academic staff may be understandably reluctant to transform assessment practices without robust evidence of the benefits and rationale for doing so and some guidance regarding how to do so successfully. A systematic approach to searching the literature was conducted to identify relevant resources, which generated key documents, authors and internet sources which were thematically analysed. This comprehensive critical synthesis of literature is presented here under the (...)
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    2 Ethical thinking in individual therapy.Caroline Jones - 2003 - In Derek Hill & Caroline Jones, Forms of ethical thinking in therapeutic practice. Maidenhead: Open University Press. pp. 18.
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    Individuality in late antiquity.Alexis Torrance (ed.) - 2014 - Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
    Late antiquity is increasingly recognised as a period of important cultural transformation. One of its crucial aspects is the emergence of a new awareness of human individuality. In this book, the authors assess the influence of seminal thinkers, including the Gnostics, Plotinus, and Augustine, but also of cultural and religious practices such as astrology and monasticism, as well as, more generally, the role played by intellectual disciplines such as grammar and Christian theology. The volume serves as a comprehensive introduction (...)
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    (2 other versions)Critical thinking: a student's introduction.Gregory Bassham (ed.) - 2008 - Boston: McGraw-Hill.
    This clear, learner-friendly text helps today's students bridge the gap between everyday culture and critical thinking. The text covers all the basics of critical thinking, beginning where students are, not where we think they should be. Its comprehensiveness allows instructors to tailor the material to their individual teaching styles, resulting in an exceptionally versatile text.
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  38. Transformative Embodied Cognition.Dave Ward - 2025 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 12.
    How should accounts that stress the embodied, embedded and engaged character of human minds accommodate the role of rationality in human subjectivity? Drawing on Matthew Boyle’s contrast between ‘additive’ and ‘transformative’ conceptions of rationality, I argue that contemporary work on embodied cognition tends towards a problematic ‘additivism’ about how mature human capacities to think and act for reasons stand to sensorimotor capacities to skillfully engage with salient features of the environment. Additivists view rational capacities to reason and reflect as a (...)
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    Transforming Transformative Agreements.Steven Inchcoombe, Susie Winter, Mithu Lucraft & Katie Baker - 2022 - Logos 32 (4):7-14.
    Springer Nature signed its first transformative read and publish agreement in 2015. This Springer compact agreement with VSNU was the first agreement of its kind to combine reading and publishing fees with the aim of transitioning traditional library subscription payments into central funding to support open access publishing. It has proved to be a pivotal moment in the transition to OA. Since then, Springer Nature has agreed many such national agreements all around the world, including the world’s largest with Projekt (...)
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    Transgressive Acts: Michel Foucault's Lessons on Resistance for Nurses.Cristina Moreno-Mulet, Joaquín Valdivielso-Navarro, Margalida Miró-Bonet, Alba Carrero-Planells & Denise Gastaldo - 2025 - Nursing Philosophy 26 (1):e70008.
    In this paper, we bring together Foucault's biography and oeuvre to explore key concepts that support the analysis of nurses' acts of resistance. Foucault reflected on the power relations taking place in health services, making his contribution especially useful for the analysis of resistance in this context. Over three decades, he proposed a nonnormative philosophy while concomitantly engaging in transgressive practices guided by values such as human rights and social justice. Hence, Foucault's philosophy and public activism are an apparent contradiction, (...)
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    “Making reason think more”: Laughter in kant’s aesthetic philosophy.Patrick T. Giamario - 2017 - Angelaki 22 (4):161-176.
    This article explores the surprisingly decisive role that Kant’s “incongruity theory” of laughter plays in his aesthetic and broader critical philosophy. First, laughter constitutes a highly specific form of aesthetic judgment in Kant. Laughter involves a discordant relation between the cognitive faculties characteristic of the sublime, but this relation obtains between the understanding and the imagination, the two faculties at play in judgments of taste on the beautiful. Second, laughter is the transcendental condition of possibility for both the beautiful and (...)
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    L’'me d’un fou à travers son acte dans Aristote, Éthique à Nicomaque.Catherine Darbo‑Peschanski - 2011 - Chôra 9:243-257.
    Nous nous sommes proposés ici de montrer qu’Aristote caractérise le fou (μαινόμενος) dans le cadre d’un système différencié d’autres notions, sans en faire seulement un cas limite, quasiment impensé. Le point de départ de l’étude est l’analyse de la triade ἀκούσιον/δι᾽ ἄγνοιαν/ἀγνοῶν qui convoque aux côtés du fou : l’homme en colère, l’homme pris de vin, celui qui dort, le méchant (μοχθηρός), l’intempérant/incontinent (ἀκρατής), le malade. Cela implique de déterminer les types d’ignorance en cause dans les actes accomplis dans chaque (...)
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    Eine transformative Konzeption der anthropologischen Differenz.Christian Kietzmann - 2017 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 124 (1):43-59.
    This paper offers a reevaluation of the debate between assimilationism and differentialism concerning the anthropological difference. Both sides usually assume that the difference consists in a capacity which humans possess and other animals lack, and that is added to a set of capacities humans share with other animals. A likely candidate for this role is reason. An additive conception of human reason on these lines runs into several difficulties, which can be avoided by thinking of reason transformatively, as providing human (...)
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  44. Claude Tresmontant, métaphysicien de l’inachevé (1925-1997). Actes de la journée d’étude du 2 février 2019.Philippe Gagnon (ed.) - 2022 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    (Back Cover:) « La pensée métaphysique renaîtra demain. Ce sont des savants qui ont le goût et le sens de la pensée conduite jusqu’au terme de ses exigences internes, et des philosophes initiés aux sciences expérimentales qui, en commun, la feront. » L’œuvre de Claude Tresmontant (1925-1997) illustre parfaitement cette recherche de la métaphysique d’un monde en devenir, qui sait écouter et se modeler sur la transformation – la métamorphose – promise à une Création finalisée. Le trait commun aux (...)
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    Coding elementary contributions to dialogue: Individual acts versus dialogical interactions.Ivana Marková Andper Linell - 1996 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 26 (4):353–373.
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  46. Is Individual Choice Less Problematic than Collective Choice?Gregory S. Kavka - 1991 - Economics and Philosophy 7 (2):143-165.
    It is commonplace to suppose that the theory of individual rational choice is considerably less problematic than the theory of collective rational choice. In particular, it is often assumed by philosophers, economists, and other social scientists that an individual's choices among outcomes accurately reflect that individual's underlying preferences or values. Further, it is now well known that if an individual's choices among outcomes satisfy certain plausible axioms of rationality or consistency, that individual's choice-behavior can be interpreted as maximizing expected utility (...)
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  47. Thinking together : reply to critics.Wendy Brown - 2022 - In Amy Allen & Eduardo Mendieta, Power, neoliberalism, and the reinvention of politics: the critical theory of Wendy Brown. University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press.
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  48. Thinking, attending, praying.Nicholas Lash - 2009 - In John Cornwell & Michael McGhee, Philosophers and God: at the frontiers of faith and reason. New York: Continuum.
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    Beyond transformational leadership in nursing: A qualitative study on rebel nurse leadership‐as‐practice.Eline de Kok, Anne M. Weggelaar, Corijna Reede, Lisette Schoonhoven & Pieterbas Lalleman - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (2):e12525.
    Most nurse leadership studies have concentrated on a classical, heroic, and hierarchical view of leadership. However, critical leadership studies have argued the need for more insight into leadership in daily nursing practices. Nurses must align their professional standards and opinions on quality of care with those of other professionals, management, and patients. They want to achieve better outcomes for their patients but also feel disciplined and controlled. To deal with this, nurses challenge the status quo by showing rebel nurse leadership. (...)
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    Individual Environmental Duties: Questions from an Institution-Oriented Perspective.Stijn Neuteleers - 2014 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 17 (1):20-23.
    While Baatz provides an interesting account of individual climate duties, his account does not give much guidance with regard to particular acts, such as taking a flight. While everyone in the debate agrees that institution-oriented duties are important, the relevant question concerns the relation these have with lifestyle-oriented duties. In this comment, it is argued that the relation between institutions and duties is insufficiently examined and that Baatz therefore cannot deal with the following questions. First, what about the conflict between (...)
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