Results for ' inter vivos exchanges'

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  1.  24
    How Can a Philosophy of Inheritance be Framed Adequately?J. Reid Miller, Claire Katz, Fernando Zapata & Didier Zuniga - 2023 - Journal of World Philosophies 8 (1).
    _In the lead essay ‘What Would a Philosophy of Inheritance Look Like?,’ J. Reid Miller proposes __a broader, interdisciplinary lens to adequately comprehend how material and non-material attributes are transferred through inter-generational processes. His co-symposiasts Claire Katz, Fernando Zapata, and Didier __Zúñiga agree __that __current frames of analyses that narrow inheritance either to __biological, economic, or cultural transfer __be broadened. __Building upon Reid Miller’s proposal, Katz urges that wounds of national traumas be addressed, should the wounds not be transferred (...)
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    Thomas Merton's Encounter with Buddhism and Beyond: His Interreligious Dialogue, Inter-Monastic Exchanges, and their Legacy by Jaechan Anselmo Park.David DiValerio - 2020 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 40 (1):472-475.
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    A Study on the inter exchange of the metel and fire process of the principles of changes in the Early and Later Heanvens of Jeong-yeok. 김재홍 - 2017 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 83 (83):93-115.
    『정역』은 19세기 김일부 선생에 의해서 저술된 철학서이다. 『정역』의 핵심적 내용은 하도‧낙서의 변화원리를 통한 금화교역과 선후천변화원리라고 할 수 있다. 본 고에서는 『정역』에서의 금화교역과 선후천변화원리에 대한 역 철학적인 함의를 논명하기 위해서 먼저, 하도⋅낙서와 역수에 대하여 살펴보고, 다음으로 『주역』에서의 선후천과 『정역』의 금화교역과 선후천변화원리의 역 철학적 함의를 구명하고자 한다. 『주역』에서는 천시天時를 기준의 성인지도의 가각여부를 선후천의 기준으로 삼고 있다. 그러나 『정역』에서는 하도낙서의 금화교역을 통한 선후천변화를 설명하고 있다. 『정역』에서의 역수의 의미는 무엇인가? 본래 역수의 개념은 『서경』 「대우모」편과 『논어』 「요왈」편에서 처음 언급된 개념이지만 역수에 관해 체계적인 언급을 한 (...)
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  4. Inter-Christian Philosophical Dialogues.Graham Oppy & Nick Trakakis (eds.) - 2017 - London: Routledge.
    This book is a collection of exchanges between Christian philosophers who adopt very different perspectives on Christianity.
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    Gratitude Affects Inter-Subjective Synchronicity for Cognitive Performance and Autonomic Responsiveness.Michela Balconi & Giulia Fronda - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Recently, social neurosciences have been interested in the investigation of neurophysiological responses related to the experience of positive emotions, such as gratitude, during social interactions. Specifically, the aim of the present research was to investigate whether gratitude related to gift exchange could favor cooperative behavior and bond construction, by improving behavioral and autonomic responsivity. At this regard, the autonomic synchronization and behavioral performance of 16 friends coupled in dyads were recorded during a joint attentional task. Gift exchange could be occurred (...)
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    How Do Chinese Firms Deal with Inter-Organizational Conflict?Shenjiang Mo, Simon A. Booth & Zhongming Wang - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 108 (1):121-129.
    Based on social exchange and customer relationship marketing theory, this study examines how ethical leadership contributes to inter-organizational conflict management (task conflict (TC) and relationship conflict), and the moderating role of task interdependence in these relationships. Data was collected from 81 suppliers and 45 corresponding managers of a large group company in China. Results show that ethical leadership is negatively associated with the levels of inter-organizational conflict, whether task or relationship. Task interdependence significantly moderates the relationship between ethical (...)
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    Placer e interés en Aristóteles y Husserl: ingredientes hiléticos para el despertar de la conciencia.Mayra Salas Matienzo - 2023 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 21:35-54.
    Las cada vez más álgidas investigaciones en torno a la naturaleza de la conciencia contrastan con una pérdida de interés en la noción de vida o en la delimitación conceptual de un organismo vivo. También contrastan, bien para refutar o adherirse, con la asunción de un modelo racional acabado y matemático del mundo reflejado en el predominio de propiedades medibles por sobre cualidades más sensibles de las cosas. El tratamiento del placer y la conciencia en Aristóteles y Husserl parece restaurar (...)
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    Profitable Exchanges for Scientists: The Case of Swedish Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research. [REVIEW]Anders Persson, Sven Hemlin & Stellan Welin - 2007 - Health Care Analysis 15 (4):291-304.
    In this article two inter-related issues concerning the ongoing commercialisation of biomedical research are analyzed. One aim is to explain how scientists and clinicians at Swedish public institutions can make profits, both commercially and scientifically, by controlling rare human biological material, like embryos and embryonic stem cell lines. This control in no way presupposes legal ownership or other property rights as an initial condition. We show how ethically sensitive material (embryos and stem cell lines) have been used in Sweden (...)
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    Wars and wonders: the inter-island information networks of Georg Everhard Rumphius.Genie Yoo - 2018 - British Journal for the History of Science 51 (4):559-584.
    How did one man living on an island come to acquire information about the rest of the vast archipelago? This article traces the inter-island information networks of Georg Everhard Rumphius (1627–1702), an employee of the Dutch East India Company, who was able to explore the natural world of the wider archipelago without ever leaving the Moluccan island of Ambon. This article demonstrates the complexities of Rumphius's inter-island networks, as he collected information about plants and objects from islands near (...)
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  10.  34
    Qualified market access and inter-disciplinarity.Lisa Herzog & Andrew Walton - 2014 - Ethics and Global Politics 7 (2):83-94.
    This note offers reflections on qualified market access —the practice of linking trade agreements to values such as human rights, labour standards, or environmental protection. This idea has been suggested by political theorists as a way of fulfilling our duties to the global poor and of making the global economic system more just, and it has influenced a number of concrete policies, such as European Union trade policies. Yet, in order to assess its merits tout court, different perspectives and disciplines (...)
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    Cross-Cultural Inter-Semiotic Adaptation of Chinese Classics in the West.Jinghua Guo - 2017 - Cultura 14 (1):9-17.
    This paper explores cross-cultural semiotics in adaptation in order to rethink the relationships between China and the West. The multi-dimensional model of cross-cultural research presented defends a temporal semiotic orientation, rather than a purely spatial approach for intercultural interpretation. The paper insists that in the age of globalization, cultural identity is unavoidably a very sharp question, and that multiple layers of meanings are involved in cultural identity. Thus, it explores differences and parallelisms between Western and Chinese semiotics, conservative and as (...)
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    The Anthropocene, Self-Cultivation, and Courage: The Jesuit François Noël as a Witness of Inter-Religious Dialogue between Aristotelian and Confucian Ethics.Yves Vende - 2024 - Religions 2024 (The Catholic Encounter with Chin).
    This article explores the specific role of courage in the context of the Anthropocene’s moment; it first examines Aristotle’s conception of virtues, focusing on courage, before comparing it to Confucian thought and analyzing the historical dialogue between Western and Chinese traditions on ethics through the works of François Noël (1651–1729). Aristotle views moral cultivation as a social process wherein habits shape inner dispositions; in his view, courage is linked to other virtues, such as temperance and justice. For Aristotle, courage implies (...)
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  13. PROMES: An ontology‐based messaging service for semantically interoperable information exchange during disaster response.Linda Elmhadhbi, Mohamed‐Hedi Karray, Bernard Archimède, J. Neil Otte & Barry Smith - 2020 - Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 28 (3):324-338.
    Disaster response requires the cooperation of multiple emergency responder organizations (EROs). However, after‐action reports relating to large‐scale disasters identity communication difficulties among EROs as a major hindrance to collaboration. On the one hand, the use of two‐radio communication, based on multiple orthogonal frequencies and uneven coverage, has been shown to degrade inter‐organization communication. On the other hand, because they reflect different areas of expertise, EROs use differing terminologies, which are difficult to reconcile. These issues lead to ambiguities, misunderstandings, and (...)
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    Redrawing Maps, Manipulating Demographics: On Exchange of Populated Territories and Self-Determination.Yuval Shany - 2008 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 2 (1):1-25.
    In “The Blessing of Departure—Exchange of Populated Territories The Lieberman Plan as anExercise in Demographic Transformation,” Prof. Timothy Waters offers a strong endorsement of the right of ethnic majorities within a state to redefine their state's boundaries in ways consistent with the majority's right to self-determination and to opt out of a political union with minority groups, regardless of the latter's' political preferences. Applied to the Israeli context, Waters concludes that parts of the Lieberman Plan—a plan advocating the redrawing of (...)
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    Some Arguments against Discriminatory Gifts and Trusts.Matthew Harding - 2011 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 31 (2):303-326.
    This article presents some arguments against the persistence of the common law freedom to discriminate, in the disposition of property by gift or trust, whether inter vivos or testamentary, on a range of grounds like sex, race and religion. Broadly, two claims are defended. The first is that the elimination of discriminatory gifts and trusts is possible, within the bounds set by orthodox methods of common law reasoning, at least in jurisdictions where a non-discrimination norm operates at the (...)
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    (1 other version)Du Kula à Facebook, le poids du prestige.Brigitte Munier - 2011 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 59 (1):, [ p.].
    Rapprocher Facebook du Kula mélanésien, un système archaïque d’échanges intertribaux décrit par Marcel Mauss, permet de souligner la capacité de la plateforme phare du Web 2.0 à répondre à des besoins socioculturels anthropologiquement attestés. Tous deux obéissent à une contrainte implicite de réciprocité qui, au-delà du contenu matériel des échanges, possède une fonction symbolique : les interactions mises en œuvre et la recherche de partenaires traduisent une quête de prestige, de mana selon le fameux terme chinook. Le Kula et les (...)
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  17. Evolving resolve.Walter Veit & David Spurrett - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    The broad spectrum revolution brought greater dependence on skill and knowledge, and more demanding, often social, choices. We adopt Sterelny's account of how cooperative foraging paid the costs associated with longer dependency, and transformed the problem of skill learning. Scaffolded learning can facilitate cognitive control including suppression, whereas scaffolded exchange and trade, including inter-temporal exchange, can help develop resolve.
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  18. Self-Ownership and Transplantable Human Organs.Robert S. Taylor - 2007 - Public Affairs Quarterly 21 (1):89-107.
    Philosophers have given sustained attention to the controversial possibility of (legal) markets in transplantable human organs. Most of this discussion has focused on whether such markets would enhance or diminish autonomy, understood in either the personal sense or the Kantian moral sense. What this discussion has lacked is any consideration of the relationship between self-ownership and such markets. This paper examines the implications of the most prominent and defensible conception of self-ownership--control self-ownership (CSO)--for both market and nonmarket organ-allocation mechanisms. The (...)
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  19.  22
    Postdocs as Key to Faculty Diversity: A Structured and Collaborative Approach for Research Universities.Colette Patt, Andrew Eppig & Mark A. Richards - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Over the past 50 years the diversity of higher education faculty in the mathematical, physical, computer, and engineering sciences has advanced very little at 4-year universities in the United States. This is despite laws and policies such as affirmative action, interventions by universities, and enormous financial investment by federal agencies to diversify science, technology, mathematics, and engineering career pathways into academia. Data comparing the fraction of underrepresented minority postdoctoral scholars to the fraction of faculty at these institutions offer a straightforward (...)
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  20.  8
    Contested duplicates: disputed negotiations surrounding ethnographic doppelgängers in German New Guinea, 1898–1914.Rainer F. Buschmann - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Science 55 (3):297-318.
    The issue of duplicates and duplication in ethnographic collection is frequently regarded as a process that begins and ends in the museum as a fundamental act of the process of curating. In contrast, this article maintains, this practice occurred all along the chain of collecting, where indigenous artefacts operated as items of exchange in the context of the colonial encounter. Using the example of German New Guinea, the article maintains that epistemological concerns, as symbolic currency both in terms of (...)-museum exchange and in terms of contributing to individual and institutional prestige, guiding ethnographic intuitions had little influence on colonial resident collectors. Colonial residents, who resented the heavy hand of colonial and museum officials in Berlin, infused duplication with their own desires, which included commercial gain or the conferment of the many German state decorations. The colonized indigenous population benefited from the increasing demand for their material culture, which provided valuable items and bargaining chips in the emerging colonial exchange. Duplicates are identified as doppelgängers to explore the political tensions that emerged in connection with duplication among museum officials and European and indigenous colonial residents. (shrink)
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    Liberty, Political Rights and Wealth Transfer Taxation.S. Stewart Braun - 2015 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 33 (4):379-395.
    Libertarians famously contend that the minimal state is the most just social arrangement because it secures individual freedoms and basic political rights. They also oppose wealth transfer taxation, i.e. taxation of inheritances, bequests, and inter vivos gifts, arguing that it violates people's right to use their wealth freely. However, as I argue, libertarian opposition to wealth transfer taxation causes practical problems for their commitment to a minimal state, as there is strong empirical evidence demonstrating that wealth transfer taxation (...)
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  22.  95
    Historical Entitlement and the Practice of Bequest: Is There a Moral Right of Bequest?S. Stewart Braun - 2010 - Law and Philosophy 29 (6):695-715.
    Entitlement theorists claim that bequest is a moral right. The aim of this essay is to determine whether entitlement theorists can, on their own grounds, consistently defend that claim. I argue that even if there is a moral right to self-appropriated property and to engage in inter vivos transfers, it is a mistake to contend that there exists an equivalent moral right to make a bequest. Taxing or regulating bequest does not violate an individual’s moral rights because, regardless (...)
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    The Effect of the Governance Environment on Marketing Channel Behaviors: The Diamond Industries in the U.S., China, and Hong Kong. [REVIEW]Shaomin Li, Kiran Karande & Dongsheng Zhou - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (3):453 - 471.
    International differences in how market exchanges are conducted (e.g., the mode of entry, level of ownership, and conflict resolution) have been attributed mainly to national culture and cultural distance. However, the cultural arguments cannot explain why economies/countries with similar cultural backgrounds (e.g., Hong Kong and China) exhibit differences in exchange arrangements. Thus, the cultural arguments provide little strategic guidance to multinational corporations (MNCs) in international marketing. We propose that in addition to culture, the governance environment in a country, namely, (...)
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  24.  16
    Mankind and its Histories: William Robertson, Georg Forster, and a Late Eighteenth-Century German Debate.László Kontler - 2013 - Intellectual History Review 23 (3):411-429.
    The Scottish historian William Robertson's works on European encounter with non-European civilizations (History of America, 1777; Historical Disquisition [?] of India, 1791) received a great deal of attention in contemporary Germany. Through correspondence with Robertson, as well as by reviewing and translating his texts, Johann Reinhold Forster and his son Georg took an active part in this process. The younger Forster also became simultaneously involved in a debate which was unfolding on the German intellectual scene concerning the different or equal (...)
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  25.  3
    Ethics of belonging: education, religion, and politics in Manado, Indonesia.Erica M. Larson - 2024 - Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi Press.
    The city of Manado and province of North Sulawesi have built a public identity based on religious harmony, claiming to successfully model tolerance and inter-religious relations for the rest of Indonesia. Yet, in discourses and practices relevant to everyday interactions in schools and political debates in the public sphere, two primary contested frames for belonging emerge in tension with one another. On the one hand, "aspirational coexistence" recognizes a common goal of working toward religious harmony and inclusive belonging. On (...)
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    A study of time in Indian philosophy.Anindita Niyogi Balslev - 1983 - Wiesbaden: O. Harrassowitz.
    Since its first publication, A Study of Time in Indian Philosophy has been acclaimed as having successfully shown •the simple falsityê of such clich_s that the Indian view of time is •cyclicê or that it is exclusively •illusoryê. Given the variety of views discussed in this work, it is evident that the theme of time is intimately related to such basic concepts as being and becoming, change and causality, creation and annihilation. It has been therefore, observed that this book makes (...)
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  27.  33
    Towards a Non-ecumenical Interchange: Engelhardt, Hauerwas, and Ramsey on Christian Bioethics.C. Delkeskamp-Hayes - 1995 - Christian Bioethics 1 (1):48-64.
    Does a non-ecumenical journal on Christian bioethics make sense? Taking issue with Stanley Hauerwas' critique of Ramsey, the author argues (l) interdenominational exchange should not be construed as contest, and (2) the attempt on the part of Christians to address secular issues in secular terms should not be mistrusted or viewed as a contamination hazard. Instead (I) an awareness of human limits should render adherents of different traditions willing to learn from each other and (2) one should see in the (...)
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    African American Contributions to the Americas' Cultures: A Critical Edition of Lectures by Alain Locke by Jacoby Adeshei Carter.Dwayne A. Tunstall - 2019 - The Pluralist 14 (2):117-121.
    Jacoby Adeshei Carter has done an invaluable service in editing this critical edition of Alain Leroy Locke’s series of six lectures in Haiti delivered “from April 9 to July 10, 1943, when he was the Inter-American Exchange Professor to Haiti under the joint auspices of the American Committee for Inter-American Artistic and Intellectual Relations and the Haitian Ministry of Education”. African American Contributions to the Americas’ Cultures consists of two parts. The first part is Locke’s series of six (...)
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  29. Suárez y el destino de la metafísica. De Avicena a Heidegger.Leopoldo José Prieto López - 2013 - Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos.
    El interés por la obra filosófica del P. Francisco Suárez, de la Compañía de Jesús, está hoy más vivo que nunca. No se limita únicamente a los estudiosos españoles, sino que se extiende a otros países (como EE.UU., Francia, Alemania, Italia, etc.) donde los estudios sobre la filosofía de Suárez han adquirido una notoria relevancia. Motivo de este interés es la creciente conciencia de la modernidad de su filosofía, certificada por la recepción de no pocas de sus ideas en el (...)
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    Keeping it together: Pulmonary alveoli are maintained by a hierarchy of cellular programs.Catriona Y. Logan & Tushar J. Desai - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (9):1028-1037.
    The application of in vivo genetic lineage tracing has advanced our understanding of cellular mechanisms for tissue renewal in organs with slow turnover, like the lung. These studies have identified an adult stem cell with very different properties than classically understood ones that maintain continuously cycling tissues such as the intestine. A portrait has emerged of an ensemble of cellular programs that replenish the cells that line the gas exchange (alveolar) surface, enabling a response tailored to the extent of cell (...)
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    La Conducta Animal y Lo Transanimal En El Hombre En la Biología Filosófica de Hans Jonas.Alejandro Serani Merlo & Yván Lailhacar Formigo - 2018 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 8 (2):9.
    En este trabajo se expone y comenta esquemáticamente la biofilosofía de Hans Jonas, poniéndola en relación con su visión del ser humano. Para Jonas la vida se distingue de la materia inerte por la libertad ganada desde la aparición del metabolismo. Percepción y emoción generan un hiato o mediatez entre el interés animal y su satisfacción; la conducta animal sería, entonces, el segundo grado de libertad. Con el ser humano surge un nuevo grado de libertad, que implica un salto ontológico (...)
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    Synchrony in Psychotherapy: A Review and an Integrative Framework for the Therapeutic Alliance.Sander L. Koole & Wolfgang Tschacher - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:191242.
    During psychotherapy, patient and therapist tend to spontaneously synchronize their vocal pitch, bodily movements, and even their physiological processes. In the present article, we consider how this pervasive phenomenon may shed new light on the therapeutic relationship– or alliance– and its role within psychotherapy. We first review clinical research on the alliance and the multidisciplinary area of interpersonal synchrony. We then integrate both literatures in the Interpersonal Synchrony (In-Sync) model of psychotherapy. According to the model, the alliance is grounded in (...)
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    Ethics, Power and Communities: Corporate Social Responsibility Revisited.Denise Kleinrichert - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (3):475-485.
    Ally-building can be an ethical pursuit in developing sources of power for the business manager. The commitment to social responsibility is a source of power, as well as an ethical practice for corporate endeavors. Pfeffer promotes a business manager's ability to develop effectiveness with ties to powerful others in an intra-organizational environment. This paper advances an analysis about how individuals in corporations may use an inter-organizational approach to developing sources of power through a notion of corporate social responsibility. As (...)
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    An ethical analysis of economic issues related to the appreciation of Renminbi.Wei Yang & Kit-Chun Joanna Lam - 2012 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 1 (1):79-87.
    Since the outbreak of the global financial crisis in 2008, the exchange rate between China and USA has drawn a lot of attention. Because of the balance of payments surplus, China has accumulated a large amount of foreign exchange reserves, and there is much pressure on the Renminbi (RMB) to appreciate. The appreciation of RMB has raised a series of intertwining economic and ethical concerns in China. This paper is an inter-disciplinary study to illustrate the inter-relationship between economics (...)
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    Embarazos en adolescentes, vulnerabilidades y políticas públicas.José Olavarría Aranguren & Rodrigo Molina Gutiérrez - 2012 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 31.
    Hace dos décadas se incorporó a la agenda pública el interés por el embarazo adolescente en tanto expresión de la pobreza y la vulnerabilidad de la población femenina juvenil. Este artículo presenta un análisis integral del problema a través de cuatro entradas: 1) un breve panorama de las políticas públicas adoptadas en estas dos décadas y diagnóstico que les dio origen; 2) profundiza en la magnitud del embarazo de mujeres menores de 20 años (a partir de datos sobre embarazadas y (...)
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    Diarios secretos.Ludwig Wittgenstein - 2008 - Alianza Editorial Sa.
    Los Diarios secretos de Wittgenstein están íntimamente ligados a la actividad fi losófi ca de su autor. Sin embargo, a pesar del enorme interés contextual de sus contenidos personales, los albaceas impidieron su publicación, en un intento falsamente piadoso de ocultarnos el personaje real con sus miedos, sus angustias, su elitismo ascético o su homosexualidad. Wilhelm Baum ha rescatado estos cuadernos vivos y patéticos en los que Wittgenstein escribía en clave en las páginas pares sus vivencias íntimas, mientras que (...)
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    Filosofía, ciencia y biología sintética.Andrés Moya - 2016 - Isegoría 55:659.
    En este artículo se defiende la necesidad de que el actor de la ciencia, el científico, disponga de suficiente formación filosófica como para analizar críticamente el alcance de su propia actividad especializada, análisis que debiera empezar por entender qué es eso a lo que llamamos ciencia. Se ejemplifica la necesidad de tal formación recurriendo a la biología sintética. Se muestran los peligros que se corren de la derivación hacia campos no científicos si el científico está imbuido de una ciencia fáustica (...)
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    Ensayos sobre libertad y necesidad.Josep E. Corbí & Carlos J. Moya (eds.) - 1997 - Valencia: Pre-Textos.
    En su Investigación sobre el entendimiento humano, David Hume consideró la cuestión de las relaciones entre libertad y necesidad como “el tema más discutido de la metafísica, la ciencia más discutida”. El debate sobre esta venerable cuestión sigue siendo hoy tan vivo como lo fue en tiempos de Hume. El presente volumen colectivo es una buena muestra de ello. Los ensayos que lo forman, escritos desde una pluralidad de perspectivas, ponen de manifiesto la complejidad y la unidad interna del problema (...)
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    Conversation-as-Material.Emma Cocker - 2022 - Phenomenology and Practice 17 (1).
    Conversation-as-material is a language-based artistic research practice for attempting to speak from within the experience of collaborative artistic exploration, a linguistic practice attentive to the lived experience of aesthetic co-creation. The practice of conversation-as-material, which forms the basis of this article, has evolved through tentative exploration of the questions: How can the shared act of conversation bring into reflective awareness the live and lived, yet often hidden or undisclosed, experience of artistic practice and process, especially within collaboration? How can the (...)
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    Just a foreword? Malinowski, Geertz and the anthropologist as native.Stefano Montes - 2006 - Sign Systems Studies 34 (2):357-385.
    Read through semiotic analysis, the narrative intrigue of (the evenemential and cognitive dimension of) the anthropologist’s work reveals the epistemological configuration encasing some central and interrelated questions in anthropology: the communication-interaction between anthropologists and other inter-actants, their invention-application of some metalanguages and the subsequent intercultural translations of concepts and processes. To explore this configuration, I compare a foreword written by Malinowski and another one written by Geertz. In these forewords, they resort to refined stories to frame complex argumentations. In (...)
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  41.  7
    Rola środków społecznego przekazu w budowaniu jedności Europy w refleksji Jana Pawła II.Anna Nawrot - 2009 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 12 (1):45-49.
    John Paul II emphasized the role of culture in the process of integration in Europe. It is culture and values that allow to find and strengthen the common identity of Europe. John Paul II believed them to be more important than economics and institutional ways of integration. Mass media play the important part in today’s culture. The press, radio, television and other electronic media are sources of knowledge, places for exchanging ideas and sharing experiences. The most important collocations of media (...)
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  42. Economics and Political Economy Today: Introduction to the Symposium on Fine and Milonakis.Sam Ashman - 2012 - Historical Materialism 20 (3):3-8.
    Economics has long been the ‘dismal science’. The crisis in classical political economy at the end of the nineteenth century produced radically differing intellectual responses: Marx’s reconstitution of value theory on the basis of his dialectical method, the marginalists’ development of subjective value theory, and the historical school’s advocacy of inductive and historical reasoning. It is against this background that economics was established as a discrete academic discipline, consciously modelling itself on maths and physics and developing its focus on theorising (...)
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    Fighting Words: Turnus at Bay in the Latin Council ( Aeneid 11.234–446).Elaine Fantham - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (2):259-280.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Fighting Words:Turnus at Bay in the Latin Council (Aeneid 11.234–446)Elaine FanthamUntil the publication of Philip Hardie's important new discussion "Fame and Defamation in the Aeneid: The Council of Latins" (1998), Virgil's extended treatment of the Latin council had passed a generation of relative neglect—neglect all the more surprising because the debate occupies a quarter of the eleventh book.1 But then the book itself is generally treated as a lowering (...)
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    Hohfeld relations and spielraum for action.Lars Lindahl - 2006 - Análisis Filosófico 26 (2):325-355.
    The paper intends to show, that W. N. Hohfeld's theory of fundamental jural relations is relevant to economic theory, and that Hohfeld's system can be reconstructed by the concepts of 'liberty space' and 'ability space', understood as an agent's Spielraum for action. The first half of the paper is devoted to an exposition of Hohfeld's system and to the question of its relation to the economic analysis of property rights. The second half concerns Spielraum theory and the reformulation of Hohfeldian (...)
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    Currency and Essence. A Reflection on Economy and Metaphysics in Plato’s Republic.Alfonso Flórez - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (149):143-154.
    Se indaga la relación que se da en la República entre los dos significados de ousia: como propiedad en el sentido de posesiones y riqueza, o en el sentido de esencia o sustancia. Aparte de las relaciones económicas asociadas al préstamo, al intercambio y al interés, se examina la función que, respecto de la ousia, cumple la moneda en la economía como recurso para disociar la riqueza de las posesiones, con lo cual logra un nivel de universalidad y equivalencia equiparable (...)
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  46. The Gravity of Pure Forces.Nico Jenkins - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):60-67.
    continent. 1.1 (2011): 60-67. At the beginning of Martin Heidegger’s lecture “Time and Being,” presented to the University of Freiburg in 1962, he cautions against, it would seem, the requirement that philosophy make sense, or be necessarily responsible (Stambaugh, 1972). At that time Heidegger's project focused on thinking as thinking and in order to elucidate his ideas he drew comparisons between his project and two paintings by Paul Klee as well with a poem by Georg Trakl. In front of Klee's (...)
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    Ethics and Economics: an Internal Relation.Bruce Morito - unknown
    The relationship between ethics and economics in the modern age is typically viewed as external. This view is usually articulated in the notion that for economic relations to be ethical, an ethic must be imposed. Otherwise, economic relations are amoral. I try to show how the relationship is actually best explained by adopting an explanatory framework of inter-dependent arising, according to which the emergence and development of both ethical and economic relations is a matter of mutual determination. Ethical values (...)
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  48. Epidemiology and social justice in light of social determinants of health research.Sridhar Venkatapuram & Michael Marmot - 2009 - Bioethics 23 (2):79-89.
    The present article identifies how social determinants of health raise two categories of philosophical problems that also fall within the smaller domain of ethics; one set pertains to the philosophy of epidemiology, and the second set pertains to the philosophy of health and social justice. After reviewing these two categories of ethical concerns, the limited conclusion made is that identifying and responding to social determinants of health requires inter-disciplinary reasoning across epidemiology and philosophy. For the reasoning used in epidemiology (...)
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    Timmerman, David and Schiappa, Edward. Classical Greek Rhetorical Theory and the Disciplining of Discourse.Felipe Ángel Flórez - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (149):167-169.
    Se indaga la relación que se da en la República entre los dos significados de ousia: como propiedad en el sentido de posesiones y riqueza, o en el sentido de esencia o sustancia. Aparte de las relaciones económicas asociadas al préstamo, al intercambio y al interés, se examina la función que, respecto de la ousia, cumple la moneda en la economía como recurso para disociar la riqueza de las posesiones, con lo cual logra un nivel de universalidad y equivalencia equiparable (...)
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    Vogt, Katja M. Law, Reason, and the Cosmic City.Indalecio García - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (149):206-209.
    Se indaga la relación que se da en la República entre los dos significados de ousia: como propiedad en el sentido de posesiones y riqueza, o en el sentido de esencia o sustancia. Aparte de las relaciones económicas asociadas al préstamo, al intercambio y al interés, se examina la función que, respecto de la ousia, cumple la moneda en la economía como recurso para disociar la riqueza de las posesiones, con lo cual logra un nivel de universalidad y equivalencia equiparable (...)
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