Results for ' lobbying'

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  1.  15
    Los lobbies de los “pseudoescépticos”, sus acciones y cómo neutralizar sus planes desde la Filosofía de Gustavo Bueno.Felicísimo Valbuena - 2022 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 99:335-391.
    Los lobbies de los “pseudoescépticos”, sus acciones y cómo neutralizar sus planes desde la Filosofía de Gustavo Bueno.
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    Lobby Loyde: The G.O.D. father of Australian rock.Paul Oldham - 2012 - Thesis Eleven 109 (1):44-63.
    This article contends that the influence of Australian rock musician Lobby Loyde has been overlooked by Australia’s popular music scholarship. The research examines Loyde’s significance and influence through the neglected sphere of his work (1966–1980) with The Coloured Balls, The Purple Hearts, The Wild Cherries, The Aztecs, Southern Electric, Sudden Electric and Rose Tattoo, and his role as producer in the late-1970s until his death. First, it explores how he has been discussed by his musical peers and respected Australian rock (...)
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    Lobbying and the responsible firm: Agenda‐setting for a freshly conceptualized field.Stephanos Anastasiadis, Jeremy Moon & Michael Humphreys - 2018 - Business Ethics: A European Review 27 (3):207-221.
    “Responsible lobbying” is an increasingly salient topic within business and management. We make a contribution to the literature on “responsible lobbying” in three ways. First, we provide novel definitions and, thereby, make a clear distinction between lobbying and corporate political activity. We then define responsible lobbying with respect to its content, process, organization, and environment, resulting in a typology of responsible lobbying, a conceptual model that informs the rest of the paper. Second, the paper provides (...)
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    Lobbying – A Political Communication Tool for Churches and Religious Organizations.Liliana Mihut - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 10 (29):64-86.
    The paper focuses on demonstrating that, in spite of the controversies, lobbying has become an important political communication tool for churches and religious organizations in the United States and in the European Union as well. The American highly regulated lobbying system is compared to the lowly regulated system working at the level of European institutions. The following analysis highlights the differences that the two environments have generated in terms of the main issues and tools used by churches and (...)
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    What Lobbying Ethics and What for? The Case of French Lobbying Consulting Firms.Madina Rival & Richard Major - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (1):99-116.
    Conversely to the United States, lobbying consulting in France is a relatively recent activity and is perceived negatively by a majority of the population. Influencing public decision-making is certainly a sensitive occupation at both managerial and societal levels. This is why ethics applied to business can play a central role while establishing the practice of lobbying in France. This paper examines the issues and the practices of ethics in lobbying consulting. The field for this exploratory study is (...)
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    Lobbying in de Europese Unie : Is er nog toekomst voor nationale belangengroepen?Pieter Bouwen - 2003 - Res Publica 45 (4):673-696.
    This article studies the lobbying strategies of national business associations against the background of increasing Europeanization. It addresses the question whether national associations have withered away during the process of European integration. On the basis of neo-functionalist integration theory and the multi-level governance perspective, a number of hypotheses are generated about the fate of national associations in the European integration process. An extensive empirica[ study of the EU financial services sector analyzes these hypotheses. The data show that European financial (...)
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  7. Interest Articulation and Lobbying in Unregulated Legal Contexts: The Case of Albania.Gerti Sqapi - 2022 - Economicus 21 (2):172-183.
    The main argument of this paper is that the legal regulation of lobbying is an important factor for disciplining/curbing the undue (illicit) influence of different interest groups on the political-making process, especially in countries with post-communist and nonconsolidated democracies such as Albania. In three decades of political and economic transition from a one-party communist system to a democratic one and towards a market economy, the democratization of Albania has faced various problems, which have often led to a loss of (...)
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  8. An ethical approach to lobbying activities of businesses in the united states.Jane M. Keffer & Ronald Paul Hill - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (12-13):1371-1379.
    This paper presents an ethical approach to the use of lobbying within the context of the relationships among U.S. organizations, their lobbyists, and government officials. After providing a brief history of modern-day lobbying activities, lobbying is defined and described focusing on its role as a strategic marketing tool. Then ethical frameworks for understanding the impact of these practices on various external constituencies are delineated with an emphasis on the communitarian movement advanced by Etzioni. Consistent with the call (...)
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    Ethical Standards for Business Lobbying: Some Practical Suggestions.J. Brooke Hamilton & David Hoch - 1997 - Business Ethics Quarterly 7 (3):117-129.
    Rather than being inherently evil, business lobbying is a socially responsible activity which needs to be restrained by ethical standards. To be effective in a business environment, traditional ethical standards need to be translated into language which business persons can speak comfortably. Economical explanations must also be available to explain why ethical standards are appropriate in business. Eight such standards and their validating arguments are proposed with examples showing their use. Internal dialogues regarding the ethics of lobbying objectives (...)
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    Rock lobster: Lobby Loyde and the history of rock music in Australia.Peter Beilharz - 2012 - Thesis Eleven 109 (1):64-70.
    This article responds to the new and major work on Lobby Loyde by Paul Oldham. It focuses on the middle period of Loyde’s career, from the Chicago-period Billy Thorpe and the Aztecs through to Lobby’s work with Sharpie band (was it?) Coloured Balls, and connects and compares Lobby’s trajectory to that of the post-Lobby Aztecs, as expressed in Sunbury, the 1972 parallel Australian event to Woodstock. Who led these processes, the bands or the crowds? If the crowd claimed a band, (...)
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    Corporate Lobbying in Antidumping Cases: Looking into the Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act. [REVIEW]Seung-Hyun Lee & Yoon-Suk Baik - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 96 (3):467 - 478.
    Is protection for sale? In this research, we examine the effect of corporate lobbying on the disbursement of proceeds of the recent antidumping petitions under the Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act, the so-called Byrd amendment. With the use of novel U. S. Customs Service data on the disbursements of the antidumping duties to the injured firms, we find that the petitioning firms that spend more on lobbying gain larger proceeds. We conclude that firms that lobby are the (...)
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  12.  59
    Ethical Standards for Business Lobbying.J. Brooke Hamilton Iii & David Hoch - 1997 - Business Ethics Quarterly 7 (3):117-129.
    Rather than being inherently evil, business lobbying is a socially responsible activity which needs to be restrained by ethical standards. To be effective in a business environment, traditional ethical standards need to be translated into language which business persons can speak comfortably. Economical explanations must also be available to explain why ethical standards are appropriate in business. Eight such standards and their validating arguments are proposed with examples showing their use. Internal dialogues regarding the ethics of lobbying objectives (...)
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    Corporations, Rights, and Lobbying.Quentin Gee - 2016 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19 (2):397-408.
    While there may be several practical concerns regarding the practice of corporate lobbying of government officials, there is the more basic question of a corporation’s moral right to do so. I argue that group agents such as corporations have no moral rights, and thereby cannot have the right to lobby. There may be a basis for some legal rights for corporations, but I argue that lobbying cannot be one of the legal rights, even by reference to the rights (...)
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  14.  16
    Influence Match: Can Corporate Lobbying Equalise Political Influence?Francisco Garcia-Gibson - forthcoming - The Journal of Ethics:1-17.
    Some corporations use their disproportionate lobbying power to obstruct policy. This obstructive lobbying violates most people’s claims to equal political influence. Occasionally, however, other corporations respond by using their disproportionate power to lobby in support of policy. Does this supportive lobbying violate claims to equal influence too? This paper argues that it does, using climate policy as an example. Supportive lobbying does not, in many cases, work to cancel out the influence from obstructive corporate lobbying. (...)
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  15. Lobby and Me: Remembering the Melbourne Music Scene in the Sixties.Beilharz Peter - 2007 - Thesis Eleven 91 (1):104-106.
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    Morality of Lobbying for Tax Benefits: A Kantian Perspective.Anne Van de Vijver - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 181 (1):57-68.
    AbstractMultinationals’ aggressive tax lobbying that involves free-riding behaviour and results in disproportional benefits to the disadvantage of other taxpayers, is problematic for several reasons. Such lobbying undermines the legitimacy of tax legislation and has a negative impact on trust in the tax system. Based on Immanuel Kant’s ethical theory, this article first suggests a new normative basis for a moral duty that requires multinationals and their leaders to be transparent about their political activities and tax lobbying. Next, (...)
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  17. Church Lobbying in the Nation's Capital.Luke Ebersole - 1951
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  18. The ethics of political lobbying : power, influence, and democratic decline.Phil Parvin - 2022 - In Edward Hall & Andrew Sabl, Political Ethics: A Handbook. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
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  19. Il lobbying democratico come fattore di sicurezza.G. Carrion - 2005 - Gnosis 2.
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  20.  7
    Chapter 4. Informational Lobbying as Marketing Method of Organizing Political Discourse.Віталій КРИВОШЕЇН - 2024 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 1 (1):67-91.
    The phenomenon of lobbying is considered as a mechanism for representing group interests, a system and practice of realizing the social interests of various groups, unions and associations of citizens, as well as business groups and corporations, which act through purposeful influence on the legislative power and state administrative structures. The informational and communicative essence of lobbying is revealed, and informational lobbying is singled out as a specific type of lobbying activity in the conditions of a (...)
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  21.  39
    Toward a Professions-Based Understanding of Ethical and Responsible Lobbying.Lila Skountridaki & Andrew Barron - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (2):340-371.
    Responding to calls for more substantive studies into ethical and responsible lobbying, we analyze data collected over a 5-year period in Brussels to explore how individual lobbyists understand the ethical dimensions of their work. Mobilizing insights from the sociology of the professions, we expose an emerging lobbying professionalism and unpack practitioners’ understandings of what being a professional lobbyist entails, focusing in particular on their espoused values of transparency and honesty. While expectations to lobby more transparently and honestly stem (...)
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  22.  21
    The effects of lobbying on the FDA’s recall classification.Yifan Zhou - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-7.
    BackgroundThe US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates goods accounting for 20% of US consumers’ total expenditure. The agency’s potential susceptibility to corporate lobbying and political influence may adversely affect the its abilities to fulfill its duties as a vital federal agency. This study assesses whether the FDA’s product recall classifications in recall scenarios are influenced by firms’ lobbying activities.MethodsThe universe of all FDA recalls between 2012 and 2019 is obtained from the FDA’s website. Firm names are matched (...)
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  23. Lobbying in Legislation.Andrzej Bierc - 2005 - In Mariusz M. Żydowo, Ethical problems in the rapid advancement of science. Warsaw: Polish Academy of Sciences. pp. 140.
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  24.  18
    Aspirations and Corporate Lobbying in the Product Market.Seung-Hyun Lee & Jihyun Eun - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (4):844-875.
    Given corporate lobbying’s double-edged nature, previous research has been interested in what motivates firms to engage in lobbying. In this study, we build on previous works to analyze how two types of aspiration, historical aspiration, which represents the level of performance firms aim to achieve given past self-performance, and social aspiration, which represents the level of performance firms aim to achieve given competitors’ achievements, shape corporate lobbying decisions. Our premise is that when a firm’s product market performance (...)
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    The Ethics of Lobbying: Testing an Ethical Framework for Advocacy in Public Relations.Kati Tusinski Berg - 2012 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 27 (2):97 - 114.
    This study evaluates the ethical criteria lobbyists consider in their professional activities using Ruth Edgett's model for ethically desirable public relations advocacy. Data were collected from self-administered surveys of 222 registered lobbyists in Oregon. A factor analysis reduced 18 ethical criteria to seven underlying factors describing lobbyists' ethical approaches to their work. Results indicate that lobbyists consider the following factors in their day-to-day professional activities: situation, strategy, argument, procedure, nature of lobbying, priority, and accuracy. This framework, derived from Edgett's (...)
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  26.  15
    De Europese lobby's en de Europese instellingen.Peter Bursens - 1996 - Res Publica 38 (1):113-134.
    The amount of European level organized interest groups has dramatically increased since the Single European Act came into force in 1987. In 1995 approximately 3000 lobby-groups, employing 10.000 lobbyists, are based in Brussels. This has resulted in a complex arrangement of European interest intermediation and caused important constraints on decision making procedures and institutional actors. The first part of this article offers a discription and evaluation of this proliferation and diversification of European interest groups. It alsosuggests a classification of all (...)
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  27. The Israel Lobby?Noam Chomsky - unknown
    It was, as noted, published in the London Review of Books, which is far more open to discussion on these issues than US journals -- a matter of relevance to the alleged influence of what M-W call "the Lobby." An article in the Jewish journal Forward quotes M as saying that the article was commissioned by a US journal, but rejected, and that "the pro-Israel lobby is so powerful that he and co-author Stephen Walt would never have been able to (...)
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    The Problem with Hobby Lobby: Neoliberal Jurisprudence and Neoconservative Values.Jennifer M. Denbow - 2017 - Feminist Legal Studies 25 (2):165-184.
    This article explores the relationship between neoconservative values and neoliberalism in American jurisprudence through a critique of the US Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision. The article uncovers how the Court imposes market-oriented logic on religious expression and in the process spiritualizes economic activity. In this way neoliberal rationality is intertwined with neoconservative values. For example, exercising religion through corporatization can be understood as a neoconservative moderation of the corrupting influence of excessive neoliberal individualism. Finally, while the decision furthers employer control (...)
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  29. Ethics and Lobbying in the Executive Branch.Sarah Heidt - forthcoming - Ethics.
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    From National Champions to Global Players? Lobbying by Network Operators During the WTO's Basic Telecommunication Negotiations.Cornelia Woll - 2007 - Business and Society 46 (2):229-252.
    Observers generally assume that firms which engage in lobbying know what they want. Business—government relations and especially the corporate political activities of network operators during the basic telecommunication negotiations of the World Trade Organization present a slightly different picture. European monopoly providers benefited from the old international regime and initially ignored trade discussions in their sector. In the course of negotiations, however, they became part of a three-level game, which obliged them to consider national, European, and multilateral objectives simultaneously. (...)
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  31. Business in politics : lobbying and corporate campaign contributions.Andrew Stark - 2010 - In George G. Brenkert & Tom L. Beauchamp, The Oxford handbook of business ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Ethics and Lobbying: The Case of Real Estate Brokerage.David Barker - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (1):23-35.
    Members of licensed occupations benefit from legal standards that limit entry into their professions. Is it ethical for these professionals to give political support to these standards? I examined the case of real estate brokers and found that their educational requirements raise average commissions by one quarter of a percentage point, costing consumers $5.4 billion per year without improving the quality of brokerage services. The case raises interesting ethical issues which are difficult to resolve.
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  33. Decontesting Corporate Responsibility for Collaboration: A Case Study of a Cross-Sector Coalition Lobbying for Human Rights Regulation.Visa Penttilä, Frank den Hond, Martin Fougère & Nikodemus Solitander - forthcoming - Business and Society.
    This article examines how non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and firms can collaborate on a contested corporate social responsibility (CSR) issue in lobbying the government to regulate businesses. Previous research has established how various contextual, organizational, and interactional factors affect cross-sector collaboration. However, there is little research on specific strategies that organizations can use to collaborate on contested and divisive issues. While research on CSR has introduced decontestation as a way of establishing dominant interpretations or depoliticization of CSR, through an empirical (...)
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    Support group or transgender lobby? Representing Mermaids in the British press.Aimee Bailey & Jai Mackenzie - forthcoming - Critical Discourse Studies.
    This article examines representations of Mermaids, a charity that supports trans young people and their families, in the British press. Using corpus-assisted critical discourse analysis, we identify and chart patterns in reporting between Mermaids’ inception as a charity in 2015, and 2022, a turbulent year for both the charity and trans people in the UK more generally. The findings show that, in the early years, there is relatively little attention to Mermaids in the press. Where they are mentioned, the charity (...)
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    (1 other version)The Aftermath of Hobby Lobby and Obergefell: A Reconceptualization of Religious Freedom in the United States and its Potential Implications for Public Schools and Pluralist Democracies.Benjamin J. Bindewald, Suzanne Rosenblith & Bob Green - 2017 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 53 (2):135-154.
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    The European Women's Lobby.Catherine Hoskyns - 1991 - Feminist Review 38 (1):67-70.
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  37. Understanding Customers’ Continuance Intentions Toward In-Lobby Self-Service Technologies.Mingfei Li & Shanshan Huang - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:429339.
    Drawing on service climate theory and insights from the literature on self-service technologies and customer participation, this study investigates the antecedents of customers’ continuance intentions toward in-lobby self-service technologies (SSTs). Using data collected from 257 actual customers in the context of retail banks, this experimental study examines the proposed relationship between customer perceived service climate, customer readiness factors (i.e., perceived ability, role clarity, and perceived benefit), customer satisfaction and customer continuance intention toward in-lobby self-service technologies. The results show that customers’ (...)
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    Public health, public trust and lobbying.Matthew K. Wynia - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (6):4 – 7.
    Each year, infection with Human Papillomavirus (HPV) leads to millions of abnormal Pap smears and thousands of cases of cervical cancer in the US. Throughout the developing world, where Pap smears are less common, HPV is a leading cause of cancer death among women. So when the international pharmaceutical giant Merck developed a vaccine that could prevent infection with several key strains of HPV, the public health community was anxious to celebrate a major advance. But then marketing and lobbying (...)
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    Limited knowledge and informal lobbying: internet regulation through content filters in Swedish public libraries.Veronica Johansson & Maria Lindh - 2023 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 21 (3):243-258.
    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to describe and explore the current state of internet regulation through content filters in Swedish public libraries. Design/methodology/approach Data was collected through an electronic survey directed to library managers of Sweden’s 290 main municipal libraries. 164 answers were returned, yielding a 57% response rate. The analysis comprises descriptive statistics for quantitative data and an activity theory approach with focus on contradictions for qualitative counterparts. Findings In total, 33% of the responding libraries report having (...)
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    IVThe Intractability Lobby: Material Culture and the Interpretation of the Israel/Palestine Conflict.Daniel Bertrand Monk - 2010 - Critical Inquiry 36 (3):601-608.
  41. “Interpreting Hobby Lobby to Not Harm LGBT Civil Rights.”.Vincent Samar - 2015 - South Dakota Law Review 60:457-73.
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    Nuclear Energy in the Public Sphere: Anti-Nuclear Movements vs. Industrial Lobbies in Spain.Luis Sánchez-Vázquez & Alfredo Menéndez-Navarro - 2015 - Minerva 53 (1):69-88.
    This article examines the role of the Spanish Atomic Forum as the representative of the nuclear sector in the public arena during the golden years of the nuclear power industry from the 1960s to 1970s. It focuses on the public image concerns of the Spanish nuclear lobby and the subsequent information campaigns launched during the late 1970s to counteract demonstrations by the growing and heterogeneous anti-nuclear movement. The role of advocacy of nuclear energy by the Atomic Forum was similar to (...)
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    Religionsfreiheit, evangelikale Lobby und US-Außenpolitik.Jeanette Schade - 2008 - Jahrbuch Menschenrechte 2009 (jg):139-151.
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    M. Fotia, "Le lobby in Italia".Gianfranco Pasquino - 1998 - Polis 12 (2):324-324.
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    Hernán Rodríguez, Grupos de interés y Lobby en Chile, Ediciones Zéjel, Santiago de Chile, 2006.Patricio Orellana Vargas - 2007 - Polis 17.
    La reciente ley sobre el lobby en Chile es el resultado de un proceso de varios años durante los cuales se ha discutido el tema sin mucha profundidad, y casi con exclusiva referencia a la experiencia norteamericana. Ahora surge la necesidad que los cientistas sociales empiecen a investigar esta área, y en especial cómo aplicar este instrumento en la actividad política de Chile, aunque se utiliza desde hace décadas sin siquiera identificarlo. El libro de Rodríguez es una buena introducción al (...)
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  46. Toward a New Separation of Church and State: Implications for Analogies to Last Year’s Supreme Court Decision in Hobby Lobby by this Year’s Decision in Obergefell v. Hodges.Vincent Samar - 2016 - Boston College Journal of Law and Social Justice 36 (1):1-31.
    In June 2015, in Obergefell v. Hodges, the Supreme Court of the United States determined that there is a fundamental right to marriage that extends to same-sex couples. This Article analyzes the Obergefell decision in light of the Court’s 2014 decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby regarding religious protections that might by analogy be afforded under state Religious Freedom Restoration Acts. In particular, the article considers whether a government official may claim the right to religious freedom to deny issuing marriage (...)
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  47. “The Potential Impact of Hobby Lobby on LGBT Civil Rights?”.Vincent Samar - 2015 - Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law 16:547-91.
    The Supreme Court’s construction of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 (RFRA) in Hobby Lobby created a great fear among various civil rights groups, especially in the LGBT community, over what the Court might do next regarding rights of same-sex and transgender couples seeking legal protections in employment, housing, and public accommodations. Indeed, if Justice Alito’s majority position is taken for all that its logic implies, then, as Justice Ginsburg’s dissent warns, there is indeed much for the civil rights (...)
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    No Exaggeration: Truthfulness in the Lobbying of Government Agencies by Competing Interest Groups.Hyoung-goo Kang & Thomas T. Holyoke - 2013 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 14 (4):499-520.
    Intense competition can compel lobbyists to exaggerate the benefits the government would see in tax returns and social welfare if agency officials allocate such resources to the lobbyist's members. This incentive to misrepresent grows when information asymmetry exists between lobbyists and government officials. A large body of literature has investigated how interest groups compete and interact, but it disregards the interdependency of interests between competing groups and associated strategic behaviors of other players. Our signaling model of lobbying reveals ways (...)
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    The philosopher-lobbyist: John Dewey and the People's Lobby, 1928-1940.Mordecai Lee - 2015 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    The history of John Dewey’s leadership of the progressive People’s Lobby. John Dewey (1859–1952) was a preeminent American philosopher who is remembered today as the founder of what is called child-centered or progressive education. In The Philosopher-Lobbyist, Mordecai Lee tells the largely forgotten story of Dewey’s effort to influence public opinion and promote democratic citizenship. Based on Dewey’s 1927 book The Public and Its Problems, the People’s Lobby was a trailblazing nonprofit agency, an early forerunner of the now common public (...)
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    The Philosopher-Lobbyist: John Dewey and the People’s Lobby, 1928–1940, written by Mordecai Lee. [REVIEW]Nick C. Sagos - 2017 - Contemporary Pragmatism 14 (4):529-532.
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