Results for ' modern individualism ‐ shape of consciousness'

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  1.  22
    Shapes of Active Reason: The Law of the Heart, Retrieved Virtue, and What Really Matters.Terry Pinkard - 2009 - In Kenneth R. Westphal (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 136–152.
    This chapter contains sections titled: References.
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  2. A modern scientific insight of Soonya Vaada of Buddhism: Its implications to delineate origin and role of rationalism in shaping Buddhist Thought and life.Varanasi Ramabrahmam - 2013 - Http://Www.Srilankaguardian.Org/2013/04/Soonya-Vaada-of-Buddhism.Html.
    Soonya Vaada, the prime and significant contribution to Indian philosophical thought from Buddhism will be scientifically developed and presented. How this scientific understanding helped to sow seeds of origin of rationalism and its development in Buddhist thought and life will be delineated. Its role in the shaping of Buddhist and other Indian philosophical systems will be discussed. Its relevance and use in the field of cognitive science and development of theories of human consciousness and mind will be put forward. (...)
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    Cultural neuroscience of consciousness: From visual perception to self-awareness.Joan Chiao & T. Harada - 2008 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 15 (10-11):58-69.
    Philosophical inquiries into the nature of consciousness have long been intrinsically tied to questions regarding the nature of the self. Although philosophers of mind seldom make reference to the role of cultural context in shaping consciousness, since antiquity culture has played a notable role in philosophical conceptions of the self. Western philosophers, from Plato to Locke, have emphasized an individualistic view of the self that is autonomous and consistent across situations, while Eastern philosophers, such as Lao Tzu and (...)
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    Cognition: An Introduction to Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit (review). [REVIEW]John Edward Russon - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (1):131-133.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Cognition: An Introduction to Hegel's Phenomenology of SpiritJohn RussonTom Rockmore. Cognition: An Introduction to Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997. Pp vii + 247. Cloth, $40.00.Rockmore's book is an argument that Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit is a rigorous and systematic argument about epistemology (2) and it is a commentary designed to introduce students to the details of Hegel's text (1). The epistemological thesis is (...)
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    Longino's Social Knowledge.Joan Mason-Grant - 1993 - Dialogue 32 (2):375-.
    The apparently limitless philosophical terrain marked out by the debate over the relation between science and values is constructively revisited in Helen Longino's Science as Social Knowledge. This project is motivated by the view that the ideal of value neutrality places unrealistic constraints on science. Longino seeks to demonstrate that even “good science” embodies social and political interests and values because it is, irreducibly, a social activity. Her strategy is to weave a position which can make sense of both ideology (...)
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    William Christian and Community Doctrines.Ninian Smart - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (2):327-335.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:REVIEW SYMPOSIUM 327 claims. And both these tasks, perhaps more especially the former, are of urgent importance for the Christian theological community today. University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana PAUL J. GRIFFITHS WII,LIAM CHRISTIAN AND COMMUNITY DOCTRINES W ILLIAM CHRISTIAN'S book Doctrines of Religious Communities * is a vital contribution to the philosophy of religion, for a number of reasons. First, it goes beyond the individualism that (...)
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    A quadratic model of consciousness.John Wood - 2015 - Technoetic Arts 13 (3):229-238.
    This article describes methods and ideas that emerged from a continuing enquiry into ‘metadesign’ that led us to think about the role of ‘consciousness’ in teams, communities and the biosphere. In the West the notion of ‘consciousness’ has been shaped by humanism, industrialization and some strident forms of individualism. These have encouraged us to see it in strongly anthropocentric and solipsistic terms. The global economic system also reflects this individualistic ideology, given that ‘growth’, is driven by personal (...)
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    Individualism and Collectivism as a Subject of Social-Philosophical Analysis (Reflections on the Eve of the Scientific Conference “Individualization and Collectivism in Contemporary Russian Society”).Алексей Платонович Давыдов - 2024 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 66 (4):140-159.
    The Branch of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), the Institute of Sociology of the Federal Center for Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the RAS, the RAS Institute of Philosophy, and the RAS Institute of Psychology are arranging “Individualization and Collectivism in Contemporary Russian Society” scientific conference, to be held in Moscow, April 2024. The event marks the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the 95th birth anniversary of the Russian philosopher and social theorist (...)
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    Hegel’s Philosophy of Politics. [REVIEW]Mark Tunick - 1994 - The Owl of Minerva 26 (1):65-68.
    The Philosophy of Right is an enormously complex work, and any short treatment of it has to set limits for itself. Harry Brod, in this highly readable and useful new book, chooses to focus only on the last third of the Philosophy of Right, in which Hegel discusses civil society and the state, and also limits his scope by avoiding engagement with much of the relevant secondary literature. This is not to say Brod avoids larger interpretive questions; on the contrary, (...)
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  10. Mysticism and Epistemology: A Study and Comparison of Modern Philosophical Analyses of Mysticism and the Thought of Ludwig Wittgenstein.John James Murphy - 1995 - Dissertation, The Claremont Graduate University
    Modern philosophical analyses of mysticism impoverish mysticism with a common understanding that the life and the language of the mystic is a separate category from that of the mystical experience. It is my contention, however, that such an understanding runs counter to what the mystics themselves attest to. ;William James's understanding of mysticism is that it serves as the means towards the circumvention of an individual's religious tradition. This view is contrary to the understanding of mysticism put forth by (...)
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  11. From the criticism to the philosophy of consciousness to the vindication of moral consciousness.Carlos Gómez - 2009 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 10:10-50.
    The “philosophy of conscience” is the fundamental paradigm of modern philosophy from Descartes to Kant. Such paradigm has been the object of continuous criticism starting with the so call “philosophy of suspicion” and latter on by the “linguistic turn”, which in this article is considered from the perspective of the discursive ethics of Habermas. Although these criticisms force us to abandon the primacy and the monologism of the “philosophy of conscience”, we should not forget the value of the moral (...)
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    Notes on complexity: a scientific theory of connection, consciousness, and being.Neil Theise - 2023 - New York: Spiegel & Grau.
    An electrifying introduction to complexity theory, the science of how complex systems behave--from cells to human beings, ecosystems, the known universe, and beyond--that profoundly reframes our understanding and illuminates our interconnectedness. Nothing in the universe is more complex than life. Throughout the skies, in oceans, and across lands, life is endlessly on the move. In its myriad forms--from cells to human beings, social structures, and ecosystems--life is open-ended, evolving, unpredictable, yet adaptive and self-sustaining. Complexity theory addresses the mysteries that animate (...)
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  13. "Funda-mentality": Is the conscious mind subtly linked to a basic level of the universe?Stuart R. Hameroff - 1998 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 2 (4):119-124.
    Age-old battle lines over the puzzling nature of mental experience are shaping a modern resurgence in the study of consciousness. On one side are the long-dominant "physicalists" who view consciousness as an emergent property of the brain's neural networks. On the alternative, rebellious side are those who see a necessary added ingredient: proto-conscious experience intrinsic to reality, perhaps understandable through modern physics (panpsychists, pan-experientialists, "funda-mentalists"). It is argued here that the physicalist premise alone is unable to (...)
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  14.  21
    Myths of Renaissance individualism.John Jeffries Martin - 2004 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The idea that the Renaissance witnessed the emergence of the modern individual remains a powerful myth. In this important new book Martin examines the Renaissance self with attention to both social history and literary theory and offers a new typology of Renaissance selfhood which was at once collective, performative and porous. At the same time, he stresses the layered qualities of the Renaissance self and the salient role of interiority and notions of inwardness in the shaping of identity.
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    Romanticism As The Mirroring Of Modernity and The Emergence of Romantic Modernization in Islamism.İrfan Kaya - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (3):1483-1507.
    The emphasis that the modernity gives to disengagement and beginning leads one to think that the modernity itself is in fact a culture that initiares crisis. Even if there is no initial crisis, it can be created through the ambivalent nature of modernity. Behind the concept of crisis lies the notion that history is a continuous process or movement that opens the door to nihilistic understanding which stems from the idea of contemporary life and thought alienation through the pessimistic meaning (...)
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    Hegel: Lectures on the History of Philosophy: Volume III: Medieval and Modern Philosophy, Revised Edition.Robert F. Brown (ed.) - 2009 - Oxford University Press.
    Hegel's interpretation of the history of philosophy played a central role in the shaping of his own thought, and brought about one of the determining events of modern intellectual history: the rise of a new historical consciousness of human life, culture, and intellect. This third volume of the lectures covers the medieval and modern periods.
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    The Ontology of Modern Terrorism: Hegel, Terrorism Studies and Dynamics of Violence.Gavin Cameron & Joshua David Goldstein - 2010 - Cosmos and History 6 (1):60-90.
    While the terrorism studies literature speaks of a shape of terrorism unique to modernity, the exact nature of modern terrorism, let alone the nature of modernity or its starting point, remain much in dispute. In this article we suggest that the confusion and conflict within the literature arises from a tendency to focus on certain outward or inessential features associated with modernity. In order to truly answer the question of what makes modern terrorism modern, the question (...)
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    The views of philosophers and Christian authors about the Church as a factor in shaping the sense of responsibility for the fate of society.O. Saboduha - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 67:33-39.
    The Church at all times of human existence occupied an important place in the life of society. Under modern conditions, people often feel unprotected, uncertain, and therefore forced to seek support and faith in their happy future. One way of creating a sense of inner peace for a believer is to communicate with God, and the Church acts as an intermediary in this process. Therefore, in our opinion, the Church, as a social institution, is to a large extent responsible (...)
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    The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness.Paul Gilroy - 1993 - Harvard University Press.
    Afrocentrism. Eurocentrism. Caribbean Studies. British Studies. To the forces of cultural nationalism hunkered down in their camps, this bold hook sounds a liberating call. There is, Paul Gilroy tells us, a culture that is not specifically African, American, Caribbean, or British, but all of these at once, a black Atlantic culture whose themes and techniques transcend ethnicity and nationality to produce something new and, until now, unremarked. Challenging the practices and assumptions of cultural studies, The Black Atlantic also complicates and (...)
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  20.  25
    (1 other version)Hamlet or Europe and the end of modern Trauerspiel.Fabrizio Desideri - 2019 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 12 (2):117-126.
    Hamlet’s character sets, under different shapes and extents, the benchmark against which a large part of the European philosophy of the very long «short twentieth-century» behind us has had to measure. In the name of Hamlet as the most enigmatic among Shakespeare’s creatures, even Europe, its spirit and destiny, is identified, according to the well-known claim by Paul Valery.Common trait to a big part of these interpretations – from the juvenile works of Pavel Florenskij and Lev S. Vygotskij to Carl (...)
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  21.  17
    The Modern Philosophic Differentiation of Consciousness.Frederick Lawrence - 1981 - Lonergan Workshop 2:231-279.
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  22. Erratum to: Utopias of return: notes on (post-)Soviet culture and its frustrated (post-)modernization.Evgeny Dobrenko - 2011 - Studies in East European Thought 63 (2):173-173.
    This article discusses the role of representative strategies in twentieth-century Russian culture. Just as Russia interacted with Europe in the Marquis de Custine’s time via discourse and representation, in the twentieth century Russia re-entered European consciousness by simulating ‘socialism’. In the post-Soviet era, the nation aspired to be admitted to the ‘European house’ by simulating a ‘market economy’, ‘democracy’, and ‘postmodernism’. But in reality Russia remains the same country as before, torn between the reality of its own helplessness and (...)
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    The Varieties of Modern Enchantment.Joshua Landy - 2009 - In Joshua Landy & Michael T. Saler (eds.), The Re-Enchantment of the World: Secular Magic in a Rational Age. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. pp. 1-14.
    This chapter argues that there is a variety of secular and conscious strategies for re-enchantment, held together by a common aim of filling a God-shaped void. The discussion also introduces three approaches to affirm the claim and offer a more nuanced understanding of the nature of modernity. The first is to reject the notion that any lingering enchantment within Western culture must of necessity be a relic (the binary approach). The second is to reject the notion that modernity is itself (...)
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  24.  10
    Race, Rage, and Resistance: Philosophy, Psychology, and the Perils of Individualism.David M. Goodman & Eric R. Severson - 2019 - Routledge.
    This timely collection asks the reader to consider how society's modern notion of humans as rational, isolated individuals has contributed to psychological and social problems and oppressive power structures. Experts from a range of disciplines offer a complex understanding of how humans are shaped by history, tradition, and institutions. Drawing upon the work of Lacan, Fanon, and Foucault, this text examines cultural memory, modern ideas of race and gender, the roles of symbolism and mythology, and neoliberalism's impact on (...)
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    Our Post-modern Vanity: the Cult of Efficiency and the Regress to the Boundary of the Animal World.Robert Hassan - 2015 - Philosophy and Technology 28 (2):241-259.
    This essay argues that through a new and radical relationship with digital technologies that are oriented towards networking and automaticity, humans have become estranged from what philosopher Arnold Gehlen termed the ‘circle of action’ that expressed our ancient adaptation to tool use and constituted the basis for our capacity for reflective consciousness. The objectification of the material and analogue relationship that enabled humans to ‘act’ upon the world and to construct the basis for our collective endeavours, this paper shows, (...)
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  26.  31
    Introduction: The Uses of Historical Evidence in Early Modern Europe.Jacob Soll - 2003 - Journal of the History of Ideas 64 (2):149-157.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 64.2 (2003) 149-157 [Access article in PDF] Introduction:The Uses of Historical Evidence in Early Modern Europe Jacob Soll A leading figure at Cambridge University after World War II, Herbert Butterfield seems an unlikely forerunner of the kind of cultural history that is practiced today. Yet Butterfield was a pioneer. He saw the origins of modern historical consciousness in the scholarly (...)
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    From William James to Milton Erickson: the care of human consciousness.Dan Short - 2020 - Bloomington: Archway Publishing.
    This is a book about how William James and Milton Erickson have helped shape the modern conceptualization of human consciousness and its care. With both men cast from the archetypal mold of a wounded healer and a coming-of-age odyssey, it should not surprise us that James and Erickson converge on the central idea that "...the secret to the care of human consciousness is the utilization of who we are toward some practical end." It does not matter (...)
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  28. The Modern Philosophic Differentiation of Consciousness or 'What is the Enlightenment,'.Fred Lawrence - 1981 - The Lonergan Workshop 2:231-280.
  29.  37
    Hegel's Idea of a "Phenomenology of Spirit" (review).Gunter Zoller - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (3):541-542.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Hegel’s Idea of a “Phenomenology of Spirit” by Michael N. ForsterGünter ZöllerMichael N. Forster. Hegel’s Idea of a “Phenomenology of Spirit.” Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998. Pp. xi + 661. Paper, $30.00.Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit (1807) has remained an enigmatic and controversial work. Typically it has been studied and appropriated selectively, by focusing on a few topics or sections of this immense opus. There are also several (...)
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    Discursive Mobility and Double Consciousness in S. Weir Mitchell and W. E. B. Du Bois.Susan Wells - 2002 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 35 (2):120-137.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 35.2 (2002) 120-137 [Access article in PDF] Discursive Mobility and Double Consciousness in S. Weir Mitchell and W.E.B. Du Bois 1 Susan Wells Here are two stories about double consciousness: they will become, eventually, stories about the public sphere: W. E. B. Du Bois formulating the theory of double consciousness, and S. Weir Mitchell presenting Mary Reynolds's case history, an instance of a (...)
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    Religious Culture and Customary Legal Tradition: Historical Foundations of European Market Development.Leonard P. Liggio - 2015 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 21 (1-2):33-66.
    This paper traces back the sources of our present legal system and of market economy to Medieval Europe which itself benefited from Hellenistic and Roman legal culture and commercial practices. Roman provinces placed Rome in the wider Greek cultural and commercial world. If Aristotle was already transcending the narrow polis-based conceptions of his predecessors, after him Hellenistic Civilization saw the emergence of a new school of philosophy: Stoicism. The legal thought in the Latin West will hence be characterized by Cicero’s (...)
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    Darwin’s Other Dilemmas and the Theoretical Roots of Emotional Connection.Robert J. Ludwig & Martha G. Welch - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Modern scientific theories of emotional behavior, almost without exception, trace their origin to Charles Darwin, and his publications On the Origin of Species (1859) and The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (1872). The most famous evolutionary dilemma Darwin acknowledged as a challenge to his theory of natural selection was the incomplete sub Cambrian fossil record. However, Darwin struggled with two other rarely referenced theoretical and scientific dilemmas that confounded his theories about emotional behavior. These included (1) (...)
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  33.  42
    Transcending Modernity? Individualism, Ethics and Japanese Discourses of Difference in the Post-War World.John Clammer - 1999 - Thesis Eleven 57 (1):65-80.
    Intense debates have taken place in Japan about the country's role in the post-war world system and the question of whether Japan has achieved the modernity that makes it a member of and player in that system. These debates, however, have largely centred on a discourse of uniqueness, defined in cultural (and culturalist) terms. This domination of a single interpretative framework has suppressed alternative analyses of Japanese modernity. Some of the most significant of these alternative voices take the central question (...)
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    ‘Ik bün all hier (I’m already here)’: modern pre-modernity or premodern modernity?Anja Rathmann-Lutz - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    This medievalist perspective reflects on the paradoxical relationship between Modernity and the Middle Ages, based on the author’s research into temporalities in the central Middle Ages. When dealing with modernity, she argues, medievalists encounter an ‘already here’-feeling on two instances: the medieval roots of everything modern, and the dynamics of historical development, typically attributed to modernity. This particularly concerns dealings with the future: While the idea of an open, malleable future may in fact be the characteristic feature of modernity, (...)
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  35. (1 other version)The Founding Act of Ethical Life: Hegel's Critique of Kant's Moral and Political Philosophy.Ido Geiger - 2002 - Dissertation, Yale University
    According to the received view, Kant and Hegel espouse diametrically opposed views of moral motivation. Kant holds that to act morally is to act out of reflective recognition that a proposed intention ought to be made into a universal law. Action of true moral worth can never be motivated by an immediate inclination. Hegel, in contrast, holds that the natural inclination of an agent, who has been successfully acculturated within a just society, is moral action. The received interpretation is right, (...)
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    Positive and Negative Models of Suffering: An Anthropology of Our Shifting Cultural Consciousness of Emotional Discontent.James Davies - 2011 - Anthropology of Consciousness 22 (2):188-208.
    I explore how many within modern industrial societies currently understand, manage, and respond to their emotional suffering. I argue that this understanding and management of suffering has radically altered in the last 30 years, creating a new model of suffering, “the negative model” (suffering is purposeless), which has largely replaced the “positive model” (suffering is purposeful) that prevailed in the 18th and 19th centuries. This shift has been hastened by what I call the “rationalization of suffering”—namely, the process by (...)
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  37.  23
    The Shaping of Modern Psychology: An Historical IntroductionL. S. Hearnshaw.John Popplestone - 1988 - Isis 79 (1):110-111.
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    New shape of ethics?: reflections on ethical values in post(?)modern American cultures and societies.Teresa Pyzik & Tomasz Sikora (eds.) - 2000 - Katowice: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Śla̜skiego.
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    The American Discovery of Tradition, 1865–1942.Michael D. Clark - 2005 - LSU Press.
    Between the American Revolution and the Civil War many Americans professed to reject altogether the notion of adhering to tradition, perceiving it as a malign European influence. But by the beginning of the twentieth century, Americans had possibly become more tradition-minded than their European contemporaries. So argues Michael D. Clark in this incisive work of social and intellectual history. Challenging reigning assumptions, Clark maintains that in the period 1865 to 1942 Americans became more conscious of tradition as a social force, (...)
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    Civil Society, Religion, and the Nation: Modernization in Intercultural Context: Russia, Japan, Turkey.Gerrit Steunebrink & Evert van der Zweerde (eds.) - 2004 - Brill | Rodopi.
    Japan, Russia, and Turkey are major examples of countries with different ethnic, religious, and cultural background that embarked on the path of modernization without having been colonized by a Western country. In all three cases, national consciousness has played a significant role in this context. The project of Modernity is obviously of European origin, but is it essentially European? Does modernization imply loss of a country’s cultural or national identity? If so, what is the “fate” of the modernization process (...)
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  41. Review of Semiotics, Law, and Art: Bridging Theory and Justice in Eduardo C. Bittar’s Work. [REVIEW]Abdullah Tamrin Rettob - forthcoming - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique:1-8.
    This review examines Eduardo C. Bittar’s _Semiotics_, _Law & Art_, exploring how visual culture and semiotics intersect with law to reveal the symbolic layers of justice and authority. Drawing from multiple disciplines—including visual arts, theatre, and architecture—Bittar positions justice as a semiotic inquiry. He critiques modern legal positivism and advocates for a culturally embedded understanding of law, utilizing semiotic approaches like Greimasian analysis. The book is divided into two parts: foundational theory and its application in visual media. Each chapter (...)
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    Making Sense of the Political in Twentieth-Century China.Xin Fan - 2024 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 19 (2):40-64.
    At the opening of the twentieth century, some believed that there was a lack of political consciousness among the Chinese people. They introduced foreign political theories, attempting to engage Chinese citizenry with the political. Yet what the political entails remains an unresolved issue even in China today. This article traces the history of Chinese translation of the political through a dynamic process of language adaptation and cultural appropriation. It argues that two competing legacies, one that promises the politicization as (...)
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  43. The Shaping of Modern Christian Thought.Warren F. Groff & Donald E. Miller - 1968
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    By the grace of guile: the role of deception in natural history and human affairs.Loyal D. Rue - 1994 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The nihilists are right, admits philosopher Loyal Rue. The universe is blind and aimless, indifferent to us and void of meaning. There are no absolute truths and no objective values. There is no right or wrong way to live, only alternative ways. There is no correct reading of a text or a picture or a dance. God is dead, nihilism reigns. But, Rue adds, nihilism is a truth inconsistent with personal happiness and social coherence. What we need instead is a (...)
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    A Cultural Interpretation of the Holistic Success and Individual Obedience of China’s Fight against COVID-19 Crisis.Huiyong Wu - 2020 - Cultura 17 (2):87-97.
    Possibly the main reason why China can completely control the COVID-19 pandemic is that it can use state power to implement holistic and systemic deployment, integrate all resources, and form an efficient and refined grassroots management system. The sense of responsibility of the Chinese people has been a very important factor. The obedience of individuals in China does not come from the authority imposed by any external agent. It stems from its Confucian traditions and the positive pursuit of common ways (...)
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    The Monstrous Mark of Cinema: Mulholland Drive, Spherology, and the “Virtual Space” of Filmic Fiction.James Dutton - 2023 - Film-Philosophy 27 (3):553-578.
    This article interprets David Lynch's Mulholland Drive (2001) to argue for the morphological influence cinematic images have on modernity's monstrous identity. It shows how Lynch's tactic of interweaving apparently discrete spaces of dream and reality – one often inverting or uncannily ironising the other – relies on the virtual space of cinema, which leaves a mark on understanding, irrespective of its apparent truth. To do so, I employ Peter Sloterdijk's philosophy of space – especially the spherology developed in his Spheres (...)
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    Nonplaces: An Anecdoted Topography of Contemporary French Theory.Bruno Bosteels - 2003 - Diacritics 33 (3/4):117-139.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Nonplaces:An Anecdoted Topography of Contemporary French TheoryBruno Bosteels (bio)In its juridical sense, a non-lieu is a judgment that suspends, annuls, or withdraws a case without bringing it to trial. It is thus a judgment that announces or enunciates that there will be no judgment as to guilt or innocence, a finding that there is no place to judge. It therefore renders justice by refusing to render it under the (...)
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  48. The Shape of Modern Culture.Mary Evelyn Clarke - 1945 - Hibbert Journal 44:231.
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    Formal Semantics and the Structure of Meaning.Petr S. Kusliy - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (8):34-46.
    The article discusses the reasons why modern formal semantics of natural language is an integral part of a larger philosophical research program for the study of the nature of intentionality. The purpose of this article is to show how research in the field of formal semantics of natural language became the implementation of a large philosophical research program that is focused on the nature of intentional objects, which since the time of F. Brentano have been considered an integral part (...)
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    Self-Reflective Talk and Modern Anxiety.Bart Pattyn - 1998 - Ethical Perspectives 5 (2):144-154.
    CONCLUSION :Whoever wants to pursue just social reforms, breathe new life into political democracy, and improve the welfare of the weak will have to do more than convince people to speak differently about themselves. The first ailment that must be cured is not an improper use of language, but the anxiety that gives rise to that language.Anxiety cannot be removed by socially uninspired philosophies. Anxiety is not a problem of individuals but of society’s consciousness. The individualistic attitude of the (...)
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