Results for ' normative conflict'

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  1.  97
    Normative conflicts in legal reasoning.Giovanni Sartor - 1992 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 1 (2-3):209-235.
    This article proposes a formal analysis of a fundamental aspect of legal reasoning: dealing with normative conflicts. Firstly, examples are illustrated concerning the dynamics of legal systems, the application of rules and exceptions, and the semantic indeterminacy of legal sources. Then two approaches to cope with conflicting information are presented: the preferred theories of Brewka, and the belief change functions of Alchourrón, Gärdenfors, and Makinson. The relations between those approaches are closely examined, and some aspects of a model of (...)
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    Norm conflict identification in contracts.João Paulo Aires, Daniele Pinheiro, Vera Strube de Lima & Felipe Meneguzzi - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 25 (4):397-428.
    The exchange of goods and services between individuals is often formalised by a contract in which the parties establish norms to define what is expected of each one. Norms use deontic statements of obligation, prohibition, and permission, which may be in conflict. The task of manually detecting norm conflicts can be time–consuming and error-prone since contracts can be vast and complex. To automate such tasks, we develop an approach to identify potential conflicts between norms. We show the effectiveness of (...)
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  3. Normative conflicts and the logic of 'ought'.Lou Goble - 2009 - Noûs 43 (3):450-489.
    On the face of it, normative conflicts are commonplace. Yet standard deontic logic declares them to be logically impossible. That prompts the question, What are the proper principles of normative reasoning if such conflicts are possible? This paper examines several alternatives that have been proposed for a logic of 'ought' that can accommodate normative conflicts, and finds all of them unsatisfactory as measured against three criteria of adequacy. It then introduces a new logic that does meet all (...)
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  4. Normative Conflicts and the Structure of Normativity.Andrew Reisner - 2015 - In Iwao Hirose & Andrew Evan Reisner (eds.), Weighing and Reasoning: Themes From the Philosophy of John Broome. New York, NY: Oxford University Press UK.
    This paper considers the relation between the sources of normativity, reasons, and normative conflicts. It argues that common views about how normative reasons relate to their sources have important consequences for how we can understand putative normative conflicts.
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    Irresolvable norm conflicts in international law: the concept of a legal dilemma.Valentin Jeutner - 2017 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Conventionally, international legal scholarship concerned with norm conflicts focuses on identifying how international law can or should resolve them. This book adopts a different approach. It focuses on identifying those norm conflicts that law cannot and should not resolve. The book offers an unprecedented, controversial, yet sophisticated, argument in favour of construing such irresolvable conflicts as legal dilemmas. Legal dilemmas exist when a legal actor confronts a conflict between at least two legal norms that cannot be avoided or resolved. (...)
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  6. Solving Normative Conflicts Using Preferences Relations.Rafael Testa - 2008 - CLE E-Prints.
    This article proposes a general strategy to overcome normative conflicts, namely, paradoxes represented in Standard Deontic Logic. This solution is based on preference relations between norms that circumvent situations of conflict. Pragmatic justifications of the proposed method are also given.
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  7. Normative conflicts and the logic of ‘ought’.Lou Goble - 2009 - Noảtus 43 (3):450–89.
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  8. Norm Conflicts: Kelsen's View in the Late Period and a Rejoinder.Bruno Celano - 1998 - In Stanley L. Paulson (ed.), Normativity and Norms: Critical Perspectives on Kelsenian Themes. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 343--361.
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  9. Norm Conflicts and Conditionals.Niels Skovgaard-Olsen, David Kellen, Ulrike Hahn & Karl Christoph Klauer - 2019 - Psychological Review 126 (5):611-633.
    Suppose that two competing norms, N1 and N2, can be identified such that a given person’s response can be interpreted as correct according to N1 but incorrect according to N2. Which of these two norms, if any, should one use to interpret such a response? In this paper we seek to address this fundamental problem by studying individual variation in the interpretation of conditionals by establishing individual profiles of the participants based on their case judgments and reflective attitudes. To investigate (...)
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  10. Norm Conflicts and Epistemic Modals.Niels Skovgaard-Olsen & John Cantwell - 2023 - Cognitive Psychology 145 (101591):1-30.
    Statements containing epistemic modals (e.g., “by spring 2023 most European countries may have the Covid-19 pandemic under control”) are common expressions of epistemic uncertainty. In this paper, previous published findings (Knobe & Yalcin, 2014; Khoo & Phillips, 2018) on the opposition between Contextualism and Relativism for epistemic modals are re-examined. It is found that these findings contain a substantial degree of individual variation. To investigate whether participants differ in their interpretation of epistemic modals, an experiment with multiple phases and sessions (...)
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  11. The Specter of Normative Conflict: Does Fairness Require Inaccuracy?Rima Basu - 2020 - In Erin Beeghly & Alex Madva (eds.), An Introduction to Implicit Bias: Knowledge, Justice, and the Social Mind. New York, NY, USA: Routledge. pp. 191-210.
    A challenge we face in a world that has been shaped by, and continues to be shaped by, racist attitudes and institutions is that the evidence is often stacked in favor of racist beliefs. As a result, we may find ourselves facing the following conflict: what if the evidence we have supports something we morally shouldn’t believe? For example, it is morally wrong to assume, solely on the basis of someone’s skin color, that they’re a staff member. But, what (...)
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    A realistic view on normative conflicts.Daniela Glavaničová & Matteo Pascucci - 2020 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 29 (3):447-462.
    Kulicki and Trypuz (2016) introduced three systems of multivalued deontic action logic to handle normative conflicts. The first system suggests a pessimistic view on normative conflicts, according to which any conflicting option represents something forbidden; the second system suggests an optimistic view, according to which any conflicting option represents something obligatory; finally, the third system suggests a neutral view, according to which any conflicting option represents something that is neither obligatory nor forbidden. The aim of the present paper (...)
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  13. A functional taxonomy of normative conflict.H. Hamner Hill - 1987 - Law and Philosophy 6 (2):227-247.
    In this paper I argue for three theses. First, most philosophical analyses of the problem of normative conflict, being based on the impossibility-of-joint-compliance test for conflict, are inadequate. Second, expanding on suggestions made by H. L. A. Hart and Stephen Munzer, I develop an understanding of normative conflict which is not tied to the concept of obedience. Such an understanding of normative conflict is expressly functional: normative conflicts arise when one norm interferes (...)
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    When Workplace Norms Conflict: Using Intersubjective Reflection to Guide Ethical Decision-Making.Tobey K. Scharding & Danielle E. Warren - 2023 - Business Ethics Quarterly 33 (2):352-380.
    We address how to ethically evaluate workplace practices when workplace behavioral norms conflict with employees’ attitudes toward those norms, which, according to research on psychological contract violations, regularly occurs. Drawing on Scanlonian contractualism, we introduce the intersubjective reflection process (IR process). The IR process ethically evaluates workplace practices according to whether parties to a workplace practice have intersubjectively valid grounds to veto the practice. We present normative and empirical justification for this process and apply the IR process to (...)
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  15. Prioritized Imperatives and Normative Conflicts.Fengkui Ju & Fenrong Liu - 2011 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 7 (2):35-58.
    Imperatives occur ubiquitously in natural languages. They produce forces which change the addressee’s cognitive state and regulate her actions accordingly. In real life we often receive conflicting orders, typically, issued by various authorities with different ranks. A new update semantics is proposed in this paper to formalize this idea. The general properties of this semantics, as well as its background ideas are discussed extensively. In addition, we compare our framework with other approaches of deontic logics in the context of (...) conflicts. (shrink)
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  16. Truthmakers and Normative Conflicts.Albert Anglberger & Johannes Korbmacher - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (1):49-83.
    By building on work by Kit Fine, we develop a sound and complete truthmaker semantics for Lou Goble’s conflict tolerant deontic logic BDL.
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  17. The Specter of Normative Conflict: Does Fairness Require Inaccuracy?Rima Basu - 2020 - In . pp. 191-210.
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  18.  55
    Mediating difference: Normative conflict as opportunity.Ellen Waldman - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (2):25 – 27.
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    Normative Conflict in the Newsroom: The Case of Digital Photo Manipulation.Wilson Lowrey - 2003 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 18 (2):123-142.
    Digital photo manipulation is often treated in the literature as a problem that occurs when individuals stray from a single set of ethical standards. It is proposed in this study that the newsroom comprises various subgroups, each with unique norms and values, and each seeking to shape newsroom decision making. It is expected that photo manipulation should result from subgroups' perceptions of, and reactions to, this plurality of newsroom norms. This expectation is assessed through both in-depth interviews and a national (...)
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  20. An Inconsistency-Adaptive Deontic Logic for Normative Conflicts.Mathieu Beirlaen, Christian Straßer & Joke Meheus - 2013 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 42 (2):285-315.
    We present the inconsistency-adaptive deontic logic DP r , a nonmonotonic logic for dealing with conflicts between normative statements. On the one hand, this logic does not lead to explosion in view of normative conflicts such as O A ∧ O ∼A, O A ∧ P ∼A or even O A ∧ ∼O A. On the other hand, DP r still verifies all intuitively reliable inferences valid in Standard Deontic Logic (SDL). DP r interprets a given premise set (...)
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    Non-monotonic reasoning with normative conflicts in multi-agent deontic logic.M. Beirlaen & C. Strasser - 2013 - Journal of Logic and Computation 24 (6):1179–1207.
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  22. How to Solve the Social Norm Conflict Dilemma of Green Consumption: The Moderating Effect of Self-Affirmation.Wanda Ge, Guanghua Sheng & Hongli Zhang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Social norms are important social factors that affect individual behavioral change. Using social norms to promote green consumption is receiving increasing attention. However, due to the different formation processes and mechanisms of the behavioral influence of the different types of social norms, using social norms to promote green consumption often has social norm conflict situations. Thus, it is difficult to attain the maximum utility of social norms. The present research found that social norm conflict weakens the role of (...)
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    Fostering Constructive Deviance by Leader Moral Humility: The Mediating Role of Employee Moral Identity and Moderating Role of Normative Conflict.Lianying Zhang, Xiaocan Li & Ziqing Liu - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (2):731-746.
    Constructive deviance, rule-breaking to benefit the organization, is an emerging topic in the scholarly research and is considered to be an ethical decision. Despite the value of guiding constructive deviance in organizations, the effect of ethics-oriented leadership on employees’ constructive deviance remains unclear. This research identifies leader moral humility as a new antecedent of constructive deviance and examines how and when leader moral humility influences employee constructive deviance. Drawing on social–cognitive theory, we propose that leader moral humility fosters employee moral (...)
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  24.  21
    Deontic logic for normative conflicts.L. Goble - 2014 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 22 (2):206-235.
  25. Conflicts of Normativity.Andrew Reisner - 2004 - Dissertation, University of Oxford
    The thesis contains my early work arguing against evidentialism for reasons for belief (chapter 1), my early argument that rationality is not normative (chapter 2), an argument that rationality is not responding reasons, at least understood in one way (chapter 2), a general discussion of how normative conflicts might (appear to) arise in many different ways (chapter 3), a discussion of how to weigh pragmatic and evidential reasons for belief (chapter 4), and a discussion of the general structure (...)
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  26. Idealism and Realism in Kelsen's Treatment of Norms Conflicts.Ines Weyland - 1986 - In Richard Tur & William Twining (eds.), Essays on Kelsen. Oxford: Clarendon Press. pp. 249--269.
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    ‘The Great Fiasco’ of the 1948 presidential election polls: status recognition and norms conflict in social science.Dominic Lusinchi - 2018 - Annals of Science 75 (2):120-144.
    SUMMARYAll three ‘scientific’ pollsters wrongly predicted incumbent President Harry Truman’s defeat in the 1948 presidential election, and thus faced a potentially serious legitimacy crisis. This ‘fiasco’ occurred at a most inopportune time. Social science was embroiled in a policy debate taking place in the halls of Congress. It was fighting a losing battle to be included, along with the natural sciences, in the National Science Foundation, for which legislation was being drafted. Faced with the failure of the polls, the Social (...)
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    A unifying framework for reasoning about normative conflicts.Mathieu Beirlaen - 2011 - In Michal Peliš & Vít Punčochář (eds.), The Logica Yearbook. College Publications. pp. 1--14.
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    An inconsistency-adaptive deontic logic for normative conflicts.Mathieu Beirlaen, Christian Strasser & Joke Meheus - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophical Logic.
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    Surveillance in ubiquitous network societies: normative conflicts related to the consumer in-store supermarket experience in the context of the Internet of Things.Jenifer Sunrise Winter - 2014 - Ethics and Information Technology 16 (1):27-41.
    The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging global infrastructure that employs wireless sensors to collect, store, and exchange data. Increasingly, applications for marketing and advertising have been articulated as a means to enhance the consumer shopping experience, in addition to improving efficiency. However, privacy advocates have challenged the mass aggregation of personally-identifiable information in databases and geotracking, the use of location-based services to identify one’s precise location over time. This paper employs the framework of contextual integrity related to privacy (...)
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    On Normative Redundancies and Conflicts: A Material Approach.Federico Szczaranski - 2022 - Law and Philosophy 41 (4):491-516.
    The challenges that normative redundancies and normative conflicts pose to legal theory have been traditionally addressed by either altering the rules that trigger them, or by including preference rules that deactivate them. As an alternative to these routes, this paper argues that the problems with both redundancies and conflicts only arise as a consequence of a mistaken understanding of legal reasoning that ignores the material relations between the rules at issue. By resorting to inferential semantics, this material dimension (...)
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    Conflicting Norms, Values, and Interests: A Perspective from Legal Academia.Stefan Oeter - 2019 - Ethics and International Affairs 33 (1):57-66.
    The analytical tension between legal norms, moral values, and national interests seems no uncharted territory in political science, but has found very little interest in legal academia. For lawyers, moral values and national interests are largely “unknowns,” dealt with by other disciplines. Looking a bit deeper, the picture becomes more nuanced, however. As part of a roundtable on “Balancing Legal Norms, Moral Values, and National Interests,” this essay argues that norms, values, and interests are not different universes of legal normativity, (...)
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    Norms in conflict: Southeast Asia's response to human rights violations in Myanmar.Anchalee Rüland - 2022 - Lexington, Kentucky: The University Press of Kentucky.
    The people of Myanmar were struck by three major human rights disasters during the country's period of democratization from 2003 to 2012: the 2007 Saffron Revolution, the aftermath of Cyclone Nargis in 2008, and the 2012 Rakhine riots, which would evolve into the ongoing Rohingya crisis. These events saw Myanmar's government categorically labeled as an offender of human rights, and three powerful Southeast Asian member states-Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia-responded to the violations in very different ways. In each case, their responses (...)
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    A Paraconsistent Multi-agent Framework for Dealing with Normative Conflicts.Mathieu Beirlaen & Christian Straßer - 2011 - In Joao Leite, Paolo Torroni, Thomas Agotnes, Guido Boella & Leon van der Torre (eds.), Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems. CLIMA 2011. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6814. Springer. pp. 312–329.
  35. Mind and machine: ethical and epistemological implications for research. [REVIEW]Norm Friesen - 2010 - AI and Society 25 (1):83-92.
    Technologies are significant in research not only as instruments for gathering data and analyzing information; they also provide a valuable resource for the development of theory—in terms of what has been called the “tools to theory heuristic.” Focusing on the specific example of the fields of educational psychology and instructional technology and design, this paper begins by describing how the workings of the “tools to theory heuristic” are evident in the metaphors and descriptions of behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. In each (...)
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    Universal Norms and Conflicting Values.Michael J. Selgelid - 2005 - Developing World Bioethics 5 (3):267-273.
    ABSTRACT While UNESCO's Universal Draft Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights highlights appropriate ethical values, its principles are stated in absolute terms and conflict with one another. The Draft Declaration fails to sufficiently address the possibility of conflict between principles, and it provides no real guidance on how to strike a balance between them in cases where conflict occurs. The document's inadequate treatment of conflicting values is revealed by examination of cases where principles aimed at the promotion (...)
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    Conflicts and Reasons in Contextual Normative Theory: A Reply to Modood and Thompson.Peter Matthew Hills - 2020 - Res Publica 27 (1):145-150.
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  38. Conflicts of norms and the revision of normative systems.Carlos E. Alchourrón - 1991 - Law and Philosophy 10 (4):413 - 425.
  39. Conflict between empiricism and idealism 277 the homo juridicus and the inadequacy of law as a Norm of life.Giorgio Del Vecchio & L. L. Zarrilli - 1938 - In Jerome Hall (ed.), Readings in jurisprudence. Holmes Beach, Fla.: Gaunt.
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    Normative pluralism: resolving conflicts between moral and prudential reasons.Mathea Slåttholm Sagdahl - 2022 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    The potential conflicts between morality and self-interest lie at the heart of ethics. These conflicts arise because both moral and prudential considerations apply to our choices. A widespread assumption in philosophical ethics is that by weighing moral and prudential reasons against each other, we can compare their relative weights and determine what we ought to do in the face of such conflicts. While this assumption might seem innocuous and fruitful, a closer examination suggests that it lacks both justification and the (...)
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    Universal norms and conflicting values.Phd Michael J. Selgelid - 2005 - Developing World Bioethics 5 (3):267–273.
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  42. Conflict of Norms and Conflict of Values in Law.Sandrine Chassagnard-Pinet - 2015 - In Matthias Armgardt, Patrice Canivez & Sandrine Chassagnard-Pinet (eds.), Past and Present Interactions in Legal Reasoning and Logic. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
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    Potential Conflicts between Normatively-Responsible Advocacy and Successful Social Influence: Evidence from Persuasion Effects Research. [REVIEW]Daniel J. O’Keefe - 2007 - Argumentation 21 (2):151-163.
    This article approaches the relationship of normative argumentation studies and descriptive persuasion effects research by pointing to several empirical findings that raise questions or puzzles about normatively-proper argumentative conduct. These findings indicate some complications in the analysis of normatively desirable argumentative conduct – including some ways in which practical persuasive success may not be entirely compatible with normatively-desirable advocacy practices.
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  44. What if ideal advice conflicts? A dilemma for idealizing accounts of normative practical reasons.Eric Sampson - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 179 (4):1091-1111.
    One of the deepest and longest-lasting debates in ethics concerns a version of the Euthyphro question: are choiceworthy things choiceworthy because agents have certain attitudes toward them or are they choiceworthy independent of any agents’ attitudes? Reasons internalists, such as Bernard Williams, Michael Smith, Mark Schroeder, Sharon Street, Kate Manne, Julia Markovits, and David Sobel answer in the first way. They think that all of an agent’s normative reasons for action are grounded in facts about that agent’s pro-attitudes (e.g., (...)
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    Secessionist Conflict: A Happy Marriage between Norms and Interests?Rafael Biermann - 2019 - Ethics and International Affairs 33 (1):29-43.
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    From Social Conflicts to Human Rights: The Normative Meaning of Human Rights in Rainer Forst.Jorge Armindo Sell - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 64 (2):e32885.
    Universal Declaration of Human Rights 70th anniversary is been celebrated in 2018. On the other hand, people are still arguing about the political, juridical, social and civilizational gains it has provided. Such discussions, however, focus on peripheral aspects of Human Rights, losing sight of what could be understood as its highest normative gain. Whenever arguments are not completely rectified, they dissociate from the social demands that actually gave them meaning and relevance. From this scope, the article intends to reconstruct (...)
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  47. Collateral conflicts and epistemic norms.J. Adam Carter - 2020 - In Scott Stapleford & Kevin McCain (eds.), Epistemic Duties: New Arguments, New Angles. New York: Routledge.
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    Do Conflicts of Interest Create a New Professional Norm? Physical Therapists and Workers' Compensation.Maude Laliberté & Anne Hudon - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (10):26 - 28.
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    When Deeply Held Personal Beliefs Conflict with Collective Societal Norms.John D. Lantos - 2019 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 62 (3):503-518.
    In complex societies, there will always be situations in which an individual's deeply held beliefs conflict with the collective norms of the society. When only one individual challenges those norms, the norms generally hold. When challenges come from many individuals, the norms themselves may change. The tolerance for different beliefs will depend upon the political structure of the society and the specific beliefs that are being challenged.The Greek tragedy Antigone is an exploration of the choices that rulers can make (...)
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    How general practitioners decide on maxims of action in response to demands from conflicting sets of norms: a grounded theory study.Linus Johnsson & Lena Nordgren - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):33.
    The work of general practitioners is infused by norms from several movements, of which evidence based medicine, patient-centredness, and virtue ethics are some of the most influential. Their precepts are not clearly reconcilable, and structural factors may limit their application. In this paper, we develop a conceptual framework that explains how GPs respond, across different fields of interaction in their daily work, to the pressure exerted by divergent norms. Data was generated from unstructured interviews with and observations of sixteen Swedish (...)
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