Results for ' onto-teo-logía'

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  1.  16
    Repensando la onto-teo-logía hoy.Fernando Pérez Borbujo - 2021 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 13 (1):171-188.
    El pensamiento de Gianni Vattimo, padre del pensiero débole, se sitúa conscientemente en el marco de una historia de la metafísica, que tiene en Nietzsche y Heidegger, dos de los representantes más señeros de uno de sus giros o momentos álgidos. El pensiero débole, redefinido en su últimos escritos como comunismo hermenéutico, corresponde a un nuevo hito de esa historia de la metafísica que no es otra cosa que la historia de la onto-teo-logía occidental, donde los conceptos de (...)
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  2. Baudrillard i onto-(teo)-logia.Tomasz Majewski - 2003 - Estetyka I Krytyka 4 (4):53-62.
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    [Recensão a] Robert goczał, onto-Teo-logia. Status bytu realnego I myślnego W metafizyce francisco suáreza.Mário Santiago de Carvalho - 2011 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 20 (40):555-557.
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  4. ¿Dios con o sin el ser?. Apuntes acerca de la onto-teo-logía.David Torrijos-Castrillejo - 2017 - Espíritu 66:71-86.
    Heidegger’s famous critique of the onto-theo-logy accuses the whole Western metaphysics of having led us to a “forgetfulness of being”. The following pages pay attention to two attempts to respond to this attack: Marion’s, who prefers, with Heidegger, to liberate God from the realms of being; Gilson’s, who attributed to Thomas Aquinas a natural theology in a certain discontinuity with classical metaphysics. Secondly, this article intends to propose a clearer continuity between the Christian concept of God and Aristotelian ontology (...)
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    Ser e Ente Na Metafísica Tradicional.Rondnelly Diniz Leite - 2023 - Basilíade - Revista de Filosofia 5 (10):67-84.
    Este artigo pretende discutir a interpretação de Heidegger relativamente a como a metafísica tradicional concebeu as noções de “ser” e de “ente”. De fato, conforme o autor, o pensamento ocidental entendido como metafísica confundiu ser e ente. Em seu início com Platão e Aristóteles, no momento em que o problema concernente ao sentido de ser ganhou fôlego no pensamento desses filósofos, esse tema já caiu no esquecimento e o que ambos conquistaram em suas reflexões se quedou trivializado durante toda a (...)
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    O Fascínio Do Invisível.Marcelo Fabri - 2024 - Basilíade - Revista de Filosofia 6 (11):51-65.
    O artigo examina uma herança da metafísica clássica para a fenomenologia francesa: o fascínio pelo invisível. Beneficia-se, fundamentalmente, das teses de Emmanuel Levinas e Jean-Luc Marion, dois grandes representantes desta fenomenologia. Se, para Heidegger, a questão de Deus está atrelada ao destino da metafísica como onto-teo-logia, e, portanto, termina sendo uma questão “superada”, a fenomenologia do invisível, por sua vez, se pergunta se tal superação não é uma oportunidade para se retomar o problema de Deus para além do sentido (...)
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  7. Logiczny charakter metafizyki.Onto-teo - 1998 - Principia 20.
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    Ser, esencia y atributos divinos: el conocimiento de Dios en la metafísica tomasiana según la interpretación de Jean-Luc Marion.Fernanda Ocampo - 2019 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 31 (1):155-190.
    Para Jean-Luc Marion, el pensamiento tomasiano no se deja encerrar en los parámetros de la metafísica onto-teo-lógica, tal como es definida por Martin Heidegger. Esto implica, respecto de Dios, que, si ya no ha de ser llamado “_ente supremo_”, pues para Tomás Dios se revela como el “_Ser mismo_”, carente de esencia, éste se caracteriza por su absoluta incognoscibilidad. Para sustentar esta interpretación, Marion recurre a una serie de tesis que entiende se desprenden de la consideración de algunos textos (...)
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    Dionísio Pseudo Areopagita e o nada de Deus.Cicero Cunha Bezerra - 2019 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 19 (3):294-304.
    Seguindo uma célebre afirmação heideggeriana, poderíamos dizer que a história da filosofia ocidental se constitui como uma onto-teo-logia. Essa assertiva, que em seu contexto crítico possui um sentido teórico-metodológico delimitado para os que buscam compreender a questão norteadora da filosofia grega e, posteriormente cristã, ou seja, a do fundamento do real ou do ser, não se sustenta quando aplicada à tradição apofática dionisiana. Marcado pelo diálogo com o neoplatonismo, o Corpus areopagyticum, por sua radical característica apofática, não somente coloca (...)
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    (1 other version)“Procedencia es también siempre porvenir”. Los textos teológicos tempranos del joven Marion (1968-1973) como fuentes de su pensamiento filosófico. [REVIEW]Jorge Roggero - 2023 - Patristica Et Medievalia 44 (2):37-50.
    Este artículo se propone indagar en la impronta que deja el estudio de la Patrística y el neoplatonismo cristiano en el joven Marion (1968-1973) y que opera como la matriz para la posterior crítica a la onto-teo-logía y el desarrollo de su fenomenología acontecial. Marion encuentra en la exploración de un más allá del ser en el neoplatonismo de Dionisio y en la concepción de la Revelación, la Resurrección, la Encarnación como dones y acontecimientos en la Patrística la (...)
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    Teleo-logía y teo-logía en Edmund Husserl.Ángela Ales Bello - 1995 - Anuario Filosófico 28 (1):11-18.
    The problem of God is tackled by E. Husserl and can be found in some passages of his phenomenological analysis. Though he is interested more to perform his method of research than to discuss that particular topic, it is possible to pinpoint that for him teo-logy -in the sense of the rational way to deal with the problem of the Absolute- is linked up with teleo-logy. As in Kant's speculation, but more under the influence of Leibnitz and Fichte, in Husserl's (...)
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  12. Del concepto onto-teo-lógico de Dios a la comprensión fenomenológica de lo divino.Lucero González Suárez - 2011 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 43 (131):121-134.
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    Monoteismo plurale: teo-logia ed ecclesiologia in Schelling.Luigi Azzariti-Fumaroli - 2019 - Trapani: Il pozzo di Giacobbe.
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  14. La constitución onto-teo-lógica de la metafísica.Martin Heidegger - 2016 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 13 (1):95-113.
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  15. Per un dialogo indù-cristiano: l'incontro tra teo-logia e teo-mythia.Enrico Riparelli - 2021 - In Gabriele Palasciano (ed.), Alla ricerca del logos: un percorso storico-esegetico e teologico. Todi (PG): Tau editrice. pp. 329-358.
    Nel presente contributo è nostra intenzione sondare un binomio che appare fondamentale in funzione dialogica interculturale e interreligiosa, ossia la relazione tra logos e mythos, principalmente in vista dell’incontro tra cristianesimo e tradizione induista. È nostra convinzione che le forme complementari di «teo-logia» e «teo-mythia» possa essere esplorato con frutto, tanto in funzione specifica dell’incontro con la tradizione induista, quanto per una più ampia e profonda inculturazione del vangelo.
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  16. La constitución onto-teo-logica de la metafisica.Felipe Boburg - 1989 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 66:300-319.
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    L'essenza della libertà umana in Schelling e la relativa critica onto-teo-logica di M. Heidegger.Oreste Tolone - 1996 - Idee 33:117-128.
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    Narrating the environmental crisis: eco(teo)logy, audio-visual discourse and community.Aarón Rodríguez Serrano - 2020 - Arbor 196 (797):571.
    Pretendemos reflexionar sobre la manera en la que los discursos audiovisuales están hilvanando las relaciones entre crisis medioambiental y quiebra de los marcos comunitarios sociales. Partiendo de una metodología híbrida basada tanto en la filosofía del arte (y de la ecología) de Heidegger como del análisis narratológico, proponemos pensar el campo mediante dos modelos: las representaciones mainstream que se basan en la repetición de estructuras narrativas clásicas donde la amenaza climática es un conflicto solucionable mediante una intervención heroica y aquellos (...)
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  19.  12
    La procedencia de la constitución onto-teológica de la metafísica. La primera tematización de Heidegger en los ejercicios sobre Aristóteles de 1921.Ángel Xolocotzi Yáñez - 2023 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 67:35-59.
    A pesar de la inabarcable bibliografía en torno a Heidegger y Aristóteles, la publicación de documentos y cartas permite rastrear elementos centrales para la filosofía posterior heideggeriana. Uno de ellos es la interpretación de la metafísica como onto-teología. En múltiples textos Heidegger despliega diversos elementos que fortalecen su interpretación histórica de la tradición filosófica. Sin embargo, en una conferencia de 1957 (“La constitución onto-teo-lógica de la metafísica”) plantea la pregunta sobre la procedencia de esta cuestión. El presente artículo (...)
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    A excepção Derrida – O “eleito secreto” dos animais A veia onto-antropo-teo-lógica em questão.Fernanda Bernardo - 2023 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 32 (64):303-344.
    «A excepção Derrida – o “eleito secreto” dos animais» pretende sobretudo evidenciar três questões fundamentais de todo interligadas: 1.) Sem a reificar numa filosofia teórico-sistemática, destacar a Desconstrução de Derrida como um “idioma filosófico” – o da différance ou da alteridade absoluta – dotada de pressupostos “teóricos” específicos (khôra, messiânico); 2.) Destacar e esclarecer o significado da “excepção derridiana” no tocante à questão do animal e da animalidade no contexto da sacrificialista ocidentalidade filosófico-cultural; 3.) Destacar a relevância da questão do (...)
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  21. Review. [REVIEW]Robert Imbelli - 2001 - The Thomist 65:311-315.
    Teo-logia: La Parola di Dio nelle parole dell'uomo by Piero Coda; Il Logos e il nulla: Trinità, religioni, mistica by Piero Coda.
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    Concilio Vaticano II: bodas de oro en Salamanca.Luis Santamaría del Río - 2012 - Salmanticensis 59 (3):573-589.
    Del 15 al 17 de noviembre de 2012 tuvo lugar el Congreso de Teo-logía “A los 50 años del Concilio Vaticano II ”, organizado por las Facultades de Teología de España y Portugal, en el Auditorio Juan Pablo II de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. El acto inaugural fue presidido por el cardenal Antonio María Rouco Varela, arzobispo de Madrid y presidente de la Conferencia Episco-pal Española, titular del centro académico.
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  23.  8
    Relación teología-filosofía en el pensamiento de Xavier Zubiri.Cabria Ortega & José Luis - 1997 - Roma: Pontificia università gregoriana. Edited by Xavier Zubiri.
    La presente investigacion sobre el pensamiento de X. Zubiri (1898-1983) se enmarca dentro de una cuestion que hunde sus raices en los origenes mismos de la teologia: su relacion con la filosofia. La propuesta de Zubiri al respecto apunta a una consideracion unitaria de teologia y filosofia en lo que el denomina cuestion teologal. La prupuesta de lo que son teo-logal y la teo-logia en cuanto logos desde los presupuestos y el entramado de la filosofia de la inteligencia zubiriana es (...)
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    El poder y la imagen. Sobre el mulato Gil de Castro y la producción de signos glorificantes del poder soberano.Gonzalo Díaz-Letelier - 2023 - Otrosiglo 6 (2):06-38.
    A partir de una reflexión más amplia sobre el _vínculo entre poder e imagen_, y de la imagen como dispositivo y potencia, enfocamos aquí la figura de José “mulato” Gil de Castro –pintor peruano inmigrante en Chile y retratista de las elites eclesiásticas, políticas y militares sudamericanas–, abordando su producción de imágenes inscritas en la _funcionalidad glorificante_ _y generadora de signos del poder soberano_ –incluso allí donde retrata al “pueblo”– en un contexto histórico en que los imaginarios soberanistas colonial y (...)
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    Shadow education in Singapore: A Deweyan perspective.Peter Teo & Dorothy Koh - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (8):869-879.
    This study focuses on the phenomenon of private supplementary tutoring, otherwise known as ‘shadow education’, which has proliferated around the world. By casting the spotlight on one parti...
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    The critique of psychology: from Kant to postcolonial theory.Thomas Teo - 2005 - New York: Springer.
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    To Message or Browse? Exploring the Impact of Phone Use Patterns on Male Adolescents’ Consumption of Palatable Snacks.Ethan Teo, Daniel Goh, Kamalakannan M. Vijayakumar & Jean C. J. Liu - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Mantık terimleri sözlüǧü.Teo Grünberg & Adnan Onart - 2003 - Türk Dil Kurumu Yay Nlar.
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    (1 other version)Does a Combination of Virtual Reality, Neuromodulation and Neuroimaging Provide a Comprehensive Platform for Neurorehabilitation? – A Narrative Review of the Literature.Wei-Peng Teo, Makii Muthalib, Sami Yamin, Ashlee M. Hendy, Kelly Bramstedt, Eleftheria Kotsopoulos, Stephane Perrey & Hasan Ayaz - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Empirical Race Psychology and the Hermeneutics of Epistemological Violence.Thomas Teo - 2011 - Human Studies 34 (3):237-255.
    After identifying the discipline of psychology’s history of contributing pioneers and leaders to the field of race research, epistemological problems in empirical psychology are identified including an adherence to a naïve empiricist philosophy of science. The reconstruction focuses on the underdetermined relationship between data and interpretation. It is argued that empirical psychology works under a hermeneutic deficit and that this deficit leads to the advancement of interpretations regarding racialized groups that are detrimental to those groups. Because these interpretations are understood (...)
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    Carnap and Kuhn: Arch Enemies or Close Allies?Teo Grunberg & Giirol Irzik - 1995 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 46 (3):285-307.
    We compare Carnap's and Kuhn's views on science. Although there are important differences between them, the similarities are striking. The basis for the latter is a pragmatically oriented semantic conventionalist picture of science, which suggests that the view that post-positivist philosophy of science constitutes a radical revolution which has no interesting affinities with logical positivism must be seriously mistaken.
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    Organs for Transplantation The Singapore Experience.Bernard Teo - 1991 - Hastings Center Report 21 (6):10.
    Singapore's Human Organ Transplant Act presumes that competent adults consent to donate their kidneys in the event of a fatal accident, unless they have refused in writing. No family consent is required. What can other countries wishing to implement a presumed‐consent model of organ donation learn from Singapore's experience?
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    Ethics, Outcomes, and Epistemology: How Should Imprecise Data Figure into Health-Policy Formulation?Teo Forcht Dagi - 1993 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 4 (3):262-266.
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    Prayer, Piety, and Professional Propriety: Limits on Religious Expression in Hospitals.Teo Forcht Dagi - 1995 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 6 (3):274-279.
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    Chinese and Other Asian Modernisms: A Comparative View of Art-Historical Contexts in the Twentieth Century.Phyllis Teo - 2010 - Asian Culture and History 2 (2):3-14.
    Modernism is often implicitly known and understood from the “Western modernist” perspective and history. The wide recognition of the Western modernist canon as centre and universal displaces the contribution and significance of the non-Western world in the modern movement. Within Asia, the modernisms that arose from various nations in the region had subtly different notions of culture, identity, nationhood, and modernity, although almost every Asian country was related in one way or another to the history of Western imperialism. Using a (...)
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    Radical philosophical critique and critical thinking in psychology.Thomas Teo - 2011 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 31 (3):193-199.
    Introducing the concept of tradition and its importance for critical-intellectual development, traditions of radical philosophy and psychology are presented. Emphasizing the role of Marxist and post-Marxist thought in various critical approaches, critical programs are presented as theoretical endeavors that share the critique of ideology. These approaches examine knowledge production and knowledge biases in the sciences and psychology from the perspective of social categories or in terms of power. It is suggested that critical thinking in psychology could benefit from incorporating categories (...)
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    ‘It all begins with a teacher’: A multimodal critical discourse analysis of Singapore’s teacher recruitment videos.Peter Teo - 2021 - Discourse and Communication 15 (3):330-348.
    This study focuses on a series of videos aimed at teacher recruitment in Singapore and how they are used as an ideological tool for persuasion. By adopting a multimodal critical discourse analysis approach to focus on affect, it examines how these videos create and promulgate the ideology of an ideal teacher as one who is caring, encouraging and supportive of students. The analysis shows how affect is not only embodied in and performed by the primary protagonists in the video narratives (...)
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  38.  26
    On the Fundamental Role of ‘Means That’ in Semantic Theorizing.Teo Grünberg, David Grünberg & Oğuz Akçelik - 2023 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 32 (4):601-656.
    Our aim is to illuminate the interconnected notions of meaning and truth. For this purpose, we investigate the relationship between meaning theories based on commonsensical ‘means that’ and interpretive truth theories. The latter are Tarski–Davidson-style truth theories serving as meaning theories. We consider analytically true semantic principles containing ‘means’ and ‘means that’ side to side with ‘denotes’, ‘satisfies’, and ‘true’, which constitute the extensional semantic constants of interpretive truth theories. We show that these semantic constants are definable in terms of (...)
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  39. And how can one die better? Courage, faith, and fatalism.Teo Forcht Dagi - 1983 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 8 (4):431-435.
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    "Commentary on" How much of the brain must die in brain death.Teo Forcht Dagi - 1992 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 3 (1):27-28.
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    Role Responsibilities in Clinical Bioethics: The Dialectic of Consultation: Comments on the Case Presented by Barbara Springer Edwards.Teo Forcht Dagi - 1990 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 1 (1):79-82.
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  42. Symbolic Logic.Teo Grünberg - 1969 - Orta Dogu Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Ve Edebiyat Fakültesi.
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  43. La muerte es vida.Teófilo Ortega - 1929 - Madrid,: Campañía ibero americana de publicaciones, s. a..
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    Self-responsibility in existentialism and buddhism.Wesley K. H. Teo - 1973 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 4 (2):80 - 91.
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    A tableau system of proof for predicate-functor logic with identity.Teo Grünberg - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (4):1140-1144.
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    Best to possibly not be: A prudential argument for antinatalism.Marcus T. L. Teo - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (8):722-727.
    This article starts by examining the present state of death ethics by attending to the euthanasia debate. Given that voluntary active euthanasia has seen strong support in the academic community, insights on the choiceworthiness of continued existence may be derived. Having derived cases of choiceworthy nonexistence (which I refer to as choiceworthy nonexistence [CNE] cases), I extend these intuitions to lives not worth starting, or choiceworthy nonexistence for potential people (which I refer to as foetal‐CNE, or fCNE cases). Although I (...)
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    Teoría de la relatividad.Teófilo Isnardi - 1956 - [Buenos Aires]: Editorial Columba.
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    Chinese and Other Asian Modernisms: A Comparative View of Art-Historical Contexts in the Twentieth Century.Teo Hwee Leng Phyllis - 2010 - Asian Culture and History 2 (2):P3.
    Modernism is often implicitly known and understood from the “Western modernist” perspective and history. The wide recognition of the Western modernist canon as centre and universal displaces the contribution and significance of the non-Western world in the modern movement. Within Asia, the modernisms that arose from various nations in the region had subtly different notions of culture, identity, nationhood, and modernity, although almost every Asian country was related in one way or another to the history of Western imperialism. Using a (...)
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    Tutarsızlığın iz sürücüsü: dilde, düşüncede: Teo Grünberg'e armağan.Teo Grünberg & Zekiye Kutlusoy (eds.) - 2013 - İstanbul: İmge.
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    Why the irremediability requirement is not sufficient to deny psychiatric euthanasia for patients with treatment-resistant depression.Marcus T. L. Teo - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (11):753-757.
    Treatment-resistant depression (TRD) holds centrality in many debates regarding psychiatric euthanasia. Among the strongest reasons cited by opponents of psychiatric euthanasia is the uncertainty behind the irremediability of psychiatric illnesses. According to this argument, conditions that cannot be considered irremediable imply that there are possible remedies that remain for the condition. If there are possible remedies that remain for the condition, then patients with that condition cannot be considered for access to euthanasia. I call this the irremediability requirement (IR). I (...)
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