Results for ' philosophical reactions'

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  1. The Epistemology of Theistic Philosophers’ Reactions to the Problem of Evil.Bryan Frances - 2020 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 94 (4):547-572.
    I first argue that, contrary to many atheistic philosophers, there is good reason to think the typical theistic philosopher’s retaining of her theism when faced with the Problem of Evil is comparatively epistemically upstanding even if both atheism is true and the typical theistic philosopher has no serious criticism of the atheist’s premises in the PoE argument. However, I then argue that, contrary to many theistic philosophers, even if theism is true, the typical theistic philosopher has no good non-theistic reasons (...)
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  2. The vienna roundabout: On the significance of philosophical reaction.Herbert Hrachovec - 1989 - Topoi 8 (2):121-129.
    There are three sentimental centres of 20th-century philosophical geography: Todtnauberg, Frankfurt and Vienna. Their exceptional status results not only from having given rise to decisive philosophical movements but also from the weight of stories about victimization and exile lacking with regard to Paris, Berkeley and Cambridge. Each of these centres is compromised in its own way: the Schwarzwald cottage from which Heidegger emerged to take over the Rektorat of Freiburg University and to which he returned after this disastrous (...)
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    Reaction qualifications in the eyes of the people: An experimental‐philosophical study based on US survey data.Viki Møller Lyngby Pedersen, Didde Boisen Andersen, Søren Flinch Midtgaard & Kim Mannemar Sønderskov - 2024 - Theoria 90 (6):624-642.
    Is it fair for employers to select candidates partly based on how the employers think customers react to the candidates' appearances, that is, based on candidates' reaction qualifications? Both philosophically (in the literature on wrongful discrimination) and empirically, this question has recently been getting attention. Here, we focus on a theory of unfair disadvantages emphasizing (i) whether the possession of the appearance feature in question reflects choices on the part of the candidate and (ii) whether the appearance feature in question (...)
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    Reaction qualifications in the eyes of the people: An experimental‐philosophical study based on US survey data.Viki Møller Lyngby Pedersen, Didde Boisen Andersen, Søren Flinch Midtgaard & Kim Mannemar Sønderskov - 2024 - Theoria 90 (6):624-642.
    Is it fair for employers to select candidates partly based on how the employers think customers react to the candidates' appearances, that is, based on candidates' reaction qualifications? Both philosophically (in the literature on wrongful discrimination) and empirically, this question has recently been getting attention. Here, we focus on a theory of unfair disadvantages emphasizing (i) whether the possession of the appearance feature in question reflects choices on the part of the candidate and (ii) whether the appearance feature in question (...)
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    A Philosopher's Reaction to Intelligence Tests.W. Mays - 1954 - Philosophy 29 (110):231 - 243.
    I DO not have to apologize for entering upon a discussion of intelligence and intelligence tests; it is a field which comes within the purview of philosophy as well as psychology. Any method of testing intelligence is therefore of common interest, especially as the methodology employed is usually based upon some definite theory as to its nature. The very word intelligence covers a wide range of meanings and psychologists seem to select sections of this range at will in accordance with (...)
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  6. Kant, Smith and Locke--Philosophical influences, German reception of 'Theory of Moral Sentiments': The locksmith's mending of tradition--A reaction to Mr Fleischaker's thesis.Willem Perreijn - 1997 - Kant Studien 88 (1).
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    Why Beyond Bioethics?: The Reaction of a Japanese Philosopher to American Bioethics.Masahiro Morioka - 2015 - In Alexandra Perry & C. D. Herrera (eds.), New Perspectives in Japanese Bioethics. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 73-86.
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  8. The reaction of German philosophers to the terrorist attacks in the US on September 11, 2001.S. Steiger - 2002 - Filosoficky Casopis 50 (2):342-345.
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    Reaction in Politics.James Alexander - 2018 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 14 (1):3-26.
    Reaction is a subject usually avoided by political theorists, since it raises awkward historical, philosophical and political questions. Perhaps philosophers of history might make better sense of it. In this article I claim that reaction has to be understood in relation to the concepts of revolution, tradition, progress and conservatism. I argue that the specific meaning of reaction is a response to the specific action that establishes the principle that order should be established only on enlightened principles. The few (...)
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    Mechanisms of macromolecular reactions.Ross L. Stein - 2022 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 44 (2):1-28.
    During the past two decades, philosophers of biology have increasingly turned their attention to mechanisms of biological phenomena. Through analyses of mechanistic proposals advanced by biologists, the goal of these philosophers is to understand what a mechanism is and how mechanisms explain. These analyses have generally focused on mechanistic proposals for phenomenon that occur at the cellular or sub-cellular level, such as synapse firing, protein synthesis, or metabolic pathway operation. Little is said about the mechanisms of the macromolecular reactions (...)
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    McKeon Richard. An American reaction to the present situation in French philosophy. Philosophic thought in France and the United States, Essays representing major trends in contemporary French and American philosophy, edited by Farber Marvin, University of Buffalo publications in philosophy, Buffalo 1950, pp. 337–362.Benjamin A. Cornelius. Philosophy in America between the two wars. Philosophic thought in France and the United States, Essays representing major trends in contemporary French and American philosophy, edited by Farber Marvin, University of Buffalo publications in philosophy, Buffalo 1950, pp. 365–388.Baylis Charles A.. The given and perceptual knowledge. Philosophic thought in France and the United States, Essays representing major trends in contemporary French and American philosophy, edited by Farber Marvin, University of Buffalo publications in philosophy, Buffalo 1950, pp. 443–461.White Morton G.. Toward an analytic philosophy of history. Philosophic thought in France. [REVIEW]Andrzej Mostowski - 1950 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 15 (3):206-206.
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  12. Leibniz on innate ideas and the early reactions to the publication of the Nouveaux essais (1765).Giorgio Tonelli - 1974 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 12 (4):437-454.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Leibniz on Innate Ideas and the Early Reactions to the Publication of the Nouveaux Essais (1765)* GIORGIO TONELLI LIzmNIz' Nouve~ Essais,written in 1703-1705 (citedhereafter as NE), were posthumously published by Raspe x in 1765, at the beginning of a Leibniz revivalwhich was alsomarked by thelargeDutens editionof 1768. As the greatupheaval in Kant's thought took place in 1769, and as thisupheaval had as one of itsmain characteristicsthe rejection of (...)
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  13. Music Between Reaction and Response.Holly Watkins - 2013 - Evental Aesthetics 2 (2):77-97.
    Two Greek myths attest to the power of music to blur distinctions between humans and nonhumans: Orpheus made music that inspired human-like attention in animals, trees, and stones, while the Sirens reduced passing sailors to the level of animals incapable of resisting their song. Recast in terms employed by Lacan, these myths portray music as calling forth a response in creatures thought merely able to react and, contrariwise, stripping away the capacity for response in humans, leaving nothing but reaction in (...)
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    Action and reaction: the life and adventures of a couple.Jean Starobinski - 2003 - New York: Zone Books.
    What do biologists mean when they say that to live is to react? Why was the termabreaction invented and later abandoned by the first generation of psychoanalysts? What is meant byreactionary politics? These are but a few of the questions the internationally renowned scholar JeanStarobinski answers in his conceptual history of the word pair, action and reaction.Not simply ahistory of ideas, Action and Reaction is also a semantic and philological history, a literaryhistory, a history of medicine, and a history of (...)
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    Reaction to Professor Chen Lai's "‘Way’ and ‘Principle’".Herman De Dijn - 1999 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 30 (4):25-27.
    Basically, I agree with Chen Lai's views on the difficulties of translating ancient Chinese thinking into modern Western idioms. The problem is not only due to the dependence of the meaning of terms upon their use in a specific context. The problem is already there for Chinese scholars themselves: It is the translation of words or concepts from a traditional learned context related to specific questions into modern Chinese language. In order to succeed, one has to realize, first, that modern (...)
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  16. editorial: Substances versus Reactions.Joachim Schummer - 2004 - Hyle 10 (1):3 - 4.
    Is chemistry primarily about things or about processes, about chemical substances or about chemical reactions? Is a chemical reaction defined by the change of certain substances, or are substances defined by their characteristic chemical reactions? What appears to be a play on words to the modern scientist, is actually one of the most fundamental ontological question since antiquity, prompted by the most radical change – the chemical change or the ‘coming-to-be and passing-away’ as Aristotle’s treatise on theoretical chemistry (...)
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    Interfacial reaction rates and free energy of cubic clusters.J. Lepinoux * - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (30):3585-3621.
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  18. Reaction Time: A Study in Attention and Habit.A. W. Moore - 1896 - Philosophical Review 5:429.
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    A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful. [REVIEW]F. T. R. - 1959 - Review of Metaphysics 12 (3):487-488.
    Burke and his predecessors seem to be most before the mind of the editor in his long introduction to this standard eighteenth-century work: he traces the growth of Burke's ideas on art and compares them with contemporary investigations. The sections examining the doctrines themselves are somewhat vague, and those tracing the philosophical reaction to Burke rather too short; however the study of Burke's influence on artists is fascinating reading. The text is done with care, and the footnotes include excerpts (...)
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    Reaction diffusion and interdiffusion in some binary metallic systems.Helmut Mehrer & Wolfgang Sprengel - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (16):1971-1986.
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  21. Some reactions to Dewey's philosophy.Carl C. Rasmussen - 1922 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 3 (3):171.
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  22. On Reaction and the Women's Movement.Hilde Hein - 1973 - Philosophical Forum 5 (1):248.
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    The Philosophical Legacy of John Henry Newman: A Neglected Chapter in Newman Research.D. J. Pratt Morris-Chapman - 2017 - New Blackfriars 98 (1078):722-750.
    John Henry Newman is widely acknowledged to be an important theologian. However Newman commentators suggest that his work has received little recognition by philosophers. The general consensus has been that until the latter part of the twentieth century Newman has been an isolated philosophical figure. This essay offers an historical re-evaluation of Newman's philosophical reception in order to explore whether or not his significance has been underestimated. The historical method is used in the analysis and assessment of this (...)
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    Reaction mechanisms between Al and Fe3O4powders in the formation of an Al-based metal matrix composite.K. C. Chung, F. L. Kwong, Jia Li & Dickon H. L. Ng - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (19):1535-1553.
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    reactions in12C,14N and16O.W. T. Morton & T. G. Walker - 1962 - Philosophical Magazine 7 (77):741-744.
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  26. Reaction Time: A Study in Attention and Habit.J. R. Angell - 1896 - Philosophical Review 5:429.
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    The American philosopher: conversations with Quine, Davidson, Putnam, Nozick, Danto, Rorty, Cavell, MacIntyre, and Kuhn.Giovanna Borradori - 1994 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    In this lively look at current debates in American philosophy, leading philosophers talk candidly about the changing character of their discipline. In the spirit of Emerson's The American Scholar , this book explores the identity of the American philosopher. Through informal conversations, the participants discuss the rise of post-analytic philosophy in America and its relations to European thought and to the American pragmatist tradition. They comment on their own intellectual development as well as each others' work, charting the course of (...)
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    Junction reaction hardening by dislocation loops.A. J. E. Foreman - 1968 - Philosophical Magazine 17 (146):353-364.
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  29. Nietzsche: Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist.Walter Arnold Kaufmann - 1950 - Princeton: Princeton University Press. Edited by Alexander Nehamas.
    This classic is the benchmark against which all modern books about Nietzsche are measured. When Walter Kaufmann wrote it in the immediate aftermath of World War II, most scholars outside Germany viewed Nietzsche as part madman, part proto-Nazi, and almost wholly unphilosophical. Kaufmann rehabilitated Nietzsche nearly single-handedly, presenting his works as one of the great achievements of Western philosophy. Responding to the powerful myths and countermyths that had sprung up around Nietzsche, Kaufmann offered a patient, evenhanded account of his life (...)
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    Primitive Reactions.Elizabeth Wolgast - 1994 - Philosophical Investigations 17 (4):587-603.
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    Philosophical questions: readings and interactive guides.James Fieser & Norman Lillegard (eds.) - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In Philosophical Questions: Readings and Interactive Guides, James Fieser and Norman Lillegard make classic and contemporary philosophical writings genuinely accessible to students by incorporating numerous pedagogical aids throughout the book. Presenting the readings in manageable segments, they provide commentaries that elucidate difficult passages, explain archaic or technical terminology, and expand upon allusions to unfamiliar literature and arguments. In addition, opening "First Reactions" discussion questions, study questions, logic boxes, and chapter summaries require students to delve more deeply into (...)
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    Philosophical objections to the kinetic theory.John Nyhof - 1988 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 39 (1):81-109.
    Towards the end of the 19th century there were those who wished to see the kinetic theory abandoned. This paper attempts to show that this reaction was primarily due to philosophical objections rather than the result of scientific difficulties encountered by the kinetic theory. First the relevant philosophical background is examined as well as the relation between the kinetic theory and thermodynamics. Next the scientific difficulty known as the specific heats ratio anomaly is discussed and finally Boltzmann's philosophy (...)
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    Reaction–diffusion approach to nanostructure formation during thin-film deposition.Daniel Walgraef† - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (31-34):3829-3846.
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    Interfacial reactions of rf-sputtered TiNi thin films on silicon with a SiN diffusion barrier.S. K. Wu, J. J. Su & J. Y. Wang - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (12):1209-1218.
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    Philosophic Implications of the War over Kosova.Peter Hudis - 2006 - Radical Philosophy Today 3:129-142.
    In analysis of reactions to the NATO-led bombing of Kosova, the author finds that radical critics relied on a disembodied logic of anti-imperialism rather than focusing on the experience of the Kosovar population. For this reason, the author argues that the left failed to consider the history of Kosovar nonviolent resistance to Serbian domination or the Serbian repressions that followed. And in the aftermath of the bombing, the left failed to see how NATO intervention was also leveled at dismembering (...)
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    Precipitation reactions in titanium-tantalum alloys.K. A. Bywater & J. W. Christian - 1972 - Philosophical Magazine 25 (6):1275-1289.
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    (1 other version)Connection of body and mind: How the brain controls body reactions.В. М Преснякова - 2023 - Philosophical Problems of IT and Cyberspace (PhilIT&C) 2:80-89.
    This article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the functioning of the connection between the brain and the body, the analysis of possible disturbances in the transmission of information impulses from the brain to the body and consideration of the causes of distortion and defects in the implementation of this connection. The specifics of the connection between the brain and the body are considered from the point of view of various areas: neurophysiological, anatomical, psychological. Examples of communication (...)
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    Realism, responses and reactions: essays in honour of Pranab Kumar Sen.Pranab Kumar Sen & D. P. Chattopadhyaya (eds.) - 2000 - New Delhi: Sole distributor, Munshiram Manoharlal.
    Illustrations: 1 B/w Illustration Description: Pranab Kumar Sen, Professor Emeritus, Jadavpur University in whose honour this volume has been prepared was one of the leading philosophers of our country and a highly respected teacher. It carries thirty-five articles which deal with different branches of philosophy,viz., philosophical logic, philosophy of language, ontology, theory of knowledge, Kant exegesis, moral philosophy, social philosophy, philosophy of art. As Sen's philosophical interests and expertise were wide the authors had ample freedom in their choice (...)
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  39. Samuel Alexander's Early Reactions to British Idealism.A. R. J. Fisher - 2017 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 23 (2):169-196.
    Samuel Alexander was a central figure of the new wave of realism that swept across the English-speaking world in the early twentieth century. His Space, Time, and Deity (1920a, 1920b) was taken to be the official statement of realism as a metaphysical system. But many historians of philosophy are quick to point out the idealist streak in Alexander’s thought. After all, as a student he was trained at Oxford in the late 1870s and early 1880s as British Idealism was beginning (...)
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    Edward Grant. In Defense of the Earth's Centrality and Immobility: Scholastic Reaction to Copernicanism in the Seventeenth Century. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society 1984. Pp. 69. ISBN 0-87169-744-0. Price $10.00 .Edward Rosen. Copernicus and the Scientific Revolution. Malabar, Florida: Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company, 1984. Pp. 220. ISBN 0-89874-573-X. Price $6.50. [REVIEW]E. J. Aiton - 1986 - British Journal for the History of Science 19 (1):126-127.
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    Russian Metaphysics: Some Reactions to Zenkovsky's History.Charles Hartshorne - 1954 - Review of Metaphysics 8 (1):61 - 78.
    Professor Zenkovsky's work is a history in the grand manner --and a grand history it is. We are much indebted to Dr. George Kline for his lucid, readable translation. Our historian takes the basic theme of Russian thought to have been the relations of Christianity and secularism. This does not mean that there has been a dearth of studies in logic, philosophy of science, and so on; or that Zenkovsky neglects these or treats them unfairly or unintelligently. But his belief (...)
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    The shipwrecked mind: on political reaction.Mark Lilla - 2016 - New York: New York Review Books.
    We don't understand the reactionary mind. As a result, argues Mark Lilla in this timely book, the ideas and passions that shape today's political dramas are unintelligible to us. The reactionary is anything but a conservative. He is as radical and modern a figure as the revolutionary, someone shipwrecked inthe rapidly changing present, and suffering from nostalgia for an idealized past and an apocalyptic fear that history is rushing toward catastrophe. And like the revolutionary his political engagements are motived by (...)
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    Reaction rate between 1D migrating self-interstitial atoms: an examination by kinetic Monte Carlo simulation.T. Amino, K. Arakawa & H. Mori - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (24):3276-3289.
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    Nietzsche and antiquity: his reaction and response to the classical tradition.Paul Bishop (ed.) - 2004 - Rochester, NY: Camden House.
    Wide-ranging essays making up the first major study of Nietzsche and the classical tradition in a quarter of a century. This volume collects a wide-ranging set of essays examining Friedrich Nietzsche's engagement with antiquity in all its aspects. It investigates Nietzsche's reaction and response to the concept of "classicism," with particular reference to his work on Greek culture as a philologist in Basel and later as a philosopher of modernity, and to his reception of German classicism in all his texts. (...)
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    Dilemmas of reaction in Leninist Russia: the Christian response to the Revolution in the works of N.A. Berdyaev, 1917-1924.Christian Gottlieb - 2003 - Portland, OR: International Specialized book Services.
    In the moral and spiritual vacuum left in Russia by the fall of the Soviet Union in 1989-1991, some of the thinkers who first opposed the Leninist revolution of 1917 have come to a new prominence, and among these is the religious philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev (1874-1948). He expressed a passionate protest against the revolution and was clearly the most comprehensive contemporary critic of the revolutionary project from a Christian perspective. From his consistently religious perspective he foresaw with precision much of (...)
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    Diderot, philosopher of energy: the development of his concept of physical energy, 1745-1769.B. Lynne Dixon - 1988 - Oxford: Voltaire Foundation.
    The title of this work may seem to beg an important question, since it rests on the assumption that Diderot has a 'concept of physical energy'. Indeed the aim of the study is, in part, to assemble evidence in support of the acte de foi implicit in its title. I am using 'physical energy' in a loose sense, as a convenient term to denote 'what matter can do' as distinct from 'what matter is made of'. Hence it may be taken (...)
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    Philosophical Connections: Akenside, Neoclassicism, Romanticism.Chris Townsend - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    Neoclassical and Romantic verse cultures are often assumed to sit in an oppositional relationship to one another, with the latter amounting to a hostile reaction against the former. But there are in fact a good deal of continuities between the two movements, ones that strike at the heart of the evolution of verse forms in the period. This Element proposes that the mid-eighteenth-century poet Mark Akenside, and his hugely influential Pleasures of Imagination, represent a case study in the deep connections (...)
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    Gaston Bachelard and his reactions to phenomenology.Anton Vydra - 2014 - Continental Philosophy Review 47 (1):45-58.
    In this essay, I show how the French philosopher of science, Gaston Bachelard, reacted to the idea of phenomenology at different stages of his philosophical development. During the early years, Kantianism (through a Schopenhauerian reading of Kant) had the greatest influence on his understanding of phenomenology. Even if he always considered phenomenology a valuable method, Bachelard believed that the term noumenon is necessary, not for a full description of reality, but for probing possible sources of reality. For him, phenomena (...)
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    Two Philosophers of the Oxford Movement.Clement C. J. Webb - 1933 - Philosophy 8 (31):273 - 284.
    This year is being celebrated by a large number of our fellow-countrymen as the centenary of a movement, associated with the name of the University of Oxford, of which, although in its first stage it might easily be mistaken—and has often been mistaken—for a mere wave of theological and ecclesiastical reaction within the Established Church of England, the attentive historian of the nineteenth century must take account as in fact a very powerful influence in the religious and, no less really (...)
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  50. Philosophical Reflections on Narrative and Deep Brain Stimulation.Marya Schechtman - 2010 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 21 (2):133-139.
    Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has in some cases been associated with significant psychological effects and/or personality change. These effects occur sometimes as acute changes experienced intraoperatively or during the initial setting of the stimulator and sometimes as longer term progressive changes in the months following surgery. Sometimes they are the intended outcome of treatment, and in other cases they are an unintended side-effect. In all of these circumstances some patients and caregivers have described the psychological effects of DBS as frightening (...)
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