Results for ' political praxis'

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  1.  13
    Political praxis, social analysis and western modernization: a theoretical-political route for critical social theory.Leno Francisco Danner & Fernando Danner - 2020 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 (2):154-173.
    This paper criticizes the emphasis placed by contemporary social theory and political philosophy on institutionalism as the basis for the understanding, legitimation and changing of institutions, or social systems, and society as a whole. The more impactful characteristic of institutionalism is its technical-logical structuring, based on an impartial, neutral and formal proceduralism that autonomizes social systems in relation to political praxis and social normativity, depoliticizing these social systems. Here, they are no longer depoliticized, but assume political (...)
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    Reconciliation: On the Border between Theological and Political Praxis.Joseph A. Favazza - 2002 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 1 (3):52-64.
    Reconciliation is a theologically-charged word with politically-charged implications. The work of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) raised questions about reconciliation in a political context including the “parts” or “partners” of reconciliation: truth-telling, repentance, amnesty, reparations, and ultimately forgiveness and justice. This paper explores two questions. First, are theologians ready to give up an exclusive claim on reconciliation as a theological term or, at the very least, be agreeable to the fact that reconciliation might have political (...)
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    Aesthetic Sensibility and Political Praxis.Anne Bartlett, Gerard Kuperus & Marjolein Oele - 2009 - Radical Philosophy Review 12 (1-2):137-155.
    This paper develops insights from Foucault and Lyotard to examine the Darfur crisis and the transformative potential of spaces of alterity. We show that Foucault’s quest for an aesthetics of existence is an attempt to found an alternative form of ethics based on wakefulness, sensibility, and suspicion on the part of the subject. In the final part of the paper we link this idea to Lyotard’s sensibility of the sublime. We show how aesthetic sensibility can be transformed in a (...) sensibility which bears witness to political injustices that result from the incommensurability of different genres of discourse. We illustrate this point using aesthetic representations of Darfur. (shrink)
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    Language, moral order and political praxis.Lena Jayyusi - 1995 - Argumentation 9 (1):75-93.
    The paper argues that the debate between objectivist criticism and postmodern critique represents a fracturing of the modes of mundane social and linguistic practice. The two together miss the open-textured character of language-in-use and the reflexive properties of situated human practice. Both difference and agreement are grounded in the multiplicity of criteria that are a feature of the logical grammar of language, and therefore of everyday praxis, including that of critique. To escape the duality of foundationalism on the one (...)
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    (1 other version)Minor Marxism: An Approach to a New Political Praxis.Eduardo Pellejero - 2009 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 3 (Suppl):102-118.
    In 1990, Antonio Negri pointed out some problems with Deleuze's political philosophy. Substituting infra-structures for life or desire, as constitutive dimensions of power formations, did not imply giving up on Marx, but it certainly did imply a change in the table of conceptual analysis and a profound renovation of the questions that pertain to militant praxis. Taking this into account, we intend to explore the sense of a rare fidelity to Marx, and a certain idea of intellectual commitment (...)
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    ‘Trauma work’ as hindrance to political praxis during democratisation movements.Zeina Al Azmeh & Patrick Baert - 2024 - Theory and Society 53 (2):395-423.
    This paper examines the impact of a shift in focus from political praxis to trauma work in the context of a failed democratisation movement. It investigates the various phenomena which emerge when intellectuals, under the traumatic impact of violence and atrocities, place trauma narration at the core of their interventions. Drawing on document analysis, participant observation and semi-structured interviews with twenty nine exiled Syrian intellectuals in Paris and Berlin who had participated in the revolutionary movement of 2011, the (...)
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    Freedom as Political Praxis.Roland Axtmann - 2020 - The European Legacy 25 (7-8):833-844.
    More than four decades have passed since the death of Hannah Arendt in 1975. In those decades, she has been affirmed as one of the major political thinkers of the twentieth century. Arendt’s books,...
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  8. Empathy, as affective ethical technology and transformative political praxis.Elisabeth Kirtsoglou & Dimitrios Theodossopoulos - 2018 - In Bruce Kapferer & Marina Gold (eds.), Moral anthropology: a critique. New York: Berghahn.
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    Towards a Latin American Pentecostal political praxis.Douglas Petersen - 1997 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 14 (1):30-33.
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    Der logische Positivismus: Theorien u. polit. Praxis seiner Vertreter.Erich Mohn - 1977 - New York: Campus-Verlag.
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  11. Liberating praxis: Paulo Freire's legacy for radical education and politics.Peter Mayo - 2004 - Westport, Conn.: Praeger Publishers.
    Paulo Freire : the educator, his oeuvre, and changing contexts -- Holistic interpretations of Freire's work : a critical review -- Critical literacy, praxis, and emancipatory politics -- "Remaining on the same side of the river" : neo-liberalism, party movements, and the struggle for greater coherence -- Reinventing Freire in a Southern context : the Mediterranean -- Engaging with practice : a Freirean reflection on different pedagogical sites.
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    Polis and Praxis: Exercises in Contemporary Political Theory.Fred Reinhard Dallmayr - 1984 - MIT Press.
    The touchstone of these seven original essays is the relationship between polis and praxis - the public-political space and the political action that maintains and is conditioned by that space. The argument flows from Martin Heidegger's lament in his Letter on Humanism that modern philosophers have failed to understand that the essence of "action" is "accomplishment." Dallmayr's lucid essays are a step toward achieving that understanding.Dallmayr assesses and puts into perspective the work of many of the seminal (...)
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    Political thought of French existentialists in the works of Yugoslav praxis-philosophers.Dušan M. Bošković - 2002 - Filozofija I Društvo 2002 (19):157-164.
    U ovom tekstu izlozene su osnovne teze na temu Politicka misao francuskih egzistencijalista u delima jugoslovenskih praxis-filozofa, te ukratko analiziran jedan reprezentativan primer.
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  14. Adorno’s politics: Theory and praxis in Germany’s 1960s.Fabian Freyenhagen - 2014 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 40 (9):0191453714545198.
    Theodor W. Adorno inspired much of Germany’s 1960s student movement, but he came increasingly into conflict with this movement about the practical implications of his critical theory. Others – including his friend and colleague Herbert Marcuse – also accused Adorno of a quietism that is politically objectionable and in contradiction with his own theory. In this article, I recon- struct, and partially defend, Adorno’s views on theory and (political) praxis in Germany’s 1960s in 11 theses. His often attacked (...)
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    Praxis beyond the political.Jonathan Pickle - 2015 - Thesis Eleven 126 (1):70-87.
    The works of György Márkus and Hannah Arendt represent two irreconcilable tendencies of contemporary radical philosophy. Whereas Márkus’s critical theory of culture actively refrains from attributing metaphysical significance to its heuristic concepts and the mutable practices they contingently designate, Arendt’s phenomenological methodology attempts to elucidate the constitution of the modern world in order to evince the ontological significance of the political. Due to the inimical nature of their respective projects, Márkus’s writings largely consign its references to Arendt to marginalia. (...)
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    Die Praxis, Kriterium für die Wahrheit des Glaubens?: Untersuchungen zu e. Aspekt polit. Theologie.Dieter Berdesinski - 1973 - München: Don-Bosco-Verlag.
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    A Praxis of Facticity for Critical Phenomenology.Jennifer Gaffney - 2023 - Puncta 6 (2):41-60.
    This paper critically engages the method that guides critical phenomenology’s approach to political praxis. While many in this field have emphasized the need to clarify critical phenomenology’s method of social critique, less attention has been given to how critical phenomenology establishes a distinct and rigorously phenomenological method of praxis. The aim of this paper is to enrich the calls to action in critical phenomenology by inquiring into the conditions under which transformative political praxis becomes possible. (...)
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    Political Theory and Praxis: New Perspectives.Terence Ball (ed.) - 1977 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    The contributors discuss various aspects of the concepts of theory and practice and their interrelationship. All of the essays were written expressly for this volume.
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    Praxis as a perspective on international politics.Gunther Hellmann & Jens Steffek (eds.) - 2022 - Bristol: Bristol University Press.
    Bringing together leading figures in the study of international relations, this collection explores praxis as a perspective on international politics and law. It builds on the transdisciplinary work of Friedrich Kratochwil to reveal the scope, limits and blind spots of praxis theorizing.
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  20. Praxis and ultimate-reality, intellectual, moral, and religious conversion as radical political conversion.Jl Marsh - 1990 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 13 (3):222-240.
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    Liberating Praxis: Paulo Freire’s Legacy for Radical Education and Politics.Karen Sihra - 2006 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 15 (2):109-113.
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    Political Ambivalence as Praxis: The Limits of Consensus in Habermas's Theory of the Public Sphere.Jordan McKenzie - 2018 - Critical Horizons 19 (1):35-48.
    This paper argues that ambivalence can serve as a proxy for consensus-based debates in public discourse as it allows for individuals to maintain flexible and analytic perspectives on matters that otherwise appear contradictory. In particular, an affirmative understanding of ambivalence will be presented to supplement the highly influential Habermasian approach by drawing from sociological theories of ambivalence found in the work of Simmel, Bauman and Kołakowski. While the theme of ambivalence is not completely absent from Habermas’s work on the public (...)
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    Praxis and Temporality: Karel Kosik's Political Theory.James Schmidt - 1977 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1977 (33):71-84.
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  24. The politics of death in anti-colonial praxis.Gregory Maxaulane - 2024 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    This book examines the political economy of death within the Black experience in South Africa by theorizing death as a productive and generative process, reconstructing an understanding of the limitations of dominant discourses, and giving rise to a radical political imagination.
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  25. Political philosophy as theory of praxis.Stephan Kirste & Manfred Walther - 2019 - In Wolfgang Bartuschat, Stephan Kirste & Manfred Walther (eds.), Naturalism and democracy: a commentary on Spinoza's political treatise in the context of his system. Boston: Brill.
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  26. Political ecology as praxis.Alex Loftus - 2015 - In Thomas Albert Perreault, Gavin Bridge & James P. McCarthy (eds.), The Routledge handbook of political ecology. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  27. Praxis Before Politics : the Problem of Sartre.Dick Howard - 1985 - Thesis Eleven 10-10 (1):189-194.
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    #FeesMustFall as social movement and emancipatory politics? Moving towards an apocalyptic theological praxis outside the limits of party politics.Felipe G. K. Buttelli & Clint Le Bruyns - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3).
    This article proposes three reflexive movements. The first one offers an introduction to Fees Must Fall, pointing to some aspects that allow us to understand it as a social movement and some of its basic features. The second movement is a theoretical one, constructing the notion of emancipatory politics. It is based on the distinctions suggested by Jacques Rancière between ‘police and politics’ and by Michael Neocosmos between ‘excessive and expressive’ politics. It will also present the Freirean notion of ‘conscientisation (...)
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    Remembering Esperanza a Cultural-Political Theology for North American Praxis.Mark Kline Taylor - 1990 - Orbis Books.
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    Ritual as Praxis: The Responsibility of Activists in the Face of Genocide; or, Between Ethics and Politics.Adi Burton - 2022 - Dissertation, University of British Columbia
    The most urgent ethical task in the face of genocide is the demand to stop it. But how can the seeming moral clarity of opposition to genocide be reconciled with the failure of adequate political responses? I begin by problematizing the demand and response through the lens of the Save Darfur movement that mobilized millions of people against genocide in the 2000s, and which I suggest articulates the ethical and political challenges at the core of genocide research and (...)
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    Uncertain Praxis : Modern Christian Perspectives on Politics, Human Nature, and Society.Geoff Wells - 2008 - The European Legacy 13 (3):347-350.
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    Do internal due process system permit adequate political and moral space for ethics voice, praxis, and community?Richard P. Nielsen - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 24 (1):1 - 27.
    Internal due process systems are the formal mechanisms thatmany organizations use to address and resolve ethics conflicts.Problematical due process systems such asinvestigation-punishment and grievance-arbitration systemsnarrowly constrain the political and moral space needed formeaningful ethics voice, praxis, and community. The relativelyuncommon employee board and mediator-counselor types of systemscan help solve such problems. The employee board andmediator-counselor systems permit questioning not only of guiltwith respect to policy violations but also the appropriateness ofthe policies as well as potential biases in an (...)
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  33. Praxis and Promise: On the Ethics of Political Theology:A Theology of Liberation: History, Politics and Salvation. Gustavo Gutierrez, Caridad Inda, John Eagleson; Faith in History and Society: Toward a Practical Fundamental Theology. Johann Baptist Metz; Theology of the World. ; Christians and Marxists: The Mutual Challenge to Revolution. Jose Miguez Bonino; Doing Theology in a Revolutionary Situation. ; The Church in the Power of the Spirit: A Contribution to Messianic Ecclesiology. Jurgen Moltmann; The Crucified God: The Cross of Christ as the Foundation and Criticism of Christian Theology. ; Theology of Hope: On the Ground and the Implications of a Christian Eschatology. [REVIEW]Douglas Sturm - 1982 - Ethics 92 (4):733-.
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    Political Theory and Praxis: New Perspectives. [REVIEW]L. J. Ray - 1981 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 11 (4):494-500.
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  35. The Theory and Praxis of Deep Diversity: A Study of the Politics and Thought of Charles Taylor.Mark Redhead - 1999 - Dissertation, New School for Social Research
    This dissertation addresses the problem of political fragmentation via an analysis of the politics and thought of Charles Taylor. ;A politically fragmented country is one whose members increasingly identify with the concerns of specific groups rather than the country as a whole. To address political fragmentation is to address the tension between accommodating narrowly defined groups and promoting allegiance to a larger polity. Concerns about fragmentation mainly appear in two forms: First, if citizens find themselves primarily identifying with (...)
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    Building a symbiosis of praxis and theory in normative political philosophy.Daniel Blanch - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 43 (3):347-348.
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  37. The implications of the praxis of a politics of natality for transnational feminist advocacy.Nanci Hogan - 2009 - In Elaine L. Graham (ed.), Grace Jantzen: Redeeming the Present. Ashgate.
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    Daoism, Practice, and Politics: From Nourishing Life to Ecological Praxis.Eric S. Nelson - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (3):792-801.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Daoism, Practice, and Politics:From Nourishing Life to Ecological PraxisEric S. Nelson (bio)I. Daoism's Multiple ModelsManhua Li, Yumi Suzuki, and Lisa Indraccola have offered evocative insights, questions, and alternatives in their contributions concerning the arguments of Daoism and Environmental Philosophy: Nourishing Life (Nelson 2021). The present brief response and sketch of the book will not address every point in their essays, but I will strive to reply, directly and indirectly, (...)
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    Providence and political responsibility: The nature of praxis in an age of apocalypse.Paul Lakeland - 1991 - Modern Theology 7 (4):351-362.
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    (1 other version)The intellectual as a political actor? Four models of theory/praxis.Gayil Talshir - 2005 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 8 (2):209-224.
    This essay addresses the issue of the role of the intellectual within the tradition of the New Left. Four models for the relationship between theory and practice are offered, using prominent thinkers from different political cultures. One model argues that theorists should leave their cathedral and join social activists; the second contends that critical theory is itself a form of social activism; the third perceives the role of the intellectual as possessor of knowledge as power, arguing that intellectuals actually (...)
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    Praxis: On Acting and Knowing.Friedrich Kratochwil - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    Praxis investigates both the existing practices of international politics and relations during and after the Cold War, and the issue of whether problems of praxis can be subjected to a 'theoretical treatment'. The book comes in two parts: the first deals with the constitution of international relations and the role of theoretical norms in guiding decisions, in areas such as sanctions, the punishment of international crimes, governance and 'constitutional' concern, the second is devoted to 'theory building'. While a (...)
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  42. Social Work as Revolutionary Praxis? The contribution to critical practice of Cornelius Castoriadis’s political philosophy.Phillip Ablett & Christine Morley - 2019 - Critical and Radical Social Work 7 (3): 333-348.
    Social work is a contested tradition, torn between the demands of social governance and autonomy. Today, this struggle is reflected in the division between the dominant, neoliberal agenda of service provision and the resistance offered by various critical perspectives employed by disparate groups of practitioners serving diverse communities. Critical social work challenges oppressive conditions and discourses, in addition to addressing their consequences in individuals’ lives. However, very few recent critical theorists informing critical social work have advocated revolution. A challenging exception (...)
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    Democracy to Come: Politics as Relational Praxis by Fred Dallmayr.Thaddeus Kozinski - 2018 - Review of Metaphysics 72 (1):128-130.
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    3. Substituting Praxis and Political Liberation.Victoria Tahmasebi-Birgani - 2014 - In Emmanuel Levinas and the Politics of Non-Violence. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. pp. 81-114.
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    The Enduring Validity of the Critique of Political Economy Marxian Praxis-Philosophical Dialectics.Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik - 2016 - Dialogue and Universalism 26 (2):21-31.
    Karl Marx is forgotten as a philosopher today not because he failed, but because the praxis-philosophical core of his Critique of Political Economy has not been rightly perceived. Marx’s Critique of Political Economy is a negative theory which takes it upon itself to uncover the negative aspects of capitalist values theory. It is not selfgrounded, and substantiated solely by Marx’s earlier writings. It cannot serve as the basis for any kind of common, ecological economy, its importance lies (...)
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    Democracy to come: politics as relational praxis.Fred Reinhard Dallmayr - 2017 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    Democracy to Come lays the groundwork of a new understanding of modern democracy. Rejecting the idea that democracy is a stable system fostered through regime change and the unidirectional transfer of concepts from the West to autocracies, Fred Dallmayr argues democracy must be relational - nurtured by different societies and cultures from within. In turn, democracy can never be a finished project, but will always be about its potential.
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    Arendt and Beauvoir on the Failures of Political Judgment in Praxis.Bridget Allan - 2021 - Arendt Studies 5:121-144.
    In this article, I bring together Hannah Arendt’s and Simone de Beauvoir’s respective theories of political judgment to evaluate the problems that arise from their accounts of judgment in praxis. To do so, I compare Arendt’s Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil on Adolf Eichmann’s trial in Israel and Beauvoir’s “An Eye for an Eye” on Robert Brasillach’s trial in France. In approaching the dilemmas of judgment in theory, both share a commitment to preserving (...)
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    The impurity of praxis: Arendt and Agamben.Katarina Sjöblom - 2023 - Continental Philosophy Review 56 (1):145-162.
    If politics is understood as a foundational and open-ended activity, a general problem that arises from such a framing concerns the question of how to sustain the possibility of continuous openings without converting action into permanence and closure. In this article, we approach this problematic by treating Hannah Arendt as an exemplary figure in the current of political thought that emphasizes the indeterminate nature of action. We focus more specifically on how Arendt addressed the question of sustaining action by (...)
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    Can Politics be Thought in Interiority?Sylvan Lazarus & Harper - 2016 - Cosmos and History 12 (1):107-130.
    “Can Politics be Thought in Interiority” is an essay from The Intelligence of Politics, one of two book-length works published by French anthropologist and political theorist, Sylvain Lazarus. The English translation of Lazarus’ first book, Anthropology of the Name, is set to come out in August 2015, and while that work can rightly be considered his magnum opus, “Can Politics be Thought in Interiority” provides a comprehensive, yet succinct statement of the concepts outlined in this much longer text. Broadly (...)
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    Politics as ‘Sinister Wisdom’: Reparation and responsibility in lesbian feminism.Elena Gambino - 2021 - Contemporary Political Theory 20 (3):524-546.
    This article takes up the commonplace antagonism between ‘second wave’ lesbian feminism and ‘third wave’ queer theory and politics, and argues that the antagonism itself is both historically and politically reductive. First, I make the case that ‘third wave’ queer theory actually shares its central concern – namely, accountability for intra-group inequalities – with lesbian feminism. However, I argue that ‘third wave’ queer theories ultimately founder in their bid for a more reflexive political praxis by tending to hold (...)
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