Results for ' politics, historiography, Platonism'

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  1.  26
    La question du platonisme de Rousseau.Francesco Gregorio - 2011 - Philosophie Antique 11:43-71.
    Le platonisme de Rousseau est un thème minoritaire dans l’histoire de la réception de Rousseau. Malgré cela, il s’agit d’une question débattue, encore ouverte et qui a une histoire. On tente ici de faire le point en commençant par une critique de l’historiographie et par une discussion préalable des difficultés que l’interprète rencontre, afin de situer la généalogie des lectures qui font de Rousseau un platonicien. Dans un second temps, on propose un portrait de Rousseau lecteur de Platon, avant de (...)
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    Aristotle's Rhetoric against Rhetoric: Unitarian Reading and Esoteric Hermeneutics.Carol Poster - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (2):219-249.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Aristotle's Rhetoric against Rhetoric:Unitarian Reading and Esoteric HermeneuticsCarol PosterIn Platonic scholarship, it recently has become a commonplace to foreground problems of interpretation.1 Most Anglo-American discussions of Aristotelian rhetoric, however, while often involving disagreements about specific readings of individual passages in the Aristotelian corpus, frequently presume the adequacy of a relatively unproblematic hermeneutic with respect to overall, as opposed to local, interpretive strategies.2 Readings of Aristotle's Rhetoric such as those (...)
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    Political platonism: the philisophy of politics.Aleksandr Dugin - 2019 - London: Arktos.
    The philosophy of politics -- Deconstruction of democracy -- Political platonism and its ontological bases -- Traditionalism against devilopolis -- Plato's relevance for Russia and the platonic minimum -- Christianity and neo-platonism -- Heraclitus and contemporary Russia -- A conversation about noomachy -- The existential theory of society -- Thinking chaos and the other beginning of philosophy.
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    Cynical Suspicions and Platonist Pretentions: A Critique of Contemporary Political Theory.John McGuire - 2018 - Boston: Brill.
    In _Cynical Suspicions and Platonist Pretentions_, John McGuire conducts a critical analysis of contemporary political theory with a view to facilitating a less reductive understanding of political disaffection.
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    The political identity of the West: Platonism in the dialogue of cultures.Marcel van Ackeren & Orrin Finn Summerell (eds.) - 2007 - Frankfurt am Main: Lang.
    To assert that a 'clash of civilizations' follows inexorably from the different religious convictions at the foundations of Western Judeo-Christian and Arabic-Islamic cultures means to deny that a common political rationality can articulate genuinely universal, albeit culturally situated values. The eleven contributions to the present volume take up this controversy by challenging its premise that the heritage of classical Greek thought is exclusively part of Western political identity. By exploring the tradition of Platonism informing both Arabic-Islamic and Western political (...)
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    Historiography: Critical Concepts in Historical Studies : Politics.Robert Burns (ed.) - 2005 - Routledge.
    Organized thematically, this important five-volume set brings together key essays from the field of historical studies. Including an extensive general introduction by the editor in the first volume, as well as shorter individual introductions in each of the following volumes, this set is essential reading for scholars and students alike. Coverage includes: 1. Foundations - The Classic Tradition - The Old Cultural History - Economic History 2: Society - Social History - Marxism - Annales - History of Mentalities 3: Ideas (...)
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  7.  19
    Politics and Exorbitant Platonism.Sara Brill - 2009 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 13 (2):385-395.
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    Historiography as a form of political thought.J. G. A. Pocock - 2011 - History of European Ideas 37 (1):1-6.
    This article seeks to combine two lines of thought that have been little studied: a model history of early modern historiography, and a theory of the impact of historiography on a political society. Under the former heading, it traces the growth of a narrative of European history as a series of sequels to the Roman empire, and a history of historiography as passing from classical narrative to antiquarian study and Enlightened philosophy. Under the latter, it considers the effect on political (...)
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    Historiography and political theology: Momigliano and the end of history.Howard Caygill - 2011 - In Alexandra Lianeri, The western time of ancient history: historiographical encounters with the Greek and Roman pasts. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 99.
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    Platonism, Christianity, Stoicism: The Subject, The Truth, And The Political Import Of Their Relationship In Three Traditions.Robin Weiss - 2014 - Foucault Studies 18:213-237.
    Foucault has been criticized for overlooking the similarities among Platonism, Christianity and Stoicism, and overstating Stoicism’s distinctness. However, an examination of Stoic theories of truth shows that the Stoics sought out a particular kind of knowledge, and that this knowledge was necessarily sought by means of a certain circular process, to which Foucault himself vaguely alludes. This accounts for many of Foucault’s observations, and explains why, even when Stoics speak about such topics as self-knowledge and self-renunciation in ways that (...)
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  11. Renaissance historiography and political practice, or : the history of philosophy as dissent.Mario Meliadò & Cecilia Muratori - 2025 - In Mario Meliadò & Cecilia Muratori, Dissident renaissance: rewriting the history of early modern philosophy as political practice. Boston, Massachusetts: Brill.
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    German Political Thought and the Discourse of Platonism: Finding the Way Out of the Cave.Paul Bishop - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    Taking Plato’s allegory of the cave as its starting-point, this book demonstrates how later European thinkers can be read as a reaction and a response to key aspects of this allegory and its discourse of enchainment and liberation. Focusing on key thinkers in the tradition of European political thought including Kant, Marx, Hegel, Nietzsche, Heidegger, and the Frankfurt School, it relates them back to such foundational figures as Rousseau, Aristotle, and in particular Plato. All these thinkers are considered in relation (...)
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  13.  52
    Platonism and Politics.Jan Patočka - 2006 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 6 (1):341-344.
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    Political Platonism and Individuals' Desires.James Doyle - 1999 - Journal of Social Philosophy 30 (1):161-173.
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    Romantic Historiography as a Political Force in France.Jacques Barzun - 1941 - Journal of the History of Ideas 2 (3):318.
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    Liberal Politics and the Reform of Historiography.Lionel Gossman - 1976 - History and Theory 15:6-19.
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    Historiography as Political Activity: Heinrich von Treitschke and the Historical Reconstruction of Politics.Karl H. Metz - 2005 - In Peter Koslowski, The discovery of historicity in German idealism and historism. New York: Springer. pp. 98--111.
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  18.  37
    Political platonism, liberalism, and democracy.Jan Narveson - 2003 - Journal of Social Philosophy 34 (1):153–168.
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    Truth and Politics in Late Medieval Arabic Historiography: the Formation of Sultan Barsbāy’s State and the Narratives of the Amir Qurqumās al-Shaʿbānī.Jo Van Steenbergen & Stijn Van Nieuwenhuyse - 2018 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 95 (1):147-187.
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    Magistracy and the Historiography of the Roman Republic: Politics in Prose by Ayelet Haimson Lushkov.Andrew Feldherr - 2016 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 109 (2):268-269.
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    Imperial Gaze in the Historiography of Amarna Politics.Emanuel Pfoh - 2025 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 145 (1):135-154.
    The discovery of the Amarna letters in 1887 and their subsequent translation made it possible for ancient Near Eastern specialists of the time to shed new light on the sociopolitical conditions of Syria-Palestine during the Late Bronze Age. In reviewing the scholarly literature of the period and following decades, we may see that the situations of internal conflict described in the letters allowed researchers to draw a general picture of ancient indigenous political communities that was undoubtedly aligned with the imperial (...)
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  22.  16
    Strategic affinities: Historiography and epistemology in contemporary feminist knowledge politics.Deborah M. Withers - 2015 - European Journal of Women's Studies 22 (2):129-142.
    This article presents a conceptual approach to feminist history that focuses on the strategies activists use in different temporal and spatial locations. The argument builds on recent insights within feminist theory and historiography that reveal an intimate relationship between historiography and epistemology in knowledge politics. This article, however, probes the limitations of this relationship by focusing on how current historiographical methods exclude or dilute the actions and events of history through representation and citation. By examining the work of Jamaican theatre (...)
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  23. The Cambridge Platonists in Philosophical Context Politics, Metaphysics, and Religion.G. A. J. Rogers, Jean-Michel Vienne & Yves Charles Zarka - 1997
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  24. Postmodernism and the politics of historiography / Oliver DaddowDetachment dispatch'e : history as poetics.Beverley Southgate - 2006 - In Alexander Lyon Macfie, The philosophy of history: talks given at the Institute of Historical Research, London, 2000-2006. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  25.  18
    Biography, historiography, and modes of philosophizing: the tradition of collective biography in early modern Europe.Patrick Baker (ed.) - 2017 - Boston: Brill.
    By way of essays and a selection of primary sources in parallel text, Biography, Historiography, and Modes of Philosophizing provides an introduction to a vast, significant, but neglected corpus of early modern literature: collective biography. It focuses especially on the various related strands of political, philosophical, and intellectual and cultural biography as well as on the intersection between biography, historiography, and philosophy. Individual texts from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century are presented as examples of how the ancient collective biographical (...)
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  26.  61
    Empire and the Historiography of European Political Thought: Marsiglio of Padua, Nicholas of Cusa, and the Medieval/Modern Divide.Cary J. Nederman - 2005 - Journal of the History of Ideas 66 (1):1-15.
    John Pocock's The First Decline and Fall (2003) presents a novel argument for drawing a clear distinction between medieval and early modern varieties of political thinking and writing that implicitly challenges the current historiographical trend that "softens" the dividing line between the two. The present paper critically examines Pocock's claim, which is based on the appearance of the theme of the historicity of the Roman Empire (imperial decline and fall) in early modern (and especially Florentine) political theory. In particular, the (...)
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  27. Critical Discourse Analysis in Historiography: The Case of Hong Kong’s Evolving Political Identity.[author unknown] - 2012
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  28.  49
    The historiography of contemporary science, technology, and medicine: writing recent science.Ronald Edmund Doel & Thomas Söderqvist (eds.) - 2006 - New York: Routledge.
    As historians of science increasingly turn to work on recent (post 1945) science, the historiographical and methodological problems associated with the history of contemporary science are debated with growing frequency and urgency. This book brings together authorities on the history, historiography and methodology of recent and contemporary science to review the problems facing historians of contemporary science, technology and medicine and to explore new ways forward. The chapters explore topics which will be of ever increasing interest to historians of postwar (...)
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  29. The beginnings of political thought in Florence. A study in mediaeval historiography.Nicolai Rubinstein - 1942 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 5 (1):198-227.
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    Challenging the State: Teaching Alternative Historiographies in Early Modern Politics.Jacob Affolter - 2015 - Metaphilosophy 46 (3):398-413.
    This article argues that we can improve the way we teach early modern political philosophy if we introduce students to alternative views about the development of the state. First, it summarizes the work of contemporary philosophers and historians who are critical of the modern state. Second, it points out ways in which early social contract theorists take the state for granted. Third, it argues that alternative views about the development of the state can help students take a more critical perspective (...)
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  31.  22
    Historiography of Yogācāra Philosophy in 20th Century India.Sergei L. Burmistrov & Бурмистров Сергей Леонидович - 2024 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 28 (1):91-108.
    Paradigms of historiography of philosophy in India have being changed since late 19th c. till present, depending on the social and cultural context of the history of Indian philosophy as a part of contemporary Indian culture. This change manifests itself in the conceptions of Indian historians concerning the teaching of Buddhist Mahāyāna school of Yogācāra (4th c. and later). Historians of colonial times, basing themselves on the philosophy of Neovedаntism (S. Radhakrishnan, S. Dasgupta), regarded Buddhism as a derivate of late (...)
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  32.  7
    The Historiography of Ukrainian Philosophy and the Studies in Historiography of Philosophy in Ukraine.Serhii Yosypenko - 2024 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 3:7-26.
    Drawing on recent publications on studies in historiography of philosophy in French-, English-, and German-speaking philosophy, the author clarifies the subject matter and tasks of studies in historiography of philosophy as a historico-philosophical approach, in particular, counting among such subjects the images of philosophy's past constructed by histories of philosophy, as well as the historiographical attitudes of historians of philosophy and the contexts and factors that determine these historiographical attitudes. The article analyses the conceptions and implementations of three projects of (...)
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  33.  1
    Historical Understanding and Political Commitment: The Historiography of Johann Gustav Droysen.Michael J. Maclean & Ont Toronto - 1978 - [S.N.].
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  34. Chinese-language film: historiography, poetics, politics.Chris Berry, David Bordwell, Stephen Yiu-wai Chu, Shuqin Cui, Darrell W. Davis, David Desser, Mary Farquhar, Xiaoping Lin, Sheldon H. Lu & Thomas Luk - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
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    Magistracy and the Historiography of the Roman Republic: Politics in Prose by Ayelet Haimson Lushkov.Fred K. Drogula - 2016 - American Journal of Philology 137 (3):545-549.
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    Nationalism, historiography, and the (re)construction of the past.Claire Norton (ed.) - 2007 - Washington, DC: New Academia.
    The essays in this collection explore both how the employment of nation-state dominated discourses have caused a re-imagination of the past, and how the past has been re-constructed to accord with nationalist agendas. Although other works have considered in general terms how nations are imagined, this collection takes a different stance and specifically focuses on how 'the past' is used in such imaginations. This collection was conceived in an interdisciplinary spirit, drawing insights from art history, intellectual history, literature, archaeology, heritage (...)
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  37.  21
    A.C.S. Peacock, Mediaeval Islamic Historiography and Political Legitimacy: Balʿamī’s Tārīkhnāma.Derek J. Mancini-Lander - 2016 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 93 (2):609-614.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Der Islam Jahrgang: 93 Heft: 2 Seiten: 609-614.
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  38.  45
    Heidegger's Platonism.Mark Ralkowski - 2009 - Continuum.
    Introduction -- What is platonism? -- Schleiermacher's pedagogical interpretation of Plato -- What's wrong with the current debate -- The romantic rediscovery of Plato's ineffable ontology -- Conclusions: Ineffability and dialogue form -- Untying Schleiermacher's gordian knot -- Metaphysical ineffability : the argument from language and human finitude -- Spiritual ineffability: the argument from self-transformation -- Existential ineffability : the argument from life choice -- Platonism reconsidered -- The context of Heidegger's interpretation of Plato -- What it all (...)
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  39. GAJ Rogers, JM Vienne and YC Zarka: The Cambridge Platonists in Philosophical Context. Politics, Metaphysics and Religion.N. Fairlamb - 2005 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 13 (3):580.
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  40.  22
    Natural Law and Perfect Community: Contributions of Christian Platonism to Political Theory.Joan Lockwood O'Donovan - 1998 - Modern Theology 14 (1):19-42.
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    Impure temporalities in the history of political philosophy: the historiography of dēmokratia in late eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Britain.Alexandra Lianeri - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (3):514-532.
    Building on Bernard Williams’ thesis about the intertwining of history and political philosophy, the essay explores how the problem of the history of dēmokratia after the late-eighteenth and over the nineteenth-century in Britain constituted a primary and critical field in which the philosophical meaning of democracy was debated. Configuring a new temporal perspective grounded in the relationship between ancient and modern democracy, historiographical works by John Gillies, William Mitford, and George Grote put forth an understanding of the concept as a (...)
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  42.  54
    The Historiography of the Front de Liberation du Quebec: Frameworks, ‘Identity’ and Future Study.Kevin Lee Pinkoski - 2012 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 3 (2).
    This paper examines the historiography of the Front de Liberation Quebecois within the context of three frameworks, each used to devaluate the FLQ, the idea of separation, its potential support and most importantly, the perspectives of historians who oppose these frameworks. Through an examination of the literature, the FLQ are framed as an attack on British liberalism, an attack on Canadian Unity, or violent in a political climate where such actions were unjustifiable. These understandings work cooperatively together to de-legitimize alternative (...)
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  43.  24
    Critical historiography and the problem of judgment.Linda M. G. Zerilli - 2023 - European Journal of Political Theory 22 (3):490-495.
    Max Tomba aims to reconstruct how historical actors reconstructed the past to open the future in ways that diverged from the trajectory of the dominant modernity. Insurgent Universality would break open the dead logic of the juridical, political, and economic trajectory of modernity that limits what is given and constrains what is possible. This essay reflects on the practice and the role of the historian. Beyond merely adopting insurgents’ perspectives, the historian must engage in a practice of critical and reflective (...)
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  44.  71
    Deleuze's Reversal of Platonism, Revisited.Marco Altamirano - 2015 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 9 (4):503-528.
    A standard approach to examining Deleuze's concept of difference in Difference and Repetition is to follow his critique of representation through an overturning of Platonism, which Deleuze finds to be the definitive task of philosophy after Nietzsche. While engaging this largely critical project, however, there is a tendency to overlook the dimensions of Platonism that Deleuze rehabilitates in a differential and immanent register. This paper aims to recover the essential dimensions of Platonism at the very heart of (...)
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  45.  82
    Mably on historiography and the cure of the imagination.Andreas Blank - 2024 - Intellectual History Review 1 (1):1-18.
    Gabriel Bonnot de Mably (1709–1785) adopts the republican commonplace that social esteem is the suitable reward for civic virtue. At the same time, he emphasizes that distorted imagination makes it difficult to discern what is good for human beings. This combination of views is puzzling because distorted imagination seems to impair the ability to recognize what deserves to be esteemed. I will argue that the coherence of Mably’s position is due to his emphasis on factors explaining distorted imagination that do (...)
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  46.  56
    The semantic drift: Images of populism in post‐war American historiography and their relevance for political science.Anton Jäger - 2017 - Constellations 24 (3):310-323.
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    Plato Revived: Essays on Ancient Platonism in Honour of Dominic J. O'meara.Filip Karfík & Euree Song (eds.) - 2013 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    The contributions to this volume focus on various forms of revival of Platonism in ancient philosophy. Particular attention is paid to the topics of unity and beauty, intellect and knowledge, soul and body, virtue and happiness as well as to political and religious dimensions of Plato's legacy. The book testifies to the extraordinary capacity of the basic tenets of Platonism for renewal and transformation.
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  48.  89
    Platonism and metaphor in the texts of mathematics: Gödel and Frege on mathematical knowledge.Clevis Headley - 1997 - Man and World 30 (4):453-481.
    In this paper, I challenge those interpretations of Frege that reinforce the view that his talk of grasping thoughts about abstract objects is consistent with Russell's notion of acquaintance with universals and with Gödel's contention that we possess a faculty of mathematical perception capable of perceiving the objects of set theory. Here I argue the case that Frege is not an epistemological Platonist in the sense in which Gödel is one. The contention advanced is that Gödel bases his Platonism (...)
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  49.  62
    The return of the political Freud? Some notes on the new historiography of psychoanalysis. [REVIEW]Shaul Bar-Haim - 2019 - History of the Human Sciences:095269511878769.
  50. Challenging Eurocentrism in Architectural Historiographies.Marianna Charitonidou - 2023 - In Gevork Hartoonian, The Visibility of Modernization in Architecture. Routledge. pp. 65-82.
    The chapter explores how architectural historiographies could challenge the dichotomies Western/non-Western and Eurocentric/non-Eurocentric. It also aims to explain why the politics of resistance characterizing the endeavours of shaping historiographical methods that try to represent the other go hand in hand with the intention to challenge concepts and historiographies that are based on Zeitgeist. In other words, the rejection of colonialist models of writing architectural history is related to the endeavour of placing Eurocentric narratives and Zeitgeist theories under critical scrutiny. Models (...)
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