Results for ' prescience'

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  1.  14
    Prescience et liberté: Essai de théologie philosophique sur la Providence.Cyrille Michon - 2004 - Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Cette étude tente de répondre à la question de la possibilité ou plutôt du caractère intelligible de l'attribution à Dieu de la prescience de nos actes libres. Il s'agir d'un problème bien connu des historiens de la pensée, d'Aristote à Leibniz. La question "Dieu a-t-il la science des futurs actes futurs libres (plus généralement des futurs contingents)" doit être précédée par la question "la notion de Dieu comme d'un être qui a la science des actes futurs libres est-elle intelligible?" (...)
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    Fate, prescience and free will.Robert Sharples - 2009 - In John Marenbon (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Boethius. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 207.
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    The prescience and paradox of Erich Fromm: A note on the performative contradictions of critical theory.Jeffrey C. Alexander - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 165 (1):3-9.
    As social theorists seek to understand the contemporary challenges of radical populism, we would do well to reconsider the febrile insights of the psychoanalytic social theorist Erich Fromm. It was Fromm who, at the beginning of the 1930s, conceptualized the emotional and sociological roots of a new ‘authoritarian character’ who was meek in the face of great power above and ruthless to the powerless below. It was Fromm, in the 1950s, who argued that societies, not only individuals, could be sick. (...)
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  4. La préscience divine chez saint Anselme.L. Baudry - 1940-1942 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 13.
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    Prescience et liberté.L. Dugas & Jules Lequier - 1933 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 40 (2):129 - 136.
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    The Prescience of Elie Faure.Margaret C. Flinn - 2005 - Substance 34 (3):47-61.
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  7. The Prescience of the Untimely: A Review of Arab Spring, Libyan Winter by Vijay Prashad. [REVIEW]Sasha Ross - 2012 - Continent 2 (3):218-223.
    continent. 2.3 (2012): 218–223 Vijay Prashad. Arab Spring, Libyan Winter . Oakland: AK Press. 2012. 271pp, pbk. $14.95 ISBN-13: 978-1849351126. Nearly a decade ago, I sat in a class entitled, quite simply, “Corporations,” taught by Vijay Prashad at Trinity College. Over the course of the semester, I was amazed at the extent of Prashad’s knowledge, and the complexity and erudition of his style. He has since authored a number of classic books that have gained recognition throughout the world. The Darker (...)
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    Divine Prescience and Human Freedom in Augustine.David DeCelles - 1977 - Augustinian Studies 8:151-160.
  9. Prescience and Providence: A Reply to My Critics.David P. Hunt - 1993 - Faith and Philosophy 10 (3):428-438.
  10. Divine prescience and contingency in Boethius's Consolation of philosophy.John Marenbon - 2013 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 68 (1):9-21.
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    The Prescience of Father Brown.Felicitas Corrigan - 1995 - The Chesterton Review 21 (4):473-485.
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    Prescience and an early death.Andrew Oberg - 2019 - Think 18 (53):31-42.
    Death's inevitability is not in question, but its mystery is one that is equally unavoidable and the questions we are likely to have about what then unanswerable. Traditionally we have tended to be concerned with what – if anything – might happen to us personally after we pass away, but that is not our question here. Rather we wish to contemplate what a knowledge of what will happen to the others in our lives may do to us while we are (...)
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    Prescience.Harold Morowitz - 2001 - Complexity 6 (5):12-13.
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    De nouveau sur la prescience et la causalité divines chez Boece.Juvenal Savian Filho - 2013 - Chôra 11:91-115.
    Dans des travaux récents, l’aspect logique du thème de la prescience et de la causalité divines chez Boèce a été largement exploité, surtout dans les études vigoureuses de François Beets et John Marenbon. Cependant, si on considère l’ensemble des textes boéciens sans se borner à en privilégier quelques extraits, il apparaît que certains éléments de cette thématique peuvent encore être soulignés, principalement dans le sens du caractère négatif du discours sur la connaissance, la prescience et la causalité divines. (...)
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    Palter & Prescience - On David Mitchell and Ghostwritten.P. A. Harris & S. Hooks - 2015 - Substance 44 (1):39-54.
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    Le temps, l'éternité et la prescience de Boèce à Thomas d'Aquin.John Marenbon - 2005 - Paris: Libr. philosophique J. Vrin. Edited by Irène Rosier-Catach.
    Si Dieu prévoit toute chose, rien n’arrive sauf par nécessité car il y a incompatibilité entre la certitude de la connaissance et la contingence. Une des réponses classiques est celle que la philosophie analytique nomme « la solution boécienne » ou « de Thomas d’Aquin » et qui repose sur l’idée que Dieu est atemporellement éternel.Dans ce livre, John Marenbon démontre que les théories de ces deux auteurs ne correspondent pas à cette solution dans le sens où, selon eux, la (...)
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    The Problematics of Techno-Prescience.Stephen Barker - 1999 - International Studies in Philosophy 31 (3):101-110.
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  18. Liberty and prescience, an unpublished letter by poiret, Pierre, text included.Gianluca Mori - 1986 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 6 (1):62-90.
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    Liberté, détermination et prescience.Paul Rateau - 2009 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 107 (4):717-734.
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    Liberté humaine et prescience divine d'après saint Augustin.Joseph Van Gerven - 1957 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 55 (47):317-330.
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    Giordano Bruno’s prescience: tracing the Renaissance influence on artificial intelligence.Zheng Wang & Di-tao Wu - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (6):3033-3035.
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    Les futurs contingents : déterminisme et prescience.Jean Largeault - 1986 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 91 (4):549 - 559.
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    Henry of Harclay's Questions on Divine Prescience and Predestination.Mark G. Henninger - 1980 - Franciscan Studies 40 (1):167-243.
  24. Prisoners of Prophecy.William Peden - 2022-10-17 - In Kevin S. Decker (ed.), Dune and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 144–152.
    The deceptive strangeness of prescience in Dune is typical of Herbert's ideas. The ancient Babylonians were able to systematically predict astronomical events, but contemporary astrophysicists can forecast distant events beyond the Babylonians’ wildest dreams. Herbert describes the prescience of characters like Paul as a hyperawareness of possibilities and probabilities given certain choices, rather than being able to examine a fixed future. Common sense suggests that prescience should help us live together better. The Prisoner's Dilemma can be interpreted (...)
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    Fiat ars pereat mundus.Corey McCall - 2009 - Radical Philosophy Review 12 (1-2):157-169.
    This essay assesses the prescience of Benjamin’s “Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” by examining its conclusions in light of the Global War on Terror. Following an initial section in which I provide a brief overview of Benjamin’s essay and revisit its conclusion, I proceed to analyze the various ways that Bush administration officials claimed that they could remake the world in America’s image. The key question at stake in this paper is whether Benjamin’s analyses still (...)
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    Sartre contre Camus : le conflit jamais résolu.Ronald Aronson - 2005 - Cités 22 (2):53.
    En vertu de quelle prescience la querelle la plus importante du XXe siècle a-t-elle annoncé la plus grande question du XXIe ? Lors de la rupture entre Camus et Sartre, le point sur lequel ils étaient le plus divisés était la question de la violence politique et spécifiquement celle du communisme. Et au fur et à mesure qu’ils continuaient à s’attaquer mutuellement, de façon codée,..
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    (1 other version)Einstein’s Investigations of Galilean Covariant Electrodynamics Prior to 1905.John D. Norton - 2004 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 59 (1):45-105.
    Abstract.Einstein learned from the magnet and conductor thought experiment how to use field transformation laws to extend the covariance of Maxwell’s electrodynamics. If he persisted in his use of this device, he would have found that the theory cleaves into two Galilean covariant parts, each with different field transformation laws. The tension between the two parts reflects a failure not mentioned by Einstein: that the relativity of motion manifested by observables in the magnet and conductor thought experiment does not extend (...)
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    Writings.Vilém Flusser - 2002 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Ten years after his death, Vilém Flusser’s reputation as one of Europe’s most original modern philosophers continues to grow. Increasingly influential in Europe and Latin America, the Prague-born intellectual’s thought has until now remained largely unknown in the English-speaking world. His innovative writings theorize—and ultimately embrace—the epochal shift that humanity is undergoing from what he termed "linear thinking" toward a new form of multidimensional, visual thinking embodied by digital culture. For Flusser, these new modes and technologies of communication make possible (...)
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    Phantom Tumors and Hysterical Women: Revising Our View of the Schloendorff Case.Paul A. Lombardo - 2005 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 33 (4):791-801.
    Over the past thirty years, the doctrine of informed consent has become a focal point in discussions of medical ethics. The literature of informed consent explores the evolution of the principle of autonomy, purportedly emerging from the mists of 19th Century medical practice, and finding its earliest articulation in legal cases where wronged citizens asserted their rights against medical authority. A commonplace, if not obligatory, feature of that literature is a reference to the case of Mary Schloendorff and the opinion (...)
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    Oxford Guide to Imagery in Cognitive Therapy.Ann Hackmann, James Bennett-Levy & Emily A. Holmes (eds.) - 2011 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Imagery is one of the new, exciting frontiers in cognitive therapy. From the outset of cognitive therapy, its founder Dr. Aaron T. Beck recognised the importance of imagery in the understanding and treatment of patient's problems. However, despite Beck's prescience, clinical research on imagery, and the integration of imagery interventions into clinical practice, developed slowly. It is only in the past 10 years that most writing and research on imagery in cognitive therapy has been conducted. The Oxford Guide to (...)
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    Contra Tooley: Divine Foreknowledge is Possible.Elijah Hess - 2020 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 87 (2):165-172.
    Michael Tooley’s latest argument against the possibility of divine foreknowledge trades on the idea that, whichever theory of time is true, the ontology of the future—or lack thereof—gives rise to special problems for God’s prescience. I argue that Tooley’s reasoning is predicated on two mischaracterizations and conclude that, on at least some theories of time, the possibility of divine foreknowledge appears secure.
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    Embodiment and enculturation: the future of architectural design.Harry Francis Mallgrave - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:155356.
    A half-century ago the Dutch architect Aldo van Eyck encouraged designers to think about “space and time” not as abstractions in themselves but rather as cultural events better approached through the medium of “place and occasion.” Van Eyck made this point on the basis of his own travels and through his extensive readings in cultural anthropology, and his prescience is only now acquiring the credibility that it deserves through the work of a multitude of interdisciplinary researchers. Phenomenologists argue that (...)
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    The Testimony of Sense: Empiricism and the Essay from Hume to Hazlitt by Tim Milnes (review).Margaret Watkins - 2024 - Hume Studies 49 (1):175-180.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Testimony of Sense: Empiricism and the Essay from Hume to Hazlitt by Tim MilnesMargaret WatkinsTim Milnes. The Testimony of Sense: Empiricism and the Essay from Hume to Hazlitt. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019. Pp. viii + 278. Hardback. ISBN: 9780198812739. $91.00.In his brief autobiography, “My Own Life,” Hume reports that “almost all [his] life has been spent in literary pursuits and occupations” (E-MOL: xxxi). This is one (...)
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    (1 other version)Baudrillard and the Evil Genius.Ryan Bishop & John W. P. Phillips - 2007 - Theory, Culture and Society 24 (5):135-145.
    This article commemorates Jean Baudrillard’s career with an account of the consistency of his interventionist logic, the subtlety of his styles of argument and the prescience of his observations. It provides an account of Baudrillard’s sustained engagement with the intensification of simulation that has increasingly codified trends in communications, technology politics, the social, the psychological and economics in the name of functionality. The consistency of Baudrillard’s arguments belies the many superficial judgements made about them, which were anyway often knowingly (...)
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    Anthropocentrism, Logocentrism, and Neural Networks: Victoria Davion Prefigures Some Important Lessons from Nature.Ronnie Hawkins - 2018 - Ethics and the Environment 23 (2):37.
    In her 2002 essay, "Anthropocentrism, Artificial Intelligence, and Moral Network Theory: An Ecofeminist Perspective," Victoria Davion points out, utilizing Val Plumwood's ecofeminist analysis, the faulty anthropocentric, logocentric assumptions made both within the artificial intelligence (AI) community, generating serious problems in the effort to build "intelligent" machines, and in moral philosophy, its "rule-based picture of moral reasoning" (169) coming under fire from the emerging field of neural net research. Davion demonstrates prescience regarding the direction in which both disciplines eventually move, (...)
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    Mitigating the Necessity of the Past in the Second Half of the Twelfth Century: Future-Dependent Predestination.Wojciech Wciórka - 2019 - Vivarium 58 (1-2):29-64.
    Early twelfth-century logicians invoked past-tensed statements with future-oriented contents to undermine the assumption that every proposition ‘about the past’ is determinate. In the second half of the century, the notion of future-dependence was used to restrict the scope of necessity per accidens. At some point, this idea began to be applied in theology to solve puzzles surrounding predestination, prescience, prophecy, and faith. In the mid-1160s, Magister Udo quotes some thinkers who insisted that the principle of the necessity of the (...)
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    History and Tropology: The Rise and Fall of Metaphor.F. R. Ankersmit - 1994 - University of California Press.
    "The chief business of twentieth-century philosophy” is “to reckon with twentieth-century history," claimed R. G. Collingwood. In this remarkable collection of essays, Frank Ankersmit demonstrates the prescience of that remark and goes a long way toward meeting its challenge. Responding to the work of Hayden White, Arthur Danto, and Hans-Georg Gadamer, he examines such issues as the difference between historical representation and artistic expression, the status of metaphor in historical description, and the relation of postmodernism to historicism. Ankersmit's fluent (...)
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    Jacob Klein’s Two Prescient Discoveries.Eva Brann - 2011 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 11:144-153.
    I present two of Jacob Klein’s chief discoveries from a perspective of peculiar fascination to me: the enchanting (to me) contemporaneous significance, the astounding prescience, and hence longevity, of his insights. The first insight takes off from an understanding of the lowest segment of the so-called DividedLine in Plato’s Republic. In this lowest segment are located the deficient beings called reflections, shadows, and images, and a type of apprehension associatedwith them called by Klein “image-recognition” (εἰκασία). The second discovery involves (...)
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    Monologion ; Proslogion.Anselmus Cantuariensis - 1986 - Paris: Cerf. Edited by Michel Corbin & Anselm.
    t. 1. Monologion ; Proslogion -- t. 2. Le grammairien ; De la vérité ; La liberté du choix ; La chute du diable -- t. 3. Lettre sur l'incarnation du Verbe ; Pourquoi un Dieu-homme -- t. 4. La conception virginale et le péché originel ; La procession du Saint Esprit ; Lettres sur les sacrements de l'Église ; Du pouvoir et de l'impuissance -- t. 5. Sur l'accord de la prescience, de la prédestination et de la grâce (...)
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    The Party's Over (Almost): Terminal Celebration in Contemporary Film.Tony Bartlett - 1998 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 5 (1):1-13.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE PARTY'S OVER (ALMOST): TERMINAL CELEBRATION IN CONTEMPORARY FILM Tony Bartlett Syracuse University Movies are a universal language, and as we approach more and more integrated levels of global economy and communication they increasingly become a universal symbol system. At these levels a modern movie from China orNigeria will display swiftly recognizable sensibilities and situations to any viewer in Europe or the USA, and vice versa. But should we (...)
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    Baudrillard and the Evil Genius.Ryan Bishop & John W. P. Phillips - 2007 - Theory, Culture and Society 24 (5):135-145.
    This article commemorates Jean Baudrillard’s career with an account of the consistency of his interventionist logic, the subtlety of his styles of argument and the prescience of his observations. It provides an account of Baudrillard’s sustained engagement with the intensification of simulation that has increasingly codified trends in communications, technology politics, the social, the psychological and economics in the name of functionality. The consistency of Baudrillard’s arguments belies the many superficial judgements made about them, which were anyway often knowingly (...)
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    Freedom Isn't Academic [review of Conrad Russell, Academic Freedom and An Intelligent Person's Guide to Liberalism ].William Bruneau - 2005 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 25 (2):180-184.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:_Russell_ journal (home office): E:CPBRRUSSJOURTYPE2502\REVIEWS.252 : 2006-02-27 11:52  Reviews FREEDOM ISN’T ACADEMIC W B Educational Studies / U. of British Columbia Vancouver, , Canada   .@. Conrad Russell. An Intelligent Person’s Guide to Liberalism. London: Duckworth, . Pp. . £. (hb). Academic Freedom. London and New York: Routledge, . Pp. xi, . £. (pb). ho is the intelligent person of the first title? Is it the brainy (...)
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    Disorders of Consciousness, Past, Present, and Future.Joseph J. Fins - 2019 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 28 (4):603-615.
    Abstract:This paper, presented as the 2019 Cambridge Quarterly Neuroethics NetworkCharcot Lecture, traces the nosology of disorders of consciousness in light of 2018 practice guidelines promulgated by the American Academy of Neurology, the American College of Rehabilitation Medicine and the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research. By exploring the ancient origins of Jennett and Plum’s persistent vegetative state and subsequent refinements in the classification of disorders of consciousness—epitomized by the minimally conscious state, cognitive motor dissociation, and the recently (...)
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    Owl.John Hollander - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (1):163-166.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:OwlJohn HollanderOwlNow that the owl-light—in the time between Dog and wolf, as some call it—ends, we wait As you alight on an unseen Branch to interrogateThe listener and the rememberer; Lost outlines heighten—as last colors fade— The sounder darkness you confer Upon the spruce’s shade.Deluded by the noonlight’s wide display Of everything, our vision floats through thin Spaces of ill-illumined day: How we are taken inBy what we take (...)
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    Relativistic Notion of Mass and a Resolution of a Conflict Between Schopenhauer and Hegel.L. P. Horwitz & Ari Belenkiy - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 32 (6):963-979.
    We discuss a mass change that has its origin in the action of forces on an object. This phenomenon, well-known in the context of quantum field theory (mass renormalization), can be discussed systematically in both classical and quantum mechanics in a framework given by Stückelberg. We employ this framework to resolve an interesting conflict of opinions between Schopenhauer and Hegel in the mid-19th century. We show that Hegel, Kant, and Schopenhauer demonstrated remarkable prescience in their views as seen from (...)
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    Une conception pragmatique de l’a priori.Clarence Irving Lewis - 2021 - Philosophia Scientiae 25:195-204.
    Le concept [the conception] d’a priori touche deux problèmes persistants en philosophie : celui du rôle joué par l’esprit lui-même dans la connaissance, et celui de la possibilité d’une « vérité nécessaire» ou d’une connaissance « indépendante de l’expérience». Or, les conceptions traditionnelles de l’a priori se sont avérées intenables. Que l’esprit appréhende le flux de l’immédiateté avec quelque prescience divine des principes qui légifèrent sur l’expérience, qu’il y ait la moindre lumière...
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    The Strange Case of the Infected Essences.James Mattea - 1989 - Philosophy and Theology 3 (3):265-282.
    Following a short summary of the free-will problem as it applies to the question of God’s prescience, I offer a detailed analysis and critique of Plantinga’s and Maritain’s efforts to reconcile these two notions. I end by arguing that a process interpretation, similar to that of Whitehead, is also incapable of providing the needed reconciliation.
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    Edmund Burke and our present discontents.Jim McCue - 1997 - London: Claridge Press.
    Published On The Bicentenary Of Edmund Burke`S Death, This Book Honours His Prescience And His Continuing Pertinence By Calling For A Return To His Principles, Arguing That Many Of Today`S Discontents Stem From A Tendency To Repeat The Mistakes Of The Revolutionaries.
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  49. Augustine on divine foreknowledge and human free will.Ann Pang - 1994 - Revue d' Etudes Augustiniennes Et Patristiques 40 (2):417-432.
    Afin d'aller au-delà de la critique formulée par Rowe sur la défense de la prescience divine et du libre-arbitre par Augustin, l'A. affirme qu'il y a deux raisonnements dans le De Liberio Arbitrio III, ii-iv. Il fait la distinction entre la capacité à vouloir x, la capacité à vouloir simpliciter et le pouvoir d'accomplir la volonté. La capacité à vouloir simpliciter fait partie du pouvoir de l'individu. Ainsi, pour Augustin, la capacité à vouloir se réduit à la capacité à (...)
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    The Light of Reason”: Reading the Leviathan with “The Werckmeister Harmonies.Michael J. Shapiro - 2017 - Political Theory 45 (3):385-415.
    In this essay I stage an encounter between Hobbes’s Leviathan and two versions of the “The Werckmeister Harmonies” (a chapter in Laszlo Krasznahorkai’s novel The Melancholy of Resistance [1998] and a film version of the story by the director Bela Tarr [2000]). The story contains a number of Hobbes icons, for example, an enormous stuffed whale and a “Prince,” both of which arrive with a circus that comes to a Hungarian town and precipitates fear and chaos. I argue that the (...)
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