Results for ' purification'

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  1.  62
    Purification through emotions: The role of shame in Plato’s Sophist 230b4–e5.Laura Candiotto - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (6-7):576-585.
    This article proposes an analysis of Plato’s Sophist that underlines the bond between the logical and the emotional components of the Socratic elenchus, with the aim of depicting the social valence of this philosophical practice. The use of emotions characterizing the ‘elenctic’ method described by Plato is crucial in influencing the audience and is introduced at the very moment in which the interlocutor attempts to protect his social image by concealing his shame at being refuted. The audience, thanks to Plato’s (...)
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    The Purification of Struggle in Foucault's Analysis of Ancient Philosophy.Charles E. Snyder - 2024 - Rethinking Marxism: A Journal of Economics, Culture and Society 36 (4):507-523.
    In The Hermeneutics of the Subject, Michel Foucault criticizes modern historiography for presupposing a factitious theory of the subject. Foucault rejects this presupposition and pursues an alternative style of historiography, organized by the analysis of epimeleia heautou (“care of the self”). Aiming his criticism solely at its theory of the purified subject, Foucault overlooks the deeper structural incoherence of modern historiography. This oversight leads Foucault to an uncritical embrace of a style of historiography that enacts its own form of (...). In the reading developed here, Foucault systematically purges the history of class struggle from the analysis of self-care. This essay introduces the outlines of a Marxian approach to ancient practices of care of the self that is nonreductive and nondeterminist in and through a reading of Foucault. In this approach, the organization of classes and the practices of care of the self that materialize within a society are to be understood historically as constantly shaping and influencing one another. (shrink)
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    Nationalisms: Purification, Privilege, Pride, and Protection.Jonathan Wolff - forthcoming - Studia Philosophica Estonica:96-106.
    In the aftermath of WW2, nationalism was regarded by many political philosophers as an afront to civilized values. Yet at the same time nationalism has been an important means by which former colonies have attained and protected their independence. Once this distinction is made, it is clear that there are different types of nationalism, used in different circumstances, and for different purposes, and many political theorists have attempted to distinguish acceptable and unacceptable forms of nationalism. In this paper, I contribute (...)
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    No Purification Ontology, No Quantum Paradoxes.Giacomo Mauro D’Ariano - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (12):1921-1933.
    It is almost universally believed that in quantum theory the two following statements hold: all transformations are achieved by a unitary interaction followed by a von-Neumann measurement; all mixed states are marginals of pure entangled states. I name this doctrine the dogma of purification ontology. The source of the dogma is the original von Neumann axiomatisation of the theory, which largely relies on the Schrődinger equation as a postulate, which holds in a nonrelativistic context, and whose operator version holds (...)
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    Purification in Homer.M. M. Gillies - 1925 - Classical Quarterly 19 (2):71-74.
    The religious value which we are entitled to attach to instances of purification in the Homeric poems is extremely small. It is important at the outset of the inquiry to get away from pre-conceived ideas founded on later religious practice, in the light of which the Homeric examples are instinctively interpreted. Chapter and verse from fifth century and later parallels is not necessarily authority for reading a religious significance into the account of an apparently secular act in Homer.
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    Preference purification and the inner rational agent: a critique of the conventional wisdom of behavioural welfare economics.Gerardo Infante, Guilhem Lecouteux & Robert Sugden - 2016 - Journal of Economic Methodology 23 (1):1-25.
    Neoclassical economics assumes that individuals have stable and context-independent preferences, and uses preference satisfaction as a normative criterion. By calling this assumption into question, behavioural findings cause fundamental problems for normative economics. A common response to these problems is to treat deviations from conventional rational choice theory as mistakes, and to try to reconstruct the preferences that individuals would have acted on, had they reasoned correctly. We argue that this preference purification approach implicitly uses a dualistic model of the (...)
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    Purification and pollution in Aeschylus' Eumenides.Keith Sidwell - 1996 - Classical Quarterly 46 (01):44-.
    ‘The issues surrounding Orestes’ purification are some of the most difficult in all of Aeschylus’ wrote A. L. Brown in 1982. Despite the appearance since then of an overall treatment of pollution and three editions of the play, there continue to be disagreements about the matter. In this paper I suggest that we may be better able to understand the treatment of purification if we focus on the importance of Orestes’ pollution to the particular version of the story (...)
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    Approaches to purification and concentration of rAAV vectors for gene therapy.Lyubava Belova, Konstantin Kochergin-Nikitsky, Anastasia Erofeeva, Alexander Lavrov & Svetlana Smirnikhina - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (6):2200019.
    Recombinant adeno‐associated viruses (rAAVs) are promising vectors for the delivery of various genetic constructs into eukaryotic cells. rAAVs have a number of properties that make it possible to successfully use them both in vitro and in vivo. Purification and concentration of rAAV vectors are critical for achieving high viral titer, stability, efficiency, and purity. This review systematically analyses all available purification approaches. The purification methods described in this work differ substantially from each other in mechanisms, efficiency, labor (...)
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    Purification: Engineering Water and Producing Politics.Astrid Oberborbeck Andersen - 2018 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 43 (3):379-400.
    In Arequipa, Peru’s second largest city, engineers work hard to control water flows and provide different sectors with clean and sufficient water. In 2011, only 10 percent of the totality of water used daily by Arequipa’s then close to 1 million people—in households, tourism, industry, and mining—was treated before it was returned to the river where it continues its flow downstream towards cultivated fields and, finally, into the Pacific Ocean. It takes specialized knowledge and manifold technologies to manage water and (...)
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    Purification in Plato’s Symposium.Mary Cunningham - 2021 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 25 (2):339-347.
    Scholars often take purification to be a concept that persists the same throughout Plato’s dialogues. Generally, they take it to mean the separation of the soul from the body, picking up on Socrates’s account at Phaedo 67c–d. I do not find that this account of purification endures throughout the dialogues. In this paper, I argue that in Symposium Diotima describes purification differently. I argue that her account of purification emphasizes preparedness for encountering the forms, not the (...)
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  11. La purification plotinienne.Jean Trouillard - 1958 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 63 (1):120-122.
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  12. Purification de la mémoire.Georges Cottier - 2000 - Nova et Vetera 75 (3):33-42.
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  13. Purification of medical terms in Turkish: A study on the significance of mother tongue for language and thought.Binnur Erdag I. Dog - 2008 - Semiotica 2008 (172):25-31.
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    The Purification of Form.Michael V. Wedin - 2000 - In Michael V. Wedin (ed.), Aristotle's Theory of Substance : The Categories and Metaphysics Zeta: The Categories and Metaphysics Zeta. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Chapters 10 and 11 are critical to the argument of Metaphysics Zeta: these chapters are concerned with the purification of form. Z.10 introduces the apparatus of part and whole and consists of an argument to the end that form and its parts have priority over the other internal structural components of c‐substances, i.e. matter and the compound of form and matter; while in Z.11 Aristotle argues that form and its parts cannot involve any admixture of matter. Wedin argues that (...)
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    Purification of medical terms in Turkish: A study on the significance of mother tongue for language and thought.Binnur Erdaği Doğuer - 2008 - Semiotica 2008 (172):25-31.
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  16. Purification and Protests: The Murder of Black Bodies in America.Alex Kakuyo - 2021 - In Valerie Mason-John (ed.), Afrikan wisdom: new voices talk Black liberation, Buddhism, and beyond. Berkeley: North Atlantic Books.
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  17. The Purification of Theory for Practice: Louis Althusser and the Traditions of French Marxism.William S. Lewis - 2001 - Dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University
    Through tracing the articulation, rise and eventual fall of Marxist theory in France, I seek in my dissertation to show the difficulties of wedding Marxist theory to ameliorative political practices.Specifically, I follow the development of French Marxism between 1920--1965 in order to demonstrate how the thought of Althusser is a reaction to and correction of both the crude materialist philosophy of the French Communist Party and of the more sophisticated humanist Marxism of such intellectuals as Cornu, Lefebvre, Garaudy, Sartre and (...)
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    Radiolytic purification of CaO by electron beams.K. A. Mkhoyan, J. Silcox, M. A. Mcguire & F. J. Disalvo - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (19):2907-2917.
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    Purification et recréation, le Miserere (Ps. 51).Bernard Renaud - 1988 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 62 (4):201-217.
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    The Econ within or the Econ above? On the plausibility of preference purification.Lukas Beck - 2023 - Economics and Philosophy 39 (3):423-445.
    Scholars disagree about the plausibility of preference purification. Some see it as a familiar phenomenon. Others denounce it as conceptually incoherent, postulating that it relies on the psychologically implausible assumption of an inner rational agent. I argue that different notions of rationality can be leveraged to advance the debate: procedural rationality and structural rationality. I explicate how structural rationality, in contrast to procedural rationality, allows us to offer an account of the guiding idea behind preference purification that avoids (...)
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    Purity, Purification, and Karharsis in Hippocratic Medicine.Bernd Seidensticker & Martin Vöhler - 2007 - In Bernd Seidensticker & Martin Vöhler (eds.), Katharsiskonzeptionen Vor Aristoteles: Zum Kulturellen Hintergrund des Tragödiensatzes. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Permissible preference purification: on context-dependent choices and decisive welfare judgements in behavioural welfare economics.Måns Abrahamson - 2023 - Journal of Economic Methodology 31 (1):17-35.
    Behavioural welfare economics has lately been challenged on account of its use of the satisfaction of true preferences as a normative criterion. The critique contests what is taken to be an implicit assumption in the literature, namely that true preferences are context-independent. This assumption is considered not only unjustified in the behavioural welfare economics literature but unjustifiable – true preferences are argued to be, at least sometimes, context-dependent. This article explores the implications of this ‘critique of the inner rational agent’. (...)
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  23.  12
    Truth, purification and power: Foucault’s genealogy of purity and impurity in and after The Will to Know lectures.Kate Lampitt Adey & Robbie Duschinsky - 2014 - European Journal of Social Theory 17 (4):425-442.
    Foucault’s 1970–71 lectures at the Collège de France, The Will to Know, highlight the significance of themes of purity and impurity in Western thought. Reflecting on these themes coincided with the emergence of Foucault’s theory of power. This article presents the first analysis of Foucault’s investigation of purity and impurity in The Will to Know lectures, identifying the distinctive theory Foucault offers of purity as a discursive apparatus addressing correspondence between the subject and the truth through the image of relative (...)
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    The purification of poetry: A note on the poetics of Ezra pound's ‘cantos’.K. T. S. Campbell - 1968 - British Journal of Aesthetics 8 (2):124-137.
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    Biocontaining: Purification, Restoration, and Meaning-Making.Helen Chapple & David Schenck - 2017 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 60 (2):166-185.
    In this article, we contribute to the ongoing investigation of the social significance of biomedicine by examining a very specific site: the activity of bio-containing in Nebraska during the recent Ebola outbreak. We do this by taking up key insights of Mary Douglas and Victor Turner concerning the essential meaning-making tasks of culture. We demonstrate how biocontaining as an activity contributed to the ongoing meaning-making work in U.S. society during the Ebola crisis in 2014. The analysis is based in significant (...)
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    (1 other version)La purification ethnique et les viols systématiques. Ex-Yougoslavie 1991-1995.Véronique Nahoum-Grappe - 1997 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 1:12-12.
    En décembre 1992, les trois quarts de la Bosnie, ainsi qu’un tiers de la Croatie avaient été et continuaient d’être purifiés ethniquement, c’est à dire que les communautés définies comme non serbes (à Vukovar il y avait plus d’une vingtaine de communautés différentes, appartenant à des sous-groupes religieux ou nationaux spécifiques) étaient en partie chassées, soit en partie massacrées, soit déportées dans des camps de détention dénoncés par la presse américaine en août 92 : ce systéme conce..
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    The final stages of purification in classical yoga.Ian Whicher - 1998 - Asian Philosophy 8 (2):85 – 102.
    This paper attempts to clarify the processes undergone by the yoga practitioner in the later stages of purification according to the classical Yoga of Pata jali. Through a process termed the sattvification of consciousness, the mental processes of the yogin are remolded, reshaped and restructured leading to a transformation of the mind and its functioning. The mind thus can be seen not only as a vehicle of spiritual ignorance, but of liberating knowledge culminating in authentic identity. Yoga philosophy, far (...)
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    The Jaina Path of Purification.Padmanabh S. Jaini - 1983 - Philosophy East and West 33 (2):198-199.
  29. A Study on Miasma, Purification and the Problem of Evil in Modern Cinema: The Case of the Movie La Jauria (2022) (15th edition).Atilla Akalın & Burcu Yüce Akalın - 2024 - International Journal of Eurasia Social Sciences (Ijoess) 15 (55):406-418.
    In the ancient Greek world, the concept of 'miasma,' which becomes permanent and has the potential to grow over time due to evil acts such as murder committed in the city, is a concept frequently referred to in many classical tragedies. To the extent that miasma has a bad connotation due to its nature and is a situation that occurs due to evil actions, it can be considered together with the philosophical problem of evil. In this study, we aim to (...)
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    Purifications et distributions sociales : Platon et le pastorat politique.Arnaud Macé - 2017 - Philosophie Antique 17:101-123.
    Le présent article propose de réévaluer le rôle de l’analogie entre l’art politique et l’art pastoral dans la philosophie politique de Platon et d’offrir ainsi à l’histoire des arts de gouverner un autre aspect du pastorat que celui que Michel Foucault a cherché hors du monde Grec. On a négligé de lire dans cette perspective le passage des Lois, V, 734e-736b où Platon invoque le gardien du troupeau pour mettre en avant une dimension fondamentale de l’art politique, celle qui consiste (...)
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    The Seven Stages of Purification and the Insight Knowledges. Matara Sri Nanarma Mahathera.Maurice Walshe - 1988 - Buddhist Studies Review 5 (1):75-76.
    The Seven Stages of Purification and the Insight Knowledges. Matara Sri Nanarma Mahathera. Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy 1983. xii, 82 pp. $5.00.
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    Punishment and the purification of moral taint.Johann A. Klaassen - 1996 - Journal of Social Philosophy 27 (2):51-64.
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    Ritual Purification of a Balinese Temple.C. G. & J. H. Hooykaas-van Leeuwen Boomkamp - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (1):139.
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    Moral Purification in Sayyid Burhān Al-Dīn Muhakkik-I Tirmidhī.Ender Büyüközkara - 2019 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 14 (1):275-314.
    Çalışmanın konusunu Seyyid Burhaneddin’de ahlakî arınmanın incelenmesi teşkil etmektedir. İnceleme üç temel soru çerçevesinde yürütülür. İlk soru, kirlerin neler olduğu ve nelerin bu kirlerden arındırılması gerektiğine yöneliktir. Bu bağlamda Seyyid Burhaneddin’in beden, dünya, nefs, gönül, can, ruh vb. hususlarla alakalı görüşleri ele alınmaktadır. Diğer bir soru ise söz konusu arınmanın nasıl gerçekleştirileceğine ilişkindir ki Seyyid Burhaneddin’in mücahede, riyazat, söz, bilgi gibi kavramlara dair görüşleri doğrultusunda bir yanıt verilmeye çalışılır. Arınmanın ve buna binaen yetkinleşmenin sonucu kişinin ulaşacağı mertebe ne olacaktır? Son (...)
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    Kantian Critique, Its Ethical Purification by Hermann Cohen, and Its Reflective Transformation by Wilhelm Dilthey.Rudolf A. Makkreel - 2020 - In María Del Del Rosario Acosta López & Colin McQuillan (eds.), Critique in German Philosophy: From Kant to Critical Theory. Albany: SUNY Press. pp. 263-279.
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  36. A comment on ‘A Multidimensional Scale for Measuring Business Ethics: A Purification and Refinement’.R. Eric Reidenbach & Donald P. Robin - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (8):663-664.
    This comment is offered in response to Hansen's "A Multidimensional Scale for Measuring Business Ethics: A Purification and Refinement". Five issues arising from Hansen's purification and refinement efforts are addressed. These include the issues of parsimony, predictive validity, collinearity, reliability, and what we see as a confusion between normative and positive theory.
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    Platonic Epogōgē and the “Purification” of the Method of Collection.Holly G. Moore - 2019 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 23 (2):353-364.
    Despite Aristotle’s claim in Topics I that all dialectical argument is either syllogism or epagōgē, modern scholars have largely neglected to assess the role of epagōgē in Platonic dialectic. Though epagōgē has no technical use in Plato, I argue that the method of collection (which, along with division (diairēsis), is central to many of the dialogues’ accounts of dialectic) functions as the Platonic predecessor to Aristotelian epagōgē. An analysis of passages from the Sophist and Statesman suggests that collection is a (...)
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  38. Comment comprendre leur purification en Luc II, 22?Rene Robert - 1990 - Revue Thomiste 90 (3):449-455.
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    The Kantian purification of law and politics.John Stanton-Ife - 1998 - Angelaki 3 (1):59 – 66.
  40.  17
    Science, Pollution, and Clean Drinking Water: Choosing Between Tap Water, Bottled Water, and Home Purification.Franz Foltz - 1999 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 19 (4):300-309.
    Focusing on the recent explosion in the use of bottled water, this article—originally written for my NASTS conference presentation—will examine the rhetoric used by the bottled water industry and home purification system providers to affect the public’s idea of clean, pure, dirty, and polluted water. Bottlers argue that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) provides better regulation of bottled water than the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) could ever do for tap water, though the EPA and the FDA use basically (...)
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    Equality, Recollection, and Purification.Kenneth Dorter - 1972 - Phronesis 17 (3):198-218.
  42. Structural thought in mystical purification of Juan-de-la-Cruz-proposed interpretation.J. Sanchezdemurillo - 1976 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 83 (2):266-292.
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  43.  26
    On the Purification of Women: Churching in Northern France, 1100–1500.Madeline Smith - 2013 - The European Legacy 18 (6):800-802.
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    Development of Purification and Insight.Phra Acharn Thawee Baladhammo - 1988 - Buddhist Studies Review 5 (1):3-20.
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    The Concept of Purification in some Texts of late Indian Buddhism.Francesco Sferra - 1999 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 27 (1/2):83-103.
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    Russia-Orthodox "rite purification" of Greek Uniate Church and its tragic consequences for ruthenian-ukrainians of holm and southern Pidliashshia.Nadiya Stokolos - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 73:122-129.
    The main milestones, means, methods and consequences of the practice of «cleansing rituals» faithful Uniate diocese of Chelm during the 1830's - mid 1870's. As an important part of government measures to its incorporation into the Russian Orthodox Church.
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    The Relation Between Explicitation and Translation Expertise in the Rendition of Nominalisation and Participles in Legal Qurʾānic Verses Specific to Purification and Prayer into English: A Corpus-Based Study.Rafat Y. Alwazna - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (4):1717-1747.
    This paper addresses the relation between explicitation and translation expertise in the rendition of nominalisation and participles in the legal Qurʾānic verses specific to purification and prayer. It uses a corpus-based method: _The Qurʾānic Arabic Corpus_. The paper argues that most of the expert Qurʾān translators explicitate in rendering nominalisation and participles in the legal verses specific to purification and prayer into English in the said corpus. They explicitate in the form of both addition and specification with varying (...)
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  48. The Janus head of Bachelard’s phenomenotechnique: from purification to proliferation and back.Massimiliano Simons - 2017 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 8 (3):689-707.
    The work of Gaston Bachelard is known for two crucial concepts, that of the epistemological rupture and that of phenomenotechnique. A crucial question is, however, how these two concepts relate to one another. Are they in fact essentially connected or must they be seen as two separate elements of Bachelard’s thinking? This paper aims to analyse the relation between these two Bachelardian moments and the significance of the concept of phenomenotechnique for today. This will be done by examining how the (...)
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    hammam et la culture de la purification chez les femmes de la Medina et de son hawz: le cas des rituels festifs familiaux à Tlemcen et Ain el Hûts.Mustapha Guenaou - 2020 - Studium 24:147-171.
    Cette contribution entre dans le cadre d’une série d’études qui porte, essentiellement, sur un lieu d’histoire et de mémoire du corps de la femme. Il s’agit du hammam, dans sa langue d’origine et le bain maure chez les francophones, dans la conception de la population de l’ancienne capitale du Maghreb central et son hawz. Par son passé, il remonte à une date lointaine. Le hammam reprend ses fonctions principales pour prendre une place dans la société arabo musulmane. Très fréquenté par (...)
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    On ISRC Rumor Spreading Model for Scale-Free Networks with Self-Purification Mechanism.Zijun Wang & An Chen - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-9.
    At present, the feasibility of using self-purification mechanism to inhibit rumor spreading has been confirmed by studies from different perspectives. This paper improves the classical rumor spreading models with self-purification mechanism, analyzes the correlation between spreading threshold in the model and its self-purification level theoretically, and conducts numerical simulations to study the impact of the changes of model parameters on key indicators in the process of rumor spreading. The simulation results show that changes of model parameters, including (...)
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