Results for ' reform'

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  1. F. Rapp,^ eucharistie à la veille de la réformation 5.à la Veille de la Réformation - 2005 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 85:5.
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  2. Alan Carter.Eco-Reformism Eco-Authoritarianism - 1996 - Cogito 10:115.
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  3. Illustrations of human vivisection..Sydney Richmond Vivisection Reform Society & Taber (eds.) - 1907 - Chicago,: Vivisection Reform Society.
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    The Ethics of Punishment.William Temple & Howard League for Penal Reform - 1930 - Howard League for Penal Reform.
  5. Expropriation as a measure of corporate reform: Learning from the Berlin initiative.Philipp Stehr - 2025 - European Journal of Political Theory 24 (1):70-91.
    A citizens’ movement in Berlin advocates for the expropriation of housing corporations and has won a significant majority in a popular referendum in September 2021. Building on this proposal, this paper develops a general account of expropriation as a measure for corporate reform and thereby contributes to the ongoing debate on the democratic accountability of business corporations. It argues that expropriation is a valuable tool for intervention in a dire situation in some economic sector to enable a re-structuring of (...)
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    The Change of Heart, Moral Character and Moral Reform.Conrad Damstra - 2023 - Kantian Review 28 (4):555-574.
    I examine Kant’s claim in part one ofReligion within the Boundaries of Mere Reasonthat moral reform requires both a ‘change of heart’ and gradual reformation of one’s sense (R,6: 47). I argue that Kant’s conception of moral reform is neither fundamentally obscure nor is it as vulnerable to serious objections as several commentators have suggested. I defend Kant by explaining how he can maintain both that we can choose our moral disposition via an intelligible choice and that we (...)
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  7. Restoring Responsibility: Promoting Justice, Therapy and Reform Through Direct Brain Interventions.Nicole A. Vincent - 2014 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 8 (1):21-42.
    Direct brain intervention based mental capacity restoration techniques-for instance, psycho-active drugs-are sometimes used in criminal cases to promote the aims of justice. For instance, they might be used to restore a person's competence to stand trial in order to assess the degree of their responsibility for what they did, or to restore their competence for punishment so that we can hold them responsible for it. Some also suggest that such interventions might be used for therapy or reform in criminal (...)
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  8. Books Available List.Kerry T. Burch, Pak-Sang Lai, Michael Byram, Bettina L. Love, Darren E. Lund, E. Lisa Panayotidis, Hans Smits, Jo Towers, Richard Ognibene & A. Persistent Reformer - 2013 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 49 (1).
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  9. Books available list.Susan J. Lamon, Richard Ognibene & A. Persistent Reformer - 2012 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 48 (3).
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  10. Translations.T. M. KnoxThe German ConstitutionOn the Recent Domestic Affairs Of Wurtemberg, Especially on the Inadequacy of the Municipal constitutionProceedings of the Estates Assembly in the Kingdom Of Wurtemberg & BillThe English Reform - 1964 - In Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Political writings. New York: Garland.
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  11. Bangladesh’s July-August Uprising: A Student Movement That Transcended Quota Reform.Kazi Huda - 2024 - Countercurrents.
    In this commentary, I explain how a student movement evolved from a social movement for quota reform into a political movement demanding regime change. I argue that the key factor enabling this transformation was its ability to unite various factions, which shifted public sentiment from addressing specific grievances to mounting a broader challenge to the regime.
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    Looking a Trojan Horse in the Mouth: Problematizing Philosophy for/with children's Hope for Social Reform Through the History of Race and Education in the Us.Jonathan Wurtz - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-27.
    Many P4/WC practitioners and theorists privilege the school as a space for thinking and practicing philosophy for/with children. Despite its coercive nature, thinkers such as Jana Mohr Lone, David Kennedy, and Nancy Vansieleghem argue that P4C is a Trojan horse intended to reform the education system from within. I argue, however, that the Trojan horse argument requires us to internalize an incomplete and historically decontextualized understanding of public schools that in turn can reify histories of white supremacy within our (...)
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  13. (1 other version)The natural duty of justice in non-ideal circumstances: On the moral demands of institution building and reform.Laura Valentini - 2017 - European Journal of Political Theory 20 (1).
    Principles of distributive justice bind macro-level institutional agents, like the state. But what does justice require in non-ideal circumstances, where institutional agents are unjust or do not e...
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    The Marketplace of Ideas: Reform and Resistance in the American University.Louis Menand - 2010 - W.W. Norton.
    Argues that outdated institutional structures and higher educational philosophies are negatively contrasting with significant changes in today's faculties and student bodies with a result that higher education is more competitive and less ...
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    Moral judgment, self-determination, and toleration: Reflecting on reform intervention at the outer limits.Lucia M. Rafanelli - forthcoming - European Journal of Political Theory.
    Here, I reply to three commentaries on my recent book, Promoting Justice Across Borders: The Ethics of Reform Intervention. The main topics include the scope of the category “reform intervention,” to what extent it is appropriate to evaluate economic activity using moral criteria, the meaning of collective self-determination and its relationship to democracy, and the limits of toleration as a moral ideal.
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  16. Redefining and Extending the Public Use of Reason: Republic and Reform in Kant’s Conflict of the Faculties.Roberta Pasquarè - manuscript
    With An Answer to the Question: What Is Enlightenment? (1784) and What Does It Mean to Orient Oneself in Thinking? (1786), Kant presents the concept of public use of reason and defines its requirements, scope, and function. In outline, the public use of reason consists in sharing one’s thoughts with “the entire public of the world of readers” (8:37). As for its requirements, to the extent that someone communicates in their own person, i.e. not in the exercise of their function (...)
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    Understanding the space of nursing practice in Colombia: A critical reflection on the effects of health system reform.Pilar Camargo Plazas - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (3):e12242.
    Worldwide, healthcare has been touched by neoliberal policies to the extent that it has some of its characteristics, such as being asymmetrical, competitive, dehumanized, and profit driven. In Colombia, Law 100/93 was created as an ambitious reform aimed at integrating the social security and public sectors of healthcare in order to create universal access, and at the same time to generate market competence with the objective of improving effectiveness and responsiveness. Instead, however, Colombian health reform has served to (...)
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  18. From old school to reform school?Jack Kloppenburg & Neva Hassanein - 2006 - Agriculture and Human Values 23 (4):417-421.
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    Identity Work as Ethical Self-Formation: The Case of Two Chinese English-as-Foreign-Language Teachers in the Context of Curriculum Reform.Anne Li Jiang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Curriculum reform urges teachers to constantly reflect on existing identities and develop probably whole new identities. Yet, in the wake of the poststructuralist view of identity as a complex matter of the social and the individual, of discourse and practice, and of agency and structure, teacher identity is a process of arguing for themselves and hence ethical and political in nature. Drawing on Foucault’s notion of ethical self-formation and its adoption by Clarke “Diagram for Doing Identity Work” in teacher (...)
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    Johann Nikolaus Tetens’ Critical Foundations of the First Project for the Reform of Metaphysics.Sergii Secundant & Manuel Sanchez-Rodrigez - 2024 - Sententiae 43 (3):99-112.
    Tetens is usually considered the main representative of English empiricism in 18th-century German philosophy. In order to find out how fair this characterization is, the authors turn to the analysis of the critical foundations of the project of reform of metaphysics proposed by Tetens in his early article “Reflections on Some Reasons Why There Are So Few Settled Truths in Metaphysics” (1760). Having analyzed the arguments of this article, the authors prove: 1) Tetens's project for the reform of (...)
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  21.  15
    Changes in Judicial Behaviour after the Reform of the Lithuanian Civil Procedure.Vytautas Nekrošius & Jurgis Bartkus - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 35 (2 Special).
    The article aims to assess whether the procedural innovations introduced by the reform of the civil procedure law of the Republic of Lithuania have brought changes in judges’ behaviour, which the reform intended to achieve. The study analyses the driving reason behind the reform of the civil procedure law, its objectives, and the ways the five innovations brought about by the reform changed the behaviour of the judges. The analysis of the legal sources and the empirical (...)
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  22.  25
    Collingwood and the Reform of Metaphysics: A Study in the Philosophy of Mind.Lionel Rubinoff - 1970 - [Toronto]: University of Toronto Press.
  23. Brentano's reform of logic.Peter M. Simons - 1987 - Topoi 6 (1):25-38.
  24.  17
    From Ethical Analysis to Legal Reform.Wibren van der Burg - 2022 - De Ethica 7 (1):41-59.
    Ethical analysis may result in recommendations for legal reform. This article discusses the problem of how academic researchers can go from ethical normative judgments to recommendations for law reform. It develops a methodological framework for what may be called ‘ethical transplants’: transplanting ethical normative judgments into legislation. It is an inventory of the issues that need to be addressed, but not a substantive normative theory. It may be especially helpful for Ph.D. students and beginning researchers working in interdisciplinary (...)
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  25. Everyone at the table: Religious activism and health care reform in massachusetts.David M. Craig - 2012 - Journal of Religious Ethics 40 (2):335-358.
    Using interviews with activists and Lisa Sowle Cahill's concept of participatory discourse, this article examines how the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization (GBIO) built solidarity for the 2006 Massachusetts health care reform law. The analysis explores the morally formative connections between GBIO's activist strategies and its public liturgy for reform. The solidarity generated through this interfaith coalition's activities and religious arguments contrasts with two standard types of policy discourse, economics and liberalism. Arguments for health care reform based on (...)
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    Expensive Patients, Reinsurance, and the Future of Health Care Reform.Govind Persad - 2019 - Emory Law Journal 69.
    In 2017, Americans spent over $3.4 trillion-nearly 18% of gross domestic poduct-on health care. This spending is unevenly distributed: Almost a quarter is spent on the costliest 1% of patients, and almost half on the costliest 5%. Most of these patients soon return to a lower percentile, but many continue to incur health care costs in the top percentiles year after year. This Article focuses on the challenges that persistently expensive patients present for health law and policy, and how fairly (...)
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    “Why Don’t They Change?” Law Reform, Tradition and Widows’ Rights in Ghana.Augustina Akoto - 2013 - Feminist Legal Studies 21 (3):263-279.
    Widows form a sub-set of an already beleaguered gendered minority in societies where law is but one of a competing number of social orders. This can render widows vulnerable and often outside the protection of State law and at the behest of (discriminatory) customary laws. Ghana enacted the Intestate Succession Law 1985 (P.N.D.C.L.111) to grant widows the right to inherit from the estate of the deceased. However, the law has had little impact. Personal narrative analysis was used to ascertain the (...)
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    The Development of European Integration and EU Constitutional Reform.Michael Dougan - 2015 - In Dennis Patterson, A Companion to European Union Law and International Law. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 26–41.
    The Schuman Plan was enthusiastically endorsed by the Benelux countries, France, Germany, and Italy, but the United Kingdom declined to participate, refusing to accept the supranational role of the projected High Authority. The treaty Establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) was signed in Paris on 18 April 1951. The European Economic Community (EEC) has provided the core framework for the process of European integration. The Single European Act (SEA) also inserted into the EEC Treaty a number of specific (...)
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    Local self-government bodies in the process of municipal reform: trends and patterns of development.М. Р Зазулина - 2024 - Siberian Journal of Philosophy 21 (3):88-105.
    The article is devoted to the study of the development patterns of the local government system in the Russian Federation. The submission to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the draft Federal Law «On the general principles of the organization of local self-government in the unified system of public authority» in December 2021 means the preparation of a new stage of municipal reform and makes it relevant to study long-term changes in the institutional organization of local self-government. (...)
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    "Learn to philosophize": the Role of the History of Philosophy and Argumentation Theory in the Reform of Philosophical Education.Sergiy Secundant - 2018 - Sententiae 37 (1):219-232.
    The author proves the crucial role of the reform of philosophical education in the context of the socio-economic crisis. Without this reform, it is impossible to form a new mentality. Respectively, without changing the mentality, other reforms are not possible. Criticizing the Soviet command-and-control system, the author argues that its system remains in the very structure of Ukrainian universities. The reform of philosophical education, according to the author, should lie (1) in the democratization of the educational process (...)
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    Post-Divorce Maintenance Rights for Muslim Women in Pakistan and Iran: Making the Case for Law Reform.Ayesha Shahid - 2018 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 15 (1):59-98.
    Protecting women and children is one of the core values of the Islamic legal tradition. In Muslim countries religious, constitutional, and legal frameworks obligate the state to take special measures to provide protection to women and children within families and in society. However, despite such provisions, post-divorce maintenance rights are not granted to women in Pakistan and Iran. Family law enacted in Pakistan and Iran still differs in form and substance from what has been mentioned in the primary sources of (...)
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    Crossing the doorsteps for social reform: The social crusades of Florence Kelley and Ellen Richards.Gabrielle Soudan, David Philippy & Harro Maas - 2021 - Science in Context 34 (4):501-525.
    ArgumentThis paper contrasts the research strategies of two women reformers, Florence Kelley and Ellen Swallow Richards, which entailed different strategies of social reform. In the early 1890s, social activist Florence Kelley used the social survey as a weapon for legal reform of the working conditions of women and children in Chicago’s sweatshop system. Kelley’s case shows that her surveys were most effective as “grounded” knowledge, rooted in a local community with which she was well acquainted. Her social survey, (...)
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    National Regulatory Authorities in the Energy Sector of Ukraine: Problems of the Legal Status in the Context of the European Integration and the Administrative Reform.Yuliya Vashchenko - 2013 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 20 (3):1231-1248.
    The article explores the problems of the legal status of the regulatory authorities in the energy sector of Ukraine in the context of the administrative reform currently taking place in the Ukraine and the fulfillment of the EU requirements in this sphere. Based on the analysis of the EU legislation, in particular Directive 2009/72/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 13 July 2009 concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity and repealing Directive 2003/54/EC and Directive (...)
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    Corruption networks and implications for ethical corruption reform.Richard P. Nielsen - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 42 (2):125 - 149.
    The problem this article focuses on is not the isolated individual act of corruption, but the systematic, pervasive sub-system of corruption that can and has existed across historical periods, geographic areas, and political-economic systems. It is important to first understand how corrupt and unethical subsystems operate, particularly their network nature, in order to reform and change them while not becoming what we are trying to change. Twelve key system elements are considered that include case examples from Asia, Latin America, (...)
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    Immaterial Spirits and the Reform of First Philosophy: The Compatibility of Kant’s pre-Critical Metaphysics with the Arguments in Dreams of a Spirit-Seer.Matthew Rukgaber - 2018 - Journal of the History of Ideas 79 (3):363-383.
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    Kant’s Reform of Metaphysics: A Response to My Critics.Karin de Boer - 2022 - Kantian Review 27 (1):139-153.
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    Bioethics and Healthcare Reform: A Whig Response to Weak Consensus.Griffin Trotter - 2002 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 11 (1):37-51.
    Contemporary bioethics begins with the perception that medical values are a matter of public, rather than merely professional, interest. Such was the message of delegates in Helsinki and of the New Jersey court that decided for Quinlan. It is a theme that lurks within almost every major bioethical treatise since the first edition of PrinciplesofBioethics. This perception also undergirds the increasingly popular suggestion that moral authority in the patient-physician relationship resides neither in the medical profession, nor in the singular will (...)
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  38. Opinion and Reform in Hume's Political Philosophy.John B. STEWART - 1992 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 50 (3):502-506.
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    Roundtable on Deregistration and Gender Law Reform Internationally.Jess Smith, Pieter Cannoot, Pierre Cloutier de Repentigny, Lena Holzer, Shelley Leung, Tanya Ni Mhuirthile, Evan Vipond & Nipuna Varman - 2023 - Feminist Legal Studies 31 (1):145-161.
    In this roundtable discussion, early-career researchers working in the field of law, gender, and sexuality discuss international and trans-national developments to legal gender. ‘The Future of Legal Gender’ research project focused on the legislative framework of England and Wales to develop a prototype for decertification. The domestic legislation, however, was situated within a wider international context throughout the project. This roundtable discussion, therefore, provided an opportunity for reflection on the transnational issues raised by decertification, with a particular focus on developments (...)
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    The Principles of Constitutional Reform.Jacob Weinrib - 2019 - Kantian Review 24 (4):631-651.
    In legal orders around the world, commitments to democracy, liberalism and constitutionalism are increasingly eroding. Although political and constitutional theorists often lament this trend, they invariably adopt frameworks that are indifferent to these commitments. My aims in this article are both critical and constructive. As a critical matter, I will expose the indifference of the leading political and constitutional theories to the emergence, maintenance and refinement of liberal democratic constitutional orders. As a constructive matter, I will draw on Immanuel Kant’s (...)
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    Gender, ‘race’, poverty, health and discourses of health reform in the context of globalization: a postcolonial feminist perspective in policy research.Joan M. Anderson - 2000 - Nursing Inquiry 7 (4):220-229.
    Gender, ‘race’, poverty, health and discourses of health reform in the context of globalization: a postcolonial feminist perspective in policy researchIn this paper, I draw on extant literature and my empirical work to discuss the impact of globalization and healthcare reform on the lives of women — those from countries of the South as well as of the North. First, I review briefly the economic hardships identified in different sectors of the population that have been attributed to how (...)
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  42.  78
    From Valla to Viète: The Rhetorical Reform of Logic and its Use in Early Modern Algebra.Giovanna Cifoletti - 2006 - Early Science and Medicine 11 (4):390-423.
    Lorenzo Valla's rhetorical reform of logic resulted in important changes in sixteenth-century mathematical sciences, and not only in mathematical education and in the use of mathematics in other sciences, but also in mathematical theory itself. Logic came to be identified with dialectic, syllogisms with enthymemes and necessary truth with the limit case of probable truth. Two main ancient authorities mediated between logical and mathematical concerns: Cicero and Proclus. Cicero's 'common notions' were identified with Euclid's axioms, so that mathematics could (...)
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  43.  49
    Parental choice and educational reform in Britain and the United States.Tony Edwards & Geoff Whitty - 1992 - British Journal of Educational Studies 40 (2):101-117.
  44.  78
    Health at the Center of Health Systems Reform: How Philosophy Can Inform Policy.Joachim P. Sturmberg, Carmel M. Martin & Mark M. Moes - 2010 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 53 (3):341-356.
    We are never illness or disease, but, rather, always their sum in the world of day-to-day experience. Disease and illness are not closed systems, but mutually constitutive and continuously interacting worlds. In the patient’s case it is always experience as well. Pain, sickness and death help make that particular experienced identity unavoidable, and at some level ultimately inaccessible to medicine’s changing understanding of disease and tools for managing it. Health—rather than cost containment, specific conditions, or technologies—should be the central focus (...)
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  45.  39
    The Parliamentary Inquiry into Mitochondrial Donation Law Reform (Maeve’s Law) Bill 2021 in Australia: A Qualitative Analysis.Jemima W. Allen, Christopher Gyngell, Julian J. Koplin & Danya F. Vears - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 21 (1):67-80.
    Recently, Australia became the second jurisdiction worldwide to legalize the use of mitochondrial donation technology. The Mitochondrial Donation Law Reform (Maeve’s Law) Bill 2021 allows individuals with a family history of mitochondrial disease to access assisted reproductive techniques that prevent the inheritance of mitochondrial disease. Using inductive content analysis, we assessed submissions sent to the Senate Committee as part of a programme of scientific inquiry and public consultation that informed drafting of the Bill. These submissions discussed a range of (...)
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  46.  16
    Leaving a Legacy for my Children: The One-Child Policy Reform and Engagement in CSR Among Family Firms in China.Douglas Cumming, Jun Hu & Huiying Wu - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 193 (3):611-632.
    The reform of China’s one-child policy allows families to have more children and thus may affect anticipation of intergenerational succession of family businesses and drive family firms to improve their corporate social responsibility (CSR). Using a difference-in-differences design, we find that the reform positively affects the CSR of family firms. We also find that the positive impact is more pronounced for family firms whose owners have fewer children, have no son, and have not yet surpassed reproductive age (older (...)
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  47.  53
    Revolution, no! Reform, si!Daniel C. Dennett - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (5):636-637.
    Van Gelder's hard line against representations is not supported or supportable, and his soft line in favor of dynamical systems thinking as a supplement to representational models of cognition is good advice, but not revolutionary, as he seems to think.
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    Revolution or Reform: The Chemical Revolution and Eighteenth Century Concepts of Scientific Change.C. E. Perrin - 1987 - History of Science 25 (4):395-423.
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    Replication and reform: Vagaries of a social movement.James Walkup - 2021 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 41 (2):131-133.
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    Could the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 be Helpful in Reforming Corporate America? An Investigation on Financial Bounties and Whistle-Blowing Behaviors in the Private Sector.Kelly Richmond Pope & Chih-Chen Lee - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 112 (4):597-607.
    The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the availability of financial bounties and anonymous reporting channels impact individuals’ general reporting intentions of questionable acts and whether the availability of financial bounties will prompt people to reveal their identities. The recent passage of the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 creates a financial bounty for whistle-blowers. In addition, SOX requires companies to provide employees with an anonymous reporting channel option. It is unclear of the (...)
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