Results for ' reproductive health care'

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  1.  33
    Conscience in Reproductive Health Care: Prioritizing Patient Interests.Carolyn McLeod - 2020 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    Conscience in Reproductive Health Care responds to the growing worldwide trend of health care professionals conscientiously refusing to provide abortions and similar reproductive health services in countries where these services are legal and professionally accepted. Carolyn McLeod argues that conscientious objectors in health care should prioritize the interests of patients in receiving care over their own interest in acting on their conscience. She defends this "prioritizing approach" to conscientious objection over (...)
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    McLeod’s Conscience in Reproductive Health Care: Fiduciary Duties Beyond Reproductive Care, the Role of the Pharmacist, and the Harms and Wrongs of Conscientious Refusals.Javiera Perez Gomez - 2022 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 15 (2):137-143.
    McLeod's Conscience in Reproductive Health Care offers a number of valuable contributions to the literature, both within and beyond reproductive care. In this commentary, I begin by discussing two potential applications of her argument that healthcare professionals—specifically, those "who are charged with gatekeeping access to healthcare services" —have a fiduciary duty of loyalty to prioritize the interests of their patients over their own. Then, I turn to a couple of concerns one might raise about extending (...)
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    Conscientious refusals to provide reproductive health care: Carolyn McLeod: Conscience in reproductive health care: prioritizing patient interests. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020, 224 pp, £40.00 HB.Carolyn Mason - 2020 - Metascience 30 (1):131-134.
  4.  29
    A Summary of Conscience in Reproductive Health Care: Prioritizing Patient Interests.Carolyn McLeod - 2022 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 15 (2):131-136.
    At the 2022 Central American Philosophical Association meeting, there was an Author-Meets-Critics session on Carolyn McLeod’s book, Conscience in Reproductive Health Care: Prioritizing Patient Interests. The event was organized and chaired by Heather Stewart and sponsored by the APA Committee on the Status of Women and Kate Norlock, chair of that committee. There were four speakers, including McLeod and three “critics”: Javiera Perez Gomez, Alison Reinheld, and Jennifer Parks, who were all generous enough to provide McLeod with (...)
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    Extensions, Applications, and New Directions for Thinking About McLeod’s Conscience in Reproductive Health Care.Heather Stewart - 2022 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 15 (2):167-173.
    As the other entries in this section have surely made clear, Carolyn McLeod's outstanding monograph, Conscience in Reproductive Health Care: Prioritizing Patient Interests, is fertile ground for fruitful philosophical analyses of issues pertaining to conscience, trust, autonomy, and more, all of which are sure to be of great interest and benefit to scholars in areas such as bioethics, health policy, and feminist ethics. Conscience in Reproductive Health Care provides a compelling response to a (...)
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    Situated technology in reproductive health care: Do we need a new theory of the subject to promote person‐centred care?Biljana Stankovic - 2017 - Nursing Philosophy 18 (1):e12159.
    Going through reproductive experiences (especially pregnancy and childbirth) in contemporary Western societies almost inevitably involves interaction with medical practitioners and various medical technologies in institutional context. This has important consequences for women as embodied subjects. A critical appraisal of these consequences—coming dominantly from feminist scholarship—relied on a problematic theory of both technology and the subject, which are in contemporary approaches no longer considered as given, coherent and well individualized wholes, but as complex constellations that are locally situated and that (...)
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    Global Health Care Justice, Delivery Doctors and Assisted Reproduction: Taking a Note From Catholic Social Teachings.Cristina Richie - 2014 - Developing World Bioethics 15 (3):179-190.
    This article will examine the Catholic concept of global justice within a health care framework as it relates to women's needs for delivery doctors in the developing world and women's demands for assisted reproduction in the developed world. I will first discuss justice as a theory, situating it within Catholic social teachings. The Catholic perspective on global justice in health care demands that everyone have access to basic needs before elective treatments are offered to the wealthy. (...)
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  8.  56
    Reproductive Health and Human Rights: Integrating Medicine, Ethics, and Law.Rebecca J. Cook, Bernard M. Dickens & Mahmoud F. Fathalla - 2003 - Oxford, GB: Clarendon Press.
    The concept of reproductive health promises to play a crucial role in improving health care provision and legal protection for women around the world. This is an authoritative and much-needed introduction to and defence of the concept of reproductive health, which though internationally endorsed, is still contested. The authors are leading authorities on reproductive medicine, women's health, human rights, medical law, and bioethics. They integrate their disciplines to provide an accessible but comprehensive (...)
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  9.  42
    Women's rights and reproductive health care in a global perspective.Sirkku Kristiina Hellsten - 2000 - Journal of Social Philosophy 31 (4):382–390.
  10.  22
    McLeod's Conscience in Reproductive Health Care and Its Relationship to Reproductive Freedom and Faith-Based Healthcare.Jennifer Parks - 2022 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 15 (2):153-160.
    Carolyn McLeod's book is timely and important, especially when one considers the state of conscientious objection in a country like the United States. During his presidency, Donald Trump announced an expanded "conscience rule" for healthcare workers according to which they would have the protected right to morally and religiously oppose a variety of procedures, including abortion, sterilization, assisted suicide, and other medical procedures. In 2019, a number of states, local governments, and healthcare organizations brought lawsuits against the proposed rule, leading (...)
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    In Pursuit of a Balance: the Regulation of Conscience and Access to Sexual Reproductive Health Care.Diya Uberoi & Beatriz Galli - 2017 - Human Rights Review 18 (3):283-304.
    In any given society, rights are said to co-exist. When rights, however, begin to conflict, a balance must be sought. In few fields has the ability of governments to accommodate two conflicting sets of rights been so controversial as it has in the case of conscientious objection in reproductive health care. Today, states have an obligation under international law to protect the right to the freedom of thought, conscience, and religion of medical providers. They also, however, have (...)
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  12.  51
    Justified Asymmetries: Positive and Negative Claims to Conscience in Reproductive Health Care.Carolyn McLeod - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (8):60-62.
    A peer commentary on an AJOB article by Kyle Fritz called "Unjustified Asymmetry: Positive Claims of Conscience and Heartbeat Bills.".
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    Brazilian public policies for reproductive health: Family planning, abortion and prenatal care.Dirce Guilhem & Anamaria Ferreira Azevedo - 2007 - Developing World Bioethics 7 (2):68–77.
    ABSTRACT This study is an ethical reflection on the formulation and application of public policies regarding reproductive health in Brazil. The Integral Assistance Program for Women's Health (PAISM) can be considered advanced for a country in development. Universal access for family planning is foreseen in the Brazilian legislation, but the services do not offer contraceptive methods for the population in a regular and consistent manner. Abortion is restricted by law to two cases: risk to the woman's life (...)
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  14.  34
    Reconceiving Reproductive Health Systems: Caring for Trans, Nonbinary, and Gender-Expansive People During Pregnancy and Childbirth.Elizabeth Kukura - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (3):471-488.
    This article examines the barriers to quality health care for transgender, nonbinary, and gender-expansive people (TGE) who become pregnant and give birth, identifying three central themes that emerge from the literature. These insights suggest that significant reform will be necessary to ensure access to safe, appropriate, gender-affirming care for childbearing TGE people. After illustrating the need for systemic changes that untether rigid gender norms from the provision of perinatal care, the article proposes that the Midwives Model (...)
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  15.  59
    Reproductive health status, knowledge, and access to health care among female migrants in Shanghai, China.Wang Feng, Ping Ren, Zhan Shaokang & Shen Anan - 2005 - Journal of Biosocial Science 37 (5):603.
    As the largest labour flow in human history, the recent rise in migration in China has opened up unprecedented opportunities for millions of Chinese to rearrange their lives. At the same time, this process has also posed great challenges to Chinese migrants, especially female migrants, who not only face a bias against ‘outsiders’ but also have a greater need for reproductive health-related services in their migratory destinations. Based on data collected via multiple sources in Shanghai, China’s largest metropolis, (...)
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  16.  17
    Calling for a Pro-Love Movement: A Contextualized Theo-Ethical Examination of Reproductive Health Care and Abortion in the United States.Jeanie Whitten-Andrews - 2018 - Feminist Theology 26 (2):147-159.
    In the midst of extreme and dualistic religio-political debates regarding women’s sexual wellness and abortion, one begins to wonder what a new theo-ethical approach might look like which rejects overly-simplistic, harmful understandings of such crucial issues. What might it look like to truly centre women’s full human experiences, loving each other in a way that addresses harm and meets tangible needs? This article examines the complex inequitable structural and institutional realities of sexual wellness and abortion through an intersectional theo-ethical lens. (...)
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  17. Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on access to HIV and reproductive health care among women living with HIV (WLHIV) in Western Kenya: A mixed methods analysis.Caitlin Bernard, Shukri A. Hassan, John Humphrey, Julie Thorne, Mercy Maina, Beatrice Jakait, Evelyn Brown, Nashon Yongo, Caroline Kerich, Sammy Changwony, Shirley Rui W. Qian, Andrea J. Scallon, Sarah A. Komanapalli, Leslie A. Enane, Patrick Oyaro, Lisa L. Abuogi, Kara Wools-Kaloustian & Rena C. Patel - 2022 - Frontiers in Global Women's Health 3:943641.
    Results: We analyzed 1,402 surveys and 15 in-depth interviews. Many (32%) CL participants reported greater difficulty refilling medications and a minority (14%) reported greater difficulty accessing HIV care during the pandemic. Most (99%) Opt4Mamas participants reported no difficulty refilling medications or accessing HIV/pregnancy care. Among the CL participants, older women were less likely (aOR = 0.95, 95% CI: 0.92–0.98) and women with more children were more likely (aOR = 1.13, 95% CI: 1.00–1.28) to report difficulty refilling medications. Only (...)
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  18. Principles into Practice: An Activist Vision of Feminist Reproductive Health Care.Vicki Van Wagner & Bob Lee - 1989 - In Christine Overall, The Future of Human Reproduction. Women's Press.
  19.  21
    Reproductive Technologies, Care Crisis and Inter-generational Relations in North India: Towards a Local Ethics of Care.Paro Mishra - 2021 - Asian Bioethics Review 13 (1):91-109.
    This paper reflects on the social consequences of biotechnological control of population for values and ethics of care within the family household in rural north India. Based on long-term ethnographic research, it illustrates the manner in which social practices intermingle with reproductive choices and new reproductive technologies, leading to a systematic elimination of female foetuses, and thus, imbalanced sex ratios. This technological fashioning of populations, the paper argues, has far-reaching consequences for the institutions of family, marriage and (...)
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  20.  34
    A new theory of conscientious objection in medicine. Justification and reasonability Robert Card Routledge 2020; 284 Pages. ISBN: 9780367430818 and Carolyn McLeod, Conscience in Reproductive Health Care. Prioritizing Patient Interests, Oxford University Press 2020; 224 Pages ISBN: 9780198732723. [REVIEW]Alberto Giubilini & Francesca Minerva - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (6):602-604.
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  21. Colombian adolescents’ perceptions of autonomy and access to sexual and reproductive health services: an ethical analysis.Bryn Williams-Jones, Julien Brisson & Vardit Ravitsky - 2024 - Journal of Adolescent Research 39 (2):298­-327.
    There are conceptual and ethical challenges to defining adolescents’ autonomy to access health care, and these can lead to health care norms and practices that could be maladjusted to the needs and preferences of adolescents. Particularly sensitive is access to sexual and reproductive health care services (SRHS). Yet, while there has been substantial conceptual work to conceptualize autonomy (e.g., as independence), there is a lack of empirical research that documents the perceptions of adolescents (...)
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  22.  30
    A proposition for an integrated church and community intervention to adolescent and youth sexual reproductive health challenges.Vhumani Magezi - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (2):9.
    Adolescents and youth in South Africa comprise about 30% of the total population. This phenomenon is referred to as a youth bubble. Research shows that 52% of young people have had full penetrative sex by age 17, and yet 35% of teenagers who have sex say they only sometimes wear a condom, while 32% who have sex say they never wear a condom. Furthermore, studies show that more than half (52%) of parents of teenagers and youth are unaware of their (...)
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  23.  49
    (1 other version)Frameworks for Understanding Dilemmas of Health Care in a Globalized World: A Case Study of Reproductive Health Policies in Peru.J. Jaime Miranda & Alicia Ely Yamin - 2005 - Politics and Ethics Review 1 (2):177-187.
    The way health is conceptualized determines the actions taken to protect and promote it and, in turn, the actors responsible for such actions in an increasingly inter-dependent world. This essay presents a brief description of health policies in Peru during the last ten years in order to analyze the implications of paradigms of medical ethics, human rights and quality of care. These paradigms offer distinct ways of formulating, applying and evaluating health policies and understanding the relationship (...)
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  24.  45
    Medical Sexism: Contraception Access, Reproductive Medicine, and Health Care by Jill B. Delston.Deborah McNabb & Lisa Campo-Engelstein - 2021 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 14 (2):200-204.
    In Medical Sexism: Contraception Access, Reproductive Medicine, and Health Care, Jill B. Delston uses a feminist lens to examine the overwhelmingly common gynecological practice of declining to write prescriptions for oral contraceptives unless a woman agrees to an annual Pap smear, which is used to detect precancerous changes, as well as cancer of the cervix. Employing a comprehensive evaluation of the medical literature, Delston methodically builds a strong argument that these measures not only do not follow evidence-based (...)
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  25. A Mixed-Methods Study Exploring Colombian Adolescents’ Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Services: The Need for a Relational Autonomy Approach.Julien Brisson, Vardit Ravitsky & Bryn Williams-Jones - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 21 (1):193-208.
    This study’s objective was to understand Colombian adolescents’ experiences and preferences regarding access to sexual and reproductive health services (SRHS), either alone or accompanied. A mixed-method approach was used, involving a survey of 812 participants aged eleven to twenty-four years old and forty-five semi-structured interviews with participants aged fourteen to twenty-three. Previous research shows that adolescents prefer privacy when accessing SRHS and often do not want their parents involved. Such findings align with the longstanding tendency to frame the (...)
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  26.  28
    Life after death: Ethical issues and principles of mental health care professionals in postmortem reproduction.Frank Odile - 2003 - Global Bioethics 16 (1):81-98.
    Postmortem reproduction refers to normally unnatural situations that are made possible by modern medical technology. It's a definition that applies to a situation in which one parent of an offspring is dead at the time of conception of the offspring or at the time of birth of the offspring. It is a situation which raises complex and multifactorial dilemma as with most issues that concern decisions over human life; accordingly, this discussion of its ethical ramifications is not intended to be (...)
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  27.  83
    New constitutionalism and the social reproduction of caring institutions.Stephen Gill & Isabella Bakker - 2005 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 27 (1):35-57.
    This essay analyzes neo-liberal economic agreements and legal and political frameworks or what has been called the “new constitutionalism,” a governance framework that empowers market forces to reshape economic and social development worldwide. The article highlights some consequences of new constitutionalism for caring institutions specifically, and for what feminists call social reproduction more generally: the biological reproduction of the species; the reproduction of labor power; and the reproduction of social institutions and processes associated with the creation and maintenance of communities. (...)
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  28.  14
    Medical Sexism: Contraception Access, Reproductive Medicine, and Health Care.Jill B. Delston - 2019 - Lexington Books.
    Why do some doctors routinely deny birth control refills without additional tests, and why do some doctors disrespect patient autonomy in decisions about abortions, labor and delivery, organ transplants, and more? This book argues that medical sexism is a major cause of this pervasive mistreatment.
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    Patient-centred discourse in sexual and reproductive health consultations.Edith Weisberg, Jeannette McGregor, Hermine Scheeres, Deborah Bateson, Diana Slade & Helen de Silva Joyce - 2015 - Discourse and Communication 9 (3):275-292.
    There is an increasing recognition internationally of the critical impact of communication within healthcare. The link between ineffective communication, patient dissatisfaction and critical incidents is well established. Family Planning New South Wales has sought to address patient-centred care and communication in its policy platform. This article reports on research conducted within FPNSW, which analysed the discourse features that constituted effective doctor–patient1 communication in sexual and reproductive health consultations. The principal aim of the research was to understand how (...)
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  30.  21
    A Pro-Choice Response to New York’s Reproductive Health Act.Bertha Alvarez Manninen - 2021 - Philosophies 6 (1):15.
    On 22 January 2019, New York state passed the Reproductive Health Act (RHA), which specifies three circumstances under which a healthcare provider may perform an abortion in New York: (1) the patient is within twenty-four weeks of pregnancy, (2) the fetus is non-viable, or (3) the abortion is necessary to protect the patient’s life or health. The first one, that of abortion being accessible within the first twenty-four weeks of pregnancy, is not unique to New York, as (...)
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  31.  15
    The Feminine Condition and Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health in Brazil and France.Simone Santana da Silva, Cinira Magali Fortuna, Gilles Monceau, Marguerite Soulière & Anne Pilotti - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionElements mark the reality of reading the female body in symbolic constructions and social symbols in the exercise of their reproductive health. The study aims to identify elements that characterize the female condition while analyzing the reproductive health of Brazilian and French women.Materials and MethodsA qualitative, multicenter, international study was conducted in Brazil and in France between 2016 and 2019. Data were produced through the use of semi-structured scripts. Focus group discussions and individual interviews were conducted (...)
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  32.  68
    Delivering post-abortion care through a community-based reproductive health volunteer programme in pakistan.Syed Khurram Azmat, Babar T. Shaikh, Ghulam Mustafa, Waqas Hameed & Mohsina Bilgrami - 2012 - Journal of Biosocial Science 44 (6):719.
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  33.  47
    Health care ethics: critical issues for the 21st century.Eileen E. Morrison & Elizabeth Furlong (eds.) - 2019 - Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
    Theory of health care ethics -- Principles of health care ethics -- The moral status of gametes and embryos : storage and surrogacy -- The ethical challenges of the new reproductive technology -- Ethics and aging in America -- -- Healthcare ethics committees : roles, memberships, structure, and difficulties -- Ethics in the management of health information systems -- Technological advances in health care : blessing or ethics nightmare? -- Ethics and safe (...)
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  34.  26
    (1 other version)Setting Health-Care Priorities: A Reply to Massimo Reichlin.Torbjörn Tännsjö - forthcoming - Diametros.
    This is a short reply to Professor Reichlin’s comment on my book Setting Health-Care Priorities. What Ethical Theories Tell Us. The version of prioritarianism I rely on in the book is defended as the most plausible one. The general claim that there is convergence between all plausible theories on distributive justice is also defended with regard to assisted reproduction, disability, and enhancement.
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    Reproductive tourism in argentina: Clinic accreditation and its implications for consumers, health professionals and policy makers.Elise Smith, Jason Behrmann, Carolina Martin & Bryn Williams-Jones - 2009 - Developing World Bioethics 10 (2):59-69.
    A subcategory of medical tourism, reproductive tourism has been the subject of much public and policy debate in recent years. Specific concerns include: the exploitation of individuals and communities, access to needed health care services, fair allocation of limited resources, and the quality and safety of services provided by private clinics. To date, the focus of attention has been on the thriving medical and reproductive tourism sectors in Asia and Eastern Europe; there has been much less (...)
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  36.  14
    What has Kant got to say about conscientious objection to reproductive health in South Africa?E. Lekunze Fritz - 2023 - Developing World Bioethics 24 (3):172-182.
    A woman's right to a safe legal abortion in South Africa conflicts with a health care professional's freedom of conscience. Conscientious objection or treatment refusal on the basis of conscience may be protected by the constitution but its morality has not been explored. This study uses Kantian Deontology to elucidate the ethical duties of health care professionals based on the Physician's Pledge. It concludes that conscience is morally empty and that health care professionals have (...)
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  37.  21
    The delivery of controversial services : Reproductive health and the ethical and religious directives.Maura A. Ryan - 2006 - In David E. Guinn, Handbook of bioethics and religion. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Cochran has argued that Catholic health care occupies a “unique place on the border of public and private life”. Catholic health care is accountable to both its religious and sacramental traditions and its public responsibilities. It is inevitable that “border skirmishes” will arise. Yet there is no single formula for suggesting what public-private collaboration should comprise or how conflicts between values ought to be resolved. It may be, as Cochran suggests, that increasingly bitter conflicts over widely (...)
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  38. Self-Trust and Reproductive Autonomy.Carolyn McLeod - 2002 - MIT Press.
    The power of new medical technologies, the cultural authority of physicians, and the gendered power dynamics of many patient-physician relationships can all inhibit women's reproductive freedom. Often these factors interfere with women's ability to trust themselves to choose and act in ways that are consistent with their own goals and values. In this book Carolyn McLeod introduces to the reproductive ethics literature the idea that in reproductive health care women's self-trust can be undermined in ways (...)
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    Jill B. Delston, Medical Sexism: Contraception Access, Reproductive Medicine, and Health Care[REVIEW]Emily McGill - 2021 - Ethics 131 (4):781-785.
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    Reflections on autonomy in travel for cross border reproductive care.Anita Stuhmcke - 2021 - Monash Bioethics Review 39 (1):1-27.
    Travel for reproductive health care has become a widespread global phenomenon. Within the field, the decision to travel to seek third parties to assist with reproduction is widely assumed to be autonomous. However there has been scant research exploring the application of the principle of autonomy to the experience of the cross-border traveller. Seeking to contribute to the growing, but still small, body of sociological bioethics research, this paper maps the application of the ethical principle of autonomy (...)
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    Health Care Ethics: A Comprehensive Christian Resource by James R. Thobaben.Paul D. Simmons - 2013 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 33 (2):203-205.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Health Care Ethics: A Comprehensive Christian Resource by James R. ThobabenPaul D. SimmonsHealth Care Ethics: A Comprehensive Christian Resource by James R. Thobaben Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press, 2009. 429pp. $28.00In recent years, a stir has been created by the vocal and aggressive involvement of evangelicals in such issues as abortion, homosexuality, and end-of-life decisions. James Thobaben, the dean of Asbury Seminary, provides what he (...)
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    Prioritarianism in Health-Care: Resisting the Reduction to Utilitarianism.Massimo Reichlin - 2021 - Diametros 18 (69):20-32.
    Tännsjö’s book Setting Health-Care Priorities defends the view that there are three main normative theories in the domain of distributive justice, and that these theories are both highly plausible in themselves, and practically convergent in their normative conclusions. All three theories point to a somewhat radical departure from the present distribution of medical resources: in particular, they suggest redirecting resources from marginal life extension to the care of mentally ill patients. In this paper I wish to argue, (...)
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  43.  27
    Health Care Ethics in Canada. Jocelyn Baylis, Françoise Downie, Benjamin Freedman, Barry Hoffmaster, and Susan Sherwin Toronto: Harcourt Brace, 1995. xiv + 576 pp., $39.95. [REVIEW]R. W. Krutzen - 1998 - Dialogue 37 (3):590-591.
    Health Care Ethics is another addition to the growing number of texts that attempt to provide a much-needed Canadian perspective on many of the issues that arise in the delivery of health care. The readings are divided into three parts: “The Nature and Context of Health Care Ethics”; “Decision-Making in Health Care”; and “Decisions Near the Beginning and End of Life.” Collectively, they cover a variety of different issues—pluralism and multiculturalism, resource allocation (...)
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    Freedom of Conscience and Health Care in the United States of America: The Conflict Between Public Health and Religious Liberty in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.Peter West-Oram - 2013 - Health Care Analysis 21 (3):237-247.
    The recent confirmation of the constitutionality of the Obama administration’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) by the US Supreme Court has brought to the fore long-standing debates over individual liberty and religious freedom. Advocates of personal liberty are often critical, particularly in the USA, of public health measures which they deem to be overly restrictive of personal choice. In addition to the alleged restrictions of individual freedom of choice when it comes to the question of whether (...)
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    Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health: Undermining Public Health, Facilitating Reproductive Coercion.Aziza Ahmed, Dabney P. Evans, Jason Jackson, Benjamin Mason Meier & Cecília Tomori - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (3):485-489.
    Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health continues a trajectory of U.S. Supreme Court jurisprudence that undermines the normative foundation of public health — the idea that the state is obligated to provide a robust set of supports for healthcare services and the underlying social determinants of health. Dobbs furthers a longstanding ideology of individual responsibility in public health, neglecting collective responsibility for better health outcomes. Such an ideology on individual responsibility not only enables a shrinking of (...)
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    Healthy respect: ethics in health care.R. S. Downie - 1994 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Kenneth C. Calman & Ruth A. K. Schröck.
    The book offers an introduction to the moral concepts and value of health care. It is written by a moral philosopher, a doctor and a nurse and contains questions, cases and exercises which are suitable for medical, nursing and all students and commentators on health care. Moral dilemmas include consent, confidentiality, the giving or withholding of information, and the economics of health care. The issues of artificial reproduction, terminal care and the research and (...)
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    The Canadian Health Care System: An Analytical Perspective.Eike-Henner W. Kluge - 1999 - Health Care Analysis 7 (4):377-391.
    The Canadian health care system is a publicly fundedsystem based on the philosophy that health is a right,not a commodity. The implementation of thisperspective is hampered by the fact that the CanadianConstitution makes health care a matter of provincialjurisdiction, while most taxing powers lie in thehands of the federal government. Further problemsarise because of Canada's geographic nature and a moveto regionalization of provincial health careadministration. The issue is compounded byrecent developments in reproductive technologies,aboriginal (...)
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    Protecting Abortion with State Health Care Freedom of Choice.Tracy Thomas - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (3):601-605.
    This essay examines the right of health care freedom of choice contained in some state constitutions. It explores how courts have, and could, use this constitutional health care right as a basis for recognizing or reinforcing a fundamental right to choose an abortion.
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    Reproductive Technologies and Free Speech.Sonia M. Suter - 2021 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 49 (4):514-530.
    The Supreme Court and lower courts have not articulated a clear or consistent framework for First Amendment analysis of speech restrictions in health care and with respect to abortion. After offering a coherent doctrine for analysis of speech restrictions in the doctor-patient relationship, this piece demonstrates how potential legislation restricting patient access to information from reproductive testing intended to limit “undesirable” reproductive choices would violate the First Amendment.
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  50.  11
    Justice, luck & responsibility in health care: philosophical background and ethical implications for end-of-life care.Yvonne Denier, Chris Gastmans & T. Vandevelde (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Springer.
    In this book, an international group of philosophers, economists and theologians focus on the relationship between justice, luck and responsibility in health care. Together, they offer a thorough reflection on questions such as: How should we understand justice in health care? Why are health care interests so important that they deserve special protection? How should we value health? What are its functions and do these make it different from other goods? Furthermore, how much (...)
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