Results for ' symbolic convergence theory'

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  1.  41
    Understanding Communication of Sustainability Reporting: Application of Symbolic Convergence Theory.Mohammed Hossain, Md Tarikul Islam, Mahmood Ahmed Momin, Shamsun Nahar & Md Samsul Alam - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (2):563-586.
    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the nature of rhetoric and rhetorical strategies that are implicit in the standalone sustainability reporting of the top 24 companies of the Fortune 500 Global. We adopt Bormann’s :396–407, 1972) SCT framework to study the rhetorical situation and how corporate sustainability reporting messages can be communicated to the audience. The SCT concepts in the sustainability reporting’s communication are subject to different types of legitimacy strategies that are used by corporations as a validity (...)
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    Bourdieu and Adorno: Converging theories of culture and inequality.David Gartman - 2012 - Theory and Society 41 (1):41-72.
    The theories of Pierre Bourdieu and Theodor Adorno both conceive culture as legitimating the inequalities of modern societies. But they postulate different mechanisms of legitimation. For Bourdieu, modern culture is a class culture, characterized by socially ranked symbolic differences among classes that make some seem superior to others. For Adorno, modern culture is a mass culture, characterized by a socially imposed symbolic unity that obscures class differences behind a facade of leveled democracy. In his later writings, however, Bourdieu’s (...)
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    From Symbolic Forms to Lexical Semantics: Where Modern Linguistics and Cassirer's Philosophy Start to Converge.Daniel Dor - 1999 - Science in Context 12 (4):493-511.
    The ArgumentErnst Cassirer's theory of language as a symbolic form, one of the richest and most insightful philosophies of language of the twentieth century, went virtually unnoticed in the mainstreams of modern linguistics. This was so for what seems to be a good metatheoretical reason: Cassirer insisted on the constitutive role of meaning in the explanation of linguistic phenomena, a position which was explicitly rejected by both American Structuralists and Chomskian Generativists. In the last decade, however, a new (...)
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  4. Strong convergence in finite model theory.Wafik Boulos Lotfallah - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (3):1083-1092.
    In [9] we introduced a new framework for asymptotic probabilities, in which a $\sigma-additive$ measure is defined on the sample space of all sequences $A = $ of finite models, where the universe of An is {1, 2, .., n}. In this framework we investigated the strong 0-1 law for sentences, which states that each sentence either holds in An eventually almost surely or fails in An eventually almost surely. In this paper we define the strong convergence law for (...)
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    ‘Tool of Empowerment’: The Rhetorical Vision of Title Nine.Aimee Edmondson - 2011 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 7 (1):135-154.
    ‘Tool of Empowerment’: The Rhetorical Vision of Title Nine This study of the mail order catalog Title Nine, a California-based women's athletic clothing company, employs symbolic convergence theory and fantasy theme analysis through the context of third wave feminism. The catalog, named after the federal law in the United States that was intended to equalize opportunities between men's and women's participation in sports, creates a distinct social reality in an effort to empower readers. Similar studies have analyzed (...)
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    A new cultural theory of aesthetics: genes, memes, symbols, and simulacra.Roberto Terrosi - 2023 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book develops a theory of aesthetics that criticizes scientific and philosophical reductionism that denies the importance of culture in art and taste, but its theory accepts some fundamental aspects of Neo-Darwinist theory of culture by addressing points of convergence among the notions of meme, simulacrum, and symbol.
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  7. Convergence to the truth and nothing but the truth.Kevin T. Kelly & Clark Glymour - 1989 - Philosophy of Science 56 (2):185-220.
    One construal of convergent realism is that for each clear question, scientific inquiry eventually answers it. In this paper we adapt the techniques of formal learning theory to determine in a precise manner the circumstances under which this ideal is achievable. In particular, we define two criteria of convergence to the truth on the basis of evidence. The first, which we call EA convergence, demands that the theorist converge to the complete truth "all at once". The second, (...)
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    Almost Indiscernible Sequences and Convergence of Canonical Bases.Itaï Ben Yaacov, Alexander Berenstein & C. Ward Henson - 2014 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 79 (2):460-484.
    We give a model-theoretic account for several results regarding sequences of random variables appearing in Berkes and Rosenthal [12]. In order to do this,•We study and compare three notions of convergence of types in a stable theory: logic convergence, i.e., formula by formula, metric convergence (both already well studied) and convergence of canonical bases. In particular, we characterise א0-categorical stable theories in which the last two agree.•We characterise sequences that admit almost indiscernible sub-sequences.•We apply these (...)
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    Symbolic interactionism and critical perspective: Divergent or synergistic?Patricia M. Burbank & Diane C. Martins - 2010 - Nursing Philosophy 11 (1):25-41.
    Throughout their history, symbolic interactionism and critical perspective have been viewed as divergent theoretical perspectives with different philosophical underpinnings. A review of their historical and philosophical origins reveals both points of divergence and areas of convergence. Their underlying philosophies of science and views of human freedom are different as is their level of focus with symbolic interactionism having a micro perspective and critical perspective using a macro perspective. This micro/macro difference is reflected in the divergence of their (...)
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    Intermediality in the Age of Global Media Networks – Including Eleven Theses on its Provocative Power for the Concepts of "Convergence," "Transmedia Storytelling" and "Actor Network Theory".Juergen E. Mueller - 2015 - Substance 44 (3):19-52.
    Narrative allegory is distinguished from mythology as reality from symbol; it is, in short, the proper intermedium between person and personification. Where it is too strongly individualized, it ceases to be allegory […]. In the community of scholars of intermedia research, the above quoted citation is commonly regarded as Coleridge’s coining of the term “intermedium” or “intermediality”. However, a short glance at the discursive strategy of his argument emphasizes that his notion of “intermedium” must be closely linked to the poetics (...)
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  11. Frames and Ambivalence in Context: An Analysis of Hands-On Experts' Perception of the Welfare of Animals in Traveling Circuses in The Netherlands. [REVIEW]Hanneke J. Nijland, Noelle M. C. Aarts & Reint Jan Renes - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (3):523-535.
    The results of an empirical study into the perceptions of “hands-on” experts concerning the welfare of (non-human) animals in traveling circuses in the Netherlands are presented. A qualitative approach, based on in-depth conversations with trainers/performers, former trainers/performers, veterinarians, and an owner of an animal shelter, conveyed several patterns in the contextual construction of perceptions and the use of dissonance reduction strategies. Perceptions were analyzed with the help of the Symbolic Convergence Theory and the model of the frame (...)
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  12. Modes of Convergence to the Truth: Steps Toward a Better Epistemology of Induction.Hanti Lin - 2022 - Review of Symbolic Logic 15 (2):277-310.
    Evaluative studies of inductive inferences have been pursued extensively with mathematical rigor in many disciplines, such as statistics, econometrics, computer science, and formal epistemology. Attempts have been made in those disciplines to justify many different kinds of inductive inferences, to varying extents. But somehow those disciplines have said almost nothing to justify a most familiar kind of induction, an example of which is this: “We’ve seen this many ravens and they all are black, so all ravens are black.” This is (...)
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  13.  11
    Remarks on Convergence of Morley Sequences.Karim Khanaki - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (3):1339-1357.
    We refine results of Gannon [6, Theorem 4.7] and Simon [22, Lemma 2.8] on convergence of Morley sequences. We then introduce the notion of eventual $NIP$, as a property of a model, and prove a variant of [15, Corollary 2.2]. Finally, we give new characterizations of generically stable types (for countable theories) and reinforce the main result of Pillay [17] on the model-theoretic meaning of Grothendieck’s double limit theorem.
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  14.  50
    Joseph Becker and Leonard Lipshitz. Remarks on the elementary theories of formal and convergent power series. Fundament a mathematicae, vol. 105 , pp. 229–239. - Françoise Delon. Indécidabilité de la théorie des anneaux de séries formelles à plusiers indéterminées. Fundament a mathematicae, vol. 112 , pp. 215–229. - J. Becker, J. Denef, and L. Lipshitz. Further remarks on the elementary theory of formal power series rings. Model theory of algebra and arithmetic, Proceedings of the Conference on Applications of Logic to Algebra and Arithmetic held at Karpacz, Poland, September 1–7, 1979, edited by L. Pacholski, J. Wierzejewski, and A. J. Wilkie, Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 834, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, and New York, 1980, pp. 1–9. - Françoise Delon. Hensel fields in equal characteristic p > 0. Model theory of algebra and arithmetic, Proceedings of the Conference on Applications of Logic to Algebra and Arithmetic held at Karpacz, Poland, September 1–7, 1979, edited by. [REVIEW]S. Basarab - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (3):853-854.
  15.  14
    It’s Not Irony, it’s Interest Convergence: A CRT Perspective on Racism as Public Health Crisis Statements.Tomar Pierson-Brown - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (4):693-702.
    Racism as a Public Health Crisis Statements (RPHCs) acknowledge the reality that racism must be eradicated to ensure health justice: a fair and just opportunity for all individuals to be healthy. Scholars of critical race theory (CRT) have expressed doubt when it comes to the capacity of law-related institutions to catalyze or sustain anti-racist efforts. These strains of skepticism underscore the question of whether so many RPHCS were adopted precisely because, in many instances, they were merely symbolic acts. (...)
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  16.  29
    Thin-Sliced Thoughts and Theory's Ends.Mark Andrejevic - 2010 - Mediatropes 2 (2):45-64.
    This article explores a variety of techniques for “cutting through the clutter” in an era of information glut: body language, neuromarketing, and data mining. It traces connections between these different strategies by arguing that they converge on an understanding of the social, political, and economic roles of information, which challenge the empowering promise of the digital information revolution. The attempt to short-circuit the discursive content of communication in order to get straight at the underlying sentiment is symptomatic of an impasse (...)
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  17. Sign and Symbol in Hegel's "Aesthetics".Paul de Man - 1982 - Critical Inquiry 8 (4):761-775.
    We are far removed, in this section of the Encyclopedia on memory, from the mnemotechnic icons described by Francis Yates in The Art of Memory and much closer to Augustine's advice about how to remember and to psalmodize Scripture. Memory, for Hegel, is the learning by rote of names, or of words considered as names, and it can therefore not be separated from the notation, the inscription, or the writing down of these names. In order to remember, one is forced (...)
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  18.  34
    The Analysis of Self-Presentation of Fortune 500 Corporations in Corporate Web Sites.Hyehyun Hong, Hyunmin Lee & Jongmin Park - 2016 - Business and Society 55 (5):706-737.
    In the digital age, many corporations communicate with their publics via online channels. Among many channels, a corporation’s official Web site is often used for informing publics of its performance and other corporate-related information and for shaping a positive corporate image. This study quantitatively analyzed corporate Web sites, particularly the “About us” Web pages of Fortune 500 corporations based on symbolic convergence theory, which describes the formation of symbolic reality and the shared meaning of that (...) reality among the public. A content analysis revealed that economic corporate management was the dominant rhetorical vision, and the fantasy, in the context of SCT, of being a superior company was emphasized by the 500 examined corporations. Such symbolic reality was constructed using corresponding structural tools of Web content, such as dramatis personae, plot line, and scene. In addition, the rhetorical vision and fantasy themes created by the Web sites turned out to be contingent on business classifications. Companies that pursued other types of fantasy themes and rhetorical visions were also identified. Some suggestions for corporate communicators are provided based on the results of this analysis. (shrink)
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  19.  36
    Logical Aspects of Rates of Convergence in Metric Spaces.Eyvind Martol Briseid - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (4):1401 - 1428.
    In this paper we develop a method for finding, under general conditions, explicit and highly uniform rates of convergence for the Picard iteration sequences for selfmaps on bounded metric spaces from ineffective proofs of convergence to a unique fixed point. We are able to extract full rates of convergence by extending the use of a logical metatheorem recently proved by Kohlenbach. In recent case studies we were able to find such explicit rates of convergence in two (...)
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  20.  48
    A note on the learning-theoretic characterizations of randomness and convergence.Tomasz Steifer - forthcoming - Review of Symbolic Logic:1-15.
    Recently, a connection has been established between two branches of computability theory, namely between algorithmic randomness and algorithmic learning theory. Learning-theoretical characterizations of several notions of randomness were discovered. We study such characterizations based on the asymptotic density of positive answers. In particular, this note provides a new learning-theoretic definition of weak 2-randomness, solving the problem posed by (Zaffora Blando, Rev. Symb. Log. 2019). The note also highlights the close connection between these characterizations and the problem of (...) on random sequences. (shrink)
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  21.  57
    Passing strange: The convergence of evolutionary science with scientific history.William H. McNeill - 2001 - History and Theory 40 (1):1–15.
    In the second half of the twentieth century, a surprising change in the notion of scientific truth gained ground when an evolutionary cosmology made the Newtonian world machine into no more than a passing phase of the cosmos, subject to exceptions in the neighborhood of Black Holes and other unusual objects. Physical and chemical laws ceased to be eternal and universal and became local and changeable, that is, fundamentally historical instead, and faced an uncertain, changeable future just as they had (...)
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  22.  24
    Material and Symbolic Forces in the Evolution of Regulatory Institutions of Agrobiotechnology: A Case Study About Brazil.Francisco José Mendes Duarte & Evaldo Henrique Silva - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (6):909-929.
    The wide and complex range of technologies produced and used in the contemporary societies has challenged the analysis from the different fields of social sciences. In this sense, in order to elaborate a study that aim at understanding the relationship between technological progress and the ongoing institutional changes that mark the capitalist societies, we believe it is necessary to adopt an interdisciplinary approach combining methodologies from Economics and Sociology fields. Therefore, this study proposes the development of an interdisciplinary dialogue between (...)
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  23.  45
    Quantum Worldviews: How science and spirituality are converging to transform consciousness for meaningful solutions to wicked problems.Chris Laszlo, Sandra Waddock, Anil Maheshwari, Giorgia Nigri & Julia Storberg-Walker - 2021 - Humanistic Management Journal 6 (3):293-311.
    This article focuses on the concept of worldviews, arguing that a change in managerial worldviews is the key lever for addressing the social and global challenges facing humanity. We draw from a new synthesis of science and spirituality, with the addition of “other ways of knowing” that go beyond rational-empirical analysis, to suggest that what we call Quantum Worldviews are capable of generating the prosocial and pro-environmental behavior consistent with humanistic management. Using the yin-yang symbol as a metaphor, we suggest (...)
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  24.  27
    Calculi of Epistemic Grounding Based on Prawitz’s Theory of Grounds.Antonio Piccolomini D’Aragona - 2022 - Studia Logica 110 (3):819-877.
    We define a class of formal systems inspired by Prawitz’s theory of grounds. The latter is a semantics that aims at accounting for epistemic grounding, namely, at explaining why and how deductively valid inferences have the power to epistemically compel to accept the conclusion. Validity is defined in terms of typed objects, called grounds, that reify evidence for given judgments. An inference is valid when a function exists from grounds for the premises to grounds for the conclusion. Grounds are (...)
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  25. In Dialogue: A Response to Estelle R. Jorgensen,?Four Philosophical Models of the Relationship Between Theory and Practice?Randall Everett Allsup - 2005 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 13 (1):104-108.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy of Music Education Review 13.1 (2005) 104-108 [Access article in PDF] A Response to Estelle R. Jorgensen, "Four Philosophical Models of the Relationship Between Theory and Practice" Randall Everett Allsup Teachers College, Columbia University Each of the four philosophical models that Estelle Jorgensen has put forth contests, adheres to, or adjusts the hierarchical relationships between dualities, specifically the theory and practice of musical learning. The dichotomy (...)
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  26.  65
    Critique of Reason and the Theory of Value: Groundwork of a Phenomenological Marxism.Ian Angus - 2017 - Husserl Studies 33 (1):63-80.
    There are three steps in my description of the ground-problem of value: First, Husserl’s analysis of the crisis of reason is based on the systematic loss and phenomenological recovery of the intuitive evidence of the lifeworld. But if letter symbols are essential to formalizing abstraction, as Klein’s de-sedimentation of Vieta’s institution of modern algebra shows, then the ultimate substrates upon which formalization rests cannot be “individuals” in Husserl’s sense. The consequence of the essentiality of the letter symbols to formalization is (...)
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  27.  11
    Symbolic Legislation Theory and Developments in Biolaw.Bart van Klink, Britta van Beers & Lonneke Poort (eds.) - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This edited volume covers new ground by bringing together perspectives from symbolic legislation theory on the one hand, and from biolaw and bioethics on the other hand. Symbolic legislation has a bad name. It usually refers to instances of legislation which are ineffective and that serve other political and social goals than the goals officially stated. Recently, a more positive notion of symbolic legislation has emerged in legislative theory. From this perspective, symbolic legislation is (...)
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    A convergence theory of similarity.Stephen C. Pepper - 1937 - Philosophical Review 46 (6):596-608.
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  29. (1 other version)Symbol and Theory, A Philosophical Study of Theories of Religion in Social Anthropology.John Skorupski - 1978 - Mind 87 (347):468-472.
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    Symbol and Theory: A Philosophical Study of Theories of Religion in Social Anthropology.John Skorupski - 1976 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Anthropologists have always been concerned with the difference between traditional and scientific modes of thought and with the relationships between magic, religion and science. John Skorupski distinguishes two broadly opposed approaches to these problems: the 'intellectualist' regards primitive systems of thought and actions as cosmologies, comparable to scientific theory, which emerge and persist as attempts to control the natural world; the 'symbolist' regards them as essentially representative or expressive of the pattern of social relations in the culture in which (...)
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  31.  18
    Converging Theory and Practice: example selection in moral philosophy.William Vitek - 1992 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 9 (2):171-182.
    ABSTRACT There is a growing trend in moral philosophy that reflects a return to a more ancient perspective of the subject matter wherein moral theory and moral practice are thought to converge. Like their Greek and Hellenistic predecessors, contemporary moral philosophers are again analysing virtues and character traits, drawing normative conclusions at the end of arguments, and testing their theories against examples from common life. Unfortunately, this literature is still cluttered with abstract, general, unlikely, and cleverly‐constructed examples that are (...)
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  32.  68
    Beyond “Monologicality”? Exploring Conspiracist Worldviews.Bradley Franks, Adrian Bangerter, Martin W. Bauer, Matthew Hall & Mark C. Noort - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:250235.
    Conspiracy theories (CTs) are widespread ways by which people make sense of unsettling or disturbing cultural events. Belief in CTs is often connected to problematic consequences, such as decreased engagement with conventional political action or even political extremism, so understanding the psychological and social qualities of CTs belief is important. CTs have often been understood to be “monological”, displaying the tendency for belief in one conspiracy theory to be correlated with belief in (many) others. Explanations of monologicality invoke a (...)
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  33.  10
    Symbol and Theory. A Philosophical Study of Theories of Religion in Social Anthropology.M. H. Weston - 1980 - Philosophical Quarterly 30 (120):281-282.
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    Back to the Future: Small Modular Reactors, Nuclear Fantasies, and Symbolic Convergence.M. V. Ramana & Benjamin K. Sovacool - 2015 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 40 (1):96-125.
    In this article, we argue that scientists and technologists associated with the nuclear industry are building support for small modular reactors by advancing five rhetorical visions imbued with elements of fantasy that cater to various social expectations. The five visions are as follows: a vision of risk-free energy would eliminate catastrophic accidents and meltdowns. A vision of indigenous self-energization would see SMRs empowering remote communities and developing economies. A vision of water security would see SMR-powered desalination plants satisfying the world’s (...)
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  35.  13
    Sinn, Symbol, Religion: Theorie des Zeichens und Phänomenologie der Religion bei Ernst Cassirer und Martin Heidegger.Markus Höfner - 2008 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    This work was awarded the John Templeton Award for Theological Promise 2009.
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  36.  24
    Symbol and Theory: A Philosophical Study of Theories of Religion in Social Anthropology.David E. Cooper - 1978 - Philosophical Review 87 (2):319.
  37.  58
    A symbolic-connectionist theory of relational inference and generalization.John E. Hummel & Keith J. Holyoak - 2003 - Psychological Review 110 (2):220-264.
  38.  21
    Peirce’s Convergence Theory of Truth Redux.James Jakób Liszka - 2019 - Cognitio 20 (1):91-112.
    A teoria convergente da verdade de Peirce é uma abordagem intuitiva e razoável da verdade. No seu sentido mais geral, vincula a verdade aos resultados da investigação. De acordo com a máxima pragmática, Peirce percebeu que as consequências práticas de afirmações verdadeiras são de trazer investigações à fruição e resolver opinião. No entanto, a teoria da verdade de Peirce é muitas vezes difamada e mal-entendida. Argumenta-se, aqui, que uma vez que se entende que a teoria convergente é uma inferência e (...)
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  39.  71
    C.S. Peirce's Convergence Theory of Truth: A Survey of Interpretations.Masato Ishida - 2012 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 45 (1):47-63.
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    Religious Myth and Symbol: convergence of philosophy and anthropology.John Henry Morgan - 1974 - Philosophy Today 18 (1):68-84.
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  41. The Possibility of a Uniform Legal Language at the Interplay of Legal Discourse, Semiotics and Blockchain Networks.Pierangelo Blandino - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 1 (7):2083-2111.
    This paper explores the possibility of a standard legal language (e.g. English) for a principled evolution of law in line with technological development. In doing so, reference is made to blockchain networks and smart contracts to emphasise the discontinuity with the liberal legal tradition when it comes to decentralisation and binary code language. Methodologically, the argument is built on the underlying relation between law, semiotics and new forms of media adding to natural language; namely: code and symbols. In what follows, (...)
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    A dichotomy result for a pointwise summable sequence of operators.V. Gregoriades - 2009 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 160 (2):154-162.
    Let X be a separable Banach space and Q be a coanalytic subset of . We prove that the set of sequences in X which are weakly convergent to some eX and is a coanalytic subset of . The proof applies methods of effective descriptive set theory to Banach space theory. Using Silver’s Theorem [J. Silver, Every analytic set is Ramsey, J. Symbolic Logic 35 60–64], this result leads to the following dichotomy theorem: if X is a (...)
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    Toward a Unified Sub-symbolic Computational Theory of Cognition.Martin V. Butz - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:171252.
    This paper proposes how various disciplinary theories of cognition may be combined into a unifying, sub-symbolic, computational theory of cognition. The following theories are considered for integration: psychological theories, including the theory of event coding, event segmentation theory, the theory of anticipatory behavioral control, and concept development; artificial intelligence and machine learning theories, including reinforcement learning and generative artificial neural networks; and theories from theoretical and computational neuroscience, including predictive coding and free energy-based inference. In (...)
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    Rembrandt and collections of his art in America: An NEH curriculum project.Joseph M. Piro - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 42 (2):pp. 1-18.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Rembrandt and Collections of His Art in America: An NEH Curriculum ProjectJoseph M. Piro (bio)IntroductionI have asked myself whether the short time given us would be better used in an attempt to understand the whole of the universe or to assimilate what is within our reach.—Paul CézanneThis issue of the Journal of Aesthetic Education features an arts education curriculum project that was designed to use the oeuvre of Rembrandt (...)
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    Gender at the Crossing: Ideological Travelings of US and French Thought in Montreal Feminism.Geneviève Pagé - 2016 - Feminist Studies 42 (3):575.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 42, no. 3. © 2016 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 575 Geneviève Pagé Gender at the Crossing: Ideological Travelings of US and French Thought in Montreal Feminism This article recounts a story about Montreal feminism using the narrative thread of its conceptual language. It is a story of language as a political choice that guides our actions, but also language as a political issue, a barrier, a tool (...)
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    Іван слешинський - популяризатор ідей математичної логіки в україні.Marianna P. Plakhtiy - 2020 - Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Філософія. Філософські Перипетії» 62:99-107.
    The first half of the twentieth century was marked by the simultaneous development of logic and mathematics. Logic offered the necessary means to justify the foundations of mathematics and to solve the crisis that arose in mathematics in the early twentieth century. In European science in the late nineteenth century, the ideas of symbolic logic, based on the works of J. Bull, S. Jevons and continued by C. Pierce in the United States and E. Schroeder in Germany were getting (...)
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    The relationship between the One and the Multiple in mystic philosophy is a profound and central theme that explores the nature of existence, the cosmos, and the divine. This theme is present in various mystical traditions, including those of the East and West, and it addresses the paradoxical coexistence of the unity and multiplicity of all things. -/- In mystic philosophy, the **One** often represents the ultimate reality, the source from which all things emanate and to which all things return. (...)
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    De L’Expérience À L’ « Événement »: Les enjeux de la pensée d’un « symbolisme originaire ».Guillaume Carron - 2011 - Chiasmi International 13:481-497.
    From Experience to the “Event”The Stakes of the Thought of an “Originary Symbolism”This article proposes to understand the progressive conceptualization of experience as “originary symbolism.” After having examined the notions of form but also – and above all – those of categorical attitude and expression, we show that Merleau-Ponty turns toward a concept of experience that is from the start expressive. Here, the symbolic function, in Cassirer’s sense, is slowly replaced by a “symbolism” in which the diacritical, institution, and (...)
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  49. The symbol and the theory of the life-world: “The transcendences of the life-world and their overcoming by signs and symbols”.Jochen Dreher - 2003 - Human Studies 26 (2):141-163.
    This essay presents a phenomenological analysis of the functioning of symbols as elements of the life-world with the purpose of demonstrating the interrelationship of individual and society. On the basis of Alfred Schutz''s theory of the life-world, signs and symbols are viewed as mechanisms by means of which the individual can overcome the transcendences posed by time, space, the world of the Other, and multiple realities which confront him or her. Accordingly, the individual''s life-world divides itself into the dimensions (...)
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    On the Uncountability Of.Dag Normann & Sam Sanders - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (4):1474-1521.
    Cantor’s first set theory paper (1874) establishes the uncountability of ${\mathbb R}$. We study this most basic mathematical fact formulated in the language of higher-order arithmetic. In particular, we investigate the logical and computational properties of ${\mathsf {NIN}}$ (resp. ${\mathsf {NBI}}$ ), i.e., the third-order statement there is no injection resp. bijection from $[0,1]$ to ${\mathbb N}$. Working in Kohlenbach’s higher-order Reverse Mathematics, we show that ${\mathsf {NIN}}$ and ${\mathsf {NBI}}$ are hard to prove in terms of (conventional) comprehension (...)
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