Results for ' transcendental metaphysics'

973 found
  1. 9. prolegomena to any future metaphysics.Transcendental Idealism - 2003 - In Steven Luper (ed.), Essential Knowledge: Readings in Epistemology. Longman. pp. 87.
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    Transcendental metaphysics: from radical to deep plurallism [sic].Richard Sylvan - 1997 - Cambridge, UK: White Horse Press.
    Richard Sylvan died suddenly at the age of 60, when he had just completed this major text. But though this volume is the mature expression of one of our foremost modern philosophers, it remains, like all his work, pioneering, eclectic and controversial. Sylvan's theory of 'plurallism', the culmination of his life's work, is the subject of this important text. In his own characteristically provocative words, 'There is not merely a plurality of correct theories and more or less satisfactory worldviews: there (...)
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  3. „Critique of the Transcendental Metaphysics of Knowing, Phenomenology and Neo-Scholastic Transcendental Philosophy “.Walter Hoeres - 1977 - Aletheia 1:353-369.
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    Modern Images of Transcendental Metaphysics.Sergey L. Katrechko, Pavel A. Vladimirov & Aleksandra S. Perepechina - 2021 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 25 (4):729-738.
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    THE TRANSCENDENTAL METAPHYSIC OF G.F. STOUT: HIS DEFENCE AND ELABORATION OF TROPE THEORY.Fraser Macbride - 2014 - In A. Reboul (ed.), Mind, Value and Metaphysics: Papers Dedicated to Kevin Mulligan. Springer. pp. 141-58.
    G. F. Stout is famous as an early twentieth century proselyte for abstract particulars, or tropes as they are now often called. He advanced his version of trope theory to avoid the excesses of nominalism on the one hand and realism on the other. But his arguments for tropes have been widely misconceived as metaphysical, e.g. by Armstrong. In this paper, I argue that Stout’s fundamental arguments for tropes were ideological and epistemological rather than metaphysical. He moulded his scheme to (...)
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    Transcendental Turn in Contemporary Philosophy: Transcendental Metaphysics, Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, Transcendental Theology and Theory of Consciousness.S. L. Katrechko & I. D. Nevazhzhay - 2019 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 23 (4):548-556.
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    The Relationship Between Formal and Transcendental-Metaphysical Logic According to Kant.Amihud Gilead - 1982 - The Monist 65 (4):437-443.
    What is the relationship between formal, “general” logic and transcendental logic? Is the former prior to the latter or is it the other way round? Can the one be deduced and derived from the other or based upon it? There is a widespread controversy among philosophers concerning these questions. In any case, most of them accept the assumption that one of these logics should be prior to the other. As for me, I don’t accept this assumption at all, and (...)
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    Quantification: transcending beyond Frege's boundaries: a case study in transcendental-metaphysical logic.Aleksy Mołczanow - 2012 - Boston: Brill.
    Drawing on the original conception of Kant’s synthetic a priori and the relevant related developments in philosophy, this book presents a reconstruction of the intellectual history of the conception of quantity and offers an entirely ...
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    Metaphysics and Fundamentals of Transcendental Psychology Approach.Sergei L. Artemenkov - 2021 - Open Journal of Philosophy 11 (1):125-147.
    The Transcendental Psychology Approach to the study of perception has been developed by A.I. Mirakyan at the Psychological Institute (Moscow, Russia) about 30 years ago. This article considers the results of theoretical and experimental investigations and provides a historical overview of the approach’s development. Started with the investigations of constancy in perception, it went beyond the traditional Product Basis Paradigm (relying on perceptual features for finding perceptual mechanisms) into Philosophical Metaphysics of “nothing” and “something” concepts for revealing the (...)
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  10. Transcendental Idealism and Material Reality: Metaphysics of Scientific Objectivity in Husserl, Deleuze, and Kant.Bilge Akbalik - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Memphis
    This dissertation engages critically with the metaphysical implications of the respective transcendentalisms of Husserl, Deleuze, and Kant in an attempt to disclose their largely untapped resources for a renewed consideration of the ability of science to grasp reality as it is in-itself. Chapter 1 examines the metaphysical implications of Husserl’s critique of natural scientific objectivity in his later transcendental philosophy in connection to his early formulations of phenomenological objectivity around the axis of the distinction between metaphysics as the (...)
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    The metaphysics of transcendental subjectivity: Descartes, Kant, and W. Sellars.Joseph Evans - 1984 - Amsterdam: B.R. Grüner.
    This dissertation attempts to demonstrate that the Platonic thesis that thought is like a dialogue of the soul with itself, in the form it is given in the philosophy of Wilfrid Sellars, is a key to the metaphysics of transcendental subjectivity, and can be used fruitfully as a foil in critically interpreting the classical Cartesian and Kantian texts on the metaphysics of the subject. The metaphor becomes fruitful only when developed in the direction of a functional account (...)
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  12. The metaphysics of human freedom: from Kant’s transcendental idealism to Schelling’s Freiheitsschrift.Sebastian Gardner - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25 (1):133-156.
    Schelling’s 1809 Freiheitsschrift, perhaps his most widely read work, presents considerable difficulties of understanding. In this paper, I offer an interpretation of the work in relation to Kant. My focus is on the relation in each case of their theory of human freedom to their general metaphysics, a relation which both regard as essential. The argument of the paper is in sum that Schelling may be viewed as addressing and resolving a problem which faces Kant’s theory of freedom and (...)
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  13.  12
    Fragmentary Metaphysics of the Transcendentals in the Thought of Durandus of Saint-Pourçain.Vicente Llamas Roig - 2017 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 24:159.
    Throughout scattered passages in Quodlibeta Avenionensia and the comments on Liber Sententiarum we can reconstruct the hardly explored core of some metaphysics of the transcendentals in the thought of Durandus of Saint-Pourçain. Bonum: an extrinsic denomination of the entity diverted from the distinctions of negotiantis et ratiocinantis reason, which would redefine evil as disconvenientia, without dismissing its definition as privation of good. The relative being of truth as the relationship of the thing with itself according to its intellective being (...)
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  14.  39
    Transcendental arguments and metaphysical neutrality: A Wittgensteinian proposal.Sidra Shahid - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (2):476-488.
    Despite periods of resurgence over the last decades, it is safe to say that transcendental arguments no longer enjoy a prominent presence in the philosophical landscape. One reason for their declining prominence is the sustained suspicion that despite their self‐proclaimed metaphysical neutrality, transcendental arguments are, in fact, metaphysically committed. This paper aims to revive the discussion of transcendental considerations by offering a metaphysically neutral account of transcendental arguments. I argue that a metaphysically neutral conception of (...) arguments requires a revision of two concepts constitutive of transcendental claims, namely, transcendental necessity and the a priori. I propose a transcendental reading of Wittgenstein's On Certainty, which, I maintain, provides us with an alternative, metaphysically neutral understanding of these concepts. Thus revised, transcendental claims are suitable for what Mark Sacks once described as the “post‐metaphysical” orientation of contemporary philosophy. (shrink)
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    Transcendental-Anthropological Groundings of Creative Thinking in I. Kant Metaphysics.Volodymyr Pronyakin - 2001 - Sententiae 3 (1):39-50.
    Author thinks that Kant's critique of metaphysics is motivated by creative need in execution of the possibility of a holistic world-view. By directing thought to the sphere of theoretically appropriate, Kant gives metaphysics anthropological sense which strengthens his motivation. Anthropologist metaphysics gives motivation to creativity of philosophical thinking by opening volition to connect ontological and axiological in philosophical subject: it gives completeness to worldview. But scientific conscience has not overcome non-critical fantasies that scientific intellect can cognize the (...)
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  16. Transcendental Apperception and Consciousness in Kant's Lectures on Metaphysics.Dennis Schulting - 2015 - In Robert R. Clewis (ed.), Reading Kant's Lectures. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 89-113.
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    The Metaphysical and Transcendental Deductions.Derk Pereboom - 2006 - In Graham Bird (ed.), A Companion to Kant. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 154–168.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Apperception Representations of Objects Universality and Necessity Logical Forms of Judgment and Categories The Second Step of the B‐Deduction A Final Word.
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    The review of the international scientific workshop “the transcendental turn in modern philosophy – 4: Transcendental metaphysics, epistemology and philosophy of science, transcendental philosophy of consciousness”. [REVIEW]Anna Shiyan & Oleg Mukhutdinov - 2019 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 8 (2):707-724.
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  19. Justice : transcendental not metaphysical.Joseph Heath - 2010 - In James Gordon Finlayson & Fabian Freyenhagen (eds.), Habermas and Rawls: Disputing the Political. New York: Routledge.
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  20.  33
    Transcendental Idealism and Metaphysics: Husserl’s Critique of Heidegger. Volume 1.Daniele De Santis - 2023 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    The book offers a systematic reconstruction of the disagreement between Husserl and Heidegger from the former's perspective, but without falling into any form of Husserlian apologetics. The main thesis is that Husserl's critique of Heidegger's existential analytics as a form of philosophical anthropology entails a deeper fundamental thesis, namely that Heidegger confuses the object of first philosophy (the transcendental determination of the subject) with metaphysics (in the Husserlian sense of the expression). Addressing the Husserl-Heidegger confrontation, this text provides (...)
  21. Contingent transcendental arguments for metaphysical principles.Hasok Chang - 2008 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 63:113-133.
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    (1 other version)Metaphysical Realism and Castañeda’s Minimal Transcendental Realism.Francesco Orilia - 2014 - In Guido Bonino, Greg Jesson & Javier Cumpa (eds.), Defending Realism: Ontological and Epistemological Investigations. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 235-246.
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  23.  15
    The Project of the Transcendental Philosophy of I. Kant and the Descriptive Metaphysics of P. Strawson: Similarities and Differences.Sergey Katrechko - 2020 - Studies in Transcendental Philosophy 1 (1).
    The paper discusses the Strawsonian concept of descriptive metaphysics and its various implementations in conceptions of I. Kant, R.G. Collingwood and P.F. Strawson, their similarities and differences. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of Kant's transcendental philosophy (resp. transcendental idealism), or its metaphysics of appearance as a pioneer version of descriptive metaphysics and its comparison with the version of descriptive metaphysics of P. Strawson himself.
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    Metaphysics as a Transcendental Science.Jan A. Aertsen - 2005 - Quaestio 5 (1):376-389.
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    Scientific Metaphysics and Transcendental Empiricism.Natalie Depraz - 1996 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 4 (2):23-46.
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    Transcendental Idealism and Metaphysics: Husserl’s Critique of Heidegger. Volume 2.Daniele De Santis - 2023 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    The book offers a systematic reconstruction of the disagreement between Husserl and Heidegger from the former's point of view, but without falling into any form of Husserlian apologetics. The main thesis is that Husserl's critique of Heidegger's existential analytics as a form of philosophical anthropology entails a deeper fundamental thesis, namely, that Heidegger confuses the subject matter of first philosophy (the transcendental subject) with metaphysics (in the Husserlian sense of the expression). At stake in Husserl's critique of Heidegger's (...)
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  27. Transcendental critique and realist metaphysics.Denis J. M. Bradley - 1975 - The Thomist 39 (4):631.
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    Kant's Copernican revolution as an altered method of thinking [in metaphysics]: its structure and status in the system of transcendental philosophy.Sergey Katrechko - 2022 - Studies in Transcendental Philosophy 3 (1-2).
    Kant’s transcendental philosophy of Kant is the metaphysics of possible experience related to the solution of the [semantic] problem set in his famous letter to M. Hertz (02.21.1772): “What is the ground of the relation of that in us which we call 'representation' to the object?” There are two possible ways to solve it: empiricism and apriorism, – and Kant chooses the second of them, thus making his “Copernican Revolution”. In the Preface to the 2nd ed. Critique Kant (...)
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  29.  36
    Transcendental anthropology. Formation of sense, personal I, and self-identity in Edmund Husserl and their reception in the phenomenological metaphysics of László Tengelyi.Bence Péter Marosán - 2016 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 5 (1):150-170.
  30. Transcendental idealism and metaphysics: Kant’s commitment to things as they are in themselves.Lucy Allais - 2010 - Kant Yearbook 2 (1):1-32.
    One of Kant’s central central claims in the Critique of Pure Reason is that we cannot have knowledge of things as they are in themselves. This claim has been regarded as problematic in a number of ways: whether Kant is entitled to assert both that there are things in themselves and that we cannot have knowledge of them, and, more generally, what Kant’s commitment to things in themselves amounts to. A number of commentators deny that Kant is committed to there (...)
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  31. Transcendental Idealism, Noumenal Metaphysical Monism and Epistemological Phenomenalism.Roberto Horácio de Sá Pereira - 2019 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 22 (1):81-104.
    In this paper, I present a new reading of transcendental idealism. For a start, I endorse Allison’s rejection of the traditional so-called two-world view and, hence, of Guyer and Van Cleve’s ontological phenomenalism. But following Allais, I also reject Allison’s metaphysical deflacionism: transcendental idealism is metaphysically committed to the existence of things in themselves, noumena in the negative sense. Nevertheless, in opposition to Allais, I take Kant’s claim that appearances are “mere representations” inside our minds seriously. In the (...)
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    The Metaphysics of Transcendental Subjectivity.Theodore A. Gracyk - 1986 - Philosophical Books 27 (2):82-84.
  33. Transcendental Dialectic: Critique of Metaphysics in the Philosophy of Ghazali and Kant.Ilyas Altuner - 2011 - Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences (31):49-57.
    Our study aims to deal with different and similar conditions between Ghazzali and Kant, as characters at whom can show two different thinking form and two different cultural structure in their thoughts, in the context of the same subject. The article investigates the stages of these two thinkers approaches to the topic of transcendental dialectic and tries to display that why and how two different cultural worlds incline to this subject.
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    Husserl's Legacy: Phenomenology, Metaphysics, and Transcendental Philosophy.Dan Zahavi - 2017 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Dan Zahavi presents a rich new study of the philosophy of Edmund Husserl, the founder of phenomenology. What kind of philosophical project was Husserl engaged in? What is ultimately at stake in so-called phenomenological analyses? In this volume Zahavi makes it clear why Husserl had such a decisive influence on 20th-century philosophy.
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    The transcendentals and their function in the metaphysics of Duns Scotus.Allan Bernard Wolter - 1946 - Washington, D.C.,: The Catholic university of America press.
  36. Kant and Pre-Kantian Themes: Lectures by Wilfrid Sellars; Kant's Transcendental Metaphysics: Sellars' Cassirer Lecture Notes and Other Essays. [REVIEW]Paul Guyer - 2005 - Philosophical Review 114 (4):535-539.
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    Kant’s Transcendental-Psychological Approach to Metaphysics.Chong-Fuk Lau - forthcoming - International Journal of Philosophical Studies:1-22.
    The paper reinterprets Kant’s Copernican revolution as a transcendental-psychological transformation in the approach to metaphysics. It tackles the prevalent scholarly view that Kant’s theory of the faculty of cognition appears incompatible with his broader metaphysical framework of transcendental idealism, primarily due to difficulties in integrating cognitive faculties such as sensibility and understanding within the dichotomy of appearances and things in themselves. The paper proposes that Kant’s transcendental psychology is neither a metaphysical-rational doctrine of the noumenal mind, (...)
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    The Transcendental Distinction Between Anthropology and Metaphysics.Salvador Piá Tarazona - 2003 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 77 (2):269-284.
    In the first volume of his recently published Antropología trascendental, Leonardo Polo proposes a transcendental distinction between metaphysics (understood as the study of the cosmos) and anthropology (understood as the study of the human being). In his view, these two sciences study distinct types of acts of being; the former studies the act of being of the physical universe (that is, the act of persistence), while the latter studies the act of being of the human person (that is, (...)
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    Transcendental anthropology and poetry (metaphysical parallels).Sergii Shevtsov - 2002 - Sententiae 6 (2):41-51.
    In this article, the author analyses and compares the views of Kant, Heidegger, Husserl, Brodsky and Bakhtin, and examines the problem of time, space, and contemplation. Another subject of consideration is the finitude of being, which combines the three previous aspects.
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  40. Transcendental subjectivity and metaphysics. A discussion of David Carr's paradox of subjectivity. [REVIEW]Dan Zahavi - 2002 - Human Studies 25 (1):103-116.
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  41. Kant’s Metaphysical and Transcendental Deductions of the Categories. Tasks, Steps, and Claims of Identity.Till Hoeppner - 2022 - In Giuseppe Motta, Dennis Schulting & Udo Thiel (eds.), Kant's Transcendental Deduction and the Theory of Apperception: New Interpretations. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 461-492.
    Kant’s Metaphysical Deduction of the Categories justifies their apriority, i.e. that their contents originate in the understanding itself, while the Transcendental Deduction justifies their objectivity, both in that they purport to represent objects of experience and that they do so successfully. The apriority of the categories, as explained in terms of acts of synthesis required for having sensible intuitions of objects, is justified by establishing their generic identity with logical functions of judgment, i.e. acts of judgment required for referring (...)
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  42.  19
    Transcendental Turn in Contemporary Philosophy - VIII: Metaphysics, Epistemology, Transcendental Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence.Anna A. Shiyan & Vasilii B. Petrov - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (4):1033-1041.
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  43. Metaphysical and transcendental experience.Jl Vieillardbaron - 1993 - Kant Studien 84 (1):25-37.
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  44. Kant’s Way to Metaphysics of Ideas. Prolegomena for Reading of the Introduction and the First Book of Transcendental Dialectics.Robert Theis - 2010 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 55.
    In the Introduction and in the first book of the Transcendental Dialectics in the Critique of Pure Reason Kant introduces and further elaborates his program of so called Metaphysics of Ideas. In this paper the aforementioned program will be presented twofold: 1. From the perspective of the historical evolution some paradigmatic focal points of the Kantian project of the “reform of the metaphysics” will be elucidated; 2. From the systematical perspective a question will be posed regarding the (...)
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    Sign-free Biosemantics and Transcendental Phenomenology: a Better Non-Metaphysical Approach to Close the Mind-body Gap.Zixuan Liu - 2022 - Biosemiotics 15 (2):325-356.
    Attempts to close the mind-body gap traditionally resort to a priori speculations. Motivated by dissatisfaction with such accounts, neurophenomenology constitutes one of the first attempts to close the mind-body gap non-metaphysically. Nonetheless, it faces significant challenges. Many of these challenges arise from its abandoning of transcendentality and its dim view of bioinformation. In this paper, I propose a superior non-metaphysical alternative: a combination of a reformed biosemiotics and transcendental phenomenology. My approach addresses the difficulties of neurophenomenology, while retaining the (...)
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  46. (1 other version)The Transcendentality of Ens-Esse and the Ground of Metaphysics.Cornelio Fabro - 1966 - International Philosophical Quarterly 6 (3):389-427.
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    The Transcendentals and their Function in The Metaphysics of Duns Scotus. [REVIEW]Vernon J. Bourke - 1947 - Modern Schoolman 25 (1):85-87.
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    The Metaphysics of Goodness and the Doctrine of the Transcendentals.Scott MacDonald - 1991 - In Scott Charles MacDonald (ed.), Being and goodness: the concept of the good in metaphysics and philosophical theology. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
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    The metaphysics of transcendental subjectivity: Descartes, Kant, and W. Sellars.Edward D'Angelo - 1984 - Amsterdam: B.R. Grüner.
    The general topic of this book is the metaphysics of the subject in Kantian transcendental philosophy. A critical appreciation of Kant's achievements requires that we be able to view Kant's positions as transformations of pre-Kantian philosophy, and that we understand the ways in which contemporary philosophy changes the letter of Kantian thought in order to be true to its spirit in a new philosophical horizon. Descartes is important in two respects. One the one hand, he institutes a philosophical (...)
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    Transcendental Idealism as Formal Idealism: an Anti-Metaphysical Reading.R. Lanier Anderson - 2021 - In Camilla Serck-Hanssen & Beatrix Himmelmann (eds.), The Court of Reason: Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress. De Gruyter. pp. 49-68.
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