Results for ' transfer responses'

979 found
  1.  40
    Costly authority and transferred responsibility.Yitzhak Benbaji - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 178 (11):3579-3595.
    Revisionist just war theorists maintain that, soldiers, and not merely their leaders or superiors, bear moral responsibility for objectively wrongful harms imposed in pursuit of an unjust war. The conviction that underlies revisionism is that a person's responsibility for her intentional, objectively unjustified, killing is non-transferable. In this essay I aim to elaborate a specific counterexample to this general claim. I will argue that in cases that I characterize as "special authority cases", the moral responsibility for the unintended outcomes that (...)
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  2.  18
    Studies of response generalization in conditioning: II. The comparative strength of the transferred and non-transferred responses.D. D. Wickens - 1943 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 33 (4):330.
  3.  30
    Transfer in verbal materials with dissimilar stimuli and response similarity varied.Robert K. Young & Benton J. Underwood - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 47 (3):153.
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    Response transfer as a function of verbal association strength.Lynn K. Brown, James J. Jenkins & Joyce Lavik - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (1):138.
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    Transfer of training as a function of degree of response overlearning.George Mandler - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 47 (6):411.
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    Unjust combatants, special authority, and “transferred responsibility”.Luciano Venezia & Rodrigo Sánchez Brígido - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (7):2187-2198.
    Yitzhak Benbaji argues that those combatants who have agreed to blindly obey their superiors and who are ordered to fight in unjust wars are released from their duty to deliberate about the merits of the acts that they are ordered to perform. This is because their agreements result in the combatants’ permissible lack of a necessary capacity for moral responsibility. Thus, the combatants are not morally responsible for their wrongful acts—their moral responsibility is “transferred” to their superiors. We argue, first, (...)
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  7.  23
    Interlist response meaningfulness and transfer effects under the A-B, A-C paradigm.L. R. Goulet - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 70 (3):264.
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    Transfer of response in human subjects.H. Gulliksen - 1932 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 15 (5):496.
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    Transfer effects and response strategies in pattern-versus-component discrimination learning.Morton P. Friedman - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (3):420.
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    Transfer from verbal-discrimination to paired-associate learning: II. Effects of intralist similarity, method, and percentage occurrence of response members.William F. Battig & H. Ray Brackett - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 65 (5):507.
  11.  28
    Multiple response transfer as a function of supplementary training with verbal schematic aids.Frederick H. Kresse, Robert M. Peterson & David A. Grant - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 48 (5):381.
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  12.  60
    Bilateral transfer of the conditioned response in the human subject.J. J. Gibson, E. G. Jack & G. Raffel - 1932 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 15 (4):416.
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    Response-class similarity and first-list recall with mixed and unmixed transfer designs.Isabel M. Birnbaum - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 77 (4):542.
  14.  32
    Origen of Alexandria on self-determination and non-transferable responsibility. A philosophical approach.Claudia Carbonell - 2016 - Anuario Filosófico 49 (2):277-298.
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  15.  14
    Transfer of response groupings in paired-associate learning.Peggy A. Runquist - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 98 (1):152.
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    A comparison of transfer effects during acquisition and extinction of two instrumental responses.Alvin M. Liberman - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 41 (3):192.
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  17.  81
    Transferring Moral Responsibility for Technological Hazards: The Case of GMOs in Agriculture.Zoë Robaey - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (5):767-786.
    The use of genetically modified organisms in agriculture makes great promises of better seeds, but also raises many controversies about ownership of seeds and about potential hazards. I suggest that owners of these seeds bear the responsibility to do no harm in using these seeds. After defining the nature of this responsibility, this paper asks, if ownership entails moral responsibility, and ownership can be transferred, then how is moral responsibility transferred? Building on the literature on use plans, I suggest five (...)
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  18.  19
    Transfer-activited response sets in verbal learning and transfer.Coleman Paul & Hadassah Paul - 1968 - Psychological Review 75 (6):537-549.
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  19.  32
    Psychomotor response acquisition and transfer as a function of control-indicator relationships.Jack A. Adams - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 48 (1):10.
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  20.  24
    Are differential orienting responses necessary for dimensional learning and transfer?Bryan E. Shepp & Darlene V. Howard - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 100 (1):122.
  21.  20
    Response transfer as a function of verbal association strength: Group verbal learning.Charles Clifton Jr - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (5):780.
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  22.  27
    Transfer-activated response sets: Effect of overtraining and percentage of items shifted on a verbal discrimination shift.Coleman Paul, Charles Callahan, Marilyn Mereness & Kenneth Wilhelm - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 78 (3p1):488.
  23.  32
    Semantic transfer of the differential conditioned eyelid response from words to objects.Thomas F. Hartman - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 65 (2):194.
  24.  52
    A Study of the Transfer of Corporate Social Responsibility from Well-Established Foreign Multinational Enterprises to Chinese Subsidiaries.Maria Lai-Ling Lam - 2007 - International Corporate Responsibility Series 3:343-363.
    The study is designed to examine the perceptions of Chinese executives of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and to explore possible strategies by which well-established foreign multinational enterprises can carry out their CSR in China. The interviewees’ interpretation of CSR is found to be oriented toward internal operations of the Chinese subsidiaries and economic responsibility. Many interviewees have the classical view of CSR, while headquarters has the modern view. The main problems of implementing CSR are: specific Chinese business culture, intellectual property (...)
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  25.  26
    Effects of response meaningfulness (m) on transfer of training under two different paradigms.John Jung - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 65 (4):377.
  26.  87
    Incompatibilism and the transfer of non-responsibility.Justin A. Capes - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (6):1477-1495.
    Arguments for the incompatibility of determinism and moral responsibility sometimes make use of various transfer of non-responsibility principles. These principles purport to specify conditions in which lack of moral responsibility is transmitted to the consequences of things for which people are not morally responsible. In this paper, after developing what I take to be the most serious objections to extant principles of this sort, I identify and defend a new transfer of non-responsibility principle that is immune to these (...)
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  27.  30
    Transfer from verbal pretraining to motor performance as a function of response similarity and angle of movement.Donald R. Hoffeld - 1957 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 54 (5):353.
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    Functioning of implicit associative responses in mediated transfer.Phebe Cramer - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 82 (2):301.
  29.  42
    The Transfer and Delegation of Responsibilities for Genetic Offspring in Gamete Provision.Reuven Brandt - 2016 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 34 (5):665-678.
    In this article I reject the claim that the responsibilities acquired by gamete providers can be transferred to their biological children's intending parents. I defend this position by first showing that arguments in defence of the transferability of responsibilities in gamete provision cases fail to distinguish between the transfer and delegation of responsibility. I then provide an argument against the transferability of responsibilities in gamete provision cases that differs from the ones offered by James Lindemann Nelson and Rivka Weinberg. (...)
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  30.  30
    Transferring Non-Responsibility.Pedro Merlussi & Gabriel de Andrade Maruchi - 2019 - Ethic@: An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 18 (3):285–298.
    The Direct Argument argues for the claim that determinism and moral responsibility are incompatible. The most controversial assumption of the argument is the thought that "not being responsible for" transfers across conditionals: if no one is (even partially) morally responsible for the fact that p is true, and no one is (even partially) morally responsible for the fact that p ⸧ q is true, then no one is (even partially) morally responsible for the fact that q is true. Here we (...)
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  31.  29
    Paired-associate transfer as a function of the number of responses.Jack Richardson - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 80 (2p1):379.
  32.  21
    Supplementary report: Retention and transfer of responses to stimulus classes.Kenneth E. Lloyd - 1960 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 59 (3):206.
  33.  31
    Causation as Transference and Responsibility.Max Kistler - 2001 - In Wolfgang Spohn, Marion Ledwig & Michael Esfeld (eds.), Current Issues in Causation. Mentis. pp. 115-133.
    During the last decades there has been a remarkable renewal of interest in theories of causation which is linked to the decline of the orthodoxy of the Logical empiricist school. A number of alternatives to the traditional covering-law account have been proposed. I shall defend a version of an approach that has been undeservedly neglected: the Transference Theory of causation. Accounts of this type elaborate the intuition that there is a material link between the cause and the effect, consisting of (...)
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  34.  17
    Comparison of verbal response transfer mediated by meaningfully similar and associated stimuli.James J. Ryan - 1960 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 60 (6):408.
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    Transfer of training to a motor skill as a function of variation in rate of response.Katherine E. Baker, Ruth C. Wylie & Robert M. Gagné - 1950 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 40 (6):721.
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    Associative transfer in verbal learning as a function of response similarity and degree of first-list learning.Benton J. Underwood - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 42 (1):44.
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  37.  29
    Transfer of persistence in the domestic chick: Effects of imprinting experiences on later instrumental responses.Dane Russo - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 4 (4):381-384.
  38.  52
    The Dynamics of Responsibility Judgment: Joint Role of Dependence and Transference Causal Explanations.Sofia Bonicalzi, Eugenia Kulakova, Chiara Brozzo, Sam J. Gilbert & Patrick Haggard - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology 35 (6):911-939.
    Reasoning about underlying causal relations drives responsibility judgments: agents are held responsible for the outcomes they cause through their behaviors. Two main causal reasoning approaches exist: dependence theories emphasize statistical relations between causes and effects, while transference theories emphasize mechanical transmission of energy. Recently, pluralistic or hybrid models, combining both approaches, have emerged as promising psychological frameworks. In this paper, we focus on causal reasoning as involved in third-party judgements of responsibility and on related judgments of intention and control. In (...)
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  39.  23
    Transfer of integration of stimulus and response terms and backward and forward associations.M. J. Homzie & Marjorie Krebs - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 80 (1):188.
  40.  48
    Limited transfer of subliminal response priming to novel stimulus orientations and identities.Katrin Elsner, Wilfried Kunde & Andrea Kiesel - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (3):657-671.
    Recently, priming effects of unconscious stimuli that were never presented as targets have been taken as evidence for the processing of the stimuli’s semantic categories. The present study explored the necessary conditions for a transfer of priming to novel primes. Stimuli were digits and letters which were presented in various viewer-related orientations . The transfer of priming to novel stimulus orientations and identities was remarkably limited: in Experiment 1, in which all conscious targets stood upright, no transfer (...)
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  41. (1 other version)Transfer principles and moral responsibility.Eleonore Stump & John Martin Fischer - 2000 - Philosopical Perspectives 14 (s14):47-56.
  42.  33
    Transfer from classical conditioning and extinction to acquisition, extinction, and stimulus generalization of a positively reinforced instrumental response.Milton A. Trapold & Stephen Winokur - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 73 (4p1):517.
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    Emerging Corporate Social Responsibility Thinking in Developing Countries: Increased Societal Expectations or Process of Knowledge Transfer?Oana Apostol, Salme Näsi & Matias Laine - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:101-106.
    This paper looks at the current state-of-the-art and at potential changes in CSR thinking in a developing country: Romania. It seeks to understand what kind oftransformations are emerging in this field and what are the reasons behind them. The analysis is interpretative, using discourse analysis and focuses on the articles of the weekly Romanian business publication Capital. The results indicate that the local business environment features the characteristics of wild capitalism, largely contradicting the idea of responsibility. However, foreign actors have (...)
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  44.  17
    Transfer of training across stimulus modality and response class.Jerome Frieman & Charles H. Goyette - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 97 (2):235.
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    Transfer as a function of stimulus, response, and simultaneous stimulus and response similarity.Barbara S. Uehling & Benton J. Underwood - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 95 (2):375.
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    Response to Commentators on “Rescuing Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research: The Blastocyst Transfer Method”.S. Matthew Liao - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (6):W10-W13.
    Despite the therapeutic potential of human embryonic stem cells, many people believe that HES cell research should be banned. The reason is that the present method of extracting HES cells involves the destruction of the embryo, which for many is the beginning of a person. This paper examines a number of compromise solutions such as parthenogenesis, the use of defective embryos, genetically creating a “pseudo embryo” that can never form a placenta, and determining embryo death, and argues that none of (...)
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  47.  32
    Transfer of implicit associative responses between free-recall learning and verbal discrimination learning tasks.Lawrence E. Cole & N. Jack Kanak - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 95 (1):110.
  48.  15
    Positive and negative transfer of control: Instrumental response mediation and response competition.Shinken Naitoh & Arthur W. Staats - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 15 (5):317-320.
  49.  16
    Effect of the number of alternative response choices on transfer and retention of verbal Maze learning.Ronald L. Ernst - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 75 (4):472.
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  50.  12
    Transfer of rewarded responses in personality judgments.Melvin H. Marx - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 11 (2):112-114.
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