Results for ' wine tasting, procedures involving aesthetic practice'

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  1.  18
    Basic Concepts.Douglas Burnham & Ole Martin Skilleås - 2012-07-16 - In Dominic McIver Lopes & Berys Gaut, The Aesthetics of Wine. Wiley. pp. 8–34.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Competency Aesthetic Practices Inter‐Subjective Validity Project Conclusion Notes.
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    Haptic Taste as a Task.Nicola Perullo - 2018 - The Monist 101 (3):261-276.
    In this essay I propose a new theory of taste, starting from the assumption of the multisensorial and ecological approach to the senses, as proposed by Gibson in his psychology of perception and by Dewey in his philosophy and aesthetics. In contrast with an optical approach to tastes and tasting, here I propose the concept of haptic taste to describe a perceptual engagement deeply involved in the processes of experiencing food and beverages, although my examples are mostly related to (...). Finally I spell out the implications of a theory of haptic taste for the way we approach cultivation of taste and expertise. I suggest we should turn from the idea of ‘good taste’ as the result of trained and acquired skills to taste as a task, to mean the practical and continuous attuning with the environment we actively contribute to shape. I believe it is appropriate today to move from a culture of taste, based on an elevation strategy, to a culture with taste, which emphasizes educated nurture. (shrink)
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  3. You'll never drink alone: Wine tasting and aesthetic practice.Douglas Burnham & Ole Martin Skilleås - 2008 - In Fritz Allhoff, Wine and Philosophy. Blackwell.
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  4. On Standard and Taste. Wittgenstein and Aesthetic Judgment.Jean-Pierre Cometti - 2013 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 6 (1):5-15.
    The question of aesthetic judgment is related to a lot of paradoxes that have marked sustainably the reflection on arts, and even arts as such during their modern history. These paradoxes have found a first formulation, apparently clear, in the very famous Hume's essay: "On the standard of taste", but without to lead to a real resolution. In this paper, I would like to approach the question of Hume by starting from what Wittgenstein suggested about aesthetic judgment in (...)
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    Going Together: Toward an Account of Sharing Aesthetic Experiences.Robert Shanklin & Michael Meyer - 2019 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 53 (3):106-124.
    We often go out to the movies, theater, or ballet, preferring to share the experience with others rather than watch at home alone. We do the same with food and drink, for instance, by going to tasting rooms to sample wines and talk with others. To have these sorts of experiences, we plan, coordinate, and engage in a range of complex social practices. These practices often lead to the formation of audiences, and philosophers since Aristotle have argued that the success (...)
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    Taste and Expertise in Wine.Douglas Burnham & Ole Martin Skilleås - 2012-07-16 - In Dominic McIver Lopes & Berys Gaut, The Aesthetics of Wine. Wiley. pp. 140–175.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Taste and Discernment Delicacy of Taste and the Supertasters Practices and Comparisons Who Are the True Judges of Wine? Experts and Projects Experts and Evaluation Ideal and Izeal experts ‐ And You The Canon and Ideal Critics: The Special Relationship Levinson's Problems The Canon and Wine Wine Canons and Ideal Wine Critics Taste, the Competencies and Trust Iconic or Iconoclastic Critics Conclusion Notes.
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    The Tastes of Wine: Towards a Cultural History.Steven Shapin - 2012 - Rivista di Estetica 51:49-94.
    How have people talked about the organoleptic characteristics of wines? How and why have descriptive and evaluative vocabularies changed over time? The essay shows that these vocabularies have shifted from the spare to the elaborate, from medical implications to aesthetic analyses, from a leading concern with “goodness” (authenticity, soundness) to interest in the analytic description of component flavors and odors. The causes of these changes are various: one involves the importance, and eventual disappearance, of a traditional physiological framework for (...)
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    Political Aesthetics: Addison and Shaftesbury on Taste, Morals, and Society.Karl Axelsson - 2019 - London: Bloomsbury.
    Providing a gateway to a new history of modern aesthetics, this book challenges conventional views of how art's significance developed in society. -/- The 18th century is often said to have involved a radical transformation in the concept of art: from the understanding that it has a practical purpose to the modern belief that it is intrinsically valuable. By exploring the ground between these notions of art's function, Karl Axelsson reveals how scholars of culture made taste, morals and a politically (...)
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    A Matter of Taste. The semi-serious musings of a wine taster on the contentious prospects of professional tasting.Giampaolo Gravina - 2012 - Rivista di Estetica 51:149-154.
    During a Barolo en primeur tasting session, a seasoned wine taster is assailed by a procedural unease which leads him to question the foundations on which his work rests. Sparked off by his reading of Michel Le Gris’ pamphlet Dionysos crucifié, the taster’s objections and perplexities are directed towards teasing out the rules and coordinates of a tasting aesthetic which has become tamed and domesticated, at the service of a narcissistic “tyranny of instant gratification”. Such an approach translates (...)
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  10.  46
    A matter of taste: evaluating the quality of qualitative research.Margarete Sandelowski - 2015 - Nursing Inquiry 22 (2):86-94.
    Driven by an impetus to standardize, numerous checklists have been devised to address quality in qualitative research, but these standards and the mindset driving them offer no language with which to speak about taste, or the aesthetic sensibilities that play such a key role in evaluating the goodness of any object. In this article, quality appraisal in qualitative research is considered in the context of taste, that is, in the discernment involved in judging the value of research and in (...)
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  11.  49
    Taste: A Philosophy of Food.Deborah Knight - 2022 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 80 (4):510-513.
    Philosophical aesthetics emerges out of eighteenth-century discussions of taste that paid scant attention to the experience of tasting and ingesting food. Sarah Worth diagnoses this historical oversight and offers an unexpected remedy. She argues that we should start our analysis of aesthetic taste over again, this time beginning with the pleasures of the tongue and mouth, and work out from there to consider the kinds of experience, knowledge, and appreciation that belong to eating and savoring. As she argues, our (...)
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  12.  16
    Wine and Cognition.Douglas Burnham & Ole Martin Skilleås - 2012-07-16 - In Dominic McIver Lopes & Berys Gaut, The Aesthetics of Wine. Wiley. pp. 64–96.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Cognitive Background to the Aesthetic Problem Wine, Cognition and Philosophy The Phenomenology of “Projects” The Aesthetic Project Notes.
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  13.  55
    Value Pluralism in Restoration Aesthetics.Steven D. Hales - 2024 - British Journal of Aesthetics 64 (3):397-414.
    In the restoration of art and artifacts there are three salient types of value to consider: relic, aesthetic, and practical. Relic value includes an object’s age, aura, originality, authenticity, and epistemic value. Aesthetic value is connected to how an object looks, sounds, or tastes. Practical value involves whether a thing can be used as designed—whether a book can be read, a building occupied, a car driven. I argue that while these are all legitimate values, it is impossible for (...)
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  14.  29
    Environmental and Sustainability Management Systems in the Wine Industry.Mark Cordano, Jim Collins, Nicole Darnall, Ed Quevedo & Alan York - 2005 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 16:199-199.
    This is just a brief description of the people involved and activities that occurred during a full-day pre-conference event that included a winery tour, a luncheon, apanel discussion of management systems, and a wine tasting. We completed a facility tour at Gallo’s Frei Ranch Winery that highlighted the environmental performance opportunities that exist for wine production. The rest of the day’s schedule was held at MacMurray Ranch. There was a panel that featured presentations and discussions about Gallo of (...)
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  15.  20
    Escaping the Shadow.Ryan Lam - 2022 - Voices in Bioethics 8.
    Photo by Karl Raymund Catabas on Unsplash “After Buddha was dead, they still showed his shadow in a cave for centuries – a tremendous, gruesome shadow. God is dead; but given the way people are, there may still for millennia be caves in which they show his shadow. – And we – we must still defeat his shadow as well!” – Friedrich Nietzsche[1] INTRODUCTION Friedrich Nietzsche famously declared that “God is dead!”[2] but lamented that his contemporaries remained living in the (...)
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  16.  21
    Wine as a Vague and Rich Object.Douglas Burnham & Ole Martin Skilleås - 2012-07-16 - In Dominic McIver Lopes & Berys Gaut, The Aesthetics of Wine. Wiley. pp. 35–63.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Wine as a Moving Target Wine as a Vague Object 2030 ‐ A Thought Experiment Wine as “Pure Experience” or as “Rich Object”? The Taster of the Future Conclusions Notes.
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  17. Essentially Practical Questions.Brendan Balcerak Jackson - 2019 - Analytic Philosophy 60 (1):1-26.
    Questions are known to play a crucial role in helping to structure linguistic communication. I argue that paying attention to questions is also necessary for understanding disagreement, and in particular for distinguishing between genuine and merely verbal disagreements. I argue, moreover, that some of the questions that play this role are essentially practical questions, questions about what to do. Such questions can remain open even after questions about what is the case have been settled. Essentially practical questions help structure discourse (...)
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  18.  9
    The persistence of taste : art, museums and everyday life after Bourdieu.Malcolm Quinn, David Beech, Michael Lehnert, Carol Tulloch & Stephen Wilson (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    This book offers an interdisciplinary analysis of the social practice of taste in the wake of Pierre Bourdieu¿s sociology of taste. For the first time, this book unites sociologists and other social scientists with artists and curators, art theorists and art educators, and art, design and cultural historians who engage with the practice of taste as it relates to encounters with art, cultural institutions and the practices of everyday life, in national and transnational contexts. The volume is divided (...)
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  19. Hume and the Standard of Taste.Christopher MacLachlan - 1986 - Hume Studies 12 (1):18-38.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:18 HUME AND THE STANDARD OF TASTE David Hume's critical theories, although fragmentary, have drawn increasingly serious attention in the twentieth century, yet even in 1976 Peter Jones, in reassessing Hume's aesthetics, can describe one of the most substantial of his critical essays, "Of the Standard of Taste," as underrated. Jones praises it as "subtle and highly complex," but while I agree with that judgment I also find the (...)
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    Communicative Implications of Kant’s Aesthetic Theory.Thomas Hove - 2009 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 42 (2):pp. 103-114.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Communicative Implications of Kant’s Aesthetic TheoryThomas HoveIn recent discussions of aesthetic theory, critics who raise social, cultural, and political concerns have issued important challenges to the Kantian legacy. Kant’s Critique of the Power of Judgment (1790) continues to be widely regarded as one of the founding documents of modern aesthetic theory. But the arguments he laid out in that notoriously enigmatic work remain controversial on a (...)
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  21.  57
    In Defense of Observational Practice in Art and Design Education.Howard Cannatella - 2004 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 38 (1):65.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 38.1 (2004) 65-77 [Access article in PDF] In Defense of Observational Practice in Art and Design Education Howard Cannatella Introduction It is increasingly debatable whether observational drawing and making in nature are still regarded as principal activities of art and design learning. Against this, the aim of this article is to strengthen sympathetically a teacher'sunderstanding of observational creative work from nature and (...)
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  22.  62
    Merging traditional technique vocabularies with democratic teaching perspectives in dance education: A consideration of aesthetic values and their sociopolitical contexts.Becky Dyer - 2009 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 43 (4):pp. 108-123.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Merging Traditional Technique Vocabularies with Democratic Teaching Perspectives in Dance EducationA Consideration of Aesthetic Values and Their Sociopolitical ContextsBecky Dyer (bio)IntroductionConventional aesthetic values in dance traditionally have been wed to long-established authoritarian teaching approaches in American professional dance companies and university dance programs. Developed over time from a mixture of enduring cultural tastes, aesthetic ideals, and historical influences, aesthetic values play a significant role in (...)
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  23.  45
    “Does a Glass of White Wine Taste Like a Glass of Domain Sigalas Santorini Asirtiko Athiri 2005?” A Biosemiotic Approach to Wine-Tasting.Jonathan Hope & Pierre-Louis Patoine - 2009 - Biosemiotics 2 (1):65-76.
    The object of our paper is to examine how wine-related knowledge and practices play an important role in determining the respective flavour experiences of novice wine drinkers and sommeliers. We defend the idea that sensation is informed by knowledge, as it circulates in a cultural environment. Biosemiotics has developed appropriate concepts helping us understand how the same wine can generate diverging experiences. Within a biosemiotic framework, we consider wine flavours as relational, semiosic experiences produced by the (...)
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  24.  20
    Cultural Artifacts Transform Embodied Practice: How a Sommelier Card Shapes the Behavior of Dyads Engaged in Wine Tasting.Joanna Rączaszek-Leonardi, Julia Krzesicka, Natalia Klamann, Karolina Ziembowicz, Michał Denkiewicz, Małgorzata Kukiełka & Julian Zubek - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  25. Philosophy as fiction: self, deception, and knowledge in Proust.Joshua Landy - 2004 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Philosophy as Fiction seeks to account for the peculiar power of philosophical literature by taking as its case study the paradigmatic generic hybrid of the twentieth century, Marcel Proust's In Search of Lost Time. At once philosophical--in that it presents claims, and even deploys arguments concerning such traditionally philosophical issues as knowledge, self-deception, selfhood, love, friendship, and art--and literary, in that its situations are imaginary and its stylization inescapably prominent, Proust's novel presents us with a conundrum. How should it be (...)
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  26.  14
    The Beauty of Conspiracy.Killian Jeremy - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Why are people attracted to conspiracy theories? This essay conceives of conspiratorial motivation as an aesthetic phenomenon. To defend this account, I offer a coarse-grained taxonomy of contemporary motivational hypotheses that have been proposed to answer this question, describing their strengths and weaknesses. Next, I offer an aesthetic account of conspiratorial consumption; I argue that people’s preference for conspiratorial narratives is the product of a taste for a particular kind of story. To clarify the approach, I show how (...)
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  27.  25
    Producing and projecting data: Aesthetic practices of government data portals.Evelyn Ruppert & Helene Ratner - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (2).
    We develop the concept of ‘aesthetic practices’ to capture the work needed for population data to be disseminated via government data portals. Specifically, we look at the Census Hub of the European Statistical System and the Danish Ministry of Education’s Data Warehouse. These portals form part of open government data initiatives, which we understand as governing technologies. We argue that to function as such, aesthetic practices are required so that data produced at dispersed sites can be brought into (...)
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  28.  40
    Ethical challenges in consent procedures involving pediatric cancer patients in Saudi Arabia: An exploratory survey.Ghiath Alahmad, Muneera AlSaqabi, Hala Alkamli & Mona Aleidan - 2022 - Developing World Bioethics 22 (3):140-151.
    Pediatric cancer is accompanied by many ethical challenges, particularly those related to respecting the child's opinion and parental responsibility and consent.Questionnaires were collected from 400 participants, from four equal groups: doctors, nurses, parents and medical students, from three cities in Saudi Arabia, about three problematic issues which revolve around the mandatory consent of one or both parents, the extent of a child’s assent, and the acceptable form of consent and assent.Despite the diversity of the participants' cultural backgrounds, most preferred both (...)
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  29. Towards a Wittgensteinian Aesthetics. Wollheim and the Analysis of Aesthetic Practices.Giovanni Matteucci - 2013 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 6 (1):67-83.
    In order to investigate the possibility to develop Wittgenstein's suggestions about aesthetics, this paper will focus on the organic perspective elaborated by Richard Wollheim in «Art and Its Objects». In this regard we will try to emphasize how the concept of art as a "form of live" - explicit in Wollheim - involves the analysis of the practices embodied in the experience of art starting from those of representation. The inception modes of such practices of representation need to be described (...)
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  30. Aesthetic Taste: Perceptual Discernment or Emotional Sensibility?Irene Martínez Marín & Elisabeth Schellekens - 2022 - In Jeremy Wyatt, Julia Zakkou & Dan Zeman, Perspectives on Taste: Aesthetics, Language, Metaphysics, and Experimental Philosophy. Routledge.
    Two common strategies have dominated attempts to account for the nature of taste. On the one side, we have an affectivist understanding of taste where aesthetic attribution has to do with the expression of a subjective response. On the other side, we find a non-affectivist approach according to which to judge something aesthetically is to epistemically track its main aesthetic properties. Our main argument will show that neither emotion nor perception can explain the nature of aesthetic taste (...)
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  31.  8
    Aesthetic dentistry and ethics: a systematic review of marketing practices and overtreatment in cosmetic dental procedures.Masoumeh Rostamzadeh & Farshad Rahimi - 2025 - BMC Medical Ethics 26 (1):1-15.
    The increasing societal emphasis on physical appearance, particularly influenced by social media, has led to a significant rise in demand for aesthetic dentistry procedures. This study aims to explore the ethical dimensions of marketing practices and the phenomenon of overtreatment in cosmetic dental procedures, highlighting the implications for patient care and professional integrity. A systematic literature review was conducted across four databases, yielding an initial 76 articles. After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, 12 articles were selected for (...)
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  32.  11
    The Wineworld.Douglas Burnham & Ole Martin Skilleås - 2012-07-16 - In Dominic McIver Lopes & Berys Gaut, The Aesthetics of Wine. Wiley. pp. 176–210.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Hermeneutics of the Wineworld Wine and Its Effect on the Subject Experience and Its Effect upon Wine Wine, Food and the Wineworld(s) Terroir Notes.
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    Taste as Experience: The Philosophy and Aesthetics of Food.Nicola Perullo - 2016 - Columbia University Press.
    Taste as Experience puts the pleasure of food at the center of human experience. It shows how the sense of taste informs our preferences for and relationship to nature, pushes us toward ethical practices of consumption, and impresses upon us the importance of aesthetics. Eating is often dismissed as a necessary aspect of survival, and our personal enjoyment of food is considered a quirk. Nicola Perullo sees food as the only portion of the world we take in on a daily (...)
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  34.  48
    Aesthetic Taste Now: A Look Beyond Art and the History of Philosophy.Michael R. Spicher - 2020 - Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics 3 (43):159-167.
    Aesthetic taste rose to prominence in the eighteenth century, and then quickly disappeared. Since the start of the 2000s, scholars have slowly returned to the main traditional concepts in aesthetics—beauty, the sublime, and aesthetic experience. Aesthetic taste, however, has lagged behind. I focus on two explanations for this downturn: aesthetics is too often associated with art alone and taste is thought to have no connection with anything objective. In this paper, I suggest that theories of aesthetic (...)
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  35.  35
    Two Thumbs Up: How Critics Aid Appreciation.Stephanie Ross - 2020 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Far from an elite practice reserved for the highly educated, criticism is all around us. We turn to the Yelp reviewers to decide what restaurants are best, to Rotten Tomatoes to guide our movie choices, and to a host of voices on social media for critiques of political candidates, beach resorts, and everything in between. Yet even amid this ever-expanding sea of opinions, professional critics still hold considerable power in guiding how we make aesthetic judgements. Philosophers and lovers (...)
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  36.  68
    The Aesthetics of Wine.Douglas Burnham & Ole Martin Skilleas - 2012 - Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by Ole Martin Skilleås.
    This book represents the first full-length study of the aesthetics of the appreciation of wine. It introduces and argues for the validity and significance of several new concepts: competency, project, and aesthetic practices. Using these concepts -- together with analyses borrowed from cognitive science, sensory science, Husserlian phenomenology and hermeneutics -- the case is made that wine can be a proper and indeed significant object of aesthetic attention. The implications of this are pursued in three ways: (...)
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  37.  82
    Category Independent Aesthetic Experience: The Case of Wine.David Sackris - 2013 - Journal of Value Inquiry 47 (1-2):111-120.
    Kendall Walton’s “Categories of Art” seeks to situate aesthetic properties contextually. As such, certain knowledge is required to fully appreciate the aesthetic properties of a work, and without that knowledge the ‘correct’ or ‘true’ aesthetic properties of a work cannot be appreciated. The aim of this paper is to show that the way Walton conceives of his categories and art categorization is difficult to square with certain kinds of aesthetic experience—kinds of experience that seems to defy (...)
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    Attending to the literary: the distinctiveness of literature.Alan Singer - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Attending to the Literary: The Distinctiveness of Literature is a foray into current debates about the nature of the literary. What is literary? Is literarity a thing? Are there still aesthetic standards of taste? Is the category of literary aesthetics an obstacle to understanding the uses of literature? What does it mean to count the reading of literature as an experience in its own right? What would be the deficits to human experience without literature? Attending to the Literary addresses (...)
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    Practical Form: Abstraction, Technique, and Beauty in Eighteenth-Century Aesthetics.Abigail Zitin - 2020 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    _A groundbreaking study of the development of form in eighteenth-century aesthetics_ In this original work, Abigail Zitin proposes a new history of the development of form as a concept in and for aesthetics. Her account substitutes women and artisans for the proverbial man of taste, asserting them as central figures in the rise of aesthetics as a field of philosophical inquiry in eighteenth-century Europe. She shows how the idea of formal abstraction so central to conceptions of beauty in this period (...)
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    Aesthetic Taste and Moral Sentiment in Hume and Mengzi.Dobin Choi - 2024 - Hume Studies 49 (2):331-349.
    I examine Hume’s and Mengzi’s reliance on aesthetic and moral taste in their sentiment-based theories of virtue. Their views on taste seem to conflict. In his essay “Of the Standard of Taste,” Hume observes that people’s taste sentiments appear to vary, but he seeks a standard that can reconcile them. In contrast, relying on the uniformity of aesthetic taste, Mengzi argues that humans, by nature, share a universal taste toward morality. I argue that the apparent contrast in the (...)
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  41. Does Wine Have a Place in Kant’s Theory of Taste?Rachel Cristy - 2016 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 2 (1):36--54.
    Kant claims in the third Critique that one can make about wine the merely subjective judgment that it is agreeable but never the universally valid judgment that it is beautiful. This follows from his views that judgments of beauty can be made only about the formal (spatiotemporal) features of a representation and that aromas and flavors consist of formless sensory matter. However, I argue that Kant's theory permits judgments of beauty about wine because the experience displays a temporal (...)
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  42.  47
    (1 other version)Practical Aesthetic Knowledge: Goodman and Husserl on the Possibilities of Learning by Aesthetic Practices.Iris Laner - 2015 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 52 (2):164-189.
    In this article I aim to shed light on the question of whether aesthetic experience can constitute practical knowledge and, if so, how it achieves this. I will compare the approaches of Nelson Goodman and Edmund Husserl. Both authors treat the question of which benefits aesthetic experience can bring to certain basic skills. Though one could argue together with Goodman that repeated aesthetic experience allows for a trained and discriminating approach to artworks, Husserl argues that by viewing (...)
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  43. Bad Taste, Aesthetic Akrasia, and Other "Guilty" Pleasures.Mélissa Thériault - 2017 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 51 (3):58-71.
    To what extent does a person who prefers hip-hop rather than opera have legitimate reasons for doing so? Should we immediately classify such a judgment as incompetent because it runs counter to the verdicts of experts, including professional art critics? These questions are often associated with the problem of aesthetic akrasia, a concept taken from the vocabulary of ethics, which involves acting against one’s better judgment, that is, demonstrating irrationality by failing to react in what is, theoretically, the most (...)
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  44. Aesthetics in Practice: Valuing the Natural World.Emily Brady - 2006 - Environmental Values 15 (3):277 - 291.
    Aesthetic value, often viewed as subjective and even trivial compared to other environmental values, is commonly given low priority in policy debates. In this paper I argue that the seriousness and importance of aesthetic value cannot be denied when we recognise the ways that aesthetic experience is already embedded in a range of human practices. The first area of human practice considered involves the complex relationship between aesthetic experience and the development of an ethical attitude (...)
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    Practical Aesthetics: Community Gardens and the New Sensibility.Nathan Nun - 2013 - Radical Philosophy Review 16 (2):663-677.
    This paper argues that community gardens, in addition to being economically practical, offer a promising example of an environment that fosters the new sensibility. After exploring Marcuse’s new sensibility and his critique of aesthetic experience under capitalism, the paper turns to some empirical studies of the benefits of the aesthetic qualities of community gardening. These studies correspond to Marcuse’s proposition that aesthetic environments can play a role in challenging domination. The last section of this paper considers how (...)
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    Aesthetic Attributes in Wine.Douglas Burnham & Ole Martin Skilleås - 2012-07-16 - In Dominic McIver Lopes & Berys Gaut, The Aesthetics of Wine. Wiley. pp. 97–139.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Canary Wine and Beyond Wine, the Analogy with Art, and Expression Dewey Seeing As and Seeing In Critical Rhetoric The Institutional Theories Attention, Attitude and Appreciation Aesthetic Attributes and Experiences Aesthetic Experience: What Is It? Functionalist Theories The Necessity of Aesthetic Competency Aesthetic Emergence Aesthetic Competency Notes.
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    Ethical implications of procedural or protocol adjustments to clinical research involving the participation of human subjects during the COVID-19 pandemic.Anetta Jedličková - 2021 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 11 (3-4):181-195.
    The current coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic has led to essential adjustments in clinical research involving human subjects. The pandemic is substantially affecting most procedures of ongoing, as well as new clinical trials related to diseases other than COVID-19. Procedural changes and study protocol modifications may significantly impact ethically salient fundamentals, such as the risk-benefit profile and safety of clinical trial participants, which raise key ethical challenges the subject-matter experts must face. This article aims to acquaint a wide audience (...)
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    Wine is not Coca-Cola: marketization and taste in alternative food networks.Anna Krzywoszynska - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (3):491-503.
    This paper engages with the question: how can the marketization of ecologically embedded edibles be enabled in alternative food networks? The challenge lies in the fact that ecologically embedded edibles, grown and made through primarily ecological rather than industrial processes, and using artisan, traditional, and quality practices, show variable and uncertain characteristics. The characteristics, or qualities, of ecologically embedded edibles vary both geographically and in time, challenging the creation of stable market networks. How can ecologically embedded wines be sold when (...)
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  49.  90
    Expression and Objectivity in the Case of Wine: Defending the Aesthetic Terroir of Tastes and Smells.Cain Todd - 2012 - Rivista di Estetica 51:95-115.
    This paper provides an account of the nature of our appreciation of wine, and a defence of the aesthetic value of tastes and smells. Focusing primarily on Roger Scruton’s recent claims, I argue against him that our appreciation of wine meets his own constraints on aesthetic interest and, moreover, that the cultural significance he grants to wine is in large part grounded in its aesthetic value. I show that Scruton’s claims are thus in tension (...)
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    Aesthetic Experience, Medical Practice, and Moral Judgement. Critical Remarks on Possibilities to Understand a Complex Relationship.Marcus Düwell - 1999 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 2 (2):161-168.
    The aim of the paper is to examine the possible relationships between the different dimensions of aesthetics on the one hand, and medical practice and medical ethics on the other hand. Firstly, I consider whether the aesthetic perception of the human body is relevant for medical practice. Secondly, a possible analogy between the artistic process and medical action is examined. The third section concerns the comparison between medical ethical judgements and aesthetic judgement of taste. It is (...)
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