Results for ' woman'

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  1.  4
    Hortense Allart and Simone de Beauvoir: Look at a Woman’s Position in Society.Helynne Hansen - 2003 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 19 (1):116-125.
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    The Seduction of Mimesis: Theater as Woman and the Play of Difference and Excess in Aeschylus's "Oresteia".Maria Aristodemou - 1999 - Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 11 (1):1-33.
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  3. Home is Where One Starts From: One Woman’s Memoir.[author unknown] - 2010
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    Elizabeth Stuart Phelps: A Good Feminist Woman Doing Bad Theology?Elizabeth Stuart - 2001 - Feminist Theology 9 (26):70-82.
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    ‘My daughter is a free woman, so she can’t marry a Muslim’: The gendering of ethno-religious boundaries.Noel Clycq - 2012 - European Journal of Women's Studies 19 (2):157-171.
    Discourses often uncover underlying social boundaries related to concepts such as ethnicity, gender and religion. By applying an intersectional approach, this article shows how the gendering of ethno-religious boundaries is central in the narratives of parents of Belgian, Italian and Moroccan origin, living in Flanders, Belgium. These processes are extremely salient when discourses on partner choice are discussed, as is the focal point in the current study. The construction of boundaries and identities are deeply influenced by dominant social representations. The (...)
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  6. As a rule, I does not mean I" : Personal identity and the Victorian woman poet.Kate Flint - 1997 - In Roy Porter (ed.), Rewriting the self: histories from the Renaissance to the present. New York: Routledge.
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    A pioneering life in the clouds: James Rodger Fleming: First woman: Joanne Simpson and the tropical atmosphere. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020, 224 pp, £25.00 HB.Alessandro Antonello - 2021 - Metascience 30 (2):215-217.
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  8. The Hyper(in)visible Fat Woman: Weight and Gender Discourse in Contemporary Society.[author unknown] - 2014
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    Aristotelian Catharsis and the Purgation of Woman.John McCumber - 1988 - Diacritics 18 (4):53.
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    The Madonna and the harlot: Images of woman in Tanizaki.Paul Mccarthy - 1982 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 9 (2-3):235-255.
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    The Possibility of Multiculturalism in the Hegel's Understandingof Asia and Woman. 이정은 - 2007 - Korean Feminist Philosophy 8 (8):27-53.
    이 글은 다문화주의에 기초하여 여성 이해의 새로운 지평을 마련하 기 위해 서양인이 동양을 어떻게 바라보는가를 헤겔의 중국관 내지 여성관을 통해 접근하고자 한다. 헤겔은 역사 철학, 철학사, 예술 철학의 서두를 동양에서 출발하지만, 동양에는 주체성과 자유가 결핍되어 있다는 이유에서 출발점 내지 실마리의 위치에서 동양을 배제한다. 헤겔은 중국의 공자 철학에 대한 감탄에도 불구하고 공자 사상을 철학으로 간주하지 않는다. 헤겔에게 동양 철학은 근대 철학의 토대가 되지 못하며, 동양과 서양 근대 간에는 어떤 공통적인 본질적 원리도 없다. 중국은 역사의 시작이지만 몰 역사적이라서 세계사의 실마리가 될 수 (...)
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    Emotions and self-cultivation in nü lunyu«s™þ>> (woman's analects).W. O. O. Tak-ling - 2009 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 36 (2):334-347.
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    The Vindications: The Rights of Men and the Rights of Woman.Mary Wollstonecraft - 1997 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    The works of Mary Wollstonecraft ranged from the early Thoughts on the Education of Daughters to The Female Reader, a selection of texts for girls, and included two novels. But her reputation is founded on A Vindication of the Rights of Woman of 1792. This treatise is the first great document of feminism—and is now accepted as a core text in western tradition. It is not widely known that the germ of Wollstonecraft's great work came out of an earlier (...)
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    The secret plot of metaphor: rhetorical designs in John Fowles's The French Lieutenant's Woman.Gerald Doherty - 1987 - Paragraph 9 (1):49-68.
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    The Less Noble Sex: Scientific, Religious, and Philosophical Conceptions of Woman's NatureNancy Tuana.Londa Schiebinger - 1994 - Isis 85 (4):676-677.
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    Edith Stein’s Understanding of Woman.Sarah Borden - 2006 - International Philosophical Quarterly 46 (2):171-190.
    This essay looks at Edith Stein’s descriptions of the fundamental equality, yet distinct differences between women and men, and attempts to make clear the ontology underlying her claims. Stein’s position—although drawing from the general Aristotelian-Thomistic position—differs from Thomas Aquinas’s, and she understands gender as tied significantly to our form or soul. The particular way in which gender is “written into” our soul, however, differs from the way in which both our humanity and individuality are tied to our soul. Thus, Stein (...)
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    The Radical Spiritual Motherhood of Amina Wadud: The Call of a Black Woman Muslim Scholar.JoAnna Boudreaux - 2020 - Listening 55 (3):207-219.
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    Life in the Treetops: Adventures of a Woman in Field Biology. Margaret D. Lowman.Leslie Burlingame - 2001 - Isis 92 (1):235-236.
  19. Plato's Unchanging View of Woman: A Denial That Anatomy Spells Destiny.Martha Lee Osborne - 1975 - Philosophical Forum 6 (4):447.
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  20. The Ambiguous Practices of the Inauthentic Asian American Woman.Emily S. Lee - 2014 - Hypatia 29 (1):146-163.
    The Asian American identity is intimately associated with upward class mobility as the model minority, yet women's earnings remain less than men's, and Asian American women are perceived to have strong family ties binding them to domestic responsibilities. As such, the exact class status of Asian American women is unclear. The immediate association of this ethnic identity with a specific class as demonstrated by the recently released Pew study that Asian Americans are “the highest-income, best-educated” ethnicity contrasts with another study (...)
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    Beauvoir and the Question of a Woman’s Point of View.Bonnie Mann - 2008 - Philosophy Today 52 (2):136-149.
  22. Madness and Judiciousness: A Phenomenological Reading of a Black Woman’s Encounter with a Saleschild.Emily S. Lee - 2010 - In Maria del Guadalupe Davidson, Kathryn T. Gines & Donna-Dale L. Marcano (eds.), Convergences: Black Feminism and Continental Philosophy. SUNY Press.
    Patricia Williams in her book, The Alchemy of Race and Rights, describes being denied entrance in the middle of the afternoon by a “saleschild.” Utilizing the works of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, this article explores their interaction phenomenologically. This small interaction of seemingly simple misunderstanding represents a limit condition in Merleau-Ponty’s analysis. His phenomenological framework does not explain the chasm between the “saleschild” and Williams, that in a sense they do not participate in the same world. This interaction between the “saleschild” and (...)
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    The Instruction of a Christian Woman : Richard Hyrde and the Thomas More Circle.Diane Valeri Bayne - 1975 - Moreana 12 (1):5-15.
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    What would happen if a ‘Woman’ outpaced the Winner of the Gold Medal in the ‘Men’s’ One Hundred Meters?Michael Burke - 2004 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 11 (1):35-43.
    The separation of men’s and women’s competitions in the sporting world has been suggested as a necessary protection for female athletes against the superior athletic performances of male athletes. The comparison of the most elite performers in these two categories maintains the historical pattern of viewing male sport and the male athlete as the standard, and female sport and the female athlete as the inferior ‘other’. This paper argues for a transformative utilization of the separation of men’s and women’s sports (...)
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  25. THEOLOGY OF PROVOCATION An Encounter of Jesus with the Woman.Delfo C. Canceran - 2011 - Journal of Dharma 36 (4):383-402.
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    Kalnicka, Z. Obrazy zeny a vody. Filozoficko-esteticke uvahy (Images of Woman and Water. Philosophical-Aesthetic Essays). [REVIEW]Chrobakova Repar - 2003 - Human Affairs 13 (2):197-199.
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  27. Nietzsche and Eros between the devil and God's deep blue sea: The problem of the artist as actor-jew-woman.Babette Babich - 2000 - Continental Philosophy Review 33 (2):159-188.
    In a single aphorism in The Gay Science, Nietzsche arrays “The Problem of the Artist” in a reticulated constellation. Addressing every member of the excluded grouping of disenfranchised “others,” Nietzsche turns to the destitution of a god of love keyed to the selfturning absorption of the human heart. His ultimate and irrecusably tragic project to restore the innocence of becoming requires the affirmation of the problem of suffering as the task of learning how to love. Nietzsche sees the eros of (...)
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  28. Black theology and the Black woman.Jacquelyn Grant - 1995 - In Beverly Guy-Sheftal (ed.), Words of Fire: An Anthology of African American Feminist Thought. The New Press. pp. 1995--319.
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  29. Of Bastard Man and Evil Woman, or, the Horror of Sex.Lorenzo Chiesa - 2012 - Film-Philosophy 16 (1):199-212.
    Lars von Trier’s Antichrist (2009) has often been described as a ‘gothic’, if not straightforwardly ‘horror’ movie. While this claim could easily be challenged with regard to strict genre definitions, it is doubtless the case that the film deals very explicitly with fear, first and foremost the female protagonist’s fear of herself, which is placed at the top of the so-called ‘pyramid of fear’ drawn by her therapist/wanna-be-Saviour partner. My opinion is that Antichrist perfectly displays the horrific effects of the (...)
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    Becoming-Woman: A Flight into Abstraction.Gillian Howie - 2008 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 2 (Suppl):83-106.
    In this paper I argue that the idea ‘becoming-woman’ is an attempt to transform embodied experience but, because it is unable to concern itself with mechanisms, structures and processes of sexual differentiation, fails in this task. In the first section I elaborate the relationship between becoming-woman and Deleuze's ‘superior’ or ‘transcendental’ empiricism and suggest that problems can be traced back to an underlying Humean empiricism. Along with Hume, Deleuze, it seems, presumes a bundle model of the object which (...)
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    Justice, A Justice of Distribution and Woman - On the basis of Michael J. Sandel's Justice: What's the right thing to do? -. 이정은 - 2011 - Korean Feminist Philosophy 15 (null):151-179.
    이 글은 한국 사회에서 최근에 폭발적 인기를 끈 마이클 샌델의 『정의란 무엇인가』에 들어있는 독특한 관점을 파악하여 분배 정의 이후의 재분배를 정당화하는데 활용할 여지가 있는지를, 그리고 그러한 정당화가 여성주의 전망과 대안을 제시하는 논거가 될 수 있는지를 찾는 데 목표를 둔다. 샌델은 아리스토텔레스 덕 이론에 근간을 두는 ‘공공선’ 실현을 정의의 궁극 목표로 삼는다. 공공선을 실현하려면, 공리주의나 자유주의가 국가 중립성과 자아 중립성에 기초하는 자율 논리를 견지하면서 ‘자율 논리에 따라 분배 정의를 주장하는 것’ 및 ‘재분배를 거부하는 것’을 잠재울 수 있는 논리가 필요하다. 이를 위해 (...)
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    Womanizing Nietzsche: Philosophy's Relation to the "Feminine".Kelly Oliver - 1994 - New York: Routledge.
    In ____Womanizing Nietzsche,__ Kelly Oliver uses an analysis of the position of woman in Nietzsche's texts to open onto the larger question of philosophy's relation to the feminine and the maternal. Offering readings from Nietzsche, Derrida, Irigaray, Kristeva, Freud and Lacan, Oliver builds an innovative foundation for an ontology of intersubjective relationships that suggests a new approach to ethics.
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    The Woman who Anoints Jesus (Mk 14.3-9): A Prophetic Sign of the New Creation.Susan Miller - 2006 - Feminist Theology 14 (2):221-236.
    The woman who anoints Jesus is unique within Mark’s Gospel, since her action is to be remembered wherever the Gospel is proclaimed. She is portrayed as a prophetic figure because her act of anointing points to Jesus’ kingship, which is revealed at the time of his death. Her critics condemn her gift as wasteful, arguing that the perfume should have been sold and the money given to the poor. The Greek term ap ōa leia, however, may be translated as (...)
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    (1 other version)Renaissance The Renaissance Notion of Woman: A Study in the Fortunes of Scholasticism and Medical Science in European Intellectual Life. By Ian Maclean. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980. Pp. viii + 119. £7.50. [REVIEW]Janet Coleman - 1981 - British Journal for the History of Science 14 (2):211-213.
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    Womanism, land and the cross: In memory of Vuyani Vellem.Fundiswa A. Kobo - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4).
    Premised by Vuyani Vellem’s deep-seated understanding of spirituality and the cross expressed in ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me’, the paper explores the paradox of learning to die in order to live, which is a dominant message of the Gospel. The cross that symbolises humiliation, oppression and death, is also the cross that symbolises liberation, life and resurrection. The liberative power of the cross concealed in the establishment/dungeons of oppression (...)
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    Wonder Woman and Patriarchy.Mónica Cano Abadía - 2017 - In Jacob M. Held (ed.), Wonder Woman and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 162–170.
    This chapter focuses on the golden era and proposes an exercise of creativity whereby we imagine Diana, the Amazon, becoming Wonder Woman in order to overthrow Man's World. Through Wonder Woman's story, we can build a feminist epic that depicts women who fight patriarchy. In the novel Lesbian Peoples: Material for a Dictionary, Wittig and Zeig describe the Amazons as the warriors thanks to whom we have been able to enter the Golden Age, an age without patriarchy or (...)
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    Woman and Authority in Ian McEwan’s “Conversation with a Cupboard Man” and Its Film Adaptation.Adam Sumera - 2011 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 1 (1):123-134.
    Woman and Authority in Ian McEwan's "Conversation with a Cupboard Man" and Its Film Adaptation The paper analyzes Ian McEwan's short story "Conversation with a Cup-board Man" and its film adaptation made in Poland by director Mariusz Grzegorzek in 1993. In many works McEwan shows women in more positive light than men. This short story, however, deals with a mother's total domination of her son's life. The text is in the form of first-person narration of the son but it (...)
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    Wonder Woman Wears Pants: Wonder Woman, Feminism and the 1972 “Women’s Lib” Issue.Ann Matsuuchi - 2012 - Colloquy 24:118-142.
    The history of the Wonder Woman comic book character is full of events and personalities as dramatic as the tales detailed in the text. The origins and development of this iconic female superhero demonstrate how competing ideas of what womanhood meant were reflected in popular culture. In this essay, the focus is on a particular issue of the Wonder Woman comic book, with a story by writer and literary critic Samuel R. Delany in 1972. In this issue Wonder (...)
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    The woman who decided to die: challenges and choices at the edges of medicine.Ronald Munson - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The woman who decided to die -- Like leaving a note -- The agents -- Unsuitable -- Nothing personal -- "He's had enough" -- Not more equal -- The last thing you can do for him -- The boy who was addicted to pain -- It seemed like a good idea.
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    Woman: Concept, Prototype and Stereotype.Annalisa Coliva - forthcoming - Social Epistemology.
    Drawing on previous work, I argue that a family resemblance account of the concept woman has several beneficial consequences. Namely, it promotes hermeneutical justice, and, in time, it may serve to change the prototypes and stereotypes people tend unreflectively to associate with woman. I claim that only at that point will full hermeneutical justice be achieved. To this end, I propose a reconceptualization of the notion of hermeneutical injustice, first presented by Fricker (2007). First, I present the family (...)
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  41. Woman as a Politically Significant Term: A Solution to the Puzzle.E. Diaz-Leon - 2016 - Hypatia 31 (2):245-258.
    What does woman mean? According to two competing views, it can be seen as a sex term or as a gender term. Recently, Jennifer Saul has put forward a contextualist view, according to which woman can have different meanings in different contexts. The main motivation for this view seems to involve moral and political considerations, namely, that this view can do justice to the claims of trans women. Unfortunately, Saul argues, on further reflection the contextualist view fails to (...)
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  42. Inessential Woman: Problems of Exclusion in Feminist Thought.Elizabeth V. Spelman - 1988 - Beacon Press.
    It surely would lighten the tasks of feminism tremendously if we could cut to the quick of women's lives by focusing on some essential "woman- ness." However, though all women are women, no woman is only a woman. Those of us who have  ...
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  43. SCHOFIELD, A. T. -The Mind of a Woman[REVIEW]J. Drever - 1921 - Mind 30:114.
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    (1 other version)Rational woman: a feminist critique of dichotomy.Raia Prokhovnik - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    To feminists and some postmodernists reason/emotion and man/woman represent two fundamental polarities, fixed deep within Western philosophy and reflected in the structures of our languages, and two sets of hierarchical power relations in patriarchal society. Raia Prokhovnik challenges the tradition of dualism and argues that rational woman need no longer be a contradiction in terms. Prokhovnik examines in turn: · the nature of dichotomy, its problems and an alternative · the reason/emotion dichotomy · dichotomies central to the man/ (...) dualism, such as sex/gender and the heterosexual/ist norm. (shrink)
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    The woman question in renaissance texts.Maryanne Cline Horowitz - 1987 - History of European Ideas 8 (4-5):587-595.
    I would like to thank Barbara S. Kanner, Occidental College, for her inspiration is establishing the importance of historiographical and bibliographical essays in women's history and Mary Elizabeth Perry, University of Southern California, for comments on an earlier version of this manuscript. My students in ‘The Reformation Debate on Women’ at the Harvard Divinity School and in ‘The Renaissance’ and ‘Woman and Man in Western Thought’, at Occidental College fostered lively discussions on the ‘image’ of the Renaissance woman. (...)
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  46. White Woman Feminist.Marilyn Frye - manuscript
    "White Woman Feminist," keynote address, New Jersey Project Conference, Rutgers University, May 30, 1992.
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    A Woman at the Quirinal? Thanks, But No Thanks: The Social Construction of Women's Political Agenda in the 1999 Italian Presidential Election.Franca Roncarolo - 2000 - European Journal of Women's Studies 7 (1):103-126.
    The need for the political empowerment of women, and the role played by the media in both promoting and hindering it are well-known problems. A new opportunity to consider these problems as regards the Italian case was afforded by the 1999 presidential election. During that selection process, the proposal to appoint a woman as head of the nation was, for the first time, brought into the arena for debate. Neither of the two women who were candidates – European Commissioner (...)
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    Wonder Woman Winning with Words.Francis Tobienne - 2017 - In Jacob M. Held (ed.), Wonder Woman and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 133–140.
    Rhetoric is the power of persuasion, or influence, through words. And in many ways, comics exemplify, through their heroes and heroines, the power of rhetoric, of the written and spoken word to convince, persuade, and ultimately move people. Wonder Woman exemplifies wisdom, or sophia, and as an ambassador and an emissary her character not only demonstrates the value of wisdom, but actively disarms threats, promoting peace through discourse. Wonder Woman remains relevant in the twenty‐first century, holding her own (...)
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  49. "A Woman's Thought Runs Before Her Actions": Vows as Speech Acts in As You Like It.William O. Scott - 2006 - Philosophy and Literature 30 (2):528-539.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"A Woman's Thought Runs Before Her Actions":Vows as Speech Acts in As You Like ItWilliam O. ScottAbout a decade ago Susanne Wofford discussed As You Like It from the viewpoint that Rosalind uses a "proxy," her guise as Ganymede, in uttering "the performative language necessary to accomplish deeds such as marriage." 1 Thus Wofford complicated and qualified the success-oriented assumptions about performative usage of language as envisioned in (...)
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    Marie-Ann Maushart. Hertha Sponer: A Woman's Life as a Physicist in the Twentieth Century: “So You Won't Forget Me.” With additional material by, Annette Vogt. Translated by, Ralph A. Morris. Edited by, Brenda P. Winnewisser. xvi + 274 pp., illus., apps., bibl., index. Durham, N.C.: Department of Physics, Duke University, 2011. $29.99. [REVIEW]Elise Crull - 2013 - Isis 104 (2):411-412.
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