Results for '경합적 민주주의, 갈등, 슈미트, 무페, 니체, 코널리, 오웬, Agonistic democracy, Conflict, Carl Schmitt, Chantal Mouffe, Nietzsche, William Connolly, David Owen'

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  1.  15
    Can Nietzschean Agonistic democracy be a plausible alternative to Chantal Mouffe’s theory?김도윤 ) - 2023 - EPOCH AND PHILOSOPHY 34 (4):45-78.
    본 논문은 니체에 기반한 경합적 민주주의 모델이 샹탈 무페 모델의 합리적 대안이 될 수 있는지 검토한다. 경합적 민주주의 이론은 칼 슈미트 또는 니체를 사상적 원천으로 지닌다. 한국에서 자주 논의되는 무페가 슈미트의 철학에 기반하여 자신 고유의 경합적 민주주의 모델을 구성한다. 그러나 슈미트에 근거를 두는 그녀 모델은 다음 네 비판에 취약하다. 첫째, 정당한 상대방과 적에 대한 구분이 모호하다. 둘째, 적대의 존재론적 근본성과 적대 아닌 경합을 동시에 주장하는 것은 논리적으로 비일관적이다. 셋째, 그녀가 말하는 경합은 자기 보존이라는 텔로스에 갇혀 있어 실질적으로 다원적 세계를 포착하지 (...)
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    Agonistic democracy: rethinking political institutions in pluralist times.Marie Paxton - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Agonistic Democracy explores how theoretical concepts from agonistic democracy can inform institutional design in order to mediate conflict in multicultural, pluralist societies. Drawing on the work of Foucault, Nietzsche, Schmitt, and Arendt, Marie Paxton outlines the importance of their themes of public contestation, contingency and necessary interdependency for contemporary agonistic thinkers. Paxton delineates three distinct approaches to agonistic democracy: David Owen's perfectionist agonism, Mouffe's adversarial agonism, and William Connolly and James Tully's inclusive agonism. (...)
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  3.  32
    Agonism, Democracy, and the Moral Equality of Voice.Stephen K. White - 2022 - Political Theory 50 (1):59-85.
    Agonism emerged three decades ago as an assault on the overemphasis in political theory on justice and consensus. It has now become the norm. But its character and relation to core values of democracy are not as unproblematic today as is often thought, an issue that becomes more pressing as contemporary politics increasingly seem locked into notions of unrelenting conflict between “friends” and “enemies.” This essay traces alternative ontological roots and ethical implications of agonism, distinguishing between “imperializing” and “tempered” modes. (...)
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  4.  50
    The New Pluralism: William Connolly and the Contemporary Global Condition.David Campbell & Morton Schoolman (eds.) - 2008 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    William Connolly, one of the best-known and most important political theorists writing today, is a principal architect of the “new pluralism.” In this volume, leading thinkers in contemporary political theory and international relations provide a comprehensive investigation of the new pluralism, Connolly’s contributions to it, and its influence on the fields of political theory and international relations. Together they trace the evolution of Connolly’s ideas, illuminating his challenges to the “old,” conventional pluralist theory that dominated American and British political (...)
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  5. Healthy Conflict in Contemporary American Society: From Enemy to Adversary.Jason A. Springs - 2018 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    US citizens perceive their society to be one of the most diverse and religiously tolerant in the world today. Yet seemingly intractable religious intolerance and moral conflict abound throughout contemporary US public life - from abortion law battles, same-sex marriage, post-9/11 Islamophobia, public school curriculum controversies, to moral and religious dimensions of the Black Lives Matter and Occupy Wall Street movements, and Tea Party populism. Healthy Conflict in Contemporary American Society develops an approach to democratic discourse and coalition-building across deep (...)
  6.  9
    The Subject of Nietzschean Agonistic Democracy: Sovereign Individual or Not? 김도윤 - 2024 - EPOCH AND PHILOSOPHY 35 (2):7-30.
    This article examines whether the subject of Nietzschean agonistic democracy is the ‘Sovereign Individual’. David Owen argues that the ideal community based on Nietzsche's philosophy is the agonistic democracy. According to him, agonistic democratic society based on Nietzsche is a community in which citizens strive to have their values recognized as the most outstanding values. He argues that for this community to be established and maintained, subjects must have two abilities: (1) honoring one’s commitments as (...)
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  7.  18
    Carl Schmitt y la paradoja de la democracia liberal.Chantal Mouffe, Julio De Zan & Alicia Pascual - 2002 - Tópicos 10:5-25.
    Why should we read Carl Schmitt today? Does his friend-enemy conception of politics retain some pertinence in our “post-political” age? Do liberal democrats have something to learn from his critique of liberalism? Is his theory of sovereignty still relevant in a globalized word? These are some if the issue that Chantal Mouffe addresses in this article. The author considers that political theorists, in order to put forward a conception of a liberal-democratic society capable to win the active support (...)
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  8.  62
    Conflicts on the Threshold of Democratic Orders: A Critical Encounter with Mouffe’s Theory of Agonistic Politics.Ferdinando G. Menga - 2017 - Jurisprudence 8 (3):532-556.
    In light of the recent revival of the debate on radical democracy, this paper seeks to show how a critical reappropriation of Chantal Mouffe’s theory of agonistic politics can explain the structure of a conflict-based understanding of democratic orders. In explicit convergence with Mouffe, I argue that a radical democratic project by no means needs to abandon—as many absolute democracy and multitude theorists claim—the modern political paradigm. I also show, diverging from her account, that Mouffe’s defence of a (...)
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  9. Carl Schmitt a paradox liberální demokracie.Chantal Mouffe - 2007 - Filosoficky Casopis 55:899-914.
    [Carl Schmitt and the paradox of liberal democracy].
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  10. Agonistics: thinking the world politically.Chantal Mouffe - 2013 - New York: Verso. Edited by Elke Wagner & Chantal Mouffe.
    Political conflict in our society is inevitable, and the results are often far from negative. How then should we deal with the intractable differences arising from complex modern culture? Developing her groundbreaking political philosophy of agnostics--the search for a radical and plural democracy--Chantal Mouffe examines international relations, strategies for radical politics, the future of Europe and the politics of artistic practices. She shows that in many circumstances where no alternatives seem possible, agonistics offers a new road map for change. (...)
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  11. Chantal Mouffe's Agonistic Project: Passions and Participation.Matthew Jones - 2014 - Parallax 20 (2):14-30.
    It is Chantal Mouffe’s contention that the central weakness of consensus-driven forms of liberalism, such as John Rawls’ political liberalism and Jurgen Habermas’ deliberative democracy, is that they refuse to acknowledge conflict and pluralism, especially at the level of the ontological. Their defence for doing so is that conflict and pluralism are the result of attempts to incorporate unreasonable and irrational claims into the public political sphere. In this context, unreasonable and irrational claims are those that cannot be translated (...)
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  12. Chantal Mouffe vs. Carl Schmitt: The Political, Democracy.Jan Smoleński - 2012 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 16.
  13.  21
    In defense of tempered progressive patriotism.Eric Cheng - 2023 - Contemporary Political Theory 22 (3):330-352.
    How should the ‘liberal democratic mainstream’ be fortified (or recovered) so that its members can consolidate to defeat anti-democrats? I argue for a value-pluralistic orientation to liberal democratic politics that accomodates not just the good of conflict (championed by ‘democratic agonists’), but also the good of unity. This approach, I show, accommodates various forms of contestation, but also recognizes the need to purposefully cultivate unity, and thus can be said to balance a ‘tragic ethos’ with a ‘progressive patriotic ethos’: the (...)
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  14.  46
    American Dionysia.Steven Johnston - 2009 - Contemporary Political Theory 8 (3):255-275.
    Pluralism's renaissance, thanks to William Connolly, Chantal Mouffe and others, has established its position as the distinctive voice of late modern democracy. It thus calls for an explicit theory of tragedy to address the antagonisms and enmities it reflects and fosters. Treating Machiavelli, Rousseau, Nietzsche, Weber and Camus as members of a minor tradition of thought, I articulate a political conception of tragedy that flows not from the failures of politics but, ironically, from politics at its best. A (...)
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    Agonistic democracy and constitutionalism in the age of populism.Danny Michelsen - 2022 - European Journal of Political Theory 21 (1).
    The article examines the compatibility of agonistic democracy and populism as well as their relationship to the idea of constitutionalism. The first part shows that Chantal Mouffe’s recent attempts to reconcile her normative approach of an agonistic pluralism with a populist style of politics are not fully convincing. Although there are undeniable commonalities between an agonistic and a populist understanding of politics – the appreciation of conflict, the rejection of moralistic and juridical modes of conflict resolution (...)
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  16. Politics, democratic action, and solidarity.Chantal Mouffe - 1995 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 38 (1-2):99 – 108.
    I agree with the critique of rationalism proposed by Spinosa, Flores, and Dreyfus in ?Disclosing New Worlds?. Today the defence of democracy requires us to understand that allegiance to democratic institutions can only rest on identification with the practices, the language?games, and the discourses which are constitutive of the democratic ?form of life?, and that it is not a question of providing them with a rational justification. My comments are developed in two directions. First, as a development of their thesis (...)
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  17. Educating Political Adversaries: Chantal Mouffe and Radical Democratic Citizenship Education.Claudia W. Ruitenberg - 2008 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 28 (3):269-281.
    Many scholars in the area of citizenship education take deliberative approaches to democracy, especially as put forward by John Rawls, as their point of departure. From there, they explore how students’ capacity for political and/or moral reasoning can be fostered. Recent work by political theorist Chantal Mouffe, however, questions some of the central tenets of deliberative conceptions of democracy. In the paper I first explain the central differences between Mouffe’s and Rawls’s conceptions of democracy and politics. To this end (...)
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  18.  37
    The problems with liberal consensus. Agonistic politics according to Chantal Mouffe.Anna Szklarska - 2020 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 10 (1):95-114.
    This article is a critical analysis of the most important assumptions of Chantal Mouffe’s political philosophy, along with its original categories such as agonism, radical democracy and hegemony. The sources of her concept are indicated and certain difficulties that the author falls into are distinguished. The thread that is considered central to this philosophy, with the most profound practical consequences, is an attempt to demonstrate the futility of a liberal doctrine that values consensus and deliberation and proclaims an apology (...)
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  19. The dissociative and polemical political: Chantal Mouffe and the intellectual heritage of Carl Schmitt.Martin Https://Orcidorg Beckstein - 2011 - .
    In her more recent work, Chantal Mouffe enters into what she calls a 'dialogue' with Carl Schmitt on the political. So far, interpretations of this dialogue suggest that Mouffe attempts to revise Schmitt's friend/enemy-distinction and carve out a theory of agonistic pluralism. An interpretation on these grounds, this article argues, reduces the dialogue to its analytical dimension and cannot comfortably be upheld. Mouffe indeed appropriates Schmitt's friend/enemy-distinction, but she also gets inspired by the metatheoretical facet of his (...)
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  20.  30
    W poszukiwaniu najlepszego modelu polityki. C. Schmitt, J. Rawls, Ch. Mouffe.Dorota Sepczyńska - 2010 - In Dorota Sepczyńska, Piotr Wasyluk & Jadwiga Błahut-Prusik (eds.), Współczesne dylematy filozofii i kultury. Instytut Filozofii UWM w Olsztynie, Centrum Badań Europy Wschodniej UWM w Olsztynie. pp. 177-221.
    Bez wątpienia w historii filozofii polityki istnieją pytania, które mają pozaczasowy charakter, jednym z nich jest pytanie o to, czym jest polityka. Nie oznacza to jednak, że filozofia polityki to jedna tradycja powiązanych ze sobą idei, która rozpoczęła się w starożytnej Grecji i trwa do dziś. Istnieją bowiem w jej ramach pytania związane z duchem czasów i określoną kulturą. Także odpowiedzi na odwieczne pytania zależą od problemów danej kultury i epoki, od tez nurtu filozoficznego, z którym identyfikuje się dany myśliciel (...)
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  21.  79
    Overcoming the Institutional Deficit of Agonistic Democracy.Manon Westphal - 2019 - Res Publica 25 (2):187-210.
    Agonistic democrats have enriched debates on the political challenge of pluralism by raising awareness for the depth of disagreements and the political potentials of conflict. However, they have so far failed to explore the shape of institutional settings that are conducive to agonism and show how the agonistic stance may, in a very practical sense, strengthen democracies’ capacity to deal with pluralism and conflict. This article argues that this ‘institutional deficit’ of agonistic democracy can be overcome. It (...)
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  22.  3
    Carl Schmitt, Rousseau, and the French Revolution.William L. Patch - 2024 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2024 (208):43-64.
    ExcerptNow a century old, Carl Schmitt’s The Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy still provides useful training for historians in the necessary task of making distinctions between “liberalism” and “democracy,” two movements that arose with overlapping but distinct core principles in eighteenth-century Europe, often competed with each other, and sometimes came into bloody conflict. Schmitt makes one highly controversial assertion, however, near the beginning of this book. After agreeing with Alexis de Tocqueville that the spread of democracy was the most powerful (...)
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  23. Critical republicanism: Jürgen Habermas and Chantal Mouffe.Gulshan Khan - 2013 - Contemporary Political Theory 12 (4):318-337.
    Jürgen Habermas’s theory of ‘discourse ethics’ has been an important source of inspiration for theories of deliberative democracy and is typically contrasted with agonistic conceptions of democracy represented by theorists such as Chantal Mouffe. In this article I show that this contrast is overstated. By focusing on the different philosophical traditions that underpin Mouffe’s and Habermas’s respective approaches, commentators have generally overlooked the political similarities between these thinkers. I examine Habermas’s and Mouffe’s respective conceptions of democratic politics and (...)
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  24.  60
    The Truth About Leo Strauss: Political Philosophy and American Democracy.Catherine H. Zuckert & Michael P. Zuckert - 2006 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Michael P. Zuckert.
    Is Leo Strauss truly an intellectual forebear of neoconservatism and a powerful force in shaping Bush administration foreign policy? _The Truth about Leo Strauss_ puts this question to rest, revealing for the first time how the popular media came to perpetuate an oversimplified view of a complex and wide-ranging philosopher. In doing so, it corrects our perception of Strauss, providing the best general introduction available to the political thought of this misunderstood figure. Catherine and Michael Zuckert—both former students of Strauss—guide (...)
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  25. (1 other version)Deliberative Democracy or Agonistic Pluralism?Chantal Mouffe - 1999 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 66 (3):745-758.
    One of the main reasons that liberal democratic societies are not ill-prepared to confront the present challenge presented by disaffection with democratic institutions, is that the type of political theory currently in vogue is dominated by an individualistic, universalistic, and rationalistic framework. This erases the dimension of the political and impedes envisaging in an adequate manner the nature of a pluralistic democratic public sphere. This paper examines the most recent paradigm of liberal democracy: 'deliberative democracy', in order to bring to (...)
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  26. The Challenge of Carl Schmitt.Chantal Mouffe - 2003 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 65 (1):158-159.
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  27. Antagonism and democratic citizenship (Schmitt, Mouffe, Derrida).Matthias Fritsch - 2008 - Research in Phenomenology 38 (2):174-197.
    In the context of the recent proliferation of nationalisms and enemy figures, this paper agrees with the desirability of retaining some of the explanatory and motivational potential of an agonistic account of politics, but gives reasons not to accept too much of Carl Schmitt's account of citizenship. The claim as to the necessarily antagonistic exclusion of concrete others can be supported neither on its own terms nor on Derridian grounds, as Chantal Mouffe, in particular, attempts to do. (...)
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  28.  15
    The return of the political.Chantal Mouffe - 2020 - New York: Verso.
    Chantal Mouffe is one of the most influential political theorists at work today. Her work has influenced political parties across Europe and continues to inform the direction of left politics. In this work, Mouffe argues that liberal democracy misunderstands the problems of ethnic, religious and nationalist conflicts because of its inadequate conception of politics.
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    Democracy as compromise: An alternative to the agonistic vs. epistemic divide.Gustavo H. Dalaqua - 2019 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 60 (144):587-607.
    The agonistic vs. epistemic dichotomy is fairly widespread in contemporary democratic theory and is endorsed by scholars as outstanding as Luis Felipe Miguel, Chantal Mouffe, and Nadia Urbinati. According to them, the idea that democratic deliberation can work as a rational exchange of arguments that aims at truth is incompatible with the recognition of conflict as a central feature of politics. In other words, the epistemic approach is bound to obliterate the agonistic and conflictive dimension of democracy. (...)
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  30. Between conflict and consensus: Why democracy needs conflicts and why communities should delimit their intensity.Szilvia Horváth - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Kritische Sozialtheorie Und Philosophie 5 (2):264-281.
    The contemporary agonist thinker, Chantal Mouffe argues that conflicts are constitutive of politics. However, this position raises the question that concerns the survival of order and the proper types of conflicts in democracies. Although Mouffe is not consensus-oriented, consensus plays a role in her theory when the democratic order is at stake. This suggests that there is a theoretical terrain between the opposing poles of conflict and consensus. This can be discussed with the help of concepts and theories that (...)
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  31. Democracy, human rights and cosmopolitanism : an agonistic approach.Chantal Mouffe - 2014 - In Costas Douzinas & Conor Gearty (eds.), The meanings of rights: the philosophy and social theory of human rights. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
  32.  13
    Humanización y deshumanización: de Laclau, Mouffe y Schmitt al conflicto armado en Colombia.Daniel Arturo Palma Álvarez - 2018 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 7 (1):13-20.
    Este documento analiza cómo se presenta la deshumanización en los conflictos armados e intenta demostrar que, en la mayoría de los casos, lo ‘discursivo’ y lo ‘violento’ coexisten de modo que el ‘otro’ es una construcción difusa que cambia según el contexto. Como consecuencia, no puede establecerse una división clara entre ‘enemigo’ y ‘adversario’, por lo que debe aceptarse que dicha relación es mucho más compleja. Para esto, se revisa la historia del conflicto armado colombiano desde mediados del siglo XX, (...)
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  33. Schmerz und Hegung. Das Politische und die Institutionalisierung seiner Grenzen.Dikovich Albert - 2020 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 8 (1):195-230.
    My paper aims to outline the concept of the pathic foundation of political institutions. I depart from the observation of a lack of clarity concerning the resources of institutional stability in the work of Chantal Mouffe and the proponents of agonistic democracy. Drawing from the ideas of Claude Lefort and Carl von Clausewitz, I sketch the idea that the experience of confict itself generates the moral and epistemic groundings that legitimize and stabilize its institutional regulations. It is (...)
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  34.  91
    Dimensions of Radical Democracy: Pluralism, Citizenship, Community.Chantal Mouffe - 1992 - Verso.
    The themes of citizenship and community are today at the center of a fierce debate as both left and right try to mobilize them for their cause. For the left such notions are crucial in all the current attempts to redefine political struggle through extending and deepening democracy. But, argue the contributors to this volume, these concepts need to be made compatible with the pluralism that marks modern democracy. Rather than reject the liberal tradition, they argue, the aim should be (...)
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  35. On the Political.Chantal Mouffe - 2005 - New York: Routledge.
    Since September 11th, we frequently hear that political differences should be put aside: the real struggle is between good and evil. What does this mean for political and social life? Is there a 'Third Way' beyond left and right, and if so, should we fear or welcome it? This thought-provoking book by Chantal Mouffe, a globally recognized political author, presents a timely account of the current state of democracy, affording readers the most relevant and up-to-date information. Arguing that liberal (...)
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  36. On Giving Religious Intolerance its Due: Prospects for Transforming Conflict in a Post-secular Society.Jason A. Springs - 2012 - Journal of Religion 28 (3):1-30.
    This essay explores the possibility that religiously motivated intolerance and conflict can be reframed and positively utilized for constructive social-political purposes. After reviewing efforts by political philosophers over the past two decades to accommodate religious voices in political discourse, I scrutinize Charles Taylor’s attempt to improve upon the limits of “accommodationist” approaches to religious intolerance and conflict. I argue that both accommodationist and Taylor’s recognition-based approaches to religiously motivated conflict take the gravity of such conflict with insufficient seriousness. I then (...)
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  37. The “populist” foundation of liberal democracy: Jan-Werner Müller, Chantal Mouffe, and post-foundationalism.Lasse Thomassen - 2022 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (7):992-1013.
    Philosophy & Social Criticism, Volume 48, Issue 7, Page 992-1013, September 2022. This article examines the connection between populism and post-foundationalism in the context of contemporary debates about populism as a strategy for the Left. I argue that there is something “populist” about every constitutional order, including liberal democratic ones. I argue so drawing on Chantal Mouffe’s theories of hegemony, agonistic democracy, and left populism. Populism is the quintessential form of post-foundational politics because, rightly understood, populism constructs the (...)
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    The Ethics and Politics of Democracy: An Agonistic Approach.Chantal Mouffe - 2013 - In Martin G. Weiss & Hajo Greif (eds.), Ethics, society, politics: proceedings of the 35th International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria, 2012. Boston: De Gruyter Ontos. pp. 313-328.
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    Carl Schmitt e o pós-marxismo: O caso Chantal Mouffe.Deyvison Lima & José Maria Arruda - 2022 - Princípios 29 (60):213-234.
    O artigo investiga a proposta de releitura da teoria da democracia e do conceito do político feita pela filosofia belga pós-marxista Chantal Mouffe. O objetivo é analisar os argumentos da autora e a reabilitação do tema do conflito como constitutivo da democracia. Após a virada consensualista, procedimentos e princípios racionais passaram a reger a instituição do politico através de concepções deliberativas acerca da democracia, marcadas pela neutralização do conflito e identificação entre política e moral. Na contramão desse movimento, Mouffe (...)
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    What is wrong with agonistic pluralism?: Reflections on conflict in democratic theory.Eva Erman - 2009 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 35 (9):1039-1062.
    During the last couple of decades, concurrently with an increased awareness of the complexity of ethical conflicts, political theorists have directed attention to how constitutional democracy should cope with a fact of incommensurable doctrines. Poststructuralists such as Chantal Mouffe claim that ethical conflicts are fundamentally irreconcilable, which is indeed a view shared by many liberal theorists. The question of whether ethical conflicts are in principle irreconcilable is an important one since the answer has implications for what democratic institutions are (...)
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    Agonistic Pluralism’ and Three Archetypal Forms of Politics.Mark Wenman - 2003 - Contemporary Political Theory 2 (2):165-186.
    In this paper, I delineate one tradition of contemporary political thought that has emerged within the more general climate of difference and diversity. This is ‘agonistic pluralism’. The paper evaluates the recent work of three authors, who exemplify this strand of political thinking; William Connolly, Chantal Mouffe, and James Tully. Over the past decade, each of these three has developed the notion of agonistic pluralism. The task here is to examine points of comparison between them. I (...)
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    Chantal Mouffe: Hegemony, Radical Democracy, and the Political.James Martin - 2013 - Routledge.
    "Chantal Mouffe's writings have been innovatory with respect to democratic theory, Marxism and feminism. Her work derives from, and has always been engaged with, contemporary political events and intellectual debates. This sense of conflict informs both the methodological and substantive propositions she offers. Determinisms, scientific or otherwise, and ideologies, Marxist or feminist, have failed to survive her excoriating critiques. In a sense she is the original post-Marxist, rejecting economisms and class-centric analyses, and the original post-feminist, more concerned with the (...)
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  43. Review essay: Pyrrhic Victories and a Trojan Horse in the Strauss wars.William H. F. Altman - 2009 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 39 (2):294-323.
    A careful reading of Harvey C. Mansfield's Manlines s and the recent translation of Daniel Tanguay's Leo Strauss; une biographie intellectuelle reveals that neither text supports the view that Leo Strauss was a harmless if qualified friend of liberal democracy. Key Words: Leo Strauss • Straussians • Nietzsche • Carl Schmitt • Heidegger • National Socialism • Liberalism • Redlichkeit • Hobbes • Hegel • Viktor Trivas.
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  44. Nietzsche and the Nobility of Democracy.William E. Connolly - 2000 - International Studies in Philosophy 32 (3):51-59.
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    Geen politiek zonder strijd. Chantal Mouffe in het spoor van Carl Schmitt.Stefan Rummens - 2006 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 46 (3):38-49.
    Chantal Mouffe herneemt de centrale gedachte van Carl Schmitt dat de antagonistische relatie tussen vriend en vijand constitutief is voor het politieke. Anders dan bij Schmitt leidt die idee bij haar tot een links en radicaal democratisch model voor een pluralistische samenleving. Een juiste appreciatie van de niet te elimineren politieke dimensie van strijd geeft aanleiding tot een kritische evaluatie van het politieke liberalisme van John Rawls en de deliberatieve democratie van Jürgen Habermas. Tegelijkertijd werpt Mouffe daarbij een (...)
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    Liberal Democratic Law, the Ethics of Civility, and Agonistic Politics between Hegemony and Compromise.Manon Westphal - 2023 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 52 (1):109-119.
    Liberal Democratic Law, the Ethics of Civility, and Agonistic Politics between Hegemony and Compromise This article brings Van der Walt’s argument on the importance of an ‘ethics of civility’ in liberal democracies into dialogue with agonistic democratic theory. While agonists agree with Van der Walt that democracy requires citizens’ readiness to live with views that they do not consider ‘reasonable enough,’ they focus on the political processing of conflicts among political actors with opposing views of what is reasonable. (...)
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    O conceito do político de Carl Schmitt e Chantal Mouffe: "antagonismo” ou “agonismo”?Natália Pereira Ribeiro da Silva - 2023 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 42 (1):36-50.
    A pensadora política Chantal Mouffe desenvolve sua teoria afirmando o antagonismo e o conflito como categorias centrais e essenciais do político, enfatizando deste modo a importância do dissenso como elemento fundamental da democracia. Mouffe nos direciona em suas obras à reflexão do que seria um modelo agonístico de democracia radical, onde o pluralismo político, a cidadania e o dissenso estabelecem os elementos essenciais para a constituição dessa sociedade. Os pensamentos de Chantal Mouffe se apoiam em sua leitura de (...)
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    The people versus the grandees: The paradox of Claude Lefort’s ‘populism’.Thomás Zicman de Barros - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    In recent decades, Claude Lefort has become a recurring reference point for mainstream authors hostile to populism. This article delves into the paradoxical character of Lefort’s own ‘populism’ to challenge these anti-populist approaches. It explores Lefort’s nuanced stance in which, despite his explicit rejection of populism, he nevertheless embraced social division and the empowerment of the people against the grandees. The analysis is divided into three parts. First, it presents Lefort’s objections to populism, echoed by scholars such as Marilena Chaui, (...)
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  49. Some reflections on an agonistic approach to the public.Chantal Mouffe - 2005 - In Bruno Latour & Peter Weibel (eds.), Making Things Public: Atmospheres of Democracy. Mit Press (Ma). pp. 804--807.
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    Reconciling positivism and realism: Kelsen and Habermas on democracy and human rights.David Ingram - 2014 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 40 (3):237-267.
    It is well known that Hans Kelsen and Jürgen Habermas invoke realist arguments drawn from social science in defending an international, democratic human rights regime against Carl Schmitt’s attack on the rule of law. However, despite embracing the realist spirit of Kelsen’s legal positivism, Habermas criticizes Kelsen for neglecting to connect the rule of law with a concept of procedural justice (Part I). I argue, to the contrary (Part II), that Kelsen does connect these terms, albeit in a manner (...)
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