Results for '93 Education and Training'

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  1.  51
    Consumption Dynamics Scales: Consumption Tendency of Individuals Trained with Institutional Education of Religion.Abdullah İnce, Tuğba Erulrunca, Seyra Kılıçsal & Aykut Hamit Turan - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):63-92.
    Turkey has passed the import substitution economic model to a new model of the economy called open out since 1980. Along with the neoliberal policies implemented, the process of integration with the global economy has begun. The incomes of the religious people who cannot be excluded from the effects of this articulation also increased and their consumption behaviors has changed. On the other hand, some transport elements, especially the media, have enabled consumption codes to reach different segments. The new values (...)
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  2. Education as Training for Life: Stoic teachers as physicians of the soul.Mark A. Holowchak - 2009 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 41 (2):166-184.
    This paper is an indirect critique of the practice of American liberal education. I show that the liberal, integrative model that American colleges and universities have adopted, with one key exception, is essentially an approach to education proposed some 2400 years ago by Stoic philosophers. To this end, I focus on a critical sketch of the Stoic model of education—chiefly through the works of Seneca, Epictetus, and Aurelius—that is distinguishable by these features: education as self‐knowing, the (...)
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  3. The Two Philosophies of Wittgenstein.Tony Tyley, Janet Hoenig, Bryan Magee, Inc Films for the Humanities & B. B. C. Education & Training - 1997 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences.
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  4. The Ideas of Chomsky.Tony Tyley, Noam Chomsky, Janet Hoenig, Bryan Magee & Inc B. B. C. Education & Training - 1997 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences Distributed Under License From Bbc Worldwide Americas. Edited by Bryan Magee.
  5. Bryan Magee Talks to Michael Ayers About Locke and Berkeley.Bryan Magee, Michael Ayers, Inc Bbc Education & Training, B. B. C. Worldwide Americas & Films for the Humanities - 1987 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences.
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  6. Bryan Magee talks to Bernard Williams about Descartes.Bryan Magee, Bernard Arthur Owen Williams, Jill Dawson & B. B. C. Education & Training - 1997 - .
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  7. Smart-entrepreneurship education in training of the hotel business specialists.Sergii Sardak & Y. Naboka S. R. Koev, L. Chepurda, S. Sardak, L. Zhylinska - 2019 - Journal of Entrepreneurship Education 22 (4):1-5.
    The article is devoted to the problems of introducing the SMART-education technology in the training and development of personnel of hotel complexes and business activities in the field of hotel business. The methodological and organizational bases for the application of SMART-education in staff training were identified; the leading qualitative features and development trends of this type of entrepreneurial educational activity were outlined. The principles of SMART-education of staff in the field of hotel business and its (...)
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    Administration of Public Education in the United States.Samuel Train Dutton & David Snedden - 1909 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 6 (17):473-474.
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    The construction of legal professionalism in special education teacher training: The role of the extended relational circle in a professional situation.Cédric Laheyne - 2024 - Revue Phronesis 13 (4):56-71.
    Referring mainly to theories of transformation engineering, this article focuses on an experimental vocational training system bringing together special education teachers in initial training, under apprenticeship contracts and in employment. It uses the issue of the construction of emerging professionalism to analyze the formation of legal skills among educators. This contribution offers a broader vision of the conditions that make this learning possible, pointing to their effects on the feeling of personal effectiveness. The analysis of the traces (...)
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    Medical education: The training of ethical physicians.Raphael Sassower - 1990 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 10 (3):251-261.
    This paper suggests that medical education be revised to assist in diffusing potential ethical dilemmas that arise during health care provision. A revised medical education would emphasize the role of the humanities in the training of physicians, especially in light of recent critiques of the canonical scientific model in general, and more specifically in the use of that model for medical training and practice.
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    Rethinking the nature of subject studies in primary initial teacher education.Brian Ellis - 1995 - British Journal of Educational Studies 43 (2):146-161.
    The publication of Circular 14/93 'Initial Training of Primary School Teachers' sees yet another attempt to redefine and control the objectives, methods, outcomes and location of initial teacher education. It implies changes in the role of subject studies in initial teacher education, although its prescriptions in this regard are elusive. The interpretation and implications of these changes for subject studies are the focus of this paper. It reviews the current role of subject studies in primary initial teacher (...)
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    REC Members' Perceptions of Their Training Needs: Report of an AREC Audit.Paula McGee, Gordon Taylor, Roger Rawbone, on Behalf of the Arec Training Needs Working Group, Carol Dawson, Kate McGarva & Richard Nicholson - 2006 - Research Ethics 2 (4):119-131.
    The Association of Research Ethics Committees is one of the leading providers of training and education for members of Research Ethics Committees. The introduction of the research governance strategy and the increasing complexity of ethical review place great demands on research ethics committee members that in turn creates challenges for training providers. This paper presents the outcome of an audit of REC members' views about training. Findings demonstrate that REC members are not a homogenous group. Several (...)
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    Shovelling smoke? The experience of being a philosopher on an educational research training programme.Judith Suissa - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 40 (4):547–562.
    This paper is a reflective account of the experience of designing and teaching a philosophy module as part of a research training programme for students studying for research degrees in education. In the course of the discussion, I address various problems and questions to do with the relationship between philosophy and educational research, the nature of philosophy of education and the role of the foundational disciplines in educational research.
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  14. Ethical education as bodily training: Kitaro Nishida’s moral phenomenology of “acting-intuition.”.Joel Krueger - 2007 - In Roger T. Ames & Peter D. Hershock, Educations and Their Purposes: A Conversation among Cultures. University of Hawai'i Press. pp. 325-334.
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    Training in environmental education for the management of solid waste at Kuanza Sul General Hospital.Augusto José Fazenda & ManueL - 2015 - Humanidades Médicas 15 (2):241-261.
    El estudio persigue el objetivo de contribuir a la capacitación para elevar la competencia de los trabajadores del hospital general de Kuanza Sul, Angola, en la educación ambiental para la gestión de residuos sólidos en consonancia con la preservación del medio ambiente y la promoción de la salud de los pueblos. Se caracteriza al Hospital en sus dimensiones estructural y funcional. Contiene el análisis, la interpretación y el tratamiento de los datos obtenidos a través de encuestas, entrevistas y observación. This (...)
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  16. Tones of Theory a Theoretical Structure for Physical Education--A Tentative Perspective.Celeste Ulrich, John E. Nixon & Physical Education Recreation American Association for Health - 1972 - American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation.
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  17.  23
    The UCL Institute of Education. From Training College to Global Institution.Richard Race - 2023 - British Journal of Educational Studies 71 (3):343-345.
    This was a book I wanted to read, being alumni of the Institute of Education and the History of Education MA Course, which was a programme led by Richard Aldrich in the 1990s. Richard Aldrich was t...
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    Training Young Killers: How Butcher Education Might Be Damaging Young People.Maša Blaznik - 2018 - Journal of Animal Ethics 8 (2):199-215.
    The job of butcher requires the routinized mass killing of nonhuman animals and has damaging mental health consequences for individuals and negative impacts on society. However, vocational training for butchers is part of many educational systems in the European Union where teenagers can start training from the age 0/15. In this article, I explore the effects of the violent content of this training on young people and its relation to the context of their developmental period—adolescence. In addition, (...)
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  19.  14
    Rights Training for Providers: Education as Advocacy.Marshall B. Kapp - 1982 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 10 (4):270-272.
  20. Ethics training: A genuine dilemma for engineering educators. [REVIEW]John Lincourt & Robert Johnson - 2004 - Science and Engineering Ethics 10 (2):353-358.
    This is an examination of three main strategies used by engineering educators to integrate ethics into the engineering curriculum. They are: (1) the standalone course, (2) the ethics imperative mandating ethics content for all engineering courses, and (3) outsourcing ethics instruction to an external expert. The expectations from each approach are discussed and their main limitations described. These limitations include the insular status of the stand-alone course, the diffuse and uneven integration with the ethics imperative, and the orphaned status of (...)
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  21. Teaching Training in Physical Education, Towards a rationale for a Socio-constructivist Approach.Marie-France Daniel - 1995 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 16 (2):90-101.
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    Peculiarities of Professional Training of Educational Managers in Conditions of Transformation Processes.Nataliia Prykhodkina, Hanna Tymoshko, Olena Sholokh, Tetiana Makhynia, Svitlana Koroliuk & Svitlana Genkal - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (2):254-272.
    The article is devoted to the study of theoretical aspects of professional training of educational managers within the requirements of modern transformational society. In the conditions of the prevailing postmodernism new requirements to the manager of education as the specialist and as the person are allocated, according to what the emphasis on the influence of such processes as globalization, informatization, and innovative development on the preparation of modern experts in management is made. Changes in the educational paradigm indicate (...)
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    Educational work workshops system for the Medicine degree guiding teacher training.Silvia de la Caridad Rodríguez Selpa, Sonia Socarrás Sánchez, Alberto Bujardón Mendoza & Norma Iglesias Morell - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (1):171-188.
    Se presentan los resultados obtenidos en la tesis de maestría Sistema de talleres de trabajo educativo para la capacitación del profesor guía de Medicina en Nuevitas con el objetivo de demostrar el impacto a partir de su implementación en la brigada estudiantil. Se exponen las definiciones elaboradas y las contextualizaciones. Se concluye que el sistema contribuyó al adecuado desempeño del profesor guía y al desarrollo del modo de actuación de los estudiantes. La rapidez y la calidad que implicó en la (...)
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  24.  15
    Master Training of Translation Specialists in the Context of the Postmodern Educational Paradigm.Olesia Tetsova, Oksana Dudina & Iryna Holovko - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (1 Sup1):395-411.
    The article deals with the problems of inconsistency of Ukrainian translation education with the trends of the postmodern state of society and the advisability of introducing the achievements of the American system of training translators is substantiated. The article describes the organization of training masters in technical translation in the United States on the basis of a systematic analysis, in particular, the structure and content, forms and methods of teaching and learning masters in technical translation. Postmodern tendencies (...)
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  25.  13
    Educational strategy to strengthen the humanist training of tutors in the Medicine Degree.Olga Lidia Barreras López & Bujardón Mendoza - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (1):48-66.
    Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal durante el curso escolar 2012-2013 con el objetivo de elaborar una estrategia educativa para fortalecer la formación humanista de tutores de la carrera de Medicina del policlínico universitario en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey. El universo estuvo formado por 24 profesionales que se desempeñaron como tutores. Se aplicó una encuesta con el objetivo de determinar las principales limitaciones para realizar la labor de tutoría que mostró la necesidad de contribuir al perfeccionamiento de (...)
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    Scientific education versus military training: The influence of Napoleon Bonaparte on the Ecole Polytechnique.Margaret Bradley - 1975 - Annals of Science 32 (5):415-449.
    The influence of Napoleon Bonaparte on the Ecole Polytechnique has long been a matter for debate. In this article, the extent of this influence is illustrated, together with resistance within the school itself to Napoleon's attempts to bend it to his own will and use it for purposes of military adventure. Manuscript material, including Napoleon's own private plans for the reorganization of the school, is reproduced to throw light on his intentions and his own attitudes to education.
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    Professional training in terms of continuous education: Methodological approaches.Olha Hulai - 2016 - Science and Education: Academic Journal of Ushynsky University 10:125-130.
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    Ethics Training: A Genuine Dilemma for Engineering Educators.Andrew S. Lau - 2004 - Science and Engineering Ethics 10 (2).
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    Educational Multimedia Materials in Academic Medical Training.Barbara Kołodziejczak, Magdalena Roszak, Wojciech Kowalewski & Anna Ren-Kurc - 2014 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 39 (1):105-122.
    This article presents an overview of generally available applications for creating multimedia and interactive educational materials, such as presentations, instructional videos, self-tests and interactive repetitions. With the use of the presented tools, pilot materials were developed to support the teaching of biostatistics at a medical university. The authors conducted surveys among students of faculties of medicine in order to evaluate the materials used in terms of quality and usefulness. The article presents the analysis of the results obtained.
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    Ethics education: the impact of ethics training engagement on unethical decision-making in the workplace.Stanley Singer & Dalia Diab - 2020 - International Journal of Ethics Education 6 (1):109-124.
    This study examined the impact of ethics training engagement on unethical decision-making in the workplace. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the two conditions. Next, a baseline measurement of ethical ideology was collected using the Ethics Position Questionnaire and participants then engaged in ethics training based on the condition to which they were randomly assigned. They then had the option to read along or listen to a hypothetical scenario about an employee faced with the opportunity to make (...)
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    Why Training in Ecological Research Must Incorporate Ethics Education.G. K. D. Crozier & Albrecht I. Schulte-Hostedde - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (5):14-19.
    Like other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields, ecological research needs ethics. Given the rapid pace of technological developments and social change, it is important for scientists to have the vocabulary and critical-thinking skills necessary to identify, analyze, and communicate the ethical issues generated by the research and practices within their fields of specialization. The goal of introducing ethics education for ecological researchers would be to promote a discipline in which scientists are willing and able to engage in ethical (...)
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    The Youth Not in Education, Employment, or Training in Romania: A Structural Analysis.Horia Mihai & Ana Niţu - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 35 (4).
    This article examines the NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) youth in Romania, employing the secondary analysis of quantitative data and focusing on the socio-economic, cultural and systemic factors contributing to this phenomenon. The analysis highlights how economic instability, poverty and limited access to education exacerbate the challenges faced by this demographic group. Gender disparities, driven by traditional roles and labour market discrimination, further limit opportunities for young women. Additionally, structural deficiencies in the labour market, such (...)
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    Training for Democracy through the Education of the Will according to Jacques Maritain.Miguel Rumayor - 2004 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 20:89-96.
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    Inclusion of pedagogical training in ethics education: A call for action.Sualeha Siddiq Shekhani, Aamir Mustafa Jafarey, Bushra Shirazi & Muhammad Shahid Shamim - 2024 - International Journal of Ethics Education 9 (2):179-186.
    This paper describes the experience of conducting a series of workshops in Bioethics Pedagogy within Pakistan. Initiated by the Centre of Biomedical Ethics and Culture (CBEC), Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation (SIUT) located in Karachi, Pakistan, this series is the first of its kind, blending knowledge of bioethics with that of medical education. While students are expected to teach bioethics upon graduating from academic programs such as Postgraduate Diploma in Biomedical Ethics and Master’s in Bioethics, they do not (...)
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    The Influence of Physical Education on Self-Efficacy in Overweight Schoolgirls: A 12-Week Training Program.Francesca Latino, Stefania Cataldi, Valerio Bonavolontà, Roberto Carvutto, Michele De Candia & Francesco Fischetti - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The purpose of this randomized controlled study was to investigate the impact of a 12-week physical education program on the self-efficacy of overweight schoolgirls. We randomly assigned 60 overweight schoolgirls to either an experimental moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise group or a control group that received non-specific regular PE lessons with activities chosen by the curricular teacher mainly focused on team games and sports skills that aimed to achieve general psycho-physical wellness. To assess the starting level of students and (...)
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    Current state of physical education specialists’ continuous professional training.Tetiana Dereka - 2016 - Science and Education: Academic Journal of Ushynsky University 10:5-11.
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  37. Exploiting Fluencies: Educational Expropriation of Social Networking Site Consumer Training.Lucinda Rush & D. E. Wittkower - 2014 - Digital Culture and Education 6 (1).
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    Integrity in Action: Medical Education as a Training in Conscience.John Brewer Eberly & Benjamin W. Frush - 2019 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 62 (3):414-433.
    Cowardice asks the question, is it safe? Expediency asks the question, is it politic? Vanity asks the question, is it popular? But conscience asks the question, is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right.Your burden is not to clear your conscience but to learn how to bear the burdens on your conscience.Since the time of (...)
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    Comparison of Cross Culture Engineering Ethics Training Using the Simulator for Engineering Ethics Education.Christopher Chung - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (2):471-478.
    This paper describes the use and analysis of the Simulator for Engineering Ethics Education to perform cross culture engineering ethics training and analysis. Details describing the first generation and second generation development of the SEEE are published in Chung and Alfred, Science and Engineering Ethics, vol. 15, 2009 and Alfred and Chung, Science and Engineering Ethics, vol. 18, 2012. In this effort, a group of far eastern educated students operated the simulator in the instructional, training, scenario, and (...)
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    Research on the Integrated Training Mode of Higher Art Education for the Deaf.Fangfang Liu - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (spe):47-72.
    Resumo: Uma das medidas mais significativas do progresso de uma nação, no fornecimento de educação para pessoas com deficiências, bem como uma medida de quão bem seus sistemas de apoio operam e quão longe a sociedade se encontra, em seu desenvolvimento social, é o crescimento do ensino superior para pessoas com deficiências. Os resultados indicaram que os alunos surdos com experiência escolar geral apresentaram melhor adaptabilidade. O modelo de integração era mais adequado para aumentar a conscientização dos alunos surdos sobre (...)
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    Formation of the content of basic mathematics training for future technicians at the educational-scientific level of doctor of philosophy.Tetiana Yarkho - 2016 - Science and Education: Academic Journal of Ushynsky University 10:212-220.
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    Education and training for young people at risk of becoming NEET: findings from an ethnographic study of work‐based learning programmes.Robin Simmons & Ron Thompson - 2011 - Educational Studies 37 (4):447-450.
    This report provides a summary of findings from an ethnographic study of work?based learning provision for 16?18?year?olds who would otherwise fall into the UK Government category of not in education, employment or training (NEET). The research project took place in the north of England during 2008?2009, and investigated the biographies, experiences and aspirations of young people and practitioners working on Entry to Employment (E2E) programmes in four learning sites. The detailed research findings are reported in four papers covering (...)
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  43. Indigenous education and training: what are we here for.T. Lea - 2010 - In Jon C. Altman & Melinda Hickson, Culture Crisis: Anthropology and Politics in Aboriginal Australia. University of New South Wales Press. pp. 196--208.
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  44. Education and Training: Chaos or Coherence.R. Halsall & M. Cockett - 1997 - British Journal of Educational Studies 45 (1):107-108.
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    Medical Students’ Exposure to Ethics Conflicts in Clinical Training: Implications for Timing UME Bioethics Education.S. D. Stites, S. Rodriguez, C. Dudley & A. Fiester - 2020 - HEC Forum 32 (2):85-97.
    While there is significant consensus that undergraduate medical education should include bioethics training, there is widespread debate about how to teach bioethics to medical students. Educators disagree about course methods and approaches, the topics that should be covered, and the effectiveness and metrics for UME ethics training. One issue that has received scant attention is the timing of bioethics education during medical training. The existing literature suggests that most medical ethics education occurs in the (...)
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    Teacher Training Effectiveness in Self-Regulation in Virtual Environments.María Consuelo Sáiz-Manzanares, Leandro S. Almeida, Luis J. Martín-Antón, Miguel A. Carbonero & Juan A. Valdivieso-Burón - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Higher education in the 21st century faces the challenge of changing the way in which knowledge is conveyed and how teachers and students interact in the teaching-learning process. The current pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 has hastened the need to face up to this challenge and has furthered the need to approach the issue from the perspective of digitalisation. To achieve this, it is necessary to design training programmes geared towards teaching staff and which address both the use of (...)
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    Critical Incidents in the Reflective Practice of Science Teacher Education Science Teacher Training.Osbaldo Turpo-Gebera, Rocio Diaz-Zavala, Pedro Mango-Quispe, Rey Araujo-Castillo & Yvan Delgado-Sarmiento - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (2):505-515.
    The analysis of critical incidents in the pre-professional practice of teacher training is essential to promote reflection. Building upon this notion, the urgent need for a reflective practice in the training of science teachers is addressed. In this context, future educators are instructed in the preparation of reports that highlight the critical incidents experienced in their pedagogical work. From these perspectives, reflective practice emerges as a fundamental resource to solidify their identity and pedagogical mastery by incorporating experiences for (...)
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    Perspectives on Participation in Continuous Vocational Education Training–An Interview Study.Christin Siegfried & Josephine Berger - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In European industrialized countries, a large number of companies in the healthcare, hotel, and catering sectors, as well as in the technology sector, are affected by demographic, political, and technological developments resulting in a greater need of skilled workers with a simultaneous shortage of skilled workers (CEDEFOP, 2015, 2016). Consequently, employers have to address workers who have not been taken into account such as low-skilled workers, workers returning from a career break, people with a migrant background, older people, and jobseekers (...)
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  49. Entrustable professional ethical actions (EPEAs): pioneering a new paradigm for bioethics training & assessment in graduate medical education.Russell Franco D’Souza, Mary Mathew & Krishna Mohan Surapaneni - forthcoming - International Journal of Ethics Education:1-13.
    Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) are widely utilized in competency-based medical education (CBME) to assess clinical readiness, yet their application in bioethics remains less explored. This study introduces Entrustable Professional Ethical Actions (EPEAs) to address the ethical complexities faced by medical professionals transitioning to residency or postgraduate training. A structured framework for EPEAs was developed through a systematic review of bioethics literature and the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights. Competencies were categorized under seven domains, including ethical (...)
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    Forgotten heroes of American education: the great tradition of teaching teachers.J. Wesley Null & Diane Ravitch (eds.) - 2006 - Greenwich: IAP - Information Age.
    The purpose of this text is to draw attention to eight forgotten heroes: William C. Bagley, Charles DeGarmo, David Felmley, William Torrey Harris, Isaac L. Kandel, Charles McMurry, William C. Ruediger, and Edward Austin Sheldon. They have been marginalized from our profession, and drawing upon their legacy is the best hope for restoring the profession of teaching today. This work also includes a chapter at the end of the book entitled "John Dewey's Forgotten Essays." The audience for this book includes: (...)
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