Results for 'A. Bourret'

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  1.  10
    Multi-beam lattice images from germanium oriented in.J. Desseaux, A. Renault & A. Bourret - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 35 (2):357-372.
  2.  30
    Effet des reflexions multiples sur le contraste des parois antiphases en microscopic electronique.Par A. Renault, J. M. Penisson & A. Bourret - 1973 - Philosophical Magazine 28 (1):103-132.
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    Mineur et secret médical – Le secret sur son état de santé demandé par le mineur à l’égard de ses parents : de la reconnaissance d’un droit à sa mise en œuvre concrète.François Vialla, Magali Faure, Éric Martinez, Rodolphe Bourret & Jean-Philippe Vauthier - 2015 - Médecine et Droit 2015 (133):79-89.
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    A New Clinical Collective for French Cancer Genetics: A Heterogeneous Mapping Analysis.Alberto Cambrosio, Claire Julian-Reynier, Andrei Mogoutov & Pascale Bourret - 2006 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 31 (4):431-464.
    Collaborative forms of work such as extended networks, expert groups, and consortia increasingly structure biomedical activities. They are particularly prominent in the cancer field, where procedures such as multicenter clinical trials have been instrumental in establishing the specialty of oncology, and subfields such as cancer genetics, where bioclinical activities—for example, testing for breast and ovarian cancer genes and follow-up interventions—are predicated on the articulation of a number of tasks performed by new clinical collectives. In this article, we examine the founding (...)
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    Nòμος ó πάντων βασιλɛúς – La loi règne sur tout1. À propos de l’arrêt de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme, Grande Chambre, 5 juin 2015, Lambert et autres c/France. [REVIEW]Jean-Philippe Vauthier, Éric Martinez, Rodolphe Bourret, Chloé Giquel & François Vialla - 2015 - Médecine et Droit 2015 (135):137-154.
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    Du « cardinal » au relatif : les avatars du principe de dignité dans la « jurisprudence » éthique du Comité Consultatif National d’Éthique.Rodolphe Bourret, François Vialla & Éric Martinez - 2014 - Médecine et Droit 2014 (126):66-73.
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    Le principe d’autonomie dans les avis du Comité Consultatif National d’Éthique: quelles limites?Rodolphe Bourret, François Vialla & Éric Martinez - 2015 - Médecine et Droit 2015 (133):90-98.
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    Stochastic electrodynamics. I. On the stochastic zero-point field.G. H. Goedecke - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (11):1101-1119.
    This is the first in a series of papers that present a new classical statistical treatment of the system of a charged harmonic oscillator (HO) immersed in an omnipresent stochastic zero-point (ZP) electromagnetic radiation field. This paper establishes the Gaussian statistical properties of this ZP field using Bourret's postulate that all statistical moments of the stochastic field plane waves at a given space-time point should agree with their corresponding quantized field vacuum expectations. This postulate is more than adequate to (...)
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  9.  19
    Entre déontologisme et utilitarisme : retour sur les enjeux éthiques de la maîtrise des dépenses de santé.Eric Martinez, Rodolphe Bourret & François Vialla - 2015 - Médecine et Droit 2015 (130):1-7.
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    La création d’animaux chimères porteurs d’organes humains.Chloé Giquel, John De Vos, Rodolphe Bourret, François Vialla, Eric Martinez & Aurélie Thonnat-Marin - 2016 - Médecine et Droit 2016 (137):37-47.
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    Forcing closed unbounded sets.Uri Abraham & Saharon Shelah - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (3):643-657.
    We discuss the problem of finding forcing posets which introduce closed unbounded subsets to a given stationary set.
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    Vigencia de la filosofía de Kant en dos expresiones actuales de la inteligencia filosófica en América Latina: Arturo Andrés Roig y Franz J. Hinkelammert: The Force of Kant's Philosophy in Two Present Expressions of the Philosophical Intelligence in Latin America: Arturo Andrés Roig y Franz J. Hinkelammert.Yamandú Acosta - 2006 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 8:55-78.
    Al cumplirse doscientos años de la muerte de Immanuel Kant 2004), considerar la vigencia de su pensamiento filosófico, se constituyó en un imperativo categórico, para quienes nos inscribimos en la tradición de la filosofía occidental. En cumplimiento del mismo, el texto que se presenta se ocupa de la vigencia de la filosofía del filósofo de Königsberg a través de la consideración de dos expresiones de la inteligencia filosófica en América Latina: Arturo Andrés Roig y Franz J. Hinkelammert . Los programas (...)
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    The Sceptical Muslim.Imran Aijaz - 2023 - Religious Studies 59 (3):495-514.
    Many Muslims take the position that religious doubts constitute a serious problem for anyone who regards himself or herself as a Muslim, arguing that such a predicament may even result in apostasy. According to this position, the main problem with a Muslim who harbours religious doubts, a ‘Sceptical Muslim’, is that he or she is culpable for failing to respond appropriately to epistemic certainty about fundamental Islamic doctrine, primarily the existence of God and the Prophethood of Muhammad. I shall argue (...)
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  14. Sameness of age cohorts in the mathematics of population growth.Abraham Akkerman - 1994 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 45 (2):679-691.
    The axiom of extensionality of set theory states that any two classes that have identical members are identical. Yet the class of persons age i at time t and the class of persons age i + 1 at t + l, both including same persons, possess different demographic attributes, and thus appear to be two different classes. The contradiction could be resolved by making a clear distinction between age groups and cohorts. Cohort is a multitude of individuals, which is constituted (...)
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  15. The word is the world: Nondualism in indian philosophy of language.Ashok Aklujkar - 2001 - Philosophy East and West 51 (4):452-473.
    The meanings in which the word "word" can be taken, the interpretations that the relevant meanings would necessitate of the "word-equals-world" thesis, and the extent to which Bhartṛhari can be said to be aware of or receptive to these interpretations are considered. The observation that more than one interpretation would have been acceptable to Bhartṛhari naturally leads to a discussion of his notion of truth, his perspectivism, and his understanding of the nature of philosophizing as an activity in which language (...)
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  16. The power of physical representations.Varol Akman & Paul J. W. ten Hagen - 1989 - AI Magazine 10 (3):49-65.
    Commonsense reasoning about the physical world, as exemplified by "Iron sinks in water" or "If a ball is dropped it gains speed," will be indispensable in future programs. We argue that to make such predictions (namely, envisioning), programs should use abstract entities (such as the gravitational field), principles (such as the principle of superposition), and laws (such as the conservation of energy) of physics for representation and reasoning. These arguments are in accord with a recent study in physics instruction where (...)
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  17.  11
    Disordered Eating in Asian American Women: Sociocultural and Culture-Specific Predictors.Liya M. Akoury, Cortney S. Warren & Kristen M. Culbert - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:474217.
    Asian American women demonstrate higher rates of disordered eating than other women of color and comparable rates to European American women. Research suggests that leading sociocultural predictors, namely pressures for thinness and thin-ideal internalization, are predictive of disordered eating in Asian American women; however, no known studies have tested the intersection of sociocultural and culture-specific variables (e.g., ethnic identity, biculturalism, acculturative stress) to further elucidate disordered eating risk in this vulnerable, understudied group. Accordingly, this project used path analysis to simultaneously (...)
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  18.  21
    El carácter justo de los Estados y el desarrollo de las disposiciones naturales humanas según Kant.Martín Arias Albisu - 2023 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 15 (1):243-261.
    Kant considera que las disposiciones específicas de la especie humana sólo pueden desarrollarse plenamente en un Estado con una constitución justa. Tales disposiciones son la técnica, la pragmática y la moral. Mostraremos de qué manera la existencia de un Estado justo fomenta y asegura el desarrollo de esas disposiciones. En Idea para una historia universal en intención cosmopolita (1784), Kant sostiene que una constitución totalmente justa es solamente una idea de la razón práctica a la que debemos aproximarnos asintóticamente. La (...)
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  19.  24
    The local church in the west (1500–1945).Giuseppe Alberigo - 1987 - Heythrop Journal 28 (2):125–143.
    Book reviewed in this article: Ezekiel 2: A Commentary on the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel, Chapters 25–48. By Walther Zimmerli. The Prophets, Vol. II: The Babylonian and Persian Periods. By Klaus Koch. Intertestamental Literature by Martin McNamara. Palestinian Judaism and the New Testament by Martin McNamara. Jesus and the World of Judaism. By Geza Vermes. The Rediscovery of Jesus's Eschatological Discourse. By David Wenham. Sexism and God Talk: Towards a Feminist Theology. By Rosemary Ruether. In Memory of Her: A (...)
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    Belief and survival.James Alcock - 2003 - World Futures 59 (3 & 4):189 – 200.
    Our ability to survive in a world beset by looming global perils depends ultimately on our collective will to harness our intellects and change our behaviors. In order to respond appropriately, people must first believe that serious problems exist, that there are potential solutions, and that they have a role to play in finding and implementing them. Without such beliefs, individual change is unlikely. In order to promote belief change, it is important to understand how beliefs are learned, what their (...)
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  21.  21
    Kahoot!: gamificación eficaz, sencilla y fácil en la educación superior.Óscar Jesús González Alcántara, Ignacio Fontaneda González & Miguel Ángel Camino López - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (3):1-14.
    El Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) establece que el aprendizaje debe estar centrado en el estudiante. Partiendo de este enunciado, el artículo explica cómo la gamificación puede ser una técnica pedagógica que propicie el ansiado cambio en la docencia universitaria hacia donde marca el EEES. Este trabajo presenta el diseño de una metodología de gamificación sencilla y fácil de implementar en un Grado de Ingeniería utilizando Kahoot! como herramienta y su evolución a lo largo de tres cursos académicos. Los (...)
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  22.  97
    (1 other version)On the logic of theory change: Safe contraction.Carlos E. Alchourrón & David Makinson - 1985 - Studia Logica 44 (4):405 - 422.
    This paper is concerned with formal aspects of the logic of theory change, and in particular with the process of shrinking or contracting a theory to eliminate a proposition. It continues work in the area by the authors and Peter Gärdenfors. The paper defines a notion of safe contraction of a set of propositions, shows that it satisfies the Gärdenfors postulates for contraction and thus can be represented as a partial meet contraction, and studies its properties both in general and (...)
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  23.  19
    Pliegues y despliegues del Barroco europeo e hispano, olvidado itinerario de una modernidad alternativa.Francisco J. Alcalá - 2022 - Pensamiento 78 (300):1303-1323.
    En el presente artículo, se tratará de dilucidar la caracterización del Barroco europeo que Deleuze propone en El pliegue, con miras a aislar los rasgos idiosincrásicos que comparte con el Barroco hispano, definitorios como son de un ethos encaminado hacia una Modernidad alternativa a la que finalmente se impuso. Transitaremos así de la interpretación de la filosofía leibniziana del sujeto como un «manierismo» que ofrece Deleuze a la caracterización graciana del héroe y el mundo, con miras a mostrar que en (...)
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    Response.Linda Martín Alcoff - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (2):311-320.
    In this response to the comments on my book, Rape and Resistance: Understanding the Complexities of Sexual Violation, I offer a futher elaboration of the crucial concept of sexual subjectivity put forward as a way to approach the normative evaluation of sexual practices. This concept makes possible a healthy pluralism without retreating to a facile libertarian view that would render consent sufficient to determine morally unproblematic sex. The concept of sexual subjectivity sanctions experimentation in our sexual lives and the question (...)
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  25.  66
    Richter–Peleg multi-utility representations of preorders.José Carlos R. Alcantud, Gianni Bosi & Magalì Zuanon - 2016 - Theory and Decision 80 (3):443-450.
    The existence of a Richter–Peleg multi-utility representation of a preorder by means of upper semicontinuous or continuous functions is discussed in connection with the existence of a Richter–Peleg utility representation. We give several applications that include the analysis of countable Richter–Peleg multi-utility representations.
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    Ranking sets additively in decisional contexts: an axiomatic characterization.José C. R. Alcantud & Ritxar Arlegi - 2008 - Theory and Decision 64 (2):147-171.
    Ranking finite subsets of a given set X of elements is the formal object of analysis in this article. This problem has found a wide range of economic interpretations in the literature. The focus of the article is on the family of rankings that are additively representable. Existing characterizations are too complex and hard to grasp in decisional contexts. Furthermore, Fishburn (1996), Journal of Mathematical Psychology 40, 64–77 showed that the number of sufficient and necessary conditions that are needed to (...)
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    Singing in the Fire: Stories of Women in Philosophy.Linda Alcoff (ed.) - 2003 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This is a unique, groundbreaking collection of autobiographical essays by leading women in philosophy. It provides a glimpse at the experiences of the generation that witnessed, and helped create, the remarkable advances now evident for women in the field.
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  28. Descartes' method of doubt.Virgil C. Aldrich - 1937 - Philosophy of Science 4 (4):395-411.
    Lord Acton, in his letter to the contributors to the Cambridge Modern History, wrote: “By Universal History, I understand that which is distinct from the combined histories of all countries … and is not a burden on the memory but an illumination of the soul.” If we replace “history” by the more general term “knowledge,” we get the statement of an ideal cherished by the great men of every age—those lonely pioneers to whom book-learning is an intellectual gloom more treacherous (...)
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    Qumr'n Cave 4: Serekh Ha-YaH·ad and two related texts.Philip S. Alexander & Géza Vermès (eds.) - 1955 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This volume presents the long-awaited edition of the Cave 4 manuscripts of Serekh Ha-Yahad or The Rule of the Community, in which the Essenes detailed the guidelines for membership in their community. Also known as the Manual of Discipline, a complete scroll was found in Cave 1 at Qumran and this edition illuminates the textual and redactional history of Dead Sea literature. The document is extremely important for understanding the nature, practice, and ideology of the Qumran covenanters.
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    The problem of metaphysics and the meaning of metaphysical explanation: an essay in definitions.Hartley Burr Alexander - 1902 - Berlin,: Mayer & Müller.
    This book offers a unique perspective on the philosophical discipline of metaphysics. Hartley Burr Alexander presents his own definitions for key terms and concepts in metaphysical inquiry, challenging traditional approaches and revealing the limitations of language in this complex field of study. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly (...)
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    (1 other version)Insistencia y Da-sein. El pensar del Ereignis y la filosofía trascendental.César Gómez Algarra - 2022 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 34 (2):345-367.
    Este trabajo se propone rastrear e identificar las críticas de Heidegger a la filosofía trascendental, tal y como aparecen en los textos póstumos de los años 1930 y 1940, los llamados tratados del Ereignis, y en los últimos volúmenes publicados de la Obra completa (Gesamtausgabe). Para ello, nos concentraremos mayormente en el tomo 82, publicado en 2018, que contiene toda una serie de notas y relecturas de Heidegger a su propia obra publicada, y que ha recibido menos atención por la (...)
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  32. Ethical values as part of the definition of business enterprise and part of the internal structure of the business oganization.Robert E. Allinson - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (9-10):1015 - 1028.
    The orientation of this paper is that there is no special science of "business ethics" any more than there is one of "medical ethics" or "legal ethics". While there may be issues that arise in medicine or law that require special treatment, the ways of relating to such issues are derived from a basic ethical stance. Once one has evolved such an ethical stance and thus has incorporated a fundamental mode of relating to her or his fellow human beings, the (...)
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  33. Fashion - Philosophy for Everyone: Thinking with Style.Fritz Allhoff, Jessica Wolfendale & Jeanette Kennett (eds.) - 2011 - Wiley.
    If you just can't decide what to wear, this enlightening guide will lead you through the diverse and sometimes contradictory aspects of fashion in a series of lively, entertaining and thoughtful essays from prominent philosophers and writers. A unique and enlightening insight into the underlying philosophy behind the power of fashion Contributions address issues in fashion from a variety of viewpoints, including aesthetics, the nature of fashion and fashionability, ethics, gender and identity politics, and design Includes a foreword by Jennifer (...)
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    Grasping the phenomenology of sporting bodies.John Hockey & Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson - 2018 - In David Howes (ed.), Senses and sensation: critical and primary sources. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Abstract The last two decades have witnessed a vast expansion in research and writing on the sociology of the body and on issues of embodiment. Indeed, both sociology in general and the sociology of sport specifically have well heeded the long-standing and vociferous calls ‘to bring the body back in’ to social theory. It seems particularly curious therefore that the sociology of sport has to-date addressed this primarily at a certain abstract, theoretical level, with relatively few accounts to be found (...)
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  35. Kripke models for linear logic.Gerard Allwein & J. Michael Dunn - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (2):514-545.
    We present a Kripke model for Girard's Linear Logic (without exponentials) in a conservative fashion where the logical functors beyond the basic lattice operations may be added one by one without recourse to such things as negation. You can either have some logical functors or not as you choose. Commutatively and associatively are isolated in such a way that the base Kripke model is a model for noncommutative, nonassociative Linear Logic. We also extend the logic by adding a coimplication operator, (...)
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  36. Kant's transcendental idealism and contemporary anti‐realism.Lucy Allais - 2003 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 11 (4):369 – 392.
    This paper compares Kant's transcendental idealism with three main groups of contemporary anti-realism, associated with Wittgenstein, Putnam, and Dummett, respectively. The kind of anti-realism associated with Wittgenstein has it that there is no deep sense in which our concepts are answerable to reality. Associated with Putnam is the rejection of four main ideas: theory-independent reality, the idea of a uniquely true theory, a correspondence theory of truth, and bivalence. While there are superficial similarities between both views and Kant's, I find (...)
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    Logics for classes of Boolean monoids.Gerard Allwein, Hilmi Demir & Lee Pike - 2004 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 13 (3):241-266.
    This paper presents the algebraic and Kripke modelsoundness and completeness ofa logic over Boolean monoids. An additional axiom added to thelogic will cause the resulting monoid models to be representable as monoidsof relations. A star operator, interpreted as reflexive, transitiveclosure, is conservatively added to the logic. The star operator isa relative modal operator, i.e., one that is defined in terms ofanother modal operator. A further example, relative possibility,of this type of operator is given. A separate axiom,antilogism, added to the logic (...)
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  38. On some paradoxes of the infinite II.Victor Allis & Teun Koetsier - 1995 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 46 (2):235-247.
    In an earlier paper the authors discussed some super-tasks by means of a kinematical interpretation. In the present paper we show a semi-formal way that a more abstract treatment is possible. The core idea of our approach is simple: if a super-task can be considered as a union of (finite) tasks, it is natural to define the effect of the super-task as the union of the effects of the finite tasks it consists of. We show that this approach enables us (...)
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  39. On the autonomy and justification of nanoethics.Fritz Allhoff - 2007 - NanoEthics 1 (3):185-210.
    In this paper, I take a critical stance on the emerging field of nanoethics. After an introductory section, “Conceptual Foundations of Nanotechnology” considers the conceptual foundations of nanotechnology, arguing that nanoethics can only be as coherent as nanotechnology itself and then discussing concerns with this latter concept; the conceptual foundations of nanoethics are then explicitly addressed in “Conceptual Foundations of Nanoethics”. “Issues in Nanoethics” considers ethical issues that will be raised through nanotechnology and, in “What’s New?”, it is argued that (...)
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  40. (1 other version)On the question of relativism in the Chuang-Tzu.Robert E. Allinson - 1989 - Philosophy East and West 39 (1):13-26.
    This article offers a meta-analysis of contemporary approaches aimed at resolving the internal, relativistic-non-relativistic tension within the text of the Chuang-Tzu. In the first section, the four most commonly applied approaches are unpacked and evaluated, ranging from relativistic approaches such as hard relativism and soft relativism, to approaches that acknowledge both relativism and non-relativism, as well as others which acknowledge neither of the two perspectives (relativism and non-relativism). After demonstrating the immanent difficulties these four types of approaches encounter, the latter (...)
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  41. Pornography and power.Amy Allen - 2001 - Journal of Social Philosophy 32 (4):512–531.
    When it was at its height, the feminist pornography debate tended to generate more heat than light. Only now that there has been a cease fire in the sex war does it seem possible to reflect on the debate in a more productive way and to address some of the questions that were left unresolved by it. In this paper, I shall argue that one of the major unresolved questions is that of how feminists should conceptualize power. The antipornography feminists (...)
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  42. Power, subjectivity, and agency: Between Arendt and Foucault.Amy Allen - 2002 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 10 (2):131 – 149.
    In this article, I argue for bringing the work of Michel Foucault and Hannah Arendt into dialogue with respect to the links between power, subjectivity, and agency. Although one might assume that Foucault and Arendt come from such radically different philosophical starting points that such a dialogue would be impossible, I argue that there is actually a good deal of common ground to be found between these two thinkers. Moreover, I suggest that Foucault's and Arendt's divergent views about the role (...)
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    Reflections on whiteness: Racialised identities in nursing.Helen T. Allan - 2022 - Nursing Inquiry 29 (1).
    In this article, I discuss the structural domination of whiteness as it intersects with the potential of individual critique and reflexivity. I reflect on my positioning as a white nurse researcher while researching international nurse migration. I draw on two large qualitative studies and one small focus group study to discuss my reactions as a white researcher to evidence of institutional racism in the British health services and my growing awareness of how racism is reproduced in the British nursing profession.
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    Self interest among CPAs may influence their moral reasoning.Paul W. Allen & Chee K. Ng - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 33 (1):29 - 35.
    In 1990, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a consent order to the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). The order decreed the AICPA to lessen its longstanding ethics code which had until then banned the receipts of commissions, referral fees and contingent fees. The FTC alleged that the AICPA banned receipt of the fees as an attempt to restrain trade (FTC, 1990).In the present study, we sought to determine if CPAs'' preference for bans on commissions, referral fees and (...)
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    Animal suffering and public relations: the ethics of persuasion in the animal industrial complex.Núria Almiron - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Animal Suffering and Public Relations conducts an ethical assessment of public relations, mainly persuasive communication and lobbying, as deployed by some of the main businesses involved in the animal industrial complex - the industries participating in the systematic and institutionalized exploitation of animals. Society has been experiencing a growing ethical concern regarding humans' (ab)use of other animals. This is a trend first promoted by the development of animal ethics - which claims any sentient being, because of sentience, deserves moral consideration (...)
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    The sensitive knowledge of dance.Marcia Almeida - 2015 - Technoetic Arts 13 (1-2):45-55.
    In this article I will discuss the dancer’s physical potential and the sensitive knowledge (‘la connaissance sensible’) that emerges from dance practice. For this, I take Lévi-Strauss’ (2010) theory of the ‘savage mind’ as a reference. This theory is important to understand how the discipline of dance does not need to be justified through modern science (Lévi-Strauss 2010). It is understood that dance operates from sensitive knowledge, while modern science is expressed through the intelligible. I will point out how the (...)
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    Innovación mediante abp en la asignatura de historia de la publicidad.Silvia Rincón Alonso - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (1):1-15.
    Este proyecto recoge el proceso de trabajo realizado por 107 alumnos en la asignatura de Historiade la Publicidad impartida en primer curso del grado en Publicidad de la Unversidad Francisco de Vitoria.Dicho proyecto ha permitido incorporar como metodología docente el Aprendizajo Basado en Proyectos y su aplicación a la producción de un podcast por parte de los alumnos.En este sentido, vemos que tanto el ABP, como el podcast se presentan como una alternativa a los métodos tradicionales de aprendizaje favoreciendo así (...)
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  48. Theism as theory and the problem of evil.William P. Alston - 1995 - Topoi 14 (2):135-148.
    Theism is a metaphysical theory. But the typical adherent of a theistic religion does not hold theism as a theory, even though she is committed to various propositions that could enter into such a theory. Attention is given to the kind of theory theism is, when it is a theory. As far as religion is concerned, the main importance of the question as to whether theism is a theory concerns the issue as to whether the success of theism as a (...)
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  49. The place of the explanation of particular facts in science.William P. Alston - 1971 - Philosophy of Science 38 (1):13-34.
    On the critical side it is argued that, contrary to a widespread view, the explanation of particular facts does not play a central role in pure science and hence that philosophers of science are misguided in supposing that the understanding of such explanations is one of the central tasks of the philosophy of science. It is suggested that the view being attacked may stem in part from an impression that the establishing of a general law is tantamount to the explanation (...)
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  50. Varieties of priveleged access.William P. Alston - 1971 - American Philosophical Quarterly 8 (3):223-41.
    This paper distinguishes and interrelates a number of respects in which persons have been thought to be in a specially favorable epistemic position vis-A-Vis their own mental states. The most important distinction is a six-Fold one between infallibility, Omniscience, Indubitability, Incorrigibility, Truth-Sufficiency, And self-Warrant. Each of these varieties can then be sub-Divided as the kind of modality, If any, Involved. It is also argued that discussions of self-Knowledge have been hampered by a failure to recognize these distinctions.
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