Results for 'Absolut'

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  1. Anselm W. Muller.Conceptual Surroundings Of Absolute - 1991 - In Harry A. Lewis (ed.), Peter Geach: Philosophical Encounters. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 185.
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  2. La lucha por el reconocimiento en Hegel como prefiguración de la eticidad absoluta.Hegel as A. Prefiguration Of Absolute - 2007 - Ideas y Valores. Revista Colombiana de Filosofía 56 (133):95.
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    Approach, interactive, 203 approach, practice oriented, 86.Hegel’S. Absolute - 2012 - In Judith M. Green, Stefan Neubert & Kersten Reich (eds.), Pragmatism and diversity: Dewey in the context of late twentieth century debates. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 75--233.
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    Trinity and Spirit, DALE M. SCHLITT.Absolute Spirit Revisited & Physical Determinism - 1991 - American Philosophical Quarterly 28 (1).
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  5. Bas C. Van Fraassen.I. Absolute Obligations - 1973 - In Mario Bunge (ed.), Exact philosophy; problems, tools, and goals. Boston,: D. Reidel. pp. 50--151.
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    The New Ego – Phenomenological Absolut.Dorota Ucińska - 2016 - Nowa Krytyka 36:189-205.
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  7. Ist die welt absolut oder relativ?H. Geppert - 1923 - Karlsruhe,: J. J. Reiff.
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    The branding of a quality liquor as a symbolic effort toward bringing China forward culturally: A comparative study of Wuliangye and Absolut Vodka.Ming Cheung - 2012 - Semiotica 2012 (192):471-499.
    Liquor consumption involves drinking, socializing, and networking. This article compares two alcoholic beverages, namely, Wuliangye from China and Absolut Vodka from Sweden, with the aim of identifying the means by which the Chinese brand can better succeed in its internationalizing efforts. The article first reviews theories of high- versus low-context cultures as well as cultural branding. Through analysis of the graphic and packaging designs of the two liquor brands, it then examines the impact of their cultural branding strategies on (...)
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  9. Was ist absolut in der Moral?Josef Fuchs - 1992 - In Klaus Demmer, Karl-Heinz Ducke & Wilhelm Ernst (eds.), Moraltheologie im Dienst der Kirche: Festschrift für Wilhelm Ernst zum 65. Geburtstag. Leipzig: Benno Verlag.
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  10. Was heißt es, dass eine Metapher absolut ist? Metaphern als Indizien.Andreas Kaminski - 2014 - In Friedrich Alexander, Gehring Petra & Kaminski Andreas (eds.), Journal Phänomenologie. Schwerpunkt: Metaphern als strenge Wissenschaft. pp. 47-62.
    Blumenbergs Paradigmen zu einer Metaphorologie sind bekannt für die Entdeckung absoluter Metaphern. Zahlreiche systematische Fragen mögen dabei offen geblieben sein, etwa die nach verschiedenen Typen1 von Metaphern oder den Methoden ihrer Interpretation, so dass schon bezweifelt wurde, ob es sich überhaupt um eine Metapherntheorie handle.2 Immerhin: Dass es absolute Metaphern gibt, was diese sind und woran sie erkannt werden können, wird von Blumenberg in großer Prägnanz und anhand zahlreicher Beispiele dargestellt. Wenn es eine unangetastete Gewissheit in der Blumenbergrezeption gibt, so (...)
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    Wahrheit, relativ oder absolut?Philipp Frank - 1952 - Zürich,: Pan-Verlag.
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    Natur jenseits von absolut und relativ.Wilhelm Graf - 1949 - Wien,: P. Kaltschmid.
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  13. Chapter outline.A. Personal, Corporate Indispensability, B. Personal, Corporate Infallibility, A. God—Humanism, C. Family—Career, D. Work—Leisure, E. Interdependence—Independence, I. Thrift—Debt & J. Absolute—Relative - forthcoming - Moral Management: Business Ethics.
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    Die Absolutheit des Logischen und das Sein der Natur. Systematische Überlegungen zum absolut-idealistischen Ansatz Hegels.Dieter Wandschneider - 1985 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 39 (3):331 - 351.
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    RESEÑA de: Turró, Salvi. Fichte : de la consciència a l’absolut. Barcelona : Òmicron, 2011.Nicolás García Mills - 2013 - Endoxa 31:385.
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    Fichte: de la consciència a l'absolut.Salvio Turró - 2011 - Badalona: Editorial Òmicron.
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    Brady Bowman. Hegel and the Metaphysics of Absolut Negativity. Cambridge, New York: Oxford University Press, 2013. ISBN 978-11070-3359-7. Pp xvi + 280. $54.50. [REVIEW]Timothy M. Hackett - 2015 - Hegel Bulletin 36 (2):268-273.
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    Review of Felix Krueger: Der Begriff des Absolut Wertvollen Als Grundbegriff der Moralphilosophie[REVIEW]Frank Thilly - 1901 - International Journal of Ethics 12 (1):122-124.
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    Absolute Music: The History of an Idea.Mark Evan Bonds - 2014 - New York: Oup Usa.
    In Absolute Music: The History of an Idea, author Mark Evan Bonds examines how writers have struggled to isolate the essence of music in ways that account for its profound effects on the human spirit. By carefully tracing the evolution of absolute music from Ancient Greece through the Middle Ages to twentieth-century America, Bonds provides the first comprehensive history of this pivotal concept, and provokes new thoughts on the essence of music and how this essence explains music's effect. A long (...)
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    An absolute distinction between faith and science: Contrast without compartmentalization.Hermen Kroesbergen - 2018 - Zygon 53 (1):9-28.
    This article argues for acknowledging the existence of an absolute distinction between faith and science. It is often assumed in the science and religion debate that such a distinction would be ahistorical and uncontextual. After discussing this critique, the analogy with love and facts will be used to explain how an absolute distinction between faith and science may exist nonetheless. This contrast, however, does not imply compartmentalization. It is shown that the absolute distinction between faith and science is of crucial (...)
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    Die absolute Form: Modalität, Individualität und das Prinzip der Philosophie nach Kant und Hegel.Thomas Sören Hoffmann - 1991 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Die absolute Form" verfügbar.
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    Das Absolute und das Kontingente.Wolfgang Cramer - 1959 - Frankfurt am Main,: V. Klostermann.
    Das Allgemeine und das Einzelne. Das Eidos. 38 V. Die Einheit der Substanz. Leibniz' Monadologie. 45 VI. Philosophie als Letztbegründung. Das Absolute. VII. ...
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    Absolute Knowing.Allegra de Laurentiis - 2009 - In Kenneth R. Westphal (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 246–264.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Apparent Knowing and Its Absolute Ground Discovery and Structure of the Self Absolute Knowing as Science of the Self References.
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    Absolute Idealism.Sebastian Stein - 2019 - In John Shand (ed.), A Companion to Nineteenth Century Philosophy (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy). Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 83–116.
    Hegel's absolute idealism has proven to be one of the most controversial philosophical positions to characterize. The most abstract categories of essence are what Hegel calls the determinations of reflection, i.e. identity, difference and ground. Continuing his analysis of the determinations of essence, Hegel then discusses the notions of subsistence, relation and the whole and its parts and arrives at essence's determinations of “inner” and outer: the “inner” functions as ground of appearance and opposes the externality of reflection‐into‐other. In actuality, (...)
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    Absolute beginners: der mittelalterliche Beitrag zu einem Ausgang vom Unbedingten.Wouter Goris - 2007 - Boston: Brill.
    "Absolute Beginners" is a multi-approach study of the founding role of the Absolute as the very beginning of knowledge in medieval philosophy (Henry of Ghent, Richard Conington), the subject being addressed from historical, methodological, ...
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  26. Absolute Actuality and the Plurality of Worlds.Phillip Bricker - 2006 - Philosophical Perspectives 20 (1):41–76.
    According to David Lewis, a realist about possible worlds must hold that actuality is relative: the worlds are ontologically all on a par; the actual and the merely possible differ, not absolutely, but in how they relate to us. Call this 'Lewisian realism'. The alternative, 'Leibnizian realism', holds that actuality is an absolute property that marks a distinction in ontological status. Lewis presents two arguments against Leibnizian realism. First, he argues that the Leibnizian realist cannot account for the contingency of (...)
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    Absolute Time: Rifts in Early Modern British Metaphysics.Emily Thomas - 2018 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    What is time? This is one of the most fundamental questions we can ask. Emily Thomas explores how a new theory of time emerged in the seventeenth century. The 'absolute' theory of time held that it is independent of material bodies or human minds, so even if nothing else existed there would be time.
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    Absolute Poverty and Global Justice. Empirical Data – Moral Theories – Initiatives.Elke Mack, Michael Schramm, Stephan Klasen & Thomas Pogge (eds.) - 2009 - Routledge.
    It is held that absolute poverty causes approximately one third of all human deaths, some 18 million annually, and blights billions of lives with hunger and disease. This book develops universalizable norms aimed at tackling absolute poverty and the complex and multilayered problems associated with it.
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    Absolute Idealist Powers.Jesse M. Mulder - 2022 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 100 (3):471-484.
    Although contemporary powers metaphysics largely understands itself as a metaphysical realist undertaking, recently powers have come to the surface also within an idealist context. This paper aims to characterize and motivate an absolute idealist conception of powers. I compare realist and idealist powers metaphysics in their respective responses to Humean scepticism concerning powers, thereby motivating the claim that the very idea of a power is actually best understood as an idealist idea. I continue to characterize the absolute idealist’s understanding of (...)
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  30. Absolute Becoming, Relational Becoming, and the Arrow of Time.Mauro Dorato - unknown - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics.
    My first and main claim is that physics cannot provide empirical evidence for the objectivity of absolute becoming, for the simple reason that it must presuppose it, at least to the extent that classical spacetime theories presuppose an ontology of events. However, the fact that a theory of absolute becoming must be situated in the a priori realm of metaphysics does not make becoming completely irrelevant for physics, since my second claim will consist in showing that relational becoming, once appropriately (...)
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    The Absolute in German Romanticism and Idealism.Dalia Nassar - 2011 - In Alison Stone (ed.), The Edinburgh Critical History of Philosophy, Volume 5: The Nineteenth Century. Edinburgh University Press.
    This article provides a detailed conceptual and historical analysis of the controversial and often misunderstood notion of the “absolute,” examines the philosophical reasons behind its development, and offers an in-depth account of Schelling and Hegel’s disagreement on its meaning and role. It uniquely examines romantic as well as idealist views of the notion of the absolute, and investigates both its metaphysical and epistemological foundations.
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    Absolute Criterion of Truth.N. Lossky - 1949 - Review of Metaphysics 2 (8):47 - 96.
    The absolute self-evidence of consciousness is due to the fact that the object of consciousness is present or immanent in it. We may therefore formulate the absolutely certain starting point of philosophy as follows: knowledge about an object immanent in consciousness is absolutely certain in so far as it is the actual testimony of the object about itself, and does not go beyond that which is present in consciousness. The criterion of the absolute certainty of such knowledge is self evidence, (...)
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    Absolute Power and Contingency: on the Theological Structure of Meillassoux’s Speculative Philosophy.Hollis Phelps - 2015 - Sophia 54 (3):343-362.
    Although Quentin Meillassoux’s philosophy desires to be postmetaphysical and posttheological, I argue in this paper that it remains structurally theological. Specifically, I argue that Meillassoux’s speculative thesis on the contingency of nature and its laws repeats at a formal level the medieval theological distinction between God’s absolute power and God’s ordained power. The first part of this paper discusses how this distinction allowed medieval theologians such as Thomas Aquinas and Duns Scotus to understand and have faith in the stable contingency (...)
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    Absolute and Relative Time-Consistent Revealed Preferences.Thomas Demuynck - 2009 - Theory and Decision 66 (3):283-299.
    We introduce an Absolute (Relative) Time-consistent Axiom of Revealed Preference which characterizes the consistency of a choice function with the property of absolute (relative) time-consistency and impatience. The axiom requires that the absolute (relative) time-consistent and impatient closure of the revealed preference relation does not conflict with the strict revealed preference relation.
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    Absoluteness in absolute knowing. [Spanish].Jorge Aurelio Díaz - 2009 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 11:10-34.
    Normal 0 21 false false false ES-CO X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} This paper addresses ‘Absolute knowing’, the process whereby the experiences of consciousness reach heir highest point, as Hegel discusses in the Phenomenology of Spirit. The objective is to analyze this concept both in its epistemological and Cartesian (...)
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  36. From absolute to local mathematics.J. L. Bell - 1986 - Synthese 69 (3):409 - 426.
    In this paper (a sequel to [4]) I put forward a "local" interpretation of mathematical concepts based on notions derived from category theory. The fundamental idea is to abandon the unique absolute universe of sets central to the orthodox set-theoretic account of the foundations of mathematics, replacing it by a plurality of local mathematical frameworks - elementary toposes - defined in category-theoretic terms.
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    Absolute Freedom of Speech and Social Media: Deconstructing the Argument of Individual Self-Realization.Keberson Bresolin - 2024 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 93:55-70.
    The paper challenges the absolute conception of freedom of speech as an unconditional means for individual self-realization. Firstly, it discusses the positions of Scanlon and Redish, revealing the inherent vulnerabilities in their arguments. Subsequently, it argues against the view of unlimited freedom of speech as fundamental to self-realization. Finally, even if one were to accept the premise of self-realization as an axiom, social media would not qualify as suitable arenas for its actualization, given their inability to replicate the fundamental characteristics (...)
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  38. Absolute versus relational spacetime: For better or worse, the debate goes on.Carl Hoefer - 1998 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 49 (3):451-467.
    The traditional absolutist-relationist debate is still clearly formulable in the context of General Relativity Theory (GTR), despite the important differences between Einstein's theory and the earlier context of Newtonian physics. This paper answers recent arguments by Robert Rynasiewicz against the significance of the debate in the GTR context. In his (1996) (‘Absolute vs. Relational Spacetime: An Outmoded Debate?’), Rynasiewicz argues that already in the late nineteenth century, and even more so in the context of General Relativity theory, the terms of (...)
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    Hegel, Absolute Knowing and Epiphany.Vicky Roupa - 2024 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 32 (3):294-314.
    In this paper I raise three questions regarding the status and function of Absolute Knowing in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit. First, can Hegel’s Absolute Knowing be understood as an epiphany? Secondly, how does epiphany make sense of the teleological elements that activate and mobilise the movement towards Absolute Knowing? And thirdly, how does such an interpretation shift the focus from a closed reading of Hegel’s text – that views Absolute Knowing as consummately realised – to an open reading that keeps (...)
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    On Absoluteness of Categoricity in Abstract Elementary Classes.Sy-David Friedman & Martin Koerwien - 2011 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 52 (4):395-402.
    Shelah has shown that $\aleph_1$-categoricity for Abstract Elementary Classes (AECs) is not absolute in the following sense: There is an example $K$ of an AEC (which is actually axiomatizable in the logic $L(Q)$) such that if $2^{\aleph_0}.
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    Absoluteness via resurrection.Giorgio Audrito & Matteo Viale - 2017 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 17 (2):1750005.
    The resurrection axioms are forcing axioms introduced recently by Hamkins and Johnstone, developing on ideas of Chalons and Veličković. We introduce a stronger form of resurrection axioms for a class of forcings Γ and a given ordinal α), and show that RAω implies generic absoluteness for the first-order theory of Hγ+ with respect to forcings in Γ preserving the axiom, where γ = γΓ is a cardinal which depends on Γ. We also prove that the consistency strength of these axioms (...)
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  42. Against Absolute Goodness.Richard Kraut - 2011 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    Are there things we should value because they are, quite simply, good? Richard Kraut argues that there are not. Goodness, he holds, is not a reason-giving property - in fact, there may be no such thing. It is an illusory and insidious category of practical thought.
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    The Absolute and the Atonement.Illtyd Trethowan - 1971 - New York,: Humanities Press.
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    Absolute Music as Ontology or Experience.Tamara Levitz - 2017 - British Journal of Aesthetics 57 (1):81-84.
    In Absolute Music: The History of an Idea, Mark Evan Bonds presents a magisterial history of absolute music—a term Richard Wagner first coined in 1846, and yet which Bonds believes existed as an ‘idea’ going all the way back to Ancient Greece. Drawing primarily on the work of new musicologists in the United States in the 1980s as his point of departure, Bonds defines absolute music as a ‘regulative concept’ that allows him to discuss the ‘relationship between music’s perceived essence (...)
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    Absolute informational content.Steven F. Savitt - 1987 - Synthese 70 (February):185-90.
  46. Absolute Biological Needs.Stephen McLeod - 2014 - Bioethics 28 (6):293-301.
    Absolute needs (as against instrumental needs) are independent of the ends, goals and purposes of personal agents. Against the view that the only needs are instrumental needs, David Wiggins and Garrett Thomson have defended absolute needs on the grounds that the verb ‘need’ has instrumental and absolute senses. While remaining neutral about it, this article does not adopt that approach. Instead, it suggests that there are absolute biological needs. The absolute nature of these needs is defended by appeal to: their (...)
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  47. Absolute Simplicity.Eleonore Stump & Norman Kretzmann - 1985 - Faith and Philosophy 2 (4):353-382.
    The doctrine of God’s absolute simplicity denies the possibility of real distinctions in God. It is, e.g., impossible that God have any kind of parts or any intrinsic accidental properties, or that there be real distinctions among God’s essential properties or between any of them and God himself. After showing that some of the counter-intuitive implications of the doctrine can readily be made sense of, the authors identify the apparent incompatibility of God’s simplicity and God’s free choice as a special (...)
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    Absolut.Stanisław Zapaśnik - 1973 - Warszawa: [Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe].
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  49. The Absolute and Relative Pessimistic Inductions.Seungbae Park - 2019 - Problemos 95:94-104.
    The absolute pessimistic induction states that earlier theories, although successful, were abandoned, so current theories, although successful, will also be abandoned. By contrast, the relative pessimistic induction states that earlier theories, although superior to their predecessors, were discarded, so current theories, although superior to earlier theories, will also be discarded. Some pessimists would have us believe that the relative pessimistic induction avoids empirical progressivism. I argue, however, that it has the same problem as the absolute pessimistic induction, viz., either its (...)
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  50. Absolute quantum mechanics.Steven Weinstein - 2001 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 52 (1):67-73.
    Whereas one can conceive of a relational classical mechanics in which absolute space and time do not play a fundamental role, quantum mechanics does not readily admit any such relational formulation.
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