Results for 'Academic citizenship'

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  1.  20
    Professing the vulnerabilities of academic citizenship.Nuraan Davids - 2022 - Ethics and Education 17 (1):1-13.
    ABSTRACT As academics, we do not only produce and reproduce knowledge; we also produce our citizenship as a social and agonistic space. There are nuances embedded within academic citizenship – unqualifiable, but compelling in their production and reproduction of power dynamics, bringing into disrepute notions of academic citizenship as a homogenous or inclusive space. There are ways of being and becoming within citizenship that might be less readily conceivable, and hence, slip beneath the radar (...)
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    Academic citizenship: An academic colleagues' working paper. [REVIEW]Paul Thompson, Philippe Constantineau & George Fallis - 2005 - Journal of Academic Ethics 3 (2-4):127-142.
    Universities are facing a critical challenge; university citizenship has steadily declined over the last few decades. As a self-governing entity, most of the foundational elements of a university community are within its own control. As a result, the health and future welfare of the institution depends greatly on the quality of its leaders and robustness of its governing structure. These in turn depend on the quality of those undertaking leadership roles and serving on governing bodies and on the degree (...)
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    Do as I Do: The Effect of Teachers’ Ethical Leadership on Business Students’ Academic Citizenship Behaviors.Ghulam Ali Arain, Anum Sheikh, Imran Hameed & Muhammad Ali Asadullah - 2017 - Ethics and Behavior 27 (8):665-680.
    We studied the impact of teachers’ ethical leadership on students’ moral identity and academic citizenship behaviors. Data from 256 student–teacher matching dyads were collected from one of the top 5 Pakistani business schools. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to ensure factorial validity of the measures that were employed, and the hypothesized relationships were tested using structural regression models that utilized structural equation modeling in AMOS with 5,000 bootstrap samples. Based on social learning theory, the results supported the hypothesis (...)
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    For a nomad ontology against academic citizenship.Andrew Gibson - 2024 - Journal of Praxis in Higher Education 6 (2):187-196.
    This paper argues against the apparently benign concept of ‘academic citizenship,’ drawing on resources and conceptual precedents from within higher education generally and philosophy specifically. It does so not only in order to offer a critique, however. By considering the directions from which criticism can be levelled at the notion of ‘citizenship’, and the State-centric conceptualisation of the university underlying it, an argument for an alternative conceptualisation of academic being is offered. Ontology is suggested as a (...)
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    I An achievement of academic citizenship: Professors, government and the people of the canton of Berne. [REVIEW]Walter Ruegg - 1983 - Minerva 21 (1):101-140.
  6.  31
    The academic ethic: Politics and academic citizenship[REVIEW]Nikolaus Lobkowicz - 1984 - Minerva 22 (2):236-244.
  7.  23
    Interpreting academic integrity transgressions among learning communities.Chris Scogings, Meena Jha, Sanjay Mathrani, Binglan Han & Anuradha Mathrani - 2021 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 17 (1).
    Educational institutions rely on academic citizenship behaviors to construct knowledge in a responsible manner. However, they often struggle to contain the unlawful reuse of knowledge by some learning communities. This study draws upon secondary data from two televised episodes describing contract cheating practices prevalent among international student communities. Against this background, we have investigated emergent teaching and learning structures that have been extended to formal and informal spaces with the use of mediating technologies. Learners’ interactions in formal spaces (...)
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  8.  61
    Parallel Universes: Companies, Academics, and the Progress of Corporate Citizenship.Sandra Waddock - 2004 - Business and Society Review 109 (1):5-42.
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    Reflections on Academic Reflection.John D. Copenhaver Jr - 2013 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 33:41-52.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reflections on Academic ReflectionJohn D. Copenhaver Jr.Contemplative pedagogy deserves both the careful scrutiny and the sustained exploration that the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies is uniquely well suited to provide. As higher education comes under increased pressure for accountability, we need to be able to explain clearly both the pedagogical value and academic integrity of these elements in our curriculum. Academics seeking to incorporate contemplative practices into their (...)
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    Academic optimism: an individual teacher belief.David P. Ngidi - 2012 - Educational Studies 38 (2):139-150.
    In this study, academic optimism as an individual teacher belief was investigated. Teachers? self?efficacy beliefs were measured using the short form of the Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale. One subtest from the Omnibus T?Scale, the faculty trust in clients subtest, was used to measure teachers? trust in students and parents. One subtest from the Organizational Climate Index was used to measure academic emphasis. Pupil Control Ideology was used to measure teachers? beliefs about classroom management. Constructivist teaching subscale of (...)
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  11.  56
    J. Russell, How Children Become Moral Selves: Building Character and Promoting Citizenship in Education: Sussex Academic Press, Brighton, 2007.Joyce E. Bellous - 2008 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 28 (2):189-192.
  12.  82
    Negotiating the World: Some philosophical considerations on dealing with differential academic language proficiency in schools.Roel Van Goor & Frieda Heyting - 2008 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 40 (5):652-665.
    Differential academic language proficiency is an issue of major educational concern, bearing on problems varying from pupil performance, to social prospects, and citizenship. In this paper we develop a conception of the language‐acquiring subject, and we discuss the consequences for understanding differential language proficiency in schools. Starting from Wittgenstein's meaning‐as‐use theory we show that learning a language requires an activity that relates the subject both to the community of language users, and to the things language is about. In (...)
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    Comparing the Demographics of Students Reported for Academic Dishonesty to Those of the Overall Student Population.Eric M. Beasley - 2016 - Ethics and Behavior 26 (1):45-62.
    Only a small proportion of academically dishonest students ever receive an official report of academic dishonesty, and the sociology of deviance literature is ripe with studies illustrating disproportionalities in detecting, policing, and prosecuting crimes. This study addresses the degree to which disproportionalities exist in the application of relatively few official sanctions levied upon students for academic dishonesty. I compared the demographics of those who have been reported for cheating with those of an entire undergraduate student body and of (...)
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  14.  31
    Frozen: Citizenship and European unification.Alex Warleigh - 1998 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 1 (4):113-151.
    Citizenship issues are in the vanguard of the democratization process of the European Union. As a result, much academic debate has centred on the significance, worth, and potential of the status of European Union citizen bestowed on all member state nationals by the Maastricht Treaty. This article traces the growing debate on ‘European’ citizenship in the form of a literature review. It places the debate in the context of the EU's own evolution and argues that citizenship, (...)
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    Corporate Citizenship, Contractarianism and Ethical Theory: On Philosophical Foundations of Business Ethics.Jesús Conill Sancho, Christoph Luetge & Tatjana Schó̈nwälder-Kuntze (eds.) - 2008 - Ashgate Pub. Company.
    This study provides a representation of the broad spectrum of theoretical work on topics related to business ethics, with a particular focus on corporate citizenship. It considers relations of business and society alongside social responsibility and moves on to examine the historical and systemic foundations of business ethics, focusing on the concepts of social and ethical responsibilities. The contributors explore established theories and concepts and their impact on moral behaviour. Together, the contributions offer varied philosophical theories in approaches to (...)
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  16.  15
    Citizenship as a Challenge: Dimensions of an Evolving Process.Tamara Nair & Maria Inês Amaro (eds.) - 2021 - BRILL.
    The book discusses citizenship in the contemporary world; as a concept, as an ideal, as a policy and as a goal to be achieved from the perspective of different academic disciplines.
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    Citizenship in segmented societies : lessons for the EU.Francis Cheneval & Mónica Ferrín (eds.) - 2018 - Edward Elgar Publishing.
    European Union citizenship is increasingly relevant in the context of both the refugee crisis and Brexit, yet the issue of citizenship is neither new nor unique to the EU. Using historical, political and sociological perspectives, the authors explore varied experiences of combining multiple identities into a single sense of citizenship.Cases are taken from Canada, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Spain, Switzerland and Turkey to assess the various experiences of communities being incorporated into one entity. The studies show that the (...)
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  18.  4
    Collaborative Problem-Solving and Citizenship Education: A Philosophical Escape in the Age of Competencies.Marina Santi - 2019 - Childhood and Philosophy:01-19.
    Starting from the Italian results of the PISA 2015 surveys as regards the competence of young students in collaborative problem-solving, in this paper we conduct a critical analysis of the concept of competence, as seen through the lens of the Capability Approach. The Philosophy for Children curriculum is presented as a pedagogical and didactic proposal capable of re-conceptualizing the constructs of ‘problem-solving’ and ‘collaboration’. In the light of ‘Complex Thinking’ theory and the ‘community of inquiry’ classroom methodology, the general theoretical (...)
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  19.  31
    Corporate Citizenship and Employee Outcomes: Does a High-Commitment Work System Matter?Yi-Ting Lin & Nien-Chi Liu - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (4):1079-1097.
    Interest in corporate citizenship has been burgeoning in the academic and managerial realms for decades. While a psychological CC climate has been conceptualized and has received empirical support for its relationship with employee outcomes, the organizational climate perspective of CC has not yet been explored. In the present study, we develop and examine a mediated moderation model that elaborates the underlying psychological process and the contingency of organizational CC climate and its individual outcomes. We follow 539 employees in (...)
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  20.  48
    Citizenship and Education: from Alfred Marshall to Iris Marion Young.Mark Olssen - 2001 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 33 (1):77-94.
    The welfare state was characterised by two central principles: universality and equality.It can be argued that the development of education in New Zealand was shaped and maintained by both these ideals.The public benefits of education were not, however, simply the sum of individual private benefits, for norms such as political or civic tolerance, literacy, or the values required for democratic functioning adhere to the quality of a community and are not reducible to, or contained in, the psychological characteristics of individuals.The (...)
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  21.  6
    Intellectual Citizenship and the Problem of Incarnation.Peter Eglin - 2012 - Upa.
    This book asks: “what does it mean to be a responsible academic in a ‘northern’ university given the incarnate connections between the university’s operations and suffering elsewhere?” The author challenges himself and the reader to practice intellectual citizenship everywhere from the classroom to the university commons to the street.
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  22.  19
    The Citizenship Rights of Veracruz’s Roosters.Luis David Reyes - forthcoming - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho.
    The aim of this paper is to show that Mexico is leading the current trend of recognizing non-human animals as subjects of rights by acknowledging them citizenship rights. In the paper it is argued that a recent resolution by Mexico’s Supreme Court regarding a local legislation must be interpreted as conceding citizenship rights to the non-human animals living in the state where that legislation applies. The paper starts by discussing the context in which the relevant law was discussed (...)
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  23.  22
    Postdoctoral Life Scientists and Supervision Work in the Contemporary University: A Case Study of Changes in the Cultural Norms of Science.Ruth Müller - 2014 - Minerva 52 (3):329-349.
    This paper explores the ways in which postdoctoral life scientists engage in supervision work in academic institutions in Austria. Reward systems and career conditions in academic institutions in most European and other OECD countries have changed significantly during the last two decades. While an increasing focus is put on evaluating research performances, little reward is attached to excellent performances in mentoring and advising students. Postdoctoral scientists mostly inhabit fragile institutional positions and experience harsh competition, as the number of (...)
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  24.  38
    Plato’s Crito and the Contradictions of Modern Citizenship.Matthew Dayi Ogali - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophy 11 (2):17-27.
    Citizenship, with its presumptive rights, privileges and obligations, has been a fundamental challenge confronting the state since the classical Greek era and the transformation and reorganization of the centralized medieval Holy Roman Empire after the Thirty Years War. With the changing patterns of state formation from the large and unwieldy empires organized into absolutist states to the more nationalistic/linguistic formations a recurring issue has been the constitutional or legal guarantees of the rights of the citizen as well as his/her (...)
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    Justice, Deontology and Moral Meaningfulness as Factors to Improve Student Performance and Academic Achievement.Manuel Soto-Pérez, Jose-Enrique Ávila-Palet & Juan E. Núñez-Ríos - 2022 - Journal of Academic Ethics 20 (3):375-397.
    The relationship between ethics and performance has previously been addressed in the literature, although there are still some gaps, for example, the relationship of ethical ideologies to student performance. This work aims to contribute to the literature with a statistical evaluation using partial least squares path modelling (PLS-PM) regarding whether university students’ ethical ideologies and moral meaningfulness influence their level of student performance and academic achievement. Results indicate that the ideologies of justice and deontology increase moral meaningfulness, moral meaningfulness (...)
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  26.  60
    Civic Republicanism and Contestatory Deliberation: Framing Pupil Discourse Within Citizenship Education.Andrew Peterson - 2009 - British Journal of Educational Studies 57 (1):55-69.
    Discourse between pupils represents a core element of citizenship education in England. However, as it is currently presented within the curriculum, discourse adopts the form of the rather broad terms of 'discussion' and 'debate'. These terms are diffuse, and in themselves offer little pedagogical guidance for teachers implementing the curriculum in schools. Moreover, there has been little academic reflection in England as to how theoretical ideas on civic dialogue may usefully inform approaches to pupil discourse. For this reason, (...)
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  27. Ecological citizenship: The democratic promise of restoration.Andrew Light - unknown
    The writings of William H. Whyte do not loom large in the literature of my field: environmental ethics, the branch of ethics devoted to consideration of whether and how there are moral reasons for protecting non-human animals and the larger natural environment. Environmental ethics is a very new field of inquiry, only found in academic philosophy departments since the early 1970s. While there is no accepted reading list of indispensable literature in environmental ethics, certainly any attempt to create such (...)
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  28.  10
    Contemporary Practices of Citizenship in Asia and the West: Care of the Self.Gregory Bracken (ed.) - 2020 - Amsterdam University Press.
    This collection of essays examines urban communities and societies in Asia and the West to shed much-needed light on issues that have emerged as the world experiences its new urban turn. An urbanized world should be an improving place, one that is better to live in, one where humans can flourish. This book examines contemporary practices of care of the self in cities in Asia and the West, including challenges to citizenship and even the right to the city itself. (...)
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  29.  16
    Divide and Rule: The International Character of Modern Citizenship.Barry Hindess - 1998 - European Journal of Social Theory 1 (1):57-70.
    Academic discussion of citizenship focuses primarily on the citizen in relation to the particular state of which s/he is a member. From this perspective the modern spread of citizenship, first in a few western states and then somewhat more generally, is usually regarded as a definite advance in human well-being, as turning what had once been the privileges of the few into the rights of the many. This paper aims, if not entirely to undermine, then at least (...)
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    Netiquette rules in online learning through the lens of digital citizenship scale in the post-corona era.Tahani Al-Khatib - 2023 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 21 (2):181-201.
    Purpose This study aims to investigate the trending term: “Netiquette” as an important element in the effective digital citizenship. The research suggests a systematic framework of netiquette rules in the field of online education based on the classical core rules of netiquette and according to the digital citizenship scale (DCS). The research also studies the corresponding responsibilities of both educators and students to raise awareness towards using technology in a balanced, safe, smart and ethical way as the shift (...)
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  31.  5
    Philosophical adventures in African higher education: cultivating doctoral encounters within democratic citizenship education.Yusef Waghid (ed.) - 2024 - New York: Routledge.
    This seminal volume delves into some of the doctoral research and pedagogical experiences within an African higher education context, making a case for the transformative potential of education and the integration of African indigenous philosophies into global educational practices. Through a collection of vivid narratives, the book situates philosophy of higher education by embodying the doctoral researcher and their initiation into academic life, revealing how doctoral pursuits in African higher education are not simply academic endeavours but deeply philosophical (...)
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    Postcolonial Criticism, Transnational Identifications and the Hegemonies of Dancehall's Academic and Popular Performativities.Denise Noble - 2008 - Feminist Review 90 (1):106-127.
    Despite the unprecedented freedoms that decolonization has brought for many Black1 people – especially in specific regions of the African Diaspora – freedom and its fulfilment, adequate signs and contested meanings remain a preoccupation within Black cultural discourses and practices. At the same time, while political and cultural nationalisms have led to greater political and civil rights, racism has not been eradicated. Furthermore, the new postcolonial globalizations of capital, people and cultures have destabilized the collective identities that framed twentieth-century struggles (...)
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    Ecology and Justice—Citizenship in Biotic Communities.David R. Keller - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This is the first book to outline a basic philosophy of ecology using the standard categories of academic philosophy: metaphysics, axiology, epistemology, aesthetics, ethics, and political philosophy. The problems of global justice invariably involve ecological factors. Yet the science of ecology is itself imbued with philosophical questions. Therefore, studies in ecological justice, the sub-discipline of global justice that relates to the interaction of human and natural systems, should be preceded by the study of the philosophy of ecology. This book (...)
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  34.  14
    As awful as it is to say, it has become trite to mark all events in our lives by ''before and after September 11, 2001.''The crumbling of the New York City's twin towers signified the end of innocence and the sense of this nation's childlike belief in its invulnerability. Political pundits, academics, and public intellectuals, re-gardless of political persuasion, embraced this nation's right to defend itself and many brought out their flags and proudly displayed them on their windows, SUVs. [REVIEW]Aída Hurtado - 2005 - In Marilyn Friedman (ed.), Women and Citizenship. New York, US: Oup Usa. pp. 111.
  35.  8
    European Civil Society or Transnational Social Space?: Conceptions of Society in Discourses of EU Citizenship, Governance and the Democratic Deficit: an Emerging Agenda.Chris Rumford - 2003 - European Journal of Social Theory 6 (1):25-43.
    A key feature of recent debates on European Union (EU) integration is the attention paid to the issue of European society, to what extent it exists, what form it takes, and its role in the integration process. This interest in European society has emerged within three academic discourses: EU governance; post-national citizenship; and the democratic deficit. The EU's own understanding of European society reveals how the need to govern transnational space has replaced the need to construct the EU (...)
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  36.  32
    An Analysis of Prospective Teachers’ Digital Citizenship Behaviour Norms.Mehmet Sincar - 2011 - International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education 1 (2):25-40.
    This study analyzes prospective teachers’ digital citizenship behaviour norms. The sample consists of the seventeen prospective teachers who studied at the University Of Gaziantep Faculty Of Education in the academic year 2009-2010. Qualitative methods were utilized in the collection and the analysis of data. The results indicated the teachers adequately demonstrated behaviour norms regarding digital communication and digital literacy, yet only few showed behaviour norms concerning digital access, digital etiquette, digital commerce, digital rights and responsibilities, digital law, digital (...)
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  37.  10
    Victims to Saviors: Governmentality and the Regendering of Citizenship in India.Poulami Roychowdhury - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (6):792-816.
    Gender scholars have argued that legal reforms against violence position women as victims in need of state help. Using data collected from 22 months of participant observation with survivors of domestic violence in India, I urge academics to re-theorize the relationship between legal reforms and women’s citizenship during an era of neoliberal governance. Burdened with administrative tasks, Indian law enforcement personnel manage new rights claims by displacing regulatory duties onto survivors and caseworkers. Women who have access to women’s organizations (...)
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  38. Business research, self-fulfilling prophecy, and the inherent responsibility of scholars.Michaël Gonin - 2007 - Journal of Academic Ethics 5 (1):33-58.
    Business research and teaching institutions play an important role in shaping the way businesses perceive their relations to the broader society and its moral expectations. Hence, as ethical scandals recently arose in the business world, questions related to the civic responsibilities of business scholars and to the role business schools play in society have gained wider interest. In this article, I argue that these ethical shortcomings are at least partly resulting from the mainstream business model with its taken-for granted basic (...)
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  39.  28
    Educating the Young for Ethical Citizenship.Paula K. Fraser - 2010 - Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 18 (1):79-98.
    The exclusive emphasis on academic excellence in our schools today does not necessarily translate into excellence of character or lend our students an ethical disposition. Thus, I include ethics instruction to young people who will one day become the citizens and leaders of tomorrow. Because ethics invokes questions that consider morals, values, and principles, and because it seeks to consider and respect alternate perspectives, I believe that ethics knowledge is essential to maintaining a civilized society. This essay will share (...)
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    Philosophical Statism and the Illusions of Citizenship. Reflections on the Neutral State.Frank Van Dun - 1995 - Philosophica 56.
    Is the welfare state neutral to personal morality?1 In today's welfare states one can find numerous life-styles existing side by side. These indicate a wide scope for 'personal moralities'2, but do not prove that the welfare state is 'neutral' to them. Welfare states interfere in more or less onerous ways with the business of (private) life with police checks, administrative controls and a vast arsenal of regulatory, penal and/or fiscal regimes. Some of the regulations may be more or less reasonable (...)
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    Discrepancy between Learning and Practicing Digital Citizenship.Bowen Hui & Robert Campbell - 2018 - Journal of Academic Ethics 16 (2):117-131.
    The importance of digital citizenship has been well recognized and integrated in standardized school curriculum. However, there are very few empirical studies that report on the success of these new initiatives. Our teaching experience suggest that students are able to perform well on exams that assess proper online conduct, but they still fail to follow digital citizenship guidelines in practice. In this paper, we present a study to investigate students’ attitudes and opinions on various digital citizenship concepts (...)
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    Recensies - Dorota Mokrosińska(2012). Rethinking Political Obligation: Moral Principles, Communal Ties, Citizenship. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. 221 pp. [REVIEW]Lisa Diependaele & Andries De Smet - 2014 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 106 (1):91-93.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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    Beauty to Set the World Right.Paul C. Taylor - 2015 - In Black is Beautiful: A Philosophy of Black Aesthetics. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 77–103.
    Black political actors across the ideological and organizational spectrum have routinely used expressive culture to do their work and advance their causes. However, the proper relationship between cultural and political work has remained controversial, with different views becoming ascendant in different traditions and communities, and at different times within the same traditions and communities. This chapter addresses some questions register in the black aesthetic tradition. It explores W. E. B. Du Bois's iconic arguments about art and propaganda by translating the (...)
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    Rights, responsibilities, and respect: A balanced citizenship model for schools of business. [REVIEW]Cam Caldwell, Stephen E. Clapham & Brian Davis - 2007 - Journal of Academic Ethics 5 (1):105-120.
    In a world increasingly described as turbulent and chaotic, management scholars have acknowledged the importance of a virtue-based set of criteria to serve as a moral rubric for the stakeholders that an organization serves. Business schools play a unique role in helping their students to understand the ethical issues facing business. Business schools can also model the way for creating a clear statement of values and principles, by creating a bill of rights for business schools that recognizes the importance of (...)
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  45. Участь сидора голубовича в студентському русі кінця хіх століття.Oksana Kaminska - 2013 - Схід 5 (125).
    The article analyzes the student's period of Sydor Holubovych in the context of social and political processes taking place among Western students of the late nineteenth century. Found out its role in the political life in the Ruthenian-Ukrainian Radical Party (RURP). In particular, we show students influential political force, which played an important role in the ideological evolution RURP. Noted S. Holubovych part in the activities of students society of "Academic Fraternity". Detail highlights the process of organizational development students' (...)
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    Philosophical, educational and moral openings in doctoral pursuits and supervision: promoting the values of wonder, wander, and whisper in African higher education.Yusef Waghid - 2024 - New York: Routledge.
    This timely volume conceptualises and applies the philosophical notions of wonder, wander, and whisper, serving as evaluative paradigms for objective assessment of quality doctoral research work and supervision in South African higher education. Written by one of the foremost academics in the field, the book combines the normative philosophical, educational and moral notions of wonder, wander, and whisper with academic life and studies, focusing on doctoral work and supervision not just as cognitive or scientific processes, but also as existential, (...)
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  47. Ethical Duties of Organizational Citizens: Obligations Owed by Highly Committed Employees. [REVIEW]Cam Caldwell, Larry A. Floyd, Ryan Atkins & Russell Holzgrefe - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 110 (3):285-299.
    Individuals who demonstrate organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) contribute to their organization’s ability to create wealth, but they also owe their organizations a complex set of ethical duties. Although, the academic literature has begun to address the ethical duties owed by organizational leaders to organizational citizens, very little has been written about the duties owed by those who practice OCB to their organizations. In this article, we identify an array of ethical duties owed by those who engage in extra-role (...)
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  48.  13
    Women as Australian Citizens: Underlying Histories.Patricia M. Crawford, Philippa Crawford & Philippa C. Maddern - 2001 - Melbourne University.
    Academic examination of the role of women as Australian citizens. Asks what it means to be a woman citizen in Australia today. Questions male domination of Australian public political life. Examines the histories of citizenship for Australian women of different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, showing how gender has been central to the construction of citizenship. Demonstrates how the masculinisation of citizenship has marginalised women's activities as citizens. Includes notes, select bibliography, notes on contributors and index. Editors (...)
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    Eros as the Educational Principle of Democracy.Kerry Burch - 1999 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 18 (3):123-142.
    This paper explores the value of the eros motif for critical pedagogy and citizenship education. The conceptual affinities between eros and democracy are identified and integrated into a theory of democratic political education. Long recognized as vital to the process of self knowledge, the ancient Greek concept of eros has nevertheless been largely erased from contemporary educational debate. By retrieving eros from the fringe of academic discourse and integrating it with critical pedagogy, the aims of radical democracy can (...)
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  50. The 'Refugee Crisis' From Athens to Lesvos and Back: A Dialogical Account.Anna Carastathis & Myrto Tsilimpounidi - 2017 - Slovak Ethnology 65 (4):404-419.
    "Our grandparents, refugees; Our parents, immigrants; We, racists?" The slogan that prefaces the paper provides the theoretical caveat for the tensions, limitations, and contradictions of academic discourses in conjuring the daily realities of the era of the 'refugee crisis' in Greece. This paper has the form of a dialogue between a visual sociologist (Myrto) and a political theorist (Anna) who investigate different forms of the ways the 'refugee crisis' is changing the socio-political landscapes in Greece. The multiple aspects of (...)
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