Results for 'Adrian Razquin Mangado'

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  1. Apuntes para una recepción de La dominación masculina de Pierre Bourdieu entre el feminismo del estado español.Adrian Razquin Mangado - 2014 - In Fernández Cáceres, María Francisca, Miranda Medina & Carlos Federico (eds.), Discurso, compromiso e historia: una aproximación sociológica al trabajo intelectual y político. Barranquilla, Cúcuta, Colombia: Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar.
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    Desbordamientos y viaje hacia la izquierda. Prehistoria del movimiento 15M: De #nolesvotes a Democracia Real Ya.Adriana Razquin Mangado - 2015 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 64:51.
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    “May all Be Shattered into God”: Mary Barnes and Her Journey through Madness in Kingsley Hall.Adrian Chapman - 2020 - Journal of Medical Humanities 41 (2):207-228.
    Contributing to renewed scholarly interest in R. D. Laing and his circle, and in the radical therapeutic community of Kingsley Hall, London, this article offers the first article-length reading of Mary Barnes’ and Joseph Berke’s Mary Barnes: Two Accounts of a Journey through Madness. This text offers views of anti-psychiatry ‘on the ground’ that critique the 1960s utopianism of Laing’s championing of madness as a metanoic, quasi-psychedelic voyage. Barnes’ story, too, reveals tensions within the anti-psychiatric movement. Moving beyond existing criticism (...)
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    Truetemp cooled down: The stability of Truetemp intuitions.Adrian Ziółkowski, Alex Wiegmann, Joachim Horvath & Edouard Machery - 2023 - Synthese 201 (3):1-19.
    In this paper, we report the results of three high-powered replication studies in experimental philosophy, which bear on an alleged instability of folk philosophical intuitions: the purported susceptibility of epistemic intuitions about the Truetemp case (Lehrer, Theory of knowledge. Westview Press, Boulder, 1990) to order effects. Evidence for this susceptibility was first reported by Swain et al. (Philos Phenomenol Res 76(1):138–155, 2008); further evidence was then found in two studies by Wright (Cognition 115(3):491–503, 2010) and Weinberg et al. (Monist 95(2):200–222, (...)
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    Response time distributional evidence for distinct varieties of number attraction.Adrian Staub - 2010 - Cognition 114 (3):447-454.
  6. Orthodoxy and Islam in the 18th Century. The Place and Role of Dimitrie Cantemir in this Period.Adrian Boldisor - 2016 - Revista Mitropolia Olteniei 3 (9-12):86-95.
    The interreligious dialogue is not a new theme in the history of Christianity, the possibility of its realization being analyzed from the early centuries. Nowadays, the way that other religions are viewed has changed essentially, the religious, political, economic and social realities, being completely different than in the beginning. However, a correct handling of interreligious dialogue cannot disregard the past, more than that, the ideas from the works of the Holy Fathers, church writers, theologians and old thinkers remain valid and (...)
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  7. Despărțirea de maeștri. Creştinismul lui Mircea Eliade în viziunea lui I.P. Culianu.Adrian Boldișor - 2011 - Mitropolia Olteniei 1 (1-4):229-241.
    Many pages have been written about the relationship between Mircea Eliade and I.P. Culianu, but the subject is still open for the future. The master-disciple relationship they established during the time was often scattered with moments of tension. Anyway, every time we remember the name Culianu, it will stand beside his master’s name from Chicago, whose place he took after the latter’s disappearance. The way in which Christianity is analyzed in their work occupies a certain place. And thus, because along (...)
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  8. PARADIGMA CREŞTINĂ A UNEI EUROPE UNITE. Educaţia religioasă – valori, exigenţe, finalităţi.Adrian Boldişor Adrian Ivan & Adrian Boldișor (eds.) - 2017 - Craiova, Romania: Editura Mitropolia Olteniei.
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    Consensual ideas for prioritizing patients: correlates of preferences in the allocation of medical resources.Adrian Furnham, Charlotte Robinson & Simmy Grover - 2023 - Ethics and Behavior 33 (7):568-578.
    There is an extensive literature on the allocation of medical resources in many disciplines including ethics, law, medicine, psychology and sociology (Cicognani et al., 2007; Krütli et al., 2016; P...
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    Temporalidades e Incertidumbre En El Contexto de Una Crisis Hídrica En la Provincia de Córdoba, Argentina.Adrian Koberwein - 2019 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 23:266-293.
    Basándome en una metodología etnográfica de tipo multisituado, en este artículo analizo, desde la antropología social, diversas temporalidades socialmente construidas en el marco de una crisis hídrica en Sierras Chicas, Provincia de Córdoba, Argentina. Comienzo dando cuenta de la importancia social del agua como valor, en términos del trabajo acumulado (expresado por ejemplo en la infraestructura para su provisión y distribución), para luego analizar los diferentes contextos en los que se moldean creativamente diversas temporalidades que dan sentido a la relación (...)
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    Language and radical anthropocentrism: the view from the supercategory.Adrian Pablé - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (247):87-114.
    The article critically engages with the posthumanist discourse on anthropocentrism and human exceptionalism. It adopts an “integrational” approach to signs, language, and communication, as outlined in the works of Oxford linguist Roy Harris. Integrational linguistics is committed to a demythologized view of “language,” which it considers to exist only as part of the experience of human individuals and human collectivities. From an integrational point of view, language is not an “object” of scientific inquiry, but a complex of human activities that (...)
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  12. Huxley: The Devil's Disciple.Adrian Desmond & Peter J. Bowler - 1995 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 17 (1):173.
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    Local Acausality.Adrian Wüthrich - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (6):594-609.
    A fair amount of recent scholarship has been concerned with correcting a supposedly wrong, but wide-spread, assessment of the consequences of the empirical falsification of Bell-type inequalities. In particular, it has been claimed that Bell-type inequalities follow from “locality tout court” without additional assumptions such as “realism” or “hidden variables”. However, this line of reasoning conflates restrictions on the spatio-temporal relation between causes and their effects (“locality”) and the assumption of a cause for every event (“causality”). It thus fails to (...)
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    Involving patients in decision making and communicating risk: a longitudinal evaluation of doctors' attitudes and confidence during a randomized trial.Adrian Edwards & Glyn Elwyn - 2004 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 10 (3):431-437.
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    Judging the 'weight of evidence' in systematic reviews:introducing rigour into the qualitative overview stage by assessing Signal and Noise.Adrian Edwards, Glyn Elwyn Mrcgp, Kerry Hood & Stephen Rollnick - 2000 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 6 (2):177-184.
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    Australian Law Students' Perceptions of Their Values: Interim Results in the First Year-2001-of a Three-Year Empirical Assessment.Adrian Evans & Josephine Palermo - 2002 - Legal Ethics 5 (1):103.
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  17. Die Inszenierung der Stadt.Hanns Adrian - 1998 - Topos 23.
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  18. Fenomenología de la vida religiosa en el joven Heidegger. II. En torno a los cursos de religión (1920-1921).Jesús Adrián - 1999 - Pensamiento 55 (213):385-412.
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    The soul of dasein: Schelling's doctrine of the soul and heidgger's analytic of desein.Adrian Johnston - 2003 - Philosophy Today 47 (3):227-251.
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  20. Psicología, desarrollo y sociedad.Adrián Medina Liberty - 2007 - Ludus Vitalis 15 (28):217-219.
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  21. The Wrong Moment to Exit.James Adrian Marshall - 2001 - In Laura Duhan Kaplan (ed.), Philosophy and everyday life. New York: Seven Bridges Press.
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  22. De trei ori Theo.Adrian Mihalache - 2002 - Dilema 474:15.
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    The secularism of post-secularity: religion, realism and the revival of grand theory in IR.Adrian Pabst - unknown
    How to theorise religion in International Relations (IR)? Does the concept of post-secularity advance the debate on religion beyond the ‘return of religion’ and the crisis of secular reason? This article argues that the post-secular remains trapped in the logic of secularism. First, a new account is provided of the ‘secularist bias’ that characterises mainstream IR theory: (a) defining religion in either essentialist or epiphenomenal terms; (b) positing a series of ‘antagonistic binary opposites’ such as the secular versus the religious; (...)
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    Kommentar II zum Fall: „Schwangere Patientin mit fataler Hirnblutung“.Adrian Schmidt-Recla - 2015 - Ethik in der Medizin 27 (2):161-162.
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    Legal aspects of memory disorders.Bohdan Solomka & Adrian Grounds - 2000 - In G. Berrios & J. Hodges (eds.), Memory Disorders in Psychiatric Practice. Cambridge University Press. pp. 479.
  26. Legal and ethical implications of treatment of Minors.D. Adrian Wilkinson - 1982 - In J. D. Keehn (ed.), The Ethics of psychological research. New York: Pergamon Press.
  27. “'Naturalism or anti-naturalism? No, thanks — both are worse!ʼ: Science, Materialism, and Slavoj Žižek”.Adrian Johnston - 2012 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 261 (3):321-346.
    In this essay, I respond to Žižek's charges that my turns to biology risk naturalizing away key features of non-natural subjectivity à la German idealism and Lacanianism. The crux of this dispute between him and me concerns how close to or far from a life-science-based naturalism a materialist theory of the subject with allegiances to Kant, Hegel, Freud, and Lacan should be. I contend that materialism must be closer to naturalism than Žižek allows— while insisting simultaneously that the spontaneous naturalism (...)
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    The Problem of Truth in Quantum Mechanics.Adrian Heathcote - 2023 - Global Philosophy 33 (1):1-29.
    There is a large literature on the issue of the lack of properties (i.e. accidents) in quantum mechanics (the problem of “hidden variables”) and also on the indistinguishability of particles. Both issues were discussed as far back as the late 1920’s. However, the implications of these challenges to classical ontology were taken up rather late, in part in the ‘quantum set theory’ of Takeuti (Curr Issues Quant Logic 303–322, 1981), Finkelstein (in Beltrametti EG, Van Fraassen BC (eds) Current issues in (...)
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    The Vicious Circle of the Super-Ego: The Pathological Trap of Guilt and the Beginning of Ethics.Adrian Johnston - 2001 - Psychoanalytic Studies 3 (3-4):411–424.
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    Cynthia Halpern: Suffering, Politics, Power: a Genealogy in Modern Political Theory. State University of New York Press, Albany, 2002.Laura Adrián - 2006 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 6:190-194.
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    Religious Freedom at Risk: The EU, French Schools, and Why the Veil was Banned.Melanie Adrian - 2015 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book examines matters of religious freedom in Europe, considers the work of the European Court of Human Rights in this area, explores issues of multiculturalism and secularism in France, of women in Islam, and of Muslims in the West. The work presents legal analysis and ethnographic fieldwork, focusing on concepts such as laïcité, submission, equality and the role of the state in public education, amongst others. Through this book, the reader can visit inside a French public school located in (...)
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  32. Scientific Contribution Am I a carer and do I care?Adrian Barnes - 2004 - Medicine, Health Care, and Philosophy 7:2.
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  33. Improving Quality of Service at Seeu Through Advanced Data Analysis and Visualization.Adrian Besimi & Visar Shehu - 2013 - Seeu Review 9 (2):9-25.
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    Wanted for breaking and entering organizational systems in complexity: Eros and Thanatos.Adrian N. Carr & Cheryl A. Lapp - 2005 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 7.
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    En memoria de Javier Raya.Adrián Chávez - 2022 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 20 (143):125.
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    Approaches to the Metaphysics of Consciousness: Perception as Action.Adrian Downey - unknown
  37. Music and marketing.Adrian C. North & Hargreaves & J. David - 2011 - In Patrik N. Juslin & John Sloboda (eds.), Handbook of Music and Emotion: Theory, Research, Applications. Oxford University Press.
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    The cell and the organism: essays presented to Sir James Gray.Adrian Horridge - 1963 - The Eugenics Review 54 (4):219.
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  39. Hitri in mrtvi: Alain Badiou in razcepljene hitrosti transformacije.Adrian Johnston - 2006 - Problemi 7.
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    Objective Fictions.Adrian Johnston, Boštjan Nedoh & Alenka Zupančič (eds.) - 2022 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    This collection rethinks the relationship between objectivity and fiction beyond the realism-nominalism divide through a series of 'objective fictions', such as fetishes, semblances, lies, rumours, sophistry, fantasies and conspiracy theories. The contributors include Slavoj Zizek, Mladen Dolar, Frank Ruda and Samo Tomsič.
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    Apollonius and the End of the Aeneid.Adrian Kelly - 2014 - Classical Quarterly 64 (2):642-648.
    The death of Turnus is one of theAeneid's most controversial and variously interpreted episodes – anything from the triumphant vindication of Aeneas and the Roman future, to the poet's last, resounding plaint against Augustan totalitarianism, with all the more nuanced shades of opinion in between. Virgilian scholarship has recently become tired of the opposition between ‘optimist’ and ‘pessimist’ perspectives, but one piece of potentially important evidence has not found its way into the argument. As often, it is a matter of (...)
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    Aψoρρooy ωkeanoιo: A babylonian reminiscence?Adrian Kelly - 2007 - Classical Quarterly 57 (1).
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    El momento maquiavélico, de JGA Pocock.Adrián Lara Laura - 2009 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 9:165-180.
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    Incitación para recuperar el futuro. Una lectura de la Razón Esperanzada de Ernst Bloch.Adrián Gurza Lavalle - 1997 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 3.
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    Reconciliación de la diferiencia política en el horizonte teorico Rawlsiano: aspectos de su teoría de la tolerancia.Adrián López - 1999 - Signos Filosóficos 1 (2):139-159.
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    Cómo medir el impacto socioeconómico de las actividades deportivas inclusivas en personas con exclusión social.Adrián Ferrandis Martínez, Cristina García-Cardona & José Vicente Sánchez Cabrera - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (7):1-13.
    Existe gran consenso dentro de la academia en relación a la necesidad de tener en cuenta un gran número de variables para poder conceptualizar y medir la inclusión o, por ende, la exclusión social que viven ciertos colectivos. A través de un estudio en profundidad de la bibliografía, casos piloto y proyectos similares, se ha creado un sistema de indicadores con la finalidad de medir el impacto socioeconómico de una actividad sociodeportiva vinculada a la inclusión de personas con diversidad funcional. (...)
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    Rupturing the Spectacle: On Certain Paradoxes of Film Image.Adrian Pelc - 2020 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 40 (3):457-476.
    In this paper, confronted are two radical currents of thought about the film image. In a first step, demonstrated is how some Marxist theorists define the film image as ontologically grounded in alienation and the destruction of non-mediated presence due to its technical origin, as well as its effects. In a second step, I try to show how André Bazin, influenced by phenomenology and taking up identical premises as the Marxists, came to diametrically opposite conclusions: it isn’t but the film (...)
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    La felicidad, los remordimientos y el poder punitivo del estado: ¿es el Anti–Sénèque de La Mettrie un proyecto trunco?Adrián Ratto - 2022 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de Las Ideas 16:13-20.
    La Mettrie parece rechazar completamente la filosofía de Séneca en su _Anti_-_Sénèque. _El objetivo de este artículo es demostrar que una lectura más atenta del texto muestra que su posición es menos simple de lo que puede parecer en un primer momento. En otras palabras, se intenta exponer los límites de los cuestionamientos que el médico de Saint-Malo dirige a la filosofía y la imagen del filósofo romano. El trabajo, por otra parte, pone de relieve ciertas tensiones que atraviesan el (...)
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    Voltaire historiador. A propósito de la Histoire de Charles XII.Adrián Ratto - 2018 - Tópicos 36:71-89.
    La Histoire de Charles XII, roi de Suède es un texto a menudo desvalorizado por los especialistas en los trabajos históricos e historiográficos de Voltaire, en la medida en que ven en él una obra menor, que se encontraría más cerca de la Henriade, el poema épico que el filósofo había publicado en 1728 en honor a Enrique IV, que de sus grandes trabajos históricos, el Siècle de Louis XIV y el Essai sur les mœurs et l’esprit des nations. El (...)
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  50. Eye movements and on-line comprehension processes.Adrian Staub & Rayner & Keith - 2009 - In Gareth Gaskell (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Psycholinguistics. Oxford University Press.
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